The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 04, 1894, Image 2

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A DAY’S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS THE MACON TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1894. Ktr" r± ! Batch of Bright Items Furnished by the Telegraph's Hustling Correspondents BARNHILL AND BUSH SET RIGHT They Sold Rottled B««i Thlnkfng It Wu Cider—A Few Wot da A beat Dab- Growth - Bacon llaa Two More Conntlaa, I>>Lhalr. July 3.~(rfporWtl.j—Lnst week rervenue officers suddenly came in here and arrested Mr. D. 8. Barn hill and Dr. 8. T. Bush for alleged violation of the revenue laws by setl< ng Jager beer. On the 25th an art!* >lo appeared In the Telegraph stating « he olrcumstUnoes 1n connection with ' ho case, und which does the gentlcm*n n Injustice. Both men are well ■con- fivolgd, and come from fine Ya mines 'und are honorable oKisena <of the State. They «Uind in tlhh' hftrhcwt character and have a large fallowing. In no wise did they Intend to deal unfair with Undo Ham, but desired to dispose,of the aocalled champaign* rider in a le- gUlmnto manner. Three weeks ago a drummer representing a Urge Whole* sals grocery house In Savannah, called on *Mr. Barnhill and endeavored to sell him some sparkling dhanipalgne elder. Mr. BarnbtU, ndt knowjng much of the Intricacies of city life, and the wiles of smooth-mouthed drum mers, derided, after mtfcfh persuasion from the slick knight of the grip, to try the elder and ordered two barrels. .When It arrived he placed ft on sale in his Store, putting the (bottles in.con* pplcUous places for the puolic tb see und if desirous to slako their tttlrst. All -tills time he was entirely Ignorant that the Ik/ttlcs contained beer, but was under the impression ‘it was spark ling cKlor as sold to him by (the Savan nah drummer. Both Dr. Hustt - and Mr, ifUrnhlll expressed* to the Tele graph correspondent today that the case wan piV>aouu'u*d for prejudice, us the revenue ofilcors know 'that ot'nor parties in the pace wero dlMposlng of the same beverago, and strange 'they were hot ni /leHU-.t. We i*ci/pl«* are in dignant at the ipieer proceedings. It is 'thought when tbs' else comes up be- fore Jii U-’ SjM-. r -(.a-* H.-nii. im-n will b« vindicated from the charge of any intent tb defraud the United Slates. •Crops In this «eorh>n#of the country aro looking 11ns, and Wte prospects for u largp yield.of corn and oouon In ex- pouted. Watermelons are on sale la the stores and the average 'rngger'* is thUppy. Dr. Tlfemius, tho skilUful surgeon, of this ‘town, has been very busy for. the tMat fetw weeks attending to the sick. Me reports'a groat deal of pneumonia prevalent In >Uie country* A picnic, d’anco und old fashioned fish fry given at Berry Hill's Bluff on the bunks of * the Oconee on the fourth, und at Ulackville a inoosier barbecue und picnic «WiU occupy vho attention of a large crowd. iMr. W. O. Alien, tbf geplat book keeper of T. J. Pritchett & Co., con templated vi visit to Die sea iwart short ly. Mr. All«i Is one of «>o most kind- Big line of Fancy Parasols and solid colored Silk Umbrellas at less than New York cost, MTI Colors to snif any dress. ©NEW DUCK. Another case of pretty White Duck, su perior quality. CHEMISETTS Pure white, and black and white, and fancy colors’, with turn- , down & standing collars Tlocltetlon—Calvin Gllll,. • ■ Reod&tlon—4MI1* Graham. Dialogue—"SCvno in a Backwoods three School," nine boys Musks—Davis quartette. IteoltaUon—Oharlss Dukes. Recitation—Willie FfcNUpa. Dialogue—'-Ttio L’am- Suit." girls and live boys. - Iteoilntten - K. Voung. -’.m irn-i i.y the New Jus. Uce of the Peace/’ mhree sohoKtrs. Mu«lc—Davis quartette. Recitation—Doc McLendon. ‘Addrau— ProfcMor Cone. ‘Dialogue—'’HexekUh'a Proposal," Mireojglrl, and two Uoy*> 1 it.- i .iti'iri Mir.rr. Negro Picnic Dialogue—Boys rlrla. - - ' " girls. Tlio hiiM be^n h.if lufa »*v>ry to all patrons, and murii credit reflects qn Profeasor done and his ahlo corps 6f nsshttants tor tho manifest interest displayed ha ftht proficiency of tho pupils. DQTS FROM DUBLIN . .Tho City Keeps Growing Despite the Trying Times. riwl men In this Section, and Mi’Hmh, PrtfeOtoSti liro thlgoly plenard with him. • Tho largo grifft mill oC ftlr. Nathan BarwK'k In nearly ready. Mr. B. T. Allen of ltocky Ford Is firing hie brother. IIo in a haS^- follow *wHl mer, X gifted oonvcrwaUon- iiitwt «nd »Always in a merry humor. rj'de vvimtiuenecimat «x^noltMior 'lie Bed Bluff high Hriwol w|U take place on Friday,'July 13J An eiaboiuto pro gramme tttafl been prepared for the oc cathm. A dinner win be sprslri on the ground. A Surge crowd will bo In at* tendance, and if possible Governor N'orUicn and SUrtt School'Commission' cr llrauwoll will also be present. The following programme wlM bo ren* nl8h muelo for the occasion. Wiregrass Georgia is gratified at the result so far of Instructed votes for Hon. R. T. Nesbitt for commissioner of IgricuRure as well as tjie indorsement of stAte house official*. And hope, as Mr. Nc.rtlion has withdrawn, thit that pure, noble, oelf-aacrlflclng veteran, Kon. William A. Harris, governor of Worth county, will have no opposition for the position he has so long and ably filled with credit to himself and state. tlored: Morning, y to 12, examination of stu* Dinner, 1 p. tn. Addnvs, Governor Northern Dialogue-—'"Happy FUmily" Miss Avery Ricks. Jackson Lott,' Eason Thigpen, William Tnigpeu und M.nm.i Cl lie, eh—"LRtlo Midget," Willie Kicks. -• - DUtoguo—"The Silk DoM," Lou Ella DukV* and Will Hun Thigpen. Bong and Music—Davis Brothers. t>pe*s h -"Old dJAtobelor's Le roy W*lki*s. Dialogue—•"Journal'sCourtehtp," Miss Lulu tlclHN and IXvvld WMkes. . ^ "Keep. Out of Debt," Oscar Dukvs. *ch—"Kobln Kedbreust,"Emtna Olio .Spivvh—"l'ho IV.toh Boy," Drury ch. Oration—"Soliokvrs, Parwell," W. Thigpen. Dialogue—'"TSs BobtOwn Hohool," <«s» boys. KecUotlon—'"llow W« Whipped the Teacher," DavM Wilkes. Address—lion. 8. D. Bradwell, state ul x\>r DMloguc- right boys. K«rco;atk»r Debating dub,' Dialogue—"IN J*acks.»n Lqtt >♦ Music—IlSVis R^'tttttlon—L al«»gu»* -"Itv a.Y»rl h*»y» nturtle Kid •meria Miller. swn«*> IXikcN. I deal Interruption," d L. WUktt. qUHrtolte. U Klla l»iik«. unity Miller. Ntrultiing Jalhan," four -Several young men. a SURGEON’S KNIFE • tnoursbk* wabout cutting. IN Trtmpl if bumttin tvt«T is woli Illustrated by tU* fact that PIIPTIIRP or htvavh. m now naft- nuriunc n iHg itirvd without tbu knife and without iwlu. i1uni*y. chaf ing trusses mn (»/ thrown away ! Tht-jr Ix'twt cure but often Induce tutlam- ■ustlon, atrangulalloti and <kwth. TUiORSJtey'SSSSSSiSS rnnond witbvut the iisdls of cut- PilffuSoRS, un other diseases of the l»>wcr bowel, an* perraanentij cund without pain or resort to Uh* knife. CTfiNP in tb« tUaddrv, no msttrr wlUliC how large. Is crushed, pul verised. washed out and pfcrfeetly re- more*! without cutting. STRICTURE cutumr lo hundreds of tasa For p«mplurt, rvfermcva au*l all particu lars. send .10 cents (in stomps* to W«Al « Otspenaarr M*<dtcsl AsaiH'la- uon. 1st Mala fic, Buffalo, M. Y. DubWn, July 3.—(Special.)—After the (llsaffttr ut .Boouesboro that broke dip Lcht'h plun wl vvunjgijgn ipto the hiud of the fetlorals, tl^e grand old solfllcr jion«\letl the folio wing IhH'k‘to Gcu. Mcl>.nvn,' who lintl tuptumd Maryland Heights anil made the surrender * of HqrporVt Ferry n necessity: "The day hn* gone agalnat uh. Savo your troops and artillery if posrible. You may cross at Falling Waters." Bo'can fitly, the whisky men of Dub lin: "The day ha* gone against you. Kavo our men and Jugs if we can.’! Tho administration of Mayor Corker and Councllmen Jbhu Ct Powell, Wil liam F. Hclmufol. It. M. Annul. S. M. Kelluin- and William Holes has been endorsed by both while aud colored. The environments of the young and tJie old have been mndo pure by tho wisdom tind firmuess of' the above named ond their fiction Iran been «n- dortod by the mritvd and unanlinous vote of the white qpd colored cltJxons. If tboM win fire In fflvor of the sale of whisky In tills! etty will nbnndon their ileslri' nntl jdln tlielr eflforts to tho lovers of law nnd mdor, Dublin will so^n number 10,000 cCtSdeot* In 1RS0 the poputaffloa won JV74; In 1800 I, 104; now, My* ISO I, there 2,700.- t There are three r.illroml depots, two | eon 4 lines of steiiinUmts. all built bore, a * holuiKfhl'iny. very fide dhurrhes, A fi«>wljig;<npv*ifin,well, u tlpo lKivillen, Hie ’hedVailmt locwnbu, Yhe pr?lne«t girls und women nnd a luw and order loving community, wtt'h cribs and amokohottscH comfortably stocked with lung und hominy. The recent 1st ll storm seriously, darn* nged the crops in this section. The pfeaem trttut of ‘’tho Gera of the Ooonee" has given great confidence lu Its future to ourrcapitalists. Col, J. 1>. Smith Ikis (vuumeiK’iHl the build Ing of seven new Itrtck stores. T. 11. llicks Is alw* at work on a two-story building of brick 77 by 00 feet. New i iv*idoiK’i*i nre gating up to Htweral por | Hons of thetdty. The new brick MeFi- - liHt riiuroli will !>•.’ made nsid.v f*»r the (untamed to n>4M on the 12th. Bend down a speclnl agent to give the pranohert a daily Teb«groph—and itlOt iu hustler as the general favowte, 0. W. HollltleM—ond you will have addition* to your list. Wo nre fortu nate In tmvlug suoh an energetic, up- r’ghrt, ncooimuntMoff mall agent Clmrley, ' However, nil the pm«ff no* sl.NiantH of Preridtnt Wright nre polite and mvommoilauiig. nnd we ore glad Jo claim thorn us el Mr oils nff Dublin. Wo "acknowledge the emiltviw men tlon by 4hc Telogmph ivf the two vis itors front our town, daughters of one of our be*»t and nuvst public af4tiled pit- ■ Isens, 1. C; IbwdE Thise young grad uates, with such pretty ways nnd 'pleasant nxtnm'rs. Hits won the love of their cotmdCB of ub)K*Ht "sweet slxteeu” mid the resp»vl of all Tin* third party ms isuniiKiteil I. Lou Keen' for the mate ami Budget f«»r tts* tiousc. Both nre guo^ cltlxeus. The Democrats will select by primary oh the 7tli.* * * A lade jtwt (iOSfd will give ft fair Idea, of tlm lmprOTetnent in Dublin pr»>perty. A business lot .throe years since was offered at SI.UOOl It brought $4.l(kX Anofln'r bought at £WI, f„r which the tuvn-v rsfUs*d $1,000. Th\*re Is money in Dubllu dirt tor gome cap* • .TWEED TOPICS. Tweed, July 3.—(Special.)—Considera ble wind, rain and hall has been preva lent in this section for several days, doing much damage tb the growing crop-and destroying a‘great deal of fencing. Squire J. S. Drew, who has been suf fering from a sompllcatlon of diseases, la recovering. Two cows were killed by last Friday night’s storm in the cow pen of Mr. J. C. Wilkes. A tree fell across their books, killing them ingtnatly. A fish fry and picnic takes place at the ROck Springs today. Dr. Charles Hicks of Dublin passed through here last week. Professor Virgil Bu3h, who is teach ing at the Farmer*’ A rode my, visited Lotlinir last Saturday. Professor Pullen closed *^j school last Friday at Gum Springs. MASS MEBTINC IN SP&jtTA. Sparta, July 3.—(Special.)—The Dem ocratic mass meeting of Hancock today appointed delegates tb the congression al convention of the Tenth district, in structing them to vote’for Hon. J. C. C. Black, nnd resolutions were also passed indorsing MnJ. Black’s course in con gress. . Col. J. T. Jordan offered a set of reso lutions Indorsing MaJ. A. O. Bacon for united States senator *and respectfully requesting the representatives of Han cock county to vote for him. ..The reso lution passed by an overwhelming ma jority'. This county in the fofmer cam paign cast her vote for the*major for governor. The Above resolutions will bo published In the Telegraph on the 5th instant. WASHINGTON FOR BACON. Samlersville, July 3.—(Special.)—The D6(no'crtot1c mass meeting unanimously adopted a resolution,Instructing repre sentatives for Bacon. * itnliet. DOUGLAS DOINGS. > Douglas, July .1—(Special.)—Douglas nd vicinity was visited on last Friday night with a terrific electric, wind and n storm, doing much damage to Um ber, fencing, crops, etc. For about cne hour the lightning played in one solid. \1vld ehcet. with continued deafening peals t>f thunder. No ficrioug damage was done at Douglas, tnit two miles t, at Ashley Lewis St Cb.'a still a tree was blown across the residence of Mr. Strickland, seriously but not fatally ItiJ rriru; him * miorrow is regular term of ordina ry's court and the day set apart for a iss meeting of the Pcpulists to noml- te congressional, legislative and coun ty candldatm tor—defeat. Doucla* will celebrate the glorious Fourth in true old ante-bellum style. The programme will Include speaking by prominent local talent, free refre*h- inents.and dinner, sack and wheel races, pcle ctlototfig. balloon ascension and conclude with a grand display bf fire works In the evenng. The Broxtun Cornet Band will fur- HANOOCK FOR BAOON. Sparta,* July* 3.—(Special.)^MaJ. ba* >n was unanimously indorsed for (he senate by mass meeting today. UNDINE. «Eru,h,d ]HI4d1tpgt flour* FlouroflUkind, and the best of The only _ r ___ any Kind. It!« ingdo h« n neor«t pro- com known to biU two persoai. w tlOO.009 hiss Wn Oflwed f*r the Knowledge. Don't let your grocer put you off with "flours as good as UNDINE." ’ There are ynn such. Undine Is the «we?te»t, made from selected winter wheat, and it >ir***t anw best flour In the world. It Is Is water ground. NOEL MILL COMPANY, Katlit Springs, lens ONE CENT A HARD WANTED—Experienced railway firemen and switchmen. Apply in person to C. E. Marvin, Exchange Bank building, at S o'clock p. ui. this week. WANTEO—’Those who desire ldg liar- R.Vi.i In clothing, hats and gents' fur nishing gwdfc to call at Reud ng a. J. . .J. Orl»U assignee. WANTED—You to see theiS94 Densmore model tyi>ewriter on exhibition at F. R. Pomeroy's. J. E. Xlmter. tele phone 2&L FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Nice room, pleeront locality. Board reaeonable. Close in; on car line. "N» R.," caVe Telegraph. FOR RENT—Six-room one-story house. No. 120 Park Place. Apply' to O. H. .Crockett, Union depot. FOIt RENT—The elegant two-stogy brick residence. 636 Orange street, containing nine rooms and three both rooms ami alt modern conveniences. The house lias*recently been com pletely overhauled. Accessible to all street car lines. Por further particu lar* apply R- S. Collins ft Ca All fine French Ginghams, Creponettes, Batiste, etc.*, on center counter at .12 l-2c a yard. Our 10c. counter is loaded with choice goods that cost much more. Light and dark Challies at 3 l-2c a yard: Pretty 8c Batiste reduced to 5c. Best Indigo Calicoes at 3 l-2c a yard. 20 pieces of Toile due Noid Ginghams at 7c. Large lot of Embroidery remnant's on our center courftor; any. i- quality or width, twenty-five cents on the dollar. , Dainty New Valencienne Laces 25 to 50c /dozen yards Platte Val. Laces, 4 and 5 inches, 10 and 15c a yard. * Narrow Torchon Laces from 5 to 10c a yard. Full stock new Satin and Moire Ribbons—black and col ors, natrow and wide. New Velvet Baby Ribbons in black and colors. New ventilated and linen Summer Corsets just received. Ask to see our new silk and linen corset. 100 - ladies’Shirtwaists, including all our $1, $1.25 and $l-.60 qualities, reduced to 50c. each. Burden, Smith, tfe Co. SUMMER RESORTS. BEDFORD ALUM. Iron and Iodine springs of Virginia open July L Most popular resort for health and pleasure in the state. Invalids get cured h^ere when all other remedies have failed. Splendid shade and lawn for children. Rates re duced. Send for interesting pamphlet of fifty pages. Bedford Springs P. O., Vlr. glnla. J. R. Maben, trustee, proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST-dsilver hair pin, between post oL flee and Mrs. Manghum’s. Reward wlf be paid if left at 807 Cherry. - LOST—Pocketbook between Plum stretfl * and city market. Reward will be paii if returned to Leo Kohn at market. MR. \V. E. WALKER will have an exWi- bitlon at Central City Park today-the wonderful Jones county triplets. Be sure to see them. Admission 10 cents. FRESH Jersey, Goshen, country and Ten nessee butter. W. G. Mlddlebrooks. FINEST lot cantaloupes in market. Iheap; 35-pound Jones melons, 25 to 30 cents, and all kinds vegetables, etc. Fulghum ft Co., 619 Poplar street. ANOTHER lot fine "Jones" watermelons Ice cold and fresh today. Dopson, Clarks ft Daniel. . .. • • CONCORD GRAPES, pineapples, meions, onions, lemohs. Fine large new potatoes, smooth and free from black spots In the centre. Sewell Brothers. FRENCH MUSTARD by tho quart or Ballon: Sal tine Banquet wafer,: Royal Milk and Extra Toast crackers; graham vanilla, lemon and (tnger wafers. Man goes. pickles and olives In Dulk. 31 pounds sugar for |1, spot cash. Smith & Bro. * a POUND3 sugar for |1, spot cash. Smith ft Bro. , FINEST butter In ths market. Any kind you want. W. G. Mlddlebrooks. % CRABS, shrimp, and good Variety fresh fish today. Dopson, Clarke ft Daniel. \V. H. DeHAVSN, «fcent ( offer# his ser vices ns designer, contractor nnd builder to those who contemplate building or remodeling. Work dene at the lowest living rates by compe tent workmen. Write to address, Vineville delivery. PIANO TUNING and repairs. Country orders receive special attention. Wm; H. Shelb, 718 Oak street, Macon. AT COST—Must be sold. Como At once and derive benefit of a full line of groceries at actunj cost. F. O. Scho field, assignee.for W. H. Toole. AT COST. AT COST—A. full line of gro ceries to be sold at once. F. O. Scho field, assignee tor W. H. Toole. L03T—Red pointer rtog: tail recantly cut off. Two dollar, reward If re turned to N. R. Winehlp, 624 College afreet. WHEN you buy building and loan stock be sure you get It with an assocdatlon that make# prompt loans. Money fur nished in five to ten days. George A. Smith. General Manager Equltablo Building and Loan. Exchange Bank. TIIE FOURTH OF JULY visitors will make their headquarters at Ullman ft W’lllIams’ Tueaday nnd .Wednesday. AT COST—Come ami inspect what we have; it must be sold. Remember the place, corner atcre Armory building. F. O. Schofield, assignee for W. H. Toole. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER 1* tiM but nMd«._H»v» you <rl«l tt» CRACKERS. Extra Toa.t, Royal Milk, and a line of Holroa. A Coutta’ vweel cuke, alw.y. In *to£k at R. C. Keen*,. I SELL Royal MUk crackers like those left at your house at 10 cents pound. W. G. Mlddlebrooks. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL will wel come th* visitor* with a wholesome 25 cents dinner and a bottle of .Ullnian's pure rye fer 75 cents. 10 CENTS per pound for Holme* ft Coutta* Extra Toast or Royal MUk crackers. E. S. Smith ft Bro. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Tour grocer sells it. FULL business or shorthand course for $fi at Forter’e Business College. AT C08T—Clothing, Hals, Underwear. J. J. Cobb. Assignee of W. A. Redding. CTS. The Most Wonderful Offer Yet . . . . 180 C MAGNIFICENT v> OUR GREAT PATTERN OFFER! ; . j ry We have made arrangements by which wt» are offering to the renders of the Telegraph the Demorest Cut Paper patterns, which are worth from 20 tb SO cents each, thus making every copy of the paper worth from 10 to 40 cents. 4 Cut out the coupon below and mail nc- cordng to directions bn It and you will receive by mall the pattern In the alz9 chosen. 673—CHILTON SHIRT WAIST. Fiscs 34, 36. 38 and 40. Inches, Bust Measure. r 571—LTNVILLE ,WArST. Sizes 34, 3G, 38 nnd 40 Inches, Bust Securely hound in handsome cloth, now ready for HEADERS A BARBECUE—A real banquet will be served for 25 cents at Ullman ft Wil liams' Exchange Hotel. Queen of the Mountains. FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP—Good delivery t Agon. Apply at bnce to eld. assignee. FOR SALE—OKI papers, for wrapping purpose*, sic., a cents per hundred, f-irjriph office. PORTER 8PR1NGS, so universally and so favorably known for years as Queen of the Mountains, is open under the same management (itfc ovari as hereto fore, with same unsurpassed table fare and low rates. Uourii by month $1 per day; by week. fUO per day; leea than week, |2 per day. Now hack line contractor, with new hacks and new teams, leaving depot, Gainesville, Gs.. on arrtval of morning train from Atlanta every Tuesday. Thura. day and Saturday, going through In seven hours. Fare S2; trunks, 11 per loo pounds; valises, 25 cents. Altitude 3,030 fi?et above sea level; 1000 feet above Atlanta, 1.500 feet above Ma rietta and Gainesville, L200 feet above lit Airy. Clarksville and Tallulah Fall*; 1.000 feet' above Lookout Mountain and Asheville—affording the greatest change of climate possible south of the Mttchel. Chalybrote water, the strongest in the state. Baths, billiards and ten pins free. Music for dancing every evening. Physician al ways in attendance. Daily mall. Refer ence confidently made to all visitors of the past ten >e*ra For further informa tion ndlTCM HENRY P FARROW. Porter Springs, Lumpkin County, Ga. If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if yon did not it is the next best thing to a visit. Come and see it. When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out tho following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SNAP SHOTS World's Pair 568—BERKSHIRE COAT. Sizes 34, 3G, 38 and 40 Inches, Bust Measure. 624—FASER SKIRT. Sizes Medium and Large. NAME OF PATTERN: SIZE. Send this coupon and 10 cents to Macon Telegraph and yon can gK any. qf Patterns published. Hot ice number an*i name of Pattern, and wits pimnty not forgetting to state sits. Erndm each jxittem desired. h'JMK..... jms: n °“ / * irtus semdusg by nod aul md*M t oMfc GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-H. P. Cowan, administrator vetate of Thomas G. Woolfolk, late of said county, de ceas'd. represents to this court that he has discharged the duties of said tru>t and has asked for letters of dlsmlMb-r This Is to notify all parties concerned to file objection*. If any they have, oa or before the first Monday In Aligns, ISM. C. M WILEY. Ordinary. This 30th April. 1W4.