The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, August 09, 1894, Image 7
- — THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1894. OVER THE RIVER IN EAST MACON The Colored Peoplo Badly Wrought Up Over a Somewhat Strange Phenomenon. WAS IT A JACK O’ LANTERN? East Macon Gunnara (lavs Opened Up Dove (shooting and Made m. Good Hag (lie Other bay—News in General. BEFORE THE COURT TODAY. Ths Dstactivs Muddle Will Be Taken Up By Judge Hardeman in the Superior Court MUCH INTEREST MANIFESTED Bath Sides Sanguine With Fall Expect ation of lielng Sustained by the Law—Will Be a Hard Cluestlan to Soiree The negroes in East- Macon are very much worked; up Oyer u strange phe nomenon that they claim made its ap pearance on IV>rt Hill some nights ago. A large party of colored men got to gether with all the dogs In the neigh- Uorhood lot a toon hunt, and early In Che evening started out i‘or the river swamp. It «'as. after the hunt/ when the party started home,' that they were badly frightened by something.of the "lack o' lantern" kind, And* which has stirred their - superstitious. naUlres to a point of great exilement. They spent nearly the whole night hunting and 'were^returning home with n very good bag, ckhen, just as they reached the fndlan- mound bey'on(l.:tbe railroad, a hlrge, faant -light was 1 seen u;i the summit of the hand-made moun tain. It wojfld. shove about as if carried by som. ofi^and passed from one : Bide of the motfijd ,t_o the other, going each timet to thc. edgo and at times appear ing to swing some distance down'Vne t I •• 11 was h'O large anil too faint fir a lantern. It is described as being the size of a Japanese lantern, though trie light was red, - rather tfrnn yelAnv. All sorts of .canjee(ilres arose ss'to what the phenomenon could be. Borne of the negroes believed it to be the risen ■ *splrit of some Indians who : \,iv'ii< d for the buried relies that ate found from'time to’time ln'the mound, u goodly collection of rvhich, has al ready been made Ky- many people In the neighborhood. Some of the moil be came frightened and beat a hasty re treat.- One or -4wo wanted to Investi gate. and with this determination clam bered up the Bide of the mound, their minds made uj> to risk life if necessary to satisfy their curiosity. They say that when they approached near enough to the top to get a view all oven its surface the mysterious light was. seen bait hidden behind a clump of bushes on the opposite sMe from which they approached. It was as large as a water bucket and was so dim as not to throw any noticeable light upon die ground around It. The men, there were - three of them, as soon as they reached the top made a bold rush toward the “taring." It was too quick for them, however, and. seeming to divine their purpose, rose up with * weird, hissing noise and float ed Iheavenwanl with all the graceful ness of an Infant balloon, leaving the awe-struck darkles almost paralyzed la their boots. They stood there watching It. until froni'lhe' dlmlttlihed size of a baseball It passed out of view. It Is necdlesi to say that the dauntless explorers never lost any time on the mound searching for tracks - or other signs, but with all the haste at their com mand they tumbled head flrst down ' the side of the mound', evidently more eager to get away from those parts than they had been a tew minutes be fore to ferret out the mystery. Of oourse, the story as told by them Is not to be credited. But that they saw something of the kind and that the; are very badly wrought up over what ever It was there can he no doubt. • Some of the young men of East Ma con proposed yesterday to watch for the appearance of the phenomenon last night and the result of their vigil inay develop an even more sensaitlonal story than that given out by tho col ored peoplo. East Maoon nlmrods have opened up the dove-shooting season with Che flrst big that has so far been made by local sportsmen. A party of gentlemen went down to Toombsboro a day or uwo ago and in a two-houre' shoot got about eighty birds. Authorities say that doves will be plentiful this season. Or. J. O. McCrary la gradually Im proving. though he la not yet able to leave tria bed.- HIGHEST HONORS GIVEN. To Dr. Price at the World's Fair. Fium tho Chicago Tribune. For leavening power, keeping quail ties, purely and general excellence the Vforld’a Fair Jury decided that Dr. Price'* Cream Baking Powder had no equal. On each of Its claims It was awarded a first nrize or a deploma. All th'e baking powders entered for prizes were subject to a most exhaustive ex amination, and the Jury w.ta the heat equipped to make the decision bf any ever got together. Their verdict waa supported by the testimony of Dr. H. W. Wiley, chief chemist of the United State* depurtmmit of agriculture nt Washington. Dr. 'Wiley Is an expert on ftfxl products and tho highest au thority on such matters In America, This verdict settlesa long debated ques tion aa to which among the many bak ing powders 1* the best. Today Is tho date set for the hearing of the famous detective cose, over which tho police commissioners and city council are at loggerheads, tund a great deal of Interest Is felt In Its termina tion. Both city oouncll and the police com mission believe they arc right In their respective positions, and it is now for the oourt to say which la right— whether council hns the authority to appoint its own detectives, to be under the control and management of tho mayor and council and Independent of the. police commission, or whether the city's detectives shall bo under tho con- trol nnd management of the police com mission. Furthermore, what seems to be due of tho most Important questions of nil to decide is whether or not tho council has authority to appoint and control detectives and bn's the poltco commission authority to employ two officers and keep them “detailed for ■pedal duty," leaving prnctienlly only forty-four patrolman, wnen tho charter says the force shall consist of forty-skx patrolmen, or, In other words, Is n per son detailed for special duty a patrol man. Tho police commission has never dropped the names of tho two detect ives from thq roll, although council has announced its intontiou to refuse ltouor the pay roll with their names on It, and should the case bo decided In fa vor of council It Is highly probable that the pay of tho two detectives would bo refused by council and the police com mission would be responsible for it. Tho question Is a very complicated one and no doubt many fine points of law will bo brought out in Us hearing. HoUt sides will strongly contest every Inch of grouud, and It may tako several days to reach a decision. THE GRANDEST EXCUBSION Of the Season to Washington, D. 0., Baltimore. Philadelphia nnd New York—Solid Train of Vestibule Sleep ers Via Macon and Northern and Seaboard Air Line. On August 23 the Macon and North ern will put on sale round trip tickets Macun to Washington, D. C., via Ports mouth, Va., nnd tho palatial steamers of tho Norfolk and‘.Washington line. Parties holding tickets over tho Macon nnd Northern railroad will have privi lege of visiting Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe. Ocean Vimv nail Virginia Beach. Partial leaving Macon August 2G will enjoy a ‘daylight ride from Portsmouth to Washington up the Chesapeake Bay nnd Potomac river, passing Mount Vernon, tho United States navy yards and other points of interest. Atrungements have nlso been made whereby nil parties holding tick ets over 1he Macon and Northern rnll- :-iad c:ln secure reduced round trip rates from Norfolk and Washington to Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Remember, tickets go on snlo August 23 nnd remain on sale to August 2S, good to return September 13. Sleeping car berths can uow be ob tained nt general office, 239 Second slrett I'phono 24flj. Sleeping care fare Maeo-i t.> Washington and Portsmouth ft; same rate ns from Atlanta to same points. For further Infoi-matton, call on or write E. C. Mahoney, A. G. P. A., Ma oon, Ga. G ALL THIS WEEK UMBRELLAS—Our sale of Umbrellas will continue all this week. Umbrellas for 63c, 75c, $1 and $1.25, worth from 50c to $1 more than we ask for them. This is the greatest chance to buy a first-class Umbrella cheap ever offered. SILK RIBBON—Pure Silk Grosgrain Rib bon 3, 5 and 7 for 6c; 9. 12 and 16 for 10c. 20 pieces Scotch Cainbric, full 36 inches wide, sold for 15c, now 8c. One case Baker 4-4 Bleaching 7 l-2c per yard. * HOSIERY—Men's full regular, mixed brown and gray Sox for 10c. Ladies’ fast black, full regu-r lar at 12 l-2c per pair. 15 pieces Wash Silk, new patterns, 39c the yard. THE DANNENBERG CO. Atlanta anil Hew Orleans Short Line, ATLANTA and WEST 1’UlNT It. 11 AtlilcliOnt nml Jftcnt Koulc. Montgomery. Selma. Mobil 3. New Orleans. Texas and -Soutinvent. fiouthbound. No. .»t N". ju .n<> at. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. JNJEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. AND iOSTON*. Lv. Macon Lv. Atlanta Ar Montgomery, Ar Pensacola At Mobile Ar New Orleans Ar Houston .... 4 30 pro' & m uin 11 Od am 6 tt paij 6 20 pm 10 2ft pm 8 23 em | 8 2ft am 4 :w pmj 1 30 pm 3 30 pm) S 10 pm 5 SO amf 6 30 am 3 05 ami 8 05 «m rJMAOE FROM SAYAN*** X TO NEW YORKt. Cabin,.$20; I'ixvurMou &}2; ttnotrsge. 110. TO BOSTON* Cabin 1 TO SELMA Leave Montgomery I 9 30 pm| 8 10 am Arrive Selma , |U 15 pmjU 15 am Train (0 carries Full _ vestibule •leeper New York to New urleuu.i, and dining car to Montgomery. Train dairies Pullman vestibule sioeptr New Or- Usns to New York and aiuing cur to Atlanta. Trains 54 and 51 Pullman Buffet Sleep ing Cars between Atlanta and Mont gomery. japmntp l. rrLm. am i. Mgr, JOHN. A. GEE. Oml. Pass. Agt CEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A.. Atlanta MACON, DUBLIN AND BA VANN AH It A1 mo AO. Time Table No. 13. Taking Effect bun- day, April 30, UH.- Read Down. Sun.| | VoWo#"' CUT OUT THIS. A Free Ricio to Washington and Return to tho Most Popular Knight. The Macon and Northern, in connec tion with the Seaboard Air Line, have opened up a new route from Macon to Eastern and Virginia cities. Tho pas senger equipment of the Macon • and Northern railroad has Just been re ceived from the shops and is one of the finest trans leading out of Macon. Tho Macon and Northern makes cloee con nections at Athens with the solid vesti bule limited train of the Seaboard Air Line, on of the handsomest trains south of Baltimore. This new line opens up the most delightful and picturesque routes from tills section to all pblnts in the Carolines, Virginia anti the East and is becoming more popular every day. The route to Washington over which the free ticket will read will be Macon and NbrUiem and Seaboard Air Line to Norfolk, thence via the pala tial steamers of the Washington and Norfolk line, giving passengers a most delightful ride up the grand and pic turesque Potomac, landing passengers at the foot t>f the Washington monu ment. On ihe way up the Potomao stops will be nuulo at different, points of interest, Including Old Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, ML Vernon (the homo of the Illustrious Washington) and at the navy yards, where a view can be had of the Uni'ted States war ships. The ticket will be good August 27th going and good to return September 5. The grand conclave of Knights of Py thias of the United States will aesem- bio In Washington August 28 and bo reviewed by President Cleveland. A pleasanter ride could not be taken art this time of the year. The monotony of an all-rail line Is broken by the boat ride from Norfolk, and passengers can go into Washington feeling fresh, with out dust and in n position to enloy the festivities immediately upon arrival in Washingon. t “SHOT UP” THE) TOWN. San Antonio. T/sx., Aug. 8.-Sheriff Royal of Pecos county yesterday deputized about seventy-five Mexicans for scene unknown purpose, and, riding <nto Fort Btockton, proceeded to "shoot up” Che town In the most approved Western style. Royal Is Mild to hava threatened to run Frank Rooney, a prominent citizen or Stockton, out of the place, and while fh© shooting was In progress ho emptied Ms pistol ut Rooney. The fitter returned the lire and fatally wounded the sherlfT. There Is groat excitement at the fort over the affair, and the ranger company stationed at Meiudhon has gone to tho place to quiet matters. a/AEANESEJ ■ I )UED CURE A Jfew and GorapMo Treatment, oouilsttng of feUPPOBI TORIES, of Ointment sod two Boxes of Ointment. A never-falling Curo for Piles •revery nature en.l .lessee.. It rnnkei an opomtlon with the knlfo or Injections of carbolic noid, which •re nntnfnl and eoldom a purn.ninmtcuro, and often faulting lu death, uunecossary. Why sndurs this tsrriblo disease? Wf, guarantee 6 boxes tr> ouro anv case. You only — — pay for _—_ ——. » ani — benedtfl recelred. 11 a bot, 6 for |5. Seat by mail. Guarantees issued by our agent*. COKSTIPATION MSRMtt Ihe great LIVER nnd ATOM A0I1 REGULATOR and 14LOG!> PURI TIER. Small, mild and pleasant to lake, especially ndaptod for children's use. 50Doses IS cents. QUAUANTtr«* *— ’ • ■- \r GOODWYN * SHADE. Sol* Agents. Cherry Street and Cotton 1 Avenue. Maoon. Ga. SOUTHERN RAIDWAY COMPANY- WESTERN SYSTEM. SOUTHBOUND. No. uTifoTii ' For • Residence • • Aa lhe Most ropular Knight of - • Pythias. • » The one receiving the highest • • number of ballots will receive a « • round trip ticket from Macon tb • • Washington and return over the * • popular Macon and Northern • • rail)ood. Ballots must oil bo In • • by B p. m. August 16. 1831. All • • ballots must be clipped from the * • Macon Telegraph. • BISMARCK ON ANARCHISTS. Berlin, Sue. 7.—In a conversation with a vlsX&r In TJrln today, l’rtnco Bismarck said that he expected little gbsa froa International action against Anarchism. If each state would manage wKhln Its own frontiers to prevent Oio tormstlon of plots, quietness and order would soon return. Anarchists ev**ywnere. ho aald, ought to be treated aa they were In 'Sirin, •t mean pigs.” aoid Bismarck, smiling; “we coniine them cIoacTy.” OH. WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning? Tba signal, perhaps, of the aurs approach of that more terrible disease, consump tion. Ask yourself It you can afford for the sake of saving 60 cents run the risk and do nothing for It. We know from exporlnece that Shiloh's Cura will cure your cough. It never falls. This explains why mor* than a million bot tles were sold tho past year. It re lieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without It. For lame back, side or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plasters. Sold by Good- wyn & Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenua. UR. MOTAUBR’S nephew here. Dr. John (M«.tauer WInfree, a, •.veil known physician of Richmond, Va., and a nephew of Dr. H. A. Mettauer of Mtcon. hlmeelf one of the bext known physic!\ns of «the South ami a inan whe ■tanas at the hea/i of- the best of his profession. U In the city .today. 'He is .here In a speclat car for the Purpose of (taking with him Mrs. John Courtney, ‘Whnm it is deemed advisable to <Uke back to Virginia In order that ■ho may recoverlier health. A QUARTER CENTURY TEST. Fcir a quarter of a century Dr. Kinf*s New Di»ocnnery has been frtfted, ■nd the mtlrt“nrt who have received waelU from its use tr*4tify to its won derful cunutive -power* In all dlMstAes of Throat* Cheat and Lung*. A reem- dy Chart ban mood the test so long and has given «o unlvennal Httivfluctkm is &*> experiment. Hi oh hold2<* is p»>»I- hvely giMim.iYte*yl to give relief? or the money will be refunded. It te aslmttt- •4 to be tho moot rettaMe for Cough* ti* dt aolrftd .loIrbT .a .n ccji IdJMee and Cold*. Trial bottles free at H. J. Lunar & Sons* drug store. Regular ■i*e, 50c. a lid SI. Children get rosy and strong Brown’s Iron Bitters! * ARE YOU GOING? The resorts of Tennessee are doing a aplendid business this season. The Southern railway, western system, is the direct route to these reeorts and you should ask for your tickets via that line. Elegant free observation coaches be tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. A through coach for Tates Springs leaves Chattanooga at 7 a. m. and arrives at Tates at 12:45 p. m. Sleeper on this train to Washington and New York. The seashore express leaves Atlanta 7:30 p. m. for SL Simona and Cumber land Islands. Three dally fast trains each way be tween 'Macon and Atlanta and Rome and Chattanooga.* Travel the Southern railway, western system, for safety, speed and comfort. Call bn Jim W. Onrr, passenger and ticket agent, Macon: J. J, Farnsworth, district passenger, agent, Atlanta, Ga.; C. A. Bensco4er. assistant general pas senger agent, Knoxville, Tenn. DENTISTRY. Dr, A. S. Moore, who has for the last eight years been reasonable in his charges for dental work, and who Is better prepared to do bridge, crown and all kinds of dental, work, baring taken a post graduate course in pros thetic dentistry, owing to the stringen cy of the times. Is willing to be even more reasonable io his charges. Come, let him examine your teeth and see how reasonable you can have yonr dental work done. Teeth extracted without pain. 121 Washington ave nue, near First Baptist Church. Vine* rille and belt line of street cars pass bis office door. Macon. Ga. USB HOLMES’ MOUTH WASH. Prepared by Drw. Holmes A Mown, Dentists, ilC Mulberry Street. It cures bleeding gums, ulcers, core snout, eore throat, cleans the teeth and purifies the breath. Foe sale by all drug gists. Rootbeer muhostbe home circle complete. This makes the borne circle complete. Tbls great Temperunce Drink given pleas ure and health to every member oftae rurnlly. A c. package makes 6 gal lons. l)e sure and get the genuine.. Bold everywhere. Mode only by The Chas. E. Hires Co4 Phllada. i_ *— ^ “ a»q>. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Robert Fbulkner, administrator of the estate of Mr*. Katherine* Faulkner, Into of said county, deceased, having applied to me for leave to sell ten shares of stock of Merchants and Mechanics Building and Loan Association, of Macon, Go..; this is to notify all parties cr/ncerned to file ob jections on or before tho first Monday in September, 1894. . C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB. COUNTY.—The apprais ers appointed to set aside a twelve month* support out of the estate of John C. Petty, deceased, to Mrs. Hullie J. Clancey, form erly Mrs. Sallie J. Petty, having mado their return to this office, all parties con cerned will file objection*, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in September. 1«H, why said return should not be ma/le the Judgement of this court. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—The ap- pivdsers appointed to set aside a twelve months support out of the estate of K. N. Atwood, deceased, to Mr*. Mottle C. Atwood and her three minor children, hove filed tbrir return in this office. For ties concerned will file objection*, ir the con, on or before the first Monday in September. U94. why wild return should not to xnude tho Judgement of tbls court. C. . \f. WILEY, Ordinary. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. Jonea coun ty, Go. Aug. 6. 1894. —Nbtlee ,1* hereby given that Z. F- Gordon, •«» administra tor of estate of William .P. Jackson, de ceased, bos appik-1 to me for an order to s-’d all the larulu of sjld estate, and I will pass »he same on tb* first Mbn- dty In fcteptenjber. next, IF Wo legal a.. _1 *1.^ U'il. cause be shown to the contrary. Wit ness my band officially, . It. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Leave Macon Arrive Cochran Arrive Huv/klnsvillo.. Arrive Eastman Arrivo Jcsup Arrive Brunswick.... Arrivo Jacksonville.. Arrive Savannah.... 10 45 pm 11 00 am 12 13 nm 7 40 am 12 54 am 4 15 nm 6 15 am 8 25 am 6 55 n m 12 42 pm 3 40 pm 1 28 pm 5 15 pm 7 15 pm 0 25 pm 9 47 pm NORTHBOUND. ■ Tno. U. 1 No. 14. | No. 18. Lv. Macon I 4 30 nml 4 23pm| 8 25 nm Ar. Atlanta,..I 7 35ami 7 50 pm 11 45am Lv. Atlanta...! 8 OOnmlll 00pm 2 00pm Ar. Dalton....112 00 n I 3 20am| G 51pm Ar. Ooltowlt J|12 47 pm| 4 10 nml 0 37 pm Ar, ChatnogA.I 1 20 nml 4 45 nml 7 10 pin Ar. < hnlM..Ka,| iVlOsm VjOpm Ar. Clnclnnntll | 7 45 pm| 7 30 am LV. chiitmifBi.l " | 7 oo iimi 7 45pm Ar. Memphfs..| | 6 10 pin| 7 00 nm Lv. Clmtnoga.l 9 00 nm 6 55 pm Lv. Onltewh Jl I 9 35 anil 8 87 pm [13_45 pmllO 15 pm V Mil**," -ffPxwoNar .....'. M.ico* M. & IN. .luu'-tloiv.... 4 15 a 2Si Swift Crii.k 4 25 3 Ml. Dry Branch 4 85 3 45 Flkes eFak 4 45 8 63 SLUpatrtck “ “ ... lttpley Jefferson villa QalUmore Danvlllo Allentown i Montrose ....... . Dudley . Moore . Dublin itesu up. | “ |aun. |N671|r«o7i A MiXM J0 W| 9 9 50| UU3 9 4& 9 00 • 30, 8 W 9 201 8 40 9 10| 8 30 9 U)| 8 28 8 IS 805 8 lui 7 50 8 J.V, i (Ml 8 00! 7 -if* 7 45 7 S5 7 30( 7 25 7 13} 7 U 7 Wj 7 W D. B. DUNN, Superintendent. JAMES T. WRIGHT, Ocneral aianuger. OCONEE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TIME CARD NO. I. To Taks Effect Monday, April 9, 1S9L Nos. 1 and 2 will run dally except 8i:o- day. All others irregular. Ile^d Down. Read Up. ‘ No. L |Mlles| ■ M * I 9 00 9 15 9 80 9 45 10 00 10 20 10 40 sr.ll oo Iv.U 10 11 25 40 47 Lv. Dublin .Ar .. Hutchings Spring Haven. .... Dextor .... .... Alcorns ... ... Chester ... Yonkers ... ... Empire .... ... Empire ... Cypress ... HawklnsvlUe |M Ik's] No. L . Grovnnt.i , 48 P. M. 5 00 4 43 4 23 4 15 355 8 49 320 3 OOlv, 5 30a r. 2 15 2 09 Close connections made at Dublin with WrlghUvllU and Tennllle railroad In both (llroeUuii*. East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia trains pass Empire u* follows: Going South.. 15 58 pm Going North. . 2 48 pm J. W. HIGHTOWER, O. ML H. V. MAHONEY. Q. V. A P. A. Excursion. Bteerage, $11.75. 10 PHILADELPHIA! VIA KBW YORK* Cabin. |2i'X0j Excursion, |J]| Bteoraas 112.501 i lines SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. (Central or &0tb Meridian Tims.) Nacoocheo Tues., Aug. 7,10Wain City ot/Augusta FrJ., AUg. 10, i.Wpm City of Birmingham.Bun., Aug. 13, 1.00 pm Kansaa City Tues., Aug. 14. 4.oopni Nacoochee Frl., Auy. 17, 8.00 am City of Augusta Bun., Aug. 19. ?.M)um City of Blrmlnghsxn.Tucs.. Aug. 21, 8.80 nm Kansas City ..Frl., AuC. 24, 11.00am Nacoochee v ..Eun., Aug. SO. 1.30 pm City of Augusta.....Tues., Aug. 28, 3.30 pm City of Birmingham..Frl.. Aug. 31, twain SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. , . Chnttahoochee Thura., Aug. 9,11.30 am Tallahassfe Thurs. Aug. 18. LW pm Chattahoochee ..... Thurs., Aug. 21, lO.OOam Tallahassee Thurs.. Aug. 50. 5.00 pm . SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (Till* Slfip Does Not Carry Passengers.) Dunsoug. Frl., Aug. fit l.nopm Dcseoug... .Mon , Aug. 3», 7.50 am Deusoug ....Thurs.. Aug. 20, 5.00pm J. 1». BECKWITH. 11. A., Jacks-Mivllle, Fla. Walter Hawkins. F.P.A., Jacksonville, Pku W. E.' Arnold. G.T.P.A., Jacksonville, FU. C. O. Anderson, Agent. Savannah. Ga. GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF R. R, V Quick, Safe and Comfortable Route. Tho Only Routo to Warm Springs nod Oak Mountain, Ga. Schedule Effective July 15, 1KII. Lv. Columbus. Lv. Waverly Hail Lv. Oak Maintain Lv. Winn Springs Lv. Woodbury, Lv. Concord....... Lv. Williamson... Ar. Griffin. Ar. Macon, C.Il.K. Ar Atlanta,C.R.R. Ar, McDunough., NORTH BOUND. No.51* | N0.53! | Hf.llT 710 ami w-<j0 pm| 2 55 pm 8 01 am| ft 55 pm| 3 46 pm 8 12 am| ii V5 pmj 2 56 pm 8 41 am] rt J9 pin' 4 26 pm U no amj 7 ul pm( 4 45 pm 9 27 atnj 7 '1.1 pnu 5 12 pm 9 41 nni| 7 52 pm) 5 29 pm 10 <» am) 810 pm| 7 X> pm 519 pni| |8(J5pm U 30 uni[ 810 pro ft 4> pm ) ) 8 67 pm) 5 30 pm SOUTH b6uND. No.wrfNo.i^ 6 30 ami 8 15 ant 6 16 uin) 8 66 am 4 15 am 4 15 tun Middle Georgia and Atlantic Railroad. Tlmo Table No. 12. Effective Juno 24, 6 O'clock A. M., 1894. Read Down Read 'up. 8*32** 1 Lv.. Macon .'.Ar| Ga. It. R. Ar Knoxville.. THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENTS. Southbound. No. 11.—Solid vestlbuled train to Jack sonville. with Pullman buffet driwlng room cars Attached for Jacksbavlllo and Brunswick. No. lS.—Solid train for Brunswick. Northbound. No. 12.—Solid vestibule train to At lanta, connecting with Incnl trnln for Chattanooga and way stations. Carries Pullman sleeping earn between Macon and Chattanooga. No. 14.—fiolld train to Chattanooga, with sleeper attached from Atlanta, con- no ting with f.i*t trains for Cincinnati, Memphis and Knoxville. No. 18—Carries free chnir car to Chat tanooga, which !s attached to solid ves tibule train for Cincinnati, with Pullman sleeping cars attached. Connections at Chattanooga with fast train* In all di rections. For full information aa to routes, rates, etc,, apply to JIM W. CARR. Passenger and Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga, J. J. Farnsworth, District Passenger Agent. C. A. Behscoter. Assistant Genera! Paflsenger Agent. W. A. Turk, General Passenger Agent, C. H. Hudson. General Manager West ern System. No.ill A. M, 720 840 940 H 30 H 86 | iLv. Augusta .JAr 10 00 |Ar MllVvlUo Lv No.1031 P. M 1 06 Lv Mlirs'vltlo Ar 2 12 Lv. Eatonton .Ar S 09 Lv... Macheii 4 33 Covington Juncn 4 36 |Ar CovlPgton^Lv 1 !&•( G IT* I Ar.. Atlanta ..Lv f 6 W!|Ar.. Macoa ..Lv 1 20!| |Ar.. Athens ..Lv 9 16 7 5:. fl 60 5 10 S OS *3 40 p !200p !3 40 p 12 33 H 20 10 26 9 0U SC5 7 JO u IMacon and North- Columbia southern Railway company. Tim* Table No. 1* Effective Feb. J9. 1SH Dally | Sunday SOUTHBOUND. Lv Columbus.. Lv Richland. Lv Dawaoa. At Albany Ar Brunswick Ar Jacksonville.. Ar Thoroosvllle..., NORTHBOUND. except Sunday.) Only. 9 00 ptn| 7 00 am 5 40 pm) 8 47 am 7 55 |>m|10 00 am 915 i m il 00 am 8 10 am I 80 pm 8 40 am) 8 20 pro 6 85 am) 6 35 pin Dally I bunduy except [ Lv iacksonvllle Lv Brunswick Lv Thomaflvllle.■ ......... Lv Albany... Lv Dawson Lv Richland.............. Ar Col'imbue.. All schedules ehown between Albany and Brunswick and Jacksonville are dally. No train Albany to Thomasvlile on Sat urdays after 3:55 p. m. All trains arrive and depart from the Union Depot at Columbus and Albauy. C. HILIs Superintendent. Sunday.j Only. 7 00 pmj 7 00 uni 7 00 pro 6 30 am 3 00 pm) 8 00 am 5 00 ain| 8 00 prn 6 40 arn 4 00 prn 8 4ft am 6 13 pin U 00 am) 7 00 pm <V)rr«*|x)r»rfrri>:«* utu-f—Ur conn4--ntlAl. At1lr«M 8TF ^VMTAfVi so. . jTprKliaoUl •I I No.52* Lv. McDonough...] Ar. Griffin #.l Lv. Macon ) 4 23 pm Lv. Atlanta 14 25 pro Lv. Griffin ) 6 65 pm Lv. Williamson.... 02f LV. Concord | 711 pm Lv. Woodbury ] 7 39 pm Lv. Warm Spring# 7 69 pm Lv. Oak Mountain) 8 29 pm Lv. Waverly Hall.) 8 39 pm Ar. Columbus.....) 9 30 pm 7 SO am 610 ami U (6 am 8 33 urn 9 23 am 6 62 atnj 9 45 am ,1013 am 7 41 amjlO 34 oiu 813 am II Ofiaia 8 23 am 1115 p i n nr. r 915 am j13 00 pm • Dally. 1 Dally except Sunday, j Sun day only. All trains arrive nnd depart Union de pots at Columbus, Griffin and Atlanta. Ask for tickets and #4e that they read via tho Georgia Midland and Gulf Rad- road. CLIFTON JONES. G. 1». A.. . Columbus. Ga. C. W. CHBARS, General Manager. MACON AND NORTIIEN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, JUNE 24, J894. (Central Time.) Read Down. A M.|A M| _ 910 Lv. Mtcon ..1 Ar 6 60 810! il 11 IjV.. ... Macho. .2 Ar 4 PI 3181 12 or. Lv.. ... Madison ..3 Ar 3 k'. 12 408 2 0.1 Lv.. .... . .4 Ar 201 10 WJ 3 01 Lv.. .. Fiber ton ...Lv 1 01 3!.r. Lv.. .. Atihovlllii ...Lv 13 12 i *J3 Lv.. Greenwood ..Lv 1143 6 23 LV.. ... Chester . ...Lv » M HU. Lv.. ... Monroe . ...Lv 8 21 12 26 Lv.. ... Raleigh . ...Lv 4 15 3 00 LV. ... Weldon .. Lv i m 5 40 Ar.. .. Richmond ....L/ 1123 946 Ar .Washington ..Lv 7 10 II ODjAr.. . Baltimore ...Lv 6 31 1 20|Ar.. .. Philadelphia .... 3 41 3 63|Ar.. ..Now York. ....Uv a so Wednesday and Frl* •Mixed—Monday, dA lftflxed—Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day Connections: 1-Wlth Georgia Southern and Florid#, East Tennewee. Virginia nnd Geurgla, Central railroad* for all points In Florida and south Weal Georgia. 2-Wlth Middle Georgia nnd Atlantlo railroad. 8—With Georgia railroad. ' ” _ 4—With 8«P- bosrd Air Line veetlbule llmltod. carrying Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars. Solid train to Washington nnd Pullman Buffet Parlor Car# Wauhlngton to New York. B. C. MAHONEY, MV9 O. F. A. A. H. PORTER, Superintendent^ GEORGIA RAILROAD Arrlml »nd Dtpsrlur. ot Trains. FOU AUGUSTA. Mornlnc train leave. IM Evenlns train lenvM »^6 1-HOM AUGUSTA. , Mornlnc train arrival IM Kv.nlnc train arrive* 6:0. CENTRAL R. R. ofG EORGIA H. M. COMEIl AND R. S. HAYES, RECEIV EIIS. Schedule la effect July 1st, 1894, Standard Time, 90th Meridian. BETWEEN MACON, COLUMBUS, BIRMINGHAM, MONTGOMERY AND ALBANY, READ DOWN. .1 .|*7 05 a m .. 8 15 a m .jll 00 a in .112 24 p m .| 6 15 p rn •S 10 p mi'll 15 a r 9 13 p m 10 40 p m U 65 pm 2 44 4 10 a ;n 5 36 • rn 7 ’OO *i 12 22 pm 1 M pm 3 Ml p in 3 11 pm 0 40 p m 4 61 P m JM pm 0 20 p m 8 10 pm 7 55 Letv —STATIONS— m, Macon ••...Arrive Arrive....... Fort Vnlley Ix*ave Arrive......... Cblumbus .Leave Arrve Opelika I^avo Arrive Birmingham L**.»vo Mari,ii Arrive Arrivo Fort Vulley .......Lcuvo Arrive Americu* Leave Arrive,. Albany Leave Arrive Dawson Leave Arrivo Fort Gnlncs Leave Arrive Eufaula ..Leave Arrive Ozark Leave Arrivo...... Union Springs ......Leave Arrive Troy .1 x?ave Arrive.. Montgomery Leave 128 pm 11 to a m 11 21 a m 10 37 a 8 08 im 9 10 a rn 7 15 ft nr .•••M •••• ::::: ::::: ::::: ::: : 43 P P ts 9 : 33333 ::::: ::::: •••• 10 17 p m »’» p m rt'io p ni ::::: ::::: ' |*4 lft « rn!*4 25 p rni»7 r.r, | 6 13 a ml 6 32 p nij 9 47 7 45 a ml 8 Of. p m 11 30 I I 15 p ml 1 00 a m| 7 65 ~ . 114 15 p mini 00 pr .... .....I 6 05 p mill 45 p f .... *....( C 10 p ml 3 15 a i •J 7 45 a ml 6 60 p in ..I 6 OO a ml 6 30 pm lAoavo. Macoa Arrive Arrive Griffin ........ •Leave Arrive Alltnla . Leav. Ar.... Chattanooga via Atlanta ....Lv Leave. Macoa Arrive Arrive. ......... Gordon ......... . Leave Arrive Mlll'dgovllle • I,;:ive Arrive Milled • 1,-avu Arrive. AUgllMtS . Leave Arrive. Savannah • laavo "7 6ft p mllO 23 p mill 00 * m 5 43 p m) 8 25 p ml 9 05 e m •4 25 p ml'C 65 p mj*7 30 *i ni 7 25 a m!*l U p ml*3 29 A m t 40 p ml i 46 n mlfO 00 2 65 p m 3 01 a mi 0 10 a m ..... 8 05 am II 03 a mill 25 P ml 7 45 a ml 7 30 p rnl...., •S 20 a mri 45 p . Train# marked thus • dally; thus ! dally except Sunday. Train* marked thui 7 Sunday only. Solid trains are run to and from Maoon and Montgomery vU Eufaula. Savannah and Atlanta via Macon, Macoa and Albany via Hinlthvllle. Macon and Birmingham via Columbus. .... . Sleeping car# on night train# betwen Savannah aud Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Parlor car* between Macon and Atlanta. _ . .. _ . . Pa Mongers for Tho;n##ion Uke 7^5 ■. m. or 4:25 p. m. train. Parwengers for Carrollton and Ccdartown take 7:61 a. m. train Passenger* for Perry take 11:15 a. ra. train; Fort Galnen, Buena Vlst#. Blakely and Clayton should take 11:15 a. m. train. Pa*w*ngor# for Sylvaola. Wrightevllla and Sanderavlll* lake 11:30 a. m. train. For further Information end for schedule* lor pointa beyoad our line apply t'j W. F KHELLMAJf, Traffic Manager. W.*P .DAW8CN. Panacoger Agent. 4. C. HAILE. General Passenger AgcnL , / • I# J* HARRIS. Ticket Agt, Macoa,