The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 20, 1894, Image 8

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MORNTNG, SEPTEMBER 20, 18D4. ■ 1/ J ■■ R^^SSrSiSU'Will EDITOR PERRY WAS COMMITTED Upon en Inveitigation Before United Statee Commissioner L* M, Erwin Yesterday. WANTED TO DUPE GAMBLERS Slut Scltarc II* Coaid Get Anybody an III* « Striae tbi FhIoSoi Department Got Onto Ida lleckrt—Ilia Attorn* jr Talk*. air. John A'. Perry, the editor of the Xrwlnton World, a Populist paper, who was lamented day before yesterday for defrauding the mall, woe, upon » coni' mltmc-nt hearing before United States Commissioner Erwin yesterday, bound over to the court. Upon (be evidence brought to the at tention of the oommlsstouer the com- mltmant wua oiuAly determined upon. ft-' a very Strong case against Perj-y s'a.A Is likely to glvs him come serious trouble betfona he trots through wfrti It. for perverting the use of Uncle Sam's snail bag to carry on an unlawful bual- nma la nn offenae which when Commit ted doea not often escape heavy' pun ishment. v The prosecution of Perry was Insti tuted by J. W. Hudson of Qutada, Cal., editor of a small newspaper there, in* testimony given In tAvowed that some time back Perry sent him a circular letter advertising his playing curds. This circular and others like tl were produced set the trial. They were Issued under the auptlon, "Irwlnton Playing Card Company," and advertise n cer tain kind of card made by the company. With which Perry ctolm* tin* most In experienced 'hand can piny winning poker. He sent one of these circulars to Hudson and engaged to huve it pub lished bn his paper, whtoh lie did. Hud- son could not get the pulritc.vUon fee from Perry,, and believing tho case a bad one, anyway, reported bhn to th* poathtllre suthVrHIes at Waahlngttm, which resulted In Inspector BeiSs be ing put on the esse. Tn testimony upon which Perry wvis bound over seems to bo very tkirang ing, or. J. «. Wood, a poimlnont gen tleman of IrwheUm', tcstWed thwt In ootrverstihfon vrtth Perry 'he was told upon qtpwtlonhig liVm about his scheme, that bis Idea W.w to dupe California ptmllrn ntvd other Western. When answeiw came In they had always to bn •oeompinled by the price of the "snap" and the ••Itialc cards.” Pherllf Nat Hughes of Wilkinson omsvty gave In lesttmony that was strongly against Perry. He mild that on one wewlnn he toed given him a full history of hi* plan. Hughes ad vised him of the dinger of carrying on auoh business through the tnaHs. ' 'Among other things, it was proved that Perry bad directed cwmwpoudence concerning the dud company to be nil- drimeed to lock llox 37, which is his own private lock box. This wua brought out by the evidence of J. W. Hudson, the California, newspaper man. The criminal Tart of Terry's arttono. * he la guilty, la In M* using the malls lo further n dWhonor*lblo wnd dishonest enterprise and In not sending out nnd selling Ms card*. _ _ C<». n. T>. Locke, attorney for Perry, soya the ease 1* a small on*, and does not take the action of the commlesAvncr yesterday s* In uny way strongly Ind iting til* gum * “** .... „ At any rate, he will makes stubborn tight for his client. He olaltna that Perry Was never received any registered toiler or momoy order or anything of the kh*! from any CUII- fornto newspaper directed In «*re of the frwfrthm Ithiylng Card Compaw. which he win endeavor to prove to the court wnd make out of ft a very strong and convincing potnlf SELLS BROTHERS SPEAK lb Our Many Southern Frlends-Oreet- iiur: Five yearn have rolled around since laet we met, during which time we have exhibited our immense cirrus, menagerie and hippodrome In almost every elate and territory In the American Union, nnd In all tho colonies in Australia, and now. upon our return here, wo are confronted with a umlkToii* and libelous attack from an ollad^ed rival ithuw that arrogate* unto Itwelf all liie merit and morality lying around looae, und not having suf- ficlent Mini none of It* own It attempt* to attend* to ours. If the people had no momorjea; |f a quarter of a century of fair dealing and uninterrupted success; If a good record of unbroken promlxcx, such a* haa never been known before In the show buxinexx; if paying promptly ono hundred cent* on the dollar for twenty- five year*; If every promise faithfully per forated for two and one-haif decade* Khali not entitle u* to the confidence of the people, then, truly, we have lived in vain. We have aroused tiie blttereat opposition from other ahowx, but we have micceeded while they have failed. We publicly plead guilty of having re duced tho price of admlaulon In tho North and Houth and havo canned other Micmn to follow our example, and now In their effort to “make a virtue a net-null y, * they lay cialm to being the originators of low price*. These showmen, who ate no filled with a dealre to protect the Houthern people, ond are slopping over with virtue, ought to know 'hut tho Southern people are not no gullible an to be misled In believing the allege*] inter view of a “Southern ' at printed in a handbill and circulated ex- tennlvely, la anything other than a fake of the th Incat aort, and It will not atrengthen their rouse to any alarming extent, undir cover of so thin n disguised attempt to “draw In a Southern gentle- man." We havo had an experience of many year* among tho Southern people, and believe we know their char.viter, and, unlex* we ure very much mistaken, South ern gentlemen huve a habit of uttcnding strictly to their own bufrtnexx, and would rot Iwod themed ve» to rake tho hot chestnuts in a Yankee trick." Not content with aaaaAMng ua In print and press, they have dextroyed, derated or covered over our bill* in tho country, and Ikivo proven thomaelvca to bo “all liotiorable men/* a* Mark Anthony said of th© men who murdered Caesar at the foot of Pompey'i statute. Poor silly fools, to attempt to prejudice the Southern petipl© ngainta us, or Influ ence the people who will attend Sells tiros.* greatest show on earth at On to a bad practice? Just as easy and double as much genuine cheapness for you to buy stylish, de pendable Clothes, instead of the clumsy, thrown- togethcr sort that abound so plentifully about town. Every garment in our store is a gem of perfect fit serene. RENT LIST—POSSESSION OCTOBER 1,1891 LIST OP HOUSES FROU J29 UP. , SEPT. 24 12 l-2c. for Handkerchiefs worth 25c. Phillips. I' | TWO GREAT M EN IWM1 Be «t the StetnwAY (Murto Hill To- mcrnvw Night. 'Everyone who know* » good thing in tho way of a high das* entertainment will be out at <hs grand COnwrtot Slenlway Muelo Hall tomorrow night. dlrlci havo bosn olsoett «l X® *nu ®0 cents and reserved seats are now on sale at t/ulden A Bate*' Music House. Th* demnnd for aeat* show* how lh* people of Macon appreciate this clxs* of entertaturnout, and th* management, being encouraged, will In all probability present several other high elias atlrac- Gens on the stage at Btelnwny Hall during the season. Tba*e who have heard Mr. Joseph H. Dcnck oerform sro always anxious to hear him again. No ptanlst baa ever vt sited M«oon who might b» considered hi* superior, nnd not for many vear* h»v* the people of Macon bad *uch a programme placed before them that which will be pro*ented bn Friday night by limn. D*nok and tllil*. iMuitr In Its very assstie* the mualc that reach** th* soul: calling up all that Is heat and loveliest In man and woman, will b* beard when the au dience. losing night of Mr. Denck and the Instrument front which the music come*, hear only the wraith of sound and harmony or elaaucnce that comes alone under tho nuater'a touch. An evening with Wc. Lurlu* Perry Hills, the great humorist. Impersona tor and poet. Is well spent, even with out anything else to draw. Mr. <11111* has atone held an audience delighted for ttoura. and the enthusias tic notices of hla work siren by th* press throughout the United mate* ought to be a sufficient guarantee cf Friday night's entertainment. you wrIU tie pleased with die mild and “ ‘ Is.ling effect* of the Jnpaueee liver Pellets. Tty thorn. Sold by Goodwyo & Email, dniggkts. Second-lmnd school books bought, sold nnd exchanged. McEvoy-Sanders Co., 672 Cherry St. rrru \ DENTISTRY. Dr. A. 6. Moore, who has for the last eight yean been reasonable in hit charges (or dental fork, and who Is better prepared to do bridge, crown and nil kinds of denial work, having taken a. post-graduate course In prosthetic dentistry, owing to the stringency or the times, la willing even more reasonable m hi* charges. Come, let him examine your teeth and see haw reasonable you can have your dental work done. Tran extracted without pain, lit Washington avenue, nssr First Baptist church. Vlnevllle and tB.1t Line of street cars paw hi. offira ,t.,,e U.^m da VH * V X door. Macon, a*. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder WoUTa Pair Highest Mc4*l and Dirtcma. Did It ever occur to them that Riant* don't light plginlex? We arc never afraid of th© weak. It U la tho Htrong who aro feared. We have th© largest and bext irtiow we huve ©ver brought South, and we auxert and challenge contradiction that ourx lx th© only Mr »how ihat ©ver come South In It* entirety. Wo have always nddod to It, while other »how* jnvarfcilily cut down when vaulting the South. We will ahow th© i»©opl© here the ttne*t horxe*. the richest parade, the beat clrcux, the larxeat menacerle, the moat thrilling hlp- lsodrome races, and the flne*t nnd hlRcest I . S...II. Qnulh It'MU tent* ever eem North or South. While other show * have been falling by th© way. ■Me Sell* Bros, nr© flushed with victory and In the acnlth of succe**, LIST OF HOUSES FROM IS TO $20. Street— No. Room*. Price Street- No. Rooms. Price Orange . 507 S & 00 Second. * • • • • . . 221 6 18 00 Howl .. 2» 5 ’Si •«» Orange . . . 4M 4 $15 O') Itono Park. . e 143 8 ,TI) 0) ft Oak . . 655 7 10 V) Third ... 770 4 15 O') Oak . Gtf 7 SB •»> Walnut ... 915 7 13 0* Washington avenue. . 250 8 :*) «»o Walnut ... 917 7 15 Of) Washington avenue. . 02 7 20 (M Fourth . . 120 G 17 IN spring .. 365 C a :**i Roxa ... 432 5 12 50 New . . 604 8 r» Ross .. ..1336 7 18 0) Now . J505 0 22 60 Huguenln Heights. 4 10 00 Forsyth . 141 b ro in Oak ....HI c 13 0) Oglethorpe . .1171 C 22 f0 College .1128 G 1G 00 Vlnvllle 7 25 00 Columbus. ... * . ... 341 4 8 00 UiiKuenln Heights. . 0 22 ti) Columbus .. .. 345 4 8 00 During the last week I have rented aou great number of de»riable houses If you leave a six or seven-room house close In. place it on my rent list, a* I have several customers looking for surh a place. I still have for reit a good many houHe&thnt It would pay you to look at |f you wish to rent a house. Win FOR ANY INFORMATION, APPLY TO B. .A. WISE, 1 DENTIL AGENT. S SECOND SILT MACON, GA. 5) to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET jnes, Boil J, JJUIHUU, SAW MILLS, Machinery Ail .Kinds. MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IN JTOTTLES ONLY.) Qn accbunt of Us atnolute ilbrlty, wholesomentaa, good taste and quality to ala dlReatlon It 1* a most pleasant and refreshing beverage, an article incom parably strengthening to the invalid and convalescent This beer Is brewed from beat selected malt and from hops imported from Bohemia. It Is brewed after the new existing method in the Hof Brauerei at WJftW, Bohemia. Barbarossa ik a light palatable beer, unexcelled In taste nnd brilliancy, and on account of Its excellent quality Is preferred to the imported Ptlitlor hv nAnntilaiiiii« Pil»nor by connoinems. tFor tho dinner table and for a lunch there Is nothing better than n bottle of Barbarossa. ULLMANN & WILLIAMS, Delivered anywhere In tho city. Thono (31. Sole Agents. YOU MAY not get ons of :tho prizes I offered for solving my puzzles, but thero IS a prize for every customer In the low prices I make this month. GEO. T.{BEE LAND. Jeweler. 530 Second street. IT IS TRUE We have kept aloft from any auesUonubl* artifices or tho Introduction of "fak* features." We have never masqueraded In borrowed plumes We have never hired any mun'e name. Wo have never exhibited painted ele phant, and claimed they -sere "aacred ' We have never exhibited a repreeentn. lion of drunken I’asan orglo* and called tt a spectacle. We have never exhibited half-breed and half-caete negroes under the htgh-snundlng title of "An Ethnological Congress." We have kept our show clean, healthy ond moral, and tt Is patTonlsed by the test pwple everywhere. The reflned, pure and good people North amt Houth under stand this and do not hesitate to take their families. Being heads of families oursclvt* nnd having children of our own we would not present anything that would offend the nw*t fnatldl ma Any portion who tees our outllt will at once understand why other ehtaw* fear to follow us Thus far we have spoken. We will now let other* apeak. Youra truly. BEI4.8 JlltOS. The following unsolicited editorial fronV The Louisville Courier-Journal of Septem ber 9th. amply proves that our assailants have been false witnesses against us: "After giving one performance to the largest crowd, seen here In yearn Sells Bros' circus left last night for Owens, boro. EverytffinK about the show le clean and brkdit. and has been recognised and enlarged for the annual v Southern tour. The menagerie contains one or the (argent ooUectloas of ran wild boasts la captivi ty. Tho ahow Is all BeU* lira*.' claim (or It, and they will no doubt do an excellent business In the Southern country." Th* foUowing from Gen. Thomas M. Thylcar, chief of police. LoulsvUle, Ky.: "It stve me pleasure to say Hell. Bros.' shows In their magnitude, and stwpuslng qualities both as to quantity of valuable proptrtfaa and an excellent entertain- ineht are fully equal ta any show* ever exhibited In LoulsvIUa The crowded tents the part two day*, which have never been seen her* before, ire certainly subrtan* dal endorsements from our cltlxms of th* well warned popularity ef Hell* Bros' ■how*. It Is gratifying to this depart ment to note the exceptional management which ha* chunrtMtsed It* stay In this city. Youra truly. THOMAS H. TAYLOR. , "Chief of . ollc*." 1 Louisville. Ky.. Sept. 7. lSW.” MADISON, GA .Thursday. Sept, as AUGUSTA. OA Friday. *ert a MILLKDGKVILLE. OA.Saturday, Sept. 9 MACON. OA Monday, Sept. St COLUMIU'H. OA Tuesday, Sept S MONTGOMERY. At-V Wcd'eday. Sept. St PRt.M A, ALA Thursday. Sept if MERIDIAN. Ml Friday. H*PL tl MOBIL* ALA Saturday, 8ept. 9 11II1B COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. .AGREEABLY to nn order of the Will be sold before the court house S?'!i I S r . 0 , r ?.?SSL" i®!& c „*“ n J y hZ“! door In Iho city of Macon, during the legal hours of tulle, on the llrst Tuesday In October, 18!>4, the following proper ty. to-wlt: Ono grist mill, being a frame building, Book automatic engine, wllh boilers, heaters, pumps and all necessary cou- nccttous.ln said bidding. Also one grain elevator building and waridiouso connected thereto, together with funs, elevators nnd complete machinery nec essary to saltl elevator in said Imlldlng nnd furniture lu said building, nml all other property In said KUlldlngg and on the premises of every description found ou the laud of the Central Ihillrond and Banking Company of Georgia, situated on the comer or Walnut and Fifth streets, In the city of Macon, belonging to Taylor Bros. & Hall Levied on to satisfy tt fa Issued from city court of Mnrbn In favor of the National Bank of Ohntubersburg, Pa., vs. Taylor Bros. & llall. Also at the same time and place, one- half undivided lulerest in tlut part of lot No. 0 In southwestern survey of city of Macon fronting geveuty-tivo feet on Fourth street, situated ou tho north east comer of said lot No. 0 at tho Inter section of Fourt h and Oglethorpe streets, running 00 foot on Oglethorpe street to Martha Davis’ line, now In dicated by a cross fence, theme along line of Martha Davis 75 feat, lnoro or ',. k lb« koothweat-m Une of this lot, commeuoffiy at a point 70 foot from the corner of Fourth nnd Oglc.liorpo streets and running at rtglit angles to said Fourth strevt until It reaches the lluc of Martha Davis, hi the rear a distance of 70 feet, more or less. On said l<>t Is a brick building two stories high, with rooms up stair*. Levied on ns the prop erty of E. Crockett to satisfy a tt fa lsattcd In city court of Macon In favot of It. 8. Lanier v*. E. Crockett. L. B. UKIUUNGTON, Deputy Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE By virtue of an older passed st th* September term. llCH. of the mbb county court of ordinary, will be told before the court louse door In Bibb county, G*„ between the local hours of sa'e, ou the Crat Tnesdty ta October, list, th* foltxr- Irg described property belonglnc to th* ertste of N. A. it -irw’.h. Late of **M eouuty, deceased. to.wlt: A tract of land In th* city of Mseon. Gs.. and known a* lot No. s*v*a (7) ta square ten tli ), *r- cordlng to trap of A. E. Uonrdmnn. «M lot bring ilfty-two feet front and III feet deep, mere or less, and fronttacoii an ally between Monroe and Madlsou streets Hibl lot of land will be sold for the pur pose of paying the debts of .sail estate sad tor distribution. Terms of sals cosh. MRS. ROBA MCGRATH. Administratrix estate N. A. M exrulh, de ceased. ' GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—A. J. Col- Ibis, having applied to me for letter* of administration on the estate of Mrs. B. Scanlon, late of aaM county, deceased; this Ik therefore, to notify all ponies con cerned. to (Is objection*. If any they have, on or before the Uni Monday m October, IM, or letters wlU be Issued as asked for. C. SI. WILEY, Ordinary. bo sold at auction, at the court house tpor of said .county, on tho first Tues day In October. 1691. within the legal houra of sal© the following property to-wlt: That lot of land anil the Im provement* thereon lying and being in the city of Macon, Ga„ being a part of Ibt No. 0 In block No. 68, fronting 77 feet 6 Inches on private alley, known as McKevItt's alley, running in an easterly direction from the Intersection of said alley with property formerly belonging to Mrs Mary E. Doyle, along the lhne of said property about 60 feet, thence along the line of the property belong ing to —— Price. In a southerly direc tion 71 feet 6 Inches, thence 49 feet to said alley. Sold as <ho property of Mrs. Mary E. Dbyle. late of said co.unty, deceased. Terms of sale. cash. This September 4. 1894. THE MACON SAVINGS BANK, Administrator tie Bonis Non Cum Tos- tamento Annexo. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue t>f an older from Bibb coun ty court of ordinary, passed at the Au gust term. 1894. of sMd cctrrt, mill be Kdd on tbs ttnst Tueodny ta Ootober, 1694, between the legal houra of sale, before the court house <lt»r of Elbb county In Mhcoo. Go., the fbHowtag fle- aarlbed property belonging to tlhi es tate of Mrs. Maty Hogan, late of said t&unfty. doceased. fbr ttie purpose of '.?. e daW * * rata to and tor distribution among the heirs of sa4d eetate v ju>-wa: One lot, wrlth Improve- menlta thereon, lying and being In the city ef Mnooo. G«.. on Plum street, be tween Second and Thlhl street^ and known as ths rcsklence of the tle- No. 659; said tot being 61 1-J feet frortt and 210 feet deep, more or less. Terms of sole. cosh. Ad.ranr.o~.,— c— , W J, A - DAVIS. Adnamrtmihr EMtale alary a. Hogan. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Ordtnsry's Office. Sept. A 1191.—L L. Lyon, executor of the estate of Richard F. Lyon late of sold county, deceeaed. having appllod to me for leave to sell st private sal. four-fifths (44) undivided Interest in lot of land No. 1110. now ta Forsyth county Gw, formerly Cherokee county, said lot containing about 40 acne*, belonging to th* estate of Richard F. Lyon, dectneed for the payment of debts and distribution This is, therefor*, to notify**!! parties con cerned that leave to sell st private sal* will bo granted as asked for st the next October term. 1JM of said Bibb court of ordinary, utiles* objections art tiled. a M. WILEY, Ordinary Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors, Blinds, LIME, CEMENT and BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. T. C. BURKE. Write for Quota(ions.-ra«afl Before Placing Your Orders. o. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM, MACON. GA. ni LUMQtit, MUULuiN'jj, fAinix LI: AND CEfAE’ii, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LmiHQ WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd &c Co, Monultetorers sad Diaisrs.. SADDLERY, leather and shoe wdiscu Sfh. 453* ISJan’U 430 Cherry Strait. L. Cohen & Q p LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest house in Macon. Orders promptly filled. J. L MACE, Manager. - • Macon Qe. A trial solicited. B. T. RAY. XV. A. DAVIS, XV. F. HOLMES, W, A. DAVIS & CO.. Cotton Factors, 4 Liberal advances made on cotton In store. The very lowest rate of insur. MACOH SASH, DOOR & LUMBER DO., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, S60.000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, „ „ | 1, AND MANUF ACTURERS OF , Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Piaster, Hatr. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE. Etc. COTTON. I wlah to inform my friends and pa> trons that I have moved across Poplar street, opposite my old stand, and with Improved facilities and more conveniently arranged warehouse. I am bettor prepared than ever to handle their cotton to ad vantage. Consignments always receive my prompt and personal attention. NEW ROOF! CORRECT WEIGHTS! HIGHEST PRICES! SATISFACTION GUAKANBED! ELLIOTT ESTES. 517-623 Poplar street $3 SHOE, 95. CORDOVAN. . rorrirua. emamci irnr*Ai c* * : FRENCH&EriAMEUfDCALf: =54^.5? nNECAlf&KANSAMU I 9 3.9! POLICE,3 sous. ^SSSSW. *2 Ji.L? EoysschcclShoes. <£§§&, END FOR CATALOGU8 W-L* DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. sATCjtnoiHjy Jb^pitrcbRMlag W# L. Because, we are the largest raanufacttirers of .- Avci'.ihol .slion ill the world, und guarantee the value by stamping the name and price oa the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold ere'y- whcrc at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take uo substitute. If your dealerco**”''* •’t?*'’*' ••*>u, w «*an. *rcld W ROOHESTER SHOE CO. Yon 013 CHERRY STREET. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—By virtue of iib orUer of the court of ordi nary for said county I win sell ai pub lic outcry to the highest bidder for cash, on the 22d day if Septtember, 1894, beginning at 10 o'clock tt.m and oonittn- uirng ssld sale from day to • day. It necessary, all of the personal prop erty betonglng-to the estate of M. L. Munger, deceased, said personal prop erty consisting of pianos, organs, store and office fixtures, musical Instruments of various kinds and other articles ap- pertalnging to the muslo business. Also, lacludlg. personal apparel and all articles of value now located In tho store on Mulberry street In the city of Macon, formerly employed by said Munger In his business. Slid sale will be mndo at the storehouse aforesaid for the purpose of paying the debts of said estate, etc. J. L. ANDERSON, Administrator M, L. Munger. Madison Avenue HOTEL, fladlson Avc. and 58th St..' NEW YORK. SS/tr day and up. American rian. Fireproof and first-class in every par ticular. Two blocks from tho Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Avc. and Belt Lino cars pass tho door. H. M. CLARK, Psos. Passenger Elevator runs all night. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. M1ARK O'DANIEL, Office 318 Second Street. . Hours 11 to 1 and 4 to 6. Telephom Residence 374 Onan-go street, phone 389. Tela DR. J. J. SUBERS. Permanently located. In ths sol daltles venereal. Lost energy re< stored. Female Irregularities ant poison oak. Curs guaranteed, In confidence, with stamp: Address JS w IIP Fourth street. Macon, a*. DB. C. H. PEETJB, BYE, BAR, THROAT AND NOSE: Hours. 9 to 1 and 3 to S. Telephom 94. Office. 672 Mulberry, cornel Second street. Macon. Gs. 'DR. t. H. SHORTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. 1 Office 663 Cherry St, Mecca, Go. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALE3. Will be ehSd before the court hotwe door in the city of Macon during the legal hours of mle on the first Tuesday hi October next: Lot No. 2. In block 4. aouthweat com- mb ns, In the etty off STaoon, Bibb coun ty. On. Levied on oa the property of John Herrington nnd lizzie Herrington to satisfy a Justice count ft. fa. Issued from the 664th dfatrtct G. M. In favor of C. F. Oorsori vs. John Herrington and Lizzie Herrington. G. S. WE8TCOTT, Sheriff. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-James Cuthbert having applied to me for let ters of administration on the estate of C. Ned Strong, to Issue to James L. An derson, the county administrator. Thle Is, therefore, to notify *11 parties concerned, to file objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday In October, 1891, or else letters of administration will then b* Issued aa as aaksd for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. MACON SAVINGS BANK 676 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Capital and surplus $150,00(1 Pays 5 per cent Interest on deposit! of SI and upward. Real estate loans of the monthly Installment plan, and loan] on good securities at low rates. LegJ depository for trust funds. Will set s| administrator, executor, guardian, ra celver and trustee. H. T. POWELL.,,.,,.,. President H. G. CUTTER Vice-Presldonl J. W. CANNON Cashlej EXICHANGE BANK,. ATS uienu HI 1 OF MACON, OA. H. J. Lamar. Gee. B. Turpin. President. Vlce-Presldtafi J. W. Cxbinles, Cashier. Ws solicit ths business of mtrehonta planters and banka offering then courtesy, promptness, safety and liber, altty. The largest capital and ouiptui ot any bank ta Middle Georgia. THE UNION SAYINGS BANK & TRUST GO 1I1COX OEOEGU. II, J. Lamar, Frealdent; Geo. n. Tun utr. Vice-PreaHentf J, w. Oabanlsa Cashier: D. M. NeUIgxa. Accountant. CAPITAL, 190,009. SURPLUS: 130,00# Interest poison deposits s p*r cent per annum. Economy Is ths road wealth. Deposit your savings say the* In.Mau, — C#J ^| E. Y. MALLARY. President J. j. COBB, Cashier, DIME SAYINGS BANK, 420 Second Street, Macon, Ga. Deposits of 10 cents and upward received on which Interest will be com. pounded semi-annually at rate of 6 per cent per annum. Loans bn stocks and bonds at low rates, commercial paper discounted, ex change bought and sold. J. M. Johnston. President J. D. Stetson, Vice President L. p. Hlllyer. cashier. The American national Bank, MACON, GA. CAPITAL.... .. „ ..J250.000.00 SURPLUS ,, S23 00009 ^ Largest capital of any national bank In Central Georgia. Accounts of tanks, corporations and Individual* frit 1 receive careful attention. CorresDoisa dent© Invited. OF MACON. GA. CAP1TAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT.' W. W. WRIGLEY, CARIHRBt I. C. PLANT’S SON, BAJNTKEJEt SACO* GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED <363 Banking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits- We handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild 'ol London for all European points. mm