Newspaper Page Text
tA Bitch of Nev/iy Item Furnished by
the Hustling Correspondents
of the Telegraph.
* bumpkin Cnmmljr VoUr DruiuS Tint
Kindlon ltdarnn Woro till.log,
• and iBTMSIgatlaa shewed
Abstraction of llBlIotSi
I Lumpkin, , Aug, (Sjwclal.)—The
contested whisky .taction--caw,' which
tils' been claiming the attention of
BteWart county cltlieni from Ume to
time since the April term of court, mil
called against last Monday, and on
yesterday came to sudden end. Tbo
drya were the cunteutants, and last
week the ordinary received, an anony
mous letter slgnc-l "Dry Han,-'saying
tie had dreamed the ballot box had
been rubbed of eome ot the returns,
and upon examination the votes from
three precincts were missing. This was
reported to the court, and yesterday
Che ciuo was withdrawn, yiod the
oounty win be wot for tour years, or
until another election la held. The bal
lot box was carried up Into the court
room biie Itrst dry the case was called,
null it is auppoaed the ballots were ex
tracted during the noon recess. No
HiUmJ is attached to Judge Fort, (he
onlm.i/^, in any way, no otto believing
they were taken while In bta custody.
Judge IV. If, Fish U (|Ulte alolf here
ut tne Corbett hotel. Ills friends hope
he will be eulllclemly recovered to take
him to hss home in Amoricus tomor
i'.it! M i.varl county Democratic dub
following olllcers; W. L. hlardon,
•was („, last Ha.uiday with (he
presldoat; Ur. F. U. Oratory, eecro
tary; Dr. J. VV. Fatterean and lion.
IM. L. Entoott, vice presidents; F, B.
Hlnger, o.ialrmsn executive committed,
lnv.utioiu have been sent to all tlio
•enatorlm'. candidates to spe.tlt at any
(,me they may select.
Co:, b. F. liarr.ird and Hon. Charl
ton Uaule will address the voters here
on (^sturdily.
AltftMVlI.l.M MVl'TliltB.
Now Enterprises In the Town—School
Opened Monday.
Abbeville, Aug. S.—(Special.)—The
rains continue- It has rained for two
ur three wesks nstrly every (lay. For
several 'lays It has rained ull day.
lost H.iuml.iy nlulit, during a haw
thunder affirm. tba oolarod lioptlste
chureh wna struck and wps badly dam
titled. Thu residence ol Mr. J. 11. Lit-
tie was uUo utruek by lightning, hut
not damaged much. . List week In this
plucc the residence of a Mir. Anderson
wan struck hy llghtnluk and badly dam
aged, .liocklnw Ida family terribly, hut
but mat Injuring Shy ol them, except
his wile, who Is suffering Horn the ef
fects of a large splinter being driven
tbrougn her toot.
Several weeks »lnce a negro residence
Win-struck by lightning and > dam-
aged. It struck n tree si the. corner
of ,tho house and lumped from tho
tree tc the house. Tho house, fortunate*
ly, was unoccupied. ~
The farmers are blue In eonso juence
bf the serious ilamsgi- done to cotton by
rain, and If It continues corn Is like
ly to (differ.
A severe washout occurred on tho
Bain road near loan, nnd eternal oth
ers reported. The Oemulgee river l» on
a rapid rise here. It has been lower
this summer than ynur correspondent
has over sees |t, hut If the rains con
tinue, which Is probable. It Is very like
ly to get on one of Its biggest booms.
Mr, A* It. IllesseTrt cypress shingle mill
nx the 8am wharf at tho river lias been
forced to slop on sccViunt of the low
water, but as the river Is rising very
font, he will soon start again, as plenty
of timber Is already cut nnd waiting
for high water. It Is the drat time
Jhey-havo been compelled to slop on Ac
count of low water. It affords em
ployment for thirty or forty hands ind
makes 100.000 shingles per day.
Messrs. Watkins A Milan are opera*
**"« »,»»w mill In sight of the above
mill with other machinery attached for
manufacturing cyp.-ess timber into sal-
umns, etc. This mill, when nt its best
will employ or Intend to employ forty
or fifty hands.
One enterprise calls for another, Con
ner,urnlly n spoke and tun lla fuett-ri is
another sure poraiMUtp of the near fu-
lure lh! >J wM give employment to 200 or
5C0 hands. A large ainnuut of square
timber hi put Into rafts Into ths river
lirrs and floats down ths Ocmulgeo to
Darien, anil thence to foreign poet*
A very Important and wise step has
been taken by our business men and
liawd store munurarturrra hi this pises
nnd Mellon. The Already high rates of
freight to this place uetc Increased hy
the Asm rallrvid authorities forget.
ful. It seems that Abbeville is on a line
iinvlgnlde river. So to rem.sly (lie wrong
n boat Is now running under th- man-
ngentent of Mr. A. W. PoWell In the In-
terast of Abbeville.-and * gafcl many
manufacturers of turpentine scattered
Along up and down the rlvnr. The boat
Is here or Ha third or fatt-rh trite nt.d
the freight charges arc very aatl*faeto-
ry. The boat la getting a n-10 run of
Professor Prentiss opened the high
school here yeaterdly inurnliig with
forty pupils. The n.tmivr doubtless
Would kavo been n.uch arger. but d>r
the bsnl rain which fell all the merit-
lag. Professor Prentiss cornea hlgl ly
recommended nnd enjoys n tine rt-pu*
tat Ion os an edur.ator, lie will soon
have 150 or 9M pupils.
This is as healthy a town at can be
fouri I lit the slate of Oejri,ia. ar.d there
Is no reason why there can’t be v *•. heol
of Ml It pile here. ’
The l.i.ptlrts have built them it new
house at worship. Although not <;uRe
enn.ploted, they have iwwtd lit. The
old building and grpunij* are .gold to
the trustees tor the schrim.
Fntfeeaor Prentiss Is talking up a K,-
Uai oondemy. Two mill men propose to
give all the rough lumber.
A Negro Man Brains Mr. William
Sima With a Hoe.
Americus, Aug. f,—The Penny Press
Hays; From portlet* who came in on
the west bound passenger (rain on the
Bam road today at 3 o'clock. It la
learned that another bdrrlble tragedy
wan enacted In this county today.
-The foots of the killing arc very mea
gre, and ttic real facts could not be
obtained this afternoon.
The killing occurred In a Held on the
Johnson tilwtstioik near Deboto,
Flint river, end scccortllng to one re
port was a most dnwUrdly one. It ap
peal* that (be young roan, who la an
overseer on this plantation, hail tmme
words with (he negro, who In one of the
farm hands. The matter had been
dropped, however, without difficulty or
threats from either side.
Later In the day Mr. Blms was In the
Held where the hands were working,
and without a word or act of warning
the negro approached him from behind,
and with a’ hoe in ; hla bands,,dealt the
overseer a terrible blow on the back
bf the head. Indicting a rpgr|«l wound.
The brute Immediately dropped the
weapon and fled front the field. As far
as can be learned, ha has not been
henrd of since.
Mr. Sims was removed to the nearest
dwelling house where It la supposed he
died, although It won learned later that
the wound had not yet proved fatal.
Mr. William Blms Is well known In
the county and city, and la well liked
by all wbo know him. The sad news
of the tragic death will bring sorrow to
many In this city, who wore his best
friend*. lie Is a young man about 21
years of age. He was' the son of Mr.
Tank Blms. a prominent planter of
Bumter county.
The name of the negro who did tho
awful deed oould not he learned, but
It is very probable that he will be cap
tured. ris nil officers of the law have
licen notified of the fact of his escape.
The killing of Mr. Blms by this ne
gro probably resulted from an old feud
which-tile family of the negro has had
nanlnst.thb Missis. thins. The brother
of the unfortunate man, Mr. Kd Blms,
It will he remembered, had a difficulty
with and shot a relative of the murder
er last fall.
Mr. Clay Poured Hot Shot Into tho
ltonks of tho Enemy.
lAwrcnoovtlle. Aug. 8.—(Special.)—
lion. A. 8. clay of Obbb county tub
dressed Uie voters of Owrouett county
iui Uw court liouao yesterday morning
at 11 o'clock. .Mr. Clny was gracefully
.idvoduccd by Capk T. M. 'Peeples;
jinlmuui of Uio Democratic club, nnd
win given u grand ovation us lie arose
to make his speech lu defense of Dent-
is racy.
Air. Clny began hy repudiating u ti
rade of abuse, vituperation nnd vlim which the Gazette of Atluutn
lmd perpetrated upon him. With noth
ing upon the face of tho green earth to
i.cttiutu such low down slimier, the
Cuvette of Atluntn 1ms published some
personal assaults upon Mr. Clay, and
some of Lueiu enwu In tho mail this
morning. Air. Clny read somo affida
vits that proved that be was not due
the slander timt hiul been heaped upon
bin by those traitors.
Mr. Cray spoko on the living Issues
of luo day and lmd a quiet audience,
save frequent outbursts of applause,
and Thomas E. Winn, n third pnrtylte,
who Interrupted him n- time or two with
somo wild, \ (denary nud imprnctlcnbli*
question. During Ills speech, which
was about two Uours long, Air, allay
llred a ftisilmlo of grape and cnulster
Into the rank nud flic of tho third par-
Saturday old Gwinnett polled 1.847
voles In ttlo primary, nml these arc the
officers ibo voters ducted: h F. Mc
Donald and W. P. Cosby, legislators
D. T. Cain, clerk of the superior court
T. A. Iluslett, sheriff; A. W. .Moore,
treasurer: C. A. Fleming, tax collector;
D. "C. llnwthron, tnx receiver: It. N,
Moffett, surveyor, and J. T. Iludnwny,
Miss Lllllo Archer, n beautiful aud
charming young lady of Atlanta, Is vis
iting Mr. Q. W. Ambrose nnd family.
Judge Allston ot Clayton Buggested as
.Successor to Congressman Oates.
wtWiing clutroy,
Wiafttif Trimk^L
which irtro only tvU*f
* tw#t, never cure, but otira
HERNIA k'urra'v'' Z
jOaiUrr of bow km* »uuuu>;.
Jr C mailer ; .
w or of what mm*,
and V'*rtnam'otlv cuM without
and without pita. Another
Triumph la OtaMnellM Sorflery
J* the run', of
TniinBQ OTwrkn, JlbroU uii Other
1 U HvImj, tarMH’t, without thr ptrils
Ot ctiUinjf opemUoon.
w«an of tho lower bowel, rrumpUy cured
wsG..>ut p«<n or rceurt to tl* knife.
RTHK B *n the iiUuhkr. n.j m*tt« r bow
D1 viiU Urp, to cruffin-xl. )ml>orUrdp
an«l «aM out. thu« *TuHinr cuttluK.
stricture awasyRayi
20 pieces latest importations in Taffeta Silk.
The very latest things out for fall and winter of
Nk 1894. AH the latest shades and designs. Come
and see them at once; they are beauties; price to
A HU * t anybody.
J Also a new lot of Silver Belt Buckles at 35c,
rijk the prettiest, we have ever had. Silk Belting
in all shades.
& Our 46-inch all wool English Serges at 60c
per yard are creating considerable talk. In
lack aud all colors for fall and winter.
$ mm
Ring in the new. Our Mr. Polhill is now in New
York and our new Fall stock is beginning to arrive.
Bleached 3nd Unbleached Cottons, Pillowcasings, Sheet
ings, etc., are all in and at lower prices than we have- ever
before sold them.
Beautiful line new Percales.
See our new Navy and Black all Wool Serges and
French Suitings. -
All our Summer Cotton Goods will be closed out this
week regardless to make room for our new stock.
Now is tho time for genuine bargains. Don’t buy any
thing in our line before getting our prices. Our loss is your
gain. Call and look through, •> '
Burden, Smith. & Co.
gp. p. p.
gr Wakes
Er Marvelous Curas
^ in Blood Poison
gpand Scrofula
p, p, p, porlflos the blood; bHlldsnp
Pimples, Blotches 3
and Old Sores 3
Catarrh. Malaria 3
and Kidney Troubles ES
Are cHllrcly remove* by PJRR
-PrtokljA.b.PoMjM •ndPotm;
FOR RENT—Five-room house. G07 Geor-
Rla avenue, possession at once. \p*
ply to Jacob Hirach. 610 Fourth alreet.
110 PBB MONTH will rent to a food
tenant atom on VInevllle branch; pos
session at once. Apply to J. Hiroch,
610 Fourth street.
FOR RENT—Sthre recently occupied by
Wood & Bond, three stories and base
ment. 35x175 feet. Best business loca
tion on Cherry street. Apply to W.
G. Solomon.
siam, tbs grestetc blood purifier on *
•mb. «
Aberdeen, O., July 21.1891. «
Mnsju UVTMAH Bros.. .
Oa, t drarBirs—I bouKbc ®] )0 ttloor
yourP.P. P. n»*IIot Hp r lnR*,Ark.,*nd .
IthM don© mo more good than tnroo ,
months’treotmontnt the Hot Hprlugs*
bend throe bottles O* O. D* <
Aberdeen, Brown County, O.
Cspf. J. D. Jotaasiou.
—3 3b nil whom it may concern: I here- ‘
m, f a co. 1 tried every known roino*
Knr primary,-f-con-l«rj nr.-l t'-rtl-ry ay tut In vain.until P. P. P.... a«<l.
■Tlihlfu. lorlilooa uoljonlnx. inercu- .la »m now .aUraly ourea.
rl«iP?i*an..n>*ljri»t. ,1 ? 1 1P;?;iV (slgneabyl J. D. JUII|.ST08|
FOR RENT—The elegant two-atory
brick residence. 636 Orange street,
containing nino rooms and three bath
rooms and all modern conveniences.
The house has recently been com
pletely overhauled. Accessible to all
street car lines. For further particu
lars apply R- S. ColUna & Co.
’ rial pouon. malar!«. dyspepsia* and
, In nil blood nnd akin disomen. like
MotchrH. pimple*, old chronic nicer*.
’ tetter, scald bead,
> vssasxsgsgk ?! ?.TStK&a
: paaSimsw ,nsBafBss&
In .11 JMl nif o“'ll«moi-l haw trU j
Savaonsh. da. -
Skin Cancer Cared.
. and whoeebloodla In an Impure oondl Say,,, an d found great relief i It
tlon. due to roenetrual IrregularlUea, p,f r jfl 0 a“ho blood and remove#all lr-
are p^udiiriy tUSSn rltatlou from the aeat of the tJleeaa^
derfultontonml blood cleaoalug P™PT mnd preventu any •profullng of the
ertloaof P. P. P.—Prickly A«h, Poke i bare takonfiveoreix bottle# ^
^ Root and Potaaalom. end f^ol confident that aaother coorae
will effect a cure. It has atoo relieved ^r,
jmm BraiHoriEtD, toe.. Ang. 14th. 1833. ^ from mdignetlon and atomaoh
^ W trouhlw. V—'&.-.OTST.
it-. . Book on Bknd Diseases Idlttfl Ftit —w;
* JgtggSJ ALL WWOMIB brll it. jZ.
aood r t°an anything I b .■feftffJSSS LIPPMAN BR08. —«
««»»». ^
g— ' B pri 08 lwS. 9 a“MCtoi£vVMo. Mp»ssro.*.*li»ekAtoT««h.«ln
Clayton, Ala., tAuf. 8.—(Spechtl.)—
There 1« great rcJolcTng hero over tho
ouceesa of OdtOA. and tho defeat of
Kolb. Kolb has turned out <o be an
aglUTor and it strife-maker, an organ
iter of a>l forces opposed to the success
of Democratic vHnclpK's. The district
must now choose & successor to Col
Oates for congress. Clayton presents
for this high honor one of her allstln
gulooed oltlxens, Judge Augustus H
Aiiaton. Ho Is thoroughly equipped for
tho position. He is one of thos^ men
who ro.^poct and attracts at
tentlon wherever he goes. Judge AU>
stou is running his campaign on a high
plane. There Is nothin® of the InVri
.g politician about him, and shoul
ho fail pt <ht nomination it will be d«
to the’grvat probity and high heosd of
honor of the man. which to some ex
tent until# him for tire wire-pulling
tnothodii of the present-day politician.
But once In congress, his splendid Jn-.
tellcct, his commanding presence, hla
rehnetmut and charming urbanity will
at once secured him the respect of the
bAly And he will go to the front with,
but years of probation, as Is necessary
to the^suecess of smaller men. tNo man
In the district can take COl^ Oates*
place, put on his harness and 'carry
forward his work so perfectly as Judge
Augustus Allston. His heart Is as big
a meeting house, nnd the farmers
all love him, and no on* in more tn
sympathy ’with them And appreciative
of their needs and circumstances than
Judgu A Union, and they are for him.
’Austell, Aug. t.—(Special.)—A series
ot very interesting meetings arc in
progress at the Presbyterian church,
•with services morning ami evening.
Th# pastor. Rev. W. E. Dozier, is
conducting the meetings, assisted by
hla elders, and there Is evidence of
spiritual awakening, especially among
the young.
.Sunday evening a n%'gro twice made
an attempt to enter the room of Dr.
Norwood, at the residence of Mrs.
Ol irk. The second time he *was about
to cfPrct an entrance ■*'*»»« Dr. Nor
wood caught him and demanded wh
ft* wanted. He nvue, # want the
doctor;** but gentleman, doubting
the truth of his reply, toid him so tn
no uncertain language and. covering
him with a pistol, demanded his name.
The frightened Vlarky gave U and Mr.
Norwood let him go. It seems he la an
old offender, and hot a novice at bouse-
breaking, as h.i actions indicate.
Veterans of that RiegimeDfc--Enjoying
the Day at Fayetteville.
Fayetteville, Aug. 8.—(Special.)-*
The reunion of tho Forty-fourth Geor
gia regiment Is being held hero today’.
Between 3,0Qp nnd 4,000 peoplo are pres
cut, and anthuaburtto speerihes have
been made (by Gen/ Clement Evans,
Judge BarUett, Col. E. F. Weems, Mr.
Buchanan and othara. ^ *
A kirge nunfber of veterans of the
old Forty-fourth mv here. Among
tho AlkAdtsi jore; Col. J. T.
Glenn, Gen. Evans, Judgo Rodgeni,
Dr. J. M. Bosworth and Mr. Budramin.
«At this hour everybody Is enjoying a
basket dinner in tho shady grove
about haif n mile from the d*?pot,whcro
the reunion services are being hold.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
PoU M«4#laad Diploma.
Gets One of tho Legislative Nomi-
utions in Monroe.
Forsyth, August 8—(Special).—There
was some doubt in the Monroe oounty
primary as to the winners for seat* in
the legislature. It wag conceded Uhat
Mr. B. Willingham woa nomlmited
by a large majority. For the other
places tt was reported a»t flret that Mr.
R. C. McGough was selected, and later
news said tbit Mr. James G. Fhlncizee
was the winner. The ofllckil count.
gkis’^’Mr. (McGough 335 and Mr. Pffinmv-
sce 333. and the former "gets there”
by just 3 majority.
Montezuma, Au£. 8.—(Special.)—Miss
Dora Barnes of Byron is visiting Miss
Pearl Adams.
Miss Bessie Cheney of ElUviUelsthc
guest of Mrs. J. E. Robinson.
Miss Alma Bullard of vMtdedgevlHe
with Mlaa Alice Wilkes, Oliss Mabel
Veal of Barnesvllle wHh the family of
Mr. J. W. McKenzie, Misses Annie
CUuUe and Mary Lizzie Green of fbrt
Valley with her sister, Mrs. J.
Master!in and (Miss Birdie Steward of
l’ i u; wuli Mrs. »*. A. Hamilton.
Misses Cain and (Mamie Wood of Ma
con *r* also visiting the family of Mr.
J. A. J. Kimball. Our town is bright
ened by the presence of all t^se fair
visitors. •
Mr. Elmore M. Lewis 1s visiting his
parents at Neavnansville, Fla.
Mr. E. B. .Lewis and family left
tUturday morning oa a trip to New
Mr. Frank Holt left this morning for
White Spring*. FIs.
Mrs. . C. Ainsworth of Macon is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Richard
ion. . ,
A glorious revival is being carried on
st Spalding, two miles from here. Rev.
W. N. Ainsworth of this placets ably
assisted by Rev. A. J. Chevea
Rev. J. M. Walter*. Rev. Howard
McGehce of Cutbbert has also rendered
valuable assistance In the meet'
Twenty-six havt* Joined the «
churches. Methodist and Bxpliit, ■ J
the prospect is good for othere tc *'•
Leesburg, Aug. {Special.>—The
third party of this county-tnet at the
court* boose In this cMy yesterday.
There were only eighteen present,
enough, however, to proceed to busi
ness. Tho meeting was called to order
by Chairman W. *\V. Thompson, t'he
object being to nominate a candidate
for legislative honors. The names of
Messrs. O. L. Thompson, J. W. Clark
and W. \V. Thompson were put before
the convention. After voting *by ballot
the vote bong countey, resulted in the
selection of Dr. J. W. Clarke. After e
short speech from the doctor the meet
ing adjourned sine die.
We are having perfect deluges
rain, greatly to -the detriment of the
farmers. Creeks, ditches and ponds are
all filled to overflowing. i\ greater cot
ton crop to the acreage has not been
known'for years. Corn Is not so good us
was hoped for, tout a fairly good crop
wilt be gathered. An abundance of
peas, potatoes artd turnips are being
grown, which twill add greatly t-o the
hog and hominy crop. Hogs, though are
dying very rapidly In some localities
with oholcra or tbylype of it.
Mr. J, P. Cflllafwjiy will within a few
days move hie stock of goods to the
new (brick store recen'tly finished.
A large,^commodious hotel is now
course of erection here.
A new depot and 'Methodist church
la contemplated In the near future,
Tend* houses are also greatly in de
mand. 4 u
Flour Mill
Plant In tho
Crushed ffllddlipgs Flouf
Tho only Flour of It# kind, nnd the beifc
my kind. It ismiule by h secret pro
cess known to hut two persons.
CUXkQOSV^Vr* 0 fbrth* Knowledge.
Ask your grocer If his flour Is mixed
wilh corn flour. Such flour# are Inju
rious to health. We have no corn meal
attachment. UNDINE crushed mid
dlings ttbur is pure and wholesome
is made from selected wheat M
heading, fifteen words
WANTED—Those whb desire Mg liar-
£A*t.« In clothing, hats ani gent*’
ntstlng gcoJi to call at Kewdng.
J. CrWt assignee. '
WANTED—You to »e« the a894 Densrnor*
model typewriter on exhibition at
H. Poraeroy*A J. EL Minler,
phone 283.
FOR RENT—House now being built, 527
College street, contains parlor and sit
ting room connected by large suspended
double doors; dining room, largo but-
lerfs pantry, store-room, kitchen, live
bed rooms with closets, bath room.
large linen closet, ample halls, speaking
tubes, gas, hot and cold water and other
conveniences. Or If a home-seeker pre
fers the brick house which I occupy, he
can have choice. Possession September
15. T. U. Conner.
FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms,
with all modern covenlences, over
store of W. E. Hill & Co., on Second
street. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further information apply
41 Willingham's Warehouse.
FOR RENT—The Boardman dwelling,
857 First street. Immediate possesJlon.
Apply at Macori Saving* Bank.
FOR RENT—Nloe seven-room dwell
ing for $16 per month. No. 25!
Orange street. Apply to E. J. Will
Yet ....
FOR RENT—A comfortable, furnished
front room In splendid locality on the
HUI. No children In th© house.- Ad-
dress "J. H.,” care Telegraph.
A CHOICE second-hand ijrsan, omiiU
elxe. for sale It 671 Orange street, Ma
con. Ga.
na SALE—Old papers, for wrappto*
purpose,, etc., 26 cent, per hundred.
Telegraph offlc#.
gallon. Best syrup. 60 cema ga.lun,
at Keen Grocery Company.
MONEY TO LOAN—Returnable In
monthly installments. Southern Loan
& Trust Company, of Georgia, 3uS fooc-
Vmd BtlCCt.
LOOKOUT tor McMillan's delivery
teas, coffee, ooco, apices, flavorings,
give# ■odafeotlon. Itotzik 20c. Ik
CHOICE fresh fish In every morning
and afternoon. Dopson, Clarke &
M’MILLAN iwlll (personally deliver teas,
coffee, etc., (hereby guaranteeing sat-
HOLMES & COUTS saltlnes and ban
quets. and fancy sweet cakes at Keen
Grocery Company, 621 poplar street.
gtv## aattofocUon. Your grocer Mil* !l
FRESH lot banquet wafer*, afternoon
tea*. Graham-wafers and Rcyulty
ontekens Ju*t received. Collier u
M-MILLAiN’S delivery will call once,
a. week with every customer.
FRB9H JOGGS, 12 1-2 cents dozen; best
•Mocho and Java coffee, 30 cents
pound. Keen Grocery Company. Tele
phone, 176.
best made. Hav# you tn#d it t
AT COST—Clothing, Hats, Underwear.
J. J. Cobb, Assignee of W. A. Redding.
CALL on Keen Grocery Company, 621
Poplar .street, before you buy your
groceries. They will save you money.
TODAY McMillan's delivery will visit
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ment Academies, Uni
versities and Business.
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Front Royal. Virginia.
Prepares young men and boys for col
lege and business. Moderate charges.
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outfit. New cadets report Septemuer l.
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