Newspaper Page Text
- -
Two collars go with each Shirt
and we sell them for
Also a lot of those low neck
Night Robes at the same; we
can give vou others tho’ at 50c.
Summer Bows and Ties at 16c.
Corner Second & Cherry
Oil Mulberry St* - Silicon, Ga.
Telephone!—Quite. 4G7j KeaiiUnce. 408
Marrtaf^, birth*, death*, funerals and
meeting* lnaerted In thl* column at $1
for ten line* and 10 cent* per lino for
*ach added line. A responsible nama
must accompany the advertlaement a* a
guarantee of good faith.
Copy for contract advertisement* to
appear In Sunday** Telegraph Imuat bs
banded Into the business office before 2
: o’clock p. xn. Saturday to Insure Insertion*
, Say Telephone * ^ - 238
Night Telephone - . - 232
l Establisliment
Next to Hotel Lanier.
Day Telephone 436
Night Telephones.... 435, 178
RerJlL-ivg, Oolietettng rcnlBs and sale of
city and country -property a spedJainjM
Your patoroiuge Obltoitted.
i Office for pteaenlt an
Almost Opposite Post Office.
; New goods every week.
Notions, crockery, glassware and
Finest collection 10c. and 25c. Cabinet
Frames In tho city.
Nicest lino 25c. sett Shirt Studs in
Tho latest stylo Corsage Pins 10c.
1 Flvoeent Milk Cans and up.
. Clausa Setts.
t Landers, Frary & Clark ICnifo 8c.
Largo lino Purses closing out very
A largo lot 3 add 4 and 0 and 8 gallon
Jars, no tops, 6o. a gallon.
R. F. surra.
The faculty will be the *am« as It
was last session mainly. Our aim to
keep the Institution abreast of tho pro
gressive spirit and methods of the ad
vanced educational movement* of this
age. While laboring for the thorough
Intellectual training of bur young wo
men, we shall also seek to give them
those finer grape* and charms that
come from Music, Art and Elocution
The old Wesleyan with its unrivaled
favstlgc Is without a peer in this
jicct m imis
Southern country, and parent* and
guardians send from distant states
that their daughters or wards may be
nhlu «A MV* TV*.. .. . / . .
able to say they were educated at the
Wf*lpyun. The moral for the Macon
people points ltaelf. Yon cannot afford
not to give your daughters these bene
fits, when she brings them to your
Mrs. J. B. Cobb is lady principal
For terms, etc., address
(Former principal Semlary for Young
l*adlc3. Virginia.)
Clrt&tts and bthe tafo
yaiiiii ilwMBwi
is. wr i .t '» t- ; *•- re Orgy
PT-fV Et,
Rev C. C..Brown, of South Carolina, at
ths Tattnall, Square, baptist
Church Yesterday.
Was tbe SmIiJ.cC of n Short Discussion
by Him *t the Klrsl OeptlsS church
Lest Night—Two Able end
Convincing Lolious.
Dr. C. C. Brown oif Sumter, 8. C.,
preuohed for Dr. Cutmpfoell ut the Tatt-
niim Square BttpUlw.cthurch yesteitl'xy
morning. Tine sermon was an able ef
fort and wu* htg'.ijy apprectoted by the
people of Wre congregation.
Dr. Brawn took his text from Luke
xvll:2l>—"As It was In tho dhye of Noah
so halt It be also in the diyh OR hi son
of man.” The following Cli u. synopsis of
the eermion:
The "days ot Noah" were those days
In which Nash nuked out his ipart In
the world'* e>roat Itrsgedy. Whan, then,
are the days of k’he eon of imn? They
must be the. days in which Christ ehall
return to earth again to consummate
the work Jlrhlch he ihaa already begun
nnlTTe now carrying on. Hla return to
ejiiJh Is fixed by his own promise. It
must.bea. tarn, or else there is no Bible
f.ixk. Ufa secrbnd coming Is necessary
to . the accomplishment of his great
scheme of Judgmerit und redemption.
He must oome again (that the crooked
things of thiis poor crooked world may
be anode enuighL. A thousand voices
demand tag justOce clamor for his re-
tairn JMultituUes of wrong go'unnlghi.ed.
Tine iron heel of wrong grinds right to
Ithe earth. In the long arctlo winter
night ,differ the sun lias been hidden
■for months, It Is said 'that aK nature
seems to cry afouU for 'Ms return with
creuktngs and grouhlngs tn rock and
hillside, und st> I conceive a. time iwlll
come when all earth will 'be vooaii iWJXt
the oalla of 'tb'oae .who are begging for
the coming again ot him who alone can
undo the multiplied wrongs And give
liberty to '-hose too Cong oppressed u'nd
enthralled. So, then, the Scriptures
plainly foretell Ms second • tuning. That
men do not beSieve tt does not alter the
foot. 'When priest and prophek foretold
khe first advent, .the 'world 'Mooted lit It,
and when he calme they Said he had
a devil and 'there Woe no peace for
Mm. It will he «o when he comes
again—hut still he fa coming and will
Bumimon the rlghlteous to his presence
first of all. Some winsome from their
homes, -and go forth, humd In hand,
like children to a May duy. gathering.
Some wilt come from iShetr graves,
their bodies Waving awakened from a
tong and quick sleep. Afterwards Che
Ungodly wMl oome. They must all: meet
•the Oarlst. Some voice* men dettpCtte,
hult the voice Which cries, "Sinners,
come to Judgment!" rtl not be pc',
loffr. The .papers 'told rccenltly of a
'scsilitic who, 'to '.baffle God's power, or
dered his body burndd at deal in un'J the
O'hes sprinkled lh the sea from the -top
of the ek'a'tue of liberty In New Ylork
'Maitlbor. But the good hand af God
who formed us of GuSt can galther the
duijt-again. -• •
Now,'bay our Lord, the day* of hla
doming will be like the days ot Noah.
AVhait were those days? Sin Was life.
Tine poor, crasy world had gone mad.
It repented God ttvalt he had ever mude
a. main. So will ft be in the coming of
Christ. The conversion of the world—
of all men In 'the world—la only a dream
of khe dreamers. The Bible hblds ouk
no tsuch hope. A day will come when
sin will be worse than now. It Is bud
enough now. lit walks in the day Und
stalks in the hlgh't. It rote In hovels
and -riots In puSuces. God's own heart
will grow stok. The righteous shall bp
crowded in between Cie contonding
' — ~T1
armies of wrong and 'then Jesus will
come ugato.
Men wit continue to be warned and
the majority warned In vahv. See hoty
the warnings are treated now. I con
fess it U a imtu'vel Do tny soul. Warn
ings of every kind are despisad. The
hollow-cheeked consumptive goes on
laying hla plains, despising the warning
of God. The old man, his baOr gray
und ihbs elastic tkep gone, glibly Calks
of the many year* unit ore hlj. Who
ha* not been warned and who haa net
spurned che voifce from heaven. There
Is a fabled valley in some fiar-away
mountains whore ttte echoes repeat
themselves many Mimes. When one
Whiffles he hub hoard toe sound for the
laiit time, it comes Hutting down from
the enrga again and eecm unwllfing to
die. So the cUOla ttt God repeut them
selves. But, alas! all to wrin for maw.
God waited patiently lMyxura While
The ark was building. Every null driven
Wixs tt warning, each, laarnmer-stroke
ttiyg a. «ermon. Blit one-n <U*b€»l«VcM in
the duya of Nott Justas tooy do new
They rwi*tly prophesied . .no flood
wi* cohitog. The.heavens betokened
no auctMhtngF&t boetty som«^n«
Strange did 'happen. Tne flying birds
flew to the ark. The cattle left thrir
grazing on I3he hiilside and went tow-
to rhe ark. 'Even beasts toU't were
wild came In from iJhcdr Mini. In the
forests and eritere<l the *rk. This was
it range, and led etfa to tofink, . but
•their tnougtoa never manured. Who of
us who toa not been made to Ship it by a hand on ■‘“’JKJJf'
an Inward whisper saM:
voice of God!" Bur. the men of Noah s
day believed tehere was plenty of time
^head and So would heed no Warning.
They said: Yonder high mountain will
nrotekl: uatnb flood can ascend there.
But it did. God gave hands und feet
to the .waters and they cam bod to the
summit of the rock*. Wife clung to
husband and husband clung to wife;
but. oh, toe *«x When angered Is so
crus.. I don't know whut 'high moun
tain you are looking to, blit I do know
there Is no refuge out of Const to any
son Of moo. The men of that day were
too busy with ahir 'thing* to give heed
to,She voice af a preacher.
Even when top w.ndaw of heaven were
opened they- doubted toe coming' of
ithelr doom. They douU.ed, but they
died, und the end of u* woe a burted
world with uhe sea slgalng over iti
sepuldlue. ’
But "God remembered 'Nosh. ThOae
ore fhe simple and tedder words given
tn Genesis: "God remembered Noah."
A man can afford to be forgoitt-n by
men:.he oxn die snd. not cafe.If no .one
ever sees bis sepulchre If be I* only
conscious of she fact 'tout God will re
member him. God shut Norn In from
fhe’rarg.'ng of'kthe flood, but the door
which shut him In emit Others out.
The stiut doors! Alas, bow many there
are! 'Doors tint were once open to us
bn- now shut forever. It would not
muter much that the .loons are shut
If the storm did not 0> pfk our poor
heads-dicre SMS onettrtM mourns: “Alas,
what opportunities I br*ve had. Tbe
young man now thrown upon ‘the world
but rtrlf preeared Is UmeoMng his ooti
lego days. Some wre lamenting deeds
it unklndnes* done to The dead. Some
regret g. wasuAl fortune or deetr*>- ■'
heart to. BUt WMak? Tney oefly stand
THD ATLANTA CONSTITUTION makes an announcement of mere than ordinary Inter
est Dy special arranfement with the publisher* of that greatest of all reference libraries, The Eney
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Thtaelegant Rafertnca Library will be offered to aubaerlbera of THB ATLANTA CONSTITU
TION at remarkably low InlroJuctory prices, and on term, ao easy aa to almost ludlcrout.
Thera are four atylea of binding, and all style, have double-hinged. Ileilbl# backs, aewad precisely
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facin'* a floor that 1* tout forever. Are
fho doors or God shaft «gainst any of
us? Oh. tUlUt oil!a you have heard.
Btit now an awful Silliness reigns, a
htlm, « muntwur, t« sufl meaning an of
«Me sex Wat fs rolling.wearily over Che
sands. O, thou Sweet angel took stand.
est at toe ®il:es of God. wait thou not
once more «pen them and call us to
his hct.y service.
At itlhe First Baiptlslt church' lh the
evening a none service and a Short
talk by Dr. Brown took the place of
Ithe regie:hr sermon. Many good-hymns
were sung and greatly enjoyed by the
oongregaistoiv. The contersi&atllon were
surprised 'to see Mr. Gahfrt
■unprjsea iio a**.-
Carded back m (She chair. He returned
from toe iNorch a taw days ago, hav
ing aiboinfioncd the idUUi Ot golnS on.the
stage. TOw song service was made nil
Itlhe anore deOJffhtful by tta participating
In Vt.
■After toe chattr hod sung several
splendid numbers and the pastor. Dr.
Gitnvre Braxton Taylor, hud announced
one or 'two old hymns for con-
grOAUt'.lorMil Hinging he Introduced Dr.
Brown, who, in a orlef but: rilroifg and
iforctlful sermon, presented the sad
truth's of to'J't well-known text: If
I had only known," Showing how
a great majority of men squan
der their apiportunltles for salvation or
enter Into (the sins of the world, often
times'too rate to awake to toe folly of
toelr Mvcs land only to realise An thlak
appalling cxdatrmvtlon rfflie hopelramess
of 'their case. But the lesson did not
stop at Ignorance of toe pennities of
Mn! icherc may he those w-to have en
tered Into sin hllndfty: there “re cir-
cumstunces that make toU, itrue,
'Chough It Is to be remembered iChu.t lg-
■norumco Is no excuse. The speaker, did
not stop here, however. Peopc cry out:
“If I hull only known' when they did
know; they did know
were dofavg was sin, hut 'they dla not
use toe knowledge 'they possessed.
•A FAREWELL sermon.
j. C. SoHamon Will Have a
Month’s Vacation.
Rev. Dr. Solomon, pastor of South
Macon Baptist church, having been
granted a month's vtticatlon, preached a
farewell aenmon’ to his congregation
yesterday morning. Ho ebaoe os the
text for hi* discourse Genesis, xxlx: iff:
'And.the Lord shut him in.’
He said: "The (Lord God Almighty
shut Noth nnd all W,» to'ldrcn In.
Noah's life wus a checkered onc. ve
hod hla griefs, his trials and hls dark
kwuM a * *1 weon'lior at r.chtmusiv.fiS
hours. As u preacher ot r.ghteouan,^.a
he had warned toe people of coming
destruction; they laughed him U scorn,
saying things artll remain the same—
there wt« be no destruction. The flood
catpo and God shut Noah In the ark.
So God In his tender mercy touts hla
children In. He shuts us in for our
good: ahum u« In because he would
save us. Sometimes we do things.tor
our loved ones which prove on injury
to them, when we have striven only Mr
their good. If Ood shuts us in w* ore
safe—mo danger can come to us. OoS
shuts ua In from sin. .There was a tlmo
when aln bound ua with its shackles;
when we were without God and with
out hotpe: wheat Satan led ua about at
Win. but the Lord Ood In great mercy
hath redeemed us.
■'God tout* us In from the lovo of sin.
If you are not an enemy to Mn you are
not saved. The tNlngs wo ones lowed
we now hat* and the things we once
halted we now love. He hath redeemed
our lives from the domination of aln.
God shuts ua In from the ruin of aln.
He Jnth broken the shackles with
which Satan had bound us, anil instead
of walking the broad road that leads to
eternal destruction we treqd the nar
row way that lead* t’o eternal Hfe. He
shuts us in from the power and domin
ion of Satan and we are safe. Thank
God that he shut* u* in. God abut* ua
in by hla affliction!. We have given no
thought to God. although he ha* knock
ed at our heart* many time* for udmit-
tance, and he Bye hla hand of affliction
upon a* and lead* ua by hit afflicting
hind to look tn to and trust in him.
God shuts ua in because he would save
ua. Sometimes he strict! us of our prop
erty, of our loved ones, we may be
made to realize our need of him. Ood
•huts us- In by dlaappointmnU. How
often have ,we *et our hearts upon to*
aoebmpflahment of aome cherished plan
and dfatpipotmmint cam*. God abut*
ua In from aorrow, from heart-burning*
and from tearful sepiratiorn. If the
Lord tout* ua In It to enough. There I*
no InaecuiSty, no danger—we are abso
lutely safe. There Is nothing to rear
If the Lord to d-nrkeepar; no danger
when the king of glory guard* th* door.
It you are in doubt, remember that the
Lord stands at the doer. Ob, almier. flee
to the ark. Christ Jesus. God will shut
us in from liars, from thieves and wick
edness. He will shut ua tn with mother,
with Untie children. God will shut ua in
with angels, bom* day we shall not
only look upon the face Of an angel,
but sing song* with the angels and elt
upon throne* and wear crowns of ever
lasting rejoicing. Our ear* shall be
thrilled with the coronundatlon o{ th*
Lord when he shall say: 'Well done,
good end faithful servant: enter into
the Joys of thv Lord.' When toe flood
came they began- to cry for help when
help -was too late. When ho has tout
the door no man can open It any more.
Fly to the ark. Ohrlat Jcaus. The bit-
lows of dearoalr are rolling up. Fly to
the nrk and God shall tout thee in, but
tho unbeliever shall be shut out, shut
Into eternal death. May God help you
to fly to the ark."
Why do so many people we see
around us seem to prefer 'to suffer and
around U9 seem to prefer to suffer and
be made miserable lty Indigestion, con
stipation, dizziness, lose of appetite,
coming up of the food, yellow akin,
when for 75 cents we will sell them
Shiloh's Vltallzer .guaranteed to cure
Sold by Goodwyn & Small Drug
Company, corner Chewy street nnd
Cotton avenue.
only 35 cents at Lint rue*. Mall orders
promptly attended to.
By fur the best stock of furniture
and cstrpota that over came to Jlaoon
wo have In our store. Pnyne & Wll
Springfield, Mass., Sopt. fi.—A dis
patch from North Adnrns rays thnt tho
Hoosnc tunnel Is blocked by a wreck.
A train was sent out from North Ad
orns at 12J0 o'clock this morning with
three doctors. It Is reported Hint threo
men are killed.
only 60 oenks at Lazarus'.
Huntftngton, W. V*.. Sept. 7.—Tonight
in a tetter In an evening paper, cx-Con-
S renamen Gibson replies to the letter Ot
eciinWtioti of Congressman Capehart
On 'Which too former la changed witih
hotting the ticket) In very severe lan
guage, one somence of iwhltlh denounces
C.tpehart aa a malicious liar ami a cow
ard for retreolt'lng t this time.
at Lazarue Jewelry False*.
Sea Glrtt. N. J.. Sept. 7.—rt looks aa If
the Georgia team will carry home tho
Trertton memorial cup. The Georgians
are now ahead, wish toe Wctolngton
team second.
The leading Jewelers of Macon. Mall or
ders promptly tuttendcxl to.
I Ml
is not riaht—fulCif impuritui, uniting
a sluggish nnd unti^tillw complexion.
A (. w bottles of .S', fi. M. will rawin'
all foreign ana impure matter, cleanse
the blood thoroughly, and give a clear
and rosy complexion. It i3 most effect
ual, and entirely harmless.
Uti. Heaton, 73 Laurel Street, Fhlla., says:
"I have had lor years z humor In my blood
which made me dreid to share, r.a small bolls or
pimples would Ijocuti tlu:» causing sluving to
Le a great knnoyailtf*. Alter taking thrttsbottle*
mr face ii all clear ana smooth aa
KiKlKV it should b*—appetite splendid,
yjriT'n aj*ep well and ftellika running a
foot race all for tuo uae of S« S. S.
Treatiieonbloodand akin diteataamalledfree.
I FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
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Sights and Scenes of the World
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