Newspaper Page Text
464 <fe 466-THIRD STREET-464 & 466
It is now some time since we declared war on high prices. The fight was hot and fierce. We
undertook the contest single-handed, still, we had no thought but of success .from the first moment.
We felt sure the reinforcements we would continually receive from our Mr. Dannenberg in New
York would make our victory complete. Yet, we scarce dared hope for victory so entirely complete
as we proudly announce this morning. For behold today you find them all in line, and Dry Goods
are cheaper than the closet buyer ever dreamed they’d be. The ladies of this section can in a meas
ure thank The Dannenberg Co. for the low prices ruling today. Because we are ever mindful of the
interests of. our patrons is the reason we have mo dull season, and you will ever find our store
crowded with customers. s Don’t miss a line; it is all good.
Early Fall Dress Goods. LaceOiirtps.
Call early and inspect the .assort
ment of dress patterns that we offer at
iees than half their value. These suits
(only one of a kind) consist of cheviot,
camel’s hair, fancy eerge and cloth
worth from $10 to $18. Price $4 tt> $6.50.
Tour chance to buy curtains. Thin
week we will break the record on lace
curtains. Cheap, medium and fine all
are alike reduced. Poles and fixtures
go down with the curtains.
Bob Smith Writes Interestingly From
St. Simons Island, Where .
Man Loves to Linger,
An Interacting Little Document PIcUed
Up by Borne Festive Bathers—
Who the Social*Favorltee are
On the Island.
Our entire stock of black goods re
duced for this week. Even the staples
such as serge, tamlse, Henrietta, etc;
Wool nun’s veiling 8 cents.
46-inch English serge, 85 cents quality,
extra heavy and fine, for 63 cents.
Black 39-lnch all-wobi tamlse, silk fin
ish, 42 cents. . «
Silk and wool serge just in 75 cents.
GMIlie Dresses 3 to S O’clock
Everybody can ten yards fust
oelored chain*. rain or ahlne. We-wlll
sell everybody that comes from 3 to 5
o'clock Monday. 10 yards challio. for 15
All the swivel silk we have now goes
this week at 15 cents the yard. No
goods makes a better .waist.
Fifty dozen ladles’ and gents all-linen
sample handkerchiefs worth from 25 to
50 cents on sale this week for 10 cents,
15 cents, 20 cents, 25 cents. Nbw think
of buying a pure linen gents’ handker
chief for 10 cents. These goads are
worth Inspecting. We are gl?d to show
them: come.
New lot of umbrellas received last
Gents’ 26-lnch gloria; umbrellas 58
cents, worth S5 cents.
Gents’ glbria umbrella, extra value,
for $1.
6b Simons Island. July 26.—(Staff Corr
espondence.)—So much has been sa'.d
>f this wonderful naturil beauty spot
ind Its many advantages as a health
ind treasure resort that it is usolesa to
llustrate the many good things said
>f it, but after all tbo much cannot ho
aid, as It unquestionably possesses
nany advantages over all other south
Atlantic coaat resorts.
At present the hckel to crowded and
daneger Dunn hoz found it necessary
o dbuble. treble and quadruple nto
:uests In one room. Ordlnanlly this
lould bring forth a vigorous kick, bat
teople are glad to remain here and take
lot luck on the accommodations as «*v-
ry guest knows that the genial mana-
:er to doing all In his power to make
hem comfortable and happy.
Notwithstanding the crowd to Just
taw the largest ever known in the
ilstory of the Island It Is a refined,
ultured crowd, but withal a social and
riendfy crowd .many of whom come
rom adjoining states. Ambog the Ma-
onites hero are noticed Dr. Etheridge
nd family. Miss Laura and Samuel
Cupferman. Mias Nancy Winchester,,
ip*. Julius May. Mr. and Mrs. Alex
dock. Mrs. J. L Lowery. Mrs. W. J.
kxm and a targe number of others are
x pec ted down Sunday. A large burn
er of people are here from Brunswick,
mong whom are Mrs. George W.Con tea
nd her charming little dauglrter, Rosa.
Ira. A. Kiser and two children of
tru-nswlck. Mtoe Clegg and Mr. Clegg of
.noxville. Terra.. Mrs. Ridley of Hunto-
ille. Ala, Mrs. Raymtand of Brunswick
nd about 400 others. Everybody to en
ding themselves and the * ur f bathing
i fine, especially at night. At this time
he surf to ben for bathing b^.ween 12
nd l o'clock, both day ami night, end
: Is no unusual sight to see 2-0 or .JM
eople In at bne place *t the same time.
Ebout as many women as men go In
he surf, and every Imiginabie cut,Tm$ »o
nd figure of bathing eu)t to brought
ato use. All women, however, I
retty in a bathing «ult, while as a nile l
he men look their ugliest. It is surprto- I
ng to see the number of*women wn*>
an swim, and those wh^ do hot know
tow are learning- Among the best wo-
nan imlmmew are Mrs. Julius sia.JP ani
iisH Laura Kupfermati Of SlacSJn end
•oth huv<* learned wi2bln the past two
reeka. Both these ladies swtin not only
•As good valuo ns we offer in tablo
damnsk and nnnklns has never been
shown in this city.
Our 62-!nch bleached dnonaek at 60
cents cheap for 65 cents.
72-inch satin damnsk for 83 cento can't
be duplicated for ll.
Our 72-lnch half bleached damnsk for
69 cents cheap at 85 cento.
Our 72-Ineh* extra heavy satin damask
for $l can’t bo bought late" on fbr less
than $1.60.
Extra valuo In towels all this week.
as ^welT as the average man, but a hun
dred times more gracefully. Mies Tvup-
fermnn to not bnly a graceful swimmer,
put ope of the moat graceful dancers
on the Inland, She is also one of the
noknowilcdged favorites of the Island
and the young men at the hotel swarm
around the brilliant light of the storm-
black eyes like moths around the can
dle light
Mtases Clogg of Knoxville, Tenn., and
Rklley t( of Huntsville. Ala., are among
the popular guests of the hotel. In fact
all of the Indies receive every attention,
and it is a fact worth recording and one
that probably cannot bo truthfully Bald
of any other resort, that there are ac
tually more ’’available” men here than
women, notwithstanding the fact that
thero are fully 200 women in the hotel.
There are few old men here, nearly all
of them being young men, and a great
many of them dancers.
The three most popular children on
the island nre Gordon and Rheta Kiser
of Brunswick and Rosa Coates of Bruns
wick. Each of these children Is Un ex
ceptionally fine dancer and Mrs. Klser’a
twp children are phenomenons, Gordon,
who Is only 9 years old, bMng a born
comedian of wonderful ability far one
of his years, and Rheta, the little 13-
year-old girl, oin more than equal the
nverago stage dancer In fancy Btrp«*
These two clever children fentertulncd
the guests of the hotel for some time
last night.
■\VbJf.o a number of ladles and gentle
men wer in ithe -surf today a bottle
contolnlng the following letter was
picked up:
”S. S. Campania, Midocean, May 1,
1894.—The wrlt%r, a young lady of
^wealth and scientific tastes, now on
the way to Join her parents for the
London season, having recently henrd
it asserted that all artttfjeu bast,* over-
jboard in mid-ocean would eventually
fin'd their way either to the shores of
North America- or Europe, and having
made a wager with a compagnon-du-
voyage—a well known New York belle,
—-that a flea led package dropped over
board at this point would raich some
part of the Atlantic coast of the United
States 'before August 1 and be heard
from before tteft date, the finder of this
bottle, if the latter should be washed
ashore before 'August 1, will confer a
great obligation on the writer and at
the same rime partiepate In the^wnger.
If he will communicate onee, enclos
ing photo, with
"Loreta Yguaga, .
"Care Box 310, Atlanta. Ga."
There were some who believe the
letter to be a fake and that the bottle
was thrown into the ocean by one of
the many bathers present, but every
one denied all knowledge of It, and It
may have drifted ln» with the Tide.
A few days ago a large party of la
dies and gentleman went seining In
Che ocean at low tide with great suc
cess. Two large baskets were filled,-
one with fish and the other wfth crabs,
as the result of a few hours’ work.
On Che return home some wag Started
the saying, "Oh, what fun we have
when ‘insan'i-ng."* *
An enterprising photographer has
erected a tempomry gallery here, ami
is doing an Immense business. His
principal Income to derived from bath
ers who want to see themselves as
others see them when Mired in bathing
As .the hertet to located on the bench
there is always a cooling breeze blow
ing that makes it very pleasant on the
hotel veranda, both day and nigtrt.
The stiff breeze flleo drives the m<:xi-
quttoes way, and except at w.-P *nt-r-
vala the guests are not .annoyed wfth
Che pests.
Tonight the hotel to like a to-ehlv*.
for, aside from the several hundred
ffuests, large crowds have come over
from Brunswick imi a great many
people have come up from the Way-
cross colony, wbieh to-located on tlur
island n*»ar the bridge, to participate
m the •lances.
Strange as It may seem, a person
who wants to be quiet can got all Uho
quietude he wants here, land one who
wants to be lively and gay can find
enough 'amusement to keep him on the
move all day and nearly all nigfh't, and
if he goes all the paces he must be a
thoioughbred. It. W. S.
This to beyoua question the most suc
cessful cough medicine we have ever
sold. A tow doses invariably cures
the worst cases of croup, cough and
bronohltls, while its wonderful success
In the cure of consumption to without
parallel in the history of medicine.
Since its drat discovery it lias been sold
on a guarantee, a tost which no other
medicine cun stand. If you have s
cough, we earnestly ask you to try it.
Price 10 cents, 50 cento and $1. if
your lungs are sore, chest or book
fs lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster.
Sold by Goodwyn & Small Drug
Company, comer Cherry street end
Cotton avenue.
The Northwestern Mutual Life In
surance Company, represented in Ma
con by Mr. Tfcad E. Murphey, to one of
the strongest and safest in
stitutions 4n the country. A’t the begin-
<nrtngof»Lh« yearftlhad assets v>f $64,071,-
182.98 and a surplUH of $11,359,456.80.
Its Boml-'annual statement for the six
months ending June 30, 1394, shows
that its assets are now $68,766,918.80,
while Its surplus has Increased to the
princely sum of $13,320,386.93. This is
gain in surplus of nearly $2,000,000.
In 1893 the company gained in surplus
$1,843,251, which was nearly ah much
as the combined gain of three other
large prominent companies. It is a re
markable showing, therefore, that it*
gain for the first six months of 1894 to
larger thVm its magnificent gain forthe
entire year of 1893. These figures cer
tainly speak voJiwne.i for the manage
ment of -the NorthKv.-stern, and its pol-
Card’s Military Band and
Orchestra at Crump’s Park
this afternoon.
Maoon to New York VI. th» Rich,
mond and Danville Railroad.
By a change of schedule In effect
Bunday, May 1$, Macon has doublo
dally schedules to Washington and
New York via Atlanta and the R.
and D. railroad:
Leave Macon 7:55 a. m., 4:25 p. m .
Arrive Atlanta 11:30 a. m„ 8;05 p. m.
Leave Atlanta, R. and D., 12 m„
9 p. m.
Arrive Greenville. R. and D„ 5:30 p.
m.. 3 a. m.
Arrive Charlotte. R. and D„ S:29 p.
m., 6:30 a. m.
Arrive Danville, R. and D..'12:80 a.
m., 11:46 a. m.
Arrive Washington, R. and D., 7ill
a. m., 8 p. m.
Arrive New York, P. R. R„ jgg ^
6:23 a. m.
Train leaving Macon In morning ar
rives at Richmond next morning 7:15
a. m., and leaving Maoon in The af
ternoon arrives at Richmond 4:53
Take it when
"awfully tired”
Brown’s Iron
Monday Morning Till 12 O’clock
Ladles’ vests 4 cents.
All styles finishing braid 10 cento.
Percales, all styles, now lot, 8 cents.
Shirting, indigo blue and turkey red
prints 4 1*2 cents. All best quality.
Men’s puff bosom shirts 45 cents.
Men’s extra value undershirts 33
Ladles’ fast black full regular mido
hose lz 1-2 cents.
Men’s brown and groy mixed sox, full
A Free Ride to Washington and Return
to the Most Popular Knight.
The Macon and Northern, in oonnec-
flon with the Seaboard Air Line, have
opened up a now route from Macon to
Eastern find-Virginia cities. Tho pas
senger equipment of the Macon and
Northern, railroad haa Just been re
ceived from the sliops and is ono ol the
finest tnans leading out of Macon. Tho
Macon nnd Northern makes close con
nections at Athens with tho solid vesti
bule limited train of the Seaboard Air
Line, on . of the handsomest trains
south of Baltimore. This new line opens
up the most delightful and picturesque
routes from this section to nil points In
the Carolina*,- Virginia and the East
and is becoming more popular every
day. The route to Washington over
which the free ticket will read will be
Macon and Northern and Seaboard Air
Line to Norfolk, thonco via the pala
tial steamers of the Washington and
Norfolk line, giving passengers a most
delightful ride up the grand and pic
turesque Potomac, landing passengers
ut the foot Of the Washington monu
ment. On the way up the Poloinno
stops will bo made at different points
of interest. Including Old Point Comfort,
Fortress Monroe. Me. Vernon (tho home
of the Illustrious Wauhlngton) and at
the navy yards, where a vlow can be
had of the United States war ships.
Tho ticket will be good August 27th
going and good to return September 5.
The grand conclave of Knights of Py
thias of the United States will asMcm-
bio In Washington August 28 nnd be
reviewed by President Cleveland. A
pleasanter ride could not ho taken at
thto time of tho year. The monotony
of an all-rail line is broken 1>y the boat
ride from Norfblk. and pnasengers can
go into Washington feeling fresh, with
out dust and Jn a position to enjoy the
festivities immediately upon arrival in
Washingon. t
1 Residence «
1 As tho Most Tonular Knight of <
1 Pythias.
The one receiving tho highest +
1 number of ballots will receive a «
1 round trip ticket from Maoon lb •
1 Washington nnd return over tho f
1 popular Macon and Northern <
1 rnliioad. Ballots must £ll be In 1
by 6 p. m. August 18. 1894. All •
Ing dust and cinders, ftnd have ample
time to go to their hotels, secure neces
sary accommodations and report at the
grand lodge meeting at 8 p. tn.'
Those desiring to go via nil rail will
use the "Atlanta special," leaving At
lanta at 12 nbon, passing through the
battlefields of Virginia, by tho crater at
Petersburg, through Richmond nnd tho
historic city of Fredericksburg, arriving
in Washington at 10:45 a. m.
Wo make no personal plea to any
commandery or officers,but simply stato
facts, offer our inducements an-U defy
Our representatives will call on tho
several divisions In a few days to make
Anal arrangements for tho movement
to Washington. T. J. Anderson,
Uenoral Passenger Agent.
Norfolk, July 27.—Chief Anbhur of
the Brobhertvood of Loooinc/tlve Engi
neers -arrived (here today 4o adjust the
differences between tho Arian'tlo nnd
Danville itrilroad and’ its employes,
brought about by the Issuance of a
circular a few days ago announcing
a general reduction In wages on Au
gust l. Chief Arthur held <a*y>nfercnco
with *the mnagers of the ivj-ads find
announced ichat no atrlko would take
Yokohama, July 27.—Communica
tions between Japan and Corea 4s inter
rupted, bift It Is rumored here in semf-
oillclal olrcles that a Jsipoinese warship
has tired upon a Chinese -warship at
Kilson upon receiving hostile provoca
Both Cured
by Hood’s
Dytpepftla, Headache, Etc#
regular, 10 cents.
Children’s fast color tan hose, full
regular made, all sizes, 15 cents.
Now lot narrow Valenclenne lace just
Good stock dressing comba and hair
Big reduction on all laces, cotton anal
Extra slzo hath towels 10 cents.
Turkish towels 6 1-4 cento.
Ask to see the nurses’ aprons wo sell
for lf> cento and icento.
More black nun'evelllng ut 8 cents.
Short Anas wash dress goods for chll«
dren 7 cents the yard.
Bee tho white and colored lawns w«i
aro offering fbr 5 cento the yard.
Ladles' R. Sc G. corsets 75 cento.
Ladles’ ventilating corsets 45 cents. '
Lonsdale cambric 10 cents.
Buy your cotton flannel now for fall#
Men's cuffs 15 cents.
Men’s linen cbllani 8 cento. |j ' J
Big lot Windsor lea 12 1-2 cento. j
* All our $10 to $18 colored frock anil
sack suits offered this week at $8 a
cult. (None charged at this price).
Men's straw hats worth $1 to go a4
50 cents.
Boys’ straw huts worth 50 cento mH
75 cento to go at 25 cents.
Another lot boys' knee pants, all slzos#
16 cents.
Boys’ wool knee pants 25 cents.
Now lot men's wool pants $3.
Men's seamless fust black sox 10
cento. See our window.
All summer neckwear reduced far
this week.
Don’t forget to toll your friends wo
are now located at 464 and 463 Third
Cabin, 420; Excursion 3X'; Htoerafe, flO.
Cabin |22; Excursion, $30, Steerage
% 11.76.
Cabin, 422^0| Excursion, |33| fitter an
un/Xug. 2. e.oo f
ur|T, Aug. 9,11.30 a
>»r|, Aug. 16, C.uO y
Portsmouth, Vh., July 18, 1894.—-Th Of
ficers and Members of K. of P., Georgia
f trite Division: You aiu re-p -elf *11 y i
quested to use the " A!r Line
U. It. K. of p. special” from Atlanta.
Ga.. to Portsmouth. Vn., the not
large palace steamers of the Norfolk
and Washington steamboat line to
Washington. Notwithstanding that
there is x movement bn foot by some
of the leading officers of the Georgia
state divisions to compel the divisions
to tako other routes, the majority will
use tho S. A. L
We will handle the Blr Knights of
Texas. Louisiana. Mb- -issippf Alibamn.
Georgia. Bouth Carolina, North Carolina
and Virginia on one grand special train,
pltclng tin-hi at tin 4 reamer's wharf at
Portsmouth. Va„ where th**y will have
an opportunity of parting through Nor
folk harbor, If/imtpon I toads, nude fa
mous by the battle between the Monitor
and the Merrimac: thence via Old Pblnt
Comfort. Fortress Monroe; up the his
toric Potomic river, f>i*sinf Mount Ver
non. the home of Washlngtbn, about 4
o’clock 1 ri the afternoon and reaching
Washington ’at 6 p. m. Parties using
this route cm rake a refreshing bstu
on the H'earn^r and have u cool. Invig
orating sail to their deutlnatlcn, avuld-
Baco, Mamo.
"C. T. Hood tc Co., isovreil. Mass «
"For years I have nnd Jyspepsia, grow-
lr:« wcr.v.and bremnoso dfi'-our.'wd that
I thought of selling my farm and f, to
California. Added to my misery were the
painful effects of a fractale on tho end of
rnjr backbone, which resulted from a coast
ing accident when a boy. I happened to
read about Hood’s Farsaparllla and decid
ed to take twobotUcs,Aud before dm last
ono was gone, I could cat * hearty meal
without any distress. The fracture of my
backbone is also healed and I do not havo
any lameness. I can truly say I am now
well, and 1 believe flood’s BarsaparilU
8avod My Life,
It has also been a great benefit to my wife,
srbo had distress In the stomach ami
severe headaches. 8he said the first dote
of Hood’s Sarsaparilla seemed to go to tho
right spot Kow she enjoys good health.”
Elijah Duck, ikx 4tf, Saco, Maine.
Hood'o PIUS cure slrkfu-adacho, t,U-
tousness, and -u over ills. 23 coots, /
wsfalftoeos ■ceemsolpeor Uieee Usee 4
appoleUMito saU mm follows, KbeocUrd tlmm
(Central or 90th Meridian Time.)
City of Augustu Tuts.. July 31. 4.30 pcs
City of Birmingham..Prl., Aug. 3, 7.00 am
Kan eat* City,,... Hun.. Ang. l>, 8.00 u it
Nacoocheo Tuos., Aug. #7,16 W am
City of Augusta Frl., Aug. 10. i.oOpm
City of Blrmlnghttin.Hun., Aug. 12, 1.00 pm
Kansas City Tues., Aug. 14, l.nOpn
Nacoocheo Pft.Auy.17, 6 00 am
City of Augusta Son., Aug. 19. 7A0am
City of Blrmlngham.Tue». t Aug. 21, 8.30 am
Kansu* Cfty. Frl„ AuC. 24. 11.00 sir
Nacoocheo Eun., Aug', 26, 1.30 pm
City of Augusta Tues., Aug. 23, 3.30 pm
Olty of Birmingham..Frl., Aug. SI/’s.OQam
Tallahassee SlzlZ *»
Chattahoochee .‘....Thur*
TallahusMe.- Tlnir-, „. w
ChAttohoocheo Thurs.', AOg. 21,10.00
Tallahassee Thurs., Aug. 80. 5.00 pm
(This Ship Does Not Carry Passenger*.!
Dsssoug Tues., July 31. 4.00pta
Bessoug Frl., Aug. lo. l.oopm
Mon , Aug. 20, 7.30 am
Dessoug.....Thurs., Aug. 20, 5.00 pm
Jacksonville. Fla.
Walter Hawkins, F.P.A., Jacksonville, Pta,
Vt. VI. Arnold. G.T.P.A., Jocknonvllto, FU*
C. O. Anderson, Agent, tfrvnnnnli. Go.
Queen of the Mountains.
PORTER SPRINGS, so universally sad
so favorably known for years as Queen
of the Mountains, to open under tho
sanio management (its owmt) an hereto
fore, with same unsurpassed table fare
and low rate*. Board by mouth fl per
day; by week, $L50 per day; less than
week, $2 per day.
New hack lino contractor, with new!
hacks and new teams, leaving depot,
Gainesville, Ga., on arrival of morning
train from Atlanta every Tueuday, Thurs.
day and Huturd.ty. going through In seven
hours. Fare U: trunks, $1 per 100 pounds;
valises. 2f, cento.
Altitude 3,000 feet above sea level; 2,000
feet above Atlanta, J.VX» feet Above Ma
rietta land Gainesville, 1,200 fret above
ML Airy, Clarksville and Tallulah Falls;
1,0/) feet above Lookout Atnulitaln and
'Asheville—affording the greateet change
of climate possible south of the Mitchel.
Chslybouto water, tho strongest in the
nathis hllltords and ten pins fr«-e. Musfe
for dancing every evening. I’hystclan al
ways In attendance. Dally mall. Tletor-
*-nco confidently made to all visitors of
tho pant t«*n years. For further Informa
tion address 1IKNRY I>. FARROW,
rter Borings, Lumpkin County, Ga.
und Whiskey Habtto
cured si homo with,
out pah*. B<>ok of per*
ticulira *»fit FREE.
hUehaU UL. Atlsau. u*,