The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 11, 1894, Image 3
THE MACON TELEGHAPn: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1894 r I- PIT* * MARSHAL'S SALES. GTOrgiU. Bibb Counity.—-Will be sol.1 before Use court home door, between the Jyj-I Clours of vile, on the flnrt Tuesday in October. 1894, ttie following property, to-wlt: Pant of 16 nonthnrest range, bounded on one eidte by Che property of Massey. «nS5£!L* r EUe by thfe property of uvlJlfcraubn, on anJahvr side by an wl- W And an another itde by Orange street. Levied on as the property of T. J. Anderson to satisfy a ft. Cit. !n fuvor of the mayor and council of the cJ;y of Macon vs. T. J. Andoreon for oneehuCt etty tax, 1894. One-aril tax ♦15.€2 and cost. Also, nt ittie pirns 'time an place, part of 3, southwest common. 64. Bounded on one side by toe property of Haile- tiurat, on one side by t’he property of Johnson, Seymour and Hill, on o- side by Adams street and on one side by Boon'dary street. Levied on aa -;he property of Henry' Abel, trustee, to rati,fly a n. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of'the city of Macon vs. Henry Abe?, trustee for one-Ualf city tax 1894. One-bait tax 119.CO and cost. Also, ah tbe same time and pbto part of 7 and 8, «*>ii.5»west common 18. Bounded on one aide by the property of J. C. Holmes, on one side by the property of Hannlcktor, on one side by tilley -and one side by Forsyth street. Levied on as the property of Wiliam Abel to satisfy a tl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of abi ded vs. William Abel for one-half city tax 1894. One-tUlf tax 164.37 and coot. Also, alt the same time and place, part of 9. square 81. Bounded on one side by property of Carlins and Ben nett, on another aide by property of Carling, on another Side property of Walker and on another aide by Oak street. Levied on aa the property of Mra. L. T. Anderson to satisfy a n. fa. tn favor of the mayor nird council of 49he ct.y of Macon vs. Aire. L. T. Anderson for one-half city tax 1894,. One-boJf tax 113.87 and cost. Also, at the flame time and place, par: of 2, square .82,, Xlouadui on one side by 'the property'.of Price, on an other side by property of the African Me-ahodflDt EpiBeopail church parson age and Sh-aitam-an and on unu/eher ef-le by an alloy. Levied on as the prop- Opry for f city tax 1894 . One- erty of AlUry A. Ansley Co satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the city of Macon vs. Mary A. Ansley for one-half city 'tax 1894. One-half fax 13.44 a>hd cost. Also, at the same time and place, p:uk of 3, Bast Macon 6. SVoo.lolk sur vey. Bounded on one side by the prop erty of Burgay, on one side by prop erty of Nemies and Short, on on side by Third Street and on ode. aide by u.n alley. Levied on as toe property of Dbra Appling to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the mayor apd council of the city of Macon vs. Dora Appling for one- -half city tax 1894. On'e-Uaif tax 14 and cost. Also, ait -Jhe same time and place, part of 7, square 100. Bounded on one side by the property of Adorns, on .on * sMtia by an alley and on one side by Oomulgee streat. Levied on ns one- half undivided Interest of Peter Baker to satisfy w A. 9a. in favor of the' mayor and council of the ci ty of Ma con va. Peter Baker for 6ne-lUlf city tax 1894. One-nuM tlax 14.37 and cost. Also, at the emme time and place, pan; of Beall’s Hill 12. Bounded on one side 'by the property of Wal;kin3, on two sides by the property of T'Jarp, and on one side by Pairk Place. Levied on as tlhe property of Wiley j. Barnes,, to Satisfy a fl. fa. In 1'avor of Uhe mayor and council of the city of M'aoon v-s. Wiley J. Barnes, trustee, Cor one-half city tax 1894. One-hail Tax 137.80 and cost. i Also, at the same time and place, part of 8, square 81. Bounded on one hide by the property of Anderson, on another side by property of Curling, on another side by property of Walker and on another side by Spring street. Lev- led.on, a? the property SoC,T«. W..J&&- SieCt to itatlsfy ap.jDa.V4a favor or the mayor and council of thee lty of Ma- cori vs. fl'. W. .Bennett for one-halfr erty tax 1894. Orie-teaCf tax 114.69 and cost. Also, alt the ecume time and place, part of 5, square 62. Bounded on one side by the property of Douglass and OaMomay, on another side by the prop erty of CMllowuy and Callahan, on an other side by the property of Brewer and on another side by New strait. Levied on as lihe property of Mra. C. E. Benson to satisfy a 11. fa. la favor of the mayor and council of the cliy of Macon va. Mrs. C. E. Benson for orte-halt city tax 1894. One-halt tax 127.56 and cost. Also, at the same time ami place, 3. northwest common 6. Bounded on one DM-e by .the property of Win ship and Caban las, on another side by the prop erty of Kendrick, on another side by tho property of Pitts and on another side by Jones street. Levied on as the property of Patience Bicker.! to satisfy a fl. fa- In flsvw of the mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Patience Bickers for one-httlf city tax 1894. Oncahalt tux 14.06 and cost. Also, «t the same time and place, part of 3, square 81. Bounded on one side by the property of Maasenburg, on another Side by the property of Oave, on an other side by an alley. Levied on 1 as the property of Mra. R. E. Boone to satisfy a fl. fa. 1a favor of Uhe mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Mrs. R. E. Boone for one-half filty tax 1894. OneJh-aill tax 128.12 and coat. •Also,'at the same tlmcsand place, pari Of 1 and 2, square 43. Bounded on one side by the property of Lands berry (Brown's Hotel), on another side by Fourth street and on Uwo sides by al. leya. Levied on as 'the property of the c3twte of E. E. Brown to satisfy fl. Hi: In favor of Uhe mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Estate of E. E. Brown for one-half city tax 1891. One- half tax 1112.50 and cost. Also, at the same Ulme and place, part df 1, southwest commons 47. Bounded on one side toy. the property of Atoseley, on one slide by property oi Anderson, on one side by property' of Paisona and on one sfde by Cat horn street. Levied on as the property of Znck Brunsbn to satisfy a fl. fa. tn fa vor of the mayor and oounell of the city of Macon vs. Zack Brunron. to one-half city tax 1894. Onc-half tax 13.12 and coet. £ Also, elt «hte same (time and place, part of 1 and 2. square 59. Bounded on one side by tti«4 property of Wood'all, on another side by uhe property of Reynold-!, -on another side *y an alley and on another side by Third Direct. Levied on -as thfe property of Mra. M. S. Bunch to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor nnd council -of the cfcy of Macon vu. Mra. M. S. Bunch for one- toalfl city tnx 1894. One-bait -tax 17.81 and cost. Also, at the came time and place, part of ll, northwest range. Branded on one side by the property of Adame, on one side by the property of Biccn-, oa one side by property of Ellis and Hatcher und on one side by Orange Street. Leveled qn as She property of Mra. M .0. Burghird to satiety -a fl fa. In favor of the mayor and council of vhe city of Maean vs. Airs. M. C. BurghurJ for one-half city Uax 1894.' One-cxilf tax 111.12 and costs. A no. a: the same tiros and place, part of Blast Macon 14. Bounded on otie aide by the property of Oantt, on one side by the property of Jones and on one slje by Brtige- rtreet. Levied on •as Che property of Jaimes Burns to sa t- i»fy a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the eky of Maoon vs. James Burns far one-half city tax 1834. One; tooCf tux 112.59 and cost!. Also, iw the same time and place, part of 2, East M-aoon 2. Wbdfolk sur vey. Bounded on one side by the prop erty of Churchill, on tiro aides by al leys and on one side by First mreet. Levied on a i the property of Wa-fhlnx- ton Campbell to sutlsfy a fl. fa. In fa vor of oae mayor and council of the city of M.rcan vs. Washington Camp bell bn- one-Citaif city fax 1831. On-3-Ua.f tax 15 and costs. Alio, -at the name time -and plane, part of 1, north,v.-3 4 commons 22. B. unded on ono side by the property of Herat A Lewle.-on one side by proper ly of M-a'tthows, on one side by Kitchens cod on one side by Adams stTco;. Levied on ns -Che property of Charlotte Carter -to satisfy ,i ti. fa. in i-iv.-r i •Che mayor and council of Hie city of Maoon vs. Charkctee Oarter for one. lulf city fax' 1834.1 One-half ox 13.75 and c-sai. •Also, ut the dame time und pluce pant of T, noilh-woJ; commons 6. Bound ed on one side by -the property of IpUifx .on one aids by the property Burrind Andeiaon, on unotlher side by an -alley -and on one side by Jone3 Direct. Levied on as Che property of Violet Cato to sa-tisfy’a fl. fa. 1n fa vor of the mayor and council of the city of M-aoon vs. Vlotdt Clalto far one- ■half city t-ax 1894. One-tulC tax 13.99 and cootfl.. Also, u't the same time and place, part of 4. East Macon 3. Woolfolk sur vey. Bounded on one side by the prop erly of Uh'e Daughters of Jarard, oa another side by the property of Dor sey, on another side by un alley cml on another Side by a street running from Firat to Second street. Levied on -as Che property of Mose Chappell 'to sa';- iiefy a fl. fa. In faVor of the mlayor -and council of Uhe city of Mutton vs. Mone Oirapprtl for on's-half city tax 1894. One-half -tax 31.25 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part 7, southwest commons 20, bounded on one side -by property of Block, on an other side by property of Aliehuld, on ahothsr-slde by on alley and on another side by Fourth street. -Levied on us the property of Airs. J. T. Cbtfee and sister for one-half city tax 1894-^ One-half t-ax 16,62 and coats. Also, at .the same time and place, part of 8, southwest commons 32, bounded on one slda by public school property (colored), on another by property of Ellis, on another side by First street end on another side by Hazel street. Levied on as .the property of Louis Cooper to satisfy fl. fa. In favor of th* mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Louis Cooper for one-half tax 1894. Tax 35.31 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, 13, southwestern commons 35, bounded on one side by property of Huff, on an other side toy property of Flmllay, on nnotiher side by Telfair street and on another side by Elm street. Levied on as the property of Ellen Cooper to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and cbutvell of the city of Alacon vs. Ellen Cooper for one-half city tax 1834. One-half tax 33.85 nnd co3tis.- -Also, at the same -time and place, part of 7, square 17, bounded on one side by property of Daly (self), bn another side by property of Qrehan, on another side by old court houqp square and on nn- totlier side by Walnut street. Levied on as the properly of Mathew Daly to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of tho mayor and council of the city of Alacon vs. .Matthew Daly for one-half city lax 1894. One-half tax $59.63 and costs. % Also, at the same time und place, 4 southwestern commons 66, bounded on one property of Daly (celt), on another side by property of -Moore and Huthnahce, on another side by Tatt nall street and on another side by Col lege street. Levied on as the property 01 Mis. SI. E. Daly to satisfy a fl. fa. In fa-vor of the mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Mrs. M. E Daly Jar one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax 8S0.16 and costs. Also;'at the same time and place, part of 2, square 3, .bounded on one side by property of Damour (self), on two sides by alleys. ,olt anbthor side toy Walnut street.. Levied on as the property of Hipollte Damour <to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Hipollte Damour for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax $161.27 and costs. -Also, a t the same time and place, part of 6, southwestern commons 41. bounded on one side by property of Davis (self), un another side by property of Palmer, Sweet nnd Soiling, on another side bv nn alley nnd on another side by Cal- noun ritreet. Levied on <13 the proper- ty of Mrs. Sallle C. Davis to satisfy a ,, fa . - *, n favor of the mayor and coun cil of -tile city of Maoon va Airs. Sallle C. Davis for one-half city tax 1894. One- naif tax *17.60 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part of. 1, square 58. bounded on bnc ildo bv property of Whlpler. on another side by property bf Wilder, on another side by Pino street and on another side by Fourth street. Levied on ns the raop- erty of Mrs. G. F. Dougherty to satisfy U.. fl- f*.J n f? vor of the mayor nnd coun cil of 'the city of Alacon vs. Mrs. a. F. Dougherty for one-half tax 1894. One- half tax 253.75 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, 16. southwestern commons 40. bounded on one Side by property of Duffy, trustee rteif), on another side by property of Jeter, on nnothar Ride by nn alley and on another side toy Elm street. Levied on ns the property of P. J. Duffy, trus tee, to satisfy a n. fa. in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Ma con vs. P. J. Duffy, trustee, for onc- half city tax 1834. OneJialf tax $40.02 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, nirt of 2, E.tRt Macon 6. Woolfolk survey, bounded on one side by property of Wing, on another by Second street, on ,two other sides by alleys. Levied on ns the property of Sam Billot to satisfy a fl .fa,. In favor of the-mayor and coun cil of the city of Macon vs. Sam Elliot for onc-half city tax 1894. One-hilf tax $9.23 and costs. Also, at the turns time nnd place, part of 2, southwestern commons 66, bound ed on one side toy property of Huth- nance, on another side by property of Christ church, on another side toy prop-' erty bf Murray and Carstnrphon and on another side by Tattnall street. Levied on as tho property of Sirs. Laura -E. Ellis to satisfy a fl. fa. In fa vor of. tho mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Airs. Laura E. Ellis for one-half tax 1894. Onc-half tax *31.87 and colds. Also, at the mme time and place, part of 1. northwestern commons 1, bound ed on one side by property of Harris, on another side by property of Hen drick. -on another Bide by property of Cotter and on another side by Jelfcrscn streM. Levied on ns the property of estate' F. Ernrnel to aatlety a ll. (a. In favor of tho mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. estate F. Emmel for bne-half city tax 1891. One-half tax *53.75 and-costs. -Also, at the same time and pltce, part of 1. northwestern commons 4. bound ed on one side by property of Ottolan, on another side by property of Dough- try. on another side by property ol Rog ers and on another uldo by College street. 'levied on as the property of H. II. Ermlnger to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. H. B. Erminger I’jr onc-half city tax 1834. One-baif tax $53.12 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, 12 northwestern commons 6, bounded on two allies by alleys, on another side by property of Bunlell. on another side by properly of Catoanlrs. Levied on ns tho property of Mellsat Evans to satisfy a n. fa \in ftivbr of tho mayor and court- ell of the etty of (Macon vs. Melissa Ev il ro for one-half tax 1834. Ono-half tax *2.50 and costs. Also, at the same time nnd place, part of 1, square CO, bounded on one side by property bf Park, on another slda by property of Iflbb county court bduoo, onI arv/tber side by an alley and on an other side by Second street. Levied on as the property of J. P. Flamlors, agent, to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the efty of Alacon vs J. p. FVmlers. agent, for bne-half city tax 1*94. One-half tax *63.12 nnd costs. Also, at the ftime time and p! it- -. part of 1, square 98, bounded on one side by property or Mary Rogers, on two sides by property of J. T. Rogers, on another silo by Ocmulgee street. Levied on as the property of William Flemming to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Maoon vs. William Flemming for onc-half city tax 1891. One-halt tax *4.S3 and coiUf. • Also, at the same -time and place. 4, soirthweetern commons S3, bounded ’on one side by .property of Newton, on another side by property of McCreary, on another side by an alley and on an other side by Ash street. Levied on as the property of estate of William Fos ter to satisfy u fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of -Macon vs. estate William Footer for one-half city tax 1891. One-half tax $19.37 and Costs. Also, nt thceame time and place, pari of l. square 93, bounded on oue side by property of Sewell, on another Bide by property of Whitehead, on another aide by First sfreet and on another aide toy Arch street. Levied oq us tho property of C. J. Gamble to aattafy a fl. fa. In favor bf the mayor and council of the city of Alacon vs. C. J. Gam-Ole for one- half city 'tax 1634. One-half tax *9.37 and cans. Also, at the same time and place, part of 1 ftnd 2, square 77. bounded on one side by property 'of, Fitzgerald, on an other olde by Fourth street, on two Bides by alleys. Levied on as the prop' erty of A, J. 01153 tt> satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of iM-acon vs. A. J. Giles for one- half city tax 1894. One-half tax $15.62 and costs. Aloe, at the same time and place, part bf 7. southwestern commons 49, bound ed on one side by property of Ray, on enother side by property of Jones, on another side by property of Centenary church and property pf Ray and on another side by Rose street. Levied on as -the property of S. E. GllfiVon to sat- lsfy a fl. fa..In favor of the mayor and council of the- city of Alacon vs. S. E. QHsoon for one-half city tax 1894. One- half tax $3.12 nnd coats. Also, at the same -time and place, part of 2, southwestern commons 27, bound ed on one side by property of Ware, on another side by property of Avant ana Moore, on another side by an alley and on another side by Third street. Dried on as property of estate of Mra. S. K, Glass -to satisfy.a ft, fa. In favor of -the mayor und council or the city of Alacon vs. estate Mrs. s. K. Glaeo for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax $7.81 and costs. Also, at the same, time and place, part of 6, square 77. bounded bn one side by property of Gray (self), on another side by property of Wheeler, on another side by an alley and on another side by Pine istreet. Levied bn as the prop erty cf Mrs. Hester A. Gray to uatlafy a 11. fa. in favor of the mayor and coun cil of -the city of -Macon vs. Airs. Hes ter A. Gray for one-half city tax 1834. One-half tax *41.87 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part of 3. southwestern commons 43, bound- ed*on one Bide by property of Johnson, on another side toy property of Halbert, on another side by property of Thomas and on another side by an alley. Levied on as the property of Laura -Halloway to satisfy a tl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Laura Halloway for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax *1.67 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part of I, qsuare 97, bounded on one side .by Rcae street, on another side by Spring street, on two sides by cemetery re serve. Levied on as he property of Cornelius Hamilton to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the jelly of Macon’ vs. Cornelius -Hamil ton for one-half city tax 1831. One-halt tax *2.19 and costs. • > Also, at the same time and place, 2, East Alacon 7, bounded on one Bide toy Flanders’ alley, on another by Second srteet, on two sides by alleys. Levied on as the property of Isaac Harris to satisfy a fl. fa. In faVor of the mayor and coupon of the city of Maoon vs. Isaac Harris for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax *11.56 and ccstis. Also, at the fume time and place, part of 4, East Alacon 7, bounded on one side by property of (Harris (self), on another side by property of Collins, on another Side by 'an alley and on another side by Third street. Levied on us the prop erty of J. -H. iHarrls to satisfy a II. fa. In favbr of the mayor an-l council of the city of M-ucon vs, J. H. Harris for one-half city .tax 1894. One-half tax *2.50 and costs, i Also, at the Same time and place, part of 8. southwestern commons 61, bound ed on one side by property of Plant, on another side by property of Gceslln, on another side by Adame street nnd on another side by Chestnut street. Levied on as tho property of L. J. Harris to satisfy a il. fa. m favor of the mayor and oounell of the city bf -Alacon vs. L. J. Harris for one-half city tax 1394. O Ac- half tax 321,87 arid costs. Also, at the same dime and place, part of 1,.southwestern commons 3. bound ed on Une aide by proslerty of Geddous, on another side by property of Hart (self), on another side by Division street and on another side by Bay street. Levied on as tho property of Sirs. It. H. Hart to satisfy a ll. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. Airs. R. H. Hart for one-half city tax 1834. One-naif tax *2.81 and ousts. Also, nt the same time and place, part of'4, equate 57, bounded on one side by property of Haribaum. on an-otber side by property of llathews, on another Bide by nn alley nnd on another side by Fourth strert. Levied on us the prop erty of Airs. AI. T. Harvey to satisfy n fl. fa, In favor of tho mayor and oounell of tho city of Macon vs. Sim. M. T. II-ar-1 vey tor one-half city nix 1894. One-half tax *53.41 nnd costs. Also, at the aime time and place, part of 3. northwentern commons 20, bound ed on one slil* by property of Jordan, on another aide by Boundary street, on another side by an alley nnd on anoth er side by Jlonroe street. Levied on ns the property of Julia Haskins to sat isfy a tl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of tho city ol Alacon Vs. Julia Haskins for ono-half tax 1894. One-half tax $6.31 and casts. Also, at the nime time and place, part of 1. southwestern commons 43. bound ed un one side toy property of Lewis, oh another side toy Calhoun street, on two sides by church property. Levied on as the property of airs. Ittn Hasklnn h> satisfy a fl. fa. m favor of the nuyor and council t.f the city of Alacon vs. Mra. IUa Haskins tor onc-half city tax 1834. One-hilf tax $1.87 nnd costs. Also, at the same time and place, 2, square 100, bounded bn one Mile by property of Harris, on Another by Wal nut street, on two sldco by alleys. Levied on as tho proponty of R. L. Hen ry to satisfy a ll fa. in favor of the mayor and oounell of the city nt Ala con v». R. L. Henry for one-half city tax 1S9I. One-half itax $303.75 and cost*. Also, at the same time and place, 2, south western commons 40, hounded on one side by property of lAIllltrona, on another side by property of Carting, on another side by property of Johnson and on another slue by Boundary street and railroad track. Levied on as the property of John Herrington to sadist/ a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor and oounell of the city ,of Alacon vs. John Herrington for one-haK city lax 1894. Onohslf tax $4.00 and costs. Abo. at the same rthnt and place, part of 6, East iM-icon 9,‘ bounded on one aide by property of Hardy, on another side by church lot, on another side by an a If ley and on airsiher side by Powell Mrest. Levied Un as the property of Monts Mill -to satisfy a fl. fa. in fsvor of the mayor and council of the city of Maoon vs. -Morris Hilt for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax *4.37 and costs. Afeo. at the same time and place, psrt of 6 and «, square 9-v. bounded on one side, by property of Beeves and John son, on soother side by Third .<trsst, on -two sides by alleys. Levied on as the property of 8. AI. Milliard to sat isfy a fl. fa. In favof of the mayor and cour-etl of the city of Afacon vs. g. At. Hilliard for one-tulf city tax 1834. One- lulf tax *24.66 ami casta. sc Also, at the same time and place, part of 8, square 43. bounded on oqe side, by property of Hurley, on mother side by . t I property of AIoBurney, on another 3ldo by property of Hollingsworth rind c-:r another aide by Fourth street., Levied on oa the property of L. W.‘ Hollins.;- worth to satisfy a fl. fa. In faver of the mayor -and council uf-the city of Alacon tor one-half city tax 1831. One-half tax $31.37 and costs. Als'o. ait the sometime und place, part of 8. square 43, bounded yn one side toy property of AIcBurney, on'atrether by property of Harris A Mitchell, on another olde by pro party of Ingalls, Hurley and Hailing*worth and on an other olde by Poplar street. Levied on as the property of L. W. Hollingsworth, agent, to satisfy a fl, fa. in favor ot the mayor and council of tho cRy aX All- con vs. L. W. Hollingsworth;" agent, for one-half city tax 1484. Ono-half tax $57.60 and coots. , Also, at tho same time and place, 6, 7 and 8. southwestern commons o, bounded on one side by property of Moore, on another aide by property ot Jessup, on anUt-her side by Division street and on another side by Boundary Street. Levied on as the propei ty ot Arthur Hooper to satisfy a fl. fu. ln fa vor of the mayor and council ot the city of Alacon vs. Arthur Hooper for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax 43.60 and costs. Also, at the Game time and place, part of 1, square 97, bounded on tone side by property ot NeebUt, on another side by property of Lewis, on another side by Ocmulge-o street and on another side by Spring street. Levied on ns the prop erty of C. II. Hutchins to satisfy n fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Maom va. C. H. Hutchins tor one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax $10.62 rind oosrts. Also, at the same time and place,-part of 1, square 91. bounded on one aide by property ol Joiner, on another side by property uf Goddard, qn another side by nn alley and on another side by Third street. Levied on us the prop erty of Marla Hutchins to satiety a fl. fa. In favor of tho mayor and council of the city uf Alacon vs. Alarla Hutch ins for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax $11.44 and costs. Also, nt the same time nnd place, part of 2. northwestern commons 21, bound ed un one side by property of Parks, on another sld* by property of Lane, an other olde by an alley rind on another olde by Boundary street. Levied on ns the property of Alarsh Jackson to satis fy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council ot the city of Macon vs. Marsh Jackson.for one-half city tax 1894. One- half -tax $2.50 and coots. Also, at the «a-me time and place, 5, southwestern commous 27. hounded on one elde by property ot Reeves, ‘on an other side by an alley, on another side by Second street and on another side by Booindury street. -Levied on a-s tho property of L. L. Johnson, agent, to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of tho mayor and council of the city of Macon vs. L. L. Johnson, agent, tor one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax *30 and costs. Also, a t -the name time and place, part of 2, northwestern commons 21, bounded on one side by property of Line, on An other side by property of Stroller, on another Bide by Boundary Gtrout and oh another aide by -Monroe Street. Levied on as the property of Nora J. Johnson to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor nnd council of -the city of Macon vs. Nora J. Johnson lor cno-halt city tax 1891. Ono-half tax *4.69 and cost*. Also, nt tho same time and place, part of 4. East Alacon 3. bounded on one side by property of Gray and Doraey, on an other by Second street, on two aides by alleys. Levied on ns the property uf william Johnson to satisfy n 11. fa. In favor of the mayor and counoll of tho city of Alacon va. William J'ohnaan tor one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax *7.81 and costs. Also, nt the same time rind place, 3, southwe.'riern coirwnOna 40, bounded on one elde by property uf Keel, on another side by property of Herrington, on an other side by property of MUllrona and on another by Boundary strerit and rail way company right-of-way. Levied on as the property of Charles Johnson to satisfy a 41. fa. In favor of the mayor and cotincii of the City of Alacon vs. Charles Johnson for one-half city tax 1334. Ono-half tax *2.60 and corits. Also, at the same time rind place, psrt of 1, square 23( bounded on ono side by property of Plant, on another side by property of Wright and Scandrot. on another side by Cherry street arid on another side by Fourth street. Levied on as tho property ot Johnson 68 Har ris to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of tho city of Macon vs. Johnson 68 Harris for one-half city tax 1831. One-half tax *140.02 and costn. Also, at 'the si me time nnd place, part of 6. southwestern commons 47. bound ed on one side toy property of Johns, on another side by property of Abel, on an other side by property of Walden and on another side toy Hazel street. Levied on aa the property of A. N. Kendrick to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor .of the mayor and council of the .city of -Alacon vs. A. N. Kendrick for dne-half city tax 1834. One-half tax *0.66 ahd costs. Also, nt the same 'time rind place, part of 3 nnd 4, square 91, bounded on ono side by property of Bailey, on another side by properly of Stewart nnd Jloasl- ter. on another Hide by property of Ro*- slter and on another aide by Arch atreet. Levied on aa the property of J. A. Kennedy to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of tho city of Macon vb. J. A. Kennedy tor one-half city tax 1894. Ono-half tax *20.31 rind costs. Also, at the same time and place, part of 6. northwestern commons 23, bound ed on one Hide by property of Lewis, un another elde by Tattnall street, on two sides by alleys. Levied on ns the prop erty of Camilla Kitchens to eailsly a fl. fa. In favor bf th* mayor nnd council of 4he city of Alacon v». Camilla Kitch ens for one-half city tax 1894. One-half tax (8.12 and costs. ARo, at the same trmo and place, part of I. northwestern cdmmoiiH 22, bounded on one aide by property of Lewis, on an other side -by property of -Mitchell, Un another aide by property of Cortcr and on another side by an alley. Levied on ■s the property of Warren Kitchens to saitlsfy a 11. fa. in favor of tho mayor and council of the city of Macon va. Warren Kitchens for one-half city tax 1824. Onc-half tax *1.87 nnd costs. Also, at the *ame time and place, 3, southwestern common* C, bounded on one side by property at Edward* end Bell, on another side by property of Aloore, on another side by property of Jessup and on another side by Division street. Levied on a» the property 6f Fannlri Lewis to natlsfy a fl. fa. In fa vor of the mayor.and council of the city of Alacon v*. Fannie Lewis for onc- half city-tax 1831. One-half tax *3 and costs. • Also, at tho same time and place, part of 2. sauthwodom com-mona 43, bound ed on can side toy property of Wiley, on another ei-lc by property of Haskins, church arid Jonco, Un another : .-II- v. . .1 -i i 1- 1-'ll houn ti’.r I.-vh-d o-i .<! tii- p: -j-- i: ■ of Airs. Martha AI. -Lewis to "all-f;- a 11. fa. In favor of the major and council of the-efty of ate n vs Mr-. .Un.-ha M. Lewi* for one-half clly tax 1634. One-half 4ax 17.81 and Also, at the Bun* ilm:- and place, pirt of 2. OSuthw-Rtern < -mmonl 4.-. hounded on one side by property <rf Oliver, on another »l<lj by property of Johnson, Un another side by un »!to-y end ',n another side by Jackson nire.-t. Levied on as tho property of C. IS. Lewis to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the m i; or nnd council of the city of Mieoa v»J C. B. Lewis for one-half city tax 1891. Onc-half tax 18.12 an-I cjsl*. Also, at the nmr time and pDce, part of i, southwestern commons 32 brand ed on one side by property of Cook, on anuther el le by prjterty of Lows, on another sld - by Property of KUla and on another slile by First street. Levied on ox the property of Nelson Lowe to satisfy a II. f.-. in favor Uf the mayor and council cf th;- city of Macon vs. Nelson Lowe tor on-hsK city tax 1694. One-half tax *2.19 and conn. Also, at the came time and place, part of 4, square 25. bounded on one side by property of Central Railroad nnd Bank ing Company, on another side by NJfih street, on another side by Cherry t-treet and on another side by old court house square. Levied on as the prop erty of MacUn Produce Exchange to sat isfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of the city of Macon, vs. Ala- con Produce Exchange for one-half city tax 1894, Onc-half tax 221.87 and cunts. Also, at the same time and place, northwestern range 18. bounded on one *ldo by an alley and by property of Rogers, on another elde by cemetery, on another Hide by Orange street and bn another aide by Jones street. Levied on as the property of Mallary children to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor nnd council of tho city of Macon ve. Mallary children tor une-half city tax 1834. One-halt tax *11.25 and costs. Also. <it the same time and place, 7. southwestern commons 39, bounded on one Hide by property of Burdick, . n an other side by property of Lucai, on an other side by property of Glblan und on another side by Elm street. Levied on as the property of W. G. Manly to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor am! council of the city of Maooh va. W. G. Alanly for one-half city tax 1894. Onc-half tax 33.12 nnd costs. Also, at the same -time and place, part of 1. southwestern commons 28, bound ed on one side by property of Wilder, on another Hide by property of Alurphy, on another side by an alley nnd on an other side by Ash street. Levied on an tho property of 11. JU. Alatheney to sat-, lsfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor nnd council ot the city of Macon vs. II. H. Alathoney for one-halt city tax 1894. One-half tax *10.40 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part ot 2, East -Macon 6. bounded on one side by property at Lamar Clay nnd Blouon- steln, on another side by Water street, on another side by Secund street and on another side by an alley. Levied on ns the property of J. F. Means to satis fy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor arid council bf the city of Macon vs. J. F. Means for one-hnlf city tax 1894. Onri- half tnx $5.94 nnd costs. Also, at the samo time and place, 4, southwestern commons 41, bounded un one side by property of Poole, on an other side by Boundary street, on an other side by nn alley and on another side by Jackeon street. Levied on or tho property of Atm. N. A. Megrath to satisfy a II. fa. In favor of tlio mayor and council of the city ot Alacon. vs. Mrs. N. A. Alograth tor one-halt city tax 1894. Ono-half tax *27.81 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part of 8, square 94, bounded bn one side by Oak street, un another side by First street, on two sides by property of Clark. Levied on us tho property of F. At. AtoAfeo ,to satlafy n 11. fit. In favor of the -mayor und counoll of tho city of Alacon vh. F. W. AlctAfee for one-half city tax 1894., Ono-hnlf tax 520.31 and costs. Also, at the same time and place, part of 4, square 62, bounded on one side by property of Alark*. on another side by property of Schmidt, on another side by Cotton avenue and on another side by Now street. Levied on aa the prop erty of J. C. AIcBurney, trustee, to nnt- lsfy n 11. fa. In favor of the mayor oind council of tho city of Alacon vs. J. C. AIuBurnoy, trustee, for one-half city tnx 1694. Onc-half tax *262.81 and costs. -Also, at tho samo time and place, part of 4. southwestern commons 25 ‘bound ed bn one side by property uf Sweeney, on another eldo by property of Alat- thews, on another *ldo by Elm street and on another side by Fourth street. Levied on as tho property of Airs. J. AluCanlle to satisfy a (1. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of tho city ut alacor. vb. Mrs. J. AlcCurdle for ono-hnlf city tax 1894. One-half tax *12.60 and corns. Also, at the same time and place, part of 2, square 74. bounded bn ono eldo by property of Clark, on another by Oak street, on two sides by alleys. Levied on as tho property of estate -of W. A. AIcLendbn to satisfy a fl. fa. In favor qf the mayor und council of the ulty of Alacon vs. estate W. A. McLendon for ono-hnlf efty tax 1894. Onc-half tax *17.81 and costs. Also, at the emme time «nd place, pirt of 4, northwest comm/on 23. Bounded on one aide by property ot Qutnco, on anetther side by propttny of Harwell, on u not her side by alloy nndonuinothor side by Chestnut mre-;!. Levied on a-.s the property of J. H. Ale- London to Batlsfy il 11. fit. In fhvor of tho mayor und oounell of the city of Alhcoin va. J. H. .McLendon for one-half city tax 1891. Onoahulf t-ax *15.63 and costs. ’ Also, at tlho samo time and place, part of 3 and 4, squiaro 60. Hounded on one eldo by property of Wilburn, on another Side by an alley and on an other sldo by First street. Levied ion as the property of Airs. F. C. Napier to satisfy a fl. ta. In favor of tho mayor and council of the city of -Mncon w. Airs. F. C. Napier for one-b-alf city t-ax 1891. Ono-half tax 320.94 und ooe4s. Also, ult the Mimo time nnd place, part of 4, Sou th west common 26. Bounded on bno sldo by property of Long, on another side by property of Furgerson, on another sMo by un al ley and on another sldo by Boundary street. Levied on ns fas property of W. H. Nelson to satisfy a fl. fit. In favor of tho -mayor wnd oounell of the cilty of OIncon vs. W. H. Nelson tor one-half city ’tax 1894. One-lvilt Uax *5 onU costs. - Also, hit tho BLimc flrne nnd place, 9 and 24. Bald AFacoti -wharf. Bounded on ono rfdo 'by property of Guernsey nnd Central City Lain Association, on an other aide by property of Bl.ickslic-.u-, on timth-.T side by large at.’oy and on arrdiiircr side by Writer threet. Levied on Us the property of William Ncsbit to saitlsfy a fl. lit. 1n favor of itbo mayor and ouuncll of tho city of Al-.i- oon vs. Wllhrim NcsMt for omvjiu'.f c.-‘.y tux 1891. One-hilt Max 21.25 and coot*. -Also, at Mho wjjiiio time and pluce, D, northwest common 22. Bounded on ono side by property of Stevens, on wnoUn-r side by property of Roeelter umd Buy. Held, on another *Me by property of Harwell'and on another side by TzU:- nlsll str,get. Levied on ne the property of estate of Airs. A, Noorno to satisfy a fl. fla. to flavor of tbs mayor and coun cil of tho city of Aluoon vh. Mrs. A. Noone for onc-Wilf city tax 1834. One. half tax 33.12 und oosts. Also, at the samo time and place part of 2, DJiithwost common 31. Bound, cd on one sldo by property of Cheeves, on arrs.-aor side by property of Tnylor, on mysriher elde by an alley and on an other aide by Kecond street. LovlAl on ns the property of W. K. Opry to eat- lsfy a fl. til. In flavor ot -Che -nnyor and oounell of the city ot (AUocm va. W. H. Opry for one-tulf city tux 1894. One- half tux 116.72 and cnrfts. Also, at oho same time and place, part ot 4. nwaawtvt common. Bounded on one side by property of Curd, on two stilus by property ot Hendrix and on another side by College sheet. Levied on as Me property of It. W. Puf.vnron to eulilsfy a fl. fa. 4n faVor of Uhe mayor and council of the city of Alacon vs. II. W. Fsutorson for one- bult city tax 1*94. Onohuif tax *34.37 and costs. Also, at tho sumo time and place 2, square 100. Bounded on one side by property ot Butler Ml Smith, on an other side by Walnut sired;, on two sides by alleys. Levied on as tho prop erty of Airs. Mary E. Pettit to satlify n fl. fa. In favor ot tho mayor ami council of 4Tae rtty ot MUoan vs. Mrs. Alary E. Pet-tU for one-'hslf cKy tax 1891. Ons-huM «ax 122.03 and costs. : Also. M Che saune 'time and place, part of 7 rind 8, square 63. Bounded on one side by property of Fierce (self), on anW-lewilde by First street, on twt sides' by Utleys. Levied on as the prop erty of Fat Pierce, agent, -Do satisfy a 11. fa. in flavor of 6he mayor -and coun cil of the city of Macon v*. Pit Pierce, agent, for one-half city tnx 1894. One- half tlx 837.81 und coets. Aim. ok the essne time' nnd place, pin of 1, square to. Bounded on »nt side by property of Doody, on nn-athcr Hide by property of Bennett and on nnoriher side by First street. Lev:-4i on Aa the property of J. T. Redding. Jr., to satisfy a 11. fa. In favor of the mayor a ut uounctl of Hhe city of M t- con vs. J. T. Redding, Jr., for one-half city tax 1391. Onc-hult tax 229 iuiU costs. Also, at the same llmelanjd place, pin; of 7. square 91. Bounded on one eldo by property of Hurley, on another Aide by -irropeiity of Reynolds, on ontsther side by alley and on another aide by Oak atreet. Levied on -ns the property of Robert Reynolds to sa-trilfy a fl. fa. In favor of the mayor and council of t-he city, of Mlscon va. Robert Reynolds fur onc-half city tax 1894. One-h'alf tax $21.87 nnd costs. » -Also, ait The same -lime anil place, 1. 2. 3 -and 4, northwest common 7. Bounded on one elde -by Boundary street, cm another side by M-alllson Direct, on another elde by Jones Rtrcet nnd on another sldo by cemetery. Levied on as tho iproperty of Rive redo cemetery Uo eriitlsfy a 11. fa. 4n favor o' the mayor and council of the city of Alacon va. Riverside cemetery for one- half city tax 1894. One-hnlf t-ax $18.75 nn-d costs. . AWo. oft -the name tlm'e anil pluce, part of 20, northwest range. Bounded pn one side toy .proponty of Powers, on another side by property of Steven's, on another side by Washington avf/iuo and on .-mother sMo by High street. Levied on va .the property of C. P. Huberts, ibruSSee. to satisfy a fl. fa. In flavor of the mayor and ooundl of Gie city of AKa'con vs. C. P. Roberts, trustee, for one-half city tnx 1894. One- halt tax $26.25 nnd costa. Also, nt .The same Mime alnd place, 4, Rqu-aire 63. Bounded on ono side by property of Hall, on einoth-er sldo by Poplar Dtredt, on Two aides by alleys. Levied on nn the property of Miss Viola Rod-ger* und Airs. Dbbba to sat isfy -a fl. flu.. 4n flavor of the mayor and council of the dlty of Muoan vs. Allss VMri Rodgers and Mrs. Dobbs Cor oo-e- luV.t city tnx 1894. Onc-hUlC tax $28.12 nnd costs. -Also, nt Mho same Ittme nnd place, part ot 1, square 3S. Bounded -on one Bldi* by property of Rodgers (self), on an-cTher sldo by property ot Fleming, on another sMo by Oomulgee slircet lanld on amWther side by New street. ■Levied on as tho property of J. Tom Rodgers to enitlsfy a tl. fa. In flavor of The 'mayor and counoll of 'the city of Ma-cOn vs. J. Tom Rodgers for one- half cilty 'tax 1894. One-half tax $64.08 nnd H HAIJLi JK ( AHarahal. NOTICE.—SALE OF THE MACON AND NORTHERN RAILROAD. Under and by vtntuo ot a Anal da- eroo rendered on the 30th day ot July, 1891, by the United States circuit court for the western division pt tho southern district of Georgia, In tho case ot the Mercantile Trust Company of Now York and other complainants ugalnsc tho Macon and Northern Railroad Com pany and o-ther defendants, we will sell before -the United States court house door In the city of M-aoon, Geor gia, on the second day of October, 1894, between tho legal hours of mile, ull of the following described property: First. The railroad of the raid de fendant, the Maoon nnd Northern Rail- road Company, whloh extends from the depot In the city ot Mncon, Georgia, to Its Junction with tho Northeastern railroad at Athens, Oeorgla, a dle-tnnco of about one hundred and seven miles, together with ull Its railways, ways, nnd right of -way, side tracks, turnouts, depot grounds, easements nnd other lands nnd appurtenances belonging to said railroad company, whloh are set out In said decree. Becond. A11 structures, depots, Dta- tlon arid section houses, engine houses, car houses, machine shops und other buildings, with tool* now In use and equipments now In hands ot the receiver Four passengor coaches, two combina tion mall, baggngo and express cars, sixty box cars, twenty-two Hat oars, two eabooae cars, thres shanty cam, three passenger engines, one switch nnd 'two freight engines, together wKh all other property, equipments and franchises belonging to said defendant, nnd which arc fully set forth In decree referred to. Also, ull supplies and other property In the hands of tho re ceiver of said company. Aleo fifteen hundred sharee of the capital stock of tlho Georgia Midland Railroad Compa ny If the par vnluo of 2100 per Bh-aro. Third. In tho sale of sold property, no bid for a sum less than ono million and seventy thousand (21.070,000) dollar* will bo received, nor from any bidder who shall not place Into tho hands of the special commissioners at tho t(mo of milking tho bid the sum of 230,000 In money or certified Check, and from t1mo to time thereafter such further portions of tho purclmao prlco shell bo paid In cash as the court may direct to moot expenses of tho suit, etc. Thu the bidder depositing wild 230,000. nnd whose bid Is not tho highest, shall have such deposit returned to him without deduction. In tho oven tho bid accepted by the commissioners Is not confirmed By the court, BUCh bidder Khali havo such deposit returned to him without deduction unless sold property is resold at tho expense of such bidder und be- oauao of his fault. Fourth. The balance of the purchase prlco may be either paid In oa*h or la tho bonds and over-duo coupons of said Maoon ond Northern Railroad Compa ny which arc secured by the mortgage upon which tho dcoroo of forccloauro Is based. Buoh bonds a-nd coupons be ing received at such price nnd valuo ns the purchaser would he entitled to re- . ceive us bis prorata share in the distri bution of said fund. -Fifth. The sale to bo made subject to ali claims pending against said com pany or Which aro tiled threo months thereafter, and all dribls against tho receiver, which claims or debts tho court may decree to havo priority over Vhe mortgage foreclosed by said de cree. the purchaser will bo required to. assume payment of same. Tho salo to bo reported to tho court for confirma tion, and when confirmed tho special commissioners will make title to tho purchaser In nccordanco -with Raid de cree. For further dctallt of said sale- reference Is made to «nld decree. ALEXANDER I’ROUDFIT, I JAM Ell N. TALLEY, Bpeclal Commlsalonera. SHERIFF'S SALES. Ofttrtfin. BX>b County—Win be aoM bofr»r« the ootitft house dror tn (the city of Macon (luring tbe Jeiftil -houiu of *ale on the flrsit Tuesday in Ootfcber next the rollontur described pewpetity, levied on .bj eullfoty certain *ta)te nn(l county tax il. ftw. for tbe ycur 1893, to-wU: Ono kit. -with a twixstory botuie there- bn. 4n Vtnavttfe 4Mrtct. on public roud running from Columbu* road to For- »>Hh raid oaet Vtnevllle gtoftion, knbwn am *tho cfld r«'^dcnco ctf Leroy Napier, including lard wfthln. fence eurroumll.ig It. Levied on ae the property of muk* of Leroy Napier. * Aleo. ftfty acre*, more or lea*. In Rut-. Inn 1 district, bounded eoet' by Robert Brice and Mre. Follendrre, eOTfttt by. J.un“M Bullock. John Thomas und, Mr*. Cjbb, west by Mra. Adeline Thomis und John .Stokes «od north by John Stokes. Isovted cn as the oroperty of Calvin Thornaa. O. S. WESTCOTT, Sheriff. -QwnoiXrmbH~cbunty-titus d$»- Loarh. KiwrJIan of John William Thomaw, of mid county, having applied to me lor leave to sell the following described prop erty belonging to his ward, for the pur- t of maintenance and support of said t, John Wl'.Uam Thomnu, towltf One vacant lot in VlrievfTle district on Pleas- nnt Hill, fronting forty f«“?t on North street and runpipg back 220 feet to prop, erty of W. I-. Ell la. the same being a pirt of the property formally belonging to the estate of Sarah Wommack: Thfe la, therefore, to notify all parties con- (••un I. t. (He objections, if any they havo, on or before the firat Monday in October, 1VPI. or ebe leave to sell will then be grant*!. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary* » H-'~~ j