About The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1894)
*“>** • a, _ ott . Aug, *' .If* , j i«r csut-' c' »•> “-.iffim* '“’—'.sesA mill actual 1 I*- 1 ®*. I cr *■ S2srBffL BSSS Saturday morning, august THE MACOJN TELEGRAPH: PAITK^ 1894. jl£ WORlHF TRADE. ; far tomorrow t*:. confirmation is lr>.-\ <>f 1 -• * damane by rains of yesterday anj U»- Wheat speculation may do In putting .ports by Wive * ^ refit jjarkfits* From dav. Wheat speculation ma> wo m the marketuigher, la one thing. JJV ‘J® condition of the cotton manufacturing i dust ties in this country hap:*, on the continent, offer no dial? improvement in prues. In "fact our New Orleans M*Od, wl™>*» lay that the condition of that tntrKet f * discouraging characi absence of the not dernai Is likely to be *v;r loss so in a nr cotton begins t rery freely. ~' v ~ tun® ;a d ... bluer toon no dull tbo t -A-SSESK 4 J r %JLmU9- m. . r* ESz??* tVni!w° u0 " " ;‘>n n» tollowa: SilLB OAll f TOCK3. « - - heeti-U enaSt-L. CirtUtt £*)..••• *•’* l,ran InfdeTmist decldedly^better in vtis city according to the Evening Port, one « le:tdlng authorities on that subject - operative strike at Fall Hiver OjdN** Bedford of 15,000 operatives Is no: »*>" argument. Receipts of w»»»” Meiv Orleans, Galveston and Houston continue very considerably J last year. Receipts today 3,-» agatnai 2.PC0 last year. Vb)|(U & Co . fee ling, should this thing Continue nnd there Is no Increase In the ’ ; swn nnd tvili it Will not be ion , «■* Sur Vo. 2 wheat Mill have to he shipped to csr^«v otf- idS'wTSf dSSjSfr.bn*, 1 off quite liberal. Rain was jpadfej** lor % oral states in the corn belt. Tvhlletn« crc. reports continue to coflie in Qwe g ATcve to 1 Lie, considering the severe onen that on ', lr V l-n Tut-re -w. be*n sonu London lay-.-, catei, per box. Irish Potatoes—S2.R0 sack. .23 per box; loose Mas- CANNED GOODS. rorrected Every Saturday by 8 u Jaaues & Tinsley Co. Jaaues & nnsiey co. Apples—l’ pound cuna 91.25 per dozen. Blackberries—2-pound cans, U per i.nAiinri cuna. SI.05 oar dozen. „„ May ,ely dull t.icieriea.. .... Tec trie.. t«, ^".«htra. - „„ ... »K uo prou. ljU V . N..W All KK cons..!** liin..wja CM*— Kfina^. *w rock lstsno*- bu Isui SUN’S COTTON REVIEW. I NVw York, Aug. 24.—The Sull's cot- ton review says: Cotton opened 1 point lower, and then advanced a points, closing 3 points lower for the day. Spot cotton le 1-lGc. higher here. F'lstiere 5,791 bales for direct Bhlpment for ex port tind 1,118 to spinners. Southern markers were quiet. Font receipLs o- day, 3,276 biles against <53 this last week and 2.250 Inst year; ‘owl receipts for the week 134,289 against 6,278 Vast week and 13,281 this week last year. New Orleans was at one time 1 to 5 points lower, but htter recovered this I 1 itrt 9. nointa. In M<Ul- ebangfavg over from B^tembei and the market continued extri throughout the entire % 38 ‘™\ ins an entire absence of «p»'Vwt £i\r o once. Liverpool receipts, 261 A&fJ' Y while exports to all porta ago 9.448 buehela. . . m priced thaii'yestertAy’s .iS'ojjg-g a ran - of Me. the entire session. R«- “euas l'oo cara were N .llshtly in egress of “provisions were strong at opening on theTsht receipts of hogs. In speculative Iliiukbernes—2-pounn cans. It i 3-pound cans. 31.05 per dozen. Corn—2-pound cans, 09 cent, to IL5« ^Strln^°Jleans—2-pound cans, 90 cents ^Tomatoes—2-pound cans, p^ dozen, l-nound cans, 31. Tontatueo— ■ rents; 3-Pound cans, 31. Okra ana Tusnatuf 3 pound cans. per *i io per dozen. * June Peaa-2-pound cans, 91.25 cherries—2-pound cans, $1.60-per futures iuilder, wera SSut ‘^on.y sellers . qr i v but as the demand was \erj offering* became more llbcml ond Pi c eoon showed ojoss^f navai* stores. SSa-3® iurp1nt.no qu.ef, hard. ». “savannah,'Aiig.' for combination accepted a bid at .ti, jjSisrt.wwi rati sr."- ss .TiTZ soitns. 0 O C18B8 «... JJ , llJUDiPM 4*8.-1^° jcrtaiaronuttM Rertu ca*eun tt4 * ,li * COVEBMM'uXT HOSDS. - r 8. .•sreatst'eo.lHM I srsguls*. F* * 4.5 C oupoa»..lt*>i I Ci lAsMd. • Kv dlvldoji'i. made today at that prm • Cl&& ^nnd^pale^ grades! vanco on oil grades and pate d °Whito Cherries—2-pound cans 31.75 per dozen. .... Lima Beans—31.25. Peaches—2-pound cans, 31.50 ®*t a °P?naDPle3—2-pound cans, 31.60 to 32.30 per dozen; grated, F. & \7., 32.25. p Raspberries—2-pound cans. 31.86 per d °Strawberrlcs—2-pound cans. 31.50 per Peaches, pie—3-pound cans, 31.36 per California—3-pound oani 32.25. n 1 .r peet—2-pound cans. 32-25 per dos. Roast Beet—1-pound cans 31.20 pot 2-pound cans. 32 per dozen. d °Corn Beet—2-pound cants. 31-85 per d °votted Ham—14-pound cons. (5 ctnt, per dozen: 1-2-pound can* 1 31.25 per Lunch Tongues—1-pound cans. 33 psr & Trlpi-2-pound cans. 31.85 per dozen. jimerioan Encyclopedic Dictionary^ vftnee on an I u, C, and The market dosed firm A B5 K *2.«i M. n-»i N. » 40; window glass. 32.G5|^ water w ^-ruraMtIno firm ttSfiffmvsws celpts, 37 barrels. MEATS. rrSTuiddiinc ^‘^••iiwaiVni:: tti'ict —- IxvMMdiio*- ... iiniiaary „,.4 orawMlG' S 48 01 a3 48-04 - 50-01 3 53-Gl J Gf-Ol WEEKLY STATEMEKT. Liverpool, Aug* 24. -Tho weekly cottoastatls r for this nort nre »b follows: | Total | Amer’i 50.000 47.000 10,000 S.000 . l,0C3,00t) 01,000 M0 0.000 884,000 21,000 nv»f«r this week. _ - - * xariu A nr, 24 —»OOt «OtWO quiet uL’s. Jill iq. mtaaunei upi.aa. 1. fceie*. CO/) biles. • lork. AUff. 24.—Tho tuturo mArkot -- JS&» u£ cioboq steady. .Bate, 40.110 L81HA. rCToiodT In*,... Mnnli April.. HhT Juur. iuiy AU*... iei>t CcL Mot RECEIPTS AND EXPORTS. T--.- <1'>v | Wtif*:;. CouBOlIdntoil net roceipU... W"j •• Kxp*»rt* to Great Uriuilnl e*-3 mporw w Mi Exports to France, Exports toOontlnent...,| k ou hand ut New York...| TTM9 10,715 WEEKLY STATEMENT, Tno following aro the total net rocelpts of cotton ntaii tho ports eincoSeptember 1,188J: O&iroBton. ' ““ - ,.I.0ll.80ilPhiia4olpnia... 4*.H| , tan *.1 lTnaf Pnlllf. \It. 239.444 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, August 24.—Wheat ww weak .today but the trade was only a scalping one at best, with some trade or.e at the best with some change from September into Doeember trades, which served to keep traders occupied. Elevator men were sellers of the ^tter month and buyers of the former. Pit holders did their utmost to recover the money they experienced on these privileges last night and in the main were successful, although the close did not indicate any gain on the investmeat. The price went below . put prices several times, but rallied on pur chases made against them. Partridge bought considerable wheat, presumably to (over previous sales. The Increasing northwestern receipts Indicate that the spring wheat crop is on tho move nnd from this-forward, until the bU^bt-tM gram Is out of the way. attention will be directed to the arrivals In that ; December wheat opened from 5.14 to 67b. sold down to 57014. closing WJWMt* =; under yesterday. Cash wh eat was In good demand with values tending down- w trd Trade was neither active or Inter esting, privilege holders doing most of th Mny "corn opened at 5214 andsold be tween 62K,a51%. closing at ^V*aH- , 4a4e. ■^sWeSTWiKi 1C birjoMX"h wheat and t „ today. For several days past there wns an individual rtrength In tho market, but it was absent today. May oats closed 3 cents under ****** day. The Inquiry for cash oat .’J' er *.S°* urgent. Prices ruled ..a%c. lower tnan y Prortsions were up on the light and higher prices for them at tne opening nd tod B ay. The^ £WgA»to£? Packing -Company made an effort toaay m force prices upward, but two English 2JS2VhotI.es offered quantities enough MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE OP GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask’d. lw ‘'july 0r coup n ono. maturity 19E....U2V4 UP.l IV4 per cent, bonds. Jan. nnd July coupons,jrmtur^y^on BONO " aJSSS* a ond, ro pr“« ^« to rat. of liwerest hnd maturity IM Mtl y coupons..-.---^---- _ .1 railroad Joint roortgagw coupons...."j" P er cent. °t»nds. Jan. and July m Rii’raad'V* per cent. ‘'bond. Jan. and Ju'y coupons.^ ^ Georgia^'Railroad*' V* 'per' 'cent! G bonds. Jan. and July coupon..^ ^ Montgomw'and'EufauU raU Corrected Every Saturday by W. I*. Henry. Fresh Jlcats-V, estern beef. 644 to W4C.1 SkSsi .Sfsa-Rvssssa sausage, 60 MISCELLANEOUS grocerieb. Corrected Every «a‘“ ra »J % ** 8 ‘ R. JaQues & Tinsley Co. The following are etriotly wholesale P Appies—1-pound cans, 31-26 per IT Is a Complete And Perfect Modern Encyclopedia Is tlie Greatest Modern W ork of H»0f0r0HC6. „o. V1WMW . ..1.BO/.3HI nvItfVUIN V — Mobile 3IS.W1 PsnsROOta. W7.87J Brunswick. OhArlesion Wllmluctou.. IW/JW Port lloyal 492.042 Fjicle Toss 8.W2 71,HO biltimore M.67I El Paso. New York....... 10f.34* NowiSrtNews.V *4'j’.SCo| T oUl.•”••••• • Deduct net receipts since Bcpt. 1. 6.bb(‘-.S04 COMPARATIVE WEEKLY STATEMENT. | 1883-04. flfctt-OS Total receipts nt aifb. B. portsi Total receipts to date. J f..r- tha u-ddlf .1 2G.311 ioiai recwijim Kxporte for the week j W.sii Total exports j Btock at all U. 8. ports..WJ.306 block at Interior towna I «••** Block nt Liverpool 11.0S3.00Q American afloat for Great, Britain * 21^KX) ♦ .SH.'l'ii 22>i,3!t2 iv.un l.lSJ.Wl KEW CKLEANf CLOSmO FUTOREV y#w Orleans. Aug. 24-bottom luturw closed yew urieBiii. auji. .i-> steady, tales 7,80u bales. ianuarr*** » »■ Marcn« ® 7 ; * JUtis « Zvl'l November Dwciuber.. ‘raadT per cent bond. Jan. anl » July coupons, du« 1309 8T Ocean ^ S team ship- bond.. 5 per cent Jan. and July coupons. ColumS aid Wertem railroad 6 per cent. July coupons...... 04 Columbus and Rome railroad s per cent bonds. Jan. and July ^ Aug'us ta’an'd' Knoavliio* railroad" 7 percent, bonds Jan. and July coupons, due MOO.......... 98 Savannah, Amcrlcui and Mont- comory railroad 0 per cent bonds/Jan. and JulyvouponslI Georgia Southern and Florid* railroad * per cent. bonda. Jan. nnd July coupons, due 197«.--- *8 South Georgia and IWMMgl road Indorsed 7 per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupon,....A...- . Northeastern RailroadJndorasd 6 per cent bonds. May ana Macon and Northern ral road certlflcates of bond,, Marcn ^ September coupons Charleston. Columbia u»«. A«- INah—Ktt vrttlto fish, 60o; In Wt 4“ » ^Flour-Bes^ patent, per barrel. f3.«l »®0- on^pvtent 33.30; straight 33; family. 3Z-59. Cl llay—We^iuote^today No. 1 Timothy at nirati-B"J.kVdra.8 cents. 48 cents. Lard—Tienm's. W cents; can», 9 cent, per pofind; 20-pound cans, 9V4c- -mard'a Macoaboy »nuff» ffg&SHEB per gross. cana _ 73.93 per K5«SSiad snuff. 1-ounce glass. «CJ F p0 **-- ,in« 34.25 per gross. Tomlto wtsup-Plnts. «0o; quarw. Jl |feued. SSMW ® oents. ss&Sa ■ j Shoulders—9V4 10 **V»‘ • *1 COUNTRY PRODUCEI. These Speak as Those Having .....Authority ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦ PROP. M. J. EUROD, Chair of Biology and gjWjff “>• Illinois Wesleyan University, .»y«. FOr Sttt vo r ry ^"i“. n« to mention its low oo»t. ®4 0) ^ ( f tn ^ l "and your°paper WcftSl 3.zz4rarr ciiin to furn'l®h ft <x> 4'tfl read 101 Drlces upwaru, um * Bhlpifcir houses ofTered quanUtles enough to break the market. At the clos<t Janua- 11 nark was IM® under yesterday. Jan. nary lard 744c. lower and January ribs Sa7l4 cents lower. - FUTURE QUOTATIONS WHEAT- Op’ng. Hlgh-.t.LoV.t Cto* All?. Sept. Dec. May CORN— Aug Sept Oct May ...... OATS- Aug.' Sept. ... • Oct May FORK— M3* Jan LARD— Sept RIBS— Stpt Jan. 53H 6414 67% es% 5T4 54% 57% 02% 54 67 63% 62% 68% 62% 61 61% 62%. 62% 63% 63% 52% 62 M’.i 53% 62% 30% 36% 31% 36% 10% 10% 31% 36% 29% 29% 20% 34% 13.52% 12-52% “’S'* U.E% 13-77% U.67% 13.00 •rURES. Central Railroad common stock. 1» Central Railroad 0 per cent dob- J SoutliwesterVi i^'ra^'^'*."-'-« AthuRa and Wert Point railroad ^ Augusta'mvi' Savannah railroad ^ “lOCAL ' BON DS' AND ' STOCKS. 80^"““'Phosphate'' ^ Acm^Brewlng Company 10* xJANK btocks. —i , v-tttonal Bank stock....»..123 America National Bank rtock.. S Ce^tru a 'aeor,la ^'">t Company stock a wealth of knoWICtlg* In *0 ccn}l>at9l a form will commend (tsolf ^ tho laborious scholar, the general reader, and especially to the teacher. John W. Cook. your paper 4rf to bo ponB™.Lu.»*™ Xn being able to furnlta « «. *te read- era at such a trivial oo*L ^ ^ ElroJ . DR. W. H. WILDER, PROP. E. M. Van PJSTTEN. president of the HHaols Wctt-eyan Un^Hy. says: The Amerloan En- cyolopaodlo D^Uonary U* Superintendent of Bloomlnpton Cfty Sohools, says: K IS n. work of great value. It seems to mo concise. 0=™ rate and convenient In form. Information In such a small co-npas, is nowhere olso “ ^jf^^etten. Corrected Every Saturday by Walter Nelnon. |^?,r U ap P fPl^i l-*O o P.f pound! d'rled'prachTn'M to 16a per pound. PROF. W. A. HEIDBL, Ne n w Irish Potatoos-75 cents pot bushel. b Swcet Potatoes-31.60 Cabbage—32-50 w W P« barrel. Or.lons—31 P«r bushel. Honey-sc^m Me per . ; Chair of B-S^SSi? ,,lc ' 19n “ , m old V En y . SS C'-SSSM? Honeys vV r fTomatoes—75 cents per^ “ liquors. Corroded Every ^mTday By L. Coh.n ^ 1,, “^"3 1 y i0-no 0 3l?75? ,r North n Carollna Wlnes-4» cents claret, 36 to 310 PO ‘i. , AmIriwn'champagne, T.W to *8.50 J«"oa^rt cordials. 313 per down: hitlers, „ p „ dos«o. HABDWARB . PROP. JOHN W COOK, ro—.id.nt Normal University, says: MRS. QALLINTSR, Librarian of Withers Library, says: Tho American E afters an oppoptunfty seldom met wlin to procure a most valuable WorLfoi _ -—..oil niiMnv In 'fho homo library it win bo indlsponsitblo io b*udenta c.na / ittcrary workers. ^ R Oalllntv. ' WILLIAM M. ANDERSON. Buperlrttondent ofSdhools.Mllvrau- Iiee Wls.. says; Tito EncyclopeC.o SloUonaty. in my ©pinion, w v. vcry valuable work of referanco. Ft 1s ** Imuallve, comprehensive, and boars evidence of the most scrupulous pains- taking I can rcoomtnond tho work without hesitation^ ^ Anflor , on . , Corrected Every BaturdJJ. 89 Daniep correct.a J[orlwnre company. Azes—16 to *r per dozen. _ Tanii—fi cents per pound. Buckets—Pol nls . »•* por d0Ma| cedar ' three hoop.. » J -25. Chains—Trace! KM to 34.60 per dozen. r. n ii t p7uiknts—S9.7S per dozen. Sope-Madlla. 12 cent.; sl.el, W cenU: '“hoe's—IIorao**31: mule, 35. Bhovels—Ames’, Dper^dozen. Wire—Barbed,' 3 cents per pound. vlS-SSTSln, wire; cut, 31.25 base. Tubs—Fainted, 82.25; cedar. H.50 per ns,t Brooms—31.26 to 86 per dozes. Haines—'Iron bound, 93- Measures—Per n«st, 91* J^SdTl% i«t, P« PO*nd, ra- fi now 2 swck-Hahnen. 31; Fergusoo. cents 7.75 7.72% 7.70 7.C2% 7.70 7.62% PORT QUOTATIONS. Galveston, Aug. 21.—Steady—Middling 6 )-lG: net 1^00; stock 12.507. Norfolk. Aug. 24.—Steady—Middling 6%; naf Ifll stock 2.141. net 49; stock 2.14L - Baltimore, Aug. 24.—Nomlnal-ifiddling rii; stock 8,422. Boston, Aug. 24.—Quiet—Middling 6^la-16; uMminFinn. Aug. 24.—Steady—inddHng tv. • net 10; stock 1,450. Phtta&pbbu Aug. 24.—Firm—MI Idling drugs# paints and oils. Corrected Every'satur'day By Henry J. wr Lamar & bone. SffijESh! Aug! 34.—Quiet—Middling 6%; gm’lMM* Aug. 24.—Quiet—Middling XL. ne * L291; stock 20.2S. Mobile, Aug. 24.—E-isy—Middling 6%; net Vemphla^Aut.-. 2L-Nom8nal-Midlllng ‘i-Qutet-Mlldllng 7 Mg, et CS; stock WM. 24.—Qutot—5Udd!lng .. 7.42% 7.42% 7.25 7.10 7.10 1.W CASH QUOTATIONS. There was tor fUmc. b^ th “ ^V^Srlng wheat 53% S*SZ tffdWl to 63%. Com, M%. .j . Oats. 30aV*. M u ~" fY~ Mess pork, 9l3.W>aC5. H Ixtrd. 97.70a75. ^ g^tSSSS: »*»•*. ' Vb LAMSON ; S GRAIN LETTER, usually quiet day ba» ©ttarasstCTlxed - lnK l '\vuh 'SS^UquldatkS* particular^ notion. There was little Cinnamon faark-Per poun V 12 to 13c. ridfft-Pfr pound. 15 to 25.. fjru.es and Chemicals.—Gum asMfoetldA, qfJr wnd- camphor guin, oo to 65 cents v Suh opium. 12.0 to w.w pound; ^rarnhtnS %«. <2.25 to 92.15 ounce; qul- mnJ uwording to .%-) 33 to 900. ounce; .UaSe 4 to 9c. pound; .alt., Ivpaom, z% pound; copperae. J to 3c. pound; ..i, tu-trc W to 12 -’. Pound; borax. 15 to i.oun.l; bromide potash. 69 to Mo per *® C ‘ 0 »,i nrtt t*. to pound; carbolic pound, ^ ^otind; chloroform, 7J % II!«'pound; oiwii. Sc. to 91; log 10 i*« io 20C. pound: cream tartar, C. k l 40; creato Urtar. commercial, lo 90 cents. XT Contains a wider range o! Information than any > Single worh ever Published. HIDES, WOOL, ETC. Corrected Every ^• uri ‘7 r VT Bern4 Bid,a--Green salt,' 2% cents per pound ,u cents tor pound. 4 aoat sitlna-l* to 21 cents each. bS“p bklns—20 to 60 cent, each. Beer,wax—15 If 20 \Vool—Washed, 18 to' 20 cmt. per pouBd: ¥>uu ._^. Hi 13 cents: burry 7 to it YOU CAN GET IT. YOt YOUR GIRL Wool-Washed, is to w c.n.s vy unwashed. 10 80 » ce.itz; burry 7 to 1» SUICIDE OF COL. J. M. WINSTEAD. IT the PrtWl*-* Banket U, tu >K pound; carbolic I from one of tb« hair j- I hi?, on tif ritr h.i» flve'fMt, 1 and 0?“body "aS nn Iron rolling. The c.iuse of HK del I mi HiYE IT. TERMS OF DISTRIBUTION: DICTIONARY coupon for tub AMERICAN encyclopaedic dictiohary a LIBRARY IN ITSELF. FOR CITY R^DERB.-Bring ©n* coupon and 16 cents “ graph. dky goods. Corrected Every Saturday By 8. Waxel- Charleston. '.4; net 17. Cincinnati, %; nock 2.180. jt,—Quiet—Middling 7. Aug 2I % —Steady—Middling Aug. 24.—Quiet—Middling Louis. liourton! Aug^ff—^tlrt—Middling C 9-15; et L6S2; »t«x-k 6.560. ATWOOD'S COTTON LETTER, nstel Wire* to Lyons & James. Nm v York Aug, 24.—General rains in , v t-x U as well In other portions . i reaction to* J •** of & rjlnU w . print 4«.er Ri Whether Ufc? fljl | n m t‘he September .opUou. “‘“J or no outside trading and the IA , i_ a stagnant conditicn through- cut the day with a dectdedly .ig*i current. Foreign cables wen. wns __ i depriR/ed- A wire from Minneapolis soring whist m*>vement tsiII rc.isf very materially vrtthln , a t ya Of the 4*Z> cars today 149 are .. w ka;* Receipts at primary pobiU r. "it -i <”h ; 'f- • - . ars with 5W eatimtted for to.n.jrr Idontly we migiit say. that the toul ihlpments are ick, : ; stan lari, 4% to 5; ; :ndigu blue, 4 to 7-3, 4%e; 3-4. 9% to! gsr&'w ^eSung*- 4 - 4 * 3 ^fi'ckInzs-From 6 to >2c. «h* loom. 8% to 7%. MuSvf dfc act is ‘‘'p-Sn countbt Mr. WItMtedd got on ,. coupon and m con" b, showed no «Ign T-.legraph nnd d»l promptly dlled Before matfed. Or* ttn d address of .eiit.i dnil , uU'd mm,' nonUtiD ik®® und sho^ii FRUITS AND NUTS. of the age Corrected by A. A. Cullen. —,_-_iirv Choice. If 1-2 to 16 cents. Pe 'rmu-N'orth Carolina. 3 1-2 cm,; Virginia. 4 and 6 cento. ifuU-TatraganU almonds. 1* cent. IMITATOR 3 ABOUND must oonaaln mama and sender. fi/ul Iklngi, racial**/ j Liebig Company’s Extract of Beef "iro'rdertng tbo^n^ca^Bnoycio- ££? hti.lnee, 'in your letter or delay will ensue. , „ ot ghe Encyclo- No bound volume, offori.l pedlc n'i^r^r^ Thl. V porttlve. by the Xf!?S?<»’trtn«d In any other £SS?«l£l indicated In our regular coupon. PARTS MAKE adpress. Brins or wnd on. Coupon Kll\ U Mini in^ contain nan# ami awlreu of jUlrtivnt* tha nuuJitr uxinUa. ^ ZSi O&r Sm X". 1 0m£S noia. port. 1mmi umUy. Uh »V reflect prove here there tedng but U.Vil bL— a larger portion of whtcB U I; .M doubtless for feed. Tow uj ajt the K*) v>t\ low grade ot wwt i. 33n*u«» —vi --- • at the Star and Crescent m. ket totnonaiv. the im^ | k * ^ w Eastern parlies at 113 1 ;11 dep«^l upon how ana s-w w »f per pu and; walnu apl io wainuts,’ 15 cents; 12 cents; pecans, 10 to to 7 cents per •Nevr In market, 92 per box; | App.es—Stm dried. IT IS A LIBRARY IN ITSELF.