The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 16, 1894, Image 6

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, JULY 16, 1894. BY REQUEST Of mnny of our patrons who did not avail themselves of our Grand Sacrifice Sale, name will be continued dur ing this week, positively no longer. $9.85: $9.85 Secures choice of any Suit on our counters. A large as sortment to select from, containing Suits worth twice the amount asked for. All goods nre new and of fushionable makes. We arc in need of the ready cash, hence this un usual offer. CHARLES WACHTEL, 515 CHERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. mmmmmmmammm 1INCI.15 IRA'S BIRTHDAY. The Democratic Wur Hon*- of the Warrior Is ChsUiis Old. Sunday \\me Ulic 80t1i Wr!litjuy of Uncle Ira .Icnmltut*. (.In; old Iheno- cni lie war liurso of ttic Warrior ilia- trlci, and He. tlurtwaud* of fiends cx- 1«nd euiiBrsitulallon* and wish he may live many more year* to voto I lie Mralffln IJi'iniHTatlr ticket and “tote t1»o mall" f» the Worrtor. T.lnro nre fenv po pie «to enjoy tho friendship of more or mariner friend* limn Uncle Ira. uml iberc nre atlll fewer mm at 1H* nge a* rifoeoos anil hearly a* he. l'or more Ihta slxly y«ir* he lam lived In th>. Warrior dis trict, and loo* la-fore many of Ma con'* oldest chirms were lmrn ho wa* carrylnn the mntl over the star routo to Crawford comity and tho Warrior dlatrlet. Ill Uncle Ira'* youncer day* he wti* n mam' driver, and old Inhale Haul* do Kay no one could hnmllo 1 lie rlllUai! MO Well .!•! he. Me ilpive n Since to Oolunrlm* from Macon When wool wato only a wltlo plncu In llio road, and the shrill tilaots of hi* mane bin M an ever welcome sound to the people along the route. Those wife good ofd day*, and it doe* n pihwnu good to hoar Uncle Ini, when In n rum- lnlarent in noil, tell of them, n« lie at- wn.v* willingly d>*e when ipnwiloned. Uncle Ira was In 11a- city tarn' Sal- unlay nfltiunxm, odd to loiik at hint no one would think ho had reached fern- wav .veers, and yet fliN active, hardy old man I* In full possession of nil Ida fncnllfre* nnd can -artrun many young men In a foot nice. In fair wwither anil foul lie carrion the until between Miwxm ami Roberta, nnd It la seldom he feels mi ache or twin. In the Warrior district, Where be. lives, he ts n recognised lender, nnd Ids ninny ;cir« of h.icd mid f.ilrhfnl sa-Phv for the UcmomMle pirty have entitled him to the honorable distinction of be ing called the Democratic war horso of the Warrior. Then hi* neighbors love and admire hlui. Thin.' he has lived for over sixty ystirs ami tlnfe lie expects to die, but Ills friends hope Unit he has many more years of useful- n<-.-s and pleasure, nnd that .he may havo his liapp'a-Kt days In hi* old age. Hohlov, tiurning. .roly and crusty •'alps of Jnranta cleansed and healed, sn-I quiet Steep icatered by Johnson's Oriental Soap. Sold at Uoodwyn & Hnialt's drug store. DOUBUI3 DAILY TRAINS. By » change of achedulo In effect Sunday, May 13, Maenn has double dally schedules to Washington and New York via Atlanta nnd the R. and D. railroad: Lenvo Macon 7:f,r> a. m.. 4:23 p. m. Arrive Atlanta 11:30 a. m., 8:05 p. m. Leave Atlanta, R. and D.. 12 m „ 0 p. m. Arrive Greenville, R. and D„ 5:30 p. m„ 8 a. m. Arrive Charlotte. It. and D„ 8:29 p m.. 3:30 a. m. Arrive Danville, R. and D., 12:30 a m., 11:45 a. m. Arrive Wnahlngton, B. and D„ 7:11 a. m., 8 p. m. Arrive New York. P. R. R„ i;2* 0:23 a. m. Train leaving Macon In morning ar rives at lllohmond next morning 7:15 a. m„ and leaving Macon In the af ternoon arrive! at Richmond 4:50 p. m. Ufllc HOLMI'fl' MOUTH WASH. Prepared by Dra. Holmes & Mason. DcnUsts, 33C Mulberry Street. It cures bleeding gums, ulcers, aore mout, sore throat, cleans tho teeth and purines the breath. For solo by all drug, gists. SOUTH MACAN AND WEST END Many Newsy Items of All Sorts Gath* ered in the Suburbs of Macon. CONDENSED AND CULLED. 4 W»«k'i Doing* In Macon'* Thriving mid Buoy Suburb*-Social, For* •onal and OthtnviH Gath ered Iif a Reporter. The first recruit amongst the boys of the Infant-ry added lo the population of Bibb county during tho piut week, and which was referred to in the Telegraph of Thursday, now n<u» command or the household of Mr. Joho C. Gibson, on the summit of Windsor Hill, South Macon. HlA reign is supreme, and the crown roy ally adorns his fair* brow, over which the glinting beams of scarce n'x suns have played hide and seek, and proud father and happy mother, and submissive brothers and slaters, gracefully acknowl edge the supremacy of bis reign within the home circle. The little tots, and a few who were not so 4llminutlve, from the neighborhood of Haxlc, Third and fourth streets, with fall basnets and Hamper*, and everythin^, ehe calculated to enluace the pleasure ot a ttrst-ciasa picnic, were placed aboard the South Macon car last Thursday mora les for* a Jaunt and outing at Ciump’* Park. And a happy-fated group they were, as the smiles of anticipated pleasure passed over the.r features. The grou»> was In chafge rtf Miss Agn*s Taylor, as- sited later by Mrs Bamuie Pitlnian, Mrs. John Pair and Airs. Bealer, who during he day were indefatigable und untiring in their efforts to Tuake a highly enjoy able season for all. They were gathered around the table after a romp and ramble over the grounds and pavilion, and lor un hour they. Hushed und hungered by the exercise, feasted to satiety on the good things provided by Indulgent parents and friends who saw to their wants. At the setting of the sun they were all safe at home, without accident of nny nature whatever. Miss lizzie Martin, one of the most popular representatives of the social world of Alexander City, Ala., is spending a few weeks very pleasantly with her rela tive* Mr. and Mrs. John Brady at 654 Elm street. Mis. Ru&ible of South Macon left the city a few days since on a visit to Lake City. Fla. Mr. Lott, engineer on the Savannnh. Florida and Western railroad, has mo\red with his fam'ly to Luke City, Fla., hla duties on the railroad necessitating this change of residence. Rn-mpant valdallsm seems to prevail onco in ft while In the several cemeteries, notwithstanding the vlgllanc of the effi cient sextons and their employes, who* are constantly. on the watch during the per formance of their duties, and every Rrtr weeks traces of depredations which have been committed ore discovered, In the re moval of floral off rings from where they h ivr> r>*‘* n <i«'po?itad by loving, hands r . in honor and memory of departed relatlveo and friends. Such a case came to light a few days ago, when,’ on a visit or. a lady living In. the southern portion of the city to her lot in Rose Hill,. It was found that the flow** thb-f t bad also recently vlsi'ed it an with an armful of the choicest that she had raeently planted lot. and In a large vase near plant hud been uprooted at away, not a trace of them h, left. The cemeteries are so e area, that It Is Impossible to ot whole grounds at once. Henc< instances, the depredators free. There Is a city ocdlnan to this matter, and It will b to full extent against uk-h.- fenders If they are caught. * 3/ tfery id carried a ring been vtensivc in rertook the ?, in many t off f-COt e sppi> if g e enforced daring of- The residence of Mr. J. E. Speer, on V. 'ir l-.r IJ - II. South Macon, pr-.-r.i-! a • n- -f unusual Ir-auty Time vl.ty .nvn- ing. Ths rooms were rapidly filled with the members of the Blytfce Social Club and friends. The programme of the pre ceding weekly meeting was cuniinwid, un i with several additions was presented that evening. Many excellent musical selec tions had been rehearsed during the week and were listened to with attention -and pleasure. A large percentage of ths mem bership of the club are nroilclent In this accomplishment, and this feature is al ways unusually interesting. The evening's entertainment was begun with a musical overture, which was participated in by the club, accompanied d>- tne organ, in charge of Miss Jennie Matthews, who was organist during the evening. A recitation. "Becalmed," was the first regular number of programme, by Mr. Will Herrington, and was listened to with many manifestation* of pleasure. "Nellie Gray," the old, but not less loved by all singers, many of whom. U3 Emma Abbott, have been crowned by laurels ot success 4n the musical world, was beauti fully sung by Miss Mattie Hpeer und Mrs. W. Herrington. "Save That Boy" was the subject of the next number, a recitation, by Miss Linda tvh.nholaer, one of the ^Irst elocu tionists of the club. Every word ot this splendid effort was clearly enunciated, and at its conclusion the young lady grace fully received and acknowledged the ap plause and marks of approval from her hearers. The some significant recognition •»* ex- cefience In rendition and action were slco aocorded to Miss’ Mattie Speer for "Ex periences of the Young Housekeeper" amidst hr ups and downs, nnd trkils and tribulations, which were graphically de scribed- Also to Miss Annie de Horde, who in terested and pleased the audience with the selection of "How I Got Invited to Dinner." "Home, Bweet Home," never to grow old/was beautifully rendered on tho organ and harmonica by Miss Ltydtl Shlnholsr and Mr. Jimmie Matthew* The company during th« evening wan favored by a beautiful *»to, "Sweet hearts," by Mrs. W. Herrington, and "Grand March,” organ solo, by Mjbs Linda fihlnholrer. Also the song "Nobody’s Darl ing,” by the same ludy nn-1 Mist Jennie Matthews. The well known and familiar minstrel selection, "Hide Away," vocal nnd instru mental, was listened to with much pleas ure. It was rendered by those complete artistes In music, Misses Mattie Speer, Linda Shlnholser and Mr. Jimmie Mat thews, accompanied by organ and har monica. At a late hour the good-night song wan sung by the club and good-byes exchanged between the company. TWs gathering of young people of South Macon Is fast growing in Interest and favor, and It Is the great desire of Its founders to still increase its Importance. The next ascmbly of the company will be at the residence of Mr. James Mat thews on South Cedar street, South Macon. Tuesday next Is the day chosen for the picnic of the Maoon Light Infantry, and It Is greatly hoped by all that It will dawn with favorable auspices. However, rain or sTUne, It will be held that day. The train will leave the Union depot at 7:30 o'clock for Beech Haven, and it Is hoped that all baskets, etc., will be • at the depot by that time. They may be sent to the armory, on Second street, Parmitlee building, until 7 o'clock. All in vitations and other matters’ connected with the outing bold good for this day the same ns though It had been held on the day previously announced. Should It even rain some, it will not Interfere with the pleasure of the company to any per ceptible extent, an everything Is so con veniently arranged on the grounds. Pro fessor Card's orchestra has been engaged, and polite ami efficient floor managers will eee to the pleasure of the dancers during the day. Nothing has been over looked by the various committees that would be conducive t" the pleasure and convenience of those who will favor the party with their presence. The company uill .nt-'T-.- In targe* prjetl.’e at the rifle range, the contest being for a meJal for the best shot. The train, it la hope!, will get off by the hour mentioned. 7:20. and returning a start will be made In time to arrive a short while after 6 o'clock. Miss Susie Brady of the southern por tion of the city returned during the pist week from an extended trip to friends In Butler, Taylor county. During her stsy in Butler Miss Brady wax honored with many social attentions, which rendered her visit particularly pleasant. Mrs. John Horne of South Macon Is quit** ill m h> r h mho on Kills 8tr*-:t. An other member of the family, a son. Is also elck. Both are suffering from severe attacks of fever. • Mrs. Wyley Jones of Western Heights has been during the past week enjoying a pleasant vWt to Indian Spring. Mrs. John Roach and children of South Macon will leave the city for ■ m weeks’ sojourn dt St. Slmox& Island. A delightful muslcale and reception was tendered to Miss Ida Domlngoos and Miss Ethel Allison of Cutlibert. Miss Domm- goe* and Miss Allison are sister and niece of Mr. and Mrs. L. C, Jay, and are rela tives of Mr. J. DomYngoes, merchant of this city. Little Miss Allison, the niece. Is but 4 years of age, and Is a prodigy m musi;il circles, as well as an excellent elocution ist. Left an orphan In infancy, ahe has been thus far reared and educated in the proficiency demonstrated, and she ve.-y soon acquired the reputation now ac corded to her of a first-class artiste on the piano. During the evening the little miss was the magnet that attracted num bers of eager and admiring listeners around her as she rendered many of the most dlfflcuu and Intricate productions of the old masters. The company aho listened with wonder and amazement at the elocutionary d&ineatlons delivered in her child's voice, not a word of which was lest. The delightful reception was greatly enjoyed by every one of the num erous company present, and It was with reluctance that adleux were offered to the little artiste and her kind relatives, who had been host und hostess Indeed In their efflrts to make the evening an enjoyable one for all. A sweet-faced cherub, a little girl, is now holding receptions dally at the resi dence of Mr., and Mrs. Lewis Tlesereau, on (he cornef of Giles and Fourth streets. South Macon,, and the hearts of the fond parents are gladdened often at the praises showered on the little' stranger, who it Is hoped will cheer their household for many years. Friday evening the first fair meeting night of the South Macon Jolly Club was Improved by members and' visitors, and the rooms at the residence of Mr. W. A. Wyche were In a short while filled to the utmost capacity. The programme was comparatively short, but this wax amply compensated by the production of the ex cellent and amusing dialogue, "Decidedly Cool," which was rendered by the fol lowing ladles and gentlemen: Miss Annie Wyche as "Miss Wiggins;” Mr. J. O. Wyche as "Plumper," and Mr. Robert Freeman as "Mr. Barking." The even ing’s exercises were Introduced with a song, with organ accompaniment, "Seek ing the Lord," by the accomplished Miss Mattie Parker and Mr. L. McKendree, who also were pleased to favor the com pany with several other musical selec tions during ths evening, much to the ploasure of those present. Esp.-ciaiiy was this acknowledged at the conclusion of the beautiful song "Sweet Nellie Dimes." The subjects selected for the readings were exceptionally good, and consisted of the following: "His Sneak Out,” a humor ous medical dissertation by Mr. Robert Freeman, which was shortly followed by a graphic account of how girls Study! The trials of the post-bellum plowman of the African persuasion were described! by Mr. W. D. Barnes In an amusing] description of a day's contest between "Old Reilly and His Steer," A pleasant half hour of social games was spent be fore adjournment, during which introduc tion of visitors were made to the mem bers of the club. On Wednesday evening next the young ladies of the club and their friends will he complimented with a "watermelon party." tendered by the gentlemen mem. ber,-. of Die club, which will be held at the residence of Mr. Young, on Western Heights. The young gentlemen Interested will see that this occasion will be such a time of pure and unalloyed -njoytuent to all, that It shall deserve a special page In the recorded proceedings of the clun. Committees were appointed to take in L.uid all the prliminary arnngements for the festival. It Is hoped that there will not be a young lady member absent* from till* feast. The funeral of the young daughter or Mr. T. R. Brown started Irom the resi dence, corner cf Jackson and Elm streets, at 7 a. m. The Interment took place at the Parker cemetery, near Montpelier, in the western portion of the city. Mrs. Williams, mother of Mr. R. h. Branham of West End, died on Saturday morning at 3 o’clock at her late home near Montpelier Springs, In the north western portion of Bibb county. Mrs. F. M. Vlnlng has been passing the past few days with her parents in Crawford county, near Knoxville. Her visit will b» prolonged Indefinitely. Amongst the large number of passen gers who left the city Saturday night for Savannah and Tybee were Mrs. o. It: Wagnon and her daughter. Miss Maggie. They will spend some time with Mr. Wyley Wagnon, engineer of the Sa vannah division of the Central railroad, son of Mrs. Wagnon, at his home in Savannah. The mativ friends of Mrs. D. Jossey of South Macon, who has been quite ill for the last two weeks from a severe attack of fever, will be glad to lean that she Is at present somewhat improved, and It is hoped that she is recovering her health. Mrs. C. Z. McArthur and children left the city Saturday afternoon for a visit to the family of Mr. Charles McArthur, her father-in-law, near Walden, Bibb county. Tile severest cases of rheumatism ere cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great j blood purifier. Now Is the time to take | It. Hood's cures. Big stock of matting, very low In price. Just in. Payne & Willingham. IN NEW YORK. I desire my patients to know that I will be absent from Macton until August 15 In the hospitals of New York de voted to my specialty, eye. ear, nose and throat. These annual visit* are neces sary If 1 would keep up with the new remedies and methods of my profes sion. Yburs, etc.. M. M. Stapler, M. D., Macon, Ga. ASSIGNEE NOTICE. THE STOCK OF W. A. REDDING, CONSISTING OF CLOTHING AND HATS, &C, MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. BIGGEST OF BIG BAR GAINS OFFERED J. J. COBB, ASSIGNEE. “WI1Y LOVE, IT WAS MY COUSIN.” VI U'da Ity H. WIEMAN. waltz song with refrain. Mu»io by EDUARD HOLST. on the licaoh one ilivy, A charming girl I mot; famous Sheepshuiul Day, And there saw lovely “Kit.” girl Lou-i • ua Jones, Said she would rid-ing go, Bhe was a charming creature Bhe got a fi - ver from mo Of course I hired a rig at too, lint oh, what a coquette, soon, I must havo boon hard hit. oiiitt, I wish I’d not done so. 1 asked her would she bathing go, She She said slic'd “pick the winner” sure, Sho’d Tho ax ■ le broke; I on my head, My -ir ony • ly answered “yes.” got a “tip” thalday; bout sank ver - y low; jjjp 7 -. * My wife ap-peared, ’tin al ■ ways so, “Whowas that ltut when they reached the wire, he, Was for • ty Lou-i - sa Jones was ai - most dead—My wife a- jTT|r:-- 0 f 1 ;2j>P-)—a. PORT'Sts, l% bj The New Yak Mtuical Echo Co.