The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 10, 1894, Image 4

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Office 569 Mulbt'rv Street.
K*wr Y.rk UHI F.. Kill.min Mlr.rt
CAJTton in Uin city, or mailed, yioetnae
tree, to cenu a month: *1.75 for three
months; for alx month*; 17 for obe
rear; every day except Sunday, It.
THE TKLEG11A l’l I —Trl-W* ekly, Mon.
da Vi, Wcdnesdaye and Friday., or Tu<-e.
ilayx, Ttumlaya ami Salurdaye, three
montha, St; alx montha, S2; one year, SI
one year, U.
one year, SI.
SUBSCRIPTIONS—Payable In advance.
Komlt by postal order, check or reglo-
tered letter. Currency by mall at rlak
of aender.
COMMUNICATIONS should be addretoed
and all, cheeke, drulta, etc., maUa
payable to THE TULEORAPU,
Macon, (la.
Telegraph will ooufer a greet favor on
ttile ofllce by Infonnliia ua If the Tel-
•graph fuile to arrive y l>b DM moll
train leaving the city efter 4 o'clock
e. in. each day.
A fow duya nidi ire ailhd uuvntluu
In theae aoluiniiM t» tin- faut that Uie
mail tihlrn for gold win. having It* cf.
fret In Immenlug die lanula of patriot,
lam in Anterior. Men lire curing fiwro
for IheSr hMlIridunl tntinvMM than they
are for Hie inmiiwn wvul. Tbo.'t who
are rklli nre acoktug to bo richer, nud
In their haute t» grow richer they have
forgo Un tto ohi.’inu of iwuttlry and
On (Tui iim of Imiusuilty. Love of coun
try laie gtunw ot/W uiirllo -ntuy love of
money atid the lov« of power, Unit
money (Viiiw tvtllh it, h.w Nteaddy lu-
cmwiel. To bring Wio nmt'tvr cIoho fo
oiirndvew, liunv many of u* fool it pa
triotic glow kindle lit our own linvreta
witon ■we Inur pronounced kite name
Anterior/ llotv umtiy of ua limh our
. d/.ldrnu that Hie very fituxl.itlona of
our houKw ilifenil ou ottr lovu of our
country? WV hove oku< .1 tv> njr]UV-
fine Uie bluntly price that our fore-
failiiCH paid fix* tblH Inmt .of the free.
In tire fuelpmill dliTorvucce nml mv-
tluiuil ipurrela thuiS our pooplo have
engaged In, the common good of fh,
coimtry lute Buffered.
Meantime vvlrji. lu» been tho effect
of nil Citai upon Uie iKivuunt and vi-
clot in ttlUHca who have flock jd to our
■ Klioriw fivni pll foreign eouimTeaV They
lrave not caught Ittvwn Amerlcuna the
!«.;■ Kymp.tihy tfliiti every fur-
(Tginr (dii/uld fed tire moment he nets
filet 1 ict oOr ifiurck. They have tvit-
nitawtj our oiTIlahuevi nud our tmteii.
liiaimil of elevaitlng thqco IVmiguora
by the Influence of our JMtrtatfe love,
wo btlVO left ih,ini to DM) flieuihclveH
lu tsordee and look with remleinjit upon
our etnlfw. They ttnro mtlxTicd nud
aludleil "iir tnfst Indifference bo, la.iv
iiuiil unihority nml bltlivl tlte!r Wine to
•how tbetr tratml of govmunoot. Wo
luro till objget liweofl lit AuiciToi to
day of a in, Him Miring bo the wlml
and.riot plug the vvh.vlvrtntl. Wo have
tiOGQ tidmlltiing tinvie ccnnitrylttre tunl
godliwe Atoireffw. 1 . iwiinMo one gala,
without let or iiliMlronce. lu many lu-
ouiioca they lame r>i n* having for-
BWDm the lie* of Qiome and kindred
nml having laiiOiliio; hut detainee raid
li no. tor all Lowful nuilrecli'.v. We hail
n« well make tut tjonreti ivaRvwlon.
Ah Anua'iitiiic! we Dative noil taught
thogo people by example Hire love of
Mionr nud nwpivt ftar coremoMBt
The American pros, otpcdtlljr lu Ho
Nia'Sli and East, and here and there In
the Weot nud South, 1mm on too many
oecualooe auiwn xeeib of bnsred to eott-
niimiil iuuli'i'ity. in Hie olty of Out-
engo DDwre ure imp 1 ** ttleu tgim pt.b-
lUliivl ill,' iiHvit otgtwgoouH iKStneke
U|eHl the llelVlTH limt lu\ Wtklt W’OCt.
lbs- thiuo huv-di’a]vxi 14; AmrddMU
hit >tiLI Duke iviaomugiemint three
UilMocwi tsod nIiow tii.vt' contempt of
law aWnmcvor eenwlon 1
)nv>ple enuiM be nhut ink from our
wTddi nwvrttcd then where they were
In riirir ovfircroivdivl (mile. Fortunate
ly for dioMe piv^ile of England anil
limvjpc, Wie VMM new ivHBgry of Atner-
•liu \v;ih 1,pun to m,,vu. nud milllona of
thciu c.iane Jiore- and have bint nuitl
f>, r,.l among ourtbwl Ichaziim.
length, cTLatii'ener.-M, oven in, thU
bond ktml, have tSScbmo overerowded
cml we have tbe contest of today
which h styled «ho u*.ir between labor
a ml corporations, but Lh really a llgltt
between the worker and Uie anrrouuil-
liigt. Tile uindunion is unavnCduble.
He must be defreji.l. The conditio;*
ore IrrasV.H»le. liku .Vupoieon
burning JIOHonv, the groU efty offers
no refuge, and elie mountains of snow
a I mum forbid retr«ii, Imt tho retreat
must lie mule, nerinhfkws,*
"WTtithrr? Wliy, Tin plain ns She
daylight. Reek riio imuoiagnttcd juris
of the country; olswrro where lalsw is
riutDvIng a ftgr return; go tiddler. If
niywary, change one’s trade and be
gin the buttle of Mfe under now oonUi
Uons i*m! with new hopre. There Is
one line of IndiMWy that is not over-
crowdnl—the Dgita’ultural. Good, hon.
ret, iiijxihle lalmr Is needed lu tin! Odd.
The imy le Indeed jiniall. There Is do
great reward for ambition offered, lmt,
on Min oMktr hand, deaohtHon nod duttii
by starweton need never be feared, i
TUe remedy, Wien, is a change or
bane—tnck from ttlie dry to the conn
try, back from the factory to the
Wn find from the done of expression
nimsig our cXchuregns and from the ut.
tnunecs of our IcgCVdaXors, or rallier
di,we vyho mmiti to ln> our legislators,
that a divided chunge bus (iikea place
lu the inlblic utihd In reganl to rail-
ivuds, The masses of Uie peojde have
OSIIP to UDdcratuinl tlaU. our leglslu.
lures, prejudiced and misled by a few
howling demagogucj, Duirc jamsed
iiKtisurre tiiag liave wrfl nlgli ruined
rjillnud proiMrty in Cleorgla. The ihw-
|do ham found out lliuti kmislnlluii
treat cripples and liumtHrH any class
of property is InuVful t» all ckncscs of
property, Pcoidc wlio have snouey to
Invent will siVxt clear of a state whoso
hvtislaturiM are dlsjxuod to be ojipres-
slve U> cepanl We do m>t IkTIcvo
tlcvtvia will allow auy legislation in
the uajdtul halls hereuficr that will
bring un such a state of things ns wo
have hoi) for tho lust three yturs. Wluu
tho ndkoads pcOKpir overybody pros.
Ihts. Every otticr Interest lu the stutc
invwjkTs. bo fltr as wo can learn, the
iHspUet lca of • thosu wlio proixsto to
rreretunlso and riTahilltoifo our great
railroad Hyet ams Is td bjhuhI ti vast
am suit of iiiisioy on three proportion.
Unlike those who ordlunrlly roorgun.
l/.e sudh proprty, tliey jrreiioso to do
tho Just and proper riling to nil junior
soeurtlre held by (Icorgia, people -In
thcao ivnds. We luve It from those
who aro on the Inside of the plnaui of
1, kvv, iul?..v ion tiialt cviry ivptliy will
be jr.vperly seeurnl. Three people, us
Is well kuowu, mlglit liavo secured the
reads without Ihe burden of tuiy of
these Junior sreurltUs If they ttad been
drisposeti to Insist on tho fbrrdosure of
OlsDr prior liens. TUioy did not take
udvuntugo of tho lh>wer (.liny held, and
whin nil Clio troth Is known about
this plan of ivonauilOTEiotl wo tlviuk
clirre n1ll bo has hue mol cry ftorn err*
tain ipxtrtiv* In Ouoi-ght atpiJunt Wnll
»tn"t. The nlmple trutli Is. tTnro SM
no uili or street to vritidh wo oiuld go
for help. There Is no other street Unit
M suocresfidly handle Uie socuriUes
of our gnvt raSUwul systems. And,
as said oImtc, we do not think the
rime Is liir ntimd of us In Georgia
whim thero will be sotno very kindly
things «dil of these gentlemen on Wnll
street, some of them tlreirgLntis, who
lxivo come to oar ntudstanre nml given
a value to somo of our lavurltlre tint
would have been worthless to us with
out UteJr help.
Mr. tfUweland Ibis a donMve tvny of
saying ami doing things <n a crisis that
Thcso couintiabi Uie ndmiratlou of his <ue-
IvpHis oven. Ills reply to Governor Alt-
slur vi nMogiUhiw ur wo most cake more i will go to history as tho most npt
vladblto taistn h> ivui* vrey if ! IU "’ "' ili b < ' rJ "iI rebuke ever adminis
tered to a man too hsiuiII tor ids office.
joins to
Uiinklug. when «M» ure sllowid t„ «»»
com*. If we do not emit Ul * ^ ot " n " ,r '"« *•» » lre •* lrik >’™
ct.tlv (vmi allow «mn to resulni.e land-1 ''"'d their symp.rtvren. Is Just as much
luj; Gutxlou, It 1h only a qu«i
j to tho point It hod n very pronounced
fT»vi m (M»Uukx» y»^crd:iy. llo kivs
f s few yam When it will take! jxlajuly Ul cider that' after 12
n N .imlm*; unny ut Kh),000
tin in iti Hubjootlon.
•Hie afiNt* Kh«>\vJn^
ttnn own itti^nulon. tho .sunk*
om bare domoral for 00 loodly In Gio
ruUimui UMOdi Ih tapiiwibl^ i>ro*
iv* u| h-Hiio wrj’ ocomblt ilHiuif,
oVwck, July 0, thoiv will bo no inoro
>\1th the tuobs. Tho soldier*
will bo ordered to slioot, nml bhoot to
Will, tivm this tiuv> on to tho wvl of
i1»U wvtAtl madness. We trust Uie
foolish rtcttr* will hood tlio ijanff
StroQ nud not force n *lnu>rhtor that
still bo a nowivo of rggm ius lom: cm
tl»o Kovornnont M last
rtirre. By fho way, Bam has not been
to 3 fa con of late yuars.
Tho fc'i'ikcs do not 8or:*m to oatre
footed the marke ts to ihe oxtent that
many people «ii|»jr*sDil. The bears
have made the moett ttrrific limbos at
tho stocks tlioy «apjK)»otl ifeoy could
(lopross. But tboy llicinselves hayo
boon mi n *!*>*» •<I and somotiino dls-
mnyed n* tin* HupiKjrt the stocks re
•if not arbimu on, \vhat> Thw; i*
tho ijuaw1i»h .1 Kk.d t*y tix» i\iultltu<.b\
ncu\ It »•< adiivi with an A\mu‘s-m»>i.s
lk*ni A*f Ssi*' of-^ttlO snf.
(Wvni lK'ii»‘v« 4 i.lw*» r\ili< \yA\ U» fooud
In uixum’nif t1i»‘ *>Hnal oniw »»f thin»
and isHU'* In thf» pkTcYiiimtYi’ta tln.liiu
w»*rk (V«r tih»* Ull«* fliiou^uuU. NVithot
MB. Je. G. MAYS.
»»r tho
w svhv *<t a>il^vJah4d
iikd iIia» wonl-s of Mr
UNxiUn^ of the jol.Mo
a C »inlitioci and irM
»>jufrxm:N iw -Aiud a 0
lmi t»y tioL-si. uuc by
» tlwvjry
isnUthui t.-
ay, ludy
to W 0
One of tho saddest deotlis tliat lia*
occumxl lu Georgia of nornt years is of Uie above named pocuMiinn.
Tcrhaps then* was not n moro thor
oughly lovable man in the state. His
murX? dwith M ('iiniberlaml ha* cost
a kioom out bU wide circle of friomls.
Ho was lu the prime of life am) lmd
Jiwt. patched that cm in a succefttful
iXtreer where, la all human culctikMlon,
n. It 1* j ho w»u1d litre enjoyed the highest
which fruiUou of Ufe. A noble. M^h ml ml id
s h> be I ^onerous, bmve ami true n*ui lias been
ar P** v'iu otr in the th^inning »>r that ptttod
of h»* history tint to All human ejes
t In I tfiv*’ the creutest promise of txrful-
rkiiKUi n living i
i«\ul Uvu tu oefti
14 i/ n^ji«
mwilod, m
ttu-tr r^di'iUv U
di**rwr* «ail i*v*n
Tin* travv.iftM l*e
but m»’ «k» hi t v
of noni
KiLit.d j
Whtttrrrr cfee tuoy be said of Sam
Jones, nobody mils him a Bud. And
notxsty rays he's a plirtny. We Judge
he keep* up tds old Uck, hitting *ome-
Ukly. For some fellow is nlwtiys yeli»-
Inif—After tie striker. Sam bus ba'. u
eo a visit to Atlanta Uc**ly ami tbere
are a lot of IVdks howiin^ around up
Gnverh^r Hogg of Texas Throws Light
On' This Nefarious Operation.
To the Editor of the Telegraph: Below
I give a clipping from a iate Boston
paper containing part of an address de
livered by Governor Hogg of Texas >-
fore the Boston Chamber of Ccnurerce.
In the extract given. Governor Hogg ex
plain* Uie operation-of a recent Texas
law known as "the railroad, rtock ana
bond law." Thai law problhts ruJIraid
corpcnttlons »rom Issuing stocks and
bonds upon their property Just as long
a* they can And Ignorant and confiding
Investors to buy them, it restricts the
Iwue of such stocks and bonds to the
actual value of tae railroad property, as
ascertained by an official investigation
and appraisement made under authority
of the state.
Of the terms and provisions of this law
Governor tfogg says:
“This law. passed by the last legisla
ture. claimed to be so inimical to capital,
defines corporate franchises and prohibits
the Issuance of bonds and other indebted-
neeu by railway companies over and above
the reasonable value of the property, ex.
cept In cases of emergency or conclusive
proof shown by the Interested company
to the railroad commission that public
Interests or the preservation of private
property demand the Issuance of a greater
amount. In that event, within the dis
cretion of the commission, the stocks and
bonds of uny railroad company may be
executed to an amount hot more than
50 per cent, over the value of the prop
erty. This law provides for the estab
lishment of what may be termed a stand
ard of values of each And every railroad
In Texas, to be file! In the office of the
secretary of state. This standard Is pre
pared under the supervision of the com
mission by competent engineers and ex
perts. who go over the railroad under
InveetleaUon and carefully survey end
Itemize all of Its property. Including its
franchises and appurtenances. They as
certain the value of each and every mile,
and of every Item, from a spike to an
engine, from a spadeful of dirt to a
tunnel, from a wagon crossing to & river
bridge-everythlng of any cost or value
whatever belonging to tho company.
“After this work Is prepared, the 00m-
pdhy Interested Is given forty days' no
tice, within which time It may ,K>int out
ahy Item or part of the report where
the value .a placed too low. . In other
words, they are given a hearing so that
the commission may not make nny mis
take in fixing the proper value of every
item of the railway propoity. After
tlce is given nnd the opportunity to be
heatd is afforded, the true vaiuco are
cdabllshed by the commission and tin
record Is lited with the secretary of state
for public inspection and for use in de
termining tho amount of stp^ka and bonds
that are legitimate , under the laws to
be issued bv the company fn the future.
The law is. carefully wonl^d nnd is ,ic-
oeptable alike to an impartial public and
to well thinking, careful' investors who
wish to escape the tricks and frauds that
so often Impair the value 6e railway se-
curlttai. Literally, effectively, by its
term* and pains and penalties prescribed,
the law will eliminate the wind and
wgter out of railroad bonds and stocks
that may hereafter .fo Unyed In Texas.
U makes them as safe and secure as any
commercial paper, municipal obligation
or county, or stale bond «"*
cf the United HUtes.
and stock her.'mfter
b<\ir tho stamp 6f honeiTyTiilaced’upon
It under authority of law by the railway
commission and the secretary of state,
where they must be registered berore
they can be circulated. No company now
In existence or hereafter to'be orgaulxed
with authority to construct, own or op-
mate a vallr(«ut In our state can Isuue
any bond or other Indebtedness, to be
se^ jred by a lien or other mortgage upon
lu franchises or property except upon
application and consent or the railroad
commission. Since the adoption of the
law last year several railroad, companies
have been organixed and afe now con
structing lines under tt. After they pro
cure their charters, pay in the 6 per cent,
cash *on subscribed stock as required by
law, procure their right of way, depot
grounds, terminal raclUtl?s nnd other
property rights; nnd exhtbit their profile
and construction contract, the commission
through Its expert engineers—hive the
property valued, or an rotimate made cf
wlmt the contemplated roa/l will ccst.
On becoming satisfied that the "contra:!
ith tho construction company <is reason
able und fnlr to the public and that ihe
railway company Is acting in goo-1 faith,
the commission authorizes the execution
amount of indebtedness secured ny
lien cn the franchise and property,- to
the extent made necoorary by the de
mands of the work. On this authority
contracts are entered into between
^railway company cnd capitalists for money
sufficient to construct and equip the road.
In lieu of which bonds of the. company
aro executed, approved by the commission,
reglelerrd In the office of secretary of
state, and delivered to the capitalists.
By this method our people are finding but
little or no trouble In procuring all the
money they need! for the construction />f
railways; nnd the capitalist who furnishes
tho money knows full well that his rights
are protected, that his capital Is secure
from the tricks and rapacity of Irre
sponsible manipulators who may seek ad
vantages over him. Railroads built under
tho operation of this law will not be
tupped by receiverships, nor sscond mort-
gages; nor court certificates, nor other
kinds of doubtful Incumbrances to defeat
the rlghis of lecttlmate creditors.
a tho custom before the adoption
of this law for men who understood the
tricks of tho trade* to go Into Texas,
buy up a majority of tho stock of a rail
road that wns not heavily indebted, and
without conotderatton or benefit to th«
property or tho public l*»ut Interes:-
bexrlng bonds many times over and above
f..- \*l.i- .«f tin* •TvM 'rty. T • 1' fl.-tl'Mss
Indebtedness became general m our state
upou the rallroada to pay the Interest »n
whkh was practically Impowdbie. As a
result receivership* became either a no-
cetelty or a pretext, loas was enmlle-J on
investors In good faith, and our sta*e
given a bod reputation abroad. Under th-
now conditions such Injustice and fraud*
cannot bo rtf*atsd. If the people of
Texas, In the adoption of the liw, have
been dishonest or have expreew?d by it
& hostility to capital, they are willing to
take the rejp-*u»iWIU>\ The law will
never be repealed so long as they pos*e?a
seif-r*5p»?t. Independence <a*d the ability
to control thlr own affairs. Within two
years from this date bonds ex ecuted tnttftr
this law wll go at a premium in any
market of the world where safe, tast-
class securities are In demand, and pos
terity may be spared the dejnuUtion nnd
desperation to which urjust. fictitious
public obligations would drive tho x’*
W. a. Srstth.
fished literally, and does not fn««-t~ boar
the construction which you have put upen
lb It wan as follows: “The Democratic
•party in this state has just passed tnrough
r a spirited content between two candidates
for the nomination for governor, one o:
them, known throughout the country for
hw intelligence and cultivation, for his
nserelness and piety In peoc*. no thun
for hie chivalry In war. Is a citizen of
Atlanta. The fact of his residence here
was urged in the campaign against his
nomination. That unreasonable objection
made us here all tne more unanimous for
him and caused us to feel the more keenly
bis defeat."
I did not hear any of Mr. Atkinson's
speeches, nor did I road any speech which
1 understood to be a literal ntatement of
hi* utterances anywhere. I did not make
or Intend to make any charge tlu^t he,
personally, had used that as an argument
against Gen. Evans. That some had used
It I suppose Is unquestionable. Certainly
that Impression was upon the minds of
the people of Atlanta.
I did not say *that that objection de
feated Ocn. Evans. I did not undertake
In nny way to account for his defeat.
I was not making an attach upon, Mr.
Atkinson, but. on the other hand, ‘ was
urging the people of this county to vote
for him. notwithstanding his campaign
bad In some sort been aided by objections
to Gen. Evans because of his residence
Pleas* correct the mistake, and oblige
yours truly, N. J. Hammond.
Atlanta, July 7, 1104.
a galTcomeT
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
For eale at wholesale by it. I!. JAQUES & TINSLEY and A. B. SMALL.
(here must
(Continued from pise Id
Bovetnmen that the prevalent had or
dered federal troops Into a dome with
out a request from the governor’of such
state and aRalnet hits pretest. He did
not question his rtuht to do n, how
ever. The backbone of the strike
broken here. All train* are runnlnz
and the rued* cfcrim they me less than
100 men short.
Baltimore, July 9.—Charles O. Schull,
general presenter scant of the Batti-
more and OMo railway, today an
noua'ied that the regular schedule of
passenger trains had baen resumed cn
the Chicago division, of that ttud, and
the trains are now running Into and out
of Chicago a* usual. The sale of through
ticket* has been resumed et nil stations
nUong the line. There Is now rJ> delay
to ipaoeeiiger traffic because of the strike
nt Chicago.
Buttile Creek. Mich., July 9.—A meet
ing of the engineer, of the Chicago and
umnd Trunk here this afternoon de
cided by a majority vote to return to
work. A number aay they will uot re
turn. and the strikers claim enough
men are loyal to keep the read tied up.
Akron. O., July 9.—In response to a
telegram from President Debs asking
them to consider the question of strik
ing In Akron, the members of the lccal
brunoh of the American Railway Unlcn
lield a meeting Utet everting. There were
nbout 200 present. The meeting result
ed In a resolution not to go out;. The
men accordingly tween to work as twual
this rooming.
Cleveland, O.. July 9.—A conference
was held (Ids morning between tho
managers of all the local railroads, Mar
tini Haskell ejul the clsy authorities.
The railroad officials flirted they lied nil
the men necessary to operate trains and
they were guaranteed protection from
the strtkere. Assurance* of the neceo-
*ary protection tyere given nnd the
railroad officiate announced that they
would start trains at 0 o’olock tomor
row morning.
Atlanta, July 9.—T. W. Garrett, on tho
petitdem of the American Trend und
Building Company et si., was tonight
appointed temporary receiver of the At
lanta nnd Florida mllrotd by Judge
Richard H. Clarke and the parties to
the bill allege .that the road 1s Insolv
ent. The cose of rile hearing has been
set for September 8 (before Judge Lump
kin. The Atlanta and Florida was sold
nr. a receiver's sale about a year og'j
und was bought In by Ada mDutenhofer
of New York, represent-.ring the bind-
Fort Monroe, V*.. July 9.—Col. Frank,
comnwndant. reo.ived orders today to
get all the rapid fire guns at the pent
In immediate readiness for shipment In
oaso they are neyJed In Chicago. Cap:.
Weds Willard Is ordered to Chicago. ’'
St. Louis, July 9.—The strike situation
among the tbads today. Is in ,tne with
tho Improvement of vesterday. On the
west Hide of 'the river every road nnd nil
their yards have nraotloally a full com-
pt.-m.'ivt of in.-ii, and (the Inndllng "t
care on shippers’ private switches has
been resumed. The passenger service
Is also In normal condition, except lbr
the few dupYrnwe train* not now run
ning for lack of business. On the other
side decidedly large forces of j-nrd and
switchmen are at work and the return
of strikers to work la tnensalng In
number. On that side nil freight of
fered Is handled except for the LoiHs-
title and Nashville ml Mobile and
Olile, which have diineultle* with their
read crews. However. t(he difficulties
are In a fair way tor adjustment.
Chicago. July 0.—The (ettetnl *uper-
luteadcnt of the lllhiote Central Rail
road Company posted a nottice yester
day announcing r.lxit all freight han
dlers who did not return to work by
10 o'clock this morning would bo dis
charged. Enough retimwM to enublo
the road to resume 11s freight business,
and tiro freight train* bad been sent
out up to noon today. About one-third
of the men who had struck have re
turned to work. The lxiweuger service
of the rontl has beret resumed.
Nashville, July 0.—All passenger
trains on tf» Louisville nml .V.ivhv\!le
Tho House of Mr. F. W. Glover En
tered Sunday Night.
The residence of Mr. F. W. Glover,
on Ilaguenln Heights, MU entered by
burglars n.glit before last and KJo
stolen. .• 1
i hi eiee w.i* reported to Officer Sol
Mack yesterday morning and be will
get in a little private detective work
narking up rise ei*r.
The burglary tvns committed while
the family were at tlhurcb. The party
suspected work* ou the pro-ulscs, and
there seems to be very Untie doubt as
to the eonvetana of the due.
The people on Huguenht Heights
have Itad a raqilte of |Ulte n while
from the ravages of thieves, this being
the ilrsi oiletoe at the kind committed
iu that neighborhood since , winter,
when they were of almost nightly oc
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ha, been
uaed for over fifty yean by millions of
mothers for their ehlldreu while teething,
rntth perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain;
cures wind colic, and la the best remedy
for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every
part of the world. Be sure nnd urk for
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a
Route to
Tlie Georgia Southern and Florida
railroad operates double daily service
between Macon, Ga., and Talatka,
Fla., ns follows;.
West India fast mall train leaves
Macon nt 11:10 a. m„ arriving In Pa-
latka nt 10:50 p. nt. Night train, car
rying Fullinnn Buffet and local sleep
ers leaves Macon at 1033 p. m., ar
riving In Jacksonville nt 8 n. m., and
In Palatka at 0 a. m. Tho fastest and
best equipped trains In tho Southern
slates. G. A. Macdonald. General
Passenger Agent. Macon. Ga.
Caused George Collier to Keduco His
Col. George Collier, the chief of tho
Wigwam, come down from, Indian
Spring yesterday and smiledl «n bCs
Macon frtemds.
He says t-hait the crowd at the spring
Is good nnd increasing all the time. Ho
expects to tevc till the Wigwam will
hold just ns soon ns It becomes gener
ally known thait he hus cut rales to
$2 per day or $10 per. week; /
Chief Collier will have bis hospitable
bands fall ou the 28th of August when
the congressional convention meets
there. The oonvenlion will not meet
oh tho 8th, ns heretofore published.
Way Oo mo many people we s.
around us sesra to prefer to suffer and
be made miserable by lndlgeetlon, con-
stlpatlou, dlzzlneea, loss ot appetite,
coming up of the food, yellow skin,
when for <5 cents we will sell them
bhlloh'a Vital leer, guaranteed to curs
Sold by Goodwyn A Small L...
Company, corner Cherry street and
Colton svraua
Persons (male or female) out of em.
ploynent can secure a local agency on
part salary and part commission,
which will nt once afford a good lie
lag. Send addressed envelope and ref
erence to Charles Ilolstorman, tre-ns
urer, 230 South street, BalSmorn, Md,
Round trip rate. Including meals and
state room to Now York. 238.70: Boston
833.70, via Central railroad. Savannah'
and eteisnera. Finest ship* currying
the American flag. Tables supplied
from best market* In the United Stales.
Bertha reserved by wire. Apply to L.
J. Harris, ticket agent, W. P. Dawson
passenger agent.
I desire my patients to know that I
will he absent from Mnrtm until August
IS In the lioepltols of New York de-
voted to my specialty, eye. ear. nose and
throat. These snnutl visits are neces
sary If I would keep up with the new
remedies and methods of my profes
sion. Ybura. etc,
M. M. Stapler, M. D„
• . Macon, Go,
lira. Holmes A Meson. Dentists,
3*>6 Mulberry Street.
It cures bleeding gums, ulcers,
mout, sore throat, cleans tho teeth end
purifies the breath. For sate by all drug
A Negro Passes a Spurious Dollar on
Mrs. Andrew Gorman.’
On Saturday on unknown negro en
tered the. store of Mrs. Andrew Gor-j
and Nashville, Cbattunooga
I/xtls railways left today on time.
Freight trains were set* out by 'nh..
lntift and the former will send out
freight trains this owning. The fire
men rep The (Nnohsukktt division have
dededed not to strike. Both roods are
rootivioff riel glu today.
Pittsburg. July 9.—Cbeal Union No. 9,
American Railway Union, composed of
Baltimore and Ohio employes and num
bering about S50 men. received an order
tonight from President Debs ordering
them to cease work. It Is not thought
that the order wUl be obey el.
(1 NUtilTtUo man. iu South Macon, und, after pur-
tl und St. : eluting 6 cods’ worth of crackers.
Hon. N. J. Hammond Puts to Rest a
Misstatement of His Speech.
To the Editor of the Telegraph: Some
one has sent me a marked copy o your , “ *■
paper of July «. la which you usevt tr.e | b '' i< 1
following language: "Hon. Nat Ham
mond. -In nts brief speech Introducing
Judge Turner to »a Atlanta audience test
Saturday night. »ald that Gen. Evaas was
Oeli-itM because he resided in Atlanta.
This U * tying too much. Col. Atkinson
la aU hla published speeches and in all
ere heard upon the stump disclaimed any
Ul will toward Atlanta." sad then pro
ceeded further to defend Mr. Atkinson
from the charge.
My language on the occasion was pub-
O. I* Rico. Mendta. 111., writes: Have
used your jape DC* • Pile Cure and
rad it sure and penMuteoe. sold by
Goodwyn A Small, druggists.
A isirey of nbout sixty of Macon's
sopl? will leave next Saturday
or v.limberlnn.l ever the Georgia.
SmffiKtrn and Florida, which rood wlU
II'U hr.'iicti j and Pullman
couches to Drutiitwiek without chaaw
and through (touches ou tho return
trip. Tho party Is under tho personal
charge of G. A. McDonald and James
W. l'aliaway.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
gave lier what she thought wax a good
dollar, she giving hUn lxtek 9,-| cents
In elurnge. Yostwday morning Mrs.
Gorman dlsoovirol (Ubtu U wa* coun-
Arc you, can’t sleep, can’t cat, tired,
thirsty? Blood poor?
It*§ a tonic you want—
This spariding, exhilarating, and re
freshing drink, while being far more
agreeable in bouquet and flavor than
the finest wine ot chaxnpague, is at
the same time unlike them, bcintr free
from alcohol.
A temperance drink for temperance
peojyjdeliciousaml wholesome as well.
Punhcs the blood, tickles the palate.
Package makes five gallon*
Ask vour storekeeper lor it.
Take no substitutes.
Sead »*<vnf Mump fo Chaa. F ir/.*.
f£ic$l!£! eIpL *- fur 0**xUin?iic-
To the Editor of the Telegraph: In
your resile ol this (Monday) morning
I notiee a lengthy reply from the Acme
Brewing Ocrmpany to am Interview me by owe of your reporters urn.'
puli - tl.-.I ill NillrI.l.v's Telegraph. I
have uo answer to make to Jtld com.
niimioiiClon, as I do not wish to cntei
Into g newspaper itoolrjvcrdy, tunl with
the following brief slutetnent will ltavt
no more <D say about the matter: lr
referring to tlte amount of-be.'r told
by me, I bad reference only to the city
'ot Mocon, but the Acme Brewing Com
pany challenges me to compare ' inj
agency figures vvich tlieir total output,
by far Ibc larger portion of which li
sold outside tho city. The Cook Brow
ing Company Is one of the largest in
this tvjunrry, and It would bo "ipiaUy
a* fair for me to compare tho) more
moils output to that of the Acme Brew.
Ing Company a« It is fur them to com
pare tlioir total sales to my agaucyT
city sales. As for unalysls of the twit
bens, I most bcurtlly agree to submit
samples to Impartial judges, praiud
the Acme Browing Company will agrei
to have the ilot'.iilrel unnlj-sos of tbs
two beers published. Otherwise It It
useless t» talk. My convoreaittou. witl
the reporter wus with the frlomUhv
feeling to ittho' Acme Browing Gomiia-
ny, ns tiho tntervCaw showp. anil wtu
not Intended to injure them lu thi
least. 1 am lutiqiy t-> aunoimi'e, li.rev
i-'vit, thul it visit ms is fm
me to coll on them, as I nH-elvcS n cat
load of boor from Cook's brewery this
afternoon'nnd have plenty more on the
road which will arrive in a day or two
Respectfully, T. C. Drew,
Manager Mocoin Agency Cook Brewing
For Malaria, Liver Trou
ble, orIndigestion, use
Mr. R. A. Tharpe Retires From th(
Eace for Coroner.
As will bo seen from his announce-
ment elsewhere, Mr. R. A. Tharpe has
retired from the ootviner’s race in -fa.
vor of Mr. Frank K. Knight.
Mr. Tharpe yielded to the wishes ol
a large mmiber of his friends to make
the race, but has since decided that in
asmuch as tt would interfere with hij
business to serve Should he be elected
he would Withdraw In favor of Mr.
Is wanting In most foods, or,
if present, is not assimilated.
The result is loss of flosh
and strength. ,
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
is a palatable, easy fat food
that any stomach can retain
and any system assimilate
without effort. Itgives flesh
and strength. Physicians, the
world ovor, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Freptrtd b, Scott A Bownc. M. Y. All Dni„,.u.
Subject to Nomination by Democratic
By solicitation of my friends I hereby
announce myself as candidate for coro
ner, subject to a Democratic nomina
tion. I am yours 7 very truly, *
In accordance with the previous an
nouncement, I hereby tender my name for
the consideration of Democratic voters
for tho position of coroner of Bibb county
at the coming election. If honored with
this position, my time and ability will
be devoted to the administration* of the
office. Thanking those of my friends who
have thus far shown an Interest In my
campaign. I am, very respectfully,
I hereby withdraw my candidacy for
coroner ami ask my many friends who
have promised mo their support to cast
their Votes for Mr. Frank K. Knight, a
one-armed Confederate soldier.
Loans made on choice real estate and
farming lands in Georgia. Interest 7
per cent. Payable in two. three or five
years. No delay. Commissions very
420 Second Street Macon, Ga.
Cheap Money to Lend
On improved city and farm property.
Loans ranging from |Mt up. at 7 per centl
simple interest; time from two to - nve
years. Promptness and accommodation a
L. J. ANDERSON & 6o..
No. 218 Second Street, Macon Ga.
I have on hand for Hale lands ta
Bibb. Hancock. Baldwin, Wilke?. Jones
Wilkinson, Twigg*. Houston. Washing^
ton. Dodge. Taylor. Monroe, Pike and
Troup counties. These lands consist of
farms that have been bid la at fore
closure sales, and for moat part have
auch improvements and ore in such
condition generally as to fit them for
being occupied at once. Can be had at
a bargain on easy term*. Call on or
address me 8t 4?fi Second street vt*.
coo. Ga.' HOWARD U. SMITH.