The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 10, 1894, Image 2
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1894. A DAY’S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Bitch of Bright Item* Furnished by the Telegraph's Hustling Correspondents TWIGGS COUNTY MASS MEETING Delegates Appelated to tlie state and '"engreeeleaat Ceaveatteae aad a Lot of Stroag Reeelottone Adept.d—qtti.r Politic. Jeffersonville, July 0.—(Special.)— PunHiaat to a cell of the Democratic executive committee of Twiggs county, a mass meeting was held M the count bouse biuunlay. The meeting was called to order by the chairman of Urn Bald committee, W. It. Solomon, wlio expkilncd the object of tire meeting. Dr. William O’Daniel wtrs elected per manent cbalrmon and B. 8. Kltzpait- rick uccrotnry. The following delegates to die gubernatorial convention to as. somblo In At'lainitn August 2, wltli power to appoint their alternates, and InstruciUou.tQ voto for'W. V. Atkinsou, were appointed: It. D. Shannon, J. 11. Solomon, J. O. Slappcy, D. M. Jingle*. J. It. Cook, T. E. Williams, 8. E. Jones, B. S. Fitzpatrick, J. S. ,Vaughn, House Glover, Wiltlum Phil lips. By unanimous consent of the body, upon motion, Dr. William p'Danlch wa« added to the delegation as Its chairman. The following delegate* to the cuip greiwUaiul convention of tiio third dis trict, to onsemblo nt Lhinvkinsville July 12, were apintnted: It. 0. Ho rulers, W. L, Solomon, W. B. Tarver, W, J. llarrisou and U. B. Wimberly. The following executive committee was elected: I. S. Hunter, D. T. Lamb, Dovilxl jCi'iswell, S. E. Jones, J. J. lvltchoiM, E. F. Ccoaby, G. It. dalle- more, M. E. HLuppey, Murk Faulk, George Bull and A. J. Wood. Thu following resolution! were In- trod need and luk/pted: We, tlie Democratic party of Twiggs county, lu mass meeting mss mb ted, do ls-tuby linlorso the adminlalraltlon of the praam, gevwmor and Mtate bouso officers. SiciHlblo of the honest, clean uiul at:!o iiilmhiwtr.iit.hin they have given us of -the ullVtlm of «he Mo, we take pleasure hi thus oxpresiaiig our CgtWMMIoc of die Rime, and wo do tMMby rcqucMt our deh-giilt* to the Btnto ooavu »llon to voto l\>r the present luemnbetkiH of tiio sta ’i- bouse office,. Ttio following resohrUoiE! wJro of fend and mlo|rt,d: 1. We, die Duuotgwts of ■ Twiggs county. In convention UHuembleil, here by resiow our plcdgi* of devotion to the Dtnlmfc putty; amt iroclatm our limit Ur able MantaMn to re- maln truo to Us prill rip)— of wild party. 2. Wliho In Homo derail! of his ad- nilnlHlnutloii iwe iHlfer with I’resildent Okweland, wo do not deny bln loyalty to tho DCWCIMIt party nor Ids well- known Integrity of purport in wtsldug to servo to I he l»*i of bis ability the IntorvHts of the Democratic |eirty. it. We cordially nsid earn—Uy in* ilirso 1h« Domoeontlc plnilftirm unit call for Hu- ef cdy carrying cat of tho pledges therein. rj" It-'tiin- n'lie mi<oiiug adjourned, wlili-h was n lnrgo and WMUuaS—ttc one, nn ex|K-i*»'„.ii of the 1,rly hhh ink.-ii mid Hon. A. O- Bacon nvn. Amnd to tie IN choice Ibr .UnUevl States wsintor. Wm, O Daniel, B. S. MbfMMok. Ohalmuin. Secromry. GWINNETT DEMOCRATS. ft® ft® | ..JUHAIN’S- or g TRAVELING DRESSES $ All colors in Serges 35c to $1 Pretty line of Mixtures 16c to 60c rNk Silks for Shirtwaists 19 to $1 Big line of Remnants Wool Goods for skirts nA ®» at just half former price. FOR FANCY WORK; ft Big shipment fancy Crochet Cotton. All CjN colors in Wash, Rope and Tilo Silk. Plain.and AY k ()N Fancy Scrim. Reinuants in every department, Jt©“Don't forget our Trunks. | JUHAN’S SL " A Houring Meeting Hrtd Saturday ■Night ana u Club Oriranlxod. LAAvrenoov’ille, July 9.—<8 peel a 1.)— IaABt night at 9 o’clock the Dtrooeruta of l/awrenccville ajuie-mblrU In the omrt house for the purpose of organ- Islng n DmoentlB dub. Col. T. M. Peoples <was vrieeted president. Judge 11. 11. Whlrivorih w.u* unanimously elated vice president, vMr. E. H. Hol land, second vice president; Mr. D; T. Cain. aecretary; ’Mr. L. M. Brand, as sistant <** > creury. It was the largest reipreaenlatlvo meeting L.vwreneovJlle lias had Cor eome time, there being irinety-tiro members enrolled. The following aspirant* for the legis lature «nade eloQuent and enthusiaailo Hpoeetiw*: \Mr. N. M. Bates. Col. L. l\ Mol>»n.tId. Col. C. If. Brand. ,«an- dtdato for the senate from the Thirty- fourth district, made one of those cx- m-urporenoous opeeoheo that be can make at uny and all times. MaJ. W. 35. Simmons made the crowd foe I good try the speech he made, not for any office, but for the Democnic party. The club adjourned to meet again neat Saturday night. Gnvtnaett county is g\*lng to march -to the polls In Oc tober in * a*Klf. phalanx and deposit its vote for Hon. W. Y. Atklnsoir and all of the Democrats that are running for office. well an by thoee in oKher portions of the tttato. For a dozen yeara or mure he. hoe live»d in Savannah, where he was connected with the mailing department of At MorniafWtwa im close oon- flnoment and arduous duties of his de partment proved too much fbr him and for **oinc time he has boon in declining health. He came here some weeks ago In the hope of gaining hack his lost health, but Instead he grow worse until the end came last evening. He was 46 years old at tho time of his death, being the >bungeot -brotther of the Jute Dr. T. M. Harris, the distinguished rpln- M.-r «,f ill. <’lit 1,ill,m i Juiivh. Rev. B. H. Ivey of Sparta will con duct the funeml this morning at 11 o’clock frbm hl» mother’s residence and the remains will bo laid away to rest n t the old homestend by the side of his father,* the late Daniel Harris. A wifn and five bright little girl chtt- wen survive him. A DESPJ3RATE NKORO. Ho Had to Be Shot Before His Arrest Could Be Effected. Bhehman. JuJy 9.—(Special.)—Baker DowIh, a nbortous black brute, was shot while resisting arreet hero yesterday morning at 11 o’clock. Marehal Sale reoeived a telegram from Pearson stat ing thnt Baker was wanted on a setlous charge and tha/t he was a bad negro. He. with his two deputies, soon spotted 3Um at n negro dive. A scuflle at once onsuod, hi which Marshal Sale, after knocking miio negro dbwn, lost his billy. Ho t\\u* about to clean up the arawd and would have done so (nit for u time ly shot, which took effect In his thigh. ACtor beftig ehot he was quettly led ta> jail, where ho now o/waTts the arrival of an officer to take him to Pearson. Hit wound is not dnngerou.M, though exceed ingly painful. It is nbt known whnit tho crime Is fbr which he is arrested, but he has been bounding among his ruco tliat he could not be arrested by any man and that wmebody would bo killed If the attempt wna made. Ho is a bad negro. JaUBimT’S MkVSS BlBETTNa. H.vton’ton, July 9.—Op«ial.)~®l- bert’s Democracy, about 700 strong, mi- oomlt led In mass meeting at the opera house yerfterday, and after wrangling .it. HU I1\I- ll.HM-M .lilJ 'ltl’Mi’.l Wiln.W. oiccoinpMshlng anything. The crowd was pretty evenly divided boUween lii/WMD and MoWhortor. A man from oach nldo was put In nomination for chairman, but a division bould not bo agreed upon so as to secure nn elec tion. Finally, by unuflual consent. Col. T. IM. Swift, chairman of tho county executive committee, was permitted to preside long enough to put a motion to adjourn. A primary election will bo ordered for an early date by the ex ecutive committee. The Indications were thnii Judge Lawson had a slight majority of tho mass meriting, bur; ft Is thought that In a primary their chances are o^bouit equal. a younoUanImiowned. , Crawford, Jifiy 9.—(Special.)—A 17- year-otd son of Mr. Cicero Johnson, who «vta about six mllea from this place, waa drowned fats Saturday evening last while bathing in a pond on Col. L. F. Edward’a place, near here. Xfdng Johnson was a stout lad .and his companions worked falUvfufly to ke*p him Trom perishing, but a!l his efforts failed. The body was recov ered in about an hour after it sank the laat time. DEATH OF WRIGHT M. HARRIS. Ho Died at Ills Mother’s Heme Near DavdwboPo Sundsv APternobn. Dsvlaboro, July Wright M. Harris is dead \t 7 o’clock ycHiertlny evening he l»ri'ithod Ms last at the Insue of hin sgvit mother txro miles frt»m town. The announotcueflt of lit* dt-vafi wttf l»e wKh l>y bis tmnv fricruta In Bavoumla, ns of tbo physical cuo»ti- . tuttou often come* . from unnaturml. p»r- 3 nick>u» bouts, »xm* tn»cf*xl through iguorauce or from mcwsw. Su> h IjAtuts rtmdt In !•** of manly xhaust- ion, nervous debility, impaired memory, low spin to, inrttalde temper, and a Uhhi- kum) aii l oos <1 trangvm*;iU ot tniixl and body. L|Mlepay, |«aml>xt-., mft*>mng: of tito brain and even drx«n.l iua«miv m^mus* timc« rveoilt fix n mch rockKjs i If iriisi. To itsu it, r>> l tun uiul rv*t«»rr* »u«'b unlori- unaUsi to bialth and Lappimw, U the Aim of the publoJaYrM of a look wi it t.-n in j*Kjn ImjI chaste huuniage, on tbo uatur*, symptoms an»i curabihtr, by bocno trvAtnwi.t, t«f such dboQffic&. I'Ll* book vtill be sout suolixl, in plain envelope, s»n receipt of tea cents tn stain|« to par po*U£o. A<Mnx». W orld's IWfiwT kl*lical Ae- •odaUon, US} Main t>l,, buffalo, N. Y. OH. WAHT A COUGH! Will you heevl the warning—the »lg- nal, perhaps, of the *uro approach of thvt nkvo terrible dleease, oonsump- tlon? Ask yourself If you can afford for tho mke of saving GO corns to run life rl^k nnd do nothing for It. We know front experience that Shiloh’s Cure will cur** your cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a million io'f.hv* im p ■ ?*-M In yc ir It relieves croup nml w'hooplng cough nt once. For kUW back, side or chest, pse GhUofi’s Porous Plaster. Pold by Ooodsryn & Small Drug Company, cor- mpr Cherry Vtrert and Cotton avenue. SHOCKING REVELATIONS. A Scotch nobUmvau Force® His ‘WWe Into a Divorce Suit. / Edinburgh. July 9.—Shocking rcvcln- tiona wore made here during th^ tak ing of evidence In the ruit for divorce which Claud Alexander, son of Sir Claud Alexander, ha# brought ngnlnrt his wito, l#ay DHna, daughter of the fours enth eari of Eglington and Win- ton. Mr. Alexander, It .appears, discov ered a visitor nnmevl Allison in hts wife’s bed. and subsequently brevigbt suit for divorce. Lady Diana today testified that her husband forced her Into it secret ajereomenr permitting •lek of them to have free love roln tloiis. AlMeott came wpstHHy to her bed, and whim rfitf let ts*r huaband know. In advance, upon each occosfon when the visitor was to share' her couch. Further reahlng of the case was ndJounuM. t LE BRUN'S^ iSK XITUKR SEX. TVIa I A a bilcbaU AUmi*. AN INCH OF LAND. Shaving Down a Four-Story House to Bring It Within Limits. From the’ban Francisco Examiner. The Elba apartment house, owned by H. & II. E. Law, is four atones in height and occupies cthlrty feet front on Van Ness avenue. After standing in Its place for two years It was discovered a Short time ago that It was a fraction of an inch on the land of Thomas B. Evans, adjoining, Mr. Evans had a surveyor to go carefully over the ground, and he reported that the front.line of the houso on Van Ness avenue was three-quarters of nn Inch on the rear line, ninety feet back. -Mr. Evan, noliflfd th» Messrs, law, and they sent tor the men who built tho house, and he went ell over the nround with another surveyor. The Law, offered to pay 1100 for the Inch of fraction of It. Bui Evnns had «ent hla enslneer to the top of the bulfdJnjr. and he dropped a plumb lino and declared that the Are wall extended one and one-half lnche, at the top over the line at the bottom. Evans added that to the three-fourtho of on Inch nt the ground line, nnd declared that, taken up nnd down nnd back, there was an encroachment over two and one- fourth Inches. Then the laws said tha.t they would pay 1100 en Inch for ell encroachment that could be demonstrated. The esti mated value of lots thereabouts Is raid to he about COO a front foot, end *100 en Inch the Laws held to bo n good ngure. But Evens raid-he would take 1300 aud nothing lets. This tho Laws would not give. Through the contractor who had carried on nil the negotiations, they raid: "Mr. Evens, If we ere on property we will get off." And the next day ladders were ewung from As roof against’ the Bide of tho house and men began to chiral from three-quarters to an Inch and a naif off tho wall. Chip by chip ua the hammer, toll Mr. Evane’ land la being cleared, nnd n perpendicular shaving from the brick walla la being scattered over the neighborhood. i ( Fifty pieces fine French Ginghams, Creponettes, Sateens, Batiste, etc., thrown on center counter at 12 l-2c a yard. Pink and Blue 25c figured Sateens at 15c. 2,000 yards best Calico remnants at half price. Light and Dark Challies at 3 l-2c a yard. Toile du Nord 12 l-2c Ginghams—new styles at 7c. Best Apron Ginghams at 6c. a yard. • Yard-wide 8c. Sea Island Homespun at 5c. All 8c. Check Muslin to go at 5c. All 12 1-2 and 15c Check Muslin to go at 10c. Gents’ 25c Black Socks two pairs for 25c. 50c Turkey Red Damask 3 yards for $1. $1.25 Silk Gloria Umbrellas 95c each. Fine French figured Organdies 25c; reduced from 40c. New Ribbons, Laces and Linings. Mosquito Nets and Frames, ready to hong, $1.45 to $2.25 Burden, Smith. & Co. SUMMER RESORTS. BOARDERS at Barker’ll Springs, one- quarter mile from atntlon on Macon and Birmingham railroad; quiet health resort. Terms reasonable. Address J. M. Barker, Thoinaston. C.i. TIIE BRISTOL—13 _ to 19 East Eleventh street. New York city. Select family hotel. Summer terms $1.60 per day with board. Home of tlie Southerner. MISCELLANEOUS. SANITARY PLUMBING.—WE ASK YOUR ATTENTION. NO ONE CAN BEAT US ON PRICES. BEST OF MATERIAL AND PRACTICAL WORKMANSHIP. TIN ROOFING. GALVANIZED IRON. ZINC AND COPPER WORK AND GENERAL JOB SHOP. DEALERS IN PLUMB ERS’ SUPPLIES AND MAKERS OF THE BEST AND CHEAPEST BATH TUBS ON THE MARKET. JAKRATT & ABEL. 616 POPLAR STRRET, MA CON. GA. FRESH lot Elgin creamery B nd cream cheese just received at Ooilier Bros. LOOK OUT tor the Mg shipment of fresh fish in this mbmlng. Hotels, boarding houses and restaurants sup plied nt the lowest prices. Out bt town dealers will please write for price*. Macmillan and Kennedy. LOST—A $5 Mil at corner of Walnut and First street. Please return it and get reward. M. C. Balkcom, 231 Orange street. BANANAS cheap at Shdverton’e drug store, First and Poplar streets, or G. G. Toole's. <56 First street WINTER TOUR—ITALY. EGYPT. Palestine. MISS ANNE SHAW'S small select party for LADIES Octn- her li twelfth year, twenty-th'rd par ty. References In Macon. Address for circular,, cart of City Bank, Rich- mond. Va. .WATERMELONS—One car of Jones and Ivory melons just received. J. Blnswupger, 47J Chltton avenue. UNBINE. Grutthtd {VUddiipgs F’o^r- Tho only Flour of It* kind, and tho boot o! my kind. It 1* in«»<l“ t*v u M»orft pro- com k do wnto butt wo por*on«. f* 110O. n O rt v — V*** f WT '—* ♦>»« Xnowledxo. A*k your Rrocer If his flour I* mixed with corn flour. Such Hours aro Inju rious to health. Wo h-xve no com meal attachment. UNDINE crushed mid* tilings fibur 1« pure nnd wholesome and Is rosd* from selected wheat. IT IS WATBR GUOUND. CENT A PHD ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING. FIFTEEN WORDS OR >K*r;K. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 15 CTR WANTED. WANTEO—Those who desire Wff lm- RA’t.s In clothing, hats nnJ Bent** fure ntskli.ic 3001I& to call at Redd nsr's. J. J. Cobb. aaMxnee. WANTED—You to »ee the 1894 Denamore model typewriter on exhibition at F. H. Pomeroy's. J. E. Minter, tele phone 255. FOR RENT—Tb couple Without ohlld- dren. half of my house on Huguenln Height**. Apply tb J. 8. Mabry, Vine- vtlle wood yard. FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms, with an modern covenJencca, over store of W. E. Hill & Co., on Second street. Suitable for physician or den tist. For further information apply at Willingham's Warehouse. FOR RENT—The elr^nnt two-**tory brick residence, 631 Orsnpe street, containing nine rooms and three bath rooms and all modern conveniences. The house has recently been com pletely overhauled. Accessible to nil street car lines. For further particu lars apply R. S. Collins & Co. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Rambler bicycle in Food condition. Apply to C. A. Caldwell, olty twill. FOR SALE—Edgerton hotel bar and* bill iard room eppoette Union depot. Oldest and best stand tn the city. Cause of tell ing loss ot erealgbt and inability to attend to business. Apply to J. W. Johns on premia**. ' FOR SALE—A icood milch cow, ohoip. Call on or address T. Nelson Fethere stone. Old Napier House, Macon. FOR SALE—OKI papers, for wrapping purpose*, etc., ra cent* per hundred. Telegraph office. FOR BALE CHEAP—Good delivery horse and wagon. Apply at bnee to F. O. Schofield, assignee. STOLEN—From Benner’s closet Satur day obout 4 o’clock p. m. one Ameri can double case Hdlld gold watch and chain. Links In chain recently filled. Monogram D. C. H. on front case. Liberal reward will be paid t>n ^ddiv- ory to Benner’s and no questions iMkod. Military Academy Prepares for Govern ment Academies, Uni versities and Buslhess. For catalogues address MiiJ. R. A. McIntyre, Bethel Academy P. O. ■WHEN your wife leaves home board at tho English KKohen; cool and clean. SAM CHUNG. 451 Cotfton avenue. First class laundry. SAM LOO. 674 Ocftton avenue, corner Spring, has opened a first class new laundry. AT COST. AT COST—A. full line of gro ceries to be aold at once. F. O. Scho field. assignee tor W. H. Toole. FISH AND FRUIT MARKET 412 Sec ond street or ax our stall In the mar ket. AT TIIE solicitation of my many friend* I announce myself a canddldate for coroner of Bibb county. I promise, ahould I be elected. I will give ample satisfaction. Please assist one that will appreciate the* position. Henry Small wood. BANANAS cheap at Shelverton’a drug eto»re, Firat nnd Poplar streets, or G. I G. Tcole’a. 456 First sweet. # WHEN you buy building and Joan stock be sure you got U with an association that makes prompt loan*. Money fur- nlahed in five to ten days. George A. Smith. General Manager Equitable Building and Loan. Exchange Bank. ORDER ycur wood from Vlnevllle wood yard; prompt delivery to any port of the city. Geealln & Mabry, 'phone 458. ' AT COST—Must be aold. Come at onfee and derive benefit of a full line of groceries at aetu<\] coat. F. O. Scho field, assignee for W. H. Toole. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER U tha best nvtds. Have you tried it? CRACKERS, Extra Toaat, Royal Milk, and a line of Holme# Sc. Coutta’ sweet cakes always in stock at R. C. Keen's. GET a bunch of freeh ftrfi tn the morn ing at Macmillan St Kennedy’s fish aud fruit market. Sam Baer’s old stand. 4lS Second street, or our stall In the market. AT COST—Come and inspect what we have: It must be aold. Remember the place, corner store Armory building. F. O. Schofield, assignee for W. If. Toole. I SELL Royal Milk crackers like those left at your house at 10 cents pound. W. G. Middlcbrooks. 10 CENTS per pound for Holmes A Coutu* Extra Toast or Royal Milk crackers. B. 8. Smith St Bro. KEEP the money in Macon—Infocmatlyn Bureau for monuments and railing, stone wall and caller work. T. B. Artope, Macon, cl*.. U2 Second atrejt. The Most < Wonderful Offer Yet .... 180 C MAGNIFICENT o OUR GREAT PATTERN OFFER! We have made arrangements by which we are offering to tho readers of the Telegraph the Demorest Cut Paper Patterns, which are worth from 20 tb M cents each, thus making every copy of the paper worth from 10 to 40 cents. Cut out below and mail nc- cordng to directions bn it and you will receive by mail the pattern In the also chosen. 572—CHILTON SHIRT WAIST. Sizes 34, 35, 38 and 40 Inches, Bust Measure. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives sadafeottoa. Retuk 20c. IK OF THE . . . WORLD'S Securely bound in handsome cloth, now ready for READERS ... OP ... . If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did noi it is the next best thing to a visit. Come and see it. • When wiU you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely hound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SNAP SHOTS OP THE Worlds Fair /’SoAvrobtf Tiemftr 99 emit, 1-owaU tn diA. 1WM «mdm0 by wuai mol o«d«M 5 mtr* m twr pnUtft. Ton?r..~ ^—... STATE — 671—LINVILLE WAIST. Sizes *34, 36, 38 and 40 Inches, Bust Measure. 568—BERKSHIRE COAT. Sizes 31. 36, 38 and 40 T iebes, Bust Measure. 624-FASER SKIRT. Sizes Medium and Large NAME OF PATTERN: SIZE .Smd this coupon and 10 cent-i to th* Jfaeon JHt'jraphand yon can yet any on* ) qf rVtffrm I jnwfriat Notice number and nawe of FaUern, and mite plainly not forgetting to state size. Enclose 10c. for each pattern desired. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—U. P. Cowan, administrator estate of Thomas G. Woolfolk, late of Bald county, de ceased, represents to this court that he has discharged the duties of said trust and has asked for letters of dismission. This Is to notify all parties concerned to file objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday In AugusL 1S94. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. This JOtb AprJU U94. .•... J