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’ "~ Tr " : r ~~
A Batch of Noway Items Furnished by
the Hustling Correspondents
of the Telegraph.
Wnt 1* Orrmssy »w*r <• !»• Aw»rlf«
Again, Hat tn« Unerring II. Dr
Cl4«4 to Como Osek-PInC
Hale of Cotton*
Weynushoro, Aug. 9.-(»pitctal.)7'For
«pme time title little' city' has lrc<m ag
itated over the queriioa whether or
not It would be wise to lseue bonds
amounting to JO,000 to build e new
academy. TOe matter lias been been
fully nettled by an overwhelming ma
Jortty of vote* for bonds. Of courao
snoat of the people approve the bwie
BU<I will gladly nee u Imnilr'mte and
commodious building wcclod. Waynes
boro Is one of the boat towns In Geor
gia for a high school, and now Its (suc
cess la nsarurud.
Mr. II. H. tManau baa returned from
Centra:.y to Waynerboro to live,
toft boro three years ago expeddng
never to return, but the flne'cllmate,
genial people, and clover folks haunted
Ms drooms and the ghost would not
down, until he concluded to return. Me
comes buck well fixed anil better uoir
tented, having married during his Uuay
abroad. •
'I'hls county anti ‘ this town an
*peu for all like Ur. iMunuu.
Mr. uad dire. a. I*. HaraxiU hue «v
sx'nily tost th.-lr Huso baby girl.
Ur. and Mrs. O. 1*. Hannan have re
remove to Jaburiou.
Messrs. Hurst and Thomas, E. C. 1st.
nler, O. E. Ucherer und' A. 11. Mount
will make bualucw elungea by Hep-
Uember 1st
Cupt. W. 11. Davis will go to Bul
loch counky In a few days to make one
of his Democratic speeches.
Hon. B. 11. and W. R' Calloway
Imvo fnat returned from a visit to
their old liesno In Wilkes
Judge 11. II. Terry liux, after ncvcral
weeks vaeiitlon and recreation In tlio
• imnii jins and up at Samtofg gad la
Hew York, returned homo.
llev. J. W. Domiugoea bus recently
returned from a protracted meeting
which was hold In the lower prrt ot
Shirks. Ho gives his whole tlme nmi
talent to ChrlsHunlly.
Qtr. a, it. iMtMImurray, a native cl
Uukto county, but u resident of Hous
ton, Texas, hns forsaken the y/rat,
found a charming bride, and ruiurued
to Waynesboro to live
mil Is Going On la That Town.—Sev
eral Visitors.
Hepstbah, Aug. 8.-—(Special.)—The
sltors In the village now are Mias
Ozola Saxon of liaib, Mrs. M. H.
Walker and Mr. W. T. Houston of Au
gusta and Dr. W. T. Jones of Kcysvtlle.
There were the usual services in tbo
Hupbst church Sunday.
The Inclemency of tlio weather pre
vented services m nU the churches.
Mrs. Annie McDatle, at Do Bruce,
died Friday evening, and was hurled
Sunday at BrothOTTlUe cemetery, llev.
W. I. Dclph conducted the funeral ser
vices at the grave. ,
The weather has been quite cool, ami
tlio rainfall la above the usual down
pour ut till* season of the year.
Dr. Robert B. Cloud, one of the most
prominent physio, ans and iiupular
young gentlemen of nep/. bah, has
gono to Llthla Springs, where ho will
spend n few days with relatives and
A ^Veil-Known Citizen of Cartcravlllo
Died Yeatcrdny.
CartcrsvlUe, Aug. B.—(Special.)—Capt.
A. G. Mays, an old and highly re
spected clllxon of this place, died sud
denly nt bis home'ncsr this city yester
day. Capt. Mays was old merchant
having been couuootqd) V0i some of tlio
oldest and best business llmts In Car-
tersvlllc. He had retired from tmsl-
DM, however, some years ago and was
engaged In agriculture at tlio time of
his death.
It Sold la Amerlcus Today for 10 1-i
Cents Per Tbund.
'Amerlcus, August 8—(Special)—Geor
gia's Unit new bale or cotton for this
season was today handled by I- O.
Council, warehouseman at Amerlcus.
jt sold fur io 1-4 cents, and weighed
Mo pounds. It was raiseil bn Captain
C. T. <:i;'<K’s wull-knowii D.yAy county
plantation, _____ '
Mlllcdgcvllle, Aug. 0.—(Special.)—The
chairman of the executive committee
of'the Democratic party of Baldwin
county Is B. T. Itethunc, a sterling man,
fully competent to lead tlio Democracy
of Baldwin county to victory.
Louisville, Aug. 0.—(Bpcclnl.)—At II
p. m. yesterday Mr. S. D. Bradwell,
stain school oommlsskmcr, spoke for
over an hour to n largo and apprcclU'
five audicinco of ladles and gentlemen,
dlls themn was Hut common school
fund, where it canto from, what
amounted to mid how apportioned to
each county. After telling ot tho great
valtto of tho suite road and how tho
money received from Its lease all went
to the school fund, bo said Hint the clt
Isons of li(Virgin paid less property tax
for ediicatlounl purposes titan any otlie
state hi tbu Union, with very fow ex
ceptions. t\ir Instance, Georgia, with
(hi vast wealth ut mineral, eottl and
many other wealth producing Indus
tries, to say noth-ug of Its tirngnlllcent
railways, second to none In the South!
only taxed property about $1.40 oil tho
thousand dollars for school parposc
While the statu of Mississippi, it stale
almost whully dependent on agrlcul
lure, collected over $5 on the -thousand
of tlio property of IU cltlxeus,
allowed that tho tax wns not burden-
some; that it camu principally Iroin
sources thut were not felt, by the peo
ple at large. Tho rent of convicts,
from tlio whisky lux, from tho net re
ceipts from tho Inspection ot oils and
fertilizers, and oven the dogs were made
to eonlrlhuto to tho education ot the
no s)iokc cnthuslastlcnlly of the call
Ing und duty of the Hchool tcnclic
Jug bo was ns much n oominls.-.iom-d
oilt-’cr of tho atnto ns any of her mili
tary or oilier olDolttls, and that
though tho duty ot our military otllc
wns of great Importance, In tlml (be
made and trained soldiers to prot
and keep the poaco of tho country, still
he thought the duty of the school
teacher was of still greater importune
ns to them wns entrusted the making
and rearing of upright, honorable and
litoral cRIzens. Ho said some people
thought they were paying too time
taxes to support other folks' chlldt-
but this wna not the rase, as he hat
Very clearly shown. He told a I lit to
story to llluslrnto the fact that when
people were only asked to gjvo Ihelr
moral support they thought they were
giving llimitclnl aid. Directly after the
war, when the oath of nllonlnnoe was
l to tag ndtn'tMHtensI to some negroes,
nuo old darky asked what It was about.
Ho was told he wns only required to
promise to support tho constitution,
. when ho dared up with: “Oh. no. bom,
not me. l'se got all I kin do to sup
port Nancy and ile ohlldcn.' 1
There 1ms txvn so much mitt In some
portions of this county thnt (u a great
many lleMs the corn Is ruined. It is
rollon anil soured. One large fanner
till he thought that at least half hts
cora crop wns worthless. Cotton also
Is much damaged and has rust lit many
it cures h
that there’* trout-le sliea.1
—If you're getting thin.
It ■hew* that your blood
Is Imjstvertobed, and your
orguns dersagvd, a’ thut
whatever you out lulls to
properly uourtsh you.
And just us long ss you
remain in this rondition,
CUasumptioa, Piteumotitu
and 'liter Heofuksu uml
dangerous diseases are
likely to laden iqwn you.
You should huild your
nel/ up with IV. Iheree’s
Holden Mssltcul! 'Lv-oer v.
Partly uut euris-h tbn
bt.«xl, rouse every organ Into naunml so
ts*, erad build up healthy, wledes me,
OMlWfpjr.J. V. PiKKCBt fVrtrSfr-W* Imre uwd
Tour “G.M.D.** Id cur (tmlljr un-1 find nothin*
1L One of our chiMnii bwl tbo
pocumouu. and on* lun* tviiHS-lt-
d*Ud, but by Um Uac c( l bo M IU*m\« n «h«*
rtoomrd, maA k now in good
The Crops Promise to Be tho Beit Ever
liaised In This Bectloii,
Baltimore, Aug. 9.—The Manufac
turers' Record In its weekly re/low of
busLnoas situation In tho Bouth
says: Taken ns a whoio, tho tiouthcra
crops will probably bo larger this year
than over before. On corn oil reports
biy tho crop Is unprecedented. Tho
outlook for cotton, 'based on acreage
and present conditions, Indicate* i
crop of from 8,000,000 to 4 0,000,000 bales
The smaller crops have nearly nil gono
well thus far, giving tno Bouth tho
full -measure of abundant crops of all
kinds. •Neecsaariy this means a great
traffic for Southern railroads and the
southward tendency of the population
adds to the strong position of rattcvxid*.
The reorganization of tho Richmond
Terminal properties Into one combina
tion In advance of the completion of
uny of the other great systems now
In the hands of receivers emphasizes
the favorable situation in *he South.
Speculation, having noting in the
Western railroad situation* to feed up
on,'us short crops give little encour
agement for much improvement. In
tho near futuer It Is more than UMUT
to be turend to the Southern securities,
where there Is a foundation for on ad
vance in railroad securities. Southern
railroads are already beginning to show
some increase in earnings. Thla will be-
come tmoro pronounced In the next
SS?h or two, Under «MM clreum-
-I meet* we may Iook tor u concert trA*
Hon of public attention <o Southern
railroad affairs likely to start an up
ward movement wmcli may oven 4»o.
too far. ne of the noticeable features
o( tlio tiouthern industrial sMMjjjftJ*
th. Sendcncy ol oNruicrn
oitAtal to seek Investment In bnroer
..ini*. Recently large -bodies °t timber
-Went Virginia, ooumtann. Florida.
North Caroline, and other state, hate
oassed Into the hands of WosWTD
oer'men? who wll beghtlurnbevmgop_
oration, on a large aoatc. wnlle nego
Ration, are -pending for many otner
‘^“tter to the Manufactur.ra' Bee-
oM lella ot an *‘ n «
«■?_^pmenujl. «^ a T « n< S^
The number of new
h*-n vi|mmi*h1 up. me nuiiiuw
lT!at r !fver e roc e itw'“k:. h Z!lndui’B
a 'um£r com^ny. W«9P«r
cotton mill company. l»rgo wood-worK
big plant, paltlng work, and Wbacco
fnctory tn South Carolina: * loOO.OOO
oompreaa coapw. nbr. «otonr and
maw mills In Alabama; A |300,ooy com
nr^.-i company. SK>.000 loan company,
30,rn 'brick company. 120,0M compro.a
oompany and cotton tf™ l » *
other plant.
^ r^rwork/a’nfZnlmZ
KenVucky! 4 J20.000 Ice company, »M.°O0
dry kiln company, $5,000 D**^!?*
.c.mpnny, bridge '-omTMny . UfW.-
^ organ btUMlag company. J200.0M
in A>\ufactiirlng company ftnu $10JW*I
"ttW'v good* work. In
$">'» ihh) lumJber company
U lumber companiee in Mc*^t Jl -ginl«
I50.MO quarry company.
(ivtile company, ttwrin work., wa
ter comiwmy. etc,, in Virginia: pho*
onate mine, and furniture work.
1'OTn.WWJ « IH.000 bridge com», tvy
krkanaaa; Unr.l-r plant, electric plan
brick work*, writer works nnd new
ra-»iem In Kknida: » 4115.000 mjmnf-'c
luring company, large pyrtto mining
enlerprlao. gold mine, and box factory
fn tlrorgla. and a augar fnctory tn
1 atul.lana. .
rreparol by
Un. Helm*? .4 Xlrn-on, DenUata,
3H Muttrarty Street.
It curoa Meeting luma ulcers. »
moUt. .ore thr-at. clesn. th» t«th ■
purl ft., the breath. For aal. by all drug,
From tho Detroit Free Trosa.
Tlio fritBCM CO the stand was on
the kind who (Ms It convenient uol t
kn-vw mi} tiling, and It made the court
"Was It nt 8 or 0 o’clock that you
i«i\v tlio prisoner!" asked the nttonie;
"l deal know.’ replied the wltlte
«Oh, don't you! WclL was It st the
flrst er house from the corner!"
-1 don’t knew.”
••Wns tho nutn with him short
"l don't •know.'*
‘■Didn't the ir.-el p» arrows the street.
after In front of the house ‘
n few minutes!”
“I d-m't know."
"lb-ro,” IntervupUxl the Judge. '
h.d futUMly.hMo n ip'\'*|vi|*--r man,
"I'm tirval of that fort of thmg: take
the witness off the stand and hold him
to servo ou a Jury.”
20 pieces latest importations in Taffeta Silk.
The very latest things out for fall and winter of
1894. All the latest shades and designs. Come Ojh
and see them at once; they are beauties; price to
suit anybody^ FoJ
Also a new lot of Silver Belt Buckles at 35c,
the prettiest wo have ever had. Silk Belting
in all shades. . h
Our 46-inch all wool English Serges at COe
per yard are creating considerable talk. In
^ black and all colors for fall and 1 winter.
How tho Horses Ran at the Various
Courses Yesterday,
New York. August 9.—Today’s card
ot Jerome Paxk race track was hardly
an ideal one. It was not a heavy one
In its original form and were only a
skeleton when the scratches were oil
mode. The track was in perfect order,
the weather fine and the attendance
ulte large. "The regulars" began the
lay successfully by backing Dally
America to win In the flrst event, which
he did In a canter. In the second race,
Southsldo went to the post a favorite,
but he was easily beaten by Magnertlsm
(colt) who was also liberally backed.
Jordan, the favorite, captured the
third race. due. however, more to Dog-
gett's fouling Galloping King than to
Jordan's speed. Cockade went to the
front at onco In the fourth race and
won handily by three lengths. On the
way tb the post In the fifth race. Mon
arch ran away and was withdrawn.
McKee made a runaway race of it and
won by fully 15 lengths.
•Saratoga, N. Y., 'Aug. 5.—The weath
er this morning was somewhat
and .threatening, but there was a large
crowd at the track. Tho track was fast
and the betting brisk. OKI Dominion
Jumped out In tne lead when the signal
was given In the 'first race, and with
Chattanooga ran n pretty race *o the
finish, Old omlnlon winning by a
length. In the second race Ingorrtar
and Yo Tamblen set the pace to «tb6
turn for home. There Gloaming caught
up, and with Yo Tambien raced head
and head Into the stretch. Merry
Monarch came duahng up atf -the last
furlong, and In a hard drive won by
a length. Yo TamWen finished avpoor
fourth, much to the disappointment of
her baokers. Prince of Monaco had an
easy victory In the third race, as did
also Clifford in the fourth. In the fhth
oven Griffin landed the Memento colt
first by a neck tram La Rtfca, who
was only <u head: hotter than Tor
mentor. In the hurdle raoo Bassanlo
led off to a good start, but after ac
complishing three hurdles gave way to
Colonel Clay, who came very
the flat. Tho latter was never headed
and won In a drive by a neck.
Four favorites and two secoh*l choice^
\reto lUOoMtui ft t Jerome Park yester
day. Ail the "talent hod to do was to
nut the cash down liberally^«nd take U
ud again with some o? the ofuer feiio.k .
'trial's what 'they did. me
counter attraction and general exc,tt>meih.
Hie 'Mteudance Ui the aPviiion was rt>
markuhly good. An unusual number d.
Biram era were there and took._n hand
In the sport. Nothing hko it. The card
for this afternoon is a particularly nice
once. Top heavy favorites wlU be scarce.
First quotations received in Putsel a
Pavilion at 1 p. »n.
First ltacfc-Mlle. Time, X.«.
Dally America, 1U7; x to 2........(Mms) 1
BtOncnelll*, W; 8 m Bergen) 2
Annie Bishop. UT; 5 to 4.......(Doggeit) 8
Second Raca-Flve-elghtlia ol a tni!
Time, 1.0T. .
Mnjrnetram, 110; 8 to 5.. CHemtlUxt)
tiouthatUv. US: 8 to 6 (DoWrit) 1
Herkimer. loJ: 8 to 2 .tcimaj -j
Third ltuce—Mae and one-sixteenth.
Selling. Tuna, 1.W4. ... .
Jodan, 107; 7 to 8....•••••...».(Ddggett) X
Little Matt. »8; 2 io 1 (Carter) 2
Galloping King. 110; 2 to l...(Llttlelield) 2
Fourth Race—Three*quarter» of a mile.
Selling. Time. 1.17H* ^ 4 .. .
COtkcude 107; 3 to v ..(Doggett) 1
MetropuTTs. lOT; 1 to 1 USwnu) 2
King Gold. 107; » to $ (Bergen) 3
Fifth Race—Three-quartera oc a mile
Maidens. Ttme. 1.17*4. "
McKee. 00; 2 *to 1 (McClakn) 1
Monotony. j» td 5 IJdyder) ;
Xlllc Byrnes, >3; 10 to 1....CR. Voggett) :
Sixtlrttacc—.Tnree-nuartera of-a mile
Flirt, 1W; 7 to .....(Sima) ]
Mknnac'gueeti. 107; < to 1 (Doggett) :
Melody, no; 7 to s ..(Melody) I
F'rft Race—Three-quarters ot a mile.—
Kingston. U2; Poctolus. iV7; aove. 107;
Adelbert, 104; Long Brook, »«; Harrlnii-
ton, 87.
Second Race—Five and one-half ur-
lOBgg. Selling.-"MosontU* 10S; Hanwell.
106; Sir Dixon. Jr., V#; McKee, 1W; Lha
Ret!., w; Pont l^ar. 80.
Thl^l Race- FV>urloei\ hundred vwrds.
SeTTing.—Trevelyan, 122; Will Fonso. US:
Robusta, JOO; &r Cateoby, 20s; Specula
tion, 10S; VcffShond. 10b; Darkness, ll»;
Top Gallont, lub; Warlike, 10/; Drum
Major. 107.
Fourth Race—Mile and ttne-Blxt**«mh.
Selling.—Dutch Skater. 107; Galloping
King. UK; Hatton. 104; Lochlnvur, lttt;
Lhe Oak. ltC; CJUxrler, 97.
Fifth Race—Flft Mmthl ot & mile.
Maidens.-Eulogy (coil), iOT, “Mike. 107;
ScKek 107; Armstrong. 107; Lobengu;*,
1«K; (iasetse, 100; ReigTavw, 106; 'tYee
T\>p. KB; Wlndgate, 103.
Sixth Rnce—Mile and one-elghth— Scll-
lng.—Roller. M7; W. 1).. KB; Jack Rose.
106; Harry Alonso, 1«; McIntyre, 98.
Irtulsvllle 0301010 0 0-5
Batteries—Gumbrt and Alack; Hemming
and Grim. ' •
and best Wla-
tor Whom
Flour Mill
Ring in the new. Our Mr. Polhill is now in New
York and our new Fall stock is beginning to arrive.
Bleached 3nd Unbleached Cottons, Pillowcasings, Sheet
ings, etc., are all in and at lower prices than we have ever
before sold them.
Beautiful line new Percales.
See our new Navy and Black all Wool Serges and
French Suitings.
All our Summer Cotton Goods will be closed out this
week regardless to make room for our new stock.
Now is the time % genuine bargains. Don’t buy any-
thing in our line before getting our prices. Our loss is your
gain. Call and look through.
Burden, Smith, <fe Co.
Crushed fntddllpgs Flour
Tho only Flour of )U kind, ond tho besfc o!
any kind. It lu made b7 a Bocrefcpoo-
cess known to hut two persons. F
•100.00'' ’•*?**•• Knowledge.
Ask your grocer If his flour Is mixed
with corn flour. Such flour* are inju
rious to health. Wo have uq Corn meal
attachment. UNDINE druahet^ mid
dlings flbur bt pure and-wholesome and
is made from selected, wheat. IT IS
WOULD like to rent or lease a email
farm far nexit year (1895); one or two
horse, anywhere from three to seven
miles of MaCOn;’near a school. Can
give good reference. Address R*
care (Macon Telegraph. *
WANTED TO SELL—FirM-cluss pony
and phaeton cheap. The pony is one
of the best In the city, Is not afraid
of electric cars, and any (ady car.
drive him. The phaeton Is almost
new. If you want a bargain, write
W., care Telegraph,
WANTED—nA small second hand cot
tage organ. Addhess, A. <?.. H. t
this office.
WANT££')—'Those who desire Mg bar
gains In clothing, hats and gents* fur-
ntshii.g guodi to call at Keud’ng &
J. Cobb, assignee.
WANTED—You to see the 1594 Denamore
model typewriter on exhibition at F.
K. Pomeroy’s. J. K Mlnter, tele
phone 288.
FOR RENT—Store receutly occupied by
Wood & Bond, three stories and base
ment. 35x175 feet.. Best business loca
tion on Cherry street. Apply to W.
Q. Solomon.
on the first diay of August, 1892, Earls- -I
worth Crockett, of raid county, executed
to P. K. Dederick, his deed to the prop
erty hereinafter described, tor the pur
pose of securing the payment of * cer
tain promissory note for seven thousand
dollars besides Interest and. attorneys’
fees, which note was dated and execute
contemporaneously with said deed, and
which deed Is recorded In the clerk’s of
fice of Bibb- superior court, in book 67. fo
lio 67(M % and.
Whereas, by the terms of said note nnd
deed, at the option of the undersigned,
tho principal, interest, attorneys’ fees and
costs have become due and payable, and
tJhe undersigned hereby declares the same
due and payable on account of the non
payment of Interest coupons attached to
said note, and now past due.
Now, therefore, by virtue of the power
vested in the undersigned, the Bald P.
K. Dederick, by the deed aforesaid, I
will sell at public outcry to the highest
bidder, before the Bibb county court house
door, during the legal hours of sale; on
the first Tuesday In September, 1894, the
following property, to-wit:
Part of lot No. 6 in the souUhweat range.
Including the advanced front ' of said lot,
in the city of Macon, in Bibb county,
Georgia, commencing on Fourth formerly
McIntosh street, at a point 102% feet from
the northwest corner of said lot, at the
intersection of Oglethorpe, and Fourth
street, running thence westerly .nlong
Fourth street 110 feet, thence southerly
169 feet, thence easterly 90 feet and thence
easterly twenty feet and thence
northerly 106 feet to beginning point, on
BAia Fourth street. Alsc\ one ’ 25-horse
boiler and engine, Crockett make; — feet
of shafting, driving wheel, lathe and crane
for same, Boston make; 4 engine lathes,
all New Haven make, screw feed; 1 drill
press, back gear. New Haven .make; 1
Henley scraper, 24 fejt; 1 planer, 28x28
feet by 10. Worcester make; 1 drill, drece.
geared, Lowell moke; 1 bolt cutter, V» by
1)4 inches, Buffalo make; 1 double emory
wheel and stand, 2 wheel, 24 fuet; 6 vises,
2 punches, full set of sliding boring bars,
hand lathe, engine lathe, 24x12 feet, arid
1 30x16 feet screw feed; Jig saw, Beach
make boring machine, s&w bench, with
shafting and pulleys; Boston crane and
cupola fnn pulley and belt, and all other
fixtures, tools and patterns <n use and
In the machine shops of said E. Crockett
on the premises above described. 1 All the
right, title and equity of the said Earls-
worth Crockett, together with the title
of the undersigned, will be conveyed by
a fee simple deed to the purchaser at
said sale, and the proceeds of said sale
will be applied to the payment of the note
aforesaid the pa?t due Interest coupons
thereto, attached, taxes arid insurance on
said property, paid by the undersigned,
and &U Interest due to * the date' of sale,
attorneys’ fees and the expenses of this
proceeding, and the remainder, if any,
will be paid to the said E&rlsworth Crock
ett or his legal representative. The terms
of said sale will be cahh. The note afore
said draws Interest at the rate of 8 per
cent, per annum, and has interest cou
pons attached for the interest; piyvtblp
»eml-anniuflly, which coupons draw in
terest at the rale of 8 per cent, per an*
num after maturity. The aggregate In
debtedness herein referred to, with Inter
est, Insurance and taxes paid, will be
87,621.57 on the flrst Tuesday in Septem
ber, 1894,to which there Js to be added
on said amount contract attorneys’ fees
of 10 per cent, and coets of these pro
CHAS. C. KIBBEE, Attorney.
Yet ....
At Washington— K.BN.K.
Washington 0 0X200000-3 7 0
N«W York ^31010003 0— 7 S 4
Batteries—Maul and MsGulre; Meekln
and Famll.
At Chicago— R.BH.E.
Chicago 30200123 0—10 12 5
Cincinnati 0*0 3 0 93206-6 IX <
UaUcrlea-Griffllh and Schriver; Parrott
and Murphy.
At Brooklyn— R.BH.K.
Brooklyn .66 203 1126-U 18 4
Baltimore ^6ll80ooo-7 » 2
Dsltlrt— Iflrtn and Klnslovr; Hawke
anl Robinson.
i At Boston— R.BH.K.
Boston 21036060 8—U 14 0
Philadelphia 0 I 6 6 66 0 Ov- 2 2 3
Batteries—Hod»nt and Tknnjr; Taylor
and Buckley.
At Piu*4*irg - R.RH.E.
PttUhnrg 66610012^-4
FOR RENT—Houhe now being built,
College street, contains parlor and sit
ting room connected by large suspended
double doors; dining room, large but
ler's pantry, store-room, kitchen, nvs
bed rooms with closets, bath room,
large linen closet, ample halls, speaking
tubes, gas, hot and cold water and other
conveniences. Or If a home-seeker pre
fers the brick house which l occupy, he
can have choice. Possession September
18. T. U. Conner.
FOR RENT—The elegant two-story
brick residence. 636 Orange street,
containing nine' rooms and three bath
rooms and all modern conveniences.
The house has recently been com
pletely overhauled. Accessible to all
street car lines. For further particu
lars apply R. S. Collins & Co.
FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms,
•with all modern covenienoes. over
store of W. E. Hill ft Co., on Second
street. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further Information apply
at Willingham’s Warehouse.
BY)R RENT—The Boardman dwelling,
3S7 First street. Immediate possession.
Apply at Macon Savings Bank.
FOR RENT—Nice seven-room dwell
ing for $16 per month. No. 265
Orange street. Apply to E. J. 'Will*
Ingham, at Payne ft Willingham’s
FOR RENT—A comfortable, furnished
front room In splendid locality on
Hill. No children In the houee.
dress "J. H..*’ care Telegraph.
FOR SALE—Old paper*, for wrapping
purposes, etc.. X cents per hundred.
Telegraph office.
MONEY TO LOAN—Returnable
monthly installments. Southern Lcnn
ft Trust Company of Georgia, 3S& Sec*
ond-haud bag-
os new. Fifty
par cent, your money «%i\ ed. Used
extensively in Central and fiouthwes
rm Georgia by buyers and plnntera.
Call on K. Wolff. 410 Fourth street.
AT COST—Clothing. Hats, Underwear.
J. J. Cobb, Assignee of W. A. Redding.
and by virtue of power of sale con
tained In a deed to secure debt given
by Robert A. Lawrence to National
Security Loan and Abstract Company,
recorded in office of clerk of superior
cour;, in book 69, folio 640, the Under
signed will sell at public outcry to the
highest bidder for cash, on the flrst
Tuesday In September next, -during the
legal hours of sale, before the court
house door. In Macon, the following
described property, to-wit: All that
tract or parcel cf land situate and lying
In Vinevllle district. Bibb county, Geor
gia, being lot No twenty-eeven (27) of
what is known us the Holdridge prop
erty, having a front of 50 feet by 120
feet deep, fronting on a 20-feet alley,
and bounded north, east And south by
lands of Rockiiill and west by said
20-feet alley, being the same lot con
veyed to said Lawrence by E. G. Har
ris on April 4, 1vj0. H.iid land to bo
sold as the property of Robert A. Law
rence for the purpose of paying the
sum of three hundred and forty-five
dollars and twenty-eight cents, being
amount due by said Lawrence to said
company, which said amount, together
with all expenses of this sale, 4vIU be
paid out of Che proceeds of said sale.
Said deed .to secure debt given the
undersigned authority to sell said real
estate at public outcry, upon default
of 'the payment by said Robert A.
Lawrence of any of the notes described
therein, for more than thirty days, and
said Robert A. Lawrence has now de
faulted in the payment of more than
one of said notes for more than thirty
Thomas B. West, Attorney.
by virtue of a power of sale contained In
a deed to hocure debt made and delivered
to the undersigned by L. M. Robinson.
November 26. 1893, the undersigned will sell
at public outcry, for cash, before the court
house door of Bibb county in the city of
Macon, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the first
Tuesday In September, 1854, the following
real estate, as of raid L M.
Robinson: That tract or parcel of land
situate and lying in said state and county,
In the Macon reserve, west, being known
a« lot No. seven (?) of a subdivision of
what is known as the Winn lot contain
ing one 0) acre, more or less, being the
same property conveyed to said RobSi
by William Plumber by deed record ed
Jn clerk’s office of Bibb superior
In hook ’*S,” folio 4S4. The debt secured
by said deed to the undersigned Is past
due. and will amount to the sum of tlll.70
Said land is aoWl under aald power of rale
to i-.i> “ i d d*.HA and the expenses of this
sale. Said Robinson refusing to pay anal'
Ryals ft Stone, Attorneys.
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
If you visited the Fair
you can appreciate this volume
and if you did not it is the
next best thing to a visit
Come and see it. When will .
you ever again have an offer
of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 cents.
This is all it will cost you if
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World's Fair
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