The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, August 09, 1894, Image 3
f THE MACOJST TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORHIHG, AUGUST 9, 1894. IHE WORMf TRADE Reports by Wire Proin Great Markets. UJL peresntJl# pnyr *U*M k* r ,%’» »“-S«AL I«’•Ian ,c»K lor demand: I* * loa ‘JnjmMClai l<u»t M.S«*.1U.»1I. M “ tiw asys uoteriiinem bvnas tiuu Kaiiroau &uu<u Hate touo» gurer at the b- * “ooeiu***** «»«■■ BAlUUlAI liter, 2 8 *« # a*» prel'o..** an preia..* ** imw.loMicco'w* *•* ao iUDl . T. «<*&.*• r ®/* 1IIUJD 0 UDl ° '* tt*, Li oaiBoPBCino.. *4J< l I.t ** ***» lli2£5i-» - OK burresnacawF. ljjfc MtWkt.«“*«•• »>• iiU pill.... Jo ??< crpreierrea..— **““"“5&: IS Ml* 1 lu,or *KV*"* I 4b« ixjiu. eBuheen.. AS# LCU.SIWUeOAlD. 7 kbllllUlUt UOMkalM kcf.Bua ® At icLuun central! «* BTAXK BONDS. iuiflin. cl.u A-!"* ^“u...r •** 1r »!5S 00 CI8ktU....l0l m . iin98 O... V.V l*.Mi , u**' r ® 4 ’*‘ ,l8 U herm t»r#«»au*s. *• hoi in tan»iin»4».H »0UlllHi«*Cla»'9. bu COTIKMJi-.M 101*09. C.Minrtil'iA.UlK I V.fciViregular. i,g.4fctPUpUi9..1l* | ue were u• lotlows: KIOOK9. iliseourl r»otaa.. 75!* iloLiWoaiiOOUlu... 2U htlb.U tUQblU 81 U. b. cordage 2JJ« Ut. prel'a 8* how terse) oeui. .UK hew lor* Control. W.H L. ouu >. Jw... J8 .horl.sua v». prop. au.*» hMUieturkviQo.. S.s prot.. J4h proi.. J4o* PftciiiciiftU itfo Meaainc*. FwlW. IJH hock Ibisuu Mik kulau. w* prep .U'H M 2»V! prop lift* Texas Pacino *74 Union PaotDc..... *“• VdU. bi.L sua i*. »>7» •• - pta. 14*- Western Onion... Mlj Vnooi'gnua L.h.. 19-. l,bul?i;\na. but private reports from otne- purtb of the neutron be’t are n-t altogether pay ftivomble.. Private, ad vices tram Liveijbool were mure en couraging. Thq speculation here wad stir light, being confined l'or the most part, to board n»m operators, LIVERPOOL. ll»»rwv i. Au;. fe.Noun.-8p>! .•••tvoo mirk it lusine«* active with price® dull. Americm middling* 3 .8 Ud eaio« t J6,0Uu balea.ot wblcti llH.c Mere l r epeculaliou nnu expert aud included IS,* 0 Ait.eucan. lleceipta V.OiW Pales, Aiuenctui 6 u u. doting quotatlona—Fnturot firm. August.. . Aukust-Septomber.. ■••t ptember-Ocu.lier. Do tobor- h ovexnber,. h'ovt luli'r-l/ei e::ib'r pecember-J;iiiu u JunuHry-fobi u iry. f ebrunry - Jlarcn.... Marcli-Aprll Aprli-ilay......... | Opening. , Oloslu; 5 «#-8« S 46.01 3 li.niaa J 40-64 3 47 6* .C4 3 C*.64 AS 4T-C4 J 49S4&3 46*41 ' 4V44S3 tll-64 JAU-6103 61*04 • Si-64 63-01 a3 64*61 ■ pro. 1 Asked. * Ex dividend COTTON. r ,v.. f ..'. . |. . ' I n*-tu». While the future m*ricet tn Ne. loru B n I Uverpoll last weelt reached a .lower Dead than ever Known, and B*aw declined E Inderf cents m New York, our mar. ke nan held Arm at almost unchanged nriL-es. Owing to the peculiar conditions id the surroundings, the Macon lactora •re realising almost a* much tor the rtanle an it will bring In the largest ports north of u». . TTniatiay. I i*af»l 7. ii.fni id id a ung.. Eltldllnc ••••••' fiend Orainory Clean btalua lieu htxl»9..„ LOCAL XXCMPT9. i i i 1 | ! i i a d X S 5 TbU Dny TcMsrdsr Tbit Auy last free*. 2 2 Svfi 4 IU12 COSir A RATI VE CTATEXKXT. nock un liaud bejuomber 1st..... Re-rireasinceBeptembet 1st.. .. ioliT j:K( K11TS. Thus fur this week. 9.01*^) 9,loi| 4,369 CDSLed quiet and cloaca easy, Males Sot O^L' e.01 A. 6ft • .73 0.S1 0.67 UECKIVTS AMD XXTOBTS. j Forth* To-day | Week. OttiBniidated net receipts lrpcr£« to Great Britain ixporta to France SV»: 3,412 1,650 10,317 .... 1.A4.3 1.4071 10.087 m.«r. Export* to Continent ktock oo buna at Mow York... SEW OB LEANS CLOSIMO FUTURES. 5ew Orleans. Aug. 7--Cotton tutures closed steady. Esiea CA.Oiw bales. January o to July — beptein e 34 OctuDer A 83 November G *i December A Bl ■PORT QUOTATIONS. OalvMton, Aug. 8,-Quiet. MlddUng C»i; Ut »; 1M new; stock 7,567. .Norfolk, Aug. 8.—Steady. Middling U-15; net 6; atock 8,358. Baltimore, Aug. 8.—Nominal. Middling ■»; grow 100; stock 0.057. Boston, Aug. 8.—Quiet. Middling 6%; iross Cr stock 300. Wilmington, Aug. 8.-Qulet. Middling S»; stock 1.087. l'MIadeli-U. Aug. 8.—Firm. Middling IW6; st^K 2^88. Bavannah. Aug. S.r^teady. Middling OS; »« S; Mock 7,743. New Orleans, Aug. 8.-Qulet. inasrng net 1C3; stock 21.215. .Mobile, Aug. 8.—Dull. Middling 88-18; »et 1; stock 1547. ' • Memphis, Aug. 8.—Quiet. Middling it*; ue. II; stock 6,510. Augusta, Aug. 8.—Quiet. Middling net 5; stock 3.083. Charleston, Aug. 3.-Qu!et. Middling **; "t It stock 12.m. Cincinnati. Aug. 8,-Steady. Middling Hi; net 484; stock 3,052. Jfulevll e, Aug. 8.-QuleL Middling 7V4. **• U> . u '- 1 ' Aug. S.-Qulet. MlndJlng r%; net 8; stock 20.032. Houston Aug. 8.—Quiet. Middling 63-10; net 865; slock 4.510. ATWOOD’S COTTON LETTER. Special Wire to Lyons A James, l hi*^. iS** Aug. 8.—Liverpool’s market, -‘ ln -5.U10 sales and Jutures 1-64. closing arm. came as a surprise to the trade, a cet-at Of 1 to ! having been generally erpectsd. Our market improved ■ 6 *s consequence, and kept up this all day. with slight nuctuaUonr, * °™t slightly below the highest. The frop reports were, on the whole, trrL •^■‘fuctory. and private Ir.tormauon S" >tales confirm everything that 2*®,®* ""Id of the crop. It Is. of course, lament that English spinners must be ; Jy**.°f cotton, of whlcb they hove rr® ,l *“* supply in Liverpool. We see i Jwn^of European spinners showing any *uspoo(Uoo to buy on this idde at th- ™ « demanded by Interior sellers, when JV “u 1 beeln adjusted to the value or «ii"S’ CJlStr fh* price o< spot cotton wua nay, to come down when once cou on begins to come on the market, or rut- ■ ii w have to advance. In order to uTm . th e right level. *A7ie market was «»u and Jin-lea. all day. Atwood, Violett ft CO. SUN'S COTTON REVIEW. * tort, Aug. 8.—Tlie S'ln'ii co»- *Jys: Activity in ljverr«t>oU m . t tbtfA reportd of tco rati, in some parts of the evtton *» lb , 3ot *Wy m the CamlinaSs rust and ! ln Alabama and ilMsi«lppl, thc Annnesa of th? Xrw 1 ir» the Dili, fhi crop w<s well in Texas. Ancansin and > GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. New York, Aug. 8.—Flour quiet, held firmly. Winter wheat, low grades, l.Bua 2.60; fair Co fancy, 2.40oD0; patents, 2.7Da 3.20; Minnesota clear, 2.^iboT patents, 3.40 o4.o0; lotv extras, l.K>a2.&o. Southern Hour quiet and stwiily; common to TtUr extra, 2.1<ia:i.0u; good to .choice do, 3.UA60. Wheat dull and l-16a^ lower; No. 2 red store and elevator, 6S; alloat, 6814. Options declined 1%, rallied H «nd closed steady at ltfcaVfc under yesterday. With trading fairly actlvCT No. 2 red closing: August, 58; September, 5S%; December, % May, t>7. Corn dull and scarce: firm. No. 2, 63% elevator; AG afloat. Options fairly active; MflfrlilOjtl dtcUntd 3%a4%, rallied closing steady at %a3% under yes terday; A’lgust, SRSi September, 61; De- cember, 55^«; May. OaAs lower, weak; options weaker; Au- gUft, 35%; Se-ptimber, 33%; October, 3G^i- Spot prices No. 2, SAo37; No. 2 white, »2; mixed Western, 36%o37%; white do and state, 40a50. Hay easy and dull; shipping, 56a53; good to ch(ii» , i*, S0.i90. Wool firm; good demand; domestic fleece 28o22; pulled 15%. Beef steady; family 12.00al2.G0; extra mess, 8.00; beer hams* 22.00; tlerced beef dull and steady; city extra India mess, 17:i.lft; cut meats, quiet ami sternly; pickled bellies “5; shoulders, 6%a%; hams, 11%o12. •Lard quiet; Western steam closed, city, 7-00; September closed at V.67.. Pork active and Arm; mess, I4o50a75; extra prime, 13.00a60. Butter steady and In moderate demand; •tate dairy. 14a2i; do creamery, I7a23; Western dairy, 12%ol6; do creamery, T?a23; Elgins, ti. Cotton seed oil quiet and steady; crude. 2a820; yeilow, 32. Petroleum steady and quiet. ‘ ij ^ ltosln dull and steady; Attained com mon to good, 1.15a25. Turpentine quiet and steady at 20%. Molasses dull and steady; foreign nartu- rm1: New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 27o37. Coffee options steady at 5al0 points up; August, 14455; October, 13.19a25; Deccm- Sugar, raw, dull ana steady; fair re% cui loaf,' 5%a5-i6; granulated. Freights to Liverpool dull; cotton b-64d.; train, %d. ~~ Chicago, Aug. 8.—Armour was TTTo big teller ox wheat at the opening tddal?, and buyers of yesterday were also Inclined to asslsct the price downward by dis posing of such wheat as showed a profit. as the advance was solely due to tile strength in corn, so, therefore, was drop today a natural sequence oi the slump in the condition of that market. The extraordinary conditions prevailing In the trade, set at. naught the regular Influences, operators .paying no attention to them and mailing no effort to obtain information bearing directly upon the wheat situation. Cables today were all higher, declined to Bo%, closing at 55%aC6, 1*1,111% under yesterday. Cash wheat was steady, prices showing bht little change. ' Corn whs * quite A nervous as TSsfe?* day, out there was d reversdT<Jf the tone and a change In the course or^prlces. The opening was Just as panicky ns any period of yesterday’s scesalon, nnd 1 looked for a moment as if the top wo yet to come. The country, however, was satisfied with TTB profits and large oiocks were offered for Tale on orders from the very districts that have been complaining of the drodgttt. There was no logical reason, beyond a desire to obtain profits, In this action; but It was nevertheless a fact that, despite the unchanged condi tions in tfie weather, and in tact, of a bad state report from Louisiana and pre dictions of continued Hry weathe^. tflere big holder of cosh corn ielt that the fluctuations gave evidence of . the uncer tainty that prevailed. The range was 8% on September corn and 6 cents on May, dnd the close was at a recovery, the for* mer showing a net decline oT cents and the latter 2%. September corn opened from 61%059, sold down to 53, closing at $6%; May sold between 57 and 61, and closed at 53%. Cosh com was In good condition, prices being very Irregular, but generdlly % under September for No. 2. As oats advanced with corn, so, to be conBlftten.t, It declined with that market There was a good trade, but It was with* out feature. The close was % under yes terday for September. Oish oats were ‘ia'i lower than yesterday. Had It not been for the break In corn, a’ different result might have been seen In provisions at the end of the day' trhdlng. The opening was strong, and tluit feeling ruled for a long time. The general weakness soon pervaded the pit, and prices fell away. The close was 7% lower for September pork, 2%a5 cents lower fo£ September lard- and 5 cents lower for September ribs. Very little was done ln the cash market. CASH QUQTATIONH. Flour was slow; prices were steady and unchn nged. No. 2 spring wheat, M%aS7; No. red. 54%. No. 2 corn, 56%. No. 2 Oats, 32>4aS. Pork, 13.20a30. - Lard, 7.25a30. Short rib sides, 6.96a7.06. Dry salted shoulders, 6.00012%. ' Short clear sides, 7.12%af7%. Whisky, 1.22. FUTURE QUOTATIONS. The leading futures ranged as J lows: WHEAT— Op’ng. High‘at. Low'at. Clos. Aug 66% 66% 54% S«Pt 57% 58% 68% Dec ; 61% 61% 58% CORN- ' pldly declined 2% to 3 cents. The break not entirely unexpected, as this mar ket has advanced 5 to 6 cents within the week without any change in the situation -to warrant It other than sym pathy. Clearances at all the ports. GGfc.OQU*. total primary arrivals somewhat lighter. Toward line latter part of the session the market reacted, some gradually recovering part of the decline. The closing was steady. May corn opened with regular trading at 55 to 5G, firmed up with an occasional sale at 55. There were few regular out side transaction; for Instance, a broker for a large house paid 57 for one 5,000, while other brokers for the same house came evid-nt fr. m th. s: irt that many could not execute orders at 65%. It be- of the largest holders were heavy sellers. The few ouyers were soon supplied, and rapid decline set In, which was bor dering on a panic. Borne stop ordera could not be executed. All the way from % flT 1% within the limit, making It very unfortunate for both Customers and com- missi.-n houses. There was a sharp re act lo.7 on unfavorable weather predictions fivra Washington. Another decline *n “Tng or>V>ra though the market firmed •p towards the -close, recovering about half she early decline. Contrary to yesterday, oats dki not par take of the excitement ln other cereals. There wus a good speculative trade. Of ferings were quite liberal, and orders principally of a selling character. The price at the close showed a lo« of 1% to cents. Receipts fully up to estimate. Total clearances, *22,000 bushels. Provisions firm at opening; trifle excited af times. Sane selling by packers’on tile advance, and although offerings were somewhat limited, prices were 5 to 10 cents lower at the close. Lamson Bros. & Co. NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Aug. 8.—Spirits of turpentine market- opened flrmly held at 28 cents, with no sales; closed at 28 cents; paid for 76 casks; recfelpts 83. Rosin market opened at a decline on pales, which were quoted flrmly held with sales of 1C barrels on these grades; all other grades were quoted firm, with sales of 44G barrels. Market closed unchanged, with sales of 32 barrels of pale grades. Quote A, B, O and D. 1.00; E, 1.06; F, 1.15; C, iJ; H. 1.35; I, 1.75; K. 2.00; M, 2.25; N, 2.W; window glass, 2.65; water white, 2.80. ■ Charleston, Aug. 8,-Turpentlne firm at 27 mil and refused; receipts 68 casks. Rosin, good strained, firm at 90 cent-*; receipts 261 barrels. : ’>■ Wilmington, Aug. 8.—Rosin steady; good stnalueS, 92%; strained, 87%. Spirits ot turpentine firm at 26% bkl. ^ Tar firm at I. 85. Crude turpentine, firm; hard, l.uu; soft,’ 1.70; virgin, 2.20. »% 13 23 13 20 13 22% LAMHON'8 GRAIN LETTER. special o Lyons- & James. Chicago, Aug, 8.—Another very exciting day in aJJ the markets this. 8* ber wheat ranged from to 56%. CXibl. were IfUn all arounl 'I he opening strong, with ro<t1 buying. Trade unusually heavy. On the nir bren 5 to C <x*«ts In corn, hoMera startreal!/, lag. and the rsrrket broke. Ther a flood of wbi&t for sales, and prices OT I Raspberries—2-pound cans, 51.85 per dozen. Strawberries—2-pound cans, |1.50 per dozen. Reaches, pie—3-pound cans, |1.S5 per dozen. r ' * \v. Apricots. California—3-pound cans, 83.25 per tlo?.en. IVaches—California, 12.25. pig Feet—2-pound cons. 82.25 per do*. Roast Beef—1-pound wins. 81.30 per dozen; 2-pouiul cans, 83 per dozen. Corn Beef—2-pound cards. 61.85 per dozen. Potted Ham—%-pound cans, 65 cents per dozen; 1-2-pound cans, 81.25 per dozen. Lunch Tongues—1-pound cans, 83 per dozen. Trip«-2-pound cans, 51.85 per dozen. FRUITS AND NUTa Corrected by A. A, Cullen. Figs—Dry. choice. 12 1-3 to 15 cents. Peanuts—North Carolina, 3 1-2 cents; Virginia, 4 and 6 cents. Lemons—34. Nuts-vrarmgonla almonds, 18 cents per pound; Naples walnuts, 15 cents; French walnuts. 12 cents; pecans, 10 to 13 cents. Apples—Sun dried, 8 to 7 cents per pound. Raisins—New In market, 82 per box; London layers,. 82.25 per box; loose Mus catel. 82 per box. Irish Potatoes—52.50 sack. CANNED GOODS. MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask'd. 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1896 1<M% 105 4% per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupon* maturity 1915....113% 114% 4% per cent bonds. Jan nnd July July coupons, maturity 1912....114% 115% 8% per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity long date... 93 99 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 per cent, bonds 104 106 Atlanta bonds. 95 to 115, as to interest and maturity. Augusta bonds, price as to rate of ln«erest and maturity 100 US Rome bonds, 8 per cent 1<M% 105 Columbus 6 per cent, bonds....103 103 Macon 6 per cent, bonds, quar terly coupons, Ill 118 RAILROAD BONDS. Central railroad Joint mortgage , 7 per cant, bonds, Jan. and July coupons....;. 118 U7 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1897 101 102 Georgia Railroad 6 per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1910 106 lip Georgia Railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons. duo 1922 110 1U Montgomery and Eufaula rail road 6 per cent.- bonds, Jon. and July coupons, dua 1909 97 96 Ocean Steamship bonds. 6 per cent Jan. and July coupons, due 1920 91 Columbus and Western railroad C per cent. July coupons 94 96 Columbus and Rome railroad 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons 88 40 Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 per cent, bonds, Jam and July coupons, due 1900.'. 98 93 Savannah, Ainerlcus and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons.. 47 48 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 6 per cent bonds. Jao. and July coupons, due 1972.....79 80 South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons lift Northeastern Railroad Indorsed 6 per cent, bonds, May and November coupons 402 108 Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, March September coupons 85 SI Charleston, Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonds 99 101 RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central Railroad common stock. 19 20 Central Railroad 6 per cent, deb- tures 25 29 Southwestern Railroad stock.... 67 70 Georgia Ratmnd stock 138 M0 Atlanta and West Point rail road stock 75 80 Atlanta and West Point railroad debentures 88 90 Augusta and Savannah railroad stock 80 83 LOCAL BONDS AND 8TOCK3. Macon Goa Light and Water consols. May and November coupons 15 Wesleyan College 7 per cent. bonds, Jan. and July coupons..100 1U Macon Volunteers’ Armory 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and July cou- pons 1M los Bibb Manufacturing Company 6 per cent bonds, April and Oct. coupons 100 101 Progress Loan and Improvement Company 16 60 Southern Phosphate Company stock 0 90 Acme Brewing Company..... 100 BANK STOCKS. First National Bank stock.135 130 American National Bank etock.. » 90 Exchange Bank stock 92 » Union Bavtngs Bank and Trust Ccmpany stock 92 93 Central Georgia Dink stock.,.; 90 Ms con Savings Bank stock; 90 92 Central City Loan and Trust Company stock.............. 15 DRUGS, PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday By Henry J. Lamar * Sons. Cinnamon Bark-Per pound, 12 to Ue. Cloves—Per pound, 15 to 25s. Drugs and Chemicals —Gum assafoetlda, 86c. pound: camphor gum, to to G cents pound; gun opium, 1165 to *3.50 pound; morphine. %&. 82.25 to 82.43 ounce; qui nine (according to six*) 33 to 99c. ounce; sulphur. 4 to Ac. pound; salts, Epsom, 2% to 3c. pound; copperas, 2 to 3c. pound; salt petre. 10 to 12c. pound; borax, 15 to 18c. pound; bromide potash, 50 to 56c per pound; chlorate, S to pound; carbolic arid. 50c. to 81.75 sound; chloroform, IS to 81.40 pound; calomeL 85c. to 81; log wood, 16 to 20c. pound; cream tartar, C. P., 35 to 4<j; cream tartar, commercial to 90 cents. DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Satuiday By & Waxel- baum 4b bon. Prints—eBrwlck, 3%; standard, 4% to5; Turkey red. 4 to 6%; indigo blue; 4 to 4%: solids, 2% to 6. Sheetings—4-4, 4% to 6%; %. to 4%; %. Corrected Every Saturday by 8. R. Jaquea & Tinsley Co. Apples—l pound cans 81.25‘per dozen. Blackberries—2-pound cans, 81 per dozen; 8-pound cans. 81.05 per dozen. Corn—2-pound cans, 90 cents to 81.50 per dozen. String Beans—2-pound cans, 90 cents per dozen. Tomatoes—2-pound cans, per dozen. 90 cents; 3-pound canr, 81.10. Okra and Tomatoes—2-pound cans. 81.10 per dozen. June Peas—2-pound cans, 81.25 per dozen. Red Cherries—2-pound cans, 81.60 per dozen. ^ I MEATS. Corrected Every Saturday by W. L. .Ilonry. Fresh .Meats—Western beef, 6% to t>Vtc.; Georgia beef, 4% to 6c.; dressed hogs, Ga6%c.; Western mutton, 7%c.; native mutton. 7c; smoked pork sausage, 8 l-2c; frenh pork sausage, 8c; Bologna sausage, Cc. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every aSturday by the 8, R. JaQues & Tinsley Co. The following are strictly whole**]® prices: Apples—Impound cans, 81.25 per dozen. Firth—Kit white fish, 60c; In half barrels, 84; mackerel In half barrels, $4.75; No. 2, 65.25; kits, No. 3, :o ctfats; new catch. Flour—Beat patent, per barrel, 83.40; sec ond patent. $3.30; straight, 83; family, $ family, $2.60 Sugar—Standard granulated, 476 cents; extra C, New York, 4%c.; New Orleans clarified. 4% cents. Hay-Hay la ln better demand. W« quote today No. 1 Timothy at $19 and prime at*$l8 per ton. Meats—Bulk Bides, 7%. Corn—75 cents per bushel. Oats—Mixed. 45 ce.its; while, 46 cents. Lard—Tierces. 8% ceitts; carts, 8% per pound; 20^pound cans, 9%c. Oil—lie:- Snuff—Lorlllard’s Macoaboy snuff, stone Jars; 45o per pound; glass Jars, 45c per pound; 2-ounoo bottles, $9.90 per gross:. 2-ounce cans, $8.60 per gross;gross; 1-ounce cans, $3.96 per gross; railroad snuff, 1-ounce glass, 45c; 1-ounce tins, $4.25 per gross. Tomato catsup—Pints, 90c; quartz, $1.25. ,V HomlnyiiSNr barrel. J3.60. 7Ieal—oBlted, 70 cents; plain,.70 cent*. Wheat bran—00c. Hams—12 to 13 cents. Shoulder*—9% 'to 12%: COUNTRY PRODUCE. Corrected Every Saturday by Walter Nelson. Poultry-—yHena, 25 to 28c; rie* 16 to 20c; ducks, 25 to 30c; geese, 40 to 60c. Eggs—10 cent* per dozen. Evaporated apfplcs. 15 l*3o per pound; sun dried apples, 6 to 7o per pound; driod peaches, 12 1-2 to 16o per pound. New Irish Potatoes—|i per bushel., bushel. Sweet potatoes—75c per bushel. .! Cabbage-82.50 .0 33 per barrel. Or.lons-U per bushel. Honey—80 to lOo per pound. U y Tomatoes—75 cents per bethel. LIQUORS. Corrected Every Saturday By L. Cohen & Co. Whisky—Rye. $1.05 to 83.60; corn, fl.06 to tl.60; gin, 31.06 to 81.75; North Carolina corn. 81.06 to 11.35; Georgia c./rn, Jl.&o, Wlnea—90 cents to H; high wines, H.22; port and sherry, 31 to 83; claret. to $10 cose; American champagne, |7.W to 88.50 per case; cordials, $12 per dozen; bitters, 88 per dozen. HARDWARE. The American Encyclopedic Dictionary* Gives the Full Definition Of Every English Word. IT Is a Complete And Perfect Modern Encyclopedia Is the (Greatest Modern Work of Reference These Speak as Those Having ......Authority PROF. M. J. ELROD, Chair of Biology and Physics of the Illinois Wesleyan University, nays: For Btudcnta and for The 'mass of tho people l't will bo very useful, not to mention Its low cost. Such a thing is needed In thousands of homes, and your paper ds to bo congratulated up on being ablo to furnish It <»J:Uj read er* at such a ‘trivial oost. M. J. Elrod. DR. W. H. .WILDER, ' President of the Illinois Wesleyan University, says: Tho American En cyclopaedic Dictionary 4s a work of great merit. Highest utllty has been sought 'by combining The dictionary r.nd encyclopedic features. The effort is a success. W. H. Wilder, a wealth of knowlcdgo In *o compact a form will conviiiiMu! ttBOlf afiike to the laborious scholar, tho general redder, and especially to tho teacher. John W. Cook. PROF. W. A. HEIDEL. Chair of Greek, IlHnote Wesleyan University, »ays: There Is one fcaituro of 'tho book -which pleases me very much. Many of fcavo read old En glish and Scotch, but the ordinary dic tionary Is of no avaft for such UBea, whereas your encyclopedia appear* to meet 'tho requirements very fully . ,W. A. lleldel. PROF. E. M. Van PETTEN, ■Superintendent of Tnoomtntfton City Sohools, nays: It Is a work of great value. It seems to mo concise, accu rate and convenient in form. So much Information dn such a small compass t* nowhere olso to bo obtained. E. M. .Van Pctten. Axes—86 to 87 per dozen. Bar Lead-6 cento per pound. Buckets—Paints, | per dozen; cedar, three hoops, $2.26. Cards—Cotton, 84. Chains—Trace. 83.60 to $4.50 per dozen. Well Bucket*—83.25 per dozer,. Itope—Manilla, 12 cents; slsel, 10 cent*; cotton. 12 cents. Shoes—Horse, $3.50; mule, $4. Shovels—Ames'. $9 per dozen. Shot -o)rop. $1.35 per sack. Wire—Barbed, 3 cents per pound. 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