Newspaper Page Text
A Batch of Newsy Items Furnished by
the Hustling Correspondents
of the Telegraph.
fie Wm On* of th* OMcet Cltlxens of
NKchoIl County—\ot«« From Bun*
dtnvlll*, llKdilock , « Station,
Preston and Klsvwlier*.
I Camilla. Aus. 14.—(Special.)—Csipttln
ffohn W. Pearce. on* of the oldest citi
zens of our toyrn end Mitchell county,
died et his home here on Broad street
last Saturday morning at 6 o’clock. He
'had been In feeble health for some
time, but his friends had hoped that he
would recover. However, on Saturday
morning he waa taken with s severe
convulsion and died suddenly. He was
for many years an efflclent dark of the
superior court of this county. He
leaves*a wlfs to mourn her loaa. Ills
rcmolni were taken to the fsmlly bury
ing around four miles north of Cairo
and burled yesterday with Masonic
honors, as he was. the secretary of the
Maaonlc lodge hers for all the year* the
lodge had existed. Ha will be missed
lh the community by all who knew him.
•lion. y. A. Hodden berry addressed
the Democrats of Mitchell county st
the court house here at 9 o’clock on
Baturday In an eloquent and logical ad
dress ujion the political questions of the
day. The audience was large, attentive
and enthusiastic and It was thought by
many who heard It to be th* beat ad
dress on the political questions of the
day that has yet been delivered In our
county. The speaker showed up the
fact that tha third party In Alabama
advocated high protective taken while
the same party In Georgia were de
manding lower taxes. Senator Tenor
caya the president of the United States
has too much power In appointing inen
to once while the senator advocates the
government ownership of railroads, tel
egraiph lines sail coal mines, thus In
creasing tho putronago of the adminis
tration nearly double. The Populists of
the West are demanding woman suf
frage In their platform, while in the
riouth the Populists Ignore the woman
suffrage Idea. The npenker shows up
that Coxey and Debs arc leading Pop-
ullat* and shown uu In a very Imprea-
alve way the real tendency of third
party Ideas tb be In favor of sociillem.
Anarchy and confusion. Our local can
didate fur the legislature demanded In
tils llmt and only public iipeeoli the
abolition nf tho county court of Mitch
ell county/ while In Washington the
greatest (Populist lender In the senate—
l’effer—Is demanding tho abolition of
bolli congress and the senate. One can
only Infer that .three wild fanatics
would abolish nil law and vml.<r that
secure to overy citizen his nntuml
The weather here Is hot and dry. The
first bale of new cotton was delivered
hero Inst Saturday morning by Hr.
Alex Godwin and sold to J. W. Butler
A Co. for C cents. Cotton la opening
ntpldly and will soon bo crowding the
A Suit for Damages Against the Au
gusta Southern Hoad.
Sandorsvlltc. lAtTg. 14.—(Special.)—
Yesterday afternoon Mr. U. II. Tomp
kins, through his attorney, Messrs.
Hnrrls A llawllngs, nil'll a suit for
damages against tho Augusta South
ern railroad, wherein he claims that he
bos been damaged to the extent of
99,000,000. In tils declaration ho alleged
Usat on l-'ebniary 13, 1894. the Sandera-
Vllle and Trundle railroad was cqnsoll-
-dnted with and absorbel by the Au
gusta Southern Ilatiroad Company by
u oontraoc 4n accordance with their
charter, whereby the tarter company
succeed to tho rights, obligations and
liabilities of the ttan<ler«vtde tvnd Ten-
nil I'■ railroad. That before the consoli
dation the above named railroad raid
to him a certain ticket over their line
of railroad known os a "trip ticket,”
good for tlfty tripe; that on March 4,
189*. titter the ■' >u-.dotation, while the
ticket wo* unused and still in force
lie went upon the car* of the Augusta
Southern railroad of Tennllle fur trans
portation as a passenger from Tonnllle
to AanderavlU* and the conductor of
the train refused to accept tho ticket,
and in violation of the duties Imposed
upon rhe company by the consolidation
refused to carry him os a passenger
and forcibly ejected him from tie care.
He further alleges that he was ejected
•bout 8 o'clock in the evening, in the
woode, in eery inclement weather and
was forced to walk from the point of
expulsion’ to Sandersvills, which la a
instance of two.miles; that the action
nf the railroad company In ejecting him
from its care, at night. In the woods.
In Inclement weather, whereby he was
forred to walk home, waa a violation
of Its duty a* A common carrier grow
ing out uf th* contract of consolidation,
and greatly humiliated and district
him and caused illm rres. menial pain
and suffering, to Ms damage, 99.MO, at
above mentioned, Mr. Tompkins Is a
drummer, representing the wholesale
firm of Holt ft lira, ot this place, and
on account of rheumatism Is crippled.
Doe* Damage to Crops Near Haphtlbah
—Personal Note*.
’ Hephstbah. Aug. 14.—(Special.)—Th.
crow In th* lower portion of this coun
ty were badly damaged Saturday after
boon by a severe storm ot hail, rain
Fur over % quart*** of a century* Doctor
l'n*rw*» (ioldeu Medical Discoverjr iuu Uvu
affecting cure* of Brouchial, Throat iuuI
Lung affections. Weak Lungs, Bleeding
from Luii**, llrouchitis, Asthma, all linger
In* Omsk Consumption, or Lung Scrofula
■bd kindred luakuhca, are rural iiy ft
Mrs. Mira Miua or Sard to. ji K , Ston* Av,
Minn., write*: “One
tst ago 1 wm firm up
»jr ray family I'UyMevnu
iM rrleuds; all atitl I
nu*t di*». My lung*
were badly affected, ami
“ reduced to a
My people cuts-
led to Ilvf me your
■Ileal ulicovery'
enouvb to t»Va chars?
of oiy hmarbokl dutke
Mas. Mi li a. l oweioy Jmewq
Medkol Discovery.** 10 ** "** 0oMco
Dyspepsia Cured
**My wlto has been a great sufferer with
Dj»P«P*Ja, Three bottle s ot Hood’s Sam*
parllia lure per
fectly cufred her.
At times the
lightest food
would' Distress
her terribly.
Alio cenld not
deep nud had
dreadful sick
headaches. She
tried different
medicines, but
none did her any
good. At last
Ilood’s Sarsapa
rilla was recom
mended and two
, _ bottles gave re-
Mr*. oils Merritt lief-mad© her
perfectly well* She b not novr troubled
with any.|rk
nor tad for l-
tngs, ■'.in eat
lieuruly ni.-l
'Keil.” ivavmDtvu
Otis MxnniiT, AtldUon. Maine.
Hood’s Pills acs mildurid c-ntls.
and wind. Large trees were blown
down and crops badly damaged.
There were the usual service.. In the
churches Sunday. A prayer meeting ser
vice followed the Sunday- school ser
vices In the Baptist church. Services
were also held In dhe Baptist church
In the evening.
Rev. F. W. McCleskey preached at
Berlin and Rev. W. I. Delph nt Anbury
church In Augusta.
The visitors In the village now are
Messrs. J. T. Haynle. W. II, Delph, W
T. Houston. F. H. Harris afld T. M
Savage, AugiMta; Mr. Thomas F. La-
ton, Orocewood. and Mrs. W. W. Hack
and daughter of DeBruce.
Mias Jbale Turner and Mrs- Mary
Gregory will leave here Wednesday
morning for points In middle Georgia,
where they will «wnd woane time with
Misses Jennie Hudson and Annie Wil
lie llughcn have returned from a pleas
ant visit to friends in Augusta.
Mr. Capers Chance and Miss Edna
Chance have returned from a visit to
friends In Girard.
New Buildings Going Up—Getting
Ready fur a Fair.
. Hswklnsvllle. Aug. 14.—(Special.)—
The home of Mr. Jesse Bates,which was
destroyed by fire last year. Is being re
built Thin new residence will be one
qf the handsomest hollies In Hawkins-
vllls. J. W. Arnold Is the contractor.
-Mr, D. C. Joiner Is having a two-stt>ry
brick store building erected where tho
old Kirby wooden store stood. It will
add very much to the appearance of
the block. W. E. Graysbn la the con
The canning factory of Pete ft Willis
Is cunning about 6,000 a day. It works
over sixty hands, and the copacity of
tho plant Is no test A Baltimore man.
Mr. H. H. Cole. Is superintendent of
the fsetury.
The track-at O’Brien park has been
ccanpleted and Is being placed In condi
tion for the Ilawktnnvllle exposition In
1 Moll,
Just opened a
big line of these
“it/pc/, very popular, new
~ 4 Trunks, which are
’ not only a great
convenience, but
are better made
than most trunks
now on the mar
ket. Beauties at
$7, $8 and $10.
| The best trunk
straps 50c each.
THOSE NEW Silk and Dress Goods
we’ve just opened tor early fall wear will surely
please you. Call and see them.
Big line Swiss and Hamburg matched Embroideries in
lovely new designs. Torchon arid Yelencennes Laces, Finish
ing Braids, Veilings, etc.
New Dress Goods, black and colors. We are showing
more new Dress Goods than all the others combined. °
New 4-4 Bleaching, new Pillowcase Cottons, new 10-j
Sheetings at new prices. Lovely new Percales.
20 yards yard-wide, soft finish Bleaching for $1.
20 yards yard-wide Sea Island for $1.
Job lot Stamped Linens marked in plain figures at ahout
half price and put out on center counter to close out quick.
Choice Cotton Dress Goods thrown on the bargain coun
ter at 12 1-2 cents, now marked: down to 6 cents.
See especially choice short ends in Cotton and Worsted
Dress Goods; just the thing for skirts and children’s dresses
for a little money.
8 pairs ladies’ fast Black Hose for $1.
8 pairs good 25 cents Socks for $1. • .
All our $1.25 Silk Gloria Umbrellas at $1 1 eacli.
See us for’Trunks and Mosquito Nets. ^
Haddock, Aug. 14.—(Special.)—We
arc Uaviug seasonable showers at night
and very hot dnyB, and the prospect
for an abundant yield Is very promis
ing. Corn crops are exceedingly tine.
Messrs. Lester and Morris uugbt a
very handsome red fox this morning.
Mrs. Annie Budd and Miss Vela Les
ter spent yesterday In Macon.
Mr. D. E. Norris, one of our most en
terprising farmers, sent by express to
Atlanta a watermelon weighing sixty-
seven iKiUtuls. It was ono ot tho so-
called Norris Improved
Mrs. Monglum and Mrs. Holt tif Wal
nut Level spent yosiciduy In our vU-
Miss VulPt Moughan Is spending some
time in Macon.
Most of our young men nro candi
dates for matrimony. Some enterpris
ing young lady Umt thinks she min take
care of n better half and Is charitably
Inclined should apply before the rush.
One so-called Wunl McAllister has mo
nopolized the fair sex that forces us to
Mr. C. S. Morris Is overhauling his
mill and ginnery preparing, for the
large cotton crop.
Misses Ida nud Gertie Lester spent
yesterday on the Sand Hills.
There Is n movement on foot here
to organize an order of non-workmen.
Mr. Turny Bush is receiving HUlwerip-
tious for said order. Mr. Bush is n
young man of, flue business qualities
and the order would do well to secure
his services In the future.
H* Whoops Things Up In Jackson
County In a Fins Speeoh. • •
Harmony Grove, G.V., Aug. 4.—(Spe
cial. )—Joe James shelled the woods for
Democracy ut Jefferson yesterday and
utterly put to rout the Populists. He
put the Democratic party on trial and
proved by records that U had been true
to svery promise. His defense of Gro
ver Cleveland was grand and aroused
unbounded enthusiasm.
He then took up the Popultat nlat-
fprni and -tore it Into shreda to the 'dis
comfiture of the few (People's party
men preaen-t. . ■
Ills speech occupied two hours sol
was undoubtedly an? best Democratic
arguments ever made In Jackson
ch-arlie'Tjra’nd busy.
He’s Stumping Hla District and Doing
Excellent Work.
Llthonla, Aug. U.—(Special.)—Hon.
C. H. Brand, -the nominee of tho
Tntrly-fourth eenatorlal district. Is
stumping the counties of the district
and making some red-hot Democratic
He spoke here Saturday night In a
Joint debate wRh J. J. Chuff, th* Popu-
Ist nominee from this county for rep-
res amative. and spoke at Decatur yes
terday in joint debate with a Populist
speaker named Arnold. Mr. Brand 1s
a hard lighter and one of the beet cam-
PAlgnera und atump speakers In Geor
gia, nnd the third parly orators ore
not able to make any etand against
him. ’
Dunwoody, August 14 —(Special.)—Mr
Hemp Graham of Atlanta te building a
mol dwelling In this town.
Mrs J. Graham of Atlanta ta vtatUng
her ton. Mr. It. 8. Graham of Dunwoody.
Hr. Mr. Burke of Roswell filled th* ap
pointment of Rev. D. B WblUleld here
on Sunday.
* The revival meeting, which has been In
progress at the I’reeb/trrlan church closed
Professor J. L. Webb and his dsuahter
are teaching a singing school at Mt. Pear,
•on church.
The schools hero are In session. They,
are well tilled and In good condition.
I>r. W. M.-ltDuke la In Atlanta on
short visit. ! j
Fort Valley. August 14.—(Spechl.V-The
negro arrested here for Johnson., th* sur
er of Conductor Nelson, has been pro
nounced the wrong man by th# negro who
was sent her* for th* purpose of Identify.
Ing him.
The search for Johnson, however. Is a
moat thorough one, and that he will be
caught sooner or later. It not doubted.
Men furnished with full descriptions ot
him.'are on the lookout at every saw
mlU. croaatle camp oral settlement In this
entire section. The reward ot 1360 offered
by Governor Northen will be augmented
by private offers, and the total reward
will probably exceed KM.
.Savannah, Aug. 14.—(Special.)-Col
Charles H. Olmatedd returned home
Saturday afternoon, and U now with
his family, at Jila country home at
Beaulteuu. near the elty.
There hru been no shortage discovered
In any of his aecounu with, the estates
he manages. Col,' Otmstead has lost
heavily ont ot hla own property, and It
la thought that hla leaving is th* result
ot temporary aberration ot the mind—
as there was no reason (or his leaving.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World** Fair ttlgbeet Medal aod Diploma.
Cy-usDed JVHddlipga Flour'
Tho only Flour of its kind, and the best o!
any kind. It Is mado by a Bocret pro
cess known to but two persona. V'' *— v4V *» ^"owledsre.
Ask your srrocer if his flour la mixed
with corn flour. Such flours are Inju
rious to health. We have no corn tnenl
attachment UNDINE crushed mid
dlings fluvir le pure and wholesome and
is made from selected wheat. IT 13
UiMdllUl, Aug. 14.—(Special,)—In
your Issue of the 12th Inst. Da'wson L
quoted as claiming the honor of having
the first Georgia bale of -cotton last
year, claiming -Che date of same ae Au-
gust 4. We ask for this Insertion to
refute sold claim. Unadllla received her
. first hale August 1. 1892. the'same be
ing sold at 17 cents per pound. We do
not claim that this Is the first bale for
last year In Georgia, but we certainly
count four days ahead of Dawson.
Amsricus’ first bale this _ year was
grown in Dooly and shipped to Amerl-
cus from Coney. We do not object TO
our sleter town’* wearing Justly won
laurel*, but insist tbut they do not
sntitoh those so nobly won by the em
pire county of Dooly.
Preston, Aug. 14.—(Special.)—Ou Frl-
Juy, the 10th, Webster county held lier
mass mooting to nominate a-represent*
n*lve. We had a speech by »lie Hon.
A. O. llneon in the morning nnd In the
evening ono from the Hon. L. K. Gnr*
iimL R. S. Bell was nominated to
carry the banner of Democracy for ibo
legislature, nnd while we bad no In
dorsement for United States senator.
Bacon Is the cliolco of our county by
long odds, and has nlwnys been in our
county for anything lie bns ever of
fered himself and bo has grown In fa
vor since. Wo hnvo seen him nnd
beard his great speech.
Blakely, Aug. 1.—(Special.)—-Hon. A.
O. Bacon addressed our people on the
political topics ot the day yesterday at
the court house, which was uttontlvely
listened to by all. No doubt but Early
will Instruct her representative In the
primary tomorrow to cost her ballot
for Bibb’s gifted son for United States
senator. ■ ■- : . k, ->
The State Convention Rent the Air for
Grover Cleveland.-
Dallas, Tex., Aug. 14.—At noon, to
day the DemocraUo state convention
w\i* called to order by Chairman Baker
ot the executive committee. There
were 10.000 ’ people In the - hall—4,000
delegates-and S.UIKI citizens. Judge J.
K. F.eming of San Antonio waa mude
permanent chairman.
Upon taking tile choir. Judge Flem
ing, In slow and measured terms, an
nounced the Democracy of Texas once
more nmlUU. WM he aald: "We are
all now Grover Cleveland DemoctlUe.
a '-.nighty shout, lasting five minutes
and which echoed back from me raf
ter* of the great building, went up;
ed at the mention of Cleveland** name,
and when the chairman announced
that a tariff bill had been
other shout rent the air.
After chooelnc a secretary and ser-
geantLXt-arms. three committees were
appointed—one upon permanent or-
lltt* hope of agreement.
for two hours. The old man ekx
held thw audience with alt hla
Mr. Call spoke.
jorlty and minority. spiHUng upon sil
ver. The first ballot will not he taker
before the afternoon.
Washington. Aug. 14.—For Georgia
Fair, variable wind*.
If you feel weak
and all worn out take’
WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping. GUye name,
hieailty and price. L., Bare this
paper. if I, , : i J
work; must bring written reference.
Apply 'Monday, n-t ottlce Dr. Stapler.
MACHINIST nnd enlgneer want* em
ployment. Address Machinist, Gel,
ston’s store, South Macon, Ga.
go nnd procure fine rooms (with the
best meals served In town) at the
Park hotel.
Burden, Smith. & Co.
WHEN your wife leaves home board
at Chapman’s English Kitchen; neat,
clean and cool.
HAVE THE BEST—When you want a
sidewalk, cellar floor or a drive way
that has body and foundation to sup
port It, that will stand all travel put
upon it, my concrete pavements will
last an age and give better satisfac
tion than anything you can get ror
the money invested. The best is the
cheapest whfen you consider its du
rability. Address F. “L. Henry, 757
Pine street, Macon, Ga.
LOST—A small pocketbook containing
papers of no value except to owner.
The finder will ’be rewarded if he will
leave it at 617 1-2 Poplar street, or at
Leonard’s Shoe Store.
I have the aboive amount to Invest for
a cus-tomer In a six or seven room res
idence, which must be in convenient lo
cation |o business and good neighbor
hood. If you have such a place for sale
send at once a description of your of
fering. H. Horne, No. 456 Cherry
LANDLORDS—We are now preparing
our rent list for the coming year.
Our facilities are unexcelled, If you
want good tenants and prompt re
turns enlist your property with the
undersigned. Geo. V(. Duncan & Co.
TWO YOUNG MEN or'man nnd wife,
or two ladles, can procure one large
rbom. Including meals, at very rea
sonable p<rlce«. You are invited to
call and examine apartments. Spe
cial prices given to table boarders.
Call at once and get the best. Mer
chants’ dinners served at reasonable
price. Call and eee me. J .H. Clan-
cey, manager.
Yet . . ..
HEADQUARTERS secon<l*haud bag
ging. Just as good as now. Fifty
per cent, your money saved. Used
extewlvely in Central and Southwest-
I’TO Georgia by buyers nnd planters.
C^ll on E. Wolff. 410 Fourth street
AT”COST—Clothing. Hats, Underwear.
J. J. Cobb, Assignee of W. A. Redding.
,WANTED— 1 Those who desire bltf bfir-
KA'i.s lit clothing, hate and genta* fur-
inshli.K guoUt to call at Kedd ng j. J.
J. Cobb, assignee.
WANTED—You to see the 1S94 Densmors
model typewriter on exhibition at F.
It. Pomeroy’*. J. E. Mlnter. tele*
phone 983.
FOR RENT—Six rooms, three in base
ment, three up-etalre; water at door.
Apply 126 Cotton avenue.
FOR RENT—Six-room one-etory house,
No. 120 Park Pace. Apply to O. H.
Crdckett. Union depot.
FOR RENT—One five-room house, la East
Macon, on Balkcom avenue, known as
the Rusa house; will rent cheap. A. T.
Small;‘telephone, 700,|
FOR RENT—115 per month until Oc
tober 1; will rent a aeven-room house,
worth $30. E. A. Horne, 454 Cherry
HOUSE AND LOT—Huguenln Heights;
6 rooms, all modern conveniences and
In perfect repair. Apply Geo. W.
Duncan & Co.
FOR RENT—Stbre recently occupied by
Wood & Bond, three stories and base
ment. 35X115 feet. Best business loca
tion on Cherry street Apply to W.
G v Solomon.
FOR RENT—House now being built, 827
College street, contains parlor and sit
ting room connected by'large suspended
tluuble rn; dining room, larg- bai
ler’s pantry, store-room, kitchen, live
bed rooms with closets* bath room,
large linen cIcml ample halls, speaking
tubes, gas, hot and cold water and other
conveniences. Or If a home-seeker pre
fers the brick house which I occupy, he
cmu have choice. Possession September
IS. T. U. Conner.
FOR RENT—The elegant two-story
brick, residence. 636 Orange street,
containing nine rooms and three bath
rooms and all modern conveniences.
The house lias recently been com
pletely overhauled. Accessible to all
street car lines. For further particu
lars apply It. S. Collins & Co.
FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms,
with all modern covenlences. over
store of W. E. Hill St Co., on Second
street. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further Information apply
at Willingham's Warehouse.
FOR RENT—'The Boardtnap dwelling.
357 First street Immediate possession.
Apply at Macon Savings Bank.
FOR RE$*T—Nloe seven-room dwell
ing for $16 per month. No. 255
Orange street. Apply to E. J. WH1-
ingham, at Payne & Willingham’s.
FOR RENT—A comfortable, furnished
front room In splendid locality on iho
1U11. No children In the house. Ad
dress **J. H.,” care Telegraph.
FOR SALE—OM papers, for wrapping
purposes, etc.. S cents per hundred.
Telegraph office.
Military Academy
Prepares for Govern
ment Academies, Uni.
versltles and Business.
For catalogues address
MaJ. R. A. McIntyre,
Bethel Academy P. O.
MONEY TO LOJCN—Ritumable _
tcct-ihlv installments. Southern Loan
A- Trust Company ot Georgia, 969 Sec-
bad rtivet.
Front Royal. Virginia.
’ Prepares young men nnd boys fbr col-
ege and business. Moderate chargee.
Healthfully situated. For catalogues
address Rev. B. W. BOND, Prln.
for young ladles will reopen Wednesday,,
September 26. 32d year.
Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRE, Principal.
Lexington, Va.
Wth year. State military, scientific and
technical school. Thorough course \ in
general and applied cheinlstry, and en
gineering. Confers degree of graduate in
academic cours?; also degrees of B. 8.
and C. S. In technical courses. All ex
penses, Including clothing and Incidentals,
provided at rate of W6.60 per month, as
an average for four years, exclusive of
r.utflt. New cadets report Septemoer 1.
1'nr Yoeng r.Nfllcit, Th«lirynt uidnuxteikuiialr
wrapped ra Vbsmuk Bckctut count** in Aiclrni
Mild ,»ludt-rit l,nn«im«r». I.ilrr«l urr.Srtrnrc*.
iliiair. Art nnd l-.lai*atii»ii. :*ioOcorfi*ndtfiftebera
situftledln \alley of Va.. near Kowiok*. .Mountain
nrenrry. Mtnor»l Wnl«rfi. 8*luh9ioa* climate. Md
Mnwa cfMini b«pt. 12.18M. For Ulna. Onttlocu* iddrea
UftlAH- L. COCKE, 8upt.. lUlllna, V*
Th© faculty will be the same as It
was last session mainly. Our aim to
keep the Institution abreast of tho pro
gressive spirit and methods of the ad
vanced educaUon-al movements of this
mf*. While laboring for tho thorough
Intellectual training of bur young wo
men. we shall also seek to give them
those finer graces and churms that
come from Music, Art and Elocution.
The old Wesleyan with Its unrivaled
prestige Is without a peer in this
Southern country, and parents and
guardiins send from distant abates
that their daughters or wards may be
able to sly they were educated at the
Wos*ytn». The moral for the Macon
people point* Itself. You cannot afford
not to give your daughters these bene
fits, when »«he brings them to your
doors. *
Mrs. J. B. Cobb is lady principal
For terms, etc., addresa
(Former principal Semiary for Young
Ltulke*. Virginia.)
Mercer University.
Fnll faculty, unequalled advantages
Fall term open, October L
For catalogue, etc™ address
• J J Secretary Law School.
J I ... Macox Gx
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
If you visited the Fair
you can appreciate this volume
and if you did not it is the
next best thing to a visit.
Come and see it. When will
you ever again have an offer
of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 cents.
This is all it will cost you if
you will clip out the following
Coupon and bring" or send it t*
The Telegraph.
Worlds Fair
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