The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 08, 1894, Image 5

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THE MACUJf TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORYIHG, SEPTEMBER 8, 1894. JUST RECEIVED. Two collars go with each Shir and we sell them for “$1.00 Also a lot of those low neck Night Robes at the same; we caji give you others tho’ at 50c Summer Bows and Ties at 15c J. H. HERTZ Corner Second & Cherry A. KEATING "„ 1W “ ,b * rr J’«t. - JIuco.., G«. tar, iie.iaenc*. 40s ..„ KOXICJS. Wrtlis, death!, funeral, and Sr.l 8J „ sert ' d ,n toll column at U “ua lint, and 10 cents per im, tor muai lno ' A responsible name jnuot accompany the advertisement aa a guarantee of pood faith. Copy for contract advertisement* tn SSSSS ■ roleEraph lmu>t b> lnlt> business office before 1 cloclc p - m ' Saturday to insure IneerUon. l. McManus co GENERAL Undertaking Establishment ; Next to Hotel Lanier, i. Day Telephone 436 hight Telephones.. .'.435, 17s ASHIER HOOKS UNDER ARREST., 'o Had Charge of the Cash of the] Seaboard Air-Line and fell From Grace. •ND A SWELL VOUNG MAM WAS HE I • a Had Boen • Social Favorite | a u,. con Before til. Kn r.o In Atlanta Swelldom, Which Wrecked Ilia Itoncaty* Easy As Can Be —washing with Pearline. Just try it and see. None of the rub, rub, rub that made the old washboard hateful. None of the old washboard, either. Nothing but common sense washing of clothes, paint, dishes, anything in the house with something that takes out the dirt, instead of making you rub it out. It’s a big difference. 1 here’s a saving in the labor—but, besides that, there’s a saving in the wear. v ■' Washing with acids and chemicals is easy, too—, but it isn t safe. Washing with Pearline is. *T"i Peddlers imd some unscrupulous gro. ilPWP ’TP Ccrs will tell you "this isu good V* CL A V< or tho same as I’earline.’’ IT’S tALSt—Pearline is ncvcrspeddled j it your crocer sends you an iml- utlon, he honest—send it back. 348 JAMES PYLK, New York, BOUND VOLUMES WHITE FRONT, Almost Opposite Post Office I SQUAKE ON WINDOW. New goods every week. HouS? 00 *’ CI '° ckury ' «'»“ware and Elncst collection 10c. bud 2ou. Cabinet Frame* lu the city. vnomet ^Nicest line SBc. sett Shirt Studs In Tlio latest style Corsage Plus loo. • Five-cent Milk Cans and un ■ Clntiss Setts. Landers, Frnry & Clark Knife Se low* 1 * 0 1!in0 Purses Casing out very A large lot 3 and 4 and 6 and S canon jars, no tops, Oc. a gallon. Sn 0n R- F- SMrJH. Has. C. Holt, —Dealer in— Artists’ Materials, Picture Frames, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Engravers of Visiting Cards and Wedding Invitations. Correspondence invited. Send for catalogue of Artists’ Mate rials. Office and Store, Triangular J>lock, Macon, 6a. JAMES T. HOLT, Rec’r. WESLEYAN FEMALE' COLLEGE l OPENS SEPTEMBER is. The faculty will be tire game a« It was last session mainly. Our aim ,n keep the Institution abreast of theoro? invasive spirit nnd methods of the ill vaneed educational movements of thie on*. While laboring for the tbW.Ts Intellectual training of buryo^gw^ toS; “>*•« them these finer graces and charms that come from Music. Art and Elocution The old Wesleyan with its TmrivaSd prestige Is without a peer In ttfis Southern country, and parents and guanlHM send from distant states that their daughters or wards may be able to say they were educated at the Wesleyan. The moral for the Macon people points Itself. Tou cannot afford not to give your daughters these benV fits, when dm bring, them to y«, doors. ' Atlanta, Sept. 7.—(Special.)—E. a. Hooks, a young man of 23. .well known tn ‘Aimrota and Macon, where he has been employed, anil In*Forsyte, the home of his family, which Is nn eml- narjlly respectable one. whs placed un der arrest last night upon a warrant charging him with the embezzlement cf *3,507.14 from the freight dewtHment of the Seaboard Air Line railroad. ■Although arrested early last night and Immediately lodged In toe county jail It wns late today before the fact of the surest iwas "known, so quietly were atl the movements made in the ettse. Hooks has been under suspicion of crooked ness for several months, and efforts haws been made to Utmlghtten maittera out wtlthaut exposure. The embezzlement Is charged to have been committed between November 22, 1833, and March. 1834, while' Hooks was employed us the freight of fice of toe Seaibotirrrt Air Line, under Frank J. Hoyle, freight ugerot of the road, who caused the warrant to be Is sued for hfo arrest last night. An ln- vesttgatilon of young Hooks' accounts J**?. Ibeen going on since lust fall, the J** a j n ** him aicoumulatJng steadily, detsplte the fact thiit his de- S* B . were closely covered up by n 6he hooks In the ofllce. * mid a 1 ? 5 ® toe euspiclon against him e** Progress of the investigation §S£* continued In the employ of the wwfL 4 up to . the of hto arrest, °s c “Bl e d a clerical position in He ,2T C0 »°t. 0e , ner - 11 M enager Winder. arre« uJ h,s , deBk when Placed under arrest. He, also held the potion of awnt’Ti S llc J' t0r *° r lth « Seaboard and til0 Inman Park freight ofllce PbSton l bX HSfJ ’ :!t0ry 3en ’ice In every nephew of Charts Hooks ofFomth J prominent citizen of that Dklce *° A '»“nta hV secured^ SeriS,. 1 &°e^X ln n<, sS2w"f LJ£? d ? T h ! or - He went jsga^saLswsai; Co?£i n °\ , l a ?^n. q iohneo e n Cr S; He woa iSf. * "*£f5*e of H50 behind to Atlanta. fell in murne(1 tons asraln fl n i i #f t “i. * n W ^P^n* havlng bje^ clve,? ? llfe ®oclally, the seaboard Air Llie 0 ^ POSltlon by falLaUon. He a s , b ^ n ?h5 U,I ? y OC ,he dc shown on 'the kSa!?, *■, a . shortage not re®ponSMe b( 2^’, but he is says, waslnohaewe It .^sh, he frelgtit agent. Jt?*r°L Mt " «««*. the clerk, and htolself m’S’"' " noth CT Mr. Hoyle SSSSS' as ? ei ' tJ ’ that to cover up » e 9 torhvT m ? En r ^ l « an. exroosure. This he 1 pr f vem *ave his reputatimi"*^?^ 1 t<> do > t0 tout he was tto re^nSLi I,n ? e * tln « shortage. The r/riim?ii Bons ‘^ e f° r the fled of Hoota? gMh peop,e « re eatls- he .lives In Atinn^ta' 1 nnd < ’ r 'h ylth w,10 m toe beat sodetv. are ovmk°i m Rl ve !n • ri#f ^ tooni^r^-^lwilh takes a hand OWmh'a f'Kivity' tf a gy. fa1 .--)—Mayor Dwy. onto at t he ca odft « ” f Mr - «ll from itihh Seoorid coun - Bonding out a ciivh'aJ? So J! ’ lu . cy b >’ votora Ih ha, b t |v!?r ,ar „Lf^ to l *- c >e m ihto the hSsTv elfetslnr* «Pl>onliinl;s, uhrl itVey Da >''* Jtot. Om t u a '*«»tM ssrw'Bg Rms Svissj*” a sjfsSffiaS^SS fttron^fiy 5wut tS'I OjPUnfl Kn Sunday ucttsaol Ed d d S^:a ■ !■ I b •PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT I AND POTASSIUM : Makes Marvelous Curas £ in Blood Poison £ Rheumatism ^and Scrofula # .J?P. rnr]flo8th«blood,bQlld*up • tho weak aa<l aebilltated, Rive* strength to weakonod norvon, expels * dlaeasos.glrlnRthopattenc health and • happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings nnd laaaitado flrat prevailed. Forprlmary.spoondnry nnd tertiary syphilis, forblood poisoning, ueron* rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and * In nil blood and skin diseases, like !>]' Ir!u--t, plmjiifH, old I'lirt.nlo ulcers, * tetter, scald bead, boils, erysipelas. , eczema* we may say, without fear of contradlctlon.tuatp. P. P. Is the best * blood partner In tho world,and makes * *J* ud y Bn<s Permanent owes , Judies whoso systems are poisoned and whose blood lu In an Impure comil* * tlon. due to menstrual Irregularities, * “T-VrWi" * crtlesui r. r. r.—tr Root and Potassium. . erKiHorrw*p, Me..Aug. 14th, 1893. —I can spook In the highest terms of your moutoine from my own personal - Knowledge, l kg. nffM-lnil wlTh Unease, pleurisy i peculiarly benefited by tho won* ful tonic and blood cleansing prop lea of P.P. P.-prickly Ash, poke Pirnples, Blotches and Old Sores ^ Catarrh, Malaria 3 t and Kidney Troubles gg Are entirely removed by P.P.P* —Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas* alum, the greatest blood purifier on •artb. v , * Abbudbcw, O.. July31,1891.' v <— Messrs Lifpmam Bros.. Savannah. Oa. t Dear bins—I bought a bottle of J 'our P.P. P. at Hot Springs,Ark..and thus done mo more gootl than t lire® ^*» months’ treatment at th? Hot Sprifige* ©end thtbo bottlos O. O. U. . Respectfullv yours, \ JAR. M. NEWTOJT. i Aberdeen, Brown County, O* , Capt.J. D. Johnston* « TO alt whom U may concern: I here by tostlfy to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several yeurs with an un sightly tnd disagreeable eruption oa my face. I tried every known reme dy but In vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by; J, D. •t . . - sy »na rncumausLrf <or _Jyears, wastreotedby tho vorybost physicians ana spent hundreds of del* Fars, tried every known remedy with- • ont finding relief. I have only taken , one bottlo of yourP. P. P., and can cheerfully say It has done roemoro > good than anything I have ever taken, lean recommend your medicine to all Mflerers of tho above diseanes. 1 -* MRS. M. M. YKARY. x JT0N» Bavannoh, Oa. Skin Cancer Cured. TetHmony/rom the Mayor of SequinjTtxi Sequin, Tex., January 14,1893,’ Messrs. LIPPMAN BEOS., bav Oa. i gentlemen—l bavo tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as aklo cancer,of thirty years* standing, nml found grout r*!U f: It puriffes the blood and removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disoaoe and provents any spreailing of tho sores. I have taken five or six bottles and fool oonlldent that another course will effect a euro. It has also rellerod me from Indigestion and stomaob troubles. Yours truly, OAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book on Blood Disenses woiioa Fret ALL DRUGQISTS BELL IT. LIPPMAN BR08. * PItOPRIETORB, IAGRAN6E FEMALE COLLEGE As -**- LftORflNOE.. Ofl. ws’ ed ftsBaftalUBu 2?.'. n n,SS P :il 9 ’ , ? 94 " B . ,!ck electricUgliti, w.ror-wofkl^bS^ymlroSm^onMrll KlocatTon!S^ Wrt BmiiiMlSf^i‘.,h ** Bt p i pe or 8*7: .A* 1 * *n4 voice culture, ipeclaltiei. Pupils board with Faculty in College Home. ^ EULER C. SMITH, lec. RUFUS W fillfTH. Prsi* ► lira. J. B. Cobb is lady principal For terms, eta, address REV.JE.H. ROWE, PRESIDENT. (Former principal Eeailary for Tounz Ladk-s. Virgin LI.) am WiUkejr Hablt- cured as heme mil; OLtt«la. Eookofra - Il' Ul.r, neat FBhi. q , m H.M. WOOLLEY M [ i«H;4wiiutomes M Ati«,to.<ii. to he,p » Sl!> - 7 -—(SlweM.)—ware, SKtor itiry Atoydus of We Churcti of owoopacaTta £ <* »n C'.irly Mjur thi» movnjn'g *2se ivttz sudilc*n4y Rtriek»-n SSt ,a> ^ ■5Srasa , js i '*S5“ "r. «to? ?* 4:55 o’ 1 **!' ** 1 wln b0 tot eiwed to ere HELD DP IN ATLANTA. Leopold Haas KWiliWl - m ltonchtreo'liy a Hlsbwii)inan. H “Sf n -2{ S ‘,P t - J.—(Special.)—Leopold Haas, teller In the Capital City ItanX- and son at Cashier Jacob Haas of that tonfchJ' h 3 hCU up on PMchtreo street ro& b Tv n< W-o hlEhwaymnn and roDhcd. The negro attacked young JSfU 1 P a ***>-hU *l»en-he re5uitM h^e^6«ohir«sma.r TO n- SDICIDE OF AN OLD MAN. Sept V.—Hunnel Uoy. Jtoo bad lived In llontgomeiy for over fifty yeaty, committed suicide today by i u “Ii ,T '» from a third-story window He sufferi^ lM 2 ,m f ' r *•«* time surrerin„ from the effecto of paralysis and his mind was affected. J Or. Price’* Cream Baking Powder W»M’» Fdr Hipest A»«rC. RACES YESTERDAY. How the Horse, Ran at Gravesend Race Track. Now York, Sept. 7.—Despite the fact that too day was cool and pleasant, and that two stake events were on the card, the Brooklyn Tockey Club commenced its fall meeting at the Qravesend track today before a slim crowd, scarcely 6.000 persons being In attendance. IN THE PAVILION. Attendance good, speculation brisk. The showing made was four favorites and two long shots A change of tracks will hove a tendency to upset calculations for a day or so, as It generally docs, but In a very short time good form will tea, and then everything will bo lovely again. There I, nothing lacking In today’s card to mako the sport exciting or the speculation field Inviting. Thin It's Saturday, and “hut does settle It. The pavilion will be crowd ed and look very much like business. First quotations received In PutzU's pa vilion at 1 p. m. AT GRAVESEND YESTERDAY. Flrts Race.—Three-quarters mile; Mmo, I:15Ji. Stonenell, 122; 1 to 4 (Sims) 1 Correction, 117; I to 1 (Littlefield) 2 Mendicant, 105; 40 to 1 (Fox) 2 Second Recc-One and one-irfxieentn mile; selling; tlmo, 1:41%. Candelabra, 110; 1 to 2 (Doggett) 1 Miss Dixie, "97; 10 to 1 (Isom; 2 Bong and Dance, 97; 12 to 1 (Griffin) 2 Thin! Race.—Seashore stakes five and a half furlongs; tlmo, 1:04. Satvatlen, .103: 20 to 1 (Lamly) i Silvio. Hi; .1 lo 1 (Littlefield) 2 Manchester, 118; 8 to 6 (Taral) 3 Fourth Itarp.—Parkvllln atntrs*ii > Fourth Race.—Parkvlll* stakes; one nnd onc-zlxteenth -mile; time, 1:48)4. Patrician. 115: 8 to 6 (Slmc) l Sir Knight, 122; 7 to 2 (Doggett) 2 Stbnonollte. 112; 10 to 1.... (Keefe) 8 Fifth Race.—Five-eighths mile; selling. Gulden Rod, 04; 2 to 6. ....(OrUi'm) 1 Second Attempt, 102; 8 to 1 (Penn) 2 Cockade, *0; 8 to 1 (It. Doggett) 3 rtlxlh Race.—Three-quarters mile; hand icap; time, 1:13%. Assignee, 100; 8 to I..J (Hamilton) 1 IVernberg, 100; 4 to 1 (Griffin) 2 Adelbert,- tot; 12 to 1 , (Penn) 2 AT GRAVESEND TODAY. First Race.—Maidens; five-eighths mlic- Achlever, 112; Buckeye, 112; Tuscan, 112, April Fool. 112; LObeagula, 112; Buck Mas- set; 112: Cantertmry, M*; True Penny, 112; Little Silver. 112: Bright Phoebus, 112 Phoebus, 112; Navahoe, 112; Curious, 103 Louise, (filly) 109; Janette, (filly) 101; Lu cams. 1(0. Second Race.—One mile; nufing—Dis count, 110; Scamp. '110; Bnckrene, 105; Pochnu. 106; Dwight, 100; Llv. Oak. 10); Leondale, 100; Terrapin, 100. Third Itoce. -Three-quarters mile: Pros- poet handicap—Flying Dutchman, 124; The Commoner, Ut; Harry Reed, 111; Havoc, 115; Manchester, 107; OuttH Percha, HO Counter Tenor, 106; Handspun, lot; bola- bra. 101: Favors, (colt) 1»; 8L Veronica, IDO; Hermtnlte. 97; Cromwell, 95. Fourth Race. -One and one-quarter ntle Oriental handicap—Itsmapo, 122; sir Wal ter, 121; BanqutL to); Yo Tambeln, it, Henry of Navarre, 11 ; Besaetlaw, F,7: Oommanche, 107; Patrician. M; Hornpipe, »); The Pepper, 104. Fifth Race.-Five and a half turiongs; uelllng-Illackhawk, 113; Discount, , My Gyp, 107; Trevslyan, 102; at. Felix, fife; Poor Jonathan, lot; lUminle. 102; Margue rite, 99: Vtovemor Sheehan, 99; Panway, 19; Shadow, 99; Miss Hazel, 92; Canary Bird, 92. sixth Rom.—Five and a half furlongs; selling—Hurtlngbam, 109; Wah Jim, 107; Lustre, 107; Hazel Hatch, lot; Billy S„ 102; Stonemason, lot; Will Fonso, 101; Florence, 100; Gallatin. 99: Mabel Glenn, 09; Old Do minion, 92; Fondoltne. 92. Seventh Race.—One and one-sixteenth mile: handicap—Faraday, 112; Dobbins, lit); The Pepper. 107; Victorioue. lot; lngomar, 27; Prince Carl. 97; Stathmeath, 94; San- downe, 9-’; Illume, 92. CONGRESSIONAL DEADLOCK. BlrmliiBhnm, Ala., Sept 7—A special to tho'Are-Herald from Gttln Bays: FIvo hundred nnd nineteen liallolH for . n successor to J. II. Bunkbead of tho Sixth congressional district have Peon taken find no result. The several coun ty delegations are trao and tried Dem ocrats, and there seems to lie no deser tion from either candidate. It Is tho opinion that a now’primary will lie nec essary to reach n nomination. It is n game of freeze-out, with no end its long us the cards last. ■ fo!m hTLT " WW ° h t, ” a ranSn l'.c-t w °rk has attained to JrlM «n offer bo. T « mak ° * rrSnir,mont wlu > *• Publishers by which w. can offer bound volumes at an almost unheard of price. Sights and Scenes of the World o^y “ *’ !8fh ‘ <!laaS QrtWOrk ’ ona ’ton sold by subscription cured J < 0t th ° ° rt£rlnal C<J1Hun r0mi,n Unsold ’ “"O w. have .* cured them for toe benefit of our readers. They are printed upon extra, heavy mauroJUatod enameled paper and upon one side of tbs paper only making a book twice as thick as tho twenty-on. part, would be. The -work' inanontp J, superb, as. they were too first Impressions from the original P es. They are elegantly and strongly bound, wfth specially designed .tire on side and back,, to. Russ,a edition having.marble edges and tos fu* T‘ By taklnS “ U Ol0r ° wai ' le “ ° ( th0 « a| tlon we prices ^ *“* un5url, “ sed WW* ut tho following very attractive In best English’ cloth (publisher’s price, JS.60; our price, |J. In hlf Morocco, (publisher’s price, 27.50); our price. J3.50. In full Russia, (publisher’s pries |3)i our price, |4, , , In full Moroooo, (publisher’s prloo *10); our price, |4,to, ■!> • ’■ For out-of-town orders remit 69 cents extra and too book will b. delivered to you by prepaid express, securely paoked. This Is An Unusual Opportunity To procure this king of all art work, at a ridiculously low pries and should bo taken advantage of at once, as only a few are left. Remember that ths book is complete nnd all ready for tho library or centre tablo; 850 full-pag« views, size 11x13 Inches and printed upon one eido of toe paper only. EaoH picture Is worthy of a frame Samples can bo seen at too onto, of the Telegraph", where nil order, should be addressed. Rand, McUally & Co/s A HEALYITE ELECTED. Dublin, -Sept. 7,—Batumi Morris was elected to pnrllnment for tho South Kll- i kemiy district without opposition. Ho belongs to tho Ilonlylto notion of the Irish party. PECULIAR TO ITSELF. Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Is peculiar to It- nelf, lu a strictly medlclual souse, In throe Important panlcahtre, viz.: l-’lrst, In the combination of remedial agents used; second, In the proportion In which they aro mixed; third, In the procoto by which tho active cunitivo properties of the preparation arc secured. Theca torie Important poluts mako Hood's Hnrsnpandla peculiar lu Its medicinal merit, as It lcoofupllghog cures hitherto unkiKmrn. < But It 1* not what wo say hut what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does, that tells tho story. What Hood's Sarsaparilla 1ms done for others Is reusou for confidence that Is tho tncdiclno for you. ATLAS OP THE WORLD IINETY-TWO MANY ENTIRELY NEW BOOK. MAP8. FEATURES. METHODS A CRUISER WRECKED. Sydney, N. S. W„ Sept. 7.-Tho Brit- I Ish cruiser lllngaroomu, which went usliore on tlxc Islaml of Malllrollo, In i the New Hebrides, is likely to ho a to tal loss. Her position Is critical. Theo Ethno Chrono Anthropo Bio Geo Topo Hydro logical graphical ET Vim TO MANHOOD. SSSal BSaiBa OnsrsaUfLliw nr. snokHn ■S-AijroV.rnscb OlHUAXTI.'.'i ... GOODWIN & SMALL. Solo Agenu, Cherry Street and Cotton 122 ahd 124 W. Franklin 8t., Baltimore, ua EDGEWORTH BOARDINO k DAY SCHOOL for young ladles will reopen Wednesday September 20. 3M yeor. Mrs. H. P. LEFEBVRB, Principal. lllf j" *e;“« mint •» <-t < lr 'Uan nUn took only JOc. AfidrcM at once, BO WAY, Milwaukee. WU. m COFFIN STORE LlilttJUtf BUILD IN a. Hear*. 44; carriages 32.76. Xaepbe'na, 42% flISTORY of the | WORLD'S PEOPLE.. CENSUS of 1800, Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of tho World’s Bright Men. Historic Praotio 'Systematic Statistic Politic Patriotic Education Economic Emblematic STATISTICAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS. GAZETTEER and ATLAS. AL Threo hundred and forty-five pages. Bound in finest quality English cloth. Printed upon fine calend ered paper with marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE, $7.50. Cut out coupon and send il with TWO DOLLARS, and we will send you a copy oi the magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inches. Out of town purchasers te pay carriage.