The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 10, 1894, Image 7
THE MACON TELEGRAPH: MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1894. SOUTH MACON . p AND WEST END What tho Telegraph's Special Reporter Learned in His Sunday Walks and Talks. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS Dentil. Slckneie and All Other Sorts of Item* Condensed end Boiled Down for llnely tte.dlug—BIncoli'a Lively Suburb*. Miss Lula KudHqn. daughter, ot.jfrs. R. Hudson,,'and niece of ..Mcs. E. A. Bright, la very 111 at Wa’ycroas. . IA. countryman nyfctile on-hls way to the city with- a bile of cotton on Fri day and while near tho reservoir on Beoond street was seized -with an epilep tic lit. A negro who'waa;on *he wagon Mrove to the roadside. and,. laying tho afflicted man back on the cotton, bale, patlAnkly waited until the recovery of the vtctlm. He refused all-proffers of assistance Cram the residents near by. saying that be -would boon be all right and that he often hud these • fils.- Ifo got better in a short while- rank the wagon proceeded to town. , The dwelling owned by the eatut& of R. W. -Stubbs bn Fourth atreetyAvTiioh was damaged by flj-e last week, Is'row Ip the hands at curpentera. Who'arc placing.-It in'ship-shape again. !artd It will ‘be ready for a tenant again In a ghoHt vAile. ., i Again has th&jHwt|kPf.3aljUetljto' been heavily laid on a 1 ifappy (fime In South Maoon. and the hamfOf Providence has removed a gentle’another from the home circle, from the side of a loving husband and devoted children, and o mourning household la stricken well nigh ‘beyond -the Influence of consoling friends, -who sorrowfully feel and deep ly sympathize with the afflicted ones, and can only point thorn to the higher power who holds the earth 1n the hol low of bis hand and who afflicts all equally and enjoins on them a recogni tion and submission to the will of the creator of all. This loved mother, -Mrs. d. Herndon, departed this life at her home on south Second street. She leaves a devoted husband and six small children, one -but a few days old. The mortal remains were conveyed to the grave atiDames’ B’erry, the home of her youth, and from where she canto in her youth to ‘this city. The community of South iMacon feel deeply for the afflict ed 'husband and motherless children In this severe stroke from the hand of God. A stranded city hack with a broken ( xle Is Inconveniently In the way of ravel on the east slope of west Elm street. The wagon way, which Is nar row at best. Is somewhalt blocked, nnd It should be attended to by the owner or driver, whoeiver he Is. The runa way happened some time In the morn ing of Sunday. It was not there at 12 o'clock, but war. noticed by some early risers at 4 o'clock. No one seems to have seen or heard anything of tho runaway, which Is somewhat myste rious. OH. WHAT A COUGH! Will you heed the warning—the sig nal. perhaps, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, consumption? Ask yourself if you can afford, for tho siake of saving 60 cents, run tho risk and do nothing for It.- We know from experience that Shiloh’s Curp will euro your cough. It hover fsjla. - This ex plains why more than a 'million bottles were sold the past year, it relieves croup (tud whooping cough n-t once. Mothers, do not bo without It. For tamo back, side or chest; use Shiloh’s Porous Plasters. .Sold by .Goodwyn & Small Drug Company,' corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. ' , tl WILL BUT , iv” Solid silver rings, sut Lazarus’.- i 1 ' -• DENTISTRY. Dr. A. S. Moore, who has for the last eight years been reasonable In bis charges for dental work, and who Is better prepared to do bridge, crown nnd all kinds of dental work, having taken a post graduate course In pros thetic dentistry, o.wlng to thq. stringen cy of the limes, is willing to be even more reasonable 1m bis charges. Coma let him cxamlno your teeth and see how reasonable you can . haver your . dental work -dotte. Teeth extracted without pain. 121 Washington ave nue, near First Baptist Church. Vine- vllie and belt line of street cars pass bis ofllco door, Maoon.: Go. WOULDN’T DANCE THE GERMAN The Members of the Midnight Morning Glory Society Don't Want Any Highfallutin Dances. THE GERMAN IS FOR FOREIGNERS 1 ARB YOU GOING? The resort* of .-Tennessee are Oolbfc a eplendld business this season. The Southern railway, western system, is the direct route fo these roeorts and you should ask for your tickets via that line. ' 1 - Elegant free observation coaches be tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. A through coach for Tates Springs leaves Chattanooga at 7 a. m. and arrives at Tates at 12:46 p. m. Sleeper on this train to Washington and New York. “ The seashore express leaves Atlanta 7:80 p. m. for St Simons and Cumber land Islands. Three dally fast trains each way be tween Macon and Atlanta and Rome and Chattanooga. Travel the Southern railway, western system, for safety, speed and comfort Call bn Jim W. Carr, passenger and ticket agent. Macon: J. J. Famaworth district passenger agent. Atlanta. a» : C. A. Benscoter. assistant general tenser agent Knoxville, Tenn. NEW LINE TO .MONTGOMERY. Via Georgia Southern and Forlda Leave Maoon lid# e^m. Arrive Americas .. 3:00 p. m . Arrive Montgomery 8:00 p. m. Ask for tickets via tbs Suwanee River Route. G. A. Macdonald, general passenger agent Macon.- Ga. Telephone 100. CCHEniTLE - MACON TO NEW TORK. Via Portsmouth and Washington. ‘ Leave Macon, (Macon and Northern Kan road), 0:10. August 11. Anjve Portsmouth. .ifMlonri Air- Line) 7:10 a. m., August 12. Leave Portsmouth. (Norfolk end Wash Ington Steamboat Company), cl* p. m., August 13. Leave Washington. (Pennsylvania Road), 11:00 a. ra., Angst 14. Arrive New York (Pennsylvania . Road). C6) p. m., August 14. If you ' feel weak and all worn out take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS 8o Say* Col* Llg* Pel«r« and a Largo Majority-of the Mvinber® of the bocUty— Well-Digger Hon Rafted, a Ifo« Seldom If ever before has Tybee been treated to such a torikiant eoctsil fete as wua witnessed etc -the palatial resi dence of Ceil. Lego peters In Umi: de lightful suburb Saturday ntghk. Irt was a notable guitherlng of belies iwid beaux and the elite for a mile around were there In all of their effulgent splendor. The home of Ool. Peters wus like one bright conbteUuMon of beautiful glitter ing snare, iWljldh cuet a glamouring hallo of loveftiress oyer 'tlhe scene, ebso- Hitely IntoxScalltog » Ms resplendent ptetureaqeoeia, forming one gtuhd au rora, ‘borealis of prlsmatlo radiance. The ■ parlors were superfatlveSy grand 4a their beautiful flood of floral decora tions. Trtily IShe defgner Wad displayed wonderful taste and ingenuity On focen- tdnifg subtil unique and exquisite designs In dhe grttoefut-y curving gtart'ands of ivy Interwoven with Spanish .moss and eglantine roses, while huge bowers composed of water lilies nnd evergreen adorned earth corner of the room. The chandelier, ltsief a thnndeome and costly ornament, presented nn edtrac- ttlve appearance, draped with Spanish moss, while tlhe piano HteittUy formed a bed of vust-colordd roues and dbthllae. The uiiLdqu'o Chairs' and satUs were beautifully framed In wreaths of tube roses. making them appear to be sdt In waxen frames. The murl/le raumbi was festooned iwitfh maiden Walr fern and lilies of Fort Vtalley, and even (he huge upltton which salt In the accus tomed place was almost so entirely screened by a huge wreath of Chero kee roses Hhult Brick Yard Sam del not seo (t when he spat ‘tobulcco Juice bn the stuffed peacock screen ftt frowt of the flrqplbice. "Hie company was the most select among Tybee's aristocracy, as only in- vhaltfons had bean sent out Ito suoh non-membeksbf the Grand Independent Older of the Sons and Daughters of tho ■Midnight Morning Glory Society konwn to belong to Ool. Peter's «*, and the Inviltaltlons read: "Present this card at the door. "The ooscumes word of the moat elaborate avid costly that could be pretoured from Woutilh county, and the Whole scene was che of such brill- Sumuy and beaulty as to form one living gukixy 'of magnificent splendor. , : Rosfnijhdbow’s ezoellenlt ordheiltra was engaged for tlhe occasion and It was not Jang after Odl; Peter's-walteh noted tho hour of 8 tbefore merry feet were tibpplrvg the light farioastlc over a well greased floor." On wM de dance; lot Joy bo uncon'fln'ed,” shouted Col. Pe ters. as the orchestra etrubk up "BIKle In the Low Ground" to double quick time. “Stop Uat oounfounded music!" yelled Arthur Walter Williams, the dudo Pultmjin car porter;’’ dls lam not er break down! It am er genmUn, an’ hero you gees er playin’ Just lick yer wuz eh er co’h shubldti'.’’ So peremptory was the command of Arthur Waiter thhit nosint'hebow mopped the ordhestra as if struck by MghtnMg. “Noiw, play us or nice piece uh waltz music," saw Arthur Walter. Roslntthebonv begun! playing the ” Waits tot Jericho" ito double quick time, but before he could thrike more than a few nates Jimmy Fdwcloes stepped up -to Arthur Walter, who was Just pblfed with Lily White in hi* em brace! for * walttz, and to somewir.ilt of a .belligerent manner nuked himwh’at he bad to do wkh the U’ance. "Ise got or heap, -cause rse de fust one what pupoeed hit.” "I <fcun keer er ding dang ef yer did ip up pose hit, yer aln’ got no mo to da wld hit den I Is er den enerbody else Is, en I says we doom' Wan’ enny ub yer h'jgihfialutin nohun3 eroun’ hynr." ” Waul, I reckon Wit wuz ergreed to hev er german an' yer dldnh raise no tlbjebtlknis den', UMh Fewctoes. nn' now dat de .german is started yer wint er breck htt up. Dot nm Je' de way wll some niggers do." "Wbul Ellstah Williams, I wants yer ter know is.- J.-a ez .pc.u-ovhle ,-z <-nny- you la, nn' Ise Jes e anxious ez crniy- body vo sec de dime* er sucres, hut er doan nun’ none er yer sassy Up, does yer hynr me. Hyur yer comes croun' hylar mikin' about yengermun lack ez { er wuz er furrlner. W’sk does you now eibout er germbn dance Is what I wtoufd like Her knew. I would. Does ■er German unce different from udjer token; aln’ dry jus' de mime ez udder token; case dey le, an.' when yer wuz er calkin erbout gerenans de udder Sod- day night we wuz aJI ob de opinion dot Germans dtanced Jes’ lack udder peo ple, an' ef we’d er thought you wuz er gwlne ter bring in enny iMgb-tallu- Uh nosbuns, w’dd er raised dejections right den. WoUttolt we Tom?' he cim- cluddd, as he turned to atfithgang Tom. "Yas, BUh, we wouM, an' I fer one says we aln gwlne pay no ’tenshun ter him now. Ef do Germains doon dance like we does, deb we VJoun wnn' norfe er dere dance*, an’ ef any nigger in dls yore house doon like our dancin’ he kin eitfelUddon mighty quick. I ain cumh yur fur no itrouble, but fur er souhuble time tib’.I efki gwlne be outdone -by no diide nigger Jea’ cose be wears brass buthlns on hla cm. Tune up yer* fiddle, dar, yer sleepy-headed nigger nn' gib uo somefchln’ quick cn dev.llab. Aln' I rjgb:. Susan?” said he. turning to Susan DuseMbury, mho was his partner. "Goee yer ie.’’ said Susan. "Yes. yer Is right." aaU a well digger who wie standing behind Turn, on' ef yer wants any backin' up in dis erfalr Ise wM yer. "Dese yere higMalthln niggers-l« dls- turbb' elements In cur society," etiOl . Billy Bedsm, 'Vest' I moves right now dak we dispel dbery one ob dem.” Attoufc this Dime CcV. Pd.,-nt, who hu-l been In the kitchen aMhr.Ing bis wife In preparing a repast of cold col- Jsr0 greens and ccrw peas for the d-anCers, made Ms appearance and mail Inquiry as to the disturbance. Some one toM him that Arthur WWW InKf.ed on everybody dtoolng the ger man and thak nobody bur. Arthur Whl- tteraeU Lily White wanted to dance It. "Wbxtde german, anyway T' asked Ool. Prters.. "Hit am some kind ub newfangled noshun vrhst -Mlstah Williams ober dere am trytn' ter toterjuce Inter dls here sclsty." said Henry DooltUle. “What am de german. Mlstah Wll- SPECIALS. WOOL DRESS GOODS. ST-lnch all-wool Navy Serge 29c.’ All-wool mixtures, double fold, 25c. Silk and Wool fabrics, 40 Inches wide, 49 cents. NEW SILKS. Morle 611k, all colors, 60 cents. Persian Check Iriks, extra value, 86c. Paris -fancies, el) silk, 73c. Bhick Armune, Bengallne, Beau de Sale and Morle, best value ever of fered for 31. LACE CURTAINS. New Lace Curtains at 11.00. 21.26, 31.60, 32.00, 32.00, 32-60. 33.00 and 34.00. These ta all the new effeots. See the Dannenberg Company for Lace Curtains. SPECIALS. SPECIALS. New Fdll Prints 4 cents. / New Fall Ginghams 6 cem».‘ Heavy Canton Flannel 7 cents. Kid Curler*, all 'shade*, iOo dozen. Twenty-two yards extra heavy Sea Island 31.00. ■ Roberts Scissors, all sizes, 25 cents. New Buckle*. " y : Two cakes Castile Sonp 5 cents. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. Boys’ Knee Pants 25 cent*. Boys’ all-wool Knee Pants 60 cents. Now Neckwear, all styles. New Fall Hats. See our extra Shirts 50 cents. THE DANNENBERG COMPANY, New Stores 464 and 466 Third Street. Hams?" asked Col. Potere turning to Ar thur Whiter. “HU am de dance whut all perltte scl- ety dances dees days," replied Arthui Walter. 'Am hit eny diffurtt from whut we dauoes?" Yaashb. htt am tlrely dlffunlt. Htt am danced wid Users." “What kins er Aggers, Mtrltn-h Wil liams.” "Jos nafdhul flggere. Fur Instunoe me an' ilbs Wttlte heah we sets de sample an* ell do res dey does Jes lack wo does ez we moves eitoout <le—" "Jes listen alt dal." said a dozen cr m'ore volets, "we Is iter follow dem two niggers. Hugh!" "Mr. Williams." sahl Col. Pel era with considerable deliberation, "we aln’ no Getvmvw; we Is Afro-Enmerikln etter- zens wldout er edlcashun an' we aln ready ter t-ackle dem tnvcilthahuns." A Vodce-Talk to him, colonel, we Is wid yer. "An’.” Col. Peicre continued, with out heeding the interruption, "ef yur dim lack o.ur wtys yer can’ hnn* In yer rosigntsb m ,ter de club rfte dls mlnlt, pervlded yer dean, owe np dues.” "I’ee willin’ ter onUlde by de club.” said Arthur Waiter, but I thought ez we sayed we wuz ter hare a german we would bab It.” “Ef yer U wlllln5 ter.diince Jes lilts we does yer kin stay In de club,” said Col. Pelere concluslvelv. Aiithur Walter said no mbre, but walked off with Lily White to one cor ner. Knock-kneed Ben Ithen told the or chestra to tune up. a* the next dance would bo the buzzard lope. This an nouncement put all putties In a good humnr and soon all was going as merry as a marrtuge bell. Finally the buzzard lope whs finished, and wlRt only a mo ment’s intermission tho orchestra struck up “Sugar In tho Gourd." while the dancers cut the pigeon wing and short dog to perfection. “Cairo!" yell ed Billie Bedhm. anU nil hands calroed. By this lime the persplrnlttorv was be ginning to flow. Ibut the dancers mind ed it not. "Face me, sls|ter Martlu Meadows." cried WWldtgger Jim, nnd M-arllu faced him. “Gib us do dubble shufflle, Mr. Fiddler." yelled Jim. “an’ et you mggora will ire stop a®’ etan’ ersslde we'll sho yer iwlra't dancin’ ts; won’t we. Martlu?" "Us sho will.” said Marllu without stopping. In a few minutes all had stopped ex- pept Jim anil Martlu. who knuckled dlown to business on the double shuf fle. “Pat, you nllggcns, pat. Hit mocks us dance Ibcbter." crteil Jim, land all be gan patting while Jim and Marllu put more Insplratloiv and energy Into' the dance. (By this time 'the pcmplnvtion was falling like n shower of rain on the floor, and small rivulets were branch ing in several directions. This gave Martlu an excuse for raising her skirts, and, cakohlng thorn on either side, she mined them high enough to make cer tain they would neft itrall in the briny liquid on ithe floor and at ithc same time display her new 10 cents stockings and white stlppera. On they danced until the pool of perspiration become no large In the floor thin Ool. Peters wan com pelled to call his wife to sweep 12 out. Then Jim removed his coat. This met with some Pbjodtton. but nothing much was oaid about It. and he kept on danc ing. Then, after o while, he began re moving his top shiitt. This brought a very strenuous abjection from Arthur Winter, and some of Mi* oEhens Joined him. Ool. Peters was appealed to and he told Jim to keen M’s shirt, on. Jim declined arid continued Ito removo It. Col. Peters said he would stop the dance and put him out If he removed his aMrt. Jim denied him, nnd having unbuttoned the shirt, yanked It off In the twinkling of an eye without cenalng to keep «teo 'to the mvuslc. Col. Petera appealed to the crowd to assist him In removing Jim. E’ame said Jim was all rtght acid ithev wc-ull eland by him, but others wanted Mm out, and the tatter element, headed by CPI. Peters, made a rus<h at him. A free for all knock down and drag out followed, during which some one knbokad Ithe lamp out with a club. Everybody was flghttng like Kil kenny oats when a voice on /the out side said: "De perllcemuna Is cumin'.’’ Then dhe tumult suddenly ceased and a wild break was made for the doors and windows. When the police reached the house everything was darts ami Col. Potere could be heard s norlng on the Inside. indorsed a populist. .'Ctevguind, O.. Sept. 8.—After a hot light to ithe Twortuoah dUtnldt Dnmo- crnHc oowven'tibn talay tho chairman announced thuit H. B. Harrington, Pop- utWt oandAhi le for oamrrese, had re ceived the Indorsement of the conven tion. Harrtln'jjton's RepublltU'ii opponent to Ithe dOttrtct 6a Clifton B. BeaST STYLISH SOLID SOARf"PINS, New line, at Lazanua Jewelry Palace. WEAVERS ON A STRIKE. Utica. N. Y„ Sept. 7.—The .weaver* In the Globe Woolen .Mills left their loom* tMs tarenbon. The strike Is tho result of an attempt of the Companj’ to force a reduction of wages Amounting to about 12 per cent. BUY YOUR DIAMONDS from La gurus, the leading Jeweler. VITAL TO MANHOOD. BERw**kofwi, Imo'nmsi^li2^,”Bp“r'ran!| totthosejujed by ovor-ezsrUon el br*l»° ™lt- OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. MSSAQE MOM SAVINHAS TO NEWYORKt Cabin, 320| Excunlon $|2j Steerage, f 10. TO BOSTONi Cabin , *22; Excur.lon, *33,' Slearaga 111.75. TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA R*W YOBKl Cabin, (22.60; Excursion, *Jii Steerage nm , tA»m»al9*()t ta«M ilata -i •WblMMte Hit u follows .taodari Una* SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. (Central or noth Meridian Time.) City of Blrm'hm,...8un., Sept., 9,12.00 m. *£*"“■ City Tue„ Sept. 11, 2.00 p.m. Nseoochee r r i„ Sept. 14. 6.00 am. C JF °J Auguata....Sun., Sept. H, 1.00 am. City of Blrm’ham..Tue„ Sept. 1A 0.30p.m. Kane*! City m, Sept. », o.Ma.m Nacoochee Sun., Sept. 23.11.30 a.m. C '/ °* *“* u *i»- --Tue,, Sept. 21, 2.00 p.m. City of Blrm’ham. Frl„ Sept. U, 6.00 a.m, Kansas City stun.. Sept. 30, 0.00 am. SAVANNAH TO BOSTON, Tallahassee Thure., Sep. 13. ( 00 p.m. Chattahoochee ....Thure., Hep. 30, 9.00o.m Tallahassee Thjre., Sep. 27. 1.00 p.m SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not cany passengers) Dtssoug Wed., Sept., 19. 7.30 a.m. Deasoug ■ Sab, Sept. 29. 6.00 p.m. J. P. BECKWITH. O. A.. Jacksonville. He. Walter Hawklne. F.P.A., Jacksonville. Fla. W. E. Arnold, O.T.P.A., Jacksonville, FI*. C. G. Anderson, Agent, Savannah, a a. Atlanta and New Orleans Short Line, t ATLANTA and WEST POINT K. It Uiilckm mid Reit Uotitcv Montgomery. Selma, Mobil). Now Or Wean* Texx* and fioutnwwt. SouthbouiiU. Mo. t<o. w. No. Lv. Macon, .. Lv. Atlanta At Montjjomery Ar Pensacola .. At Mobile...... Ar New Or learn, j 10 25 pm Ar Houfton ...,| 4 30 pm &3o*m M 05 am 6 55 pm 5 30 pro 8 25 ami 8 25 am 4 30 pm 1 80 pro I so praj 8 80 pm I SO ainl 5 SO am 5 05 ami 8 id am 7 85 um 7 ft am 10 60 pni|10 10 pm Iie&ve Macon...... Ue Arrive Cochran |13 _ Arrive HawHlnavIlle... 7 40— . •Arrive. Jmraitn Ii2C4am Arrive Jeeup j 4 15 nm Arrive Brunswick I 6 15 am Arrive Jnck*onville....| 8 25nm Arrive Savannah I 6 55 am TO 6i£LMA. Leave Montgomery,... 9 lO pml tWam Arripe Selma |U 15 pm|U 15 am Train 80 carrle* Pullman vestlbuit sleeper New York to New OrleatiH, and dining car to Montgomery. Train M cm rles Pullnviu v*fetibule ek-ener .Nn* Or- k»n« to New York and ainias car to Atlanta. Train* 54 and 61 Pullman Buffet Bleep* ing Care between Atlanta and Mont* gornery, KDMUNp L. '7TLER. Oenl. Mgr, JOHN. A. OER. Oenl. Paea. Aft. GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A.. Atlanta MACON, DUBLIN AND 13AVANNAH KA1LUOAU Time Table No. 18, Taking Effect Sunday, September 9, l£M. Bead Down. iteaa up. Bun.'| KoeiiNasri—wrxrnmr vw*w 4 15| 8 15 Swift Creek 4 25 | 3 30 Dry Branch 4 85| 3 40 Pikes Peak 4 46 3 &0| Fltxparlck. 4'50|'4-00| Ripley. .. 5 00) 4 20] lefferoonvllle 5 16| 4 35| Clalllmore B36| 5 00| Danville .. 6 90 5 12 Allentown . 6 40| 5 321 Montrose «. 6 60' 5 601 Dudley ..1 fi 021 6 071 Mooro .... 0 l&i 6 20| Dublin .... | (Bun. 1N5TiRo3 TAiipra Junction.,.. |lo 2n;io 10 1U|10 00 9 60J y 50 • 35j 8 40 I «20| 930 | 9 0i| 0 25 8 851 y 15 s so) y 4X1 a 151 8 M N 001 H 45 7 45j 815 7 C0| 8 25 7 lf»| 8 13 7 UU| H 00 JAS. T. WniOlPr. General Manager. D. B. DUNN, Superintendent. TIME CARD NO. 8, To Take Effect Monday, April 9, 1894. No*. 1 and 2 will run dally except Sun day. AU othera Irregular. Read Down. Read Up. A. M. • 9 « 0 Lv. Dublin .Ar 63 • 15 5 .. Hutchings .. 49 9 H 10 .Spring Haven. 43 9 45 13 .... Dexter .... 40 10 OC 16 .... Alcorns ... 37 io a 19 .... Cheater >M 34 10 40 23 ... Yonkers ... 80 ar.u on 29 .... Ernplr* .... 10 .... Emplr® .... u U 25 85 .... Cypruaa ... 18 ar.U 40 40 . Hawklnavlll® IS 47 6 53 ... Grovanta ... • P. M. 6 09 4 45 4 2 411 168 148 820 looir. 2 soar. 2 is 2 w Cloae connections made at Dublin with .Wrlghtivllle and Tennllle railroad U both direction*. Kant Tenneaaee, Virginia and Georgia trains paaa Empire u* followai Going South ..15 BA pm Going North... 2 4S pro J. W. HIGHTOWER. Q. It, Ha V. MAHONEY. Q. V. A P. A. SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY— WESTERN SYSTEM. „ lVL SOUTHBOUND. Tlfc.lL | No.iMT .lie 45 pm!ll 00 am .112 13 am!12 42 pm 2 40 pm 1 28 pm 5 Yo pm 7 15 pm 9 25 pm 9 47 pm NORTHBOUND. . . I No. 11 I No. 14. | No. 1&. Lv. Jtooon I 4 30 ami 4 £6 pm I 8 25»ni Ar. Atlanta... i 3*,am| 7 60 pm|n 45am Lv. Atlanta...| 8 OOamlll 00pm 2 00 pm Ar. Dalton.... 112 00 n I 8 20am| 6 61 pm Ar. Ooltewh J|12 47 pint 4 10 am| 0 37 pm Ar. Chatnoga.l J 20pm| 4 46am| 7 10 pm Ar. Chatnoga.l 1 7 10 am 7 20 pm Ar. Cincinnati! | 7 46 pm| T 30 am Lv. Chatnoga.l I 7 00 ami 7 45 pm Ar. Memphis..] _____ | o I0pm| 7 00 am tv. Chatnoga. I ' 'j 9 00 nm 6 65 pm Lv. Ooltewh J | 9 36 nm 0 37 pm Ar Knoxville..! (u_45_ pm|lOJ6 gm THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENTS Southbound. Nc. II.—Solid veetlbuled train no Jack sonville. with Pullman buffet drawing room care attached for Jacksonville and Brunswick. No. 18.—Solid train for Brunswick. - Northbound. No. 12.—Solid • ve.ilbule train to At. lanta. connecting with local train for Chattanooga and wan stations. Carries Pullman sleeping care between Macon and Chattanooga. No. 14.—Solid train to Chattanooga, wllh .leaner attached from Atlanta,-con necting with fast trains for Cincinnati, Momphls and Knoxville. No. 18—Carries free chair car to Chat tanooga. which ti attached to aolld vea* tlbule train for Cincinnati, with Pullman ’ sleeping cars attached. Connections et Chattanooga with fast trains In all di rections. For full Information os to routes, rates, etc., apply to JIM W. CARR. Pe.senger nnd Ticket Agent, Macon, On. C. H. Hudson, aenoral Manager, Knoxville. Tenn. \\\ A. Turk. General Passenger About, Washington, D. C. J. J. Famaworth. Division Paaeengor Agent, At’-nta. Ga. C. A Benscoter. Assistant General Phesengcr Agent. Knoxville. Tenn. OEOROIA MIDLAND AND GULF R. R, A Quick, Safe and Comfortable Route, Tho Only Rout, to Warm Spring, end Oak Mountain, (la. Schedule Effectlvo July 15, 183b NORTH BOUND. Lv. Columbus. Lv. Waverly II.JI Lv. OakMomtuln Lv. Warm Springs l.v. Wonilliury.... Lv. Concord.. Lv. Williamson.,. Ar. Griffin Ar. Mann, C.R.R. Ar AtUnto,C.R.R, Ar. McDonough...* 710 am solum h 12 am Sll am 0 00 urn 9 27 am 911 am 10 oo am 1619 pm 1130 am No.5311' 3»pm 318 pm .1 El |im 4!Spra 4«pm 613 pm 5 23 pm 5 (3 pin v so pm 6 05 pm 6 30 pin 6-00 pm 6 65 pm ecSpm 129 pm 7 01 pin 7 83 pm 70S pm 810 pm 1023 pm 8 87 pm SOUTH BOUND. Middle Georgia, and Atlantic Railroad. Time Table No. It Effectlvo September 2, 6 O'clock. A. 81., 1891. Read Down Read Up. 11 OOP] 7 15|Lv. Augusta -Ar.| Ga. H .K I 9 M (Lv. Macon ho. Tapoloaf ■ ' iu ,.Ar.| I 6 45 p (p. m.ia: m. Lv MIR’g’TlU Aril 7 60 I 1 ID Lv Eutonton Ar. 7 <5 | 12 63 Ar Katonton Lv| C 30 | 11 4tp Lv Eatonton Ar| 6 16 I 11(5 Ar. Atlanu Lv.| 100p| ? 25a Ar.. Mecon Lv.| 9loa| |Ar. Athena .Lv.|2(0p; Broughtonvllla meeting point for train, Noi. 101 and 101. Covington Junction meeting point for trains Nos. 102 nnd 103. W. B. THOMAS, General Manager. Columbus soutnera M\mi compaoj. Tima Tablo No. U, Effactlvi Feb, )9, 1874. Dally V Sunday except j aunduy.j Only. SOUTHBOUND. Lt Oolumbua Lv Richland Lv Dawaon Ar Albany Ar Bruntwlck.... Ar Jacksonville.. Ar Thomaavllle.. NORTHBOUND. 8 00 pml 7 00 am 6 40 pml 8 47 am 7 65 pml 10 00 am 0 15 rm ll 00 am 110 am t 80 pm S 40 am 8 50 pm 5 85 arn| 6 88 pm 'DeOy*’| Sunday except | Only. 1M pm foo am 7 00 pm i .10 am 3 00 pm a oo ani 6 00 am « 0u pm 6 40 am 4 00 pm 9 45 am 5 18 pm U 00 am 7 W pin Lv Jacksonville Lv Brunswick Lv Thomaavllle...... Lv Albany Lv Dawaon. Lv Richland Ar Colimbu* AU schedulee ahown between Albany and Brunswick and Jackaonvllle are dally. No train Albany to rhomaaville on Set* unlay a after 111 p, m. AU trains arrive and depart from the Union Depot at Columbue nnd Albany, O. HILL, Superintendent. Lv. McDonough. Ar. Griffin Lv. Macon Lv. Atlanta Lv. Griffin....... Lv. \Vllllamaon. Lv. Concord..... Lv. Woodbury.. Lv. Warm Springs Lv. Oftk Mountain Lv.. Waverly Hall Ar. Columbus Noi MM N675$ry No'. 10?’ 4 25 pro 4 25 pm 6 66 pm 6 25 pin 7 11 pm 7 89 pm 7 59 pm 1* 29 pm h 39 pm 9 80 pm 5 30 am 616 um 416 am 618 am 6 8.1 nm 6 62 mn 7 20 am 7 41am 813 am 8 22 um 915 am 815 am 8 60 am 416 am 7 80 am 9 06 am 0 23 ain 0 45 am 10 13 am 10 34 nm U 05 am 1115 nm 13 00 pm • Dally. 1 Daily except Sunday. 7 Cun** day only. AU train* arrive and depart Union do* pots at Columbus, Griffin and Atlanta. Ask for tlckots and nee that they read via the Georgia Midland and Gulf Rad- rood. CLIFTON JONES, O. V. A.. Columbus. Qtm O. W. CHHAR9, General Manager. MACON AND NORTHBN RAILROAD, TIME TABLE, JUNE 84, 1|»K (Central Time.) Read Down. * Read Upw A M.|AM| • 880 •13 45 •820 •600 Lv Macon ...1 Ar Lv..... Machtn ...8 Ar Lv««t«* Madison ...3 Ar Lv...... Athens ...4 Ar Lv.... Elberton ....Lv Lv.... Abbeville ....Lv Lv... Greenwood Lv Ch.’liter Lv LV Monro® Lv Raleigh Lv..... Weldon Ar.... Richmond ....L* Ar ..Wnnhlngton. ..Lv Ar.... Baltimore ....Lv AT..*. Philadelphia .... Ar New Tork.....Lv “paeeengOT tralns will atop at Ocmulgce atreet crossing to toko on and let oft passengers. ... ... passenger*. Electric cars will most train arriving at C;60 p. m. at power house, foot or Ocmulgce atreet. Car will leave Sol Urge's corner at 8*5 a. m. and mako connection with train leaving 6:10 U »Mlatd—Monday, Wednesday and VrU day. IMIx.O-TiimO.7. Thurwley ana 8atur- day. Connection.: 1-Wlth Georgls Smilh.rn and Fiona., Eo.t Tenn.KM.. Virginia anil Oturgla, C.nlral r.llrold. (or all point. In Florida and .outhwdal CloorgU. Z—With Mlddl. Georgia and Atlantia railroad, 3—With Georgia railroad. 4—With H..- hoard Air I.lne vaatlbula llmltod. carrying Pullman Buffet Bleeping Car.. Holid train to Waahlngton and Pullman Ruffet Parlor Car. Waahlngton lo New York. E. T. HORN. Ortieml Munnger. E. 0. MAHONEY, Act’g O. P. A. E. W. BURKE. Ticket Agent, ot J, W. Burke & Co.’a Bonluflor*. |PM|P M. It 50 • 101 2131 ,13 4l‘l 10 (Mf WEDDING PRESENT3 Ad prices to milt the tithes at Ltzarui', SUNDAY BASEBALL. Alt Chkaoo— R H E Ohtciuro 10011010 1— 6 14 2 Cleveland. . .6 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 •— 9 14 2 ■Batterteet MtoGUI raid Bchttver; Cup- py and Zimmer. At 8b Louis—First game. R H E fit. 202300000— 1 12 2 Brooklyn. . . .0 00110300—5 0 4 Batteries: Brelteiuteln and Miller; Finn und Dally. Second same— R II E 8t. Louia 500 1 00 01- 7 13 3 Brooklyn. ... .4 6 0 1 00 0 0—11 17 0 iBrttertes: Clarkson. Hawley and Ml! ler; Kennedy end Ktn.low. Game call ed on account of darkness. At Onotanatt—First came. R II E Cincinnati. ...4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *— 4 10 4 Washington. . .50 1000000- 1 6 4 Batteries: Wltrook and Merritt; Mer cer and atoOulre. Second game— R H E CVnclrnialttl 0 0 2 6 0 •— 7 12 I Washington 3 00300—0 t 4 Batteries: Fisher and Merritt; Stock- dale and (McGuire. At LouUvIlIt— R H E LouInvHIc. ...3 10000000—4 ( 1 Baltimore. ...1 10700000—9 17 1 Batteries: Wadsworth and Grim; Hi per and Hemming. BUY YOUR WEDDING PRESENTS from Lazarus, the leading Jeweler. Or. Price’* Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. CENTRAL R. R. of GEORGIA 1 H. M. COMER AND R. 8. 1IAYEB, RECEIVERS. * ' ! • Schedule In effect July lat. 1894. Standard Time. OOlh Meridian. BETWEEN MACON, COLUMBUS, BIRMINGHAM. MONTO OMERY AND ALBANY. ” READ DOWN. ....|*7 03 a m .. 8 15 am -|U 00 a m . (13 24 p m • I 8 15 |) in •8 10 p mini 15 « m 9 12 p 11)112 22 p m 110 40 p ml 1 64 p ra 11 65 p in 2 30'p m 2 44 a ml 3 13 p m I 0 io P m 4 10 a m 4 61 pm I 9 60 p m 6 38 a in 6 20 p m •••■•I 8 10 p m 7 00 a m| 7 65 pm —STATIONS— Leave Arrive Arrive Arrv* Arrive Leave. Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive .. Macon ... Fort Valley . CUIumbua , .. Opelika ... Birmingham Arrive Leave le-.-'V'j Leave Leave .. Dawaon . Fort Guinea i. Eufaula . Ogarfe Arrive Union Springs Leave Arrive Troy Leave Arrive Montgomery . Leave ....Leave ....Leave ....Leave ....Leave ...Leave 7 45 pm ...... ..... e 36 p m ..... ..... ..... 3 15 p l“ 2 26 n m ..... ••••• •8 15 a m ..... ..... ..... ..... ( 10 p in 7 40 % m ..... 3 CO P m C 40 a HI llf . t 1 21 pm 6 20 a Jli U M H m 4 10 a m Jl 21 a m 11 47 p m 9 29 u rn 10 37 a ni 10 17 p m 6 05 a in 110 am is: lim 7 15 a m •7 45 a m •7 10 pm •«••• ...» BETWEEN MACON, ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MILLEDGEVlLLE. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. «4 18 a m!*4 25 p ml*7 66 a m 6 12 a in! « 32 p ml 9 47 a m 7 46 a ml 8 OS p m'll 30 a m 1 15 p ml 1 00 a m| 7 65 p m 14 15 p mi'll 00 p mill Siam 6 05 p mill 45 p m 13 17 p m «io p mi r. 3 18 a mf 3 10 pm | 7 45 a m 8 60 p m I 0 00 a ml C 30 p m Leave Macon ...Arrive Arrive Griffin Leave Arrive Atlanta Leave Chattanooga via Atlanta ....Lv Leave Macon Arrive Arrive Gordon Leave Arrive Mlln.-l go villa Leave Arrive Milieu Leave Arrive Auguata Leave Arrive Savannah Leave 7 65 p rnllO 2J p m 6 49 p ml 8 25 pm ♦4 25 p m|*6 66 p m 7 26 a m!»t U p m 11 00 9 02 a in •7 30 • m 3 23 a m 3 40 p ml 2 45 a mllO 00 a m 2 65 P ml 3 01 a ml 9 10 a m | | s 05 a m 11 03 a mill 36 p ml 7 45 n ml 7.30 p m| •» 30 a ml'8 45 p m|...„ . Train, marked thus • dally; thus I daily except Sunday. Train, marked thu. 7 Sunday only. Solid trains are run to and from Macon end Montgomery via Eufaula, Savannah and Atlanta via Macon, Macon ,sd Albany via Smlthville, Macon .nil Birmingham via Colambut. Sleeping cars on night train, betwen Savannah and Macon, Savannah and Atlanta. Parlor cars between Macon and Atlanta. Passengers for Thomaston take 7:55 a. m. or 4:25 p. m. train. Paa«ng*ra for Carrollton and Cedartown take 7:81 «. m. train. Passengers for Perry take 11:16 a. m. train; Fort Gulri-a. Iiuena Villa. Blakely anil Clayton should take jlfl* a. m. train. Passengers for Sylvanla. Wrtghuville and Sanilersrllla lake 11:30 a. nn train. For, further Information and for schedule* for points beyond our line apply to W. F. 8HELLMAN. Traffic Manager. W. P .DAWSON. Pasicnger Agent J. C. HAILE, General Paatenger Agent. , L. J. BARKIS. Ticket Agb, Uucoa.