The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 16, 1894, Image 5

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> I ■I French THE MACON TELEGTt 5GRA J . £ SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1891 THE DANNENBERG COMPANY 464 & 466-THIRD STREET-464 <fe 466 READ THE LIST OF EARLY FALL OFFERING'S nasmneaaeaa TO THE LADIES FOR THIS WEEK BLACK SILKS. Tills will be the greatest Black Bilk •cason ever known, unit we are amply prepared for every demand In thin de partment. For $1.00 take chojoe of the following Well known weave* (every piece guur- imu-cd worth $1.28 und can’t bo dupli cated for Icwt than $1.28): I'eiu do eolo, Armuiv, Faille Franca lee, Buchesae, Cryetal. iMorie, tiro* <Ie LMdros und Mervelleu*. These (tllk* are 20 and 21 iuchea wide uud every piece “ OTHER SILKS, In addition to theae, we have the moat complete n**orlment of plain und fancy Bllki for dresses and trimming* lit popular priced good* ever shown In till* city. We make n apecldlty this week of two Fancy Check Silk* In Tnlfets und Broa de Londros tit 76c and 85c the yard, the*o are the wry latest for fall watata. Also beautiful Morle In nil color* and Mack *tt 80 cent*. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Never nlneo our mlvent luto business has our Black tlooil* atouk been tut com plete a* It I* today, anil never have handsome Black (Mods been as low In price. All-wool Henrietta, 40 inches wide, CO ecuts. All-wool Henrietta. *‘lk flnlsb, <U Inches wide. Sue. <|iiillty, liOc. All-wool Serge 44 Inches wide, 41c. AU-wool, silk nnlslt French Sergo, fl$ e. nu llity. COcent*. For $1 your choice of the handsomest fabrics of the *o#*on—Frie*tley'« cssls, all worth $1.25 to $1.50 tile yard. Drap do Alma, Dr.ip dc Paris, Cant ers Hair, Mplligle and Crepe cloth. These goods are 10, II tmd IU Inches wide and etptal value has never bcyn shown before. High Art Dress Goods. lit French Crept*. Cords and Cainel's Hair cloths. We show goods at $1.25 to $1.75 you pay lit Now York 2.V. *0 $1 more (lie yard for identical goods. Bring your samples and we'll prove what we say. Specials In PrTealley's bordered Veil ings for mourning—75e. to $2 the yard. Colored Dress Goods, 'TIs no Idle beast when we say w# have Ity far the haiidsomcst Hue of col ored Wool T)n*s Good* ever brought to this city. Novelty Suits. You can have of over one hun dred handsome French and English Novelty Dress patterns. Imported di rect for the Daunculierg Company and no duplicates. . J epc Su * 1 black, brown dud navy for.$15; worth $25. ! Pretty Boucle dresses for'$12; can't be duplicated for $18. Elegant English checked Butts only $8, Serviceable Scotch dtg-ss patterns for ' Piece Dress Goods. Never has such a display iof correct (truss stuffs been shown In this section us epn be fouutl in our establishment right now. AT 23 CENTS—All-wool double-fold Flannels and Tricots. AT 25 CENTO—All-wool Scotch mix- . litres nud English stripes. CENTS - All-wool. Serge ' In navy bliiPr-fiT.Inche* wide. . AT 211 CENTS—AU-wool Flannel mix tures, full ltd Inches wide, all shades, In browns, blues,'greys and blaJg. AT $d (fENTS—All-wool Scotch suit ings In mixture* and cheeks, full US Inches wide. . AT 49 CENTS—Silk and wool mix ture* and cheeks, 40 Inches wide, as stylish looking as goods at $1. Also 40- -inrli all-wool covert cloth, all shades. • AT RO CENTS—40-lneb silk anil wool mixtures, checks and stripes; 41-lncb Whip Cords; W-Inch silk llnisii Henri ettas, nml 44-Inch fine Camel’s Hair; nlj shades. AT ONE DOLLAR—52-Inch Covert Cloth: 02-Inchi Ladies Clotht (K-lnoh Drap do Paris, and 54-lnoh English Serge. AT $1.25—The celebrated 10015 Broad cloth In all the new shades and black. AT $1.25—811k and Wool Fayelta, all shades. , ,- AT $1.00—The handsomest imparted 00-inch double face Covert Cloth to ho shown this season. AT 50 AND 75 OEXTS-Wo show a beautiful assortment of Scotch Clan Plaids, all-wool and silk nnd wool. Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. I a hosiery wo handle both Onyx und Hermsdof and have decidedly beet values in the elate. EiAles’ black, full regular made, very tine gauge, regular 35 cents here, 13 cent*. Only six pair to b custaner. All the Time. The beet 25 cents hcne In the city both for ladies and children. . i Boys' extm quality bicycle hose, ex tra long, ull sizes s to 9 1-2, only 19c. Men's bi/oivn nml blue mixed holt hone worth 15 cfntsfdr 10 cent'.*. Our heavy lisle hose for ladies at 50 cents can't be matched tor 75 cent*. Extra quaVlty hemststched VSr.en Hand kerchief* 10 cents. Soft bleached nfl-llnen henttttltchcil handkerchiefs 10 and 15 cents. Children's school handkerchiefs |e> - [Men's full else bordered bandker- chief*, extra value. 10 cento. Men's pure linen hemstitched hand kerchief* 15 cent*. , Men's slfk infc'Jal handkerchiefs, ex tra size. 50 cents. CORSETS. (Wo carry h* stock all the time foil assortment of Thbaipeon’s, K. & G., Warner .Bros'.. Ferri* Bros', and the celebrated C. B. oors&jt. All size* for Ihdlcu, mdsoes and children. EXTRAS. ?■ New line fine rocketbooks. 5 New Ihie dressing comb*. New line hair brushes. New line Roberts' scissors. -All colom In uUIn and shaded crochet oottton. New line Trchon laces. ' New tine Hamlburg embroideries. Now line mortleres. If 10-4 bletidhed sheeting 15 cent*. 10-4 unbleadhed sheeting 13 1-2 cents. Utica 10-4 bleached sheeting, beet sheeting made. 20 cento. Yard -wide Sea Island 4 1-2 cents. Y'ard wide heavy uheeglng 4 1-4 cento. iWaymhnivWe shlrtllng 4 cento. Good checks 4 1-4 cents. J Yard wide bleaching, soft finish 6 cents. 1 Yard wide Fruit of the Loom bleach 15 yards for $1, - WouBcttold Canton flannels cenxs. Extra heavy Clinton flannel 7 cents. (Standard brinks 5 cento, Btmnisfc and nnron check ginghams 5 cento. ■ Two cakes caatile soap 5 cents. Kfd hair curlers 10 cents dozen. Bobers’ scissors 25 cents. ,. Gbod (tooth brushes 10 cents. Good dressing earths 10 cento. • Fine Walr brush 35 cento. Good hair brush 23 cento. If you take pride in your porsomtl appenrnnee, it’s time for you to consider where to secure your Full outfit. Cor- tftinly, the proper place to Belect is where Style approaches, us near, as possible, Perfection, linked with reasonable prices. Our handsome line of stylish nnd excellent-fitting Dress Suits, an extensive collection of high-grade novel ties, will gratify you. There is no more (lunger in pre dicting their popularity than in prophesying the rise of tomorrow’s sun. Many advertisements contain exaggeration, but, quite the opposite about ours. A Very liitle time of yours, simply a visit to our store, will readily satisfy you of their true merit. We guarantee satisfaction. CHARLES WACHTEL, 515 CHERRY STREET, • MACON, GEORGIA ■a AN ELOQUENT ADDRESS By Bev. H. O. Judd U> the Georgia Bus- Inn* College Boys. Rev. Mr. Judd, the betoml real or or Bt. TauL addressed the etudents Irf (ho Georgia HuntnwB Cvillcgo on FrIJ W morning In a upeech 0f l’.ire besa:J and grtXkt OOBVtT. Mr. Martin Introduce*! the speaker In meet functions term*. deckiriug (lui by til* Christian walk ami UaMBna* !>• bad won the NgMUw u lmlr.ur.m. the coMtJmee—I'm the tUnoww love of all good men. Mr. Judd opened by saying thst iv.vt did befool * x renter msjnmlillfcy ihin when talking go youth. It* fully reoog- nlsed Xha ln*»re»*XonabU character *C their minds *•«! ho muyevl «ttil same word «f hi* ndghf make -in inv>r. < f-r good which would endure even as the footprint* made bv xlny bird* U|v.v, (he eVeriMMtag recto when In a |vls*tio mate exist today to Ml the titon-nr of crrttflon'i morn. Ht nil that the highest teto'M the Individual ms to Bve rittW; chut the highest success dunend* ui»m n sound I, sly. pure mind nnd *cilve life, tt w ie not money, but the love of It rhs* was the root of evil. TO Mbar for money was euMrely proper, t-tv-vlded 4: w-a* far the mirpo*e of .pending It fbr the b*ue- nt of nfanUnd. nek hoarding tL No man who lived'right ever became mv menaety rich, Invre-.lng smith hnwght with It Increased re-xvinP-Utty far K* wise and t-rooer dl*:r«>ut>vi Like al Mr. Judd'* error to, the ad- drew wwe characterised toy n purity of eenUmeut and I aftlnes* of tone tint are nllk* a bent son and ln*|8Rittcn. Lntl- raL etohueot and ornate, hla talk* and aenoona x ar> (»h*bed produeii "•.! Util beapeak the true onxot and feretd Chriattoa, and the nddnr* In question will kve aver In the rnedton of thane I woa to be pres- whew rare < etd. SALE OF SEATS POR THE GRAND CONCERT AT .-'T1JNT. AY II U.I. FRIDAY NIGHT OPENS MONDAY AT LUDDKN ft BATES PRICES M TO ALL PARTS or TUB 1I.V1.L. A ORBAT IINTEIITAINMENT. Joseph II. Denek. iho Pianist, nnd Lu cius Perry Hill*, tho Poet. Will.Bn tstam at Steiawsy Halt on Friday .Next, The concert «\>*on opens tills week at Steinway Hall witli a combination of musical and literary talent that I* cure to command a large audience of the most cultured people In Macon. IV r. Joa. H. Penck, whooe reputa tion a* a pianist la world wide, will appear probably for the hist lime In Georgia. Mr. Dench ha* within the last ten slays, signed a contract-for a iwtracrod concor! lour In Groat Brit ain aud Europe, und It will be tome yeai* iu all prcfeubllliy before the great performer will be heard aj'iln In aha South. Mr. I.uchu Perry HIIK who u* un cuienaluer, l» one- of tot mod thor- O'lghly equipped men in the country, wlH be another star a» next Friday night’* concert. Boride* being a bril liant poet, a keen humorlat aud a tine JelliiiMter of character, Mr. Hills has « i«nvfr of 1m|s-rK»<atlou rarely sur passed om ui>on tho dramatic stage. Mr. Hills will, on Monday night. Im personate « number of well known lr- «tl churjcterw, and bis work on this line will to- something on the order of living plettnva, presenting to the audr- <*h» tte^gBrsoa* represented abeolately But very few people la Macon have ever had an opportunity to enjoy an evening with wads master* of music and dramatic art at Jo*. 11; Denck and Luclua Perry Hilts. The concert will be a relief from the maudlin melo-dru- ma and weak fares- comedy that an warly maaon inflk-to «m th.-atrc-cacr*. mu SMotmy Hail win no doubt -be opened for this aeaaon by a large aud most faahlonable audience. Ttie Georgia Bitshsaw College his r*. eeleed an unusually liig* number of near etudenito Hits week snd ;he fall at tendance rt sum to be lar^r than fever. c. w. . Jn nil out Shoes you find not only Stylo nnd Ap^enrilnco, but Genuine, Sterling Value. They are better this fall than ever before. 51G. Cherry Street. FOR THE TABLE. The Pkicc In Macon Where, tho Moat TocfJiaome Things Are kept. TV) 'Mr. G. O. Toole belongs perhaps the distinction of conducting a grocery store whore a greater variety of R)reign Imported delicacies are kept than ut Rny other like eWtalblUhment In Mucnn. Mr. Tboletoo youngsixm und enihurkcJ In b\wtne*s with n view lb catering to the Mat-mate. HI* first orders were for k »sls which bod bfthento been un- knoem on tho Macon nxirk-e, and many pn dldUoaa were Made that Ahey were too line Aw the market. Time ha*, how ever. proven the wisdom 'g Mr. Knit'* course. He has already hod the pleas ure of contrelflnc a large share rtf the fine trade and toitav most of the bent t.iblen In thto city are nupplled from hi* stuv. In podtit of variety his stock Is well nigh .ndles*. and (We wUb seek mnrli'X ilelleaclea need go no farther than t' , >- 1-1 wo to find the freohwlt und of everything kept In a gr-Kery HORSE OWNERS. The Following is Very Much to Your j Interest. Pro feeder Messier of the firm of Messier ft Bird, practical horse shoen, M0 Fourth street. Is a graduate In tie line of horse shoeing and Jito work i* the best In the whole country. That such a practical workman Is 1 located here Is fortunate for horse owners and sh.Hitd be taken advantage of- His perfect h> every deuil and It guaranteed to corn- up to every repre sentation. There to no necessity for PtllroaWnt cheap and Inexperienced hip*.- choer* when *heee rcntlemen do th - work for the" tame money. MV are i-spccAMly prepaml to fit spectacles und have a regular gradit- al.vl optician to teat your eye*. J. U. ft \V. \V. WtlUatu*. Insure with the ".Macon Fire." Merrel P, OaUan-uy, *oltcKv>r. Everybody feels better from Brown’s Iron Bitters POINTS ABOUT P{SOPLK. r * The following is taken from a North ern ' exchange: '‘Obpt. Vffllinm 11. Scbatxuuui of Jlncon. Ga.. who Is known in native slate as one of the greatest leaders in the Democratic par ty Iu the South, lias been the guest of Isaac A. King of North Seventh street during the past few days. The captain Is a prince of good fellow* nnd made a largo number of very warm friends during Ills short stay In Roseville. He Is a polished gentleman of tlic true Southern type, a man of fine'presence, with a robust frame nnd a pleasant face. He was delighted with his visit, and left Roseville for home yesterday. Dr. John M. Moore la now in New Y'ork attending oao of the maternity hospitals <u that city. After remaining In the maternity hospital for a short while ho win enter Bellevue Hospital, aud Medical College, and after six months study wiU graduate aud accept a position that 1ms already been offered him In a polyclinic hospital and remain omryear, after.which he will return to JIaeou nnd enter Into partnership with his futlicr. Mr. Alex. K. Harris, who Is better known to the trade ns the "Hastier,” leaves for New York (Ills mprmug to lay iu another supply of drives and bar gains for his rap-dly >ncreasiug busi ness. Mr. Harris lias adopted the plan of Issuing catalogues to bis customers Instead of sending out druiumere, and find* that it has proven a great success. Augustin D. Daly Is oil for New York th,s morning to enter the Columbia Law College to take (he two-year course. He graduated from our Slate University In June last. He is u bright, cultured young man and U a universal favorite. Ills host Of friend* wish U.m g- d-poed u iu I pr. diet a briglil tulmv for him In his chosen profession. Tlie following telegram was received last night nt Manager Home's ofilce: “Augusta, Un., Sept. 13.—Henry Horne: Down In Dixie a big success. Cau't work too big n house. 8. tl. Cohen.' Mr. H. T. Bradley, after upending a pleasant vacation among the moun tains. has returned to his pant nt Ju lia ll'S. Hon. Jolm T. Boifeulllct Is recovering from hi* recent Illness and will he out In a few days. The many friends of Mr. F. 8. Davis, formerly of Macon, will regret to learn that lie was seriously Injured at No^ 4li on Iho Queen and Crescent route on Augu-I 28 by his caboose turning over and I-tiling down a flfly foot .embank ment with him, puiuiug him uuder- no.ith. lie writes to his brother, Mr. W. \V. Davis of this city, that he Is improving aaS that he will be all right In a short while. Mr. and Mrs. J. Daunculierg relumed fr. iu X-w Y'-rk j, -tciday. ale r qu ie a lengthy stay. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pannenborg are- In excellent health and are dellgiited to gel back home again. Little Halle Dougherty.- the pretty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. l-.mgli.-rly. 1m- g in- I., l-'nlt Vall-j to spend a week with relatives nnd friends. J, W. BURKE'S BOOK STORE AI.TMAYDil ft FLATAU. Messrs. Altmayvr ft Fltluu, u gen to, announce to the publls generally nnd to the trade In particular that they Uri* prepared -to fill ordefs'for the finest wines, liquors, etc.,'lh the same man ner a* to quality; tml at greatly re duced prices from those heretofore ob taining with the .firm Pt Altmayer ft Flatau. They will be glad to hear from all old customer* and return thank* for the many kind expressions of sym pathy which they have received In their trouble. GHAIRLIE OAiRR'S FUNERAL,, Will TakO Place This Afternoon From St. Joseplh’s Church-. 2 The ‘funttiuil of OSUrile Carr, Who vms ■murderod by Tom 'Allen, will tuke place from St. Joseph'* Catholic church this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Two of Mr. Carr's broth;ra-ln-l.iw ar rived In fflie city yewterday morning from AsheuIHe, N. C., to uiJiend the funeral. iMr. Oarr qfil ibo buried In the new Catholic cemetery, dedicated' a few Sundays ago, -and his Interment will be the first made there. WILL CONTINUE THE GObD WORK The announcement tlxi't Mr. Tom Kelly will remain In Mucon during tills fall and winter with Olewra. Geo. P. Burdick ft Co., Is received with much gratification by those who have tested hi* qualifications In the production of fine tailor-made garments. , (Mr. Kelly stands pre-eminent In Ma con In hi* profession, and never per mit* a now Idea to escape his atten tion. During his sojourn in New York this summer he made it a point to con sult tl>e leading designers, and that ho was successful in "catching on" to what was wha t is attested by the man ner lit which ho. Is turning out suits that look like the models seen on the new fashion plate*. We get the following from the Knox ville dally Journal, whloh speaks for ttaelf: “A Big Cool Deal.—W. S. Brooks. Esq., of Macon, Ga., manager of the Macon Oil and loo Company, while tu the city ye*tcnday bought two hundred carloads of coal. Mr. Brook* Is one of Georgia’s brainiest men and his com Ing to Knoxville for coal and securing the (highes: grade $s incontrovertible evidence bf the above fact." Mr. Brooks' close attention to busi ness. with careful and Judicious man agement. has merited tho well-earned reputation he has gained. He I* cer tainly the pioneer coni dealer of this city and we would suggest to the con sumers of coal that they do not place their orders for same until they eco and read the advertisement of the Mi- con Oil nnd Ice Company about coal which will appear In a few days. A. T. HOLT, REAL ESTATE AGENCY". Rertring. Collecting reals und sale of city and country property n specialty. Your pdtreoage ooltoited. Ofilce for preset* at 365 SECOND STREET. MRS. HARRIET WTCHE, 41S Walnut Street, The oldest aud most fashionable mod iste in the city, lus no Idea of retiring from business or leaving the city. NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that one Cha«. H. Berhe of Atlanta, Ga., who was formerly in the employ of the National Cash Register Company ot-Dayton. O., Is no: now connected with the *ald company in any capacity and has no authority to receive order* or to act for tt in any manner whatever. The National Cash Register Company. Dayton, Ohio. THAT PIANO which has n aympatbotl* touch, perfect action, xurefully constructed <to withstand cHmtlc Influences, Is the Plano to buy—so buy the „ MATHUSHEK. It not only contains the above special advantages, but carries the widest reputation for standing In tune and outlasting nil other pianos. It Is a strictly first class HIGH GRADE PIANO. NOT THE CHEAPEST BUT THE BEST, FOR ITS MODERATE PRICE. See them nt the TRIANGULAR BLOCK SALESROOMS of the old reliable , LUDDEN: 5:BATES Southern Music House, R. J. ANDERSON & SON. Managers Macon Branch House, MACON, GEORGIA. YOU CAN BE SURE To get the most fashionadle and seasonable fabrics, care fully and correctly cut and finished, in a style that is strictly high-class and artistic, by leaving your order with M’KAY- The Progressin CLOTHING DMJIIII. We are now Showing fall clothing, hat* and neckwear for men, youths nnd boys and can give you more styles to se lect from and save you more money than any clothing house in Georgia-. SPECIALS. $2.50—Boys’ good school suit, hat and hose, all for $2.60. This (offer can’t be dunllcated: , 'Boys' wool suits, all sizes, $2.60. Boys' knee pants. 8 to 14, 25 cerate. Big line nemr scarfs 25 cento. (Best unJaiundered shirt ever sold for 00 cents.. Try the Dannenberg Company for clothing. 'You'll save -money. THE DANNENBERG COMPANY PM SCHOOL BOOKSWAKTED • ‘ ?-'■ : ,, Hr * Have you in the house a lotbf school books not In use? Look them up nnd bring them at once and get new -books In exchange. If you want sbmo for this term come with your lists today and Lean supply new or second hand. DON'T WAIT—AVOID THE RUSH. Prices as law as any. -.-tV ,