Newspaper Page Text
To pay high prices for Cloth-
kv jng at this season of the year,
IdE^ you are trailing in the rear of
^ the procession of summer buy-
-2 ers, and sclenting from the
unsold balance of stock re
maining undisposed.
Your claim for considera
tion as a late buyer is just.
"We are anxious to meet it. A
visit to our store will save you
from $3 to $5 per suit. Prices
marked in plain figures ex
plain it readily.
We are determined to reduce our summer stock, it’s
to your benefit to assist us.
The Shoe you will like is
for sale right here. Easy on
the foot, light on the pocket, a
perfect Shoe of which sense
and style has had equal parts
in making.
There’s nothing going in
Shoes that isn't going here.
At Last Old Ocmulgee River Is to Be
Harnessed for the Benefit of
the City and
Where ™HI you spend that vacai.on? Why not so to tho Whlto Sulphur
Springs Hotel, st Whit* Springs. on tlio Georgia Southern and Florida nntiroa/l?
It Is tho coolest resort in tho state; Immediately upon tho bunk* ol tho bu
wanoo Rtvcr. Tnlo popular hotel has boon thoroughly renovated, painted nnd rr-
furnlnhM, and Is run In connection with the wonderful Sulphur Spring, which dis
charges 3,000,000 gallons per hour. The finest bathing pool m ths world. Good
Ashing snd hunting; pretty No mosquitoes; no malaria. The water to a
specinc for rheumatism nnd dyspepsia In nit forms; nervous exhaustion; all k!d-
rey and stomach troil.lit; all diseases of ti*s skin. Reduced rates upon all ;nll.
roads. Rntea V to $3.60 tier day. Special rates by tho week or month. For par
ticulars, address
WM. H. WREN, Manager,
Tha Plucky Bailiff of Justice Gordina’s
Court I* Very Far From
tha Grave.
Vbrss Pol Icemen “Oat It Where Gerlh
lVssrs Her Read." far Hanning Is
dus Weight gar Use Holt—
Heavy Vises.
No. 1 at the city hall, that he un
derstood that the negro wu* down at
Mr. George Harris' otoro on Cherry
street and though unreliable Informa
tion. gave his name as Gun
Wright Instead of Qua Holt.
Avant gut Olllcer Henry nncl went
' “ aft
(M. W. %W. Hondomon, tho bailiff of
Justlco Oordlno'a court, who was
knocked in tho head ond severely beat
•while arresting a negro named Gus Holt
threo days ago, la uot dead.
It was eurrutrtfy repotted on tho
street* yostonlay thst the bailiff was
dead, end booaue* of his universal pop-
ttla.-lty. tbsru wuro general expression*
of regret.
Attaching so mo authenticity to tho
reports, a reporter of tho Telegraph
•went out to Mr. llendomon's house on
Shamrock street In tho ufternoon, but
Instead of tlndlng him rorlouily til, tho
reporter wus mot at the door by tho
llauntleee olUcer of tho law.
"Why. my soul, man, Is this you!"
tho reporter naked, otarttod at tho raan'o
apparent liveliness.
"Title U what's left of mo." wao die
rejoinder. "Ubmo In."
When Informed that hla friends
around town thought ho wa.-^dead, Mr.
Jlcndorson laughed and said: “It will
take more than an imllnary negro nnd
a brick bat to lay nto out. No air, ybu
can Just tell tho boyB that l am getting
along all right and will soon bo out
ngaln and after that nogro. I mean to
Itavo him. and will. too. when 1 get but,
If he don't got me hr at. X see ibo boys
ur hot alter him: hut X only hopo they
will lcavo him for mv lame when 1 got
This Is truly charaelrUtle of Mr. Hem
derson's grit. Ho ha* never boon known
tb flinch, anl told over his expvrlenc*
with the brute so calmly uo If ho wero
relating a fresh story. His mlolako
seems to have been In not carrying a
,,1st,.I or olher weapon of defense wilh
him when he went to make the arrest.
Hut when reminded ot this ho said:
"I have have not don* oueh # thing lit
ovsr six yours of mv life ss nnotlleer. It
Is truo I have had several closo scraps,
but 1 always marsged to hold my own
until Moll downed m* with thst brick.
Mr. Henderson has several very ecrl
one wounds which will, at best, keep
hint conn mil for a good many week*.
He tlrmly avows, however, that he will
be down town In a tew days.
Every effort Is being made to capture
Holt, his assailant, though ihts* mem
bers of the tallies force nave hnd such
nn unhappy experience In the exercte*
of their authority that It would not be
surprising If the ardor of the nolle* of-
llcsr* to capture him has been consider
ably dampened.
Day before yesterday Olllcer Avant
was told by Onicer Lee Orscs on post
down to Mr. Harris’ store after the man
lie was found at work, but when the of
ficers fold him that he must go with
thorn to the city prison, Mr. Harris pro
tested thul he was not tho right man
and vouched personally for his identity.
A good deal was raid between the
aKlecrs end Mr. llnrrls. Olllcer Henry
finally told Mr. Harrin that they knew
what thny wore doing and that he had
no right to Interfere with them. Ofltoer
Avant told Mr. Harris that they had
no other alternative thin to tuko
Wright to tho iibllce station as a brother
olUcer hnd given that ns tho name of
Henderson’s nssnllnnt.
So. In th? midst of a good deal ol
I'eellng the negro wns locked up.
The three omcers wero called up be-
Aire the police commleslon, and upon nn
. investigation of the case, each were
lined $28. Avant’s lino was hnpoaed for
not accepting Mr. Harris' oltor of secur
ity for the negro, he being tho chief
arresting olllcer in the case; ORlcer
Oman's lino was Imposed because he
gave Avant tho wrong name nnd Henry
wns fined because ho spoke abruptly to
Mr. Harris.
Mugnetlo Nervine, tho great restora
tive, will oauae yon to sleep like n
child. Tiy Jt. Sold by Uooilwyn &
Small, druggists.
How the Horses *Ran "Yesterday and Win
Run Today.
fact that the weather was extremely warm
today, the attendance was very large.
The eport* were out In full force and
seemed bent upon building up their w-il
lets, which have been tilt nnrd lately by
the bookies. They started out badly, now.
ever, as their choice In the nrat oven-.,
S.-uinlercr, nnished In the ruck. Top Gal
lant, who was only backed by .a select
tew. at 9 to 2, won the race. Fresh trom
the downfall of Baunterer, the talent set
sail for Florence ua soon an the prices
were posted, as she was supposed Yo be
one of tho good things of tho day, and
the talent backed her heavily, bho won
,v two lengths, and the talent were over
joyed. Their broad smiles did not last
jnx. however, for they were put in tne
loldrums in tho third and each succeed
ing event. Tho surprise Of tho day was
the good race put up by/Andrew Thomp-
sjn's Coral, a 10 to 1 Shot, wlio easily
defeated tho favorite, Emma, ab tne
colored delegation were abroad to a man,
the bookies did not protlt much by the
tavorllo's defeat.
Attendance good. Speculation fair, the
racing was remarkably even. No great
: cl rp rises. Under such circumstances
money may change hand a, but the fellow
■list puts up the odds doesn't get any
of |t. Ho'e mighty lucky to hold on to
his own. That-s the size of It.
First quotations received In Futzeia
Pavilion at 1 p. m.
First Race-Mile. Soiling, Time,'1.44*.
rop Osllont; 103; 7 to 2 (Carter) 1
Vespasian. 107; 7 to i (McDermott) I
A Great Undertaking, Not Built Upon
Paper nnd Wind, but as Sure to
Be Carried Out as tho Sun
. U to Bhlno*
Second Race—'
VMHUng. Time, 1
Il9 Mtacttla a Wow of (he Solid Wuem
lm Llfo to Oollegu Hoys.
Tho (Innight Business Colktgo boya
wren favored with u lecture by tfuo of
Mtuxm’s orlf-mude tacit, Mr. It. F. Bur-
iluo, yiwtmbiy.
Atftvr a very Impresslvo nnd well
flUx-tl UttroduoKan by 1‘rofivwur Martin,
Bunltet nils mvlved with loud
npiilausu by nil who were no forumum
us u> lm pranat. Ills Bixxvli wu» evil-
tlncxl mostly lb giving advice—noiuu-
thing Unlit will no doubt prim' bcuofl-
rial to nth Uo In-gun by tollluj them
liow utterly lmikx-r.uit It won to Inko
udvuuitige of ovory uppakunlty. prov
ing how su ttutny fall hi life freiti the
want, as tl.i-.v are too imtdy to voppnM,
of $bow gwut occaskios Mtanla they
might IKIVO Altunin lb-dr trust wort bi
ne** ami their lutvgrlty. It Is on* of
the oommuu lnMMtns of Kfo, and ouo
of the nt-iat ratllctil mnreai of evil, lo
wait for opporeoUtUeg. Matty Jicnsm*
nre looting, mmm for dmM orent,
or imys grand opening fliiviugli whlvh
tlioy hope lo bMp wluit nuty is* lu
thorn, ninl alius mate pritxvn a charac
ter which now, ftir luck of wuaivm, I*
bumm nnd unfruitful.
Ho uext litipnvenal on their minds
value of honesty tu Bitlo tilings.
Honesty, like ropm-ait-hm and cluirtu--
tor. dtopktjra itself tu Hulo acts, llo
prevod liMuhood to be tho Isthmus bo-
tiwni live wtnww, and so In Hire
mnoore ho coniimuil to unike plain to
all tho ilUT.-rout'Vi Mint takes tr>
conwtttuh* true mnrtwod. After hold
ing tlto rnpt nctvuthm of ull for <uio
hour 1n> proved to bo mu only skillful
In bcwuUlug gush*. Imt also In handling
word*. Mr. Bunion will wvr lioltl the
Mair.w-h low of riio Gticgu Huelurea
CtoUvue boys, ami tiiey amoMty btqw
than ire will In tl«> future favor them
more frequently with tb-xte trust ng
from tho Inspiration ot tlto moment
Three-quarter* of a mile.
.— 1.16*.
(i?dH£w&iil V mj‘i»'to lVlMMillton) I
Stlllng. Time, s l»04tt* •
floral 100; 8 to 1 OWIff) 1
IJmm, 108: 1 to 1...J
::i»ie Morrloon, 100; 25 to l (Lew) a
Fourth Roce-Ttoree-QUartero of a mile.
Our Moggie, W; 3 to 1 (Lew) l
SiX * 10 1 (Hamilton) jl
•Jottonudc, 105; 6- to 1 (H. .lone*) 4
Fifth lUct-MU* and one-eighth. Time,
Mr^Saas, 108! J to 1 <?‘d|“ r d>
W; » to I S> vhl s, 0
Sixth Race—q'hrce-quartere or a mho.
Selling. Time, l.WWi. ,
Milan. 88; 7 to 1 (McDermott)
UcHt Drand, 105; 20 to 1 IDownlng) I
Henry Hlnkiton. 104 : 20 to l...(Wright) I
First Race—Four furlong*. 2-year-olt
Maidens Time, .6014. „ ,
Victorious.-100: 4 to 1.... -
Ruck Knight, 102; 4 to 1. -/.‘““I*
Oob Tucker. i(d; 8 to 1... (heigh)
Second Race—Four furlong*,
old Maidens. Time. .6014.
While sowers, pavement, street tm-
p roves Item, the Dixie Interstate Fair,
and, IncidontaUy, politics are nbsorb-
iug the atumilon of the people of Mu-
oou, another gneat undortstlkilug Is un
der consideration in corisitn (juartcrM.
It Is mkliliug leas tton a great witter
power canal (bait will rcvolnlioulgo
everything uud will dinw more atten
tion lo die Outttd OlLy than anything
that has ben* midutnalton hero
many yours.
Tho plans for water power have
heist Uiketumed tot ofany ytttrs u>ml
airy custles Have been bolded upon
ull too frail fountfalioua, buit this Uoue
•there is suuDutiUmg more Hum wind in
the movutueolt, turnl while the Tc’v-
gruiph reporter who ucehlentally struck
tho null anil followed it la iruc at Lb-
erty tt* give the names of those Irutur-
estud, it Is safe to say tllutt within
very few weeks Ithe public null bo ap
pris'd of vvlKiit is gofug on. .
It k a well kn-jiwn faxir drat In tho
Ocmuigce river ilheou has u potvor
ivliktli, oauo under ouutrel, is worth
many sniUtutm of dollaih to her prep-
eUty tmmers. Wnrer iknvvr can be se
cured much eliaaipcr tlhhn has beeiu
MkMliilo In oDItor euth-s where tho work
las tkvin nccomplidhed utul where tlto
bixiellt Is ovvu uonv being reuped.
Thu matntnd toy of tho land btcweun
Mttuou mud that jcu't of t'ho Oeanulgoo
Wt*MW It Is propoood to start (be canal
Is such ns to make R coniiwKttlvely
tuny and inexpensive to roaen Uie city
and to put u ousUphAo syahain tlmtugh-
out tho lower lauds.
Said ouo of the prwuiioU.T8 of tho un-
dcrinklng nml oou.ot Uie most promi
nent meu «u Mticou yvwterdhiy while
talking on this subject to a TVlegrjpU
reporter: “I believe thait It will mut-k
the iktiwnlng of ic now day fur Macon.
Wo Ira-ho boat looking for some way
to attract cupltul and to solve the
problem of d.versilled Industrwu. Wo
lxtvc many acres of mugoUlcent uum-
ufanltiring rttrs and -we have the llnest
railroad Htdlltlcs; but In this udviirteed
day and grek-raltioti It lb useless to talk
to tlie capitalist or the prospootor a.bout
our loctuibn unless wc ure prepared lo
offer sohtctthlng Just an good us any
oilier tiny Is olfaiing, anti we must al
ways iiauoiiVlter that this Is n time of
competition between titles, csspeeilUly
in the South, nod'dt is tho city with
the longest polo that gets tho persim-
Black wool Nuns veiling 8 cents. Black Embroidered
Mull 8 1-2 yards in piece, all for 50 cents. This goods is
worth 50 cents the yard.
Look at the Gloria Umbrellas we are selling for 58 cents.
250 dozen sample Handkerchiefs for ladies’ and gents’ at
less than half price.
All laces—cotton and linen, marked down to close.
Gents’ colored half hose, full regular made 10 cents.
Ladies’ fast black hose, full regular made 12 1-2 cents.
Boys’ Knee Pants 15 cents. Boys’ Wool Knee Pants
25 cents, all sizes, 0 to 14 years.
Men’s Straw Hats 60 cents. Boys’Straw Hats 25 cents;
all .late styles.
Mosquito Bars at 25 cents.
Highest Honors—World’s Fair.
A pute Grape Gom of Tartar Powder. Fm
t: ,xn Ammoni*. Alum « any other adultcunt
Painless nud UoruU«a Cure For Ot-
gauic Stricture, Gravel or Stone,
call at the drug store of Sol Itoge,
corner Second and Mulberry street*,
Miuim. Ga., Dole agent for Maeon nnd
vlelnlty fer this wonderful remcily,
and give it n trial. After a trial of
eighteen m<utths iu the states of North
Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia and
l-'lori'la. tt was fully demoustratnl
that It will cure from S5 to 00 jier ctnt.
of conn) treated. It 1* alvkilittely li.irui-
lrtftt, curat without istlti. luaiuvenlence
or Ions of tunc from employment.
It wall let*’ up Hi.- organs, and when
It ouren leaven them In ns healthy con
dition as nature made them.
WiUi each vial are full instructions
and directions.
Prepared by
Dre. Holme, 4- Harm. DenUtta,
EK Mulbtrry Street
It core* bleeding sumac ulcer*, sore
moot, sore threat, cleans tho teeth and
punftox tha breath. For sale by all drug.
• rnibiTLi non, i uni- ■!
gr Makes
£ Marvelous Curas
£ in Blood Poison
jjp Rheumatism
S^and Scrofula
and Kidney Troubles-g
AM entirely resmes by P.P.P.
mm ^ e 5S7a’sVo?!! SSd
It bfw done n
Aberdeen, Brown County, O.
CaptT J. O. Johuiton.
Oia WEUUono. *»**•«•_ ,h.- .
Martha Griffin, 107; 3 to 1 •<£?•»J
Hun Up. UO; 4 to 6 CThorp®)
Tremor, 103; 4 to !••••• ..^..(Irvini)
Third nuco-Mllo. Time,
Tyro. 07; l to 8-; ••••;
Dollv McCone, D4; • to 1.* (Carr)
Chitowell 106; 14 to 1 ....lUlalock) a
C l^reh' ltaco—Seven-eighths ot a mile.
Time, l,229t« /T—
llvonatua 97: » to * '.952SR
Orbit. 88: to to
Tho Spaniard. 107: 6 to 1 .Cl'tiorpo)
Fifth Race—Three-quarter* of a mil
S’ining. Time. 1.10(4. ,
Ehporo, 101; 6 to 3.......... -tw«*«r) 1
Cora lltylor, 105: 8 to > Clh«ve) *
Jack Richelieu. HO: 6 to 8. ----tp"* *
Sixth Unco—Three-quartern ot a mile.
Time, 14844* _
Victoria. 107; 8 to J «'"8SI2
Miirylaml. 97: 10 to 1.....—U9. ]<«*»
Little Cripple. 94; 8 to 1 (loom)
First Rare—Mile nnd one-elchlh. Sell-
tne!—Chauncy. U0; Trouble, no; Plenty,
toy. at. Iaturence. too: Ktldecr, 101; tsio-
i^t! \<nT sir cAtesby. 100; Whtat. 101;
oilnkum lii-lle, Ut; Charur. W0; Uiuo Uar-
ter. Id; Little Molt, 91.
Second Race-Mile. Sellln»—Eau Fclda,
,.s; Zeletla (ally). 117; Fan la to, 108; War-
itki- 107; Clark, 104: Helena tgeldlnB), 193;
soppbo, iM; pa wood; “i
Traymore. .101; Poetry. Wl; Doty, nn.
Wentworth. 101.
Third Race-Three-quarters ole mile.
Selling.—South Side. Ml Jock Jtt* f«»-
no: True Penny, tot: Hsnwell. loi. Rin*
GoW. 100; St. Vtncmt, 08: Jesal* Tatul.
^Fomth Race—Mile. Hanoi cop.—Annuj
ltlehop. 107: May Stone. 100: Herald. 103.
Major General; 98: Captain T„ W. •
Fifth Rare—Three-quarter* of a m) e.
Seltlng.—Shelly Tuttle. U4; Arab. Ut;
Hoov 10S: Loncbpook, 1U8: Hardy *ox,
iM?r«nwa>- 1(5: Merry Duke. 1®: Hen
Lomond, 1M; My Gyp. 103; iwmmany mu.
101’ Caledonia* 97; Oliva, ¥1; Frank H.
IDrt!«; RbWkhawk. 93; Round Rerf. M.
Sixth Race—Ftve-el«hth« of a mu*.
Selling.—Harry Htnkson. 107; Berwyn, 101;
Vsirabond. 101; Poor Jonathan. 107; Ox-
for,™ 107: Bolivar. 104; Lallah. 1®.
First Race-Six furlongs. Selling.—Kc-
niud. 98; Ida Sauers. 90; Eleanor, lot:
Chenox »S: Wells Strret. toj J.
le*. 18: Thorne tlmported). 101; Bey
When. 96.
Second Race—Six furlomn*
tertiary u , .
NUIn Cancer Cored.
“I am confktout tJkit not only will tho
ponplc wtho arc at the Dead of this
mavommt will make lag money out
of ft, but-1 am also conlldent ttot It
will be a grtoti thing for Macon. Tho
propcxOMuu 1s self evident «ltot if wo
reduce the coat of mnnuflaoturlng at
tills pulut Is Ute lowest possible figure,
ns will bo demo in this cane, niml given
the best possible facilities for the tmns-
portalion of ithe manuOaotured tmtlclo,
wo will bo able to dispose of our man-
uftunmtog slrtw. v
"You may toll Hto public (Hat this
Is not -talk, but sober, earnest business,
In whir'll a large amount of money Is
Mrs. Phot-bo Thomas of Junstlon
City, Ill., was told by her doctors that
she hnd consumption and that there
was no hopo for her. but two bottles of
Dr. King’s New Discovery completely
cured her, and she says It saved her
llfo. Mr. Thos. Eggers. 139 Florida
street. Son Francisco, suff red from a
dreadful cold, approaching consump
tion. tried without result everything
else, then bought one bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery, nnd In two
weeks was cured. He Is naturally
thankful. It -Is such results, of which
these are samples, that prove the won
derful efficacy of this medtclns in
coughs nnd coldi. Free trial battles at
H. J. Lamar & Son’s drug store. Reg-
vl;ir size, 50c. uml 31.
The resorts of Tennessee are doing a
splendid business this season. The
E. T., V. and G. is tho direct route to
these resorts nnd you should ask for
your tickets via -thut itne:
Elegant free observation coaches be
tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. A
through coach for Totes Springs leaves
Chattanooga at 7 -a. m. and arrives
at Tates at 12:15 p. m. Sleeper on this
train lo Washington and New York.
Tho Seashore Express leaves Atlanta
7:30 p. m. for St. Simone and Cumber
land Islands.
Three dally fast trims each way be
tween Macon and Atlanta and Rome
and ChbittarKwga.
Trove! the E. T„ V. a-nd G.
safety, speed and comfort.
J. J. F-arnsivorth, division passenger
agent, Atlanta, Ga.; B. W. Wrenn,
general passenger agent, Knoxville,
Tenn. ’
• SSWhSy SyS’S doJe’mSw
Mi), Grooa Couuty, Mo*
• cure. It hua ■Iso rellovoa
indigestion and atouiaoh •
Yours truly, __ M(lt _ .
~ ‘ PT. W. M. RUST,
Attorney at Law.
book on Blood Diseases moiled Free. -
Iippman'R Block, SavaanaktC
The Officers of Judge Speer’s Court
Are About Ready to Take
a Rest
ltooa R~ 100; Adam,
Lady McCann,
pester, 1®.
Third Race—8lx furionit*.—Warrea Le-
land. lit; Preference. UO; Hampton. 1«:
Cartdie Hamilton. IB: Lre. »4: Dick
Behan. Mi Melnnle. Ill; Amboy. U«; Min
nie MxckltC I«; Trentola (Imported). UT;
Ttta. 91; U3M4 94.
Fourth Rare—Mile.-Kin* Bore. l«t; Co
quette. Ill: Mereotlnt. 17: Oept. Rees. l«r
Semtor Irby. TO; 1’erey (Imported). It*.
Filth R»re-S*ren furkinte.-Mulberry.
B; R-oxe. 10: BallUneer, TO: The Bpontaro.
103; Vulture. 90; Little Nell. W; Pot 1*4;
Pretender. W: Rover. (IS: Eli Kendtg, -
Mi rite Hi. »: Alary. Il».
sixth Hare-Seven furlongs.—Alva.
S-uthern Indy. IS: Prorcssor 91; -the
Reaper. TO: Bret Hartet TO: Cttmax. TO;
Seville, tt; Elt ttendtt. »; Great Hopes,
97; Hopeful. »•
The brat salve In the world for cuta
brulsea. sore*, ulcer*, salt rheum, fever
eerew. tetter chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, end ell eruptions, end positively
Is guaranteed ‘ *
lion or mo
cats per box.
A Sens, druggists.
oteed to give perfect gsttsfa-
money refunded. Price. 28
box. For atle by H. J. Lunar
And Return Via East Tennessee, Vir
ginia and Georgia Railroad.
Tickets on sale Saturday n'ght. good
to return Mondhy morning following
date of sale, and to eamc points good
to return Tuesday following date of
gale for $4 for round trip.
FYirlnformtlon coll on Jim W Carr.
Passenger awj Ticket Agent. TO MOOR'S MILL AND RETURN
On July 37 the Thirtieth Georgia reg
tment will have a reunion at Tamar's
church. On that date the East Ten
nessee. Virginia and Georgia will sell
Uckcta to Moor’s mill and return at one
fare tor the round trip, limited only to
game day of sale.
Conductors have been Instructed to
atop train at Tanner's church fer all
thoae desiring to attend this- reunion
Ill health gives
way to
Brown’s iron
It lias Been Assigned for n Hearts, Next
Monday, July 30-Young Dnrrl*.-
ers Admitted to Prattle* m
tho Federal Court,
Stealing government property. He wad
represented by Messrs. (Varren & Moil.
It will be remembered that La Conte
stole a rifle from *be Southern Cadets'
armory some Mme ago, and upon con
viction of the charge was sentenced by
Judge Speer -to four years In the re-
formatory prison at Sheltonhm, Md.
He will be oarried up In a few days.
Messrs. L. B. "Warren, George V.
Steed and Well were admitted to prac
tice in the federal court yesterday.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup has been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every
part of the world. Be sure and ask for
"Mris. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and
take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a
The big business of the United States
court has about been wound up and
tho time for a UlUe rest for the offi
cers thereof ha* come. The heavy
criminal docket which the court has
been grinding away on for the past
four weeks was flntahed yesterday, and
the cessation of labors ttrat has -come
to the court and officers is timely and
wfll be enjoyed.
The ’thing that tho most interest cen
tres on now In the civil bulsncsa Is the
Macon and Northern receivership case.
It hat) been set for Until hearing oa
July 30, when the mU'tter will be
brought to some kind of termination.
There was a rather extraordinary
case in court yesterday. Henry Brook
ing, colored, of Mitchell county was
being tried for illicit dlstiWng. He was
represented by Messrs. Steed & “War-
Harmon Smith, a young white
boy, -was put up as a witness for the
government, but for some reason couM
not tell anything. He Txtd testtfled at
the commissioners bearing that he had
seen Brooking running the still, and
this evidence was produced on him
when he took the stand. He said he
didn't know whether he give In such
testimony or not; that he oftentimes
got drunk and ooqldn't remember
things. The court questioned him on
dJHeren-t subjects and be w.u dear
enough on everything except the mat
ter of Brooktng’s working in the sUll
His tongue was scaled when tt came to
this and nothing could be got from
Finally Judge Speer ordered him put
in Jail for oontempt of court, it being
very evident that he was ''throwing
off." The court appelated Mr. L. B.
Warren to look into hto case and bring
It up this morning, when it -will try
ascertain 4f the boy bad any good rea
son for giving In the unsatisfactory tes
timony he did.
Howard la Conte was convicted ot
From Macon, Ga., and Intermediate
points up to and including Valdosta,
July 25th, 1894, only $3 for tho round
trip; tickets good live days after date
of sale. Special train service for the
occasion via the Georgia Southern and
Florida railroad. The train will leave
Macon at about 11 a. m. Parties taking
advantage of this cheap rate will also
be given an opportunity to bathe In the
celebrated Suwanee Springs and White
Springs, on the famous Suwanee river.
Fine surf bathing at north and south
beach. Pullman accommodations will
be reserved In advance upon applica
tion. For further Information apply to
your nearest ticket agent or
G. P. A., Macon, Ga.
I dealre my patients to know that I
will be absent from MaCbn until August
15 In the hospitals ot New York de
voted to my specialty, eye, ear. nose and
throat These annual visits are neces
sary It I would keep up with the new
remedies and methods of my profes
sion. Yburs. etc..
M. M. Stapler, M. D„
Macon, Ga.
need have Consumption. It
Is not inherited. The inher
ited tendencies toward It aro
6vercome by
the Cream of Cod-liver OUi
which makes children ro
bust and healthy, and stim
ulates the development of
the lungs in old and young
alike. Physicians, the world
over, endorse it.
Don’t be leaned bj SebeMs!
Prepares b/Scoit * Bowes.N. Y. AUDnsaista