Newspaper Page Text
In a pair of our $5.00 Pants—
The price is inferior,
Put the quality superior—
So with your money advance:
Gets the Boy a pair of our
regular 75-cent kind.
The Suits^ we have marked
down to
$7.00 and $8.00
I'-" 1 '*- •
674, 576 Cherry St.
iiNnr.nTAKEK and f.kiuai.meu,
HU Mulberry St. - Macon, Ga.
Telephone*—Office, 40T: Residence. 404
Carriages to Funeral .. .$2.75
Hearse $0.00
Telephone 425, Lamar Clay
Marriages, births, deaths, funeral* and
sneetlpgs inserted In this column at .tt
tor tan lines and 10 cents per linn tor
*acb / added line. A responsible name
must accompany the advertisement as *
guarantee of good faith.
'Day Telephone - - - 238
j Night Telephone - . - 232
Next to Hotel Lanier.
Day Telephone...
Night Telephones.
...435, 178
T flC
Registered TROTTING HORSES, high
TLE, red and black BERKSHIRE PIGS.
BARON STAMBOUL, No. 24,415, 2 years
old, by STAMBOUL, 2:07%; dam by Baron
.Wilkes, 2:18%.
M'ELROY, No. 10,937, 3 years old, by
Bl’EWEN, 2:18%; dam by Cuyler.
For any information apply to
lNo.636 ORANGE ST.
Contains ( nine rooms, with three bath
rooms; hot and cold water. All modern
conveniences. The house has been re
cently papered and overhauled from top
trf bottom, and Is in strictly first-class
condition. It has a large frontage on
Orange street and Rose Park, and only
• half block from Indian Springs car line.
It Is located on the Hill, la as good neigh
borhood as Macon affords. It is undoubt
edly the prettiest and most desirable
place now on the market. For sale loty
i« ml on easy terms. For further Informa
tion call on
General Real Estate Agents.
All persons bating demands against
the estate of John D. Hudgins, late of
Bibb edunty. deceased, are hereby no
tified to rentier in their demands to the
undersign'd according to law. And nil
PcnwMVH intJcbtcd to arid estate are re-
uuired to make Immediate payment.
3 bis uth day of June. 1534. •
Admlnintr-*''** of John D. Hudgins, de
Twenty Thtn^na.-iPeople Witnessed
the sKeep^hcad Races.
Sheepaljead Bay, July typical
holiday crowd put in an appearance at
the track here this afternoon, fully 20,-
000 persons being present. The weather
was fine, track fast and the sport highly
interesting. The greut rial stakes valued
at $20,000 waa the big race on the card.
It was won easily by Gideon & Daly's
Walter, Garrison up. Connolseur
the place handily from Monaco, an t>ut-
slder in the betting. Favorites captured
five of the seven events. Mr. Jingle, at
twenty to one, and St. John, at four to
one, were the only horses that wbn
against whom a long price was laid.
The race between Sir Walter and Ban
quet waa very exciting, the little son of
Midlothian winning a brilliant race by
a length.
At the conclusion of the races today
Mr. J. R. eKene' made a formal com
plaint to the stewards against Starter
Rowe. Mr. Keene claims That Rowe hid
the other horses back and back, wh|lo
Waltzer, with Garrison up, was headed
the other wuy. Mr. Keene was satisfied
with the way his own horse, Sir Galahad,
had gotten ofT, but ho claims that all tho
other candidates were unjustly discrimi
nated by the starter. Rowe claims that
Waltzer broke kith the others every
time, but nany who were present state
that this was untrue. It- was the general
opinion about the track that this Is the
beginning of the end of Starter Rowe.
The stewards promised to take the mat
ter under consideration.
A good attendance in the Pavilion yes
terday und speculation heavy. The tal
ent were successful in all but four of
the races decided, and therefore passed
the Fourth pleasantly and profitably.
Sensible people. Anyhow, that's tlas-way
to do it. Today’s cards are good and
the sport goes right on just as If nothing
had^ happened.
First quotations received In Putzel’s
Pavilion at 1 p. m. Post time for first
race 1:30 p. m.
First Race—Mile and one-half. On Turf.
Time. 2.36 4-5.
St. Michael. 124; 8 to 5 (Taral) 1
Long Beach, 124; 4 to 1 (Sltns) 2
Chief Justice. 107; 9 to 1 (Mlrtglcy) 3
Second Race-Flve-elghths of a mile. 2-
year-olds, Time, 1.03.
Caesarlon, 110; 7 to 10 (Doggett) 1
Sllvle, 114; 2 to 1 .........(Penn) 2
Jessie Taral, 107; 10 to 1 (Griffin) 3
Third itace—Mile and one-eighth. Handi
cap. Time, 1.54%.
Mr. Jingle, S8; 12 to 1 (Griffin) 1
Nahma, 97; 7 to 1 (Penn) 2
Peacemaker, 115; 5 to 1 ....(Sims) 3
Fourth Race—Mile and one-fourth.
Handicap. Time, 2.07%.
Sir Walter* 121; 8 to 5 (Doggett) 1
Banquet, 125; 7 to &.... (Sims) 2
Roller, 113; 2 to 1 (Mldgley) 3
Fifth Race—Futurity Course. Great Trial
Stakes, $20,000. Time. 1.16.
Waltzer. 125; 7 to 5 (Garrison) 1
Commissioner, 125; 5 to 2 (Sims) 2
Monaco, 111; 20 to 1 (Penn) 3
Sixth Race—Mile. Selling. Time, 1.39 3-5.
Tom Skidmore, 97; 7 to 5 (Griffin) 1
Dali American, 108; 5 to 2 (Mldgley) 2
Chattanooga, 101; 9 to 1 (Lamly) 3
Seventh Race—Full Course. Independent
St. John, 158; 4 to 1..., (Billings) 1
Westmoreland, 138; 12 to 1 (Rawson) 2
Glen Fallon, 162; 9 to 2 (Thornto# 3
First Race-Flve-elghths of i mile. 2-
ye'ar-olds. Time, 1.02.
Rasper, 110; 2 to 1 (Castle) 1
Sun up, 111; 5 to 2 (Thorpe) 2
Overella, 108; 8 to 1 (Noble) 3
Second Race—Mile and one-clghth.
Time, 1.52%.
Yo Tamblen. 114; 7 to 2; (Thorpe) 1
Gloaming. 109; 7 to 2 (Ray) 2
Lake Shore, 94; 10 to 1 (Cheveiier) 3
Third Race—Mile. Selling. Time, 1.42%.
Gunwad, 107; 3 to 1. (J. Fisher) 1
Tippecanoe, 90; 10 to 1 (F. Carr) 2
Little Walter, 97; 2 to 1 (Perkins) 3
Fourth * 1 Race—Milo and one-fourth.
Sheridan Stakes. $12,000. Time, 2.08%.
Rey el Santa Anita, 124; 4 to 2
* (Van Kuren) 1
Prince Carl, 122; 6 to 1 (Overton) 2
Peytonla, 123; 30 to 1 (Julson) 3
Fifth Race—Three-fourths of a mile.
Time, 1.15.
Pat, 106; 8 to 1.... (Thorpe) 1
Promenade, 106; 5 to 2 (Perkins) 2
Uncle Luke, 106; 8 to 1 (Graham) 3
Sixth Race—Mile.* Selling. Time, 1.42%.
Egbert, 107; even (A. Clayton) 1
The Kitten, 00; 10 to 1 (F. Carr) 2
Marce), 90; 6 to 1 (Perkins) 3
Seventh Race—Six furlongs. Time, 1.14%.
Geraldine, 112; 5 to 1 (ePrkins) 1
Lulu T., 101; 10 to 1 (F. Carr) 2
Pedestrian, 124; 3 to 1 (Miller) 3
Flrat Race—Futurity Course. Maidens.
—Memento (colt), 115; Solitaire, 115; Half
Mine, 115; Yo el Rey, 115; His Grace, 115;
Wedding Tour, 115; India, 115; War Bon
net. 115; Relff. 115; Frugal 115; Horn-
guesser, 113; Enchantress, 113; Jersey
Belle, 112; Lorna Boon, 112; Warlike, 112;
Forager, 87; Golden Gate. 87: Mirage, 87;
Kaloolah (colt), 87; Sweden, 87; May Day
^Second Race-Flve-elghths of a mile.
Maidens.—Prince of - Monaco, 110; Doric,
110; Mldgley, 110; Hansel, 110; Amster
dam, 110; King Gold, 110; Lune d’ Or (colt),
110; Red Top. 110; Blossom (filly), 107; Sec
ond Attempt, 107; Ella Reed, 107; Urania,
107; Cremona, 107: Gutta Percha, 107.
Third Race-Mile. Selling.-Candelabra,
107; Copyright, 104; Top Gallant. KM; Arab,
101; Captain T., 102; Hugh Penny, 100;
Melody. 86. _
Fourth Race-Mile and one-fourth.
Spendrlft Stakes.-Lazzarone. 129; Henry
of Navarre, 125: Song and Dance, 112;
Our Jack. 113; Bandit. 112; Dorian, 112;
Aurellan, 112; Mat Byrnes, 107; Gwendo-
^Flftb Race—Mile and dne-elghth.—Stew-
away. 115: Herald. U4j Bandit. M: R«1
Skin. 107; Bolero, 95; Galloping King, 92;
°8Uth Race—Mile. On Turf.-Llve Oak.
99; Governor Sheehan, 99; Hartford, 99;
Del Norte, 99; Solitaire, 9S; Troaper Jr..
95: Dlabolua, 90; Indra, 00; Avon, 99: Re
mote. 99: Spread Raitle, 99: Pulitzer. 98:
Maude Smith, 91: Poetry. 94: Blue Um 94.
Flrat Race—Five furlongs. l-year-olda.
-Nora. 188: Weola, 188: Malmalzon, 106;
Toeache, 1(6; Eva I... 108: Suapenae, 108:
Princess Irene, 111; Cottage Girl, 112: Mon-
terey, 115.
Second Race-Six furlonga. 1-year-oMa.
Slrathffower. 106: Maggie Gray. 1«: Rhett,
106: Goode Alethla. 108: Allen. 106; Dollle,
106: Equator. 106: May Fern. 106: Banker',
Daughter. 106: King Boro. 110.,
Third Race—Mlleand three furlongs.
Handicap.-Pocabontas, 94; Pat Malloy
Jr., Phllora, 99: Promenade. 98; Volt. 90;
Senator Irby. 99: Illume, 107; Sabine. ICO.
Fourth Race-Mile and one-nixteenth.
Selling.—Alethla, Allen. 76: Haaly. 89; Tar
and Tartar. 90: Lttle Chrta, 99; Cora Tay
lor. 90: Anna. 91: Red Root, Ml! Percy
(imported), US: The Sculptor. 1(6; Chla-
wcll. 106: Strathmeath. 109.
Fifth Race—Mila.—Tarrock, S9; Alcenor.
9lf Housatonlc Jri, 99;. Bthel;’104i ..Vulture,
107:1 E. II. Sherley, 107; 'Glee Hoy, 100;
Rudolph. itO: Get ftere. 109: Sonatqr Irby.
114; Somersault. (Imported), 154.
Sixth Race-Five .furlonga. 2-year-oIda.
—Lady Diamond,; 112: Fellers. 112; Ala
bama. 112: Walkover,- 112; Ramona. 112:
Canewood. 115; Don Caeaar, 11S; Montre,
115: Lome’Eaatln. UO.- -- .
Seventh Raee-SIx furlonga. l-year-olda,
-Anna Mayen. 106; Royal Prince. 110; Lin.
dolette. 116; Otty Anna. 115; Maryland.
HO William F.. 120: Senator Irby, 110;
King Charlie; 120; Koas. 13).
Brighton Beach Race Track, July 4.-
Fully 12,000 people attended the races
here today. Big llelda contested, and
very good sport eras witnessed. The sur
prise of the day waa the victory of
Pnot Lear, a. 60 to 1 ahot in the fourth
Flrat Race-Flve-elghths of a mile.—
Nick eon; Walcott aecond; Robin Hood
third. Time. 1.02. '
Second R'ac‘-One mile.-Joe Ripley
won: Major General aecond; Potentate
third. Time. 1.44.
Third Itnce-Short course; steeplechase.
—Iron Duke- won; The Duffer aecond:
The fact that we go right on selling seasonable and de
sirable goods so much below their real value, keeps many of
our competitors anxiously guessing as to how we do it. A
comparison of prices and styles of our offerings this week with
others, will clearly show why they are anxious and why, in
the face of a continuous shrinkage in the volume of business,
ours increases from day to day.
We arc not going to move. We are not having a , bank
rupt sale. We are not obliged to raise so much money in so
many days. We are not doing a thing, except—
sell best dress and shirt waist styles
In ginghams, checks, stripes and plal^
at 4 cents. Ten yards to a customer.
28 pieces Salsuma silks at 6 1-4 cents,
worth 1“ 1-2 cents.
Light colored outings In tho most
desirable midsummer patterns at 8
cents, worth 15 cents.
28 pieces salines, light and (lark
grounds, 10 cents, worth IS cents.
Exquisitely flowered India !inon> very
flno material, reduced 'from 30 centa to
19 centa.
Figured dotted awlss muslins at 6 1-4
cents, worth 10 cents.
Printed wool challies. French designs,
at 12 1-2 cents that cannot be duplicat
ed in this market fbr less than 20
35 pieces wash silks, fresh this week
from the importers' hands, 39 cents.
One case of figured muslins, goed
quality 3 cents.
6ea Island, good quality 3 cents.
10-4 crochet quilts, Marseilles patterns,
60 cents.
Tho prices at which wo sold shirt
waists tho past week nearly exhausted
the stock, but If you can And In what
Is left anything to your taste it can bo
bought for half value.
Ladies' Swiss ribbed vests, regular 25
cento goods, 16 oents.
We have a FIVE CENTS counter In
the centre of the store on which have
been placed for this week a most mar
velous collection of summer dress fab
rics. The lot Includes figured lawns
Worth 12 1-2 cents, outings and Austra
lian flannels worth 12 1-2 centa, batistes,
percales, cheviots and ginghams, and
all at the uniform price of 6 cents a
yard. 4
Now lot white and straw colored duck.
Tho celebrated cucumber toilet soap
7 cents a cake. *
Wo sell ‘‘Pears' ” soap at 12 cents a
cake, tho London price.
Rover third. Time, 3.03%.
Fourth Race—One mile.—Pont Lear won;
.Tinge aecond; King Gold third. Tims.
Fifth Race—One mile.—Sir Knight won;
Hurllngton second; Vestibule third.
Time. 1.42.
Sixth Race—Mile and ono furlong.—
Tiny Tim won; W. B. second; Blue Gar
ter third. Time, 1.57.
Two Games Were Played Both at Mem
phis and Nashv.llle.
Memphis, July 4.—The game of ball
played this morning resulted in a vic
tory for New Orleans after eleven In
nings of the hardest slugging ever seen
In these parts. Wadsworth and "Silver"
Braun, both pitchers of great ability,
were knocked, about the diamond In a
most ridiculous manner; yet each declares
that he was feeling well and that he
had thorough control of the ball. It was
a day for eavy batting. Both teams field
ed fairly well. There was a slim attend
ance, barely enough to raise a guarantee.
Enthusiasm was at a low ebb and when,
at last, New Orleans won, tho spectators
were heartily thankful that somebody
ended the game, which lasted nearly
three hours.
Morning game— R.BH.E.
Memphis 1 020501000 2-11 18 4
New Orleans. ..2100002220 3—12 12 4
Batteries—Wndaworth and O'Meara;
Braun and Bchabel.
In the afternoon there was another
exhibition of slugging, but there were
other features no less Interesting. There
were 3,000 spectators. A free for aJl fight
took place among tho gang on the bleach
ers, In the course of which one man
was slabbed a couple'of times and sev-
eralo thers were moro or less pounaed
up. Soon thereafter Fanning, while at
the bat, was hit by a pitched ball, which,
glancing from his bat, hit him in the
face, knocking out a few teeth. He waa
carrlod from the field and the gime went
on. The contest abounded in brilliant
plays on both sides; but. like that of the
morning, it v/as so long drawn out that
the spectators lost all interest. Neal
started to pitch forMc mphts, but wnen
ten runs were batted off him in the Mtn
Inning, he was taken out and Mason put
In. In te eighth Now Orleans won on a
home run hit by Whistler when the bases
were full.. It was .a timely and stupend
ous lick. Baker, wo was up for New
Orleans, was hit quite freely at first, but
later In the game settled down. Mempnis
got but one earned run oft him.
First game— R.BH.E.
Memphis 0 3 3 0 1 3 1 0 0-11 14 4
New Orleans.1 0 0 110 1 0 4 x-17 10 5
Batteries—Mason and O'Meara; Baker
and Bchabel. •
Nashville, July 4.—The morning game
resulted In Atlanta making 3 and Nash
ville 5 runs.
Second game— R.BH.E.
Nashville 0000000 01-1 2 0
Atlanta 000 00 00 00-0 3 2
Batteries—Underwood and Zahner; Har
per and Bwett.
At Louisville (first game)— R.BH.E.
Louisville 000000002—2 9 2
Baltimore 0 00100002-3 5 1
Batteries—Knell and Grim; McMahon
and Clark.
At Louisville (second game)— R.BH.E.
Louisville 3 020030 3x-U 16 3
Baltimore 0 01000000-1 7 1
Batteries—Hemming and Grim; Inks
and Clark.
At Cleveland (first game)— R.BH.E.
Cleveland 10010 1000-2 0 1
New York OOllllOOx-4 9 1
Batteries—Cuppy and Zimmer; Meekln
and FUrrcll.
At Cleveland (second game)— R.BH E.
Cleveland 2300410 1 0-il 15 1
New York 03020 23 1 1-12 12 2
Batteries—Young and Zimmer; Rusle,
Westervelt and Farrell.
At Chicago (first game)- R.BH.E.
Chics go 4 2 50 2 1 200-M » 3
Philadelphia 4 2 0 0 1 10 9 2-10 14 2
Batteries—Griffith, McGill and Klttredge;
Weyhlng, Turner and Buckley.
At Chicago (second game)— R.BH.E.
Chicago 100122031-H 1C 3
Philadelphia 0 4000014 £-13 13 C
Batteries—McGill and Bcbrlver; Weyhlng
and Grady.
At St. Louis (first game)— R.BH.E.
St. Louis 0 03000002-5 6 6
Washington 4 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 x-10 10 2
Batteries—Hawley and Pelts; Sullivan,
and McGuire.
AtSt. Louis (second game)— R.BH.E.
St 'Louis I 2 7 0 0 3 1 1 x—15 16 4
Washington 3 01100003—8 9 5
Batterlee—Clarkson and JdlUer; Mercer,
Esper and McGulro.
At Cincinnati (first game)— R.BH.E,
Cincinnati 0 6 3 0 0 0 2 3x-14 17 3
Brooklyn ....‘ 3 11010010-7 15 3
Batteries—Parrott, Vaughn and Mur
At Cincinnati (seepnd game)— R.BH.E.
Cincinnati 5 0001061 x—13 12 1
Brooklyn 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2- 8 16 4
Batteries—Chamberlain and Vaughn;
Bteln and Dailey.
At'Pittsburg (first game)— R.BH.E.
Pittsburg 0 0000301 0- 4 9 5
Boston 01000051 0— 7 13 0
Batteries—Killeen and Sugden; Btlvetts
and Ganzel.
At Pittsburg (second game)— R.BH.
Pittsburg 3 0 0 7f» 0.0 1 2-18 17 5
Boston 0 0016031 0-11 12 4
Will you heed ho \ydrnlng? Tho Big-
nal, perhaps, of uhe auri* approach of
thnt more terrible disease, consump
tion. Ask yourself If you can afford,
for tOro sake of saving 50 cents, to run
the rlok and donotbing for It. We know
from experienc that Shiloh's Cure
Will oure your cough. It never falls.
This erplalna why moro than a million
bottlee were sold last year. It relieves
croup nnd whooping ctigh at once. For
lnm* back, side or chest, use Shlloh'H
Porous Plaster. Sold by Goodwyn &
Small Drug Company, corner Cherry
street and Cotton avenue.
•Birmingham, July 4.—A special from
Carbon Hill, Ala., to the Age-Herald
says: Miners of this district In mass
•meeting *'cted to gb to work tomorrow
at old prices. President H. V. Uoss Of
tho Carbon Hill Coal Company of the
operators made a telling speech, which
forced he Issue and broke the strike.
n«-». awm'amnvg Attn krais trrat-
WW,i.PMIIICior Jljit.rln, Jjliilnm, riw, Keu
rolgla,, Nervous 1' ckiwnI bi
almbol or tobKco, Witif uIoms, Mound n.crouluu
JloftonlugoCKrtlu,cosing lu.sully,mlierr,does/,
dostb, 1 rsiuslurs Old A«r, Katrrnno.r, toss SI
Power lnelther sex. In potency, Lenoorrbcsa and all
Feinale Wesknemea, involuntary Low**, Hperma*
torrlusa catued bjr orer-atertlon of brain, flolf.
5*£° r ' 1 r ?? al £?. n 5®- A mostn’s treatment, II,
0 f°r la, bjr moll, with each order fore boie*, with
•3 will tend written Kuerentee to refund If not i-ured
J.w.„ pjf.Iil
OUAIlANTilH l..n.d uni. h.
gold Agenta. Micon. Oa.
iiUlbett Award World's fair. / 5
If you want the§
finest quality cut$
glass, buy goods»
having this traded
mark. $
•) CHAS. IL SOLOMON, Sol, Agt f
WANTED—Board In neighborhood of
Tattnall Square by two young men.
"Lynotype," ctn Telegraph, state price.
Hearae 98; carriage! 97.76.
Ztltphoat, to.
3 x
/ \
11!: Ml: Dili :M
New lot of striped and figured Duck lie
New lot of Scotch Cambrics worth 16c for 10c
White ground ^unities now Oc
Jaekonet Lawn, was 36c, now 16c
Ileal French Organdy now 15c
New Wash Silks 41c
BLACK CHINA SILK—Now i8 the time to buy a Black
China Silk waist or dress. Now lot black Wash China
Silk to show this morning, 27 indies wide 47c
New lot 36-inqh Percales, prettiest patterns this sbason.... 9c
Big lot Bedsproaeds odds and ends, each 50c
Remember that we aro selling everything in our retail
department at actual cost.
Want to be repre
sented in The Telegraph’s special
edition ? You will make a mis
take if you don’t talk to the peo
ple through this edition of The
If you want a cut of your
building published in this trade
edition you must let us know at
once. We make these cuts for
nothing, and they are the finest
kind of newspaper cuts; made
much better than you are used
to seeing, and then they are so
cheap—cost you nothing. If you
are interested let us know and a
representative of The Telegraph
will call on you.
Only a few days yet remain.
Most of the copy is in hand. We
will be glad to call on all who are
interested, but you must let us
hear from you. ’Phone 76.
Almost Opposite Post Office.
Fly Trap, 10c.
Fly Bruelutt Bo.
Wats' Cooler*. Tin Water Betts
$), $1.25 nnd $1.50 nett.
Fliwxt 10c. China Plates In Macon.
Kplttoons 8c. up.
Towels Be up.
Nlco Folding Fans 2c.. 4c. and 3e
Fltio Cambric Fans 10c.
Finest 25c. Cabinet Frames in city.
Purses Be. and He. and up.
A few dozen left-Roys' Hals 10 and
15 cents. ‘
Vegetable Ivory Dress Huttons Be.
dozen. „
If you want Crockery, Glmmvare,
Tiuwsro or Notions, the Fair l« tho
place. R. V. HMITII,
I am now Isaulng execution* for the
unpaid dtr taaaa tor ISM. Parllea who
may pay' before the execution le I,sued
will eave coet. After being laaued, the
marehnl la required in every Ir.-.ieoce to
collect tile cotta.
A. R. TJN8LEY, Trealurer.
W. L. Douglas
CBJOEP ivTHcacrr. \
^ 3.W POLICE, 3 Soles,
You can savo by DMrcbaalax W. L#
Doiialn* Shoe*,
Because, we are ttic 1arK?»t manufacturer■ of
afivcrtlicil shoes in the world, ami auarautca
the value by stamping the name ana price oa
the bottom, which protects ;ou against high
prices and the middleman's profile. Our shoes
equal custom work In style, easy fitting and
Wearing qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Bold by
Insurance agents, by city ordinance, a.*o
required to make a return for all pre
miums received for the quarter ending
June 30, and pay the tax on samo by
the 5th Inst.
A. R. TINSLEY, Treasurer.