Newspaper Page Text
A Batch of Noway Itcma Furnished by
the Hustling' Correspondents
of the Telegraph.
They Ilf tfeejr <Soo4 Things About Ills
Undldser For She f*»sls-l»t*
srsl llsrrlsBH Ilteonlrd In
This August Utslhtr.
! Entonlcu, August 17—<Sp«tsl).'—Ev
ery Ihluz in quiet about Eal .onion now.
The trope are splendid—no nut In cot
ton and d&unfencc and plenty reword
the farmcru' toll.
Col. H. A. Jenkins la Use nominee
dor the legislature: tie vn eenatur
from ttiki' district in The last k-giolii-
iture, and now goes to the house. Ill*
experience in lo*t,lallv* affaire and
tile oblhty end prosnhieuoe oa n law
yer should Mcuro, for. film the chair
manship of the Judiciary contquttee.
die Is the miu for Ible responsible po-
Judge Joseph S. Turner la candidate
dor the Judgeship of the Opmulgre cir
cuit. lie belong* to one .of the, old
d.imillcs of Putium. Ills father nud lilts
grandfather used 4o represent this
county in the legislature lit ante hel
ium days. Judge Turner Is a epleiwlid
Hypo of si Putnam county cJUseh, fa
mous oyer tlie state for high sense of
honor, for probity of character, urban
ity aud generous hoeplttillly,
lawyer. Judge Turner Is well known,
and lie would gracefully wear
mllie of his predeoossor. Judge W. F.
.Col. Thomas' rood, running from
Coving..tit to Mltledgevilh-, I* doing
well. 1U schedule Is HUoli iu to give
to ICutonton people convenkltl Ingress
mid egrcM. col. Tl tonus Is a practical
nun. full o! energy and vim. He Is
never Idle, und lie'll now reaping the
reward ot his great Indiiatry.
Jt 1» pleasant to heir so ninny nice
things Haiti of MuJ. Hu con. Ho has so
many ardent admtrvrs who appreckitn
tile ability of the man and want him
In -tho ornate, so that the slate c.tji
have n thoroughly ci|uipi>cd man In
the senate—one equal to ull emergen-
dm of debate, whether pcruming to
legal innUers, or foreign Ju
risprudence, or to Itie tighter nutters
of our home affaire aud (ieorgtu Indus
tries. The house Is so large that u
•nailers not whether Georgia sends to
It 0. fully equipped lawyer or not; bivi
It 1* neonuury. tf the beet service Is ex.
peoted. to send to she seuate the very
best legal tnlent we have. We are lim
ited to two senators. «onfi the,best
equipped man.
Ellington nail W'ulker Make Speeches
For tbo Populist Party.
Dublin, Auk. HWSpeclaU-Wbnt
will probably lie the last meeting of
the Farmers' Alliance of Georgia
closed Its session here today and ad.
Journal In coufusksi nud uncertainty.
•‘Firmer*’ Alliance'' will heuccfortlt
lio it inlsnomcr. Tlmso who organised
It for the purpose of furthering their
own political ambitions have aoootn
pllshid their dtw.gns, nud a political
order lias Ihk>u evolved from mi organ,
hull lun which appeared at tlio llrst
blush to have ns Its purpose the unit
tag of fanners of tbo South into n ltody,
us do U1 ember* of other trades land pro
As these dispatches stated ycstcrtlny,
llie directors have determined to wlud
up the affairs of the AlUanco Exchange
and quit bus,ness. 'Dio only thing left
to consider was the olllclal organ of the
enters-**Living issuos.'
The executor* romiutttpo of the Allb
M800 Is still laboring over the Itnnl tl k
posltloi of "Living Issue*." It was
lKKdtlvcly stall'd by a prominent mcm-
Iter of tlio ilnance committee that tlio
neper would have to auit|H>uil, there be
ing no monoy to coufliiuu Us pubiu-n
tlon. Tills, however, was contradicted
utul the statement made, that the pnpc
would lio ooaManed under the manage
luent of n cotumiKeo appointed by this
Ool. Klllngton'n address urn* deliv
ered on yosterday. It was an appeal
to the Alliance to rciunlu as an organ
tuition. lie said Hint lu plain wools
the quest loo Is, chilli the AIR
formers, continue to dominate through
tlio People's party? ,Shall wo make
the plalfoniui and name tlio men that
are to lead tier on to victory, he nuked
•*Or shall wo yield the rudder to othe
hands? Tlio light for our rights Is only
Just begun. Shalt wo MinvadtT mi
allow our great itnn.v to dli
Ikind—our fortvn to * 1
God's name. *NoT A thnuosiid tlmi
*N»r *'
Rev. Ram WnlSTcr of Thcgmam, and
if right bower of *l\>m Watson's, nts.
made a Populistic spuvb.
Ru fsr from advocating the principles
of the Ferment* AUiumv. ho stcppotl
out no the great tabby of the PofitUl
pirty-ltie Motel*! ailarttoi* befort
tbo rounlry. anil, wllti tlio usual nog
ftokl. pns-L'tlmotl tho old
affairs, the present evils and tho rem
edy. contradicting himself frequently,
llo wound up with a plea for unity.
The delegates wSU leave at 4 oVenek
this aftern ton -SO tho UiNS. Hntdln
nthl Savannah special nod with their
depart to* the last probable vt-stlgo of
the Farmer*' Alliance disappears.
Jilwmi /bint. 3V* aiiuxu Oh«
Dtt. Pisni Ke Huffalo,N.Tfo
IVdr Mr-1 am «U<J
tn mjr that us** <*f
Jt'Uf "Qowfl Mrslt'
I*tat s l V # t ) ** 1
owl «"• "*«* '»
ft*i•" ** 1 ban* i
th* |ta»t f|f»i*n )fttl
tahrtKJVTT eroded, tMO
niu and also for
lc tlunht'A. unit am
kUi! to nay that It tiu
Mr \V. F. Worreu of Texas and Mtss
Mary HoUcutau Married.
Uyrvu, Aug. 10.—(Special.)—There
was a happy marr.nge consummated
hero at the Baptist cuurch yesterday
alternoan at 0 o'clock. The parties to
tb,» odeum - -ntr.,.-i .mi- Mr Will 1.
NVarroB of Dallas, Tex., and Mi*» Mary
tloUemuu ot tn,s place. Rev. 8. F.
ltoatU-y of L'p*on conuty outdated in
U-uullful and Impressive ceremony.
Ihe attendants went Miss Annie Wet-
Ion* with Mr. T. E. Slurp, Mis* Inane
Unit wltlt Professor F. T. Grantbaui.
Hiss Annie Holloman with Mr. WU1
Clark, M.«* Carrlu Johuqton with Mr.
BOR&ett Via son. Messrs. Wright Wll-
Ungtinm iuul Mr. Prentice v Ilolletnan
ere the ualiers.
Mn>. Mary Lula Bear* prealdcd at the
-rgan ami played the wedding uuirdi.
Tlie church was lllltd to overdowlng
by tlio friend, mid relative* of the pop
ular couple, who come to sea them take
till- Important step in life.
The groum, Mr. Will F. Warren, Is n
wealthy and prominent young business
man of Dallss, Tex., where lie U held
lu tho highest esteem by every one
who knows him.
Xbo brldo Is the enldest daughter of
tho late lsmu* U. Hollcinan, Usq., ot
this place. Mho lm* lieen a popular fa-
vorlto hero because of her many graces
of character, lovtd by nil who liafl the
pleasure of her ucounlutniice for her
gcullo consideration as well as attri
butes of mind and heart.
The I test wishes nnd jiraycrs of tho
host of friends of this happy couplu
go with them to their home In the
West that they may realize all tho Imp-
phi ess Utey.gsurWllyJlescrvc.
'Popular "Young Coup!* of Jones
County United la Marriage.
CH niton, Aug. 18.—(Special.)—At (
‘clock, on tbs evening of the trah Inst
there occurred sire finest msrrlsge that
ever'took place In any -church In the
town of Clinton, although Clinton was
a thriving lltlls town long before the
large city of Macon had a name.
The contracting parties were Mr.
George T. Purstey and Miss Cosby
Seal*, both of Clinton. The attendant*
Were Miss Belle Morton and Mr. Eu
gene Morgnn, Mis* Jettlo Jones and Mr.
Cleud Tursley, Miss Lillie Holme* and
Mr. Jim Hlcwart. Master Ross Hols-
enbeck a-nd pretty little Mary Pursiey.
Ushers-Messrs. Gordon Hardeman and
Glen Stewart. The'bride waa dressed
In pur* whit# organdie and carries! In
her hand cream roses. The brides
maids wore pink mull and carried In
their bands pink roses.
The church wus beautifully decora
ted, mainly In smllax and roses, with
h utile lent other flowers to properly
adorn the evergreen. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. 8. II. ninmore
uf Montlctllo, Oa., In a nimble, neat
style, after which the young people
who compose*! the audience repaired
to ih* commodious residence of Dr. 8.
A. Ttmtlcy. the father of the groom,
ni appease hunger and quench thirst
and talk a ost of useless nothlnglsm
nnd tlttl*. Wittered-about absurdltle*.
All In all It wan a tip-top oflalr and
everybody neemed to have a fine tlnjc.
May the future skies of the married
pair -bo Just cloudy enough to make
the suneel beautiful.
Marriage of Miss Katie Rivers to Mr.
Matt R. Freeman. -
Just opened a
big .lino of these
very popular, new
K Trunks, which are
not only a great
convenience, but
aro better made
than most tranks
now on the mar
ket. Beauties at
$7, $8 nnd $10.
The best trunk
straps 50c each.
less there was s Republican or Populist
running against them. Then the peo
ple would turn out. many of them pre
ferring a pronounced Democrat of any
calibre to a Republican or Populist.
Crops are in good condition and re
markably fine. Cotton has commenced
to open and tt will not be long now be
fore the fleecy staple will begin to rill
in and all will be happy.
Wadley, Aug. H.—(Special.)—Tom
Watson reached this point yesterday
and will speak tothtv. The roads are
alive .with Incoming wagons and ve
hicles of various kinds filled with his
udmlrent. It is safe to estimate that
3,000 to 0,000 people will hear tils speech.
lfcw the Horses Ran at Jf.-.wu l’trk
and Saratoga.
Jerome Park, N. Y., Aug. M.—There was
a rood attendance at the track here
today, and os the fleld» were it little larger
than they have toon lately, some good
rport was Indulged In and some hot (In-
Ijlies wltnssscd. On account of u heavy
is'nfall last night the track was rather
lu.nvy today, and fast time was not an
ticipated. One of the most oxcltlng lln- ever seen her* took plan n Ihe
second race between Tinge and Ella I lee-1.
Ella Heed forged to tho front In tho last
few strides and won a good'rice oy a
short head. UtU* Matt carried off the
honors In the fourth race bv defeating
Live Oak. There waa another el m rnish
In the last race. In which Jord-an, aark
llosa end Haxelhatch ran utmost neck
nnd neck down the home stretch, '-tit .kick
Rent spurted end captured ths race oy a
Saratoga. Aug. U.-WIth two stake
events to be decided today the attend
ance was very good and the betting
lively. Unfortunately, the banker's stake
brought 'out a poor field of J-yesr-olda.
One of the original entries was scratched,
leaving but three to start. The llfth
race, which was originally a sSVeh-furlong
affair, had to be declared off. a* some ot
• t... .wleUs wan Ktlfl flthl'P
accompanied by a number of railroad
magnates nnd officials from the East
Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia and Cin
cinnati Southern railroad left off a special
train for Atlanta, where another row! Is
to be put up for sale. It is Mid upon
the authority of an attorney of the South
ern Railway Company that the Cincinnati
Southern road'i lets* will to# sold Sat
urday. Auguat 18. The Drexel. Mor;:«n
officials said yesterday they would at the
end of the week have bought alx rail
roads, ona of which will undoubtedly be
the Cincinnati Southern. Railroad men
concede that the poisesulon of the enure
Queen and Crescent system by the South
ern Railway Company It a matter of a
short time only.
Big lino Swiss and Hamburg matched Embroideries in
lovely new designs. Torchon and Velencennes Laces, Finish
ing Braids, Veilings, etc.
New Dress Goods, black and colors. Ye are showing
more new Dress Goods than all the others combined.
New 4-4 Bleaching, new Pillowcase Cottons, new 10-4
Sheetings at new prices. Lovely new Percales.
20 yards yard-wide, soft finish Bleaching for $1.
20 yards yard-wide Sea Island for $1.
Job lot Stamped Linens marked in plain figures at about
half price and put out on center counter to close out quick.
Choice Cotton Dress Goods thrown on tbo bargain coun
ter at 12 1-2 cents, now marked down to 6 cents.
See especially choice short ends in Cotton and Worsted
DrcsB Goods; just the thing for skirts and children’s dresses
for a little money.
8 pairs ladies’ fast Black Hose for $1. •
8 pairs good 25 cents Socks for $1.
ATI our $1.25 Silk Gloria Umbrellas at $1 each.
See us for Trunks and Mosquito Nets,
THOSE NEW Silk and‘ Dress Goods V0
i just opened for early fall wear will surely
s vnn Gall and seo them. . Vv
Burden, Smith. & Co.
FOR SALE—Good one-half Jersey cow
and calf. Apply to AY. A. Bragg.
Bradley, Ga.
FOR SALE—The Jud 1IU1 residence, cor
ner A»h and Boundary atreeta. near
Hugutnln Height!-, seven rooms; all
modern conveolencs*; fctable3, barna, etc.
A bargain, and taty termi .t taken
toon. The cosiest and most complete
home In Macon. George W. Duncan
& Co.
FOR BALE-Old papers, for wrapping
purposes, etc.. 25 cents' per hundred.
Telegraph office.
WHEN your wife leaves home board
at Chapman's English Kitchen; neat,
clean and cool.
FRESH 9HR0SMP. crabs and flsh. Dop-
aon. Clarke & Daniel.
CHOICE creamery butter and good mild
checee Just received. Collier Brce.
Tho largest
and h«*»t Win
ter Wheat
Flour Mill
Hunt In the
WALKER & WISE have a convey
ance at your disposal and will be
glad to ahow you any house on their
Camilla. Aug. (Spechtl.)-At the
home of Mrs. N. C. Rivers, the grand
mother of tho bride, were united tn the
holy bonds ot marriage Mr. Mutt R.
Freeman to Mia* Katie Rivers at 8
o'clock tael night In the presenc* of
many lovetl ones and friends Mr. {ur , , n m earner by tnrra longtns in
Matt R. I-reeman Is a U™-*?"? ES! - th , six furlongs of tfts meetlng-
1:M. The flaht for the place resulted In
Crushed JVUddltpgs F'our*
ThoonlyFlourof ltiklnd, and tho belt o!
any Kind. It Is made by n secret pro- _
ceea known to but two #
*100.00- *---' V--wI«g*»
Wo Uav^ letters from nearly 1,000
merchants Stilting that Undine Is tho
beal flour they ever handled. It is wa
ter ground. Manufactured by the
Noel Mill Company, EstlU Springs,
boy, about 14 years old, to learn busi
ness nnd make himself useful about
ofltce. Address In own hand, E073,
care Telegraph.
FRD9H FISH—Full line fresh and
choice trout,Spanish mackerel, brum,
perch, red snapper, mullet arid hies.
Dopson, Clarke & Daniel. \
LOST—A tan Scotch terrier named "Dia
mond." Has been elie-trnl. Suitable re
ward tf returned to 121 Georgia avenue.
Yet ....
tbo entries were dlsQuMIrtrd ami other
races substituted. Franklin at B to 1
had a h&ndy victory In the hanker* stake,
with Picaroon second. Clifford, the 1 lot
favorite, won the Albany stakes at »ix
furlongs in a canter by three lengths In
Htr I hero
tl»i rm>mwt>«<W ■
to m*n> «<f my m-ifl
bors, mi it it a
worth roMMMCMlQfJ
. ritaliam and
wboo rwiiikvd bj **»Uug dumoai.
ttwnrr* f
the 1*1 -0. tin
and building
dent of till, place-one of the beat
young bushiest men of this section of
country and o young gentleman ad
mired and respected by all who know
)(Ug Kntle Rivers la ono of th* most
beautiful ond accomplished young U-
dlea In this courtly, ft ts th* general
wish of all our people that this young
couple, os tho launch their bark out
upon life's placid tea, that their. Joys
may be trtany. their llfo Journey may
bo attended by gretW success and hap-
plneis, and that no dork clouds may
darken -their pachway.' The ceremony
was performed by Rev- Mr. Davli. pas
tor of the lhiptlat church hero.
The weather I# hot nnd dry In this
C °Cotton I* openlug rapidly. The cropo
re not as good us nuny think they
.re. lin'd while there seems now a fair
prospect for cotton and corn, the yield
will not be heavy^
•elrerton INSTITUTE.
Professor Thomas Making Preparation
to Open tho Fall Seaton.
Ether-ton, Aug. H.—<8pectaU—Profes
sor Walter P. Thoma. of L*\ ert Col
lege of Telbotton. tho notvly ctacted
president e« ths Elborton Institute, or-
rived In th* city last week to perfect
the nerangementa necessary to the
paatoit of the fall session, which be-
in. this year September 3.
iMr. Thontaa ttomes highly Indorsed
by boar.Lt of education and prominent
gentlemen front every section of tho
state. He ht an IntelUgent nnd band-
e. young man. of line address, full
„ ,1m ttr-l tneiny and Impress** every
one that ho fully understand* hit bu»l-
ness and can do hi* own thinking and
managing. PrafMMr Thomas will be
11—li.led by Mias Wlckllffe off Anderson,
8. C.. Wm Hell of wsycrosok Mm. Stll-
dl of Oriflln. Mias Barksdale of
WMhlnsrion and Mrs. Hester nf Klber-
.0 addlllon to the 300 or too chll-
jg Elbert on many boarding »tu-
dents will attend th* Elherton Insti
A German Farmer Struck by a Negro
and Severely Injured.
Eastman, Aug. Il-(Spectal.)-Robert
'etvlg. 4 German farmer living about
lx mile, south of Eastman, waa struck
bn tho head yesterday by a brick In
the toads of a negro boy by «he name
of WUtom Jettklna. from th* effect of
fhleh host he I* now tn a serloua con-
Idlton. Tbo negro slipped >'P behind
veals while he was MtowtM hay and
struck the blow. Vewlg Is-very unpop
ular In *111- neighborhood with both
•white and eetored. and It Is supposed
that he had had a previous tUfllcully
with the boy. The boy ha* not been
arrested. Dr. Harry Stewart Is attend
ing Vewlg.
Dr. and Mrs. K. II. Bacon have re
turned from New York.
That prince of gentlemen. Mr. Jacob
T. Colcord. general manager of th*
Amoekrug Lumber Company, is spend
ing hla VttsUea St hi5 old home In
tew Hampshire.
Alapaha. Aug. 11—tRpsvtai.)—'Tester-
tUy afternoon we had quite a good'in w hich cooled th* atmoepher* to a
market degree. Tht* morning la
bright end pteasant. bat dull, very few
people la from th# country, although
It I* tbs day tor the primary election
Tor eongreaoman. Thla dtitrt t. with n
voting population of nearly 2*4. rosy
poll a dean vote*, there being ro Uttle
interest taken In tt. The two gentle
men who are tn the race are nut calx
culatol to get up much enthusiasm un-
The tight for the place
_ Close race between Appomattox and
MaM Marlon, the former retting up In
time to get the verdict. Ths uther win
der* of the day were Relict,’ who won
the race for 2-year-old maldans; Faraday,
who won the handicap race; Lord Harry
and Hawthorne.
It waa a very fair crowd yesterday, and
speculation was hot and furloua on aoine
of the event«. Several strangers were
present and did come good picking. Four
favorite* Juallfted the expectation* of their
backtra. The racing continues to Im
prove, and, above all. It la remarkably
clean. Six good race, on the board toe
this afternoon. -*
First quotation, received In Putaela
Pavilion at l p. m.
First lino*—Three-quartore of a mile.
Time, 1.17H.
Harrington,' 102; even (Hamilton) 1
Ferrlcr, ]l3; 8 to 5 talma) 2
Hardy Fox, 100; 12 to 1 (Doggett) 8
Second Race-Three-quarters ot a mile.
Time. l.U. - _ ' .
Ella Reid. 100; 4 to (Sartor) 1
Tinge. 101; 8 to ....(Sims) 3
Cockade. 1071 0 to C (Doggett) 8
Third Race—Fourteen hundred yards.
Time. 1.311.
Bandit, no: 1 to (Sima) l
Lifeboat, 101: 8 to 1 (H. Jone*) 3
ltebeccu, 106: 7 to 1 (Hamilton) 3
Fourth Race—Milo and one-sixteenth.
Time, 1.MU- _ . . .
Uttle Matt. 100; 7 to S (Carter) 1
Live Oak, tat; 3 to t (Bergen) 3
Georg* Dixon, 100;4 to I (McClain) a
Fifth Race—Ono-half mile. Maldfni.
Selling. Time, .61.
Gorman, 108; I to i (Sima) 1
Expectation. »0G; t to l (Hamilton) 3
Monarch. 106; 30 to 1 tBergeu) r
Sixth Race-Mil* and one-eighth. 8ell
tng. Time, 2.004,.
Jack Hose. 113; 3 to l (Hamilton) I
Jodnn .111: 6 to IDogxctt) "
Haalahatch, 03; 2 to I (McClain)
Tint Race—Five and one-halt furlongs.
—Metropolis. 107; Mklatnr. tiff; Monotony,
105; Sun.lart, I0J; Chicot. 101: Llbaria. M.
Becon.l Race-Three-quarters of a milt.
-Kingston, 13; Mabel Glenn. Ill; Char-
lute. 111; Marshall, 111; Stonlngton, l«l;
Malta, 101.
Thud Race—Mil* and one-slxtcanth.
Selling.—Mary Slone, lit; Holier. l(h;
Speculation. 106; Top Gallant, 106; Tiny
Tim. NR Connors, S3.
Fourth Rae—Fourteen hundred yards,
Titan eountc.-flam WeUcr, 112: Specula
tlon. Ul: lien Vollo. 100: Adelbert. 10#;
Lmsbrcok. lb; Ben tventure, 101; Arm!
lane. 101: Peckenlff, 106; McIntyre. ICC.
Kifih Race-Fourteen hundred yarda.—
Jo-lan. 107; Mabel Glenn. Iu6; Flirt. Kff;
Darkneio. IOC Barry Alonso. 101; Best
Ursnd. 1M) Mis* Gallop, 101; Shadow, Mi
Atlanta. M.
Slath Il*c*-Mlle and one-»Ixteenth.—
Prig. 13; George Dixon. BO; Dutch Ska
ter, US; fttnnanallla sou; LightfooL K*.
.WANTED—hbom nnd board for myself
and wife. "A." ears -Macon OR and
Ice Company.
go nnd procufe lino rooms (with the
best meals served In town) at the
Park hotel.
WANTEO—Those whb desire big liar-
g.tii.s In clothing, hats and gonta* (ur- goods to call at Keddng’j. J.
J. Cc'.’ii, assignee.
WANTED—You to »eo the 1691 Derismura
model typewriter on exltlbltlon at F.
It. Pomeroy's. J. E. Mlnter, tele
phone 333.
FOR RENT—The following dwellings,
having all conveniences. Suitable tor
'boarding houses;
No. 230 Washington avenue. 9-r, 832.50.
No. 525 Second street. 12-r, 2<0.
No. 720 Plum street. 10-r, 125.
No. 71? Poplar street, 9-r. 830.
For all Information apply to Walker
& Wise.
FOR RENT—A desirable dwelling,
eplfndldly located on Bond street, live
rooms. Moderate rental. Apply to
Walker & Wise.
’ _ t., llngt
lege, Forsyth. Orange, Bona and New
elreots. Alao dwelling on Washington
avenue. A11 In good neighborhoods.
Apply to Walker & Wise.
FOR RENT—A number of email houses
well situated, suitable for persons ot
nxslertrto means. AValker & Wise.
FOR RENT—One five-room house, In East
Mnoon, on Balkcom avenue, known as
the Rues house; will rent cheap. A. T.
Small; telephone, 700:
FOR RENT—Stbre recently occupied by
Wood ft Bond, threa stories nnd base
ment, 36x115 feot. Rett business looa-
Uon on Cherry street. Apply to W.
G. Solomon.
FOH RENT—House now bring bant, 677
Cullego street, contains parlor nnd sit
ting room connected by large suspended
double doors; dining room, larso but
ler's pantry, store-room, kitchen, live
bed roemi with closets, bath room,
Urns linen cl.,ret. sinplc hulls, speaking
tubes, gae, hot and cold water nnd other
ronvrnlsncra Qr It a home.seeker pre
fers the brick house which I occupy, he
eon have choice. Possession September
15. T. 1). Conner.
HAVE THE BEST—When you want a
sidewalk, cellar floor or a drive way
that has body nnd foundation to sup
port it, that will stand all travel put
upon It. my concrete pavements will
last an age nnd give better satisfac
tion than anything you can get for
the money Invested. The best is the
cheapest when you consider Its du
rability. Address F. L. Henry, 767
Pine 3trcct, Macon. Ga.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells lb
TWO YOUNO MEN or man nnd wire,
or two ladler, can procure one large
room. Including meals, at very rea
sonable price*. You are Invited to
coll and examine apartments. Spe-
olal prices given to table boarders.
Call nt once nnd get the best. Mer
chants’ dinners served at reasonable
price. Call and aee me. J .11. Clan-
cey. manager.
gives saalafaoaan. KelauL 20c. lb.
HEADQUARTERS second-hand bag
ging. Just ns good as new. Fifty
per cent your money saved. Used
extensively In Central and Southwest
ern Georgia by buyers nnd planters.
UtU on E. Wolff. 410 Fourth street.
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
Military Academy
Prepares for Govern
ment Academies, UnU
veraltte* and Bu?ine«s.
For catalogues a*l<lreifa
MaJ, R. A. McIntyre,
Bethel Academy P. O.
randolph-macon academy,
Front Royal. Virginia.
Prepares young men nnd boyn for col
lege and buelneM. Moderate chargee.
Healthfully nltunted. For cntnlog.ies
addrein Rev. B. W. BOND. Prln.
'Virginia”military" institute,”
Lexington, Vn. *
Mth year. State military, icientlflc and
technical achool. Thorough ixmrsoi In
general and applied chemletry, nnd en
gineering. Confer* degree of Kradu&te In
academic couwa; alao degree* of B. s.
and C. 8, In technical courses. AH ex
penses, Including clothing and Incidentals,
provided at rate of 536.W per month, aa
an average for four years, exclusive of
cutflt. New i-adela report September L
Drexel, Morgan A Co. Bought the Road
One Million Dollars.
Louisville. Ky., An** 11—The LoulsvfUo
Southern railroad wee today void to Drex
el. Morgan & Co. for SLOOMOO. The New
York firm vu the only bidder. The total
of the mortgage .Indebtedness before the
sale war £-•■•••. and the road, only bring
ing |i will pay but » pef cent, of
it» d* bt. The bondholder* who put their
securities Into the reorganiseUon will be
benefit**. The bonds are now on the
nurfcet from 6 t*> W. The terms of the
sale of the road are that the purchaser
shall pay-either tn cash nt a specified
lime or give Louisville Southern bond*
at the pee rate price, mines the expenses
occasioned by the tale and reorganisation.
Immediately after the oak. the gentlemen.
FOR REJNT—81x-rOQm onc-etory house,
No. 120 Park Pace. Apply to O. U.
Crockett. Union depot.
FOR RENT—Til e elegant two-atory
brick residence. 63< Onuige street,
containing nine rooms end three bath
roonui and all modem conveniences.
The heuso lies recently been com
pletely overhauled. Accessible to all
•treet oar lines. For further particu
lars apply R. 8. Co Ulna & Co.
FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms,
with all modern coveniences, over
store of W. E. HUl Jk Co., on Second
street. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further Information apply
at Willingham*! Warehouse.
FOR RENT—The lioardman dwelling,
357 Firvt street. Immediate possession.
Apply at Macon Savings Rank.
FOR RENT—Nice seven-room dwell
ing for 311 per month. No. 255
Orange street. Apply to E. J. Will-
Ingham, at Payne St Willingham's.
FOR RENT—A comfortable, fomlshed
front room in splendid locality on the
I!l!l. No children In the house. Ad
dress M J. IL," care Telegraph.
mmwswa w—#. *
HIT--r*~r~~-*"*^T* Ut MM. tor Ulus. OatalacM* ftddrrwa
CHAM. L COC'KKq Hwpl., 1UIHp». To
The ficuUy will be th*? same aa It
wiia last session mu Inly. Our aim to
keep the inatltutlon abreast of th* pro
gressive spirit and methods of the ad
vanced eductkUonal movement* of thin
age. While laboring for the thorough
Intellectual training of bur young wo
men. ire Khali tilso seek to give, them
those fin<*r graces and churma that
come from Music. Art and Elocution.
The old WceltytXI with its unri\*aled
pr.*9tig<' la without a peer in thl
Southern country, and parents nnd
guanllana send from distant state*
that their daughters or wards may be
able to my they were educated at the
WceFyun- The moral for the Macon
people points itself. You cannot afford
not to give your daughters these btne
fits, when who brings them to your
Mrs. J. B. Qobb is lady principal
For terms, etc., addivso
If you visited the Fair
you can appreciate this volume
and if you did not it is the
next be?t thing to a visit.
Come and see it. When will
you ever again have an offer
Of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 cents.
This is all it will cost you if
you will clip out the following
Coupon and bring or send it to
The Telegraph.
World's Fair
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