The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 14, 1894, Image 5

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THE MACON TEUEClTt A.PTJ: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1894. 5 In a pair of onr §5,00 Pants— The pric« is iiiforioi', ]3ut tlic quality liipwioV— So with yqur money advance. 40 CENTS Gets the Boy a pair of our regular 75-cent kind. SEE The Suits we have marked down to * $7.00 arid $8.00 J. H. HERTZ 574, 570 Glierry St. 1). A. KEATING, t'Snr.nTAKRlt AND RlttlAl.MBa, Oil Mulberry St* - Silicon, On. Telephones—Office; 40Ti Kealrlence, 408 NOTICE. Marriages, births, death*, funeral* and meetings Inserted In this column at U for ten lines and 10 cents per Un* for r*ch added line. A responsible name must accompany the advertisement ms a guarantee of good faith. EDWIN HARC0URT MAY BE PARDONED He Is Serving a Term in t’ie Penite ary for Filching a Columbus Girl's Jewels. HIS WIFE IS NOW IN ATLANTA Autl She s«y* Her Husband's Kamo Is Buckner, tbs Son or » Miiitonatrn —■'tea of Insanity Urged for Ills Misdoings. IP, P. P, PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM g£: Wakes £: Marvelous Curas £:in Blood Poison £: Rheumatism j^and Scrofula L. McManus co GENERAL ERIE HE Day Telephone NiglU Telephone ' 238 - J32 Undertaking I Establishment Next to Hotel Lanier. Day Telephone 436 Night Telephones.... 436, 178 . NpTicE. The appearance docket Bibb superior court will be called on Tuesday morn ing, July 24./nt 9 o'clock. By order lion. J. L Hardeman, Judge. This July 12, 1894: R. A. NIabet, Clerk. IDLE-HOUR ST Registered TROTTING HOR3E3, high grail. JERSEY AND AYRSHIRE CAT TLE, red and black BERKSHIRE PIGS. STALLION AT HEAD OP FA]IM. BARON KTAMIIOUL, No. 24,05. 2 year. Cia, by STAMBOUL, 2:0114; dam by Baron Wilkes, 2U8J4. 5TELROY, No. 16,107, 2 year, old, by M’EWEN, 2:18Vi; dam by Cuyler. For any Information apply to R. H. RLANT, MACON, GA. FOR SALE THE HANDSOME 2-STORY WITH BASEMENT, No.636 ORANGE ST. Contain, nln. room., with threo bath ^»nia; hot and cold water. All modern convenience*. The boiu. ha. been re- «nUy papered and overhauled from top *» bottom, and I. in .trlctly condition. It ha. a large frontage on Orang. itreet and Roe. Park, nnd only h »lf block from Indian 8prlng. car line. ,l u located on the Hill. U as good neigh, torhood as Macon afford.. It 1. undoubt- the pr.uie.t and moat desirable Mac. now on the market. For sale low A“d on easy term.. For'further Informa tion call on II _GeneraI Heal Estate Agents. CLm COFFIN STORE LI mi All r feULLDINO. Hearse 15; carriages 12.7i. V‘-—: Iwcpbooe, O, j I*. P. P. parities the blond, bulldiitip '*■ —* debilitated, giro* i ,. Boot and Potassium. ?nanatTiak?n this 'h^eheat^ternuPof from 1 fn d1KPB110 U ” an<3 rotrrmai"5:°ff5mmfo”tp‘eS!)*nSf trooblea. .Yoor, troty locleOae. I.a. Affectedwithbears ° Al&rna disease, pTeurlay and rheumatism <or. 36 years, wastrusted bytheverybest 1 86 years, was trusted by the very , physicians ana spent hundreds of tmi- lar", tried ever7 known remedy wlth- • out finding roller. Ihavo only taken . one tiottlo of your P. P. P. t and can cheerfully aay It baa done raemoro • good than anything 1 have ever taken. I can recommend your medicine to all ’ snCerersot the nboro diseases. Atlanta, July 13.-(Spoclnl.)-Tliu vase of Ithvlu Haroourt, the' huul- so mo youn;r actor of the llobert Down- In,' Company, who, stealing valuable Jewelry belonging to a Columbus young lady last Mat'd], was sentenced to two yean in the peoKotuf.iury, has had wevera 1 new chapters of gn exceedingly InieiuHKug dvaraoter a<ld«l within the past few days. Tllie latest L* that Harcourt is not Harcourt, but Allit-rt Sidney Uueltner, .the rakish son of It. O. Buchnev, a NOW York million-lire. Added to this, and the presence of his beautiful youug wife in Atlanta, seeking Iris pardon by the governor, Is the still further cl*6m that the young man la mentally aneed, therefore iiTespouslhle for his conduct in Columbus and, altogether, a very cwumradable cusi'for execu tive clemency. There appears to he no room to doubt llrnt the young man Is Buckner, not Ihvrptrnrt His wifo, who is Stopping at the Home for the Friendless until she can secure employment that \v.Il enable her to Uve lu Atlanta near her husband until ho secures hi.i release, continued this fact In an Interview with the Telegraph correspondent this afternoon. Harcourt, slio'sald, was merely her husband's stage name. The name of tlio young lady whose jewelry got Buekncr, or Harcourt ns lie Is better known, into trouble, has never been published, aiul all tile elr- eunistauces go to rhow that the gay young fellow, though disowned by Ins family ou account of Jils rniksh pro- cllvitles, still had such ,u*uuse of man liness In him that he went to the pen- Itomlftiry to shield her from disgrace. According to his version of the case ns told since being put In the stripes, the lady In question was stage struck, bttrfdes being ln>Hituu,ted with lihn. Harcourt Is really n very hamdsome man, well calculated to make con quests of women. Ho had lived quite swiftly in Columbus, having been made a good deal of by the society people, and when the lady btpauhod a project to go upon the stage lie says she gave him the unlucky Jewelry to raise the money on. He had told her that ho hnd ueno. Harcourt pauvn-.-d the Jew elry. but shortly afterward discovered, he claims, that they were not the prop- erty of the lady who gave them to him. I boa he skipped out to escape trouble, but wus arrested In Nashville. Tho claim of the prosecution was that ho had deliberately stolen the jewels af ter having been entrusted with them by the Indy who owned them to hike to a Jeweler to be tleaucd. Itooencly, when a petition for pardon was circulated In Columbus, it was fined by t]ie lady whoso jewels caused the trouble. Mrs. Harcourt came to Atlanta from Knoxville to press this petition for pardon, hut the governor could not ho prevailed upon. The fact that Haroourt is Albert Sidney Buckner eunie h, light yester day tamnigh one of his old Mends who liappened to bo traveling through At lanta and road the report of the case In the papera. Dr. Green, the physician In charge of the Chattahoochee Brick Oornpa- 113 s camp, has pronounced Harcourt a iminlal and physical tnorphluo wreck ami doe's mot think ho was incntally responsible, even if ho did commit n Clinic. Tills will probably lend to a furtlur effort to lrnvc the young nelor pardoned. Ills wife believes he was irraoccie- Of any crime in the Cchinibus alxulr and thinks lu U sufferin'* to pro- tcot tlH) young lady wnosc IniHscnxlun sot tho better 6f hor. ATHEMPTED~6UICIDE. Atlanta, July 13.—(Special.)—A. M. Van Hxaiftbn, a highly educated Ger man, formerly proprietor of the Ocean hotel. Brunswick, actempted to com mit suicide tot his boarding house. No. 22 Church street, this morning. He hss been despondent for somo time be cause of money losae* and being un able to get Into any kind of business. A servant who went to hi* room about 10 o'clock thb* morning waa un able -to arouse him and the door was forced open. Van Haa'fton was found lying upon the floor unconscious with „ two horrible gashes across his throat. Kunitor hns <lon_ Two razors lying near told the story j bers will hike high rank In tli? legisla of his desperate 'deed. One of the I ture. Both are prnctlcnl men and at the irs was broken, part of the blade (same time ni“r. who me tyell road and sticking In the wound. The fireplace | pcstr*d in public matters and piibllo was stuffed -with a blanket and ihe | questi’jn*. gas turned on. The man .wanted to make sure of his end, If not by the razor then by asphyxfciUon. Van (Haafteh came to Atlanta from Chattanooga about four months ago to get employment, but failed. His wife wont back to Chattanooga severil days ago. He left a note on the table addressed to her, saying he could stand his misfortunes no longer, Cell ing her that the money to bury him would copie from Holland. He also expressed a desire that his Interment, be am cheap as possible. His mind was thought *to have become deranged ntly by his queer actions. -Von iften *waa removed to the Grady Hospital. His condition is very serious, but he may recover. .astUrc •Tv't’iT* .'HjanABtjecLivrjHfc*) BACK UP yotir scrubbing brush ■with Gold Dust Washing Powder, the great modem cleaner. It will keep your floors ami paint white and bright with very little labor. I There is no branch of I house cleaning in I which Gold Dust It costs much leas, goes mudi.far- ther, and docs much better work tlu*n any other washing material. Vour grocer will sell you a 4 lb. plcg. for a$c. Made only by The N. K. Falrbank : Company, I Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Botlon, Philadelphia. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria 3 anil Kidney Troubles ES Are entirely remoree by P.P.P* * —Prloklj Ash. Poke Root and Potas sium. the greatest blood purifier on * earth. Abbrdrbn, O.. July 31,1801. • Manana Lippman Bros., BSTannsn. Oa. i DBAR Sikb-I bought A bottle of f our P. P. P. at Hot 8pnutn,Ark.,an(l , t has done me nioro good than threo It hsa dono me moro good than threo mont ha’ troauueut nt the Hot Sprlugf. Ueud throo bottle* O. O. D. Aberdeen, Brown Count/, O. Cept. J. D. Johuslom. -v.iAia To all ifhom U may eoneemt X hero- i 1 o , e t ;in" g r. , r.a , i»:m7o c r,?.°*pv. ,< v'. l i^ r*'r prln-ary," 1,00 "^^ "“'J d’/but ?D vnln[lintM.^P^wssu»ed^ a/phlils. for blood polsonlnK. mercu- #ni n 0 ^ eutlroiy curod. rial poison, malaria, d/spepsl*, and (gignadby) j;D. JOHNSTON, in all blood autl ak n disease*, like "'g^nnah. Os. blotohes, plmplea, old chronla ulcers, ' tetter, scald head, bolle, erysipelas. Mkln Cancer Cured. ecxema-wemsy say. without foar of . • contradiction, that r. P. P. IstbebrsU 7\uHmonyfrom xhe Mafor of Sequin,Ttx. blood purifier In the world,and make* pUfflU' “ “* *■ * In all < speody and permanent cdr«e BnquiH, Tkx., January 14, J808. MBsaaa. Lippman lino*.. Havannah, Ha.: Ot Hilt mm—l ha Ladlea whose systems are poliioned P. P. for n dteenso of ‘ ireoondl- *1 ■ .s, B hoJtef.*fSroim;uK» &?^S5SSa“fe??ay, , "doetoracnitrual lrreitulariUoi. standing, and found grrat relief! !« nro peculfiirly beneflied by the won- Kllnff from'uo? aeat of'the^dlil ?ase '.ndPnuiuira ° yA ^ e sore*. IbsTStakenUveorslxbott— d feel confident that another course n.liveor six bottles ‘ jg inotbi ■ also and atomaoh * HURT. Attorney at Law. - book on Blood wserses M frit ' ALL DRUGOI8TB BELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS.: PROPRIETORS, Uppuan'a Dli»ck,RaTRnnahtGa ‘ mmmmimmmK PICNIC IN JONES COUNTY. Gray, July l?,. -(Sp^.'l tl.)--Yest. r-My Elam church grounds In the red hills ot Jones county, was the scene of a happy gathering of young people in sear£h ot pleasure. The occasion was a picnic given’ by Mr. and Mrs. H. b\ Johnson, the popular bride and groom of Jories, who were married on the fourth Inst., In honor of Miss Carollno Patterson of Macon and Miss Lilly Girard of Savan nah, two charming young ladles who are now visiting tho bride and groom. Tne crowd was a select ono of the moat pop ular young men and young Indies of the county, buggy rides, tote-atetes on pine logs, fishing flhd. recitations were some of thp pleasures of the day. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johnron, Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Htewart, Mr. nnd Mrs. JL L. Tinner, Misses Lilly Olrard, Carollno Patterson. Gertrude Goddard, Epplo Glawson, Kayte Morgan. Annie Kate Cheatham, Nellie nnd Ada Griswold, Ethel. Pauline and May Stewart, Daisy and Mamie Kingman. Belle Morton. Lyt- tie nnd Gusslc Smith, Annie Barron, An nie Brew Childs, Messrs. Eugene Morgan, Eugene, Charlie and Ira nrogg, 'Rad Tur ner, Ross Holaenb?ek, Jim ltoss, George, Claude nnd 8am Pursley, Jim Luther, Gi lls Morton. Glen Stewart, Frank Keller, Ben Anderson, Will Goddard Jim Wright, Clancey Finney and Achtjury O. Greene. CANDIDATES FOR LEGISLATURE. Amseftus, July 13.—(Special.)—Col. W. . Dodjftfi) and Mr. Thornton Wheatley have been nominated by tho Democrats of Sumter for the legislature. Every body Is pleased with the selection. Col. D.Kl-onfcis a young lawyer of ability, has push nnd energy nnd takes a deep in-terem. in all public nffjlrs. He is a “hrolher-ln-la w of Mr. John C. Hblmea of your city. Ho lead the ticket nnd his vote was decidedly flattering to him. Mr. Wheatley Is a successful merchant and every Inch a business man. lie Is a man of culture nnd keeps thoroughly posted on all current political tbplcs. He la very genial In his nature, n humorous vein ruRBinK through him, rendering him a chArmJn-gly companionable man. well. Her two mei Miss Maria Parloa t Ktrtmnhj rcoonimeivla the «*V Liebig Company’s Extract of Beef nnd the hat wilierI a neat COOK BOOK, irhUh trdl be tent free on application tn lh.n. t,j d Co., 27 Park Piue, -Vtw. York. Johnron’a M igneUc Oil, kill* all pains whether Intern il or ext- rnal. Sold 'it Goodwyn & Sm ill's drug rtoro. TIPTON FAIR NOTES. Tlfton, July 12.—(Special.)—Mr. 3ood- wln uf Adel exhibited at the fair a long staple cotton gin which 1a said to bo a very superior gin to: that species ot cotton. He Is manufacture? these gins at Adel and savs he has orders for more than he enn make this <—.ison. Judge Hardeman. Sdlettor Felton, Clerk Nhsbct. Stenographer Rimes, Judge Miller and Mr. W. II. Sparks and MiJ. Gleafncr visited the fair and were much pleased with the exhibit, One of the mist Interesting displays at the fair was that of Mr C. E. VDl Ham* of Alton. Oa. It constated of a large number of frames of honey put up Just as taken from (he hives. Mr. Williams has ab'.ut fifty hi/es and says each hive will make him in average of fifty pounds of hon. y during the season. He Is an Int^r^tlng talker and U -weir posted on the subject of bee* and honey. Why do not more of bur people engage In this pleasant and prof itable Industry? WOMEN WIN A POINT. Committee Appointed to Draft a F0- •male Suffrage Amendment at bany. ^ Albany, N. Y., July 13.—/The first test ot tfye effect produced in the con stitutional convention by the campaign bf the advocates of woman suffrage took -pl^d.Q when tho suffrage commit tee mot to take a formal vote on the proposition to strike tho word "male" from the suffrage section of 'tho consti* tutlon. When the committee met there was a moduli mailt: fu ivp.u'L unfavurably all the woman's suffrage amendment-*. This was objected to by the.frionds of suffrage, who moved -that no vote be taken, bin dgat a sub-oommlttee heap- pointed to draft an amendment giving u\)men the right to .vote. After a long discussion the last motion prevailed by a vote of nine to eight. iA eub-oomnUtteo was appointed con sisting Of /Messrs, Lautorbach, Towns, O'Brien, Cooklngham nnd Cochran. A momrber of -this committee ways that a majority of It is In favor of woman's suffrage, and he Is confident that a suffrage amendment of some kind >yHl bo reported to the convenUon. It Ls contended that seven members of the committee are In favor of giving wo men the right to vote. SPRArNED HBR~TONCHJE. Tho Peculiar Accident Which Hap- P-'ii-<l to ;i Connecticut Woman. Waterbury, Conn., July 13.—Mrs. Jonas E. Taylor of this city Is suffer ing from a pecbllar accident. While she was paying a visit to her parents in Winstead a few nights ago she sprained her tongue while* laugh ing. Nothing was thought of It at the time. She believed, of course, that the trouble would soon disappear. Mrs. Taylor returned from her home and the pain increased and her tongue be gan to swell, in a few days It was Im possible to articulate, and .Anally tho swelling became so large that it stopped the food passage entirely and it was with difficulty that she could breaths. She ’consulted physicians of Waterbury, and as their efforts proved of no aval! *he went to a New York hospital, whore she received treatment for a while, -fibs has how returned home, and although She hi* partially recovered still suffer* seriously and ha* ■i. .ipe.llment In talking. Manifold Disorders * occasioned by an impure i Take it when “awfully tired” Brown’s Iron Bitters. <► <► ^ ^ Am occasioned by an Impure and ♦ PomUhcfl condition of the blood. Slight impurities i( not corrected,develop into 4 i serious ma ladiea, such as J i ► SCROFULA, i ► A ECZEMA, A ¥/ RHEUMATISM Vf r an other troublesome diteaaes. To eyre lF ' tnil n-tuhSe ren.- mful ingredients, . a “ “ 1 /romthetkoodi ly cleanses the J cases ot the w. •ases have been Cured by S. S. 8. T ME COMPan? Remember we are now at our new quarters, 404 and 400 Third Street, and want all the ladies to call on us. OUR SUB I Remnants of Hamburg, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries at just one-third their value. 32-inch black all Tamiso worth 40c for 19c. 22-inch Black Wool Nuns Veiling 1 to 1,000 yds., 8c yd. Utica 10-4 Siiecting worth 26c for 18d. Syrian Lawn—stripes nnd plaids, worth 12 l-2c for 6c. Extra largo Damask Towels, drawn thread and tied fringo worth 36c for 18c. DO YOU Want to be repre sented in The Telegraph’s special edition ? You will make a mis take if you don’t talk to the peo ple through this edition of The Telegraph. ' If you want a cut of your building published in this trade edition you must let us know at once. We make these cuts for nothing, and they are the finest kind of newspaper cuts; made much better than you are used to seeing, and then they are so Qheap—cost you nothing. If you are interested let us know and a representative of The Telegraph will call on you. Only a few days yet remain. Most of the copy is in hand. We will be glad to call on all who are interested, but you must let hear from you. ’Phone 76. us \ edy tree from my Ita/mful an J purely vegetable. Much 4ll im[ uritir-KKKS ( f . Thousand*, of J i worst forms of blood dls- ^ r Ui our Tteattve maife I f,«< loutj vUtttt \ f BWirr SPECIFIC co., AtlauU, Ga. . x a owirr Bi'W.lflC CO., AUauU,Ga. 4 . THE FAIR WHITE FRONT, Almost Opposite Post Ofllce. SQUARE ON TUB WINDOW, Full lino Htefl I.'namWciI Warn Just rtcHvod By buying Hi!., wan you Mi k«qi ernytUw nice. Puns, B-HIcrs, PI-s PltM, Tulis, Slop Jilt*. Howls mol IM'olo'i'-, Will, r I'.iiis ami Dippers, Coffee Pot* mul DIfli Puns. Full line :i ‘w Glassware. Tlic Clauds Curror* npil BreniJ Knlres mol Slurpeu-irs. Good Kitchen Knives :1c. Laoden, Frovy & Clark Hutclicr Knives Sc. It. F. SMITH, Proprl-tor. All persons having ilemsmt. scalnst the cetato ot John D. Hudgins, late ot Bll.b county. dtcMMd, sre hereby no- lined to render In their deuuuvl. to the undersigned according to law. Anil all person. Indebted to mid estate are re quired to moke immediate payment. This 14th day of June, list, EDWARD BOH, Administrator ot John D. Uudf liu, do- W.L. Douclas C *) CUAr IS THE BIST. I?V# W nut NO SQUKARINO. #5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH& ENA/*CU£U CALC % J.W R0UCC.3 Soles, *2. *1 ?& BtnrfScteotiHOEs. i -1CNO fOK CATALOdUC * W-LD0UQLA3, BROCKTON, MASS. Ysa caa save mnnrv hr sareliulai IV* !*• Douglnn t'lu.f*. Bccuustf. v/e nre the larg^at mamif.K (ur«r« of adveiiiM-d •!:<><:* in the world, nnd Kunianlre the value by stamping the name an«l price ou the bottom, which protri ts you •gniu*t high prices aud the rriddlcm«n'rt profits. Our shoes equal cuatom work in *«• !»-, esajr fitting and wearing nualltlea. We have thrtn sold every, where at lower prices for the value given thsa aify other mnLf. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we cun. bold by ROCHESTER SHOE C0 t . - . 6f3 CHERRY STREET. GEOROfA. BIBB COUNTY.—HM I*oh, fldmlnlstnitor estate of I>. Hud- gin*. Into of mild county, <leo-a*e<!. hav ing applied to me for leave to soil all of tho ml estnts uitusteil In Bibb rounty. Go., ami tine hoime nnd lot In Abbeville, Wll*o\ (Ja., «nd one hoiiae «n<l lot in Roberta. county, fJa., this I* therefore to nbtlfy all parties con cerned to file objection*, If any they have, on or before the first Monday In August, 1M4, why leave to *'• 11 aald real estate should not be granted to the nild •dmlntatfutbr. C M. WILEY, Ordinary*