Newspaper Page Text
-■rr- ^ y; ' • ' • ••*"’; *v -t; m J* m ^y-.
Unvellng Ceremonle* at th* Reunion
of the Fourth Georgia in Mill-
edgeville Yesterday.
Until you have man our Samples of wed
ding Invitation*, whlclr wo *end free of
th.irx*. AtUrtw J. 1*. M- <t I r-'..
jeweler?, 17 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Go.
Mayor CsraXtor** WelOomo A4<lr«*i and
Dr, Roland It. Hall*« HMpoiii*-*
WorlUliea on Exhibition—»
The U«RlmenUI Color*.
art xlhe fipokeaman of toese old heroes,
my comrades, ahd received wK& such
gracious words of welcome. But I can
detain you no longer. In behalf of my
comrades, the survivors of the Fourth
Georgia Regiment, I return you -their
sincere thanks for your preferred tios-
pttslty. We Cheerful! accept Hand as
sure you of our appreciation.”
<Oapi. Miller Grieve, president of the
Baldwin coutfty veterans, extended a
cordial welcome In a most feeling man
ner. The addresses were frequently ap
plauded. The Fourth Georgia Associa
tion will convene again at 2:30 p. “
Mllledgevlllc, July 25, 1334.—The Con
federates have captured Millodgeville,
This morning the mayor, Hon. George
W. Caraker. In a neat address, surren
dered the city unconditionally. Old vets.
Confederate emblems and banners are
everywhere. The people In their usual
hospitable manner are giving their vis-
itbrs every attention.
The arrival of the Macon ar.d Augusta
train this morning nt 10 o'clock was an
nounced by s salvo of artillery. Thir
teen guns were fired by the Cadets of
the Georgia Military and Agricultural
college, one lbr each of the seceding
states. A delegation headed by a brass
l>i«nd met the visitors at the depot and
proceeded to the court house where
homes wero assigned. The court room
was Ailed with MUledgevllle's best citi
zens, including many ladles, assembled
to do honor to their guests. At li
o'clock President W. H. Gilbert called
the asembly to order. Mayor Caraker,
jn the following beautiful and appropri
ate words, bade them welcome:
Mr. President and Fellow Comrades of
the Fourth Georgia Veterans Associa
tion, Ladtaa and Gentlemen: 1 have the
extreme pleasure as the ohlef executive
offloar of this, the old capital city of
the lfimplre state of the South, and as
one of your comrades, to tender to you
the hospUalUtes of tho olty of Mllledge-
•vllle. we are glad to have you with
us. Hero you will llnd true and tried
friends of the t>ld solulcr, hero you will
find as hospitable people as lives on this
green globe, hero you will llnd, not the
lutoh string on the outside of the door,
but the dosra already ajar for you. Wo
nsk you to walk In nnd hvlp yourselved.
There is nothing in our lmnglnnilbn th it
gives usimore pleasure than to entertain
u band of true soldiers as tho Fourth
Georgia has always been true In wnr,
and true-In peace. In lookdng over this
nssembly somo we miss who are kept
at Ikomo from varlouc causes; some wo
mins who have crossed over the river
and now rest under tho shade o£. the
trees, awaiting the general roll 6*1],
Wttan wo will aH answer as we did be
fore- that tfrlra monster began to thin
our yanks. Let us emulate the virtues
of th**® that are gone before and forgot
thdr ifoults: let us be true tb one an
other. true to our stato and true to our
country; lot our examples bo for good,
while yet wo remain to mot together,
•twill nbt bo long when there will only
be n few of us left, but so long us thero
remain* a corporals guard, let them
come together and renew the allegiance
formed In 1861: let us never forget tho
lienolo deeds of tho gallant Dolt* and
hl« nbblo old regiment, let others for-
get, ua—never, never. Time sho*ild
nevor efface from tho memory of hum
the dtvds of the Confederate soldier,
bis devotion to the lost cause, his suf
fering and privations, his hunger and
Ills baro feet, still bo the tongue that
never would forget such heroism. Pur-
don this digression. We nay, fellow
comrades, welcome, thrice welcome, to
our homes and bur firesides. May your
Uvea bo spent to he'd many reunions,
and neat aeuivred that you will always
find a henrty welcome whenever tho
time rolls around for you to come to
MllledgevlUe. May God’s blessings at
tend you wherever you go. Comrades,
wo say "welcome* thrice welcome.”
Dr. Roland B. Hofcl of Mncon, uvdt-
<*ran of toe old Baldwin Blues and a
former resMset or iho city, was Intro
duced and responded In bdhalf of his
comrades. Ur. llah said:
"Wo stand upon hletorlo ground.
(Within tho shadow of the old capitol,
whore Georgia's gr«i/te«t wen have u*
tumbled, labored fbr her weal and In-
deilbiy Impressed their statesmanship
upon h«w 'history. This city is sacred <o
K.ut trad in ions of a glorious pdet, rloh
In (JH the attributes of true manhood
und patriotism. Then It hi meet mat
there Hwenib i- here, In response to your
kind hivTUuthm. the#* few gmy-halnxl,
batnie-afcarrod veterans, <dhe feeble rein
grunt of a once vnugnltlccnt organixu
\,on, wMCb, more than 1,000 strong,
ttuatchvd in Che vigor of youtin
hood, full' panoplied to do battle for
nhelr country. In ‘this city wns issued
•the order forming the Fourth Georgia
(Regiment. From here nrarChc
full ranks the prtdo of your city, the
old Baldwin Blues, under com
mand of him, Who by Shatkint ftnd
gloriously Illustrating your city and
eta'tc, ar.d. wflh his life-blood sealing
tils devotion tv> his country.
"Wo meet tuukuolly to renew old
friend amps, to clasp again Che hands
of comrade* and to look once more
perhaps for the lust Unto, lit to the
facet! of those endeared by the strong
est of tie*. In addition to these
higher, holler purpose calls us here to
‘•Our comrades have from choir
aounty mentis contributed Ihe funds
and envied In your cemetery a modest
testimonial of our esteem of hint whom
•.'very Fourth Georgian not only
lights to honors but whose nam
never mentioned s*ve with iove and
veneration. Tha't peerless gv nth-man
und chivalrous soldier. Gen. George
•*On this occasion we propose, with
Hpproprli'te ONtOOBf to consecrate Oils
monument to his memory. We have
come lierv to honor him, and In honor
ing h'in we honor this olty, wnmh gave
this illustrious son to Georgia. Our
lUtn Is to dhow to those who euco-ed us
that we who idiarvd lus daugor* and
privations, who Knew hla valor and
{worth, hold dearly sscred tits memory.
Ourseives, having sought to tut true
to COM of country, we van never cease
lo love end venerate who sac
rificed oil save honor in the cause of
freedom. •
"But U ta net, my purpose to eulogise
Mm or his martyred *omttuRv«, wnoae
sleep like tits, can only be broken by
the trumpet’s last call. 1 shatt leave
N that duty to other hands.
"It Is with mingled emotions of sad
ness and pleasure 1 perform the duty
of responding to your address of wel
come. Said, tn that I see before me no
few of the galkmt men who 1n 1MI
stepped with me to the tap of the
drum. That I find here so few of the
companions of my boytwod. Akit they,
koo, sre rapidly passing away nod mov
ing to join Bm sltem majority. How
sa lly me tbwt "To Che past go more
fsad faces every year.”
U Is Indeed plrasant to be honored
When the advertising atmosphere is heavily charged with
exaggeration—that is sometimes prevarication—it is well for
_ you to remember who are the trustworthy 1 advertisers. For
formeo^und ’ escorted by ihe^Baidwfn many years we have labored to make our store news plain.
Always strong as facts demand, but never overstated. Opera
tions develop from present conditions very remarkable bar
gains. We tell of them clearly,'truthfully. That’s the point
we .wish to emphasize. We give you a perfect basis for belief.
Our facts and your faith are the creators of business.
-Blues and Cadets In the olty. The vet
eran* -will proceed to nihe cemetery,
waere the unveiling ceretmmle* will be
hekl and an addread delivered by that
gallant old soldier and silver-tongued
orator, Capt. J. S. Hester of Albany.
The platform In tho court room was
ornamented by the handsome portrait
of Oen. Doles, pa lifted by Miss Daisy
Hall, daughter of the regiment, to
gether wl'Cn the regimental battle flag*
which looks, like a great sieve front
the pertoratlons made by Yankee bul
lets. Several canfteens which had been
carried through the war and * UttlB
old Iron cooking pot were exhibited.
The proud possessor of ftheee memen-
itoes of the lost cause could wot be in
duced for money to part with them
Mrs. Col. W. H. mins, mother of tfhe
regiment, is In attendance, together
with her sister, Mrs. , Misses
Daisy Hafll and Daisy Hester, at! of
Whom nre receiving marked attention
from the veterans and cltlsens.
For 'tonight there has been arranged
an elaborate programme of recitations
and music charados, etc., by the young
people of Mirtledgeville, after Which
there Will bo an experience meeting
h«d by the old vets. Somo rich, rare
and racy episodes of the late unpleas
antness can bo safely predicted.
This remedy is becoming so well
known nnd popular an to need no spo
dal mention. All who have used Else 1 '
trla Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not ex
ist, and it Is guaranteed to do all that
U clulmt-1. Khvtrh: jlitt.rH will sure
all ill.s-»f»oa of tl»<» llv.-r und kidneys,
will remove pimples, bolls, suit rlieura
and other affections cuuscd by impure
blood. Will drive malaria from the
systom and prevent as well as cure all
malarial fevers. For euro of headache,
constipation and indigestion, try Elec
tric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Price 50
cents and fl per bottlo at II. J. Lamar
4k Son's drug store.
A Free Ride to Washington and Return
to the Most Popular Knight
The Maoon and Northern, in conned
tlon with the Seaboard Air Line, have
opened up a new route from Macon to
Eastorn and Virginia cities. The pas
senger equipment of the Macon end
Northern railroad has Just been re
ceived from tho shops und Is one of tho
finest Irama leading out of Mncon. The
Maccm and Northern makes cloee con
nections at Athens with the Bolld vesti
bule limited train of the Seaboard Air
Line, on of the handsomest trains
south of Baltimore. This now lino opens
up tho most delightful and picturesque
routes from this section to all pblnts In
tho Carollnus, Virginia and the East
und Is becoming more popular every
day. The routo to Washington over
which the free tlckot will read will be
Macon and Northern and Beaboard Air
Line to Norfolk, thence via tho pala
tial steamers of tho Washington and
Norfolk line, giving pnsoensers r most
delightful ride up tho grand and pic
turesque Potomac, landing passengers
at the foot bf the Washington monu
ment. On tho way up tho Potomac
stops will be made at different points
of interest, Including Old Point Comfort,
Fortress Monroe. Mt Vernon (the home
of the Illustrious Washington) and at
tho navy yard*, where a view can l>e
hod of the Unttod States war ships. /
The tlckot will bo good August 27th
going and goofl to return September 6.
The grand conclave of Knights of Py
thias of tho United States will assem
ble In Washington August 2S and be
rovlowed by President Cleveland. A
pleasanter ride could not bo taken ait
this time of tho y«»r. Tho monotony
of an all-raU line Is broken by the boat
rldo from Norfolk, and passengers can
go into Washington feclJng fresh, with
out dust and In a pa-dllon to enjoy tho
festivities Immediately upon arrival In
Wsshlngon. t
• For 1
• e
• Residence •
• As the Most Popular Knight of •
• # Pythias. •
• * Tho one receiving the highest •
• number of ballots will receive a •
• round trip ticket from Mncon tb •
• Washington and return over the •
• popular Maoon and Northern •
• railroad. Ballots must all be In •
• by C p. m. August 15, 1894. All •
• ballots must l>e clipped from the •
• Macon Telegraph. *
Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Wrife for Quolaiions^aaOM
Before Placing Your Orders,
G. Bernd ’& Co.
Manulaoturers and AJ'Uwra.*
. leather and shoe pidisgl
453, 464 am* 456 CherryStraak
L. Cohen & Co.,
•■llaaoU"—Beet So. CigM in IU001
J. L MACK, Slana^nr.
Distillers and Wholeeal* Daalenlti
iZ\ Cherry Streot, Macon, G*
Trices always tho lowest
Taflcular attention paid to Drdera.
351 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET
Engines, Boilers, Gins
Machinery All Kinds.
New York, July 23.—The directors of
the Pullman Car Company yesterday
declared ithe regular 2 per cent, quar
terly dividend. Just where* they met or
What else 'they did is part of *the se
crets of 'the great corporation. At the
offlcea in too Mills building the cleric
In Charge suld he was not permitted
to give any lnforma'tlon. The news of
the dividend was ofncfally annoqnce^l
from Chicago. The directory la com
posed of G. -M. Pullman, Marshall
Field, John W. Doane, N. M. Will
iams and O. S. Sprague of Chicago;
H. C. HurlbuTt of New York and Hen
ry Reed of Boston. A few days ago
Mr. . Field -was reported 'to be in Eu
rope, Mr. iDoano In New England and
Mr. Spraigue n't LortT (Branch, Mr.
Hurlburt. In New York and Mr. Reed
in Boston. ;
The capital stock of the company,
•Which Mr Pullman said was not watered
Is I3C.000.000. The dllvdend amounts to
Thus 32.880.000 will bo paid out as the
profits of a year at a time when it Is an
nounced that emploea* wages' must be
roducod because the company is making
no money. The company has been cutting
wages and giving only part time for
months on the plea of running at a loss.
For weeks the works have been dosed
on account of a great strike Involving
immense financial losses, but* the com
pany has not missed a dividend.
The stock rose half a point yesterday
on the strength of the dividend, being
quoted at 150. It was said by brokers
that tho company would pay the divi
dend out of the surplus rather than lower
the stock by passing It.
Portsmouth. Va„ July 18, 1694.—Tb Of*
fleers and Members of K, of P.. Georgia
State Division: You are respectfully re
quested to use the "Seaboard Air Lino
U. XL K. of P. special" from Atlanta,
Ga.. to Fbrtsmouth. Va., thence the
large palace steamers of the Norfolk
and Washington steamboat line to
Washington. Notwithstanding that
there is a, movement bn foot by some
of the leading ottosm of the Georgia
state dlvlslona to compel the divisions
to take other routes, the majbrlty will
use the S. A. L.
Wo will handle the Sip Knights of
Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia. South Carolina* North Carolina
and Virginia on one grand special train,
placing them at the steamers wharf at
Portsmouth. Va., where they will have
an opportunity of passing through Nor
folk harbor, Hamtpon Roada, made fa
mous by the battle between the Monitor
and the Merrlmac: thence via Old mint
Comfort. Fort real Monroe; up the his
toric Potomac river, passing Mount Ver
non, the home of Washington, about 4
o’clock In the afternoon and reaching
Washington at « p. m. Parties using
this route can take a refreshing hath
on the steamer and have a cool, Invig-
prating satl to their destination, avoid
ing dust and cinders, and have ample
time to go to their hotels, secure neces
sary accommodations and report at the
grand lodge meeting at 8 p. m.
Those desiring to go via all rail will
use the "Atlanta special,” leaving At
lanta at It nbon. psssln? through the
battleflelda of Virginia, by the crater at
Petersburg, through Richmond and the
historic city of Fredericksburg, arriving
In Washington at 10:45 a. m.
Wo make no plea to any
commmdery or otflcers.but simply state
facts, offer our Inducements and defy
Our representatives will call on the
several divisions in a few days to make
final arrangements for the movement j
to Washington. T. J. Anderson,
General Passenger Agent
Or. Price'* Cream Baking Powder
I Most Perfect Made.
Is guaranteed to cure piles and consti
pation or money refunded. Send two
a tamps for circular and free sample to
Martin Rudy, registered pharmacist,
Lancaster, Pa. No postals answered.
For sals by all first-class druggists
everywhere, 50 cents per box. H. J.
Lamar & Sons, wholesale agents, [Ma
con, Ga.
The Tliini Artillery Suffering Severely
From the SaMirgo—No Deaths.
WnrihiTiginn, * July 23.—A . iviport re
ceived a* the Marine hospital bureau
from Surgeon Young, nit Key West,
Fla., datted July 17, auroounces tho oc-
cunvsucb Qnre of an epkVimto
"dengue" fbrer. The report gttttas tlwut
up tb <Mu> montilvnKYd tine had been
fifty-ftvo coins out of a gfiirtno of 113,
munog tho offletn nod orcin of the
Third ardlkry. There have aflso ban
•a tiumlHY «‘f o,usi<M, ptxlMhly some
dutmrtvuH, uuioug i»ho ms t*f th.*
city. TIM are uoroe Owvuty cn*cs In
the cut y hoepfepL
Dr. rater, utUltb heURh olttcer of
Florida, In a cmnmuulcnjUoai dated tho
lS.1i Inst., says thart, up to tlnh'.'thiiv
tuui bean HovciHty-flye c&scti of
"dengue” femur, but no dctxtlis.
answer Tina question.
Wnjr ao so nuuj pcopu *•
around us se«m to pretsr to suffer and
Im muds lulnsntbl* by Indigestion, ooa*
sUpaUun, dUolnoss, loss of sppetlta
oomiug up of tits food, yellow skin,
when for 71 oents we will sell them
blnloh's VltolUer. guaranteed to cur*
them I
bold by Qoodwyn A 8m.i!t Drug
Company, corner Cherry street and
Cotton aveuua.
Chicago, July 24.—Last night and to
day, for the first time since the strike
began* the Switching Association had
crews at work In the stock yards, and
several railroads were rtmlng trains In
and out. The packers now believe that
the reign bf terror about the yards is
nt an end and that the normal condi
tion of affairs again exists. The strike
promised on Sumlav by Grand.Master
Sovereign cf the Knights of Labor and
which was ordered yesterday to take
effect In the stock yards this morning
failed to materialise. Armour and
Swift were killing all the cattle they
had on hand and over a thousand men
In the yonle seeking employment.
Inatant Killero! Pile.
Internal and External.
•” * HHkUMATIsti. N kt'KATi*
Latoe Back. Si-ridu-. bruiaee,
1:«», Stiff Joint?. I'OLIO usd
LM FS In .Unity. Olu*irrm Mor-
'r\*up.l»irO'^rU, S.-*re Throat,
DACUK, nt It hy tnatne.
DRAUn for
DnAltU, pu«k. DonUe Ftn n*ci.
ra"«t IVwrrfrxi m.l PrrMHr*ttu«L.'oUa4*nu>'r Man
lhse-4 to nt*U«C4s. t*r|« ft -lx- Tic., Mw
Medicated Bad Toilet, Th-*Or^it8X5n Cura and
,\koa Uaautmar. Cadia* will fin j u th» m-*t
Ovltcat* auit highly perfumed Tulk*l Soap on
thf* tnurkvt. It u abeoiuteiy pure. M..— tho
►km soft «ud vehraty and xftarm the lo«t com*
f ioxiony I* a Inrtiry f-»r ih^Mathf- r Infanta,
i ticy* iiohin*. thr^-nip and proeuulat
IOa''tuwthof ru-. ■'"•* w-raalahy
bola Agents. Cherry Street and Cotton
Avenue, Macon. Go.
Georgia, Bibb Cbumty.—Will bo sold
before the court house door In the city
of Maoon during tho legal hours of etile
on the first Tuesday in August, 1894, the
following described property, levied on
to satisfy certain state oral county tax
fl. faa. for toe year 1893, to-wit:
Lot 4. block 9 North western commons,
bound on one side by property of R.
and Kate MIHer. William West and
Caarle Wilkinson, on another by prop
erty of Iff. E. Tracey* on another by an
alley and on another by Matt Allen.
Lovleld on the property of estate of
Mrs. E. C. Collins.
Also, port of lot 5. square 70, city of
Maoon, bound on one side by Washing
ton avenue, on anttther by property of
K. P. Moore and on two others by al
leys. Levied on as the property of Mrs.
J. L. Saulsbury.
Also, part of square U, North
west range, being 83 feet by 210 feet
Lerted on as the property of William
Lee Hills.
Also, lot on Fourth oireet, bound on
one ride by property 'of W. 8. Payne,
on another by property of Mrs. W. T.
Harbaum, on another by Watan * Ad
ams Co.'s warehouse and on another by
Fourth street. Levied on ns tho prop
erty of W. T. Johnston.
Also, part of lot in Godfrey district,
bound on one side by new Houston
road, on 'another by an alley, and on
another by' property of Berry Hall.
Levied on as the property of Mrs. Ad
dle Brown.
Also, lots 1-jndY, block 30, Bellevue,
bound on one side by Hucldd avenue,
on another by Dbver street, on another
by an alley and on unotocr by property
of American Investment and Iy.»an Com
pany. Levied on tut the property of J.
O. McMillan.
Also, loit 14 of subdivision of lot. 44 of
Dubois’ survey the Thomas Wolfolk.
lands, said lot bving 54 5-8 feet front by
XC0 feet deep. Levied on as the prop
erty of John McMullin, agent.
Also, one acre of land In VlnevlUe dis
trict, oorner of Forsyth road and First
btreett and known ns lot 1*. block 2, In
the Wheeler survey of the Crump
lands. Levied on as the property of
E. A. Rom, guardian.
Ab*o. one acre In Godfrey district,
being part of lod 35, lmund east by an
alley, south by property of Ford, west
by property of Battle nnd north by a
urirect. Levied on «m the property of
B. H. Wrigley, trustee.
Also, part bf lot 5, square 83, dty of
Mncon, bound on one ride by Washing
ton avenue, on another by property of
W. G. Johnson, on another by property
of Mrs. E. J. Stephens awd on another
by colored Presbyterian church. Levied
on ns 'the property of Champ Bryant.
Also, Ibt In Godfrey district In Tindall
property bound on one ride by W. M.
Gordon, on another by Ward street, on
another by Willingham nnd on another
by Crutchfield. Levied on as the prop
erty of Ben Barton.
Also, lot In Vineville district bound
north by Mrs. Ford, east by Currtnr-
pihen & Tillman, south by Sullivan and
west by John Berkner. Levied on as
the property-bf flimth HUtsman.
Also, lot 1 in subdivision bf an fi-ocnj
tract bought by E. Roberson from J.
W. Johnston In year 1831 and being
part of original lot No. 152 in Vlncvftle
dirtrtetr. Levied on as the prope-iy of
Robert Robinson.
Also, lot In VlnevlUe district bound
north by Central railroad, west by W.
A. Huff, south by Ann HH1 tnd Sydney
Kendall and east by Henry Calawny
Levied on as the property of Joe Sea
Also, tot in VlnevlUe district bound
east by u street, south by property of
J. M. Jackson and west and norr-h by
property of Cobb & Cabans. Levied
on as the property of W. A. Jackson
for taxes for years 1892 and 1893.
Also, 18 acres of land, more or less,
in Brit Maoon district bound north by
Dr. J. G.' McCrary, coat by Jefferson
ville rood* west by lands of Kennedy
and south by kinds of Gus AJklna.
Levied on as the property of A. J. Sol
omon for taxes for the year 1892.
Also, lot on Adams street In city of
Macon bound north by Central rail
road, west by Adums street tod south
and west by*Cbm:Ha Kitchens. Levied
on as the propeitor of Lena Carter for
taxes for year 1891.
A lot in Godfrey district containing
two acres, m >re or less, bound east by
a lam*, north by property of Douglass,
went by public road and Routh by prop
erty of Holli». Levied on as the prop
erty of Henry Darby.
Also, lot Ir. VlnevlUe district, bound
on the west by North street, £outh by
Sash, Doors and Blinds* Scroll and Turned Work.
Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Piaster, Hair,
Mose Bivins, east by G. W. B>:rr, and
north by Emma Elliott. Levied on an
the property of Sam Wommack.
G. S. WESTCOTT, Sheriff.
By vlrtuo of an order from the coart
nt ordinary of Bibb couoty, Gecrcin,
passed at bti > regular July term. 18M,
of said court, will be sold hi-fore the
court house door In Maeon, Bibb county,
Georgia, on the first. Tuesday in August,
18M, between the legal hours Of sale, the
following described properly belonging 'to
the estate of E. W. Melton, late of said
county, deceased, to-wlt: One lot, with
the Improvements thereon, lying and being
in the city of Mocon, Ga., and known on
the map of said city ns part of lot No. 1
In square 42, fronting SI feet, more or
less, on Plum street, and running back
131 feet, more or less, and adjoining prop
erty of A. Block .and E. O'Connell, and
being on said Plum street, .between Sec-
ana Third strets;. the Improvements there
on consisting of one,nouse on front of
said lot and one house in the back yard
of said lot. Said property sold as the
proper'y of E. V,’. Melton for the pur
pose of paying the debts of sold 'estate
and for distribution among the lielra.
Terms cash. A. A. CULLEN,
Administrator Estate E. W. Melton.
Highest Award World's Fair.
If you want the
finest quality cut
glass, buy goods i
having this trade|
_ MJ
(k a pg*s*a**:'*** - •'«'«&
| and Whiskey Habile
I cured at home with-
I output n. Book of par
I tlculars sent FKKt
• B.M. WOOLLEY, M.l'
Cl earned anu beautifies tho btlr.
Promote* a luxuriant growth.
Nevor Ftttla to Beatov# Orxj
Zlatr to it« Youthful Color.
Cure* »cnlp dlw**c* At h*if Ulling.
- aju
670, Mulberry 8trcet, Macon, Go.
Capital and Surplus
Pays 5 per cent. Interest on deposits of
|1 and upward. Real estate loans on th,
monthly Installment plan, and loan, on
good securities at low rates. Legal de
pository for trust funds. Will act us
administrator, executor, guardian, receiver
and trustee.
H. T. POWELL ....President
H. G. CUTTER Vice-President
J. W. CANNON Cashier
Directors—Geo. B. Jewett, A. E. Board,
man. B. C. Tindall. H. G. Cutter, P. E.
Bruhl. H. T. Powell, Samuel Altmayar.
H. J. Lamar, Gao. B. Turpin,
President. Vice-President.
J. W. Cab&nlM, Cashier.
We solicit tho business of merchants,
planters end banks, offering them
courtesy, promptness, safety and liber
ality. The largest capital and surplus
of any bank In Middle Georgia.
Madison Avenue
Hadison Ave. and 58th St.,
$3 per day and up.
American Plan.
■ Fireproof and first-class in every par
Two blocks from the Third and Sixth
Avenue Elevated railroads.
The Madison and 4th Ave. and Bell
Line cars pass the door.
* H. M. CLARK, Prop.
Passenger Elevator runs all night.
On a spur of Pine Mountain, 1,200 feet
above sea level; delightfully cool ell*
mate; no malaria, dust or mosquitos.
The finest bathing on the continent
swimming pools 15 by 40 feet, and In*
dividual baths for ladles and gentle
men. Temperature of water 90 de
grees—a cure for dyspepsia, rheuma
tism and diseases of the kidneys. Nea
hotel, with all modern Improvements.
Dlreot connection made via tralm
leaving Mnebn at 4:25 p. m. and 4:15 a
m. on the Central. Terms moderate.
For Information apply for circular:
at C. R. R. office or to
CHAS, L. DAVIS, Proprietor.
bend Six 2 Cent Stamps
. For .
I5O First Class Receipts,
B. W. WRENN, O. P. & T, A., Knoxville, Teno,
W. X. Johnston, W. A. Davis,
Freaidont Tice President
fiowAmo ML Uurra, Secretary and Tio*sar.K
The Guarantee Co
of Georgia.
Write* bonds for cashiers, treasurers* ad*
gainl&trators, executors, guardians, re
ceiver*, and doos a general fiduciary
business. r -
Office 844 Second etnet.
Permanently located. In the spe
cialties venereal. Lost energy re
stored. Female Irregularities and
poison oak. Cure guaranteed.
Address la confidence, with stamp,
610 Fourth street. Macon. Ga.
II. J- Lamar, President: Geo. B. Tur.
ptr. Vice-President: J. W. Oabanlsa
Cashier; D. M. Nelllgan. Accountant.
CAPITAL. 1200,000. SURPLUS, (30.000
Interest paid on deposits • per cent,
per annum. Economy Is the road to
wealth. Deposit your savings eny they
will be increased by tntefeat. Com
pounded semt.annually.
Hours, * to 1 and S to 6. Telephone
•4. Office, 672 Mulberry* corner Second
street, Macon, Ga.
Office 668 Cherry St. Macon, Ga.
OOoe with Dr. K. P. Moore. 115 With.
Ington Avenue. Macon. Ga.
Office Hbura—7 to 8 a. m.. 1 to 1 p. m.
(to lam.
specialty** Atlanta, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Bibb County—E. Q. Fer
guson having app'led to ene for loiters
of administration on tho estate of M.
L. Munger, late of said county, de
ceased. this Is to notify all parties
concerned to (lie 'objections, if any
they have, on or before the first Mon.
day In August, 1391, why letters ehouli
not be Issued as asked for.
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
J. M. John»ton. President. J. D. Stetson. Vice President L. P. HUIyer, Cashier.
The American national Bank,
CAPITAL..,. ..8230.000.00 SURPLUS.. ..825.000.00
Largest eirltal of any national bank in Central Georgia. Accounts ot
banks, corpora Ilona and Individuals will receive careful attention. Oorrcspoa-
dence Invited.
I. C. PLAIT'S son r
Banking in all its branches. Interest
allowed on Time Deposits.
We handle foreign exchange and arrange
travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of
London for all European points.