The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 21, 1894, Image 2

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2 i* A DAY’S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Batch of Nowsy Item, Fiimiihed bj the Hustling Correspondent^ of the Telegraph. A WEDDING AT JEFFtRSONVILl.E Mlu Ann!* Solomon and Sir* II* O. Aflknu ofluMpkln tnttfil ft i U trlajt- Tlio timpun ttmrcli IltsalU foils DfcitrftUd. Jeffersonville, Sept. 3).—(Special.)— Tho muft-br>liluut audal efuut ut ■tin, season wait too marriage ou last oven- Ins of Mis* Aunlo Solomon of till* place to Mr. II. O. Adame of Lumpkin. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock the lirldal party marked t|ic Baptist (tlmrch and marched In to the tltuu of a beautiful wedding march played by Mr*. W. W. itolomoa of Macon. t Tho church, which bad been tastily decora ted, wa* packed to 'll* tit tertnoaf capacity. The naliera were Messrs. .1. 0. Marty, t>. 8. Faulk, Freeman Walker and Norman Burke. Tho at tendant* were Mr. Herbert Tlmrpp anil Mine Alice Todd, Dr. J. M. Wall and Mow Mamie Gates, Mr. 1. L. McNair and Miss (Jena Faulk, Mr. J. T. Max well amt Mina Higgle Kin*. Mr. l)en- natxl Ilushee and Mia* Bessie llurke, Mr. J. It. Wimberly and Miss Fannie Solomon, Mr. lien Solomon and Miss Carrie McCttlluui, Mr,.1. Norwood Ste phen* amt Jllss Mamie Loo Solmuon,. Mr. B. A. Worth button ami Lucy Kolutuou. The little flower girls were Mine* Ucsslo llanvll and Dearth) Sol omon. Tho young ladles wore dressed In lovely cream alike, while the gentle- men wore full cveulug dress suit* When tho bride aud groom, preceded by the flower girls, bail taken their po sition and tho luut strains of the wed ding march bad died wwuy, the cere- many was perfonned in a beautiful aud Impressive monuer by Rev. J. C. Salo mon of Macon. After the wedding tho bridal party- wo* toudered an elegant reception by Mrs. Sarah Saletuon, mother of the brido. -.Mr. Adams has secured one of Jeffer sonville's fairest und most puptilar daughters, ,u was attested by the mag- nklevnl collection of - handsome pres- cm*. Tho happy ooupl* left this morning for their future borne ;u Lumpkin, car rying with them the hearty congratula tions and best wishes of their best ef friends. SENOI'A SNAPSHOTS. Bright Par (graphs (lathered by a Hust ling Oorreepomlent. Senofs, fleet. 20.—(Special.)—Senols Institute hno enrolled 137 pup(I* for tho fall term. 1 The lOntcrprlsc-Gaaettc will change hands after the flrst ot January, ISOS, having been purchased by one of our cltlxen*. Mr. T. W. Vlnlng and wife of Bait Point are on a vial t to their daughter, Mr*. W. 8. Travis. Mr. Vlnlng w*a, for over twenty years, the faithful de pot agent here ft>r tho Central railroad. AVe will have a Domocratlo rally here next Saturday, speeches by lion, W. C. AVrlghl, chairman of the executive commute; for the county, and by Hon. W. A. Post, unit at night a meeting of ♦he Democratic club. (Mr. Hannon ’!}. Smith will return to New York this week to complete hi* course In medicine. Harmon Is a bright young man. ha* tnken a splen did slam In his class We bespeak for hltn aucut*a. Hernia will have two new ratten buy ers this Mason, and while tome of our farmera are putting tin long faces on account of the low price of cotton, s majority of them lake a philosophical view of the Mtuatlm. knowing they will get all Ibr their cotton the market can ulTunl. and are loublv blesietl In iibun. dant crop* of hogs, corn, pej*. potatoes, etc- Alessra. O. W. SKtley and W. P. Ker. tin. two of Benoit toys, afier having given Atlanta a trial for several years, have oast their lots with us again. Mr. Sibley accepting a position with L. J. Mcl/iue * iBro. and.Mr. Ktrlltv a like Position with Dr. J„ SI, 0»uch. Both these young gentlemen are ncUil for (heir sterling Integrity and buslnem mnim.wtion), but aiy on account of the In omi of living they can make more money and live easier hvve than In Atlanta. \ AgsrlM of mectlnga now In program at the Protgiyteriaiv church, under di rect**, Of the pastor. Rev. P. M. Dun- • can. aMy aMatril by Rev. Dr. M ick. state evangelist for the Presbyterian otmrrth. geves promise of ice.rt good to (be community. The sermons of Dr, Mock tar* truly prroround, drop- sen sible and logtcal. yst mode *> |d.i'o •kdswt « wayfaring mttn, though « fool," cannot mistake hij meaning. Saturday evening last ns Ool. D. It. Metbvln. Ms bather. Thomas \V. Met he via, mtd Mr. R. Ogtotrce syra going to the dove (let,Is above bnr.i to shoot dove* their boras took fright, and be* cooing uimMohgovVhb*. kenrsw Mr. T. W. Methvtn out. he falling bet west ♦he wheel* and under the buggy. Be sides ths* brutscs eueMlncd by him In OsHtng the bora* kicked him tn the aide, (coring (twee ot his ribs !o,w from his backbone. He It badly hurt, but the doctor tldnka mk totally so. IT SEOtS TOO SHALL to do any good, when you took at one of Dr. Pierce's Hmmnt Pallets. Hut jut fry It, when you're bilious or eoastipatsd, or hsvs a •oar staunch, or a tit ot Indigation—and you’ll own up that they’re the lest thlnga )p the world. That’s because they cure 1 perwunrstfy,’ and do it, J jdmanatlp. They're tiny, I near - cento, and easy to I taka Thrash do disturb- ' ones to Uw system, diet, or oeeDnatkuL ouamarewL or nt-’uiy rdvmirl ’ Ur. B. V. Pti Satire cured. with.href trpub. w.l wuifc Ths other (wo gentlemen were after ward thtoim opt, but not bun very badly.’.Tae buggy wUt corn to piece*. . .. FOil’L'LIsra Hi AL'M-fKIt.*, Sept 20.—(Spe«lal.)-Ue 1* kuilty of an assault with latent to apeak, I* the popular vcnllct after in toning to one Campbell, from Camp bell enmity. (Ja. After dnutmilug the county fur u Week wl(U attractive hos iers and haudbill* that Parson White, loo third party cougnsMlfftiar nominee against Judge Cr.sp, aud Mabaflec, the candidate for attorney-general, and oth er* of great note would Ik- hero today aud astound the native* vvhh their par ty eloquence, they bad ns nearer* about •oio hundred Democrats aud tlfty or Sevemy-llve Populist*, half of whom come all the way from Schley county. The thirds were badly hacked that they did aot gut up a hetler speaker, hut our verdict Is that he did all tUut could have bc'-u done from tile past record of liter dan, The main tone of the effort wa* to catcli tlte negro rule. Chatrmnu J/onerhy of the executive aud Matthews of the campaign com mittees are on tho hustings and are having meetings held In different part* of tlie county, which are addressed by some of our bekt local speakers wltn f^lmg effect, and Somter will roll up her usual peraocritlo majority. mu AT EVERETT'S STATION. Store of Young A Barber and Other * Property Destroyed. ■ _ j Everett's station. Sept. 20.—(Spe cial.)— Laat night, • MMM after mld- t*!(ft»t, dhe store occupied by Young & Harkov and used for general merchum- dlae, postolllce and express oltlce. was entirely consumed by (Ire. Young & ll.u<tH>r lost ubftut 1(00 in stock and Mr. Bunber lost about 11,100 tn currency v .nksh he had In «ai upper room of -stio store. ?Ir. Barber aiM hi* son and Mr. Young, wife atA (two oMMren were In sleeping room* alttached to the store. Mr. Ynimg saved most of Ms house hold furniture, hut the postnltlee rec ords and other valuable -pipers were lost. Qtr. Young In attempting to save onese oarncncor betog burne<l to de.itih. Juat ae he opened the safe door a keg of powder exploded and scattered Are all over the room, wml the safe door was* left open and everything, of oeurae. whs consumed. CAIT. BARNARD ELECTED. Ho Will Hereafter Be Colonel of the , Flret BulcUUton Georgia Cavalry. LaX3rUmge, Cto., Sept. 29.—(flpeelnl.)— Copt. J. M. Barnard wa* yosierduy elected major of 'the First Battalion Georgia Cavalry, to succeed Maj. Clark of Augusta. Tho only contestants for -the place were Oapt. John SI. Miller of Atlanta and Oapt. Btmuird. - Tlte First H.Ftallou Georgia Cavalry Is oonvposed of tihe following compa nies: Governor** Horse Ouvirrta, Rich mond Hussars, Troup Hussars aintl the Gordon Troup, Caps. Barnard being at the present captain ot the Troup Hus sars. OOL. WHITAKER IN CLINTON. Clinton, Sept. 20.—(Special.)—Col. W. 8. Whitaker, the Populist candidate for 'congress In (he Sixth district, spoke at th* court house here today to a crowd qf thirty-eight pinkjo*. eight of -whom were colored, six known white Demo crats! and the balance DopdUata tvtvl non-olHclatlng Democrat*. He add nothing to enlighten u» upon nny ques tion. Ho has the bearing of a gentle man, but suggested, no relief to the struggling people except the election of Populist U> oltlce. At thla writing per fect <tulet prevail*. Scarcely a sound or * gentle breete la to*be heard, We sit down In kuhltme wonderment as <o what, will next turn uo. 1 GREAT TOBACCO DISPLAY.' ■ It Will Bo One of Features of the Cot ton state* Exposition. Atlanta, Sept. 20.—Representatives of muuy of the greatest tobacco growing establishment* In Antei-lcg assembled today tn Atlanta for the purpose of preliminary steps toward t'ho Inauguration of tho moat elaborate dis play of the tuhacco resource* ot this ami other countries ever aeon In tho world. Tho ibovcmcut was luauguraiisl n few weeks ago through correspon dence of leading tobacco men with the Gottoa Statist and International 1-lx- pokdltm of Atlnutn, which la to ho thrown open In the fall of lSti.l. Tho ox pool tl on Invited representative* of fill the leading tohhcco eelahllthmoift* to tie here today and nave a full confer ence concerning the matter. The tobacco men any that no exposi tion lias ever glted thin groat Industry the recognition warranted by the rich ness of tide rcsourae, which ranks kcc- oiiiI among the stuple produets of this couutry. The effort to eeeure uu inde pendent building at tho Worlds Fair at Chirngo tolled, aud sucli of the to bacco Industry as was exhlbReil wa* scattered In various place*. It waa likewise at the Centennial at Philadel phia. Livid.iig totiaeo men have con ceived the bleu ot exhibiting lu Atlanta lu a eepinite building the most elabo rate display of the tobaceo Industry that ha* ever bqen made, aud great eu- U)ughiam eharacterlied today's confer- ene»\ Repreerntnttvek from such Arm* nt 1‘. Lorillnn) & Co, ot Jersey city, Vetterlelu 11 roe. of PhUadcIphin, Pons & Co. of New, York, Herushvlm Bros., & C\k of New Orleana, nnd moro than twenty of the Itxtdlng totnu-oo establish- ment* of Virginia, North Cnrollun, Kentucky and Florida. Fifty representative* of the leading tobacco houses uf the couutry were present at today'* conferomee with the d.n-etors of the exposition. After n toll discussion ot the nutter, the to- hacoo meu, on motion of Mr. Cartoway, the roprvA'Otutlve of P. Isirdlard & Cik, arcisodcd by air. Iterusliebil. of New Urleans, adopted a khNMwW quistlug Die dlroctore of the exposition to croc! a separate building for the dis play of the world’a tobacco Industry. They assured the Invirty co-operation not only of lhe flniis ropfrscutmt tint of tiro trade generally hi the end of making lu Afianuf next year the nwet slabomtc display of the tobacco indus try ever had in the history 'of exposi tion*. i T it had been originally contemplated 1 tint the tetiac«e ii\en should nml.Tt.iko theutselvrt! to arrange for the erection of their own building, but at today's conference the cxpoa.ll,hi .directors a>- mired them that they would erect with out expense to the tobacco Industry an Independent ttulldlug to be used for this display, provided the assurance waa cx- teadnl that the tobacco men would make a Biting exhibit of ibis grout re source. Urn resolution of the tobaertj men accepts this auggesttmr amt the tioant of Ulicetoni of the cxiwsltloo this afteruoun ratlflcd ;i. They rcfcfroil the uialtef to tho eXM-utJw committee or the exposition with lnatnetlon* tp take •tops at once for the establishment of this feature ot the exposition. More than one hundred letters from tobacco C tahlishments of Attrorlra and Cuba itp been w-eelv.'il nasnring hearty co operation In the movement, the tueces* of whicb is now assured. _ Or, Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. -All wool Black Henriettas, 38 ins. wide; regular 50c. kind. Black Serge, pure wool, 42 inches wide. The same quality being re tailed over town nt 00 cents. 1 A line of dollar Broad Cloths nt i OCn ^3 cents; yard atid-a-half wide. Our (Novelty Suits lead them all. 250 IMPORTED SUIT PATTERNS representing the cream de la cream of New York, no two alike, $7.50 to $25. THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK piece wool dress goods we have ever shown; the latest styles and any quality desired, fully 25 per cent, cheaper than former prices. ANYTHING you could wish in silks for street or evening wear* waist or dress silks. Exquisite line trimming silks, vel vets bnd passementeries. MME. GORHAM is on hand; fully organized; competent help; new ideas; latest French plates; everything warranted. Leave orders. THE SCHOOL CHIDREN remembered., The best stock of cheap und medium dress goods, dresB ginghams, dress prints, percales, canton flannels, hosiery, handkerchiefs, etc., we have ever shown and much cheaper than ever. Come and see us. THE IRON MARKET. The Iron Traflo Review Glvea the Con- dltiou of Business. Cleveland, O.. Sept. 20.—The Irou Trade Review aaya today: TJte toot that pig iron production has advanced so rapidly in the past six weeks with out causing any accumulation of stocks, the report on September 1 allowing that cxke trou on baud hod further de creased in August, has been taken ns au Index of considerably enlarged con sumption. It Is true that the weekly rate of pig Iron production September 1 was greater tlutu ut fourteen mouth*, hut most of the added coke furnaces had not been long enough in blast ou Uiat date to affect stocks. There is uo question that production Is now in ex cess of current demnnd, und In Besse mer pig, which 1* being produced by more than four-flftlis of the furnaces ,n Allegheny county mid tlte Maluming and Shenandoah valleys, a further weakening In price la noted. For de liveries after this mouth there have been sales ns low as $11.25 at Pitts burg. Sted billets have phared In the nnd $ltl.5U can he done for for ward deliveries. Here and there n fair amount of trading Is reported In foun dry Iron, hut tho bulk of the buying is of the small lot order for quick ship ment and foundrymtti' are' Dot umra.- mous os to distinct Improvement. Pipe founders are generally well supplied with work and Southern furuueemeu have odd some round lots of iron on this account. There ure evidences that the low freights made same months ago front Bouthern points Wore prolonged to certain Northern territory after tho gnucral advance took place. While the railroads have been freer buyers the past month, their puralljscs ure not of the kind for which the'ton trade has long been watting. PaFs^ops are more active and car wheel .founders have more to do, though prices are at tho lowest point. lu flmahed. material there Is sharp competition and buyers nro gettlug the advantage of the nnxlety of large producers to keep up the pres ent pace of operation*. I n nearly every case the mills are delivering more ma terial than they are, and cut prices are Inevitable. Tho hopeful phase of the situation Is thq wide dis tribution of detuuud,’' Indicating that stocking up Is the. genewt .Mill* In,the Pittsburg district nud tn the cen tral West, including Chicago, scorn for the time being Id hotter Kliapo than those In the East, though there Is some Indication that the , latter ,, hro returning the attentions Western producer* have lung been paying to the East. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. This Is beyond question the most suc cessful cough medicine wo have ever sold. A row doses Invariably cures the worat case* ot croup, cough nnd bron chitis, while It* wonderful success In the cure ot consumption It without parallel In the hlatory of, medicine.’ Since it* llrnt discovery K has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other med icine cun stand. If you have a cough, we earnestly usk(you loir y It. Price to cents, CO cents duil tt. If your lungs ere sore, cbeSt or. back* Is 'lame, use Shiloh 1 *' Porous Pinitcrj - ■-> ■ ’ Sold by OocAwyn & Small Drug Com pany, carper ‘Cherry, street und Cotton • t*r WhMit Motor Mill Plant tin tlio’World. UNDINE, Crushed TVHddKpge Flour* Tho only Floor oflt* kind, and tho best oi any kind. II Is mndebyn, secret pro cess known to but two persons. $100,004 hubMneflbnd for the Knowledge- "The Undine Is out of sight," Irareon. Lard A Co.. Tenntlle, Go. "The Undine la far ahead of the flour we have been getting at Naahvtlle." XV. H. Morgan, pooler. Oa. NOEL MILL COMPANY.' Estlll Springs, Tenn. ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING. FIFTEEN WORDS OK MOKE. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AO. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN li CTS. WANTED. I WANT to buy two show caae* n. C. Balkcoo. Third street, near Mulberry. WANTED—Cool men to puce riquuaBs ' Bunding and Loan Association stock tc Georgia, bran* promptly awoe. ueo A. Smith, central manager utenangt Bank buUdlng, Macon. Ua. WANTED—To sell you a '94 model Denamore typewriter, best machine in the world. J. E. Mlnter, agent. ’Phone No. 283. FOB BENT. FOR RENT—Store, No. M8 Fourth street, next to Southern Express Company. Ap ply at R. 8. Collins & Co.’s, agents. FOR RENT-Frotn October 1st. two or three connecting room*; modern conven iences. On the hill. Price reasonable. Address S., care Telegraph. TWO ROOMS In W. A. Ofme's new resldenoe. 203 First street, to rent to gentlemen. Locution convenient to business. Call and see 'them. FOR RENT—Ten-room house, 668 Firsrt street. George W. Duncan & Co. FOB RENT—852.Oranse street; seven- rooms, gas and water; aw line, Ap ply to W. B. Blroh. STORAGE ROOM for rent. Apply to A'Jtmuyer & FlaJtau. FOR RENT—Three delightful connect ing room* on bill, near Wesleyan; convenient for light housekeeping. Reference required. Address, "Skb.," Telegraph. FOR RENT—October 1.—Nine-room residence, 126 Cole street; modern convenience*; 825. Apply 'to E. F. Bronson. FOR LEASE—Store house corner Third and Cherry streets, for wholesale and retail dry goods, from October 1. Ap ply to H. G. cutter, agent, at Macon Savings Bank. FOR RENT-October 1, the two-story .residence fronting Tattnall square, oorner Oglethorpe , and Tattnall street*. Apply Daly'q Exchange, Col lege street. < . ; FOR 8ALE. , tf FOR SALE—On Saturday wo will receive a cartoad of horses nnd mares which must be sold at once. AH parties desir ing horsese would do well to call at once. We mean buxnlness. Davis ft Son. FOR SALE—Large ton-room house In small town, auttuMe for (hotel; heaOUiy, good water and exirilen't - school advantage*. Must be sold. A bargain for cash. Particular* by ad dressing "Business," "Jbto oltlce. GINNING OUTFIT FOIt SALE-WIII sell n( a great sacrifice 10-hor*e power engine, locomotive boiler, 50-saw gin, press, etc. Robert. A. Ntsbet. FOR SALE—One magnificent new Co lumbia bicycle. Has never been used. Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele graph oltlce, FOR . SALE—OU papera, for wrapping purposes, etc., 25 centa per hundred. Telerraph office. FOR SALE—Bay mare; Sound nnd nny lady can drive her; also top bbggy. J. B. Minton. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST—Betwren 603 First street and pustomce, ladle*’ open face silver watch, with chain and Maltese cross charm. MM-.umametor cruclme eu*- tme" and “F. H. 8." <n»cr4bc(l. Re turn to 603 First street and receive reward. AN EXPERIENCED lady traaher will Instruct invalid and backward pupils at their homes. T., Telegraph. M'GOWAN'S HAMS. I2(i cent* at M. C. Ualkcem s, Third atreet, near. Mulberry. MtSS ISABELLA NICHOLLS-Ctasaea for French, Literature and History. Music. 475 Orange atreet. - CODFISH, cocoa nut*, cream cheese, cranberries, trash, at C. F. Collier & Bro'*. NEW Georgian cane aqd maple syrup, Jellies, pres ?>ves, pickle* atjd ollvcu. O. G. Toole. CHOICE Western beef. We keep only the beat. Gaorgia Packing Company. THE BEST place In Macon to get any thing In the meat line Is at the Geor gia Packing Company'* etore.45* Ftrst atrtfft. PARTIES desiring boarders communi cate with Georjrta-ALbanu Buatncea College. Their present boarding house* are full. . 100 SYRUP DARRELS Ibr tale cheap. * Wlnn-Johnson Company. NEW GOODS of all kinds now in. We 1 are headquarters for staple and fancy groceries; can furnish you with any thing you aunt m rock-bottom prices. John C. Holme* * Co. SARATOGA CHIPS are all tn*. rage, ash your grocer for them. LINDEN baking POWDER always give, satisfaction. Your grocer sells it. 1150 INVESTED yield* 265 average, mealy Income with absolute security. Pros pectus. Itemised statistics free. Benson 31 Dwyer. 131 Broadway. New York. NEW STOCK ot apples just received. A. JL Cullen. TELEPHONE 358, J.- H. Roush & Son, and place your order for ooal. Best coal on the market 24.50 a ton. BROKER'S bread raising Is the best bread preparation made. Try it. LINDEN BAKING'POWDER nlwnys' gives satisfaction. Retails 29c. lb, CENTRAL, give hie llw. Is tn*t air. Keene -Yes, madam. Please aeno me two boxes Saratoga chip* l tblnk tney are excellent. TURPIN'S BAKING POWDER 1* the best made. Have you tried It? OLD PAPERS for wrapping. 25 cent* per hundred at the Telegraph qfflee. The Most Wonderful Offer Yet .... S»y» Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, "are ch« mlle-stoncs whereby we measure our progress through me.” Do you went to be somebody? If you do. there is no time to lose. This Is the «f»o/“Oo/" The men who does not know things will be es surely left In the rece «s a horse who eterts with a bucket of water In his Interior department Your friends wilt be sorry, but they can not stop to wait for you. There Is no middle course. We must go forward or backward. In the crisis of life, the man new euuoixs just tvemtxa. Blotters arid #Hwr4>ack n»jclc*rrt In kits, ma- p> eyrup (pur* sap), olives. Id bot tle*. o^Aftptr dh*n out of barrel*, French pm and cmnhrooma. borao- mado couupf preserves and Jellies. Come to beadqumeni for everythin*. Jofca C. Ilofcnee St Co. How to.succeed—that Is the great question The most important thing is to knw what you want to do, and then do It well. No half-measure. Whatever your business, trade or profession, make yourself master of It. No useful knowledge comes amiss. Study the practical part of your business first and ornament your mind afterward. But you will say:, I work hard; my salary Is small; I have nt room ror money for a library wherewith to educate myself, and no time for lectures or lessons. Now Listen!: If your room Is only six feet by four and your Income the smallest, you tan furnish It with the best library in the world at a cost that will surprise you by Its Insignificance. That library consists of one work only. But that one work covers the entire field of human knowledge. It is a work worthy to be your guide through life. It ts the new up-to-date edition of the Great Encyclopedia Britannic*, and If you are a subscriber to The Constitution you can have It as youn own by the simple saving of to cents a day. Write for application blank. , The Constitution, ATLANTA. fiA. Or call at branoh oltlce. 60S Mulberry street, Macon, Gn.. where you will And tn the Brittanies reading rooms com plete sets of this magnificent library and receive courteous attention. SAFETY IS THE KEY-NOTE dr buman conviction, and by demon strating the safety ot EQUIITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK, the Association has secured" the confidence bf the people. Lord Mansfield said, "the best Invest ments tor gecurl ty and Income arc first -mortgages on real estate." stock in the EQUITABLE BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Is *e- curod by first mortgages on Improved real estate, In doable the amount, which are hekl by the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, as trustee, and nothing but an earthquake can dislodge them. The Equitable will Issue this month 15,000 WORTH OF $ PER CENT. at 2100 per ahar*. This stock guaran tee* I per cent, cash dividends, payable semi-annually, and can be withdrawn at any time after six month*. Appli cant* will be served In turn. GEO. A. SMITH, *' General Manager. Room 4 Exchange Bank Bonk Building