The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 05, 1894, Image 8

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•TV:'"' w ) THE MACON - TELEGRRAPM: THURSDAY MORXTXG, JULY 5, 1894. HUSSARS' PRIZE INSPECTION. tVa* Conducted All tho Afternoon and Lata Lset Night By a Criti cal Board m: THE ARMORY WAS FILLED :;/n (All flight With Vtailors, a Urga Rtn bar mt Whom Woro Ladlai-Capt, Brooks orflovbHMb, Uom* or* IU« Oceailat. Tho eeml-annual priae Inopoctlon of tho Macon Jlusoara took place In thedr armory Jaet night In the presence of one of the* largest crowds that ever a»- aonJb.od {here. It -was perhaps the hottest contest for Individual prizes that ever occurred In Macon, and lasted, all told, from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until 10:20 o'clock last night. The Jjoa-rd of Judges was composed of Capt. J. F. Brooks of the Savannah Cadets, Capt. Miller White, inspector of rile practice for ths state of Georgia, and Capt. C. Q. Carnes of the Macon Volunteers. Capt. Kenan's crack company never looked hector than on the occasion of this warm contest, and tho good oap- tain himself never had more reason to be proud of his men than that which gave warrant for pride in them J.ui night.* The Inspection was made up to a rig id and critic examination of locker and accouterments and a practical knowl edge uf the rifle. 'Che rating of the ififfpeotlou was as foM«*ws: ‘Maximum acore arms and equipments, . ■Maxlmubn score on inapeotior^ 0 f knapsack haversack and Cftfiteen, 10. i Maxlnvum score on Inspection of dress,, 10,.. ✓' Maximum score oi\ y inspection of the arrangement,-or'knlt, 10. 'Maxbmum on examination of the soldier'3 Ifnuwledge of the rifle and DIAMONDS 1? A>Uirrj t J. J\ XTEYKSS if UKO L7 )VhOkail Street. '^ m ' Atlanta, Ga. FREE. REDDY’S HOUND WON THE RACE An Exciting Esrly Morning Fox Chaie in Eatt Macon Yesterday Morning. SWEET MUSIC IN THE AIR ThlrlyeSIx Heads In at she Ilart and Won of'I Item K*rp tta« Trail For Klghl Ullae-The Gun Cl«t>. the soldier a nHi Its partH^o. To l a \Spo si. lb! e _ »!e score, 100. The/ inxx»«etlon, nVhich was beyond doy^t the most labored that any mili tary ooinpany In the fiocond Battalion ' of this rvglment has gone through vrlDh, was began at 2 o’clock yester day afternoon. The board .of judges entered tho armory with Capt. Kenan, and began tho Inspection of the look ers, -where each man had hla accou terments In their places all cleaned and polished, to moot tho critical eyea of the officers. The entire afternoon was spent in tho armory on this inspection, and «ach man's locker, as it gr*s ex* muoh each mnod, was rated of the judges. Lust night at 8 o'clock the company wui formed in the drill hall for the drew inspection. Every seat in tho ar mory was taken by the lady friends of the company, and beddes, every Inch of Hpnre robm was a ecu plea by visiting soldier friends from othor companies In the city. T«»ls inspection lasted foi more than two hours and the interest In It Increased constantly*. When It had been finished Ci«i»t. Kennn called his company U> sttenulon and In a graceful manner delivered tltt» prises according to the decision of the J udges. He then thanked hit* moil na a company for their evident pride In the organisation and was only sorry that each one of them couid not bo rewarded In »*>me more subatnntlal manner than by the light compliments whltfi ho bestowod on all of thorn. He expressed all this and more In feeling words that carried with them the sincerity which proceeded ifrom a heart full of seal for tho volun teer soldiery of Georgia, of Macon and more particularly of nl» dwji company, the Huttnars. Capt. Kenan a wanted the medals an fir»ltbw*: - Hergt. Charlie White won the first prise for general inspection of arms nnd accoutrements, a $10 grid piece. His wrora was 4®. W. 10, 10, 9, neon ril ing to *.he rating of each feature of tho Inspection given ntftive Tbtnl 98. Bo ret. J. A. Thornes. Jr., second prize. Poore: 45. 20. 10. 10. 9. Tbtal 94. Brrgt. George Snowden came next with this score: 44. 20, 10, 10, 9. To tal 93. Private H. L. Bailey's score was 40, SO. 10. 10. 7. Total 8,7* 8ergt. Curran Ellis' score WAS 88, 20. 10. 10. 4. Tv»tsl 82. The last three whtssc scores were giv en received honorable mention. Sort*. Curran Kills was paid tho high est compliment of any man In the com pany when Capt. Kcnah In highly flat tering words presented him with it hand- Home gold medal of two bars ben ring the inscriptkm "1893-1894.” for hi* at tendance upon every meeting of the company since hla enlistment two years ngo. This Is a record that any soldier might well preserve as s ke^nke. It Is seldom made, nnd never without necessary Inconvenience. Capt. Kenan eald thafl he considered It by far the medny most to he coveted of any viven. Sergt. QcAu*ge Snowden wn* presented with a beautiful gold disk medial with i% diamond in the centre repre««*nttng a targent. for excellence In ntarkaman •hip. he having wen by a rt*i<*rlng •core over all hi* comrades, rapt. Ken an considered this modal next in Im- porta nee to Sergt. TMb*'. Cap?. Kenan and the Hussars are to he iv*ngrrtutlated up»>n having Capt. Brooks of Savannah with them as <t member of the beard Of Judge*. The fhivannah Cadet*, of which he la cap tain, have every light to the claim of being -the best military organisation In the state. *ml while their soldier friend* in Macon concede thk* without tjuestton, their standard W n»n at all Injured by the comparison, but honored rather. Capt Brooke la never mwro anywhere than In M •ties hm* l* alwny tary of Mac^m. *niIX>H’8 CONSUMPTION CUM. is beyond question the moat too tusoful cough medtOlus wt hare ever ■old. A f«w doses iararlably cures Ilia worst came of croup, cough aud Erouohltls, while Its wonderful suoceaa E the cure of oonsumpdoo la without narallol b* tire hlatory of mcdlola*. Minoe its Unit discovery It hue been told im a guarantee. • tee* which no other aned tclnc oau a tend. If you hare a oougk. we earnestly eak you to tty It rrico 10 c*»nta, GO cents and ft If your luugs a tv sore oheet or beck te latue, u?*e Shliob'a Porous Plaster. Sold by Goodwjn & buiall Drug Company, corner Cherry street end Cotton avenue. L-ip: Tiogm»:s* mouth wash. UrcrarM by pi*. Holm*.' .v Mitton. Dentist*, ym. Mulberry Street It cur>« Meedln* «um* ulcer- wvjut. »>re thr"**. portfl-' **•>» The flr.t mellow nunllsht of early morning wa* Just beginning, to b, vla- lb;e in the ea.t yesterday morning when the earn of the Inhabitant, of K*.t Macon were greeted by the cheer ful note, of the huntsman’, horn, and in a few minutes more the deep musi cal baying of numerous hounds filled the air. To the lover of the chose such sounds were sweeter thsn the soft strains of an Aeolian harp or the £t- ductlvo song of ths siren. .With neyves tingling and impulsive "eager ness a dozen or Inore 'Hast Macon sportsmen weref hastily robing them selves a mj„ preparing for one of the grcfitWf chases old Itoynard'ever seen on inepecUon of Bljib county. As the baying of the U. 10. y-^T'hounds incr«sed as their num4)er grew larger, those who were to enter ths onase grow more eager, and a few minutes leter the streets were alive -with horsemen mounted on spirited, lleetfooted animals, trimmed and groaned for chase, From every section of East Macon they came, and the eight was a beautiful one, as the rest less horses ch.unfped their bits, plung ing and capering with a reslessness only equaled by that of their riders and seemingly with Imellllgcnce enough to know that there was lino sport In store. By Good daylight the huntsmen were off In a swift gallop for CroBS Keys, whero Hit dhase was to start, followed by thirty okl bounds, yelping and bay. lng as It they also understood the sport In store. At Cross Keys a large crowd was In wafting, and a fox had Just and a fox had Juat been slaugh tered, the skin of which was tied to a string and a negro on a fleetfooted horse, given an hour’s start, with In structions to make an eight mile cir cuit across the country back to ths starting point, .There were dogs true and tried, on whom Ohelr masters had etuked large sums. All bits were rree- ly taken and every dog had one or more backers. There were thirty-six entries, belonging to a dozen proud owners, and everybiAly felt the keenest Interest. At last the start was made, tblrty-slx fleetfooteU, deep-voiced hounds were set on the trell, and tho woods fairly rang back the echo of their buying, and the ncoour.iglmr shouts of the hunters as they followed the hounds. Over iM tidies, rtdgeti. hills god doles the well-!ruined ouliunls followed tho trait, Mile the bonder* kept up ns beet they could. The excitement wus ex- lillaratlug and they cheered tho dona on. For eight miles they went heller skelter with whip and spur, belli work ing, trying to keep up with the dogs. At Inst tho dogs reunited the homo stretch, and those who remained at the start tag point witnessed n sight that w-as thrilling In tho extreme. At full speed, with their rod tongm-i ont, came the dogs, while In the distance came the hunters. The dogs crossed the line nnd ouo it Mr. Hub Reddy's dogs mis lu the lead by full twenty- Uvo villain ami crossed the lino u good wtiiucr. Full bfllf of tiie dogs h id lift the trull, but most of them were In ut tho flnMn. The chase we* over. GUN CLUB SHOOT. The East Macon Out Club had Its ■hoot at tho mound In tho nttcmnr.u. There was nn unuf'ully largo timing out of tho members nud there tvero many visitors on tho grounds, some of whom wive ladles. Twenty-live rounds were ahot and broken clay plgoins fell Udck and fast. The score at tho wind up stood as fol lows: 15 in. breath. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Moat Perfect Mada. Waller riquhart —. .. .. Will Wanner?; bid Warner.. Kimbrough U (1. Williams 7 Ivey 15 Tliaxton - .10 f. Wh.ifer 17 Kd. Urmflirirt.. 8 The blue ribbon for the Ik—t shot was plnneil on Mr. Charles Shafer and Mr. Clarence Williams was awarded a C.n badge for the lowest average, dr- elded Ixgween himself anil Mr. Sld Wnsner on n deotalre shot, they having tli si by a score of 7 to 7. After the championship xliott a large number took part In aide shoot ing, which wan kept up until Into in tho criming. DENTIST lit. Dr. A. 8. Moor., who has for the last eight years been reasonable In hla chargee for deulttl work, and who Is better prepared to do bridge, crown and all kinds of dental work, baring takeu a post graduate course In pros- tbeilc dentistry, owing to tho strlngca- cy of the time* Is willing to b« oven moc reasonable lu hla charges. Come, lot him oxamluo your teeth -nd see bow reasonable you can have your dental work done. Teeth extracud without pain. 121 Washington ave nue. near First Raptlst Church. Vlne- vlll. and belt line of street cars p--- bis ollloe door, Macon, Ga. CHEAP llOl’ND TH11’ RATES. Rail nnd gteeiT via OWkll rail- caul now on ttale to all point*, tbteckd for Clevelttud, O- July S, n ar.d m X9US; Asburv Park. N. J.. July 7. ki&Bl Tvironto. Canada. July id an.1 17. $27.10. ln|u iv of W. 1‘. 1>\\\. S» tN. passenger ngent, or L. J. HAlt- 111 S, ticket agent. Take it when “awfully tired” Brown’s Iron Bitters. <6 VELVET” You may gingle from $3.50 to $7.50 “velvet” in your pocket by coming here at once and selecting one of the Suits we arc now selling at from $10 to $12. They are the finest productions of the very best makers and come in EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS, SIVELLEST FASHIONS, CHOICEST COLORINGS. Bought in the regular way prices to the retail buyer would certainly be a third more. We use our power and advantages to create this arid like opportunities for our clientage. lUUIMM BmBiMfc MACON, GA. I SAW MILLS, 35i to 353 - - - cherry street J Machinery All Kinds, PRESENTS NO OBJECT THESE .'..TIMES.... GEO. T. UEELAND, 320 Second 8t. THE MONTGOMERY BADLY DAMAGED Sho Waa on Her Trial Trip and While Under Full Steam Burst a Cylinder Head, WILL BE IN DOCK FOUR MONTHS dhl. Pr.tly War Wa. Nam.d In Honor»f Al»b«in**a Capital and loth* Prlfle of Secretary llarbert. Norfolk, Va., July 4.—'Attor spend- lng twenty-four hours at sea. tho United Suites ship, Montgomery, [he pride of Secrotary Herbert and all Ala bamians, met *wUh a raUshap yester day ’ whloh will lay her up for three or four months, and possibly to keep her out of commission during that time. It -waa ideal weather when the handsome vessel left Hampton Hoads Monday morning for her flnai trial, forty-eight hours run at eea. On iboarti the vessel were Commodore T. O. tiellfrige, Capt. P. H. Cooper, Ooitv:uantler it. "B. vBradford, Chief Engineer MUUgun, Lieut. Commander Schroeder and her cr&w. The course of tho vessel iald out $>y the board was up the coast as far as Winter Quarter Light and then return as Tor south as Currltlck Light on the Nt/rth Carolina coast, reaching Hamp ton Hoads on her return Wednesday morning. When near the capes the Montgomery's head was turned north east at about 1 o’clock, tho trial was begun, During the tiring of the flve- inoh guns she behaved In a manner to make the representative of her builders and the board proud. The Jar of the ship was hardly preceptlble dur ing all this tiring. Every gun on the board worked eylendldly. Then begAn the Inspection of the electric plant, including wiring, which were found in good condition and according to- speci fications. On (Monday night the powerful search lignis were tested and it waa the unanimous opinion that they were as good, U not better, than any in the services at the present time. Tuesday was set apart for the trial of the machinery and BteerJng alppa- rams, and early In the morning every body on board waa astir. The vessel waa faced soath and made aavesal complete awing*, half swlnga, and. 1n fact, all the evolutions required in mod-* ern warfare, and obeyed the helm ad mirably. It waa the Intention of Com mander Davis to give her o speed test from a bearing off Cape -Henry to a point oft Curituok. It waa just ten minutes to c.evtn yesterday morning when the Montgomery bore live mHba southwest by south from Cape Charles and thirteen miles east by northost from Cape Henry. Tho engineers had Just received order* to start the vessel up at full speed and were at that mo- metU turning the steam on the port high pressure of the engine when a terrific explosion was heard, followed a moment later by the sound of escap ing steutn. The hissing sound lasted only a moment. The engineers Jumped for the throstles and shut oft the •team anU made au examination. The damage was even greater than was an- tteipated. The cydnder head had been M »wn out and the cylinder waa a oo«ru- plete wreck. In the opinion «»f the officers It will take at lots’, three months rvur tho damage. A nut oo the crank pin end of the connecting rod had become loose wnile steam was being turned on for the *p*<‘d trial, and under the heavy pressure the cylinder head gave wuy. The new machinery* necessary to re pair the damage will be a cylinder canting. cyUndtr cover, new liner to cyUnd-r, new crank pin, cap, brasses *nJ bolts and steam chest. The pat tern* «>f the* - part* arwvoMlbty in Bal timore. If they ttavo not yet been de molished. This mishap brought the trial to a rather sudden close, and the vessel came Into Hampton Roads lest night under her starboard engine, where her t» wsiting eiders. It i? not known whether- she win be r.n .ttred here or be sent to the eon- tractors at Baltimore. It is possible she mil go to the Utter place-as she hi* not teen finally accepted by the department, and this trial was to de termine Her stability before her Anal acceptance on the 8th Inst. The only other defect found In the ship -was the ventilation of the aft compartment of the berth dock. This will be easily remedied, however. Of ficers of the Montgomery, however, while conversing among themselves, seem to think that an Improvement can be made In the arrangement of the arnnor. Her bow sets down In the wa ter about eighteen Inches below the stern, and it Is prdbable that this de fect will have to be remedied also. Some of the crew seem to think the Montgomery Is a "Jonah." They point to the several accidents which have befallen her, such as running aground on her previous trial and the present mishap as exam-pies, are given of her bad luck. FOURTH OF JULY NORTH AND SOUTH (Continued from page 1.) lute to tlio flag when It was run up on the new polo. Mr. A. H. Lawtdh de livered nn aUdretw nnd Cup!. Blerno Gordon accepted the pole on behalf of the company, nils pole was pur chased with the funds donated to tho Washington trip of the Hussars and which was not all used. BQAT RACING AT BRUNSWICK Brunswick, July 4.—T/lo Fourth of July is being celebrated. today on tho l.i:i>l ami wavr. The chief Interest centers lu the boat racing on tho Alter harbor this after noon. One of the trimmest crafts In the race will bo the "Bessie Johnson, Atlanta, Go.,” mimed In honor of one of Atlanta’s popular young ladies who Is now at Cumberland Island. BICYCLE RACES IN AUGUSTA. Augusta, July 4^-The fourth Is be ing generally otxVm-d aorv. The bi cycle rdees this afternoon are the chief attraction. Riders from Atlanta, Sa vannah, Columbia. Greenville, Waynes boro 'and Washington are here and will enter tlie contests. IN FLORIDA. (Jacksonville, July 4.—independence day was generally observed here and in ithe state. A majority of the white people twent down to Pablo Beach from here to wltneas a prize drill between local Aiifitary companies and byclcle races. The negroes celebrated at Riv erside Park. This latter celebration was marked by the numerous brawli and two negroes were, perhaps, fatally cut. At St. Augustine, a premature explosion of powder severely injured three small boys. One of them likely to lose his sight. STEVENSON IN RALEIGH. Raleigh, July 4.—A special to the New* and Observer from Geeensboro, BAys 15,000 people were present at the Fourth of July celebratiou at Guilford court house today. The oraftont were: Professor A. E. Alderman onf the Uni versity of North Carolina, Vice Presi dent Stevenson, Judge Slmonton of South Carolina. Chief Justice Shepard, Dr. R. P. Battle, Hope Elias. Vice President Stevenson received an ova tion from the multitude. FOURTH IN CHARLESTON. Charleston, July 4.—The observance of the Fourth of July was generally une ventful. It rained all day, which pre vented outdoor sport*. In the afternoon the colored troop* paraded and bad a review. No casualties. HEAD (BLOWN OFF. Mlddlebury, VL, July 4.—Percy R. Smith, 16 years old, son of Daniel Smith of Rlpion, Ha«l bis head blown off by an explosion of a cannon last night. He stood a few feet aiway with & crowd who all escaped. KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION. Lima. O., July 4.—An nnvW exploded at Harrtkf twelve mile* ea$t of here this morning, killing Henry Smith and faoally wounding Frank Asklns. Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. T. C. BURKE. Write Tor Quota(ions_^aaa Before Placing Your Orders. O. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM, MACON, GA. m DOORS. LUMBER, OLOIH35. PAIKTi UK MO CEKIT, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. IiIADIHQ- WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. If A COIf. OA.- Msmdsotarera and Doafar*.* BARXE80* 8ADDLERV. LEATHER AND SHOE FIDINCH 4<V*. 452. 454 an*a IX Cherry Streak / L. Cohen & Co., J. L MACK, Manager. 451 Cherry Street, Uaeon, C v Trices slwsys the lowest. “Hanoi*”—Best 5a Cigar la Haooa. j PlsUUers and Wholesale Dealers:® j LIQUORS, TOBACCO and ClflUtll rarlcnlar attention paid to Orders. \ MACOH SASH, D.ODH & LUMBER CO), INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, AND MANOf ACTURERS OFjy- Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. | THE TAiLEnf TRIAL. The Testimony for tho Prosecution Has Been Closed. Chattanooga, July 4.—With tho crosw- eramination of Probate Judge Bridges and eight othor witnesses tho'prosecu tion clbsed Its testimony in the Juds«i Tnlley impeachment trial ut Huntsville, Ala., this afternoon at about 4 o'clock. Bridges stated that when Judge Tal* ley's telegram was before him in the Skelton trial that Talley stated in hi* evidence that he sent the telegram, but that It was another matter and did. not concern the case under Investiga tion. Witness excluded it because it did not have anything to do with tfc'd case. Ed Ross, cousin and brcther-ln-law to R. C. Ross, lives In Eiifiiuln. Ala., and went to Scottsbono January 16; remained there tin after February 4; that day he sent a telegram to R. C. R&ss at Steven son, which had been testified toAAnd about by operators. He saw Judge Talley frequently that day; heard the I*. C. Ro®s letters read on the trill of the Sk-lt 'n boys .it R-ottehoro, in which Russ stated his purporc was to aban don his family, go to South DnkotA and IlVe with Artnle Skelton. The batch of fifteen letters were shown the witness, who stated that the writing of Nos. 1 to 14 leaked like R. C. Ross’ handwriting, but he could net say as <to No. 15. The Addresses on the eight envelopes shown him did not fook like said Ross' writing. It Is now thought that the trial may be concluded by Saturday. WBATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, July 4.—For Georgia: Partly cloudy .weather, with local thunder storms; sllgtly coller i T i uuvth- orn portion; variable winds. ■ CURB A New nnd Couplet* Treatment, conrlfltJng of SUPPOSITORIES. Capsules of Ointment end two Dozoh of Ointment. A uovor-feiUny Cure for PUee »f orory nnturonn.l lei^-eo. It makos an operation irltta the knife or InleoUone of carbollo noper acid,« beneflta received. 11 a box, 6 for $5. Sent by mall. Ouaranteee leeued by our agonta. CONSTIPATION iTeltlJfer Pellet (he arsat LIVER and BT02H ACH REGULATOR and BLOOD PURIFIER. Hroall, mild and pleeoant to take, ©• peel ally a.laptcd for children’! UMe OODoeea Bcenta. % ,4 GUA'JtA> r, ' 1, ” r * OOODWYN & SMALL. Bole Agents, Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. Macon. Ga. MACON SAVINGS BANK 576, Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Capital and Surplua 6150,000.04 Pay a 5 per cent. Intereat on deposits of |1 and upward. Real estate loana on the monthly Installment plan, aud loana on good securities at low rates. Legal de pository for trust funds. Will act as administrator, executor, guardian, receiver and trustee. H. T. POWELL.. President H. O. CUTTER.... Vice-President J. W. CANNON Cashier Directors—Geo. B. Jewett, A. E. Board- man. H. C. Tindall, H. G. Cutter, P. el Bruhl. H. T. Powell, Samuel Altmayer. EXCHANGE BANK, OP MACON, GA. 7 H. J. Lamar. Geo. B. Turpin, President. Vlce-Praekiaot, J. W. Caban lea Cashier. We solicit the business of nirohantg planters and bank* offering Chen courtesy, promptness, safety and liber ality. The largest capital sad surplus of any bank In Middle Georgia. THE UH10H SAVINGS BANK 4 TRUST CO MXCOK. GEORGIA. H. J. Lamar. President; Geo. B. Tur» pir. Vice-President: J. W. Os ban Is* Cashier; D. M. Nelllgan. Accountant. CAPITAL 1300.COO. SURPLUS. fc*009. Interest paid on deposits I par cent, per annum. Economy is ths road to wealth. Deposit your savings any they will be Increased by interest*, Com pounded semi-annually. find Ison Ave. and 58th St., NEW YORK. Sj p™ d up. A merit an Finn. Fireproof and first-class in every par ticular. Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Avo. and Belt Line cars pass the door. H. M. CLARK, Pro*. Passenger Elevator runs all night. WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY. GEORGIA, On a spur of Pine Mountain, 1,200 feet above sea level; delightfully cool cli mate; no malaria, dust or mosquitos. Ths finest bathing on the continent; swimming pools 15 by 40 feet, and in dividual baths for ladles and gentle men. Temperature of water 90 de grees—a' cure for dyspepsia, rheuma tism and diseases of the kidneys. New hotel, with all modern Improvements. Double dally malls, telegraph and ex press office. Terms moderate. For Information apply for circular* at C. R. R. office or to CHAS. L. DAVIS. Proprietor. HALE SPRINGS. In the mountains of East Tennessee. Red sulphur, iron, epsom, alum and freestone waters. Table first-class. Climate excellent. Everything consid ered. the cheapest and best summer reSbrt in the South. For particular* and catalogue write to GEORGE A. MURRAY. W* X. Jonxsrox, W. A. Davis, ProtidoaL Tice President flow an* faaaTX, Seers tary aud Treason* The Guarantee Co of Georgia Writes bonds for cashiers, treasurers* kalalstrators. sxejutors. guardians, -«* •elvers, and does a general Uduolary* business. Offloe 1U Second etr«ec ^ 1 and WfcisU, I cured at ho& Im*** ok of osr- ilsrs sent FRBS. ana PROFES3IONXI. CARDS. DR. M. M. STAPLER, EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT 668 CHERRY STEET, MACON. OA. Glasses fitted to any eyes. DR. J. J. SUBERS. Permanently located. Is the sr* ctaltles venereal. Lost .n.rsy n- •tor^l. Female Irregularities and P°f»n oak. Cur, suarautMKl. In confidence, with .tamp, DR. C H. PKETS, BYB. EAR. THROAT AND N03H. Sours. 8 to. 1 and I to (. Telephone 98. Office, 672 Mulbury, corns, Second ilfist, Macon. On. DR. J. H. SHORTER. *TE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ! Ogle 888 Cherry St, Ifaoon. Oa. DR. J. M. MOORE PHY8ICIAN AND 8UR0E0N. Office with Dr. K. p. Moore. US Waoh- tacton Avenue. Macon, Oa. offloe Hours—7 tola u. 1 tola n. 8 to 8 p. m. B. W. WRENN, Jr. Attorney-at-Law, Atlanta, Qioroia, Oommiscial LAW J. M. Johnston. President. J. D. Sfataon, Vlo# President. L p. Hlllyer. Cbsht^r* The American National Bank' MACON, GA. CAPITAL.,..,. 62SO.OOO.00 SURPLUS..., , „ 000.88 Lsrsest capital of any national bnnk In Central b de^; C !n r ^ci U °“ lnd tecelv.'^’fu^S’.i^^^ OF MACON, GA CAPITAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. PLANT. FKkSIDbNT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASH1KJL L C. PLAIT'S SOI, banker BACON, GEORGIA ESTABLISHED 1883 Banking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits ” c handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London lor all European points.