The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, August 25, 1894, Image 2
-r- ?—~ THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1894 A DAY’S DOINGS IN That GEORGIA TQWNSr'Tired Feeling A Batch of Newly Items Furnished by the Hustling Correspondents of the Telegraph. A DAY’S DOINGS DOWN IN OUBLIN C«tnmliiton*r Dradwcll Addraittd the People ofUtirtni mi thoTeaelier** IlUlltula-Lamon Ateapu-e i k 1 Dublin. A ax. 24.—(Special.)—State Bchoal O-ninAwloner Bradwell ad dressed the citizen* of Laurens toddy!. He certainly U the right man In the right ©lace. The attention of his audience, com posed of the most intelligent citizen*, uras tho beat evidence} that could bo given that his remarks were such as should bo made by the representative of fcducntlon In tho Empire .state. The stlgbtost interruption gave an noyanco. The general condition of the schObl system was clearly explained and the progress made was satisfactory to every tax payer. Tho commissioner most favorably Impressed his audience. Our new governor, an especial favorite with our pcAiple. can find no better as sistant In the modi Important depart merit of his office than Commissioner BraHwVlI. Even now the most casual observer must# see that through his ability, energy and power of organiza tion. united with his experience and peculiar objections to tho teachem’ Ip* stltutes are sometimes heard, but cldfcf- ly from Incompetent pedagogues iwho have In some way, chiefly jM*rliaps by Influence of kith and kin, been jgftmlled. The organization will cronfC a moat necessary esprit de corps amjr by united action tho Influence of such an educa tional body can but be productive of great good. It will a Too force upon tho community the awakening to the re spect due the most important of the professions. The state school commis sioner enjoins upon those whose duty It is to select ieaobsni the necessity of character being the llrst essential re quisite. •How Important It is that all tho envi ronment* or the child bo pure-*t home, In school n’id on the streets. The teachers* Institute, that much ad mired society. Is In aessibn. The at tendance Is very good. There is a no ticeable Improvement In tire evident In telligence of both tho m.ilo nnd female teachers. ’TI* seldom you see a more Intelligent body of either sex. Thoro nro over 100 schools In Lau- T«n* o.Min-t v. Will- Mini r -1 ■ i .-I Myth of the great InynfiniWl.If due to the county school board, over which preside** our Cbunly School Com* W.*8. Ramaey. Ho posieses the chnractr, aUllty. experience nnd Intelligence so necessary to progress, mftted -wlith abut suvivlter In nVjdo that springs from the heart, nnd Is extend ed nt nil times and plucos nllko to the old. the middle mki»J nnd the young. Wo obtained from the fairest of tho fair daughters of West End n promise to securo especially for the Telegraph s full list of tho teadliers. We would be glad lo see a paper of such sound atl< pi liii'lplc* In III" h:iiid t < <.f •very teacher in tho wtfOHPmaa. Wo db not agree in Its partiality for Indl* vidua Is. but we ore content to nwult tl»e derision toff the people. When ciuikio'V. i'll nuns and tho Jut- tie opens in earnest then It will do to write notes on the •'Ituatlun. Politics is very Quiet here. The peo- plo nr* feeling tho effects of the “re turning confidence." Now buildings of the SMI substantial kind are going up and will be ready tor the fall trade. fttoU LtVWBON’8 ACCEPTANCE. He Consents to Ills Nomination for Qottgrem Prom the Eighth District. Wellington. D. C., Aug. 31, ISM.— Hon. E. L. Campbell, Dr. II. O. Mont* gonuiry and Orhera, Committee.—Gen tlemen: Your tetter of the IRth Instant Informing me thut 1 have been nom inated for election to the Fifty-fourth congreee by the Democratic injnventlon of *lhe Eighth eon district, and that you had been appointed <i committee to request my acceptance, has been received. While I greatly ap preciate t»he distinguished honor con ferred on me f«H* this, the third time, by the ‘Democracy of the Eighth dis trict, I trust that X realize ulso the full weight of Its responsibility, nnd If ttgain elected to ttXH high office I will oonseciuM myself <o nn earnest and faithful discharge of lt» duties In the Ceipe >-f ootTeoily ivprA'M'iitmg the in terests of my oowMtUSatB nnd of de fending *iid Illustrating the principles of the Democratic party. which are, in my Judgment, synonymous with the pneolplos of constitutional govern ment. With high regard for each of you pervonatty, I n»m very truly yours. Thus. G. Lawson. SPEAKING IN LKFSEY, ?oo Jmm«, Judge Bartlett nnd CoL Ki'ildhig Entertained tho Yeomanry. SnrmwvlHe; Auu. 34,-^8pMillU.)-Gol Joe James. Judge Bartlett and Col* lieddlng spoko to the people nt betray today. There wt« -*t laW crowd to hear them. All the speakers wore ill g.Hsl trim. Pol. Joe Jnmes sp ike In the the morning lie Is one of those .shalge haimiier orator* Hint pnmds d vintn' lino people l«v fonv of reason and logic. If he was a preacher he would always bo preaching doctrinal sermons. He wifi. _ T AGfS I And oondittoue to life, — ^ l —T. jut.1* Ml, to n*rd InTteomting italic; * UnmlMtor of the iminul, |>. ri«HtU-«l function, eud • tWUun* <u»l Hr*o» in* NVrvIno. For Iht* purv>««> Or. Plirtt'i Finriti Prucrtpllu In tbo only medicine #o certain in its curalhf action that It can lr«,L 1 our tnoiH jr to returned If tt In M»i1.-nh^»t, Woman hood, end Motherhood, It luvtooiatHi eud Inacre up the tihaurfrd, run <k>wn, M.iBoib.l and dclitalo; ailn\* nt»<t Hkn-t.«, Jttr. ■m, t*hon «, or J*r. VI- * nil unuatt.ralir- irsulantksor monthly fiiL. I‘((li-lual !'nit*.W •akureaia, •**«K lK)w« Sioaoona, Ha. k- 4 l UvratKrfi and kindred tnaladn-*. ~ the** about to UttXM n. « Im l>no* boon, *1'- »ud nt cbUdb ..and Ute.i-Ttod vC weiftnroa nt, |*rtuiM>:re the arMiiin of an !ldrtM.B l Of "• fbC ‘ Uv vLdd. * So common at this season, la a serious condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. It Is a sure sign of declining health tone, and that ibe blood Is Impoverished and impure. The bev-t and most sue- cesaful remedy is found la HOOD’S Sarsaparilla Which m«kM rich, healthy blood, fc.»l time fire, MrtOfth lo tbo nerve, ehutlclty to tha muaelea, vigor lo the brain and health to the wbnic body. In truth, Huod’a Sarsaparilla Makes The Weak Strong Banuro to get Hood's and only II<«l's. Hood'a Pllla cur. Ilrcr Ilia. »o. look up tho Populist Htnto platform nml ahmvoit Hint tbo claim of holdiui; to tho principles of JcITerson wns nuujiht, for vtbllu tlicro wus much said about JofTcr- wn. yet tho whole was killed by the uliHoluto Indorsement of tho platform ns tl.c creed of tbo party. That Oiniilm platform Col. James showed -vas not In the Interest of tbo South. The Populists plied Col. James with questions. Tlicso ho answered fully nnd In good nature. He said bo was thoro to Instruct nnd he was glad, to answer qumtlons. A negro Populist linked why I lie Demo,Tuts did not |v Kurd negroes ns equals? “How?" in quired Col. James. “What do yon lueiin by equals?" Tho negro replied tlmt tho Populists lind premised to put Ills race In tho Jury liox and give them olllcc. Col. James then showed tho. urll of fnlso protn'ses nnd tl.o erll of misleading the negroes. When Col. James finished all ropulred to the grove nnd purlook of n basket dinner. As It whs sixteen miles to tbc train your re porter lind to lenvo before tbc speaking wus through with. JUDGE HINES TO SPEAK. EatoiHon, Aug. 24.—(Special.)—It was to t» hoped that third party doctrine would come to an end after the depart ure of Tom Watson, but wo ore to be dosod again on Saturday, September », by Judge Hines. Third party speak ers ure beginning to be a little h)t too numerous lo our city, and already the pries of an* has gona up tn ant kg pa ri on of this event. STORE BDRQr.AUIZED. Cardcle, Aug. 24.—(Spedul.)— 1 The atom liouso of V. A. I-’ruscur wits lir.iken nt'. l.j Imrglurs Iasi night and goods to the nmouut of nl.out $1U0 Is supposed to hnvo been tukeo. There Is no clue to the perpetrators of this net. .Mr. l-’rasuer will pay n liberal re ward for the apprehension of the thief. It Is thought they returned to Mucun oil tho early morning ttntn. LYNCHED A PAIR OP ’EM. A Mob Saved -thfe State the Expense of Two Convicts. iMon-tgomery, Ala., Aug. 21.—Tonight nt MMdheUa auitton, thirty mta couth of here, « band of masked men took ltlley Walker and Richard Jordan off tha Cent ml train bound for Montgom ery, from Deputy Sheriff Kerltaml, and lynched them by hanging them to a tree and Afterwords perforating their holies wieh buckshot. The prisoners bid been 4rM at Union Sprint* for murder, were convicted nnd Walker was sent up to tha penftenHury for life end Jordan for twelve years. UiM February tho agent at Suspen sion. on 'the Mobile and Girard road, wui shot dead tn his atone, njotntng the station. Two weeks later Cdr. Hal] wus Shot at tho same place, but was not killed. Thb ertmo was tiuceubel to a gang of murderers and robber*, of whlrti Walker \ms the leader and Jor dan a member, Willi,nil Wallace of Co lumbus, On., went down to arrest Walker. The dececdve and others sur rounded Wu kef's house, when the lat ter slim Wabset dead through u door and then sac—pid.’ lie was nfterwords captured In Pkorkla. Jordan, wtui caught In Bulloch county. ATLANTA OBI'S ANOTHER. Next nssslop of the Amort can Water works Asa,,nation to lio Held There. Mluncnpolls, Aug. 24.—The next ses- kI.hi of ttu> American Waterworks As- melnMon unit be bold Ut Atlanta. Tin- invitation of the South's great im-tro|K>Sa was vM.-ndid by Mr. W. <i. KU-lmnls of Atlnnta nml was accepted over nil Olliers. The next sesslau of tbo association will bo tho fUtccatli. It will Ik* bold nlkiut tho time of tho opening of tho Cotton stntoa Ex|kurill(.u. nnd tho nt- Udulnncu will 1h> very largo. THOMAS' POPULISTS. llioy Nominate Candidates For Homo of Representatives. Timm m Wile. Aug. 24.—(Sltclnl.)— The tlilr,! party hold a mass mooting hi ro today, and. after n liaranguo by the chairman, immlnatnl .1. \V. Dixon sad Joksc M aid b-r repiosontallvoK, t * lx- snownl uinlor In Oomlior. FOUR MEN BURNED TO DEATH. Cia-lc, Colo., Aug. 24.—Pour miners tn the Amoihyst mine this roaredng Brers literally brulsnl, burned and txdled So des-th. They wore 1\>m Kver- o'n and Hugh Pay of Colorado. Arch!, UcDowsU of llillfox. N. S., and Qwrlea Procter of Poinsvuttomle, Kan., the Utter rhree Hlnglo men. The shaft «Bugbt lire from u candle ut 6 o'clock tIlls morning. .,n.l .«> greel »„.< I'he r..-u ths-t -the wire cable holding the ship was molted and (he huge Iron cage, hoatsd b> n rtst heal. Adt lo the bot tom of the Mistfi, aarryhag with it the four men .above named, who were on the Udders. l-t will take a day or two to recover the, Tire loss on the mills und machinery will be about 120.000. The damage lo the mine proper ,\inn>t be determined \vl. The Amethyst was owne.l by t^ensl vr Wolcott, D. H. Mof- fast and other Denver men. MURDEROUS BURGLARS. They Kill CurrvJl Martin and Wou.kl Two Membm of HI* Family. NubrUIe. Aug. at. -Two mou. who wcis- apparently d sguls,sl as ucgwh'*. wout to the ro tide her of Curroll Mar tin at I-turellmrs. Van Huron .vunty, list ulght, ami attempted to rob the Martin reslst.-d their efforts and he A-.,e -b-u c x.-ral unu-*. tl,-- o -nr.-s re oil Hug in Us death. The murderer* il-k. Shot Martin's daughter and grand laughter, but thMr wounds are- net of x serious mature, 250 choice remnants of wool dress goods (2 to 9 yards) placed on otir front counter today nnd marked in plain figures at about one* third value. Among this line will be found many good tilings — skirts, bouse wrappers and children’s school dresses. Also among this lot of remnants are many bargains in real French ginghams, sateens, etc. New things for fall beginning to arrive and beauties they are. If you are in search of an early fall dress, see us. REDUCED. Twenty pieces finest $1.25 Black Goods as a leader in this depart ment at 75 cents. This is your oppor tunity of securing a choice Black Dress at a reduction. Other very choice patterns. JUHAN’S. | LABOR INVESTIGATION. Witnesses 9011 Giving Evidence on the Recent Strike in Illinois. Chicago, Aug. 24.—General Mbnagr St. John resumed the stand at the open ing of toduy'i session of the notional la bor comnnsolon. Questioned a* to the existence of a black-kst, air. St. John said the General Olanugera' Association had never keut a record of men who took part In the late strike. That was u matter for each individual road. The witness then read a certlfled report made bv the Rack Island toed'* detec tives. Tho Urtrertkan la made In this re port that Vice "President Howard of the American Hull way Union openly coun selled violence at * mass meeting of rail road employe* at Blue Island. In one place the report reads: “Howard euld lie would like to see Pullman hanged; that he wus the worst enemy the la boring man ever hed. He *oJeo referred to blm In obscene language." Iu an other place the report declared Howard eounssUed his fUMbwet* If they were opposed. to “use the round end of a coupling pin.” "The** things are sqm-, dent." suld Mr. fit. John, "to show that tho strikers counselled violence. It to with the greattut regret that I read this report, but It hud to he done In order to givo our sfde a fair showing." Mr. fit. John ithen submlated a set of hooks compiled for the General iManagere' As sociation, showing the wages paid men on each road. He testified thut only once hud a common wage schedule been prepared by the association. This bad been presented and rwaa not uucepted. It Was Only attempted >to tlx the ques tion of what would be fair wages under certain conditions. Jobn M. Egan, who was strike man ager ror the General aPjnagcr*' Asso- cKutton, took the stand nnd corroborated Mr. St. J.dill's st.,«e,iu'M’M. In explanation of the overtures from the Amorloan Railway Union, coming through the mayor, being not received, he sa.d: "I told ahe mayor 'that I did not think he ought <o be a messenger boy for such people,' end that I did rot think the general munegers would receive »ucn commurfeiiitloii*. I thought it agreat pleco of cneefc on the part of tho A'mertcan RaDway Union people a filer they were whipped to dictate the terms of their surrender." “Wes It not a matter of general con currence among aise general managers (hut the stAke should be crushed out rah her ahum settled peaceably?" "1 could not any as to Chat." Mr. Egon did, not know of his own personal knowledge whether strikers took part tn Cue riots or not. In his report he hud always designated them as “strikers or (.heir sympathizers." Mr. Egan Vhougtit us a solution of the railroad problem -that licenses should be issued by the United fituaee to rail way employes. He wanted the em ployee uniformed. He thought both employe* and -rwhroads would be bene fited by this plan. The railroads should Insure Iht'ir men end nt ,the end of a ceriutn -time pay over to .them their money wim Interest. A heavy penally should he imposed on railroads if they broke their agreement, end In case of employes doing so they forfeft their licenses. “ft la charged," said Mr. Kernan, “that you havo used money to burn oars." "Considering the source from which that statement came It is the vilest ktnd of n tie. 1 consider It on a parity with other statements made by Debs, Howard end ofhere." 6UICBDE OF \VILLTAM DAY. Nehv York. Aug. 21.—Willie D. Day. ohumplon runner of the world, commit ted suicide by hanging lilmself from a tree near r!r club house of the New Jersey Athletic Club, a,t Bergen Point, N. J., "today. Day was arrested on Tuesday u;»,n a complaint made by the Munhoitian Laundry Company of Jer sey CUty, for whom he had acted as s collector, which alleged that he had col lected 1112 tor which he had tailed to eoeount. His retailvcs are of the opt ion 'that he must have brooded over the Si 0(MattelI. und becoming discour aged hud dsolded to end his life. Day m is the youngest son of bis par ents, who are well to do and very well known about Bergen lVdnt. Day had the one-mile championship and ulso the t iree-in.N* ,-l,nmp.-mshq> . ( the world for running. *. TOPULtST NOMINATIONS. Unind Island. Neb., Aug. 21.—The Populists in eoavoutlon here today nominated tho following ticket! Gov- onior. Judge S. A. Uolcombo of Broken How; lu-utenant-goveruor, J. N. Gatlin of Omaha; secretory of state, ff. II. MeFndden of Furnass; auditor. Judge J. J. VWaoa of Keith; treasurer. lion. J. H. Power of Hitchcock. D. B. Carr of FreOBOt rsorired the nomination for nttoriey-Krtienil and S. 15. Kent of Lincoln scoured the nomination for commkisloiMr of public lands and nOfta BAD ON TEXAS COTTON. Dallas. Aug. H.—In Ohs Asce of a gen eral belief In the magnificent condition of the cotton crop, the Garland News, published In ohe heart ot the cotton re gion of Dillon county, stoics tint m in ,t section half ot the cotton crop has been destroyed by hall worm*, and If the shower* continue the crop Is likely to be entirely destroyed. HANGED FOR KILLING 1IIS XVIV* Hekm. Ark-. Aug. 21.4-Philip Pet- tus. n negro, was lunged tn the prai sed* ot about a dozen spec*-store In the Jail yard here nt noon today. He .i -d bravely, usd nude no remarks ou ah* Bcatt-M. HI* neck was broken by th > drop. Pettus shot and- killed bis wife In u, cotton Held one year ago be cause she refused to Ure with him. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. IT WILL CAUSE TROUBLE. The British Consul and am American at BluSllelds Put Under Arrest. Bluett elds, via Now Orleans, Aug, 24.—The greater part of the Nicara guan troops were to sail at 7 o'clock on the evening of the ICt'h on the Yulu, a coasting steamer, and Minister Maidriz decided to send with them those 'per sons whom he though were guilty of firing on 'tho Nicaraguan floor. Accord ingly he arrested oCneui Hatch, t'he British representative; a Mr, Lampton, Harry Brown, an Englishman; O. B. .Millbanks, the American who accepted the position of judge under the MoaquMo government, <md several Mosquito creoles. A note was immediately sent ,to the English cruiser, und the news spread along the foreign quarter. United Htates Consul Seat iwas notified and he owned on Mudrlz. The latter said these persona were going to the Interior to stand 'trial. He could not get evidence ■to convfot them now, but he was sure they were Implicated. Consul Sent rent dispatches to the Columbia, and at 2:30 o'clock the tug was steaming towards the Bluffa. What the charges are Madrtz does not say. H* Iras not even Informed the American nor the English consuls. The latter, it is believed, is Charged with having incited Jnmtdcans to riot and bloodshed. The owners of the Yulu, when told of 'the arrest, stated tbait-their boat should not leave, and thus the only transport which could stand a sea was oaken away from them. The commander, of the Columbia is expected before night fall, und the English commander also. The American population la greatly ex cited, and were It not that they have great oonfldence In their country's agents, the bullet riddled buildings would suffer another attack. LOOKS BAD FOR E/ETA. San Framisoo, Aug. 24.—Tho Snn Snlvadorhm refugees were before I 'nit' .1 Stiiti-s District ■!nil-.- M.irrnw nt 11 o’clock this morning, on warrants charging them with murder, robbery nnd arson. Judge Morrow denied tho motion to admit the prisoners to ball nml continued tho cose uufcl Septem ber 3. THE NEW YORK'S RECORD, Quarantine, L, I., N. Y., Aug. 24.— The American liner New York arrived this evening after a phenomenal pns- 6nge. beating nil previous records, hav ing made the passage from Southamp ton to New York in six days, eight hours nnd thirty-eight minutes. MEMPHIS IS CORRUPT. Memphis, Aug. 24.—The deeper the grand jury Jrobes tho -woree the delin quent lux Si-uinlul grows. Indielmeuts were returned todny against twenty. l"ur "f the must prominent tlrm* In the city, accusing them of failure to pay taxes and doing business without n license. ftn<lh-« Win ter Wliest Flour Mill Plant in tbs World. UNDINE. Crotltsd TMddlfpgs l-toup. The only Flour of Its kind, end the best of eny kind. It Is made br a secret pro cess known to but two persons. $100,000 h&a been offered for the Knowledge Wo have letters from nearly 1,000 merchants stating that Undine Is the best flour they ever handled. It is wn ter ground. Manufactured by the Noel Mill Company, Estlll Springs, Term. ONE CENT A ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HBADINa. FIFTEEN WORDS OR MiMtK. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. taken For less than u era. AGENTS WANTED. AGLNT9 make #5.00 a «Ut kitchen utcn.-l! «*Ti*r lnr-nipd. Retail* 2 to 0 sold in rrery honiM*. Sampl**. postntff p«td. At** WANTED—Four koo*1 workmen who underhand repairing: cotton xins, t-ic. Jamoa T. Guntt. as F|ndlajr*a Iron Works. Macon. Ga. WANTED—Bxinl for man. ulffc and two email children, atorx; electric Une, pretty well out Addrc«8 P., Tele- Kreph office. WANTED—White, house girl. 14 to 14 yeirc. Good home. Address “Help,' care Telegraph. WANTED—Partner with two thousand do.lars cnpKal. w*ll estabUehed «p«t pa.ring bustn««4. Address O.,' csre Telegraph. ? NEED A SHIRT ^ NEED A DRESS If you do, come and gee our leaders this week. 100 doz. perfect fitting Unlaundered Shirts, made of New York mills muslin with extra lone;, fine linen bosoms, collars and wrist bands, worth $9 per dozen, as a leader this week at 60c each. New Covert Cloths, 54 inches wide, all colors for skirts and traveling dresses. Fancy wool and silk mixtures, 30 inches wide at 25c. Beautiful line dress stuffs, 15 to 25c. a yard in bright colors for children's school dresses. New French percales in choice small figures and stripes for waists. Beautiful plaited buckles, black nnd silver, only 19 cts. All silk belting ribbon only 40c a yard. New ducks—black and navy blue assorted with stripes and solid blues. New Goods and Novelties opened daily. Burden, Smith &, Co. WANTED—An aotlve- and thoroughly competent burineos man to take charge of a ooun'try store. A hustler wanned, none other need apply. Ad- drera Busln-etM, care Telegraph. WANTEO—Thoee who desire big lm- K.ib.e In clothing, hate end •pints' fui* ntshli.g goudi to call at KeuU ng'a. J. J. Cobb, afwlgnee. WANTED-You to see the 1894 Densinore model typewriter on exhibition at F. R. Pomeroy’s. J. E. Mlnter, tele phone W3. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—October 1, the two-rtory residence fronting Tattnall square, oorner Ogleehorpe and Tattnall Streets. Apply Daly’s Exchange. Col lege street. TO RENT—From October, my house on High street. Has ten rooms and two In bad; it red; gas and water fixtures, etc. Will rent tt all or only lower story. No. 147. Apply to Holmes Johnson, ait coal yard, or to J. W. Hinton, Lamar street, Vlnevllle. FOR RENT—Stbre. recently decupled by Wood & Bond, three stories and base ment. 35x175 feet. Best business loca tion on Cherry street. Apply to W. G. Solomon. FOR RENT—Three desirable rooms, with all modern aovenlences. over store of W. E. Hill & Co., on Second street. Suitable for physician or den tist. For further Information apply at Willingham's Warehouse. FOR RENT—Flve-rQom house, 607 Georgia avenue. Possession at once. Jacob Hirsch, 610* Fourth street. FOR RENT—The elegant two-story brick residence. 030 Orange street, containing nine rooms and three balh rooms anil all modern conveniences. .The house has recently been com pletely overhauled. Accessible to all street car lines. For further particu lars apply R. S. ColUna & Co. TEN DOLLARS a month will rent store on VlnevlUo Branch In the city. Pos- seeelon at once. Jacob Hirsch. FOR SALE. FOR 8ALE2—Old papers, for -wrapping purposes, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Telegraph office. MISCELLANEOUS. f" T. BROILING CHICKENS, frying chick ens. hens and fresh ceflery at R. C. Keen's, 616 Cherry street. ,100 TO LEND on real esitate at straight 8 per cent. "William T. Stone. CHOICE Western, beef la our specialty. Try tt If you want something good. Georgia Packing Company. WE (HAVE our fall calbbige, English peas for fall planting, Georgia rye, ■Eastern grown onion sets. D. H. ■Lowe Seed Company. #2 DOZEN Cor Daxle “bra-nd milk;, 15 cerate kdozen tor lem'orvs. Keen Gro cery -Company. |8,950 FOR reel estate sold; 16,060 not Inane; 37.SS0 paid matured stock; 31,180 paid withdrawing members. How's that for June. July and August work •by the "Bibb Loan?" Call «nd In vestigate. B. iM. Zettler, secretary. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives eatlsfacUonjJYour grocer Mila IL A CAR bee* patent llour Just received, price as low as you can buy It. Keen Grocery Company. DELICATESSEN—Swiss, Murorter, De Brie and Llmburger cheese, mackerel, herring, celery, apples and peara ut G. G. Ibole’tf. 456 First. HAMS, breakfast bacon, lard, etc; fresh stock nt Vaweat prices. Georgia Pack ing Company. HAMS, sugar cured shoulder* and •breakfast baoon at Keen Grocery Company. Telephone 176. TELEPHONE 358, J. H. Roush & Son, and place your order for coal. Beat coal on che market 1460 a ton. $1 FOR 19 pounds granulhted sugar to day. Goods delivered free. Keen Grocery Company. NOW Is the tkne tor planting clover \and grasses. We are selHng them very low. D. H. Dorwe Seed Compa ny. SPRING LAMBS—*We have them. Georgia Ricking Company. FRESH CELERY, frenh eggs and large fry chickens «t Keen Grocery Com pany, 421 Poplar street. AT COST-Clothing. Bat* Underwear. J. J. Cokb, Aaalxnee of W. A. Redding. HOLLINS INSTITUTE. nOTBTOl.’KT BPRlMsN, YIKGINIA. F«r Yo««g V.aslie*. Tb«* Wim* and mos* «nt*>nrf*«|» •*qsapp*d ta Kctoctle nmrum tm Asrirnt Mart .?ladrnt I.ilrrji.rr.S trmrm, •lis*lr. Art Ki*v«li«n. XatTrenual iratbm hitu*t*<l In Vallsj of V» , nw jthimk* .Mnsitttnin KY»ffy. Mm«nl Wrist, ittJqLrVM, runut* m nui*.<V.ltllH *.r Mo. Cutkw, CIIAS- L. COCKS. Han., IIiIIIm V. 122 ski 121 W. Fronklla fit.. Baltimore M l EDGEWORTH BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL for young Indies will reopen Wednesday. September'24. Sd year. Mrs. U. P. LEFEBVRE, Principal C MAGNIFICENT O L Securely bound in handsome cloth, now ready for READERS .... OF ... . If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is tho next best thing to a! visit. Come and see it When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out tho following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SWAP SHOTS OP THE World's Fair Z'orfK, •owtoMf hr •*** ***** * ......... foir.r STATS ..... T MB —