Newspaper Page Text
A Batch of Newsy Items Furnished by
the Hustling Correspondents
of the Telegraph.
BmlthTllU .1*4 RtriwHi Hr*
uliriSThrtr srint IslH t'MWr-
d. ,—Tli. y.ld.r»Sln.p..m
1 Eastman, Awr. 35. —(Special.)—The
flret bale 'of now Cotton brought to
Eaatmsn thin season was marketed to
day by that .enterprising farmer, Mr.
James J. Nekton. The cotton was car
ried to the warehouse of Mr. W. F.
Harrell, our popular mayor, merchant
nnd warehouseman, and was bought by
blm, 7 1-3 cent* por pound being the
price paid. • ' I V J ’ s~*
Eastman la preparing to handle, s’
lingo amount nf notion this season,
having three elegant brick warehrfua^s
end s cotton cwupheaa la sudccaaful op
era th>n,
It la rumored that a new paper will
he started in Eastman some time In
September with Cob Walter M. Clem
ents end Mr. Tom Carnee In charge.
Messrs, L. M .Peacock, B. H. Lowe-
ton. J. C. Rswtlna and J. C. Rogers,
accompanied by Mr. N. W, Armstrong,
the hedge fence man, left yratertlsy
for Cednrtown to .Inspect hedge fences
la that locality. It la sold that an
hsdge fence company will be organised
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. M. Curry are In
north Georgia.
Mia* Bailie Bncon has returned from
Bavannnh. Miss Nichols accompanied
her home. • . • ■ „
Mrs. II. B. Cheney and children are
at Lula, where they will apend the re
mainder of the summer.
Judge K. Herrman Is back from New
The Marriage of Two Prominent
Young People at Elko.
Henderson, Aug. 15.—(Special.)—A
somewhat roman tie marriage occurred
In our little sister city, Elko, last Bub-
bath, In the forenoon, at the residence
of the Rev. M. B. Ferrell. The groom
was Professor Master a Simpson of
Phoenix «|ty. Ala., and the bride Miss
BubIc Felder.of tills, place.
Though the bride's parents jpive their
concent, yet It seems the contract
ing parties would have it coupled with
a slight touch of romance. Thu greem
with the help of friends managed u> se
cure all the bride's efTecis mid store
them Bccretly uivay In tho house of a
friend hi .iwnlt thu oom'rg of a luck
from Elko, which cime In S.induy
morning about 0 o'clock. With all pbs-
all)!.. Iinstc everything wits made ready
for their Journey to Elko, which Is
about six mllee from here. When they
arrived In'Elko they Immediately die*
patched for the preacher, who was.then
ut the Chapel preparatory for preach-
Ing. Soon the preacher arrived and tn*
“jtnot was tied.
.Profosior H. 8. Simpson lias Ivon n
JjWtl In the person of Stirs Felder, and
a 4at Is the loss to friendship's fjlr clr-
rlj Is Professor Simpson's gain. Miss
I'jfldsr la n young l&ily poaaessed of
any admirable ami noble trails uf
liaracter, generous, nobio hearted, hind
Ind forbearing.
iProfcaBor Simpson was at one time
-teacher In the Henderson High School
nnd won for himself many enconluma
nml the respect tuld friendship of all
Mho know him. nnd linn nt last wi.n
otic of I lender-ton's fairest flowers. Ho
Is now principal of a large school In
Phonolx City. Ala.
While In the Act of Loading a Wlneheater
Repeating. ltJfle.
Summerville, Aug. 15.—(Special.)—One fit
the most deplorable accidents that Ca
toosa county haa known fur years oc
curred near this place at an early hour
this morning.
Mr. Charles H. Ilenry, iho son of one
of tho most prominent nnd highly re
jected families In the county, shot him-
self with a winchester tcpcnllng rttlo
nnd died almost Instantly from lllc rrtirls
of the wound. Mr. Henry was working
.with tho rule. He had cleaned It and
wu* loading when It waa accidentally dis
charged, the ball entering the head, caus
ing immediate 'death. 'I'll* nnfor.innte
young man was * son vf Mr. T. 1’.
Henry, and was -held in high esteem.
The nevident falls as a heavy blow upon
Ills family and a large circle of whrm
With Melon Cuttings and tee Cream
i Festivals Thrown In.
Hephslbah, Aug. 15.—(Sp I'll 1—A
gay party, consisting of Messrs. T. D.
Oliver of Waynesboro, Hen Gardner
of Tarverb, and several others; Misses
KMimlo Winter, Essla and liulh An
gle of Augusta, chtpstooed by Mr. W.‘
I. Story, who Ls ,i prince among good
fellows and artM never tins nf JMKVlxr
his frlenda, Kien: % most dehgMfiil
ovcnliig. straw riling on the farm
of the 8tory I troth era, a few -till te routh
of the village Mon toy evening.
1’reporaiKuis are now being made for
n mrlion cutting, a vti*iw riding an-V
tee cream slipper. It evpeotwi that
•mi's a deleguil in from this village,
Wayneaboro and Tirctra, will partic
I lulls uow and thru,
w Kb a g.-otls, cksms-
hig lax.Ure, thereby
removing offending
matter f nan the done
I a.-h aiul loach,, and
I toning 111' and ln> igo-
Imltng tile h\,T and
luuh'komng Its lanly
(Vfitovr fho t'aiis'
** a multitudeilto*
trmlng dlftMUtw, Mloh an bcWulACbM, itvluiye-
V*”U, I'lll HialMVav skill tllNTfUTm, U»iU. I'tirlmil
cl»», pitas tlxtuku tuxl tuaUdta* Lx uiunmxu
to mention.
If trouU pay mom attention to
juvjb*rly rvvulating iboartian of their l»w-
ViM haT» |ii* frvquartlt OCmMOQ
toemu for tfaur doctor^ Krricti to sul»du*
AtUcks of «ian^*TiHu diamsm.
Tbat, of alt known a*^*nU to fux\>aiplt»h
“ Vnxvam, Dr. Pierce's iWnt NUeta
am ttnapialtal, u proem by Uw fact tliat
5“««i they am ataam tn furor. Their
•*> *». Ury effect u to kmplhe bMl mmi
mc«W. not to furtW ix^nstinato, aaS
th* cam with other p»iu lUoc*. tGlr mat
popularity with wffam from habitual coo
•aAsaUoo. ufaa and irxllowUon.
8. L. Ledbetter Haa Batn Appointed io
Wind Up It* Affair*.
Dublin. Aug. 15.—(Spac)al.)—’Tn« board
of dlrectom of the' Alliance Exchange of
Georgia convened at 1:30 o'clocK • yester
day :it Ur noon and •'•fnivntd m ‘*er»'.on
until 2 o'clock thle morning. The cnly
builneaa transacted wa» that «f tne ex
change. The principal action wu» the
ai>polntment of 8. L. J>1better t» w<nd
up the affaira of the exchange,
Marlon Butler, who was to have deliv
ered the annual at J0 o'clock 'this
morning, did not arrive. His place will
be filled by Sam Walker, Col. Ellington or
Col. Peek. •
There were about aeventy-flve delegates
FmIUirllle, Aug. 15.—(Special.)—
Bmltbrllle received her first bale of
new ootten today. It came front the
farm of dir. F. II. Jlines, one. uf Ix-o
county's-most prominent larmera. It
was sold to Mr. T. B. Uurtou.
. Tip- Smithvillo Giamug Coippuny,
npi ruling the Monger system, with it
cupucity of twenty bales n liny,
steamed up Tor business yesterday
evening. The Unit bale glnucd was for
Cbarloa Pnither, an ludustriomi and
prosperous colored citizen >;f Smith-
i lllr. it w.'ih half old nnd halt nciv
cotton and was also old to Mr. Bur
ton. This gnr ginnery Is tho coin-
plctest and heat eqiuppqd of uny gin
ning plant la tbi-i section. 'It bus a
capacity of tweuly bales per <biy nnd
coat about $3,0U0. It Is' owned by
Mesas. T. B. Burton, J. D. Burton nnd
C. B. MeMnnuB, llireo of ourmost proa-
Iierous citizens.
Crop* In Leo aro n» line m our farm
ers oould wlsl^ fpr—especially corn nnd
Beveml frtmlllcs who now rcsldo «bet
where-speak of locating hero in the
near future.
Haddock Btatlan, Aug. 15.—(Spe
cial.)—Mr. John Haddock happened to
nn accident while returning from
chinch last night that caino near result
ing seriously. Uls mule became fright
ened at the ruin nnd lightning and ran
u way, capsizing hi* buggy. John Buy a
the very thing that saved Bis life was
due to his extensive feet, because they’
were heavier tliuu Ills head, hit tho
ground Ural. There were n few joorna
mushed hut no oilier damage done.
Col. Walter Holt lost a very valunblo
mule lust night. Bays be'tail so many
mortgages on him Unit It killed blm.
The young ladles of this place have
n parody on “The Girl l I-cft Behind."
’Tin tho “Boy She Left Behind,” and
there ls n certain youug man wishes
the citizens to prohibit it sung In tho
village limits.
llawklnsvtlie, Aug. 15.—(Special.)—
This evening at 7 o’clock occurred tho
pupUals of two of llawklnsvllle's most
poptzw young ipeople, the marriage
bang that of Miss Florida Jslks vj Mr.
EH 'VVurren Goode. The ceremony was
celebrated very quietly besides the rel
atives of the bride and groom, cn'y «
few 1 of their most Intimate frlenta be
ing present.
Mr. Uoode Is one of the ctiy’s many
prosperous merchants and Is a most i>.-
I'liiphiry yuiug man. a
Miss Jelkx is widely and prominently
connected here and numbers her fri-nds
by the score, nnd Mr. Gooie well de
serve*, the many congratulations that
havo been bestowed upon him nlncothe
announcement of tho engagement. *
Marietta. Aug. IJ.—(Special.)—Mari
etta played two games of baseball yes
terday against * combination team
made up of players from Jasper, At-,
lai.'.a. T-atc, Nelson and Plsdmont.
The games resulted us follows:
First game—Marle:U 17, Combina
tion 12.
Second game—Mi-1,it* ?7. Combina
tion 21.
Buford. Aug. 15.—(Special.)—Mrs.
W. W. Power, the wife of Dr. Power,
died at tier home here this ihornlng
a: 0:15 o'clock, otter a protracted ni
ne** of nearly three months. .
She leaves a husband, fn-ve lit :7a
children and a large circle of friends
to mourn her death. •
The funeral will take place here to-
moriow afternoon.
Mr*. W. L. McCarenack of Athens
«u* hurried here this morning.
IiCesburgo, Aug. 15.—(Special.)—The
tloekiide on the Leo Jordan Stewart
plantation wna struck by lightning ut
U o’clock last night, shattering tlic up-
pcr.part of the (tables into kindling
wood. There were thirty-two mules,
besides n number of lmge, in the stock-
nde. Ftii'timnlely but one nude and
one hog were killed. Mr. Stownrt wu*
not.iitv.uv of Iho neetdent uuLl this
momlug. ' '
Reynold*. Aug.' 15.—(SpectnU—The flrit
hale'of'new cotton w«* received nt the
warehouse of Griffith A. Frederick yes-
tenhiy. It wan Mr. P. E. Me-
DaaM and was sold* Hum.) A Pool far
64 cents and was sh1pne<l tvt. lleEnsllsh
A C*. at Macon. Three more bales were
brought in todny. -me. season here will
open sooner thnn u.uvl, nnd n largo per-
centago of the'Cotlon w-*!l be gathered in
th'* early part of the season.
Makes dyspeptics
Brown’s^ Iron
W&thlngton. Au*. IS.—Final onl«ro
weno tctaKiMphovl today by the scciv-
lary of the navy to Caot. Oeonce N.
C\)«\n, conmwnder of the^Ch^rleeton,
direcUtut him to leave San Francisco
tomorrow end proceed to Tokchorae.
whore he will reoort 4o Commodore
Cdrpenter, cmnvmdtnK the Asiatic ela
tion. for further order*. Qoftunodort
Carpenter left a»n rnnMeo by the
mall ateumer on Aumiet 7 and will prob-
•Vlv aw nit t !;■• . 1; 1 v .41 ,.f tht* rh.uio.v-
tlm xt Yokohxmi end uie her «s his
tlx^shlp. The CluriMton will »top three
days for coal at Honolulu and Is ex
pected to reach Yokohanu between the
6th and 10th of 04KXtmber. The Charlee-
ton is almost the exact counterpart of
the Jawntw Nintwj K.m. having been
built from the Kime deeijm. Her mins,
however, are less powerful then those
of the Japanese *hip.
Why Oo mo many peoyte we eee
around u« ®«-vm to yrvCvr to aufl«r and
lx* ii>aUe miserable by ladlftatioo, cvu«
euyuUou. dixxim**, lot* of appetite
NOtt&S up or the food, yellow ekto,
then tor 71 cent* we will »»U them
bhiloh'a Vuwiuer, Kuanuiiwxl la «ur«
boll by Goodwyn A 8mall Drua
Company, corner Cherry atreei aad
IS 11 IIS!
■Just opehed a.
big line of these
very popular, new
K Trunks, which are
not only. a great,
, . convenience, but
arc better made
than most trunks
now on the mar
ket. Beauties • at,
$7, $8 and $10.
I The best trunk
straps 50c each.
THOSE NEW Silk and Dress Goods
we’ve just opened for early fall wear will surely
please you. Call and see them.
Sr Wakes
£S Marvelous Curas
in Blood Poison
^ Rheumatism
g^and Scrofula
flHp—* p, p. p. parlfio* the blood, bolldfl tip
the tronk on*l debilitated, Rlvea
gtrengik t<» norvoe. expe)«
, ror prlir.iiry,«roondnr7 and tertiary
■jrphlilt. forblootl polfonlnx. moren-
• rial poison. mnUrle. dyepepBln. «"<!
. Id all blood eml >kln dUeaeee. like
blotchoa. plmplM, old chronic nlcora.
• tetter, scald bead, bolls. eryeipeUe.
, eczema-we may say, withont foar of
contradiction, that 1*. P. P. lathe bosh
• blood parlflerln the world,and makes
iui.iii« siouulv nnil tierminuul. cures
Ladles whose systems are poisoned
’ siid whose blood is in so Impure oondl-
lenetrosJ lrrojrulsrlUee,
and Kidney Troubles -g
Are entirely remove* by F.P.1V '
Avxrdesw. O.. July 21 • 1081* «
UasaBS Uppmsh Bros.. Savaunah. .
Os. i D*sx Bins—I bouaht abottlsor
yourP.P. P. st Hot 8prln«,Ark.,and .
• ft has done me more good than three a
months* treatment at tne Hot Bprioga.
Vend three bottles O. 0.1). «
TON. ‘ '
Aberdeen* Brown County* G* •
Ca»t. I. D. Johnston.
To all vfiom U may concern: X here- 1
-1>y testify to the wonderful properties .
of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. X
suffered for several years with an un
sightly «nd disagreeable eruption c
signt.1T tna uiHKnwiuin muvn™-i.
my fsoo. I tried every known reme
dy but tn vain,until P. t*. r. was used,
and am now entirely cured.
” D SS£&.
Uhlo Cancer Cared.
TetUmonyfrom the Mayor of Sequinjex.
blood partner in vne woriu.anu iua»«» _ j a n Uar y H. 1893.
g-ltfgia-*” “ d Wrm “ 0 “ t iSKsK sjblniU.
in sit cases. —Ga.i Gentlemen—I have tried your P.
p. p. for a disease of the skin, usually
known as skin cancer,of thirty frare*
standing, and found great relief: It
purifies toe blood and reraoves all ir
ritation from the scat or tho disease
and feel ctmtld-ni that another courae
will effect a cure. It has also relieved
me from Indigestion and stomach
Hoot and Potassium.
. fiPRiMuriKLP, Ml. , .tug. 14th. 1893.
—lean apeak in the hlgheac terms of
i our medicine from my own psrsonal
ncwledgo. I was affected wltn heart
/dUsosek IM«lW«WPi?«Wt2S:
* 3-0 years, was treated bythe veiybeak
, physicians ana apent hundreds of dol
lars. tried every known remedy with-
• outhndln*relief. I.hareonlyjRken
one bottle of yoor P. P;J*.( »can
cheerfully say It hsi dono memoro
SprlagOold, Qro.u oouetja Mo.
Attorney at LsW. •
Book m Blood Diseases Hailed free. -
X4mM. , .SIMLUTUIlUl,S. ‘
mmmmmm m
Or, Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made,
A Convention to Be Held LooklnK to
an Exhibit of Southern Resources.
Washington, Aug. 15,—At a special
meeting of tlie directors of the Wash
ington Board of Trade today; on the.
subject vf the coming convention at
WdehlngUn Thursday und .Friday, Au
gust 30 nnd 31. of Southern boards of
trade, governors, mayors and merchants
and marshals to consider the advisabil
ity of a permanent exhibit of reaourcea
of the South it waa decided to hold the
convention at Willard’s hall. The par-
lore at Willard'S hotel will be the head
quarters of the convention. A large
attendance Is expected, particularly
from Southern boards of trade.
Beginning today. Mr. Colin Studds
become* ivissenger agent of*he Penn
sylvania railroad for the southeastern
division, with headquarters in 1 Wash
ington. He succeed® Mr. Robert A.
jPdrice, -resigned.
The house committee on naval affaire
today authorised Mr. Cummings. Its
chairman, to submit a prelimfntry re
port bn the armor Plate investigation.
The reptrt. It Is understood, will hrelfly
review the testimony taken and will
reeemmend an appropriation to enable
several of. the alleged defective plates
to 1 be removed from, tho vtflMls on
which they have been placed to test
them ballaetlcly.
The tariff bill will go Into effect at
midnight the day It re-;lives the ap
proval of the president, or becomes law
by the operation bf th* ten days’ limi
tation. and not from August 1, as pro
vided In tho measure. An examination
o/ authorities made at tho treasury de
partment shown that the law cannot
take effect upon a date prior to its en
actment. and the federal supreme court
haa sustained this view under the ex-
[R>sl facto provision of the constitution.
This Is the view of the treasury depart
ment and the announcement is made
t.eviatise of tho flood of telegrama re
ceived there indicating some confusion
Up.-:: thU p.'lni.
The groat rush tb take whisky out of
the bonded warehouses continue?, but
it has not onvtarmssetl the Internal rev
enue. service In tho least, as extra
gaugers ’were arranged for in antlcl-
p11ion of the demand r the wtth-
I drawal. The increased internal reve
nue* from withdrawals art beginning
I to appear th the dallv treasury state*
| meats. Today the receipts from inter-
1 nal revenue sources were 56S6.192, an
Increase of $3^1.000 ever yent.-rday. For
the next ten days the receipts are ex
pected to average JL500.000 a day.
A gratifying Increase of U15.000 In
gfold waa made by the treasury depart
ment today, bringing up the gold re
serve to 152,779.000. a gain during the
past few daya of nearly 1800.000. Ex
change is several points below the ship
ping point, ami now that bustnere is
not subject to such wide fluctuations it
la tfat considered likely that gold ex
port* will resume. The prediction Is
freely made that Europe will be send
ing gold to this country within the
nett twenty days.
The New rarlflf. Which Reduces the Duty,
Assigned as the Cause. -- .
Baltimore. Aug. 15.—The^offlclato of the
Edwin Hewlett Pottery Company of this
city have deetded. In conjunction -vith
other flrtttt represented in the potters*
National Aeawtatlon. to rto5* up their
establishment tn consequence of the r\r*-
oge of .the new tariff bill.
The reduction from 69 per cent, to 35
per cent In the pottery schedule caured
General Manager Bruno to notify his em
ployes of a reduction in wages. The
^men had recently accepted a 12V*' per
cent, out and refused th go any lower.
The kiln hands quit w»sk yesterday. In
a day or two 350 employes will have com
pleted the orders on hand, and the pot
tery will be shut down.
Crushed jVttddltpg* floup
The only Flour of Us kind, and the best o?
any kind, 11 is mnilo l>.v a secret pro
cess known to but two persons. 9
SlOaoPAx—^..j “-ti-Tr^wledire.
Wo have loiters from nearly 1,000
meichnnts stating that Undine ls the
Noel Mill Company? Eatill Springs,
Tenn. /
go and procure flhe rooms (with the
best meals served In town) at the
Park hotel.
WAN J/•; >—Those wbt> desire Mg |» u-
g.\'t.s in clothing, hats and gents* fur*
lltsMi.g gt odt to call at Kew.d ng a
J. Cobb, aseignee.
WANTED—You to *ee the lRH Densmore
model typewriter on exhibition at F.
R. Pomeroy*#, J. E. Minter, tele-
phone 2S3.
FOR RENT—One five-room house, m East
Maoon. ou Balkcom avenue, known as
the Russ house; will rent cheap, a T.
Small; telephone. 7W.
FOR RENT—Stbi% recently occupied by
Wood & Bond, three stories ind base
ment. 35x175 feet. Best business loc
lion on Cherry street. Apply to W.
G. Solomon.
FOR RENT—House now being built. 07
College street, contains parlor and sit
ting room connected by large suspended
double doors; dining room. Large but
ler’s pantry, store-room, kitch.-n, r.v«
bed -rooms with closets, bath room.
Urge Unen cloeet. ample halls, speaking
tubes, gas, hot and cold water and other
conveniences. Or If a home-seeker pre
fers the brick house which l occupy, be
can have choice. Possession September
15. T. U. Conner.
Big line Swiss and Hamburg matched Embroideries in
lovely new designs. Torchon and Velencennes Laces,' Finish,
ing Braids, Veilings, etc.'
New Dress Goods, black and colors. We are showing
more new Dress Goods than all the others combined.
New 4-4 Bleaching, new Pillowcase Cottons, new 10.4
Sheetings at new prices. Lovely new Percales.
20 j’ards yard-wide, soft finish Bleaching for $1.
20 yards yard-wide Sea Island for $1.
Job lot Stamped Linens marked in plain figures at about
half price and put out on center counter to close out quick.
' Choice Cotton Dress Goods thrown on ,the bargain cou n .
ter nt 12 1-2 ‘cents, now marked down'to 6 cents.
See especially choice short ends in Cotton and Worsted
Dress Goods; just the thing for skirts and children’s dresses
for a little money.
8 pairs ladies’ fast Black Hose for $1.
8 pairs good 25 cents Socks for $1.
All our $1.25 Silk Gloria Umbrellas at $1 each.
See us for Trunks and Mosquito Nets.
Burden, Smith. <& Co/'
FOR RUNT—Six-room one-story house.
No. 120 Park Pace. Apply to O. p.
Crockett, Union depot.
FOR RENT—The elegant twe-atory
brick residence. 636 Orange street,
containing nine rooms and three bath
rooms and all modern conveniences.
The house has recently been com
pletely overhauled. Accessible to all
atreet car lines. For further particu
lars apply R. 8. Collin* & Co.
FOR RENT—Three desirable^ rooms,
■with all modern covenlences, over
store of W. E. Hill & Co., on Second
atreet. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further Information apply
at Willingham's Warehouse.
-FOR RENT—The Boardman dwelling)
357 First street, immediate possession.
Apply at Macon Savings Bank.
FOR RENT—Nloe seven-room dwell
ing for $16 per month, No. 255
Orange street. Apply to E. J. Will
ingham, at Payne & Willingham’s.
FOR RENT—A comfortable, furnished
front room in splendid locality on the
Hill. No children In the house. Ad
dress "J. H..’* care Telegraph.
2Q2tt acres, eight mil*3 from the city, In
Rutland district, near Georgia Southern
and Florida and Southwestern railroad* 1 ;
130 acres cleared. The land is good and.
well suited to com. citton. peaches and
melons, and Is well located for shipping
fruits. Has & 6-room dwelling on it,
and good water from springs and well.
Good neighbors and good schools. Apply
to JL F. Strohecker, attorney, 105 Cotton
avenue; *
FOR SALE—The Jud Hill residence, cor
ner Ash and Boundary streets, nrar
Huguenln Heights; ssveu rooms; all
modern conveniences; stables, barns, etc.
A bargain, and easy terms ,t taken
soon. The cosiest and most complete
home'in Macon. George W. Duncan
& Co. • t-
FOR SALEy-Old paper*, for wrapping
purposes, etc.. 25 cents per hundred.
Telegraph office.
WHEN your wife leaves home board
<at Chapman's English Kitchen; neat,
clean and cool.
FRDSH lot codfish and bloater mackerel
Ju*t received. Collier Brothers.
LOST-*-A tan Scotch terrier nnmed "Dia
mond." Has been sheired. Suitable re
ward tf returned to 124 Georgia avenue..
HAVE THE BEST—When you want a
sidewalk, cellar floor or n drive way
that haa body nnd foundation to sup
port it, that will stand all travel put
ilpon It, my concrete pavements will
last an age and give better satisfac
tion than anything you can get for
the money Invested. The best is the
cheapest when you consider Its du
rability. Address F. L. Henry, 757
Pine street, Macon, Ga.
LANDLORDS—*Wo are now preparing
our renit list for the coming year.
Our facilities are unexcelled. If you
want good tenants and prompt re
turns enlist your property with tho
undersigned. Geo. W ? Duncan & Oo,
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sella it
TWO YOUNG MEN or man and wife,
or two ladles, can procure one large
room. Including meals, at very rea
sonable prices. You are Invited to
cull afid examine apartments. Spe
cial prices given to table boarders.*
Call at once and get the best. Mer
chants* dinners served at reasonable
price. Call and see me. J .H. Clan-
cey, manager.
gtvee sadafaouon. Retail* 20c. lb.
HEADQUARTERS second-haud bag
ging. Just as good as new. Fifty
per cent, your money eaved. Used
extensively In Central and Southwest
ern Georgia by buyers and planters.
OH on E. Wolff. 4t0 Fourth street.
beat made. Have you tried UT
AT COST—Clothing, lists. Underwear.
J. J. Cobb, Assignee of W. A. Redding.
Per Vanns T.nitIra. Th«Unc*«l and mNtMtniinl;
«impp«d m Virginia Kciecfie coorjM in Anriem
nml Hw«tfru l,unMiin«r», Lllrrsluir^clricf*.
• lutic. Art nh4 l.iorniloo. 3»ii>(T.r*>r»fcnd ItMhtn.
*Mta*i«d tn Va!tejot n«nr Konnoke. Mnantnln.
»rreery. Mmanl W.t*™ clunstn. Kid
WHioq open) tx>|il. (i W For filu-. CsUl<i«u« addroai
CHAM. L. COCKR, Kept., Hollins, T*
Tho faculty -will be thi? earn* aa it
was last hops ion mainly. Our aim to
keep the institution abreast of the pro-
gPMrfie spirit and methods of the ad
vanced educational movement* of this
a:*'. While laboring for the thorough
intellectual training of bur young wo
men, we shall also seek to give them
those finer graces and charms that
come from Music. Ait and Elocution.
The old Wesleyin with its unrivaled
pr*tige is without ft peer In this
Southern country, nnd parents and
guard kins send from distant aba tea
UlAt their daughter* or wards may be
able to any they were educated at the
Wesleyan. The moral tor the 5Incon
people points itafttf. You cannot afford
not to give your daughters those bene
fits, when she brings them to your
Mrs. J. B. Cobb is lady principal
Fbr terms, etc., address
(Former principal Semkiry for Youug
ladies, Virginia.)
Yet ....
Securely bound in handsomi
cloth, now ready for
. OF .
If you visited tho Fair
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and if you did not it is the
next best thing to a visit.
Come and see it. When will
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