Newspaper Page Text
How the Young Pe°P la of tha C,, . v
Enjoyed Themselves Last
n.pnr * Bd E »” '
C.I.m.n’i « Lu.t
tV«In»d»r JST.nins—
nod Coming.
one of the most enjoyable affairs of
rte eeaeon was an entertainment given
Z Jlr. and Mrs. O. W.
", neir beautiful rttMmc* on ,.D»fc,
• , Friday night, complimentary to
Edina and Mabel Cato. SVlth
grace the charming hostess re-
fTved the guesta. assisted by Mrs. A.
, v Tu mer aid Mw. A. H. Newton.
Wi'ra unnclng. cards, games of amuse-
' n[ music and conversation all were
Laly entertained throughout toe
™ „ g . Delightful refreshments were
served und every soul was made happy.
n „ H present were: Mr. John Shln-
fcuuer with Mias Edna Cain. Mr.
Cturge Hatcher with Miss Mabel Cain,
Mr Ed Racdne with Miss Clara Guerry,
sir Oscar Kinney with Miss Cniles,
vrj H. Cain with Misses Annie Knrde-
r , \ir. Overton wlth^ Miss Grace
S f eatress, Professor J. E. Porter with
Jli-s Sullie Roerts, Col. John R. L.,
sroi .h with Miss Emma Breward, Mr
pi;i Brown with Miss Janie Hendricks,
Mr. Keeves Brown with Miss Lill Hen
dricks; Mr. James, Mr. A. R. Newton,
Dr H. L. Howard.
Miss Clara Guerry was very coquet
tish In an empire gown of green silk
W »hss MabdOafn looked handsome In
a cream China silk with point lace iind
5 *jliss Annie Hardeman was very dain
tily dressed in white mull with thread
lice. 1
Miss Janie Hendrix was very charm
ing in a figured organdy oVer' green
Miss Sa'.He Roberts of Forsyth wore
a beautiful organdy and added sun
shine to the occasion by her dazzling
beauty and fnschiaittng manners.
Miss Edna Cain was very attractive
In white silk with lace and crush trim-
'"mS Emma Breward of Savannnh
was becomingly attired in colored dot
ted swiss over pink silk and charmed
•II by her delightful conversation.
Miss U'i Hendrix was qulto hand-
»jme in white organdy elaborate!?
trimmed with blue ribbon.
Miss Katie Chiles, with her winning
smiles, was sweetly dressed In blue
ojid white.
.Miss Grace Ventrees," who wore a
white mull, added pleasure to/the evert
ing by her witty remarks.
Miss Kate Chiles of-Wayside is visit
ing the family of Mr., Robert Hctfdemu'ii
In V.neville. i ‘
Miss Funds Gilbert of • Albany, who
has been visiting Miss Stella Daniel,
will return home tomorrow. Miss Gll-
litrt Is one of the most popular young
indies that has ever visited Macon,
and her many friends hero hope that
ehe will honor them with another visit
Miss Ida Cherry left yesterday ’ to
visit her brother to Griffin.
The following party of MUconltes are
•pending a few weeks delightfully at
the bcdutlful country home of Mrs.
WdUftkn Jordan: Mendames T. O.
Cbeftney, Bob Smith, WW Turpin
Hms.n, 1-M Ariope, Gray
Goodwin, Ed Horne, Misses, Lavlnta
Hodgkins, Emily Wdlllamson and Thao
Cfcwtney.—Montlcello News. '
MIm SaUle Guttenberger left yester
day for Sanderav’Hle. While there she
will be the guest of Miss SaUle Fannie
Gihnore. • . .
Mlu Dora Nottingham hba returned
from Indian Spring. Miss Mamie will
leave today to visit friends fn Dublin
Messrs. D. Q. Abbott, C. 'A. Turner
ond George 'Smith left yesterday to
■pend some ’time on Cumberland
The many friends of Miss Lottie Gil
more, who has been visiting Miss Al
berta Holt in Vinevllle, will regret to
learn that she will return home to
Mr. Arthur Taylor of McKenna,
Tex., is in the city visiting his broth
ers, Messrs. M. H. am) Albert Taylo^
Mr*. Emma Guttenberger came up
from 31-acon'Friday to spend some time
w.:tii friends and relatives.—Barnesville
•Mr*. Ben Stewart of Macon is irt the
the city visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. B.
Tyler. She will sprnd some time here,
-Barnesville Gazette. *
Mr. John Blackman, an old (Macon
boy, but now in the civil service de
partment at Washington, Is in thee
city viisdng his parents. /
Mr*. T. D. Tinsley and Miss Theo
Tin*ley have returned to the city after
* month's stay at Ook Mountain
The social world , whioh has. been
%try dull In Macon tor the past few
Week*, wua considerably revived bSf the
uaace of >;he Nine O'clock CotUUon
Club last Wednesday evening.* The
uta;e was given at the elegant resi
dence of Mrs. S. T. Coleman, compil-
tmnury to Mias Carrie Belle Dpraey
of GainesvUle, who Is visiting Mips
latnni Andaraoo. Every one who knows
Mr*. Coli*m.v.n is aware of tne f-ici\
dut there never was a better hostess,
eol *he presided last Wednesday even-
tog with that grace characteristic of
her. The entertainment was a decided
■uccess arid reflects much credit upm
Gi*t Cotillion Club. Those present
Professor' S._ P. Sanford, Mrs.
Cneeves and Miss Annie Sanford, who
have been spending some time at the
W./gwZm, Indian Spring, have re
turned. ,
Mr. an-J Mrs. John . Holmes left
yesterday for a trip ;o Warm Springs,
with the hope the change might
Improve their little boy, John L., who
has bei*n very ill lately.
Nlsbet Tinsley of Macon, who has
been Vi siting the family of Mr. Thomas
Nall In tiiis city, returned home yes
terday.—-Grinin News.
Misses Maud und Marie Thomas of
Columbus and Miss Louise Dent of
Eufraulu are visiting Misses EUeneand
Florence Glenn on Orange street.
Miss Nelttfe Watkins has returned
from a most delightful visit to Indian
Spring. Miss Watkins ls.A very attrac
tive young lady und was the recipient
my social attentions while there,
Rob® ' Joh-natou has returned
from a delightful trip to Indian Spring.
-s. Frank Burner and Wallace
Sperry are spending the day at Indian
Miss Denie McAndrew has returned
after an extensive visit In the moun
tains of Tennessee.
»*»« *
Mr. and Mrs. Du Pont Guerry, ac
companied by -their charming daugh
ters. Misses Clara and Rosa Guerry,
left yesterday for a month’s vist to
Oak Mountain Springs.
Miss Gertrude Hobbs left yesterday
for Macon, where she will* spend a
couple of weeks with, relatives and
friends.—Albany Herald.
The marriage of Miss Susie Cook to
Mr. T. Nelson Feuthcist,one of New
York kt the First Baptist church
Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 O'clock,
Rev. GCorge Braxton Taylor Officiating,
was one of the prettiest weddings that
has occurred in Macon for a long while.
There whs n'.» attemnt at display and
for the reason that It -waa devoid of all
gaudy show. It wua*.a church wedding
different from most others, and many
cocnpllmemtary comments were made
regarding the affair. It was so simple,
so easy, yet so beautiful. Mr. Feather-
stone la well and favorably known In
Macon, where he haa resided for
eral months. Miss Cook Is one of the
most p'opular young ladles In this sec
tion and Is noted for her lovable char
acter, sweet disposition and accomplish
ments. Well may the successful suitor
be proud of the prize he has won.
large number ‘of handsome and valua
ble presents were received from admir
ing friends and loving relatives.
The bride wore a handsome grey
travailing dress which wa? very be
Miss Sallie Roberts of Forsyth, who
may be Justly called the belle of Mon
roe, was maid of honcr. She is one of
the most beautiful women in the state
and all were charmed by her queenly
grace a* she passed through the church.
Miss Emm-x Breward of Savannah, as
an attendant, was much dmlrcd for her
beauty. She has often visited Macon
and is very popular here. The brides
maids wore cream crepon dresses,' white
hats, with pink roses. The bride car
ried white rases, the bridesmaids pink
roMS,.- .
Professor J. E. Poster, the handsome
and popular pre*dd»;nt of Porter's Busi
ness College, was best man.
Col. John R. L.. Smith, the brilliant
young lawyer, attendant. *, .
. The bride and groom left om the 4:25
train for an extended bridal trip, amid
the congratulations and good wishes of
a host of friends, who wish them a long
and happy married life.
'Mrs. ' H, \ C. Combs wl\l return to
night fr'om a pleasant -visit to Savan-
hah. m
After a delightful visit of several
weeks in Atlanta and Tallulah Falls
Mi ha Mamie Hodgkins l»*ft yr.-t-rd.w to
spend the remainder of the summer In
the inpuritains.
Miss Dnrlee Long, one of Macon's
most charming young ladies and
sweet singer, is visiting friends
• • *
IWrs. John Helfrlch left last night fbr
n several -weeks' visit to St Simons and
Mrs.' W. T. Shlnholser has, returned
holne after several weeks pleasantly
spent at Tybee and St. Simons.
Miss Mamie Holllfleld Ms gone to
Dublin to '-visit friends in that delight
ful city on the Oconee.
•••* t
■Mm. jBJ. 8. Curtis; wife bf Professor
E. 8. Curtis, principal of counting room
department -of Porters Business Col
lege, accompanied by her two lovely
daughters, has* come to -Macon to live
and will reside on Orange street.
Mr.. C. H.dSmlth of Rochester, N. Y. t
has been engaged In the commercial
department of Porters Buslnes* Col
lege and will make Macon his hbme.
-Mins Lula Sheaxouss has returned
from a pleasant \1slt to her former
home at Guyton, accompanied by Miss
Corlnne Ernest.
Miss Maggie Lemon of Columbus Is
visiting her cousin. Mr. W. F. Gee*lln,
on Tattnall square.
Miss Julia Rutherford is visiting the
.femlly of (Mr. N. B. Johnson, 805 Or-
unj/>- She Is *-n route .to In-
dten Spring.
The many friends of^*Mf. and Mrs.
Charles Speer of South Macon will bt
pnlned to learn bf the dea-th of their
bright little daughter. Lenona, on last
Friday evening. The remain* were in
terred at Jones Chapel cemetery yester
day afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mr. R. H. Dreyfus of Savannah was
among the visitors here yesterday.
An institution That Is Not Only a Pride
to Macon, but to the
South, ***
WANTED—A position as music teacher
or assistant .teacher in some school;.
Reference given. Address Mrs. M.,
!De Soto, Ga.
WANTED—Twenty-flve nice gentlemen
ut once to t.-ike their meals at Stub
blefield house. Meals flr*t-class, rates
reasonable. Meal tickets for sale
cheap. A few more flrat-class board-
era can get rooms by applying early.
A. J- Sparko, Manager.
WANTED—You to see the lSOt pensmoro
model typewriter on exhibition at F.
R. Pomeroy's. J. E. Mlnter. tele
phone 283.
A Former Agent of fchtllz Colebrntert
lleer, Suyai "You Make a Perfect
Herr, the Best Under the
FOR RENT—The lower or upper floor of
a pleasant hopie October 1, with all con
veniences on both. Referenda ex
changed. % Address “Congenial," c*ro of
the Telegraph.
That, was a gratifying communica
tion that out friend Hazleliur^t of the
Acme Brewing Company received a
few days ago It tame from Tampa,
Fla., and was full of pkuslng. iuftelli-
gence. • ^
For a long* time that well known and
popular gentleman \Y. 8. Norman of
Tam^u, Fla^-IusL represented in a
mo3t aatlwfdctory * mnnuer the Bchlltz
enccd agent in tlio Florida city, pre
vailed upon him <ip try u sample lot
of their goods, w-hlcl) they wished
tested on their merits alone. The prop-
on was accepted by the TVimpi
gentleman. In a few days after Mr.
man’s acceptance, he applied co
our brewers (for the agency for their
by/ is written on
Mr. Norman says:
"You make a per-
Isfactory goods ever handled by me.'
Here was the unmistakable pre
Land of Flowers.'
victory for a Macon enterprise.
Instant Killer of Pain.
Internal ami Externa!.
f'iuaUatly. Cboutnau
llioraarkst. It In absolutsly pure. Makes the
eklu soft aurt volvoty and rMk«rue the loet
plexlonf 1* n luxury Air the Bath for Inf
It alhyn itohlnir. cU-anrr» thercr.lp und pr<
•he Growth of hnlr. For ealo by
MEN to n*“lI baking powder to the groiv-ry
trade. ^I« u1y c-mployimnt; <x|>«-rhiK»*
unnecessary; 175 monthly salary and ex
penses or commission.’ Tf satisfactory ad
dress at once with particulars concern
Ing yourself United States Chemical
Works, Chicago.
LADY AGENTS—Tho easiest and, most
- profitable thing to do is to sell the
Hygela Corset. Send for terms anil in
formation to 'the Western Corset Com-
piny. Ht. Louis, Mo.
WE WANT .MEN. 120 to 125 a week.
Steady work, selling staple goods tb
dealers. .Simples to proper applicants.
No peddling. Experience unnecessa
ry. Salary or large commission ns
preferred. Household Specialty Com
pany, 75 Fourth street, Cincinnati, Q.
WANTED—Agents. Sample sashlock free
by mall' for 2 cents stamp, immense,
Unrivalled. Only good one ever in
vented. Heats weights. Sales unpar
alleled. IL! a duy. Urohard, Box £4,
•Mr. and Mrs. D. M Hughes and
daughter of Danville arrived In the city
yesterday to visit relatives *
•Mr. W. W. Peacock of TIfton haa
been among the recent visitors to the
city. ,
Mrs. Jcssey of Atlanta is on a visit
,l*y her friend. Mrs. CoL J. A. Thomas,
on Second street.
Mr. Jack 8. Britton of Americas, who
ho*'b‘*en taking his holiday at home
nc ir Indian Spring and with his broth
er,. Mr. E. St. C. Britto*. of this city,
« *«i'cSri»rBrti*'Dor,ett of Gn'.nosM rrturos to Amertcu. today.
• - T ?-!' ,y \U«!,B Mr K. T. J-'k., >f riawklnzvtllo
Co.umbM, Doulse Dent of EufauU,
2’te Williams. Minv.e Wiley. M ibel .
Ben, C li-ns. Ethel Greco*
►1 Matie Wiloox; Messrs Cu«H An-
•■-s.n. Richard lll-nes, Hirdy Barden,
‘‘•‘•i Me Call. Everett Colenxin. Tr.ivls ]
Gus Daly, Hansel. Thomai. Orrin .
J -e*-y. Joe Preston. 'Warner Hir,l-1
*• k, James Herriot. Charles Adam,,
" ■ B. Tinsley. James Armstrons. Rob-.
* r - Spirtai. c.ruiei Wtlliam»>n. Lee
f 'teman, Lem Dure. Mack Corbett.
“••try Snotv.len an,l George Snowden.
L -t a.l of ne r'zular Friday eventii*
tbx: the L3C Cx*«a Club
® VXi -*y gives there wv an oi'J-f.ifih-
*®’‘**i w-atermtlon fete. The waosrm^I-
tioux Mr. ilorrisva
>r the next ten days we will close
our stock of summer suitings at re-
M price* to nuke rr£>m for lmporta-
s at new tariff flgures.
Geo. P. Burdick & Co.
ir Vnd Western cnbhage ami Iri.-h
toes to arrive tcmvjrrow. This Ls
flp»: vtr of tbt.a'oMni. and strictly
y stock. GA. PRODUCE CO..
W) Poplar c:reet. M icon, Ga.
Or, Price's Cream Baking Powder
WkM'i Pair Hlgbsst Award.
ANY LADY can easily make 918 weekly
wdrking for me quietly at home. Posi
tion permanent, and If you can spare
only two hours per day. Don't fall to
Investigate. Reply with stamped e
velope, Mies Luclle Logan, Joilet, III.
MAN to distribute circulars; 94 per 1,000
paid. Bend 4 cents stamps. National
District Association,’Chicago.
WANTED-To rent one 8 or 10-room resi
dence close In. Address “M," care Tele
WANTED—One good Second-hand range
with water back. Address “8. A.,” care
WANTED—Ily young lady, position as
stenographer. Will work reasonably.
Address “riteno," care Telegraph.
WANTED—A few more table boarders at
93 per week at 159 Pino street.
WANTED—To rent best located wood and
coal yard In Macon. First and Aah
WANTED—To trade for wood one gentle
mare, two wagons and three buggies.
Wood yard. First and Ash streets.
WANTED—Hoarders at 759 Plum street.
between 1 Pint ted Cetton avenue. Table
board a specialty. Kates very reason
able. 'Apply at once. .Mrs, S. V. Srooak.
WANTED—ByNd competent young Ger*
man woman, fbsttkm as housekeeper
In hotel or private family. Address
W. B.. In care of Mrs. Irene Cham-
bens, BarneaviUe. Ga.
WANTED—An lrori aa fe. If you have
one for sale address J. R., care Xele-
WANTED—Three unfarnivhed rooms
fjr light iwusekeeping. Give name.
;ovality and price* L., care this
paper. . ... j
g.xinf triple thing, hats and gont-i' fur-
mshlng gcodt to call at Iteud ng a. J.
* Cobb, assignee.
WB imvrc for rent a number of dwel
lings suitable for first-class boarding
h’ousd*. Walker & Wise.
FOR RENT.—JThree or four uufurnlsh- 1
ed raam-e for light housc-kx»plng on
Stubbs' Hill. Apply 005 Or.iuge street.
FOR RENT—Two large, comfortable ^
rooms, furnished or unfurnished, cor
ner Oak end Spring streets. •
FOR RENT—Ten-room house, No. 720
First street. A. Reynolds' Son, No.
211 Cotton avenue.
NOS. 253 BOND and 144 itafyUk »treet
would nuke any one desiring a fcmull
house In good neighborhood a splen
did home. For rent by Walker &
FOR RENT.—Two delightful rooms, on
the hill. Address M. R. t care Tele
FOR REIJjTT—Store recently occupied by
Wood & Bond, three stories and base
ment, 35x115 feel. Best business laca-
• • tloh on Cherry street. Apply to W.
G. Solomon.
FOR RENT—Plerpont House, located in
Macon, Gn., two door* from court nouse;
twerityMhree 1 rooms, modern conven
ience^; never has been vacant; always
full with regular and transient board
ers. Possesion October 1. J. P, Flan
ders, Macon, Ga.
FOR RENT—Stowshbtise No. 109 Cot
ton avenue. Now oocupied by J.. R.
Banders. Capital stand for furniture
house. Walker & Wise.
FOR RENT—Threo desirable rooms,
with all modern covenlences,' over
store of W. E. 1IU1 & Co., on Steonfl
street. Suitable for physician or den
tist. For further information apply
at Willingham's Warehouse.
FOR RteNT-^Oi Walnut street, 12 rooms,
for close-in boarding; 495 Orange street,
7 rooms; large garden, stables, etc., ill
Jefferson street, 10 rooms, stables, etc.,
on the Hill near Wesleyan college.
Brick store, corner Fourth and Plum;
rooms , overhead; suitable for bar.
Rooms'over Telegraph office, suitable
for offices. Houses from $10 up through
out city and suburbs. Including Hu-
guenln Height*. Call and examine our
rent list. ' George W. Duncan & Co.
FOB BENT—A furnished house on Orange
street, 6 .rooms, good location, at 922
per month. Immediate possession. E.
A. Horne, 451 Cherry street.
FOR R!ENjfr— See my list of offerings be
fore 'contracting for . another year.
Frank M. Oliver, 416 Second street.
FOR RENT—Good house, 5 rooms, two
. halls; several closets. Fronts Wesleyan
college park. Cheap to good tenant.
"E. M.,” care Telegraph.
LARGE furnished front room for gentle
man .with family with na children. 754
Third street. • '.v “ /
FOR RENT—Residence near WeMevan
Female College and on electric line."Al.
V. Washington.
TO LET—Furnished room for- couple or
two young men, with or without ucard.
Address *'J. W care Telegraph.
•Special line new droas fabrics for
, early fall wear at thl, price. New col-
i ora, excellent value.
Our wide wall scrKes, 63 Inches, at
85 cento are stylish and serviceable.
Regular retail price on tlila claw of
material. *1.35 per yard.
Wo are also slunvlnir remarkable
values In our black {roods department.
The fall season of '94 brings forth
many new weaves In dress and shlrt-
lnu silks. Our first Importations Just In
and they are marvels of beauty.
See especially the new styles at 85
cents, 31 and >1.35.
Best 50 cents corset on tho market
R. & G. comas In all grades.
Thompson’s new 6-hook corsets In all
Silases' and children's corset waists.
One case 43-lnch bleached pUlowcao-
Ing 7 cents tier yard.
45 CD.NT13.
45 cents per dbzen for our celebrated
glycerine soap. No experiment In buy
ing this soap. Few soaps better at 10
Now lino fancy crochet cotton and
■The beat >1 umbrella In the city.
Twenty-five yards curtain scrim for >1.
Remnant! ufhlto hvwna and nnlnsocks
at half v-.Uue.
Another case of thoso 10 fents fire
Mosquito nets at cost to close.
Line 35 cents suspendens at 20,cents.
Now shipment belt buckles and belt
Special drives In curtalne.
Special drives In nortlers,
Tinted embroidered stylus for sash
curtains 13 1-2 cents.
FOR RENT—An elegant homo on Col
lege street: one block of Wesleyan.
Apply to Walker & Wise. ,
FOR RENT—The Boardman dwelling,
357 Firut street. Immediate possession.
Apply ut Macon Savings Bank.
OUR HUNT 1,1ST Is n ,»vv« ampl’ t<- m l
we will'be glad to haive you Inspect
same, or If you will write us we will
call on you. Walker & Wtoe.
FOR RENT—Five-room house, 007 Georgia
avcduc. Possession at once. Jacob
Hlrsch. CIO Fourth street.
FOR RENT—The elegant two-story
brick residence. 636 Orange street,
containing nine rooms and three bath
rooms and all modern conveniences.
The house* has recently been com
pletely overhauled. Aei:«*:wll>Ie to all
street car lines. For furlher particu
lars apply R. S. Collins & Co.
FOR SALE-iHanvi in VlncvllU* for
v |l,500. Six rooms Bargain fbr quick
' purchaser. Apply to Walker & Wine.
TEN DOLLARS a month will rent store
on Vlnevillft Branch |n tho city. Pos
session at once. Jacob Hlrech.
FOR RENT—Nice seven-room dwell
ing for $16 per month. No. 255
Orange street. Apply to K. J. Will
ingham, at Payn* & Willingham's,
CALL and examine our rang list; con
veyance furnished and polite atten
tion guaranteed. Walker & Wise.
of 202 1-2 acres, eight mllse from the
city. In Rutland district, near Georgia
Bquthern and Florida and Southwest
ern railroads; 130 acres cleared. T-lio
land Is good and well suited to corn,,
cotton, peaches and melons, and is
well located for whipping fruits. Hn*
a six-room dwelling on It, and good
water irom springs and well. Good
neighbors and good schools. «Apply
tu H. F. # Stiohecker, attorney, 105
Cotton avenue.
PUBLIC OUTCRY—Under and by vir
tue of an order nassed July 27 by Hon.
Jbhn L. Hurdetpnn. Judge of superior
court of Bibb county, Ga., In the case
of the Macon Gas Light and Wtotor
Co. et al. vs. J. W. Burke & Co.. I
will sell at public outcry on Septem
ber ID next between the hours of 11
o'clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. in. the
printing office and bindery plant
Twhlch 1« now in operation) of J. VV.
Burke & Co. No bid will bo received
for less than 95.000 and the purchaser
must deposit 10 per cent, of tho bid
with the receiver at time of making
such bid. All bids are subject to im
mediate confirmation by the court.
All parties contemplating purchasing
are earneatly requested to make an
examination of this property. Inven
tories can be seen at my office at 452
Attend street. Mucon. Ga. Terms of
sale. cash. E. W. Burke, receiver.
FOR BALE—Old papers, for wrapping
purpoHt-M, etc., 2t cents per hundred.
Telegraph offico.
FOR 8ALE-Chol«
Heights for pvaj.
Second street.
FpR SALE—Ono S-gallon graded cow, sec
ond calf. Apply at Stewart’s stable,
Mulberry afreet.
FOR SALE—Engine und bodler. 10 to 40-
horie power; two grist mills, liew. Ma
chinery made and repaired. E. Crockett.
FOR SALE#—Cleveland bicycle, practically
an good as new, at half original cost
John P. Ross.
In fine condition,
FOR SALE—One medium size safe;
handsome and n»*w. F<»r Gntli-r In apply at F. Reichert's, Cot
ton d venue.
FOR SALE—Good one-half Jersey cow
and calf. Apply to W. A. Bragg.
Bradley, Ga
FOR SALE-The Jud Hill residence, cor
ner A»h and Boundary streets.* nrar
Hugucnln Height*; stven room*;
modern ccnvenlenc?*; ktabtea, barn*, etc,
A bargain, and **»y term* .f taken
soon. The ci/*.«*t ind mow complete
hof»4- In Macon. George W. Duncan
it Co.
wishes fo sell, and thu make* it a good
time to buy. This idea In r,i-»i
Our pren'.uit d«-pr»?s»*-d market cannot
continue 4>ng. Extreme* follow each
other. Aseumuiivi vsui
long seck lavesUnent. There are some
real bergiuti-* to t* hu4 now in all#iai
of property In and near Macon; not be
cause owner* have lost faith In their
property, but because circumstances
force them to sell. 3eud me a descrip
tion of your property, and I will sell
It for you. Examine my list of offer
ings * K. A. Horne, 4»4 Cherry stmt.
DOG LOST.—B ill puppy, brown and
white body, brown spot lit forehead,
ear* cut very short. Finder pleiiHc
notify HOLLIFIDLD, 108 Magnolia
WHEN your wife l«avcs home board
M Chapman's Eug'.lxh Kitchen; neat,
clean and oooi.
CHEAP HOMES on long time and ensv
payments. Apply to M. G. Taylor, Hotel
FRAMING, 9-i.50 per 1,000 feet; flooring,
90.50; colling, 99.GU; shingles, No. 1, 91.W;
No. 2,- 85 cents; laths, 91.50 per thousan I;
weather boarding, 99 per thousand. The
above lumber can bo had In ordering n
car and Will be delivered In Macoi,
Address all* orders to Union Lumber
Company, Macon, Ga.
gallon; put up in barrels and nan bar
rels. Now is tho time to paint that
warehouse. Drop mo a card and will
cal) to see you. 0. II. Uolfculllet.
NOW YOU KNOW, all yoti want is time.
In thw meantime you want and must
havo clothes The way to get them Is
to fake thosd y<iu havo to clean or dye,
as needs, to Macon deam Dye Work*. •
have the rest -When you grant s
sidewalk, cellar floor or a drive way;
that hus body and foundation id sup
port It* that will stand all travel put
updn it, my concrete pavementn will
last an age nnd give better satisfac
tion than anything you can get for
the money Invested, Tho best 1h the
choapeid when you consider its du
rability. Address F. L. Henry, 757,
PJnc street, Macon, Ga.
CASH PAID for old gold and sliver. Du
plicate wedding presents In solid sli
ver bought und taken In exchange fbr
ollusr article*. Julius R. Watts & Co..
Atlanta. Ga.
CHOICE Western beef, pork, mutton
iwh veil 1. We keep only the treat.
(Georgia Packing Comp my.
JARIbETT Ar A'BEL nuke everything
lu tin, zinc and copper and the best
steam flttom In the stnte.
JAR RETT A ABEL get all the big con
tracts that arc let in Macon because
th<\y th«* b“»t plumbers nnd do
work cheaper than othww.
RECEIVED a shipment of fine beef, mut
ton,‘spring lambs, veal, etc., at L. J).
Abel ft Co.
TIME WA8 when a man could afford to
buy a suit for nice and a suit to work
In. But now to get a nice nice suit, n
little economy must come In on (he
other. That Is easy enough, If you think
to go to Macon Bteani Dye Works with
one suit.
CA-Il LOAD Western potatoes end cab-
bage to arrive tomorrow, at bottom
prices; strictly wholesale. Georgia. Pro-
duceCompany, COO Poplar street, ila-
con, Ga, il'i.'rt
LOST—A large mouse colored cow.
Strayed from premises of Mrs. Lula A.
Banks, Huguealn Heights. Reward.'
NOTICE—I move nnd raise brick and
frame buildings, without risk to any
body to the building*. I do moving in
all ports of the »t*t«. Coll and seo me,
Sr drop me a card. Z. W. Self, 417
Mulberry etre*t. Telcpone ZD,
UOMAN, the learned and Tklilo-I
specialist from New York city, come
auRation, examination and advice free.
Mall treatment given by sending for
symptom blonks; No. 1 for men, No. ?
for women. No. 8 for skin drtwwea. No.
4 for catarrh. No. 5 for heart di*ei fe .
Call on or address Dr. O. W. Roman,
2(1 Fo irth street, Macon ,Ga .
VIAVI can be obtained at Mrs. J. n
Ht evens'". 653 Oak street. Agents w«ntc.j
Liberal terms.
TRY um on hums, .breakfast bacon nnd
lard. Choice freah mock at lowest
priven. Georgia Packing Company.
92.900 CASH, $1,200 In Hx. tw Ivf ' Wj
eighteen months, at 8 p*-r cent Interest,
will buy a 7-room two utory bongs, with
all convenience*. Address O, Jf. Bo4feul|*
let, Huguenln Heights.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer nellnu
SPRING LAMPS. - A f*-w < h i|. •• till-*
mte* Saturday and Monday. Geor
gia Packing Com-pany.
HEADQUARTERS second-baud bog
ging. Just us good as new. Fifty
per cenL your money saved. Until
extensively in Central and South west
ern Georgia by buyers and planters,
CtU on K. Wolff. 410 Fourth street.
Military Academy
Prepare* for Govern
ment Acadcmle*. UnL
versltle* and Burinexs.
For catalogue* a<1dren*
MaJ. R. A. McIntyre.
Bethel Academy P, O.
Front Royal, Virginia,
prepare* young i
, . ■ L l sad boys fbr ool*
to Macon recommended by forty-two j ege an <l buslneio. M«xler«i« charge
of New York's fsmoua doctor*. Con- n eA Rhfully sltuatod. For catalogue*
address Rev. D. W. BOND. Prln.
Kx«*rrWH^» resumed Soptombor 12, 1W)4,
S|h**!h1 arrmigcinentH niado at '"I*hq
Villa for pupil* desiring to devote theli
time t«» >(uido oml Art.