The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, August 01, 1894, Image 2

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» . ■TO • r \ THT3 'MACOX TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1, 1894 A DAY’S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Batch cf Bright Itemt Furnished by the Telegraph's Hustling Correspondents. ANOTHER SCORE FORMAJ. BACON The Fourteenth Aeneterlel Convention Instructs the nominee to Vole Far the lllbb County Stetssmnn, Sendoreellle Metre* Eastman, July 31.—(9p«flaI.)-The Fourteenth oenatorlal district Domo- cretK convention ’ met at the oourt tiouao to JEtastmaai Uhls morning at 11 o'clock for the purpose of nominating o senator for this district. Col. George alright of Pulaski and ol. U. B. MIL sser of Dodge nr ere made respectively chairman and secretary. a Ur. Bnldy Xtyals was nominated senator, after ■which a resolution eras Introduced In structing tom Co vole for Hon. A. O. Bacon for United Uwlies senator, also lion. J. H. Martin of Pulaski for the position of supreme court judge. The deliberation* of the convention were gone through with In a very harmo nious manner, Ur. ityals being nomi nated unanimously. He Is a good Dem- ocrat, but uliere Is no ituesuon ot his ' carrying Dodge county by Populist voice. The delegates, however, decided In 'the interest of the party to make no fight on him. It is said the Populism will pul out «o candidate. The new exouutlv* committee Is as follows: Dodge. J. (M. Sapp; Pulaakj, O. IW. Jordan, Jr.; Wilcox, C. M.McLoud; Dooly, ,W. H. Thompson, SANDEUSViLLll) NEWS. SandersvUki, July 31.—(Spuclal.l—Mr. eml kr>. Louis Cohen oeleUrstad tln .r china ivetltlltig Huiiduy evening, llio 27th Uist., tills being tne twentieth me nlversary of tlnelr uiuiTtagr. Their ele gant homo on llurrls street was baulk tifully unit tastily decorated with llow- ers ami presented a scene of beamy rarely beheld. The Imppy oouplc rt- ceived Ulu cordial caagratulattouB of many fnonda and relatives upon Ill's nusp.doiM eocoHlon. At 7 o’clock Uio guests were invited into the Ulirlng hull, the tables wore beautifully dea erated with an arch and bower of roses, lilacs, finis and fruits, and everything to tempt the uppcble was prepared In tlie very best manner by the skill of cnhnnry artists. It was a feast good things, which were enjoyed to the fullest extent. Tito house was bril liantly lllumtnnti'd and presented an umisnsl semis ot gaiety, and unfeigned luipphtess was depleted upon every countenance. Mr. nnd -Mrs. Louts Cohon were tho (vclptauts of ninny handsome nnd use ful presents ooouucmorattrc of this lute partwnt event In their lives, Tlie fol* towing guests were present: Mr. uml Mrs. -Morris llnpp of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. I/>ul* ItiiHlilnskl of Ten- oilllc, Hr. nnd Mrs. Ilinnan llnMilnsky, Mr. nnd Mrs. 71. Hymes, Miss Flareltn B. ltuwuck of New York, Miss l/'hn Ehrlich of Hnvnnnah, Miss Mattie Hymen, Miss Thereon Hymes, Messrs. Henry Ohm of Atlanta, Lee llajip nnd II. E. Ooikn of Jtiirim, Morris Co hen, Henry Purls and J. J. llnsltlusky. HADDOCK'S NOTES. IA A Batch ot Personal and Social Items From That Village. Haddocks. July 11.—(Special.)-Hisses Mary Newell, Gertie and Addis Whitta ker and Dotlltt illooke, utter spending several days pleasnnlly and adding greatly to our gsyclUe loft this morn ing for their home*. They wore *o- ccinpsntcd hy Mian Maggie Hardeman, one ot Jones county's most --harming and vivacious daughters. After spend ing some lime In -Mlllejgevlllo MIsm Har deman will extend her Irtp to Dublin K!Kl other polnte. The hbsenco bf tncee bright faces will ho keenly felt by a beet ot admiring friend*. 'Ur. H. J. Finney and wife, tfter siH-mllng Ihreo months In Ala bama, Columbus and Fort Valley once returned liuma vory much Improved by their trip. Tlie young man who was arrested here last week for kidnapping a young lsdy out of the asylum Is now out un. der a 1100 bond. Mrs. Kate lUglsnd, with her sweet little daughter, Willie Lou, of Seals, Ala., Is visiting liar eletcr, Mra. H. J. Finney. Mrs. Cheek and her two attractive nieces. Mieses Lovett of Atlanta, have returned home after spending some doys with the family bf Mr*. IX X Norris. Mr. J. T. Finney Is today wearing sn unueustly cosnplneent smite. 7'he ar rival of n twelve-pound girt tt his house accounts for It Mr. Oonlon llsrdemnn ot Macon spent Siiurdsy and Sunday with rela tives In the village. Mr. layton. the man who was ground up In the cog* of Mr. Clark's sawmill, died Saturday night. Mrs. Annie Lester lludd of Leesburg, FIs., Is up on a visit to tier mother. Mrs. H M. heeler. M rears. It, J. A J, T. Ftnney end Puts A UtddlehryiUs are dally shipping eora ot line melons to the West J/AWTIHNCKV1LLH IDAT’l'BNINOa. . Law-re nee Vine. July 80.— (Special.)— Thursday evening Hiss Ida Brand ten der*) Hr. and Hr*, ti. M. Brand a brilliant reeegrtion at tho residence of tn-r (.'her, on Oregon street. The nf. fair hats a brilliant sOrrers in every gniTMAilar and tt stamped the hosier,* us one ot Uie -most delightful enter- talnera tn Lawrencevthe. Mush- woe furnished bysMIss Adelaide Brand. THE MICROSCOPE. A careful mlcrosouploai examination and oticmtcal anal5 Mb of th# urino. to a valuable aid i u rioter mi mug tb« nature of many chronic ilimtaiMb, \m-tiouUrly thorn ot tho MrvtM mlMu blood, lirer, ksdnoVs, and bladder. Thr*» aids tnako tt puteiblo to treat such rils- cash sutveasfutly at a dm* tauca, without iwreonal ax- amlnMJon of tho patient. Thu* bright'* DitaaM of tho 5’i ln-\v. liidainmatioa th* Hivldor, Gravel, onri othtr l)i**M* of tho Uri nary Organ* are *uccm»- fuUy treat*!; Nervous Do WUty* Exhaustion, Dropsy, Ure Dhnn. and many oUwr Chronic Ualadin* are curel wiLboutwrim* Write for " ,fomLv 1000 pairs Lisle Thread Gloves at 5c, worth 25c 1000 pairs Silk Gloves at 35c, worth 75c Large size Fire Screens with stands only.... 10c Big line Persian Lawns at 6c, formerly 20c' ttS” All Silks reduced. Our new line of Storm Serges and Wail Cords for .Traveling Dresses are the prettist on market. Special drives in Stamped Linens. One hundred more pieces of that job lot in 6c Rib bons. FijqWry lengths in White Lawns at half value. 25 and 35c French and Scotch Ginghams at 15c to clbse. Best dress Ginghams, 12 1-2 and 15c quality at 7c. 25 pieces solid and fancy Silks well worth 50c at 25c to close. 100 remnants choice Woolens suitable for skirts aud children’s at twenty-five cents on the dollar. 20 pieces 38-inch all wool mixed Cheviots worth 60c, reduced to 34c to close. 38-inch all wool French Serges, 50 and 60c quality reduced to 44c to close. < 52-inch all wool Navy Serges, Worth $1.25, now 69c. Figured French Organdies, former price 40c, reduced to 25c. White Organdies, 2 yards wide, 40 to 60c. Fine Baiiste, Creponcttes, Sateens, Lawns, etc. on the bargain counter at 7c a yard. Bleached and unbleached 60 and 76c Table Damask at 49c to close. Silk Gloria $1.25 Umbrellas at 99c each. Mosquito Nets ready to hang $1.30 to $4.00. Don’t buy a Trunk before seeing our styles and getting our prices. See our new Percales. tnhs decorations were tasteful end ar tistic nd the refreshment* were ele gantly served. The supper was it sumptuous repast, oonatsting of the most paiatatbe edibles to (be found in all the surrounding country. The Geor- gla melon and aha luscious grape -were relished by all and the manner la which the (Slings were served made it all toe more pleasant. Among those 'present were: Miss Anna Born -with Mr. W. O. Cooper, Mies Alice Winn with Dr. M. A. Born. Miss Marie Kelley .with Mr. Clifford Craig, Miss Vera Clinton with Mr. Leo Clhvton, IMlss Anna oCoper, Miss Minnie Peoples, Air. Houston oPwell, Mr. Llthum Winn, Mr. John Jacobs, Cot. N. L. Hutchins, Col. C. H. Brand, .Mr. J. C. Cooper. ’Dr. A. It. Danfort, Sir. Frank Pentecost, Miss Mena Cooper, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. M. Brand, Air. W. J. (Peoples aud Miss Ida Brand. On August 7 (Hon. A. 3. Clay, Tom Watson and Judgs J. K. 'Hinessire to address toe voters of Gwinnett county at the court house. MARRIAGE AT SCOTLAND. ScoUntul, July 31.—(Special.)—The marriage of Miss Gcwrglu Saunders to Mr. WUlkun II. McMiLa lias beeu nn- ■nounoed for tho 15th of August at the Methodist church, at 8 o'clock, In this place. Miss Saunders has the g(ft of a sweet aud lovable disposition, combined with tieiiuty and t-liarmlng personality. She Is the daughter of Sir. T. 8. Saunders, one cf the oldest residents of Scotlaud, njid n gentleman Well and favorably Icumvn in tho city. Mr. MoMUlnui la a rifling young man, Widely known nnd greatly esteemed for his tunny sterling qualities. They have moh of them n host of frlortds, who-wnmdy congratulate them lu tho Imppy event and wish for them a life of happiness. SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. action contrary to the plaintiffs prob able Interest which otherwise he would not .have taken. Judgment reversed. Dorsey. Brewster & Howell and George Dudley Thomas, for plaintiff Ir error; W. iM. Smith, contra. Oagley et nl. vs. Kennedy. Befort ties wherein the deed was never ra case, nnd the court did nbt err in grant ing a nonsuit. Judgment affirmed. M. Peeples, contra. Ad-lrara. Woajai'K Dnrxxuav Midi cat. AssoaxTtoa, No. 853 Main Stmt, But- Decision* Rendered Monday, July 30, 1UI. Southern Marble Company vs. Darnell. Before Judge Gober. Pickens superior court. 1. Tho measure of damages for Injury to a mill sit* Occasioned by diverting therefrom at a point above the owner's land, by mean* bf u permanent ditch, tho water or a part of the water In a stream which would otherwise have reached tho mill site amt might luve boon used ae a pn.t of the available water power. Is either tho difference In tho value at the land without the di verted water and Its vnlui with tlrit water, or the like difference ae to the valuo of tlie mill site ltsalf, the owner being entitled tt> recover one or the oth er of these difference* at his election. No mill ever having been actually erect ed, nor anything done preparatory to Its erection, the Intention of the owner nt the time tho diversion bf the water took place, or at previous or subsequent time, to erect a mill on the site In Ques tion, would make no difference as to measuring hi* damages. The anticipated ptbMs of a mill which never existed could not be recovered. 8. The Ilka measure ot damage* would apply to an oohre or manganese mine, nr tnltx-e, nevor opened or worked or put tn a state of preparation for applying the water to them. 3. If tlie owner consented to the con struction W tho ditch or canal, knowing the putvoee at th« same, he could not afterword complain of the result ns nn Injury to him or his premises. Ills con sent (lilttht bo thtferted from hi* aiding as nn employe In surveying anil locating the foute of tho. ditch and accepting coinpenratlnn for hln labor, unless he actually objected and made his objec tion known in due lime. 1. If tho owner stood by while toe ditch, or canal was being constructed at a heavy expense and made no objection, and took no step* to prevent the work or Its consequences until after comple tion. ha would ba estopped fro n after ward obtaining an Injunction agulnst the use of the ditch or the continuous diversion of the water by menus of the same. Judgment reversed. Harrison A Peeples, for plaintiff tn error; 8, A. Darnell, contra. Mayor and Council of Macoiv'Nm. Ma con Construction Company.' Before Judge Griggs. Bibb Superior Court. The muntcpal government of the city of Macon has no authority of kxw to levy and collect tram tt business cor poration, haring nn office and doing business tn the city, a tax upon the capital stock, as such of the corpora tion Itself. The authority given the mayor and council by the wot of De cember 11, 1371, "to levy and collect a tux upon property, real and personal, within the ilmtu of the city; upon banking. Insurance hnd other capital stock employed therein," etc., author ises the taxation by toe city ot all property a corporation may actually own, and ot all capital tt may actually employ within the limits of the etty; but this power does not extend to the taxation ot the capital stock ot the corporation as a part ot Its property or assets, the stock being, so far al the corporation Is concerned, * liabil ity. Judgment affirmed. Deo (MU A Hodges, W. U. Wimberly »n-l C. L. Bartlett, for plaintiff In er ror; Qusttn. Overry A Hall, contra. VVeetern Union Telegraph Company vs. Watson. Before Judge Hutchins, Oconee Superior Court. Where toe plaintiff's alleged damage* resulted, not from loss dependent on the state of his contract with his cus- turner, us that contract actually ex isted al toe time ot default by (he tel. egrupli company, but by reason ot fall- ure to obtain a modincation of that Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Werid't Fair Highest Award. ment by the deceased person In Its tech ran bo considered by this court. M. Peeples, contra. Hood's Santa partita Is absolutely equaled ns a blood partner i strengthening medicine. It Is the K spring medicine. Try- It UNDINE. oonly Floor ot Its kind, and the best suyklnd. U Is mad* by n secret pro* cess known to but two persons. I tino.non Wnnwlodt WATER GROUND. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN U OTA WANTED—A assistant in tween 21 and teach caltsthi class, give instruction In vocal mu sic and play wen on organ; also a young lady to teach art and “fancy work. Address President Greenville Institute, Greenville, Ga. WANTED—By young man: furnished room, or room and board In private family; locality Vinevtlle or Bellevue, near car Une. State terms. Refer ences exchanged tf desired, a. W- cwre Telegraph. WINNERS. OCR GREAT PATTERN OFfEB! Cut P*|M»r Pmttorn* For Er»ry Lad* Reader of Tl*o Telegrnpu. 9 2j; ve road® arrangement* which we are offering to the reader* Jr the Telegraph the Demorest Cut Pat,.. Patterns, which are worth from 30 tbi cents each, thus making every copy ,J the paper worth from 10 to (0 tent. Cut out the coupon below and mall .^1 cordng lo directions bn it and you receive by moll tho pattern In the .(,. chosen. . 0 Burden, Smith. &> Oo. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Six-room one-story house. No. 120 Park Place. Apply to O. H. Crockett, Union depot. FOR RENT—Store recently occupied by Wood & Bond, three atorles and base ment. 35x175 feet. Best business loca tion on Cherry street. Apply to W. G. Solomon. FOR RENT—House now being built, 6tf College street, contains parlor and sit ting room connected by large suspended double doors; dining room, large but ler's pantry, store-room, kitchen, live bed rooms with closets, bath room, large linen cloeet, ample halls, speaking tubes, gas. hot and cold water and other conveniences. Or if a home-seeker pre fers the brick house which I occupy, he con have choice. Possession September 15. T. O. Conner. FOR RENT—Tbs . eltgant two-story brick residence. -*W0 Orange otreet, containing nine rooms and three batb rooms and all modern conveniences. The house has recently been com pletely overhauled. Accessible to all street csr lines. For further particu lars apply R. S. Collins & Co. FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms, with all modern covenlences, over store of W. E. Hill & Co., on Second street. Suitable for phyilclan or den tist. For further Information apply st Willingham's Warehouse, FOR RENT—Nioe seven-room dwell ing for 316 per month, No. 255 Orange street. Apply to E. J. Will- Ingham, at Payne & Willingham's. FOR RENT—The Boardmxn dwelling, 657 First street. Immediate possession. Apply at Macon Savings Bank. FOR BENT—A comfortable, furnished front room in splendid locality on the Hill. No children in the house. Ad* dresa *'J. H.,” care Telegraph. for sale. FOR SALE—One second-hand ten- ihorso engine and fifteen-horse boiler and fixtures for running woodyard. We will sell toe engine and boiler separate or the entire outfit. We will sell at a bargain. A-pply to Willis F. Price & Oo. TOR SALE—Old papers, for wrapping purposes, etc.. 36 cents per, hundred. Telegraph office. » MISCELLANEOUS. ' CHOICE Western beet and the best ot everything else In tho meat line. Geor gia Packing Company. LOST—A pbeket case of surgiral Instru ments, luted In a chamois skin case. Bring to Telegraph office and get re ward. WE HAVE Just received another ship- ment of thoso uncanvneed sugar- cured hams, sweet and Juicy. Smith A Bro. NEW GOODS received dally, ehellcd almonds, early June and French peas, cnunhroomH, Marlaohlno white oher- riee. red-plxted cherries. Penhisutar milk 12 l-2c, oatmeal, bloater mack erel. Dew Drop. Pastry Patent, Pos ters Elegant, Jersey nnd Royal Owl Flour, Northern potatoes, pate de fol gras, oaivrar, French sarUlnea, olives, preserves and JelUes. We are head- quarters. John C. Holmes & Oo. WHEN your wife leaves home board at Chapman's English Kitchen; neat, clean and cool. LINDEN BAKING POWDER alwmya gives f&tJatiaottoa. Retails* Sbc. lb. CORNED BEEF, spiced roll, chipped beef, haras, breakfast bacon, lard, et- Georgia Packing Company. PERSONAL—The party finding my pocket book will please return nil the papers, etc., and ctuv keep what money was in same for trouble of returning rest of contents. R. M. Smith, Postorflce box 435, Macon, da. j LINDEN BAKING POWDER always give* MtiafacUon. Your axocer iwlis IL i WHY do you buy dry. tasteless, can- vaeed hame when you can get them sweet and Juicy without the canva,? Smith A Bro. TURPIN'S BAJCINO POWDER U toe best made. Have you tried lt3 CRACKEnS. Extra Toast, Royal Milk, and a line ot Holme# St Coutts* sweet cakes always In stock at R. C. Keen'a TRY our bacon ehavtngs. Georgia Packing Company. - I SELL Royal MUk crackers like tooet 1 left at your house at 10 cent* pound. * W. G. Mlddlebrooks. 1 It CENTB per pound for Holraee A Coutta* I Extra Trait or Royal MlUt crackers. n K. S. Smith A Bro. 1 AT COST-Clothlnr, Hat#, Underwear. ’ J. J. Cobb. Assignee of W. A. Redding. WANTd'A—Those whb desire Mg Inr- ga'i.s In doming, hats and gems' fur- gvodt to call at Keud ago. J. 1. Cobb, asalsnee. W ANTED—Tou to see toe 1PM htnnurt model typewriter on axhlbttmn st F. R. Pomeroy's. J. E. Mlater. tele- phone 333. RHND01PH-MAC0N ACADEMY, Front Royal. Virginia. Prepare* young men and boys for col- tega and business. Moderate chargee. Healthfully situated. For catalogues address Rev. B. W. BOND. Prln. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, Lexington. Va. Mth year. Stau military, adantlflc and technical school. Thorough course > | n general and applied chemistry, .and en gineering. Confers degree of graduate in academic course: also degrees of B. S. *rd C. S. tn technical courses. All ex* pens**. Including clothing and incidentals, provided at rote of 13S.40 per month, aa sa average for tour years exclusive of outfit. New cadets report Septeouer L GEN. SCOTT SHIPP, bupt. The Most Wonderful Offer Yet .... 180 C MAGNIFICENT 0 . OP THE . . . Securely bound in handsome cloth, now ready for READERS If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is the next beat thing to a visit. Come nnd see it. When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SNAP SHOTS OP THE World[s Fair SAMS ros'.v. STATS YOUNG GIRL'S TAILOR GOWN. COS—Notthcoto Blazer—Sizes for It and lt> Years. A pretty and stylish tailor gown is as necessary to complete a youug girl's wardrobe as It la for ladles. This is a useful and becoming style of blazer, which when worn with any style of plain skirt eomi -s the popular style of tailor gown. This convenient gar ment makes It cosy to vary the wuiimb by using shirt waltsts, blonaes or waist coats of different weights, ;o ault all temperatures. It Is fitted with tin usual seams and has sufficient fullnws In the back. The fullness of the blouse front Is shirred becomingly tn tie; form of a shallow yoke below the stock collar. Cheviots, nvee'Ia anil Bcrgd are tho popular materials for thwi gowns, and for summer those made et cotton or linen duck, canvas or gala- ted cloth are both stylish .--.ud cool. A special Illustration atiil full iHteo tlons about tho pattern will bo found on the envelope In which It Is cnckmed. 5-18—TAD 01,0“ UtD SKIRT. Size* for Twelve, Fourteen, nnd Six teen Years. This la a vefy popular stylo of okitt, cut with five gored breadths aud a bias scam In the back. Any ot the popular cotton or woolen material* can bo u«ed for tots skirt, and when fin- lshed with rows of stitching tt can ha selected to complete any of tho tailor- made costume*. A special illustration and full dlrea. tlons about the pattern will be found on the envelope In which it la en closed. NAME OP PATTERN: SIZE Srtid this coupon and 10 cenli to tht Macon Telegraph and yon can get any one of Pattern* pnUished. Motion number and name of Pattern, and tn-iis plainly net ' getting to Sale eta. SAJIS. APDSSJS3. . #5. CORDOVAN, “K .fRINCHAENAMEWaWr. FlffiCAlf&KW.5AitI ♦ ®.4P POLICE!,a Sous. *2.*L9 Bn&MSMQ. ’“gSSNQ roe c/TAteeus Pw-L-DOUGI-AS, - BROCKTON, MA33; IH caa mto money I»r purcknelu* n. I» Unnslnn Skoee* . -i Decnuae, we are the largest auiM*w*" advertiicU shoe* In the world, »nd ** the y*lue by stamping the name and pm* the bottom, which protect* you ngrinst «*■ price* and the middleman's profit*. Oa r * b: *! equal custom work in *tyl«, ea»jr Cttjufc. wearing qualities. We hate then* evldeyrj where at lower prices for the value gi»«“ any other make. Tale no substitute- dealer canoet supply you, we can. Pcia qj __ ROCHESTER SHUT, Tu 513 CHERRY STREET. ^ LAW SCHOOL Mercer University. Full faculty, unequalled sdvantassa Fall term opens October L For catalogue, etc., address CLEM P- STEED. - . . Secretary Law School. Macon. La.