The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 26, 1894, Image 5

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I) 1 JUST RECEIVED. Two collars go with each Shirt and we sell them for Also a lot of those low neck Night Robes at the same; we can give you others tho’ at 50c. Summer Bows and Ties at 15c. J. H."HERTZ Corner Second & Cherry 1). A. KEATING, rXORRTAKKK AND RMDAI.MRIL OH Slulberry St. - Macon, «a. Tclci»lione»«»Ofliid. 46T* ileeldence. 403 mokxoaT 7 M&rtiaces, birth*, death*, funeral* and meetings Inserted la this column at W lor ten line* and 10 cents per line lor tacit added line. A responsible name must accompany tho advertisement aa a guarantee of good faith. L. McMANUS CO GENERAL. iiiiMim Day Telephone Kight Telephone 238 - 232 Undertaking Establishment Next to Hotel Lanier. ' Day Telephone 435 Night Telephones.... 435, 178 NOTICE. Members of Central City Ledge No. 3 K. ot P. Ytou are hereby requese-l to attend meeting of your lodge this (Wednesday) evening, g o'clock, at Castle Hal) to celebrate twenty-fifth anniversary of Bam:. Membera of Syracuse, Ocmulgee and M. R. Rogers lodges cordially and fra ternally Invited to be with uo. N. J. GILLESPIE, C. C. % J'NO. HAKTZ, K. of R. and S. THE FAIR WHITE FRONT, Almost Opposite Post Ofllce. Sign and Square on Window. Closing out ladles' Writing Desks at 85 cents. Memorandums Sc., 3c., do. nud Cc. Paper Dolls la and 5c. sheet. Raphael Tuck Dolls 5c. envelope. Closing out Scraip Books Sc. Closing out 50c. Scrap Books 23o. Closing out flue Scrap Pictures 3a card. Flue Purses and PocKotbouks. Wire Hair Pins lo. paper. The finest and host 5 and 10c. Harps la city. Au elogaut line ladles Undervests 20 and 25 and 30 and 35c. Ladles wool Undervcsls 75a White Knitting Thread tic. ball. Fine etched Tumblers 5c.; 00a dozen. Initial Tumblers 5c. Horn Hairpins Jc. dozen. Horn Hairpins VOc. dozen. Brass Hairpins 4a and 10a box. Fine Hairpins 3a and Da and 8c. and 10c. each. Swansdown 4c. and Oo. box. Closing out cloth Doll Patterns 5a Fine engraved Tumblers 80a dozen. Flue lino Table Cutlery. Mirrors on stand close out 20a Large Japanese Teapots 15c. English Rockingham Teapots JO and 20 and 25 and 30 c. China Cups nud Saucers 10a and 13a mul 15c. Fine China Plates da and 10c. and 15 cents. Covered Glass Dishes on stand no no house In Georgia am beat Coal Ilods and Vase*. . Decorated Imported Butter Dishes 25 cents. Ostrich Feather Dusters 10 and 20c. R. 1\ SMITH. Sole and Only Proprietor. r Macon. G*.. Sept. 24. 1894.—Notice Is hereby given that thirty daya attcr da'e I shall apply to the mayor and council ot the city of Macon tor a deed to eneroachinent deacrlbed at folia**: Raid.encroachment to be upon the al ley between College and Madison atreets, commencing at the point where my lot, the same being pant of lot No. 1. square 14. acoordlng to the plan of the city of Macon, corners upon arid al ley and College street. thence along Col lege street a distance of five (5) feet, thence at right angles down and along tald alley In the dlrecUon of Madison street a of 800 feet, more or less, to a point opposite tha extreme southwestern corner W my «td lot, thence at right angles a distance ot ftvo feet to the line of mv lot and thence at right angles along the line of my raid lot to the atarUng point. W. E. McCAW. IX ahdUiW.'Franklin 8t., Baltlmore^M'dl EBGEWORTH BOARBIHG a MY SCHOOL for yoon* ladle* will reopen Wednesday, Seotember 24 ^ vnr. Mr* IL r. LEFEBVBE. Principal The Majority Matt U» Mart* Jvit a* Big a* I* Poietble—Tliero Are Yet Many Eloquent Speech** to Be Made for Democracy. Atlanta, Sept. 25.—(Special.)—Reports received at campaign headquarters are highly satisfactory to the men who have bees shouldering the details of the canvass. Chalrtuau Clay has got everything In worklug order for the last strokes between now and the 3d, which is Just a week off. There will bo plenty of speech making this week and up to election Jay, blit the efforts of tho campaign managers will be di rected mainly upon setting tho county and district committees to work, lim bering them up for tho last play Sn tho big game. • The especial point which the state committee wants to emphasize Is tho importance of. tho full vole being polled. They want every Democrat in the counties where the Populist make prac tically no showing to vote, as well as where the Populists are strong, so that the big majorities In the strong Demo cratic counties will offset tbo small majorities la the Populist strongholds. Chairman Olay wauts this particularly borne lu mind. Tho work of exposing tho Populist fallacies and expounding the goal old Democratic doctrine that has been go ing on for the past six weeks Is prac tically done—tho thing now Is to Im press the people with the necessity of turning out atul voting. Following are the speeches set for the balance of the campaign: Wednesday, 23—Secretary Hoke Smith at Waynesboro, Hon. W. O. Glenn at Dalton, Hon. W. V. Atkins m at Thomson, McDudle county, Uou. A. O. Bacon at Lexington, Oglethorpo county, Col. H. W. J. Ham at States boro, Bulloch county. Tuesday, 27—Governor Northeu at Thomaston, Senator Walsh at Aincrl- cus, Hon. R. L. Berner or Hon. Du Pont Guerry at Ztsbulon. Friday. 28—Secretary lloke Smith at Elberton, Hon. U. I.. Berner at Hawk- Insvillc, Hon, *1. W. J. Ham at Cullo- den. Saturday, 20—Hon. L. F. Livingston and Hon. H. W. J. Ham at Newnan, Hon. Albert Cox at Chlploy, Mr. Ben Conyers at Buclmuan, Mr. N. E. Har ris and Mr. J. W. lteddiug at Llncoln- ton. Senator Patrick Walsh at Bain- bridge, Secretary Smith at Athens. Speaker Crisp at Rome. Monday, October l—Mr. Harry Reid at Carrollton, Speaker Crisp and Hon. DuPont Guerry at Butler, Senator WalBh at Berry, Hon. L. F. Livingston and Hon. It. L. Bonier at Stone Me tain. Tuesday, October 2—Hon. U. W. J. Ham at Douglasville, Senator Walsh ut Canton. SUSPICIONS AGAINST MEYERS. Tho Alleged Murderer of Crowley Sus pected of Two Other Killings. Atlanta, Sept. 23.—(Special.)—Tho controversy over the Introduction of Will Meyers as a witness before tho coroner’s Jury, Between the tbo coroner and the sheriff ended In a dog fall to day. Judge Lumpkin refused n formal application for tho production of Mey ers at the Inquest, hut permitted the coroner aud Ills jury to go to tho Jail and hear Meyers' statomout there. Meyers, however, refused to tell any thing about tho Hilling of Crowley to the coroner’s Jury, and the Investiga tion was concluded by returning a ' er- diet charging Meyers with tho murder. Besides tho murder of Crowley and suspicion of tho murder of Mrs. Tilly, tho police are alsj Investigating cir cumstances tending :o dliow Meyers’ connection with the murder of William Callaway, who was waylaid and robbed lu tbo woods near Athens two years ago. It Is claimed to be an established fact that Meyers w.n In Athens about the time of the murder, which has never been cleared up. INMAN DENIES IT. But Crenshaw Ite-terales tho State ment That He Refused to Contribute to tbo Fund Atlanta, Sept. 23.—(Special.)—Mr. H. T. Inman, who, with It. Gross, rival candidates for council lu the sixth ward, are lurulshlng most all of tho spice in local polities, added another ripple to the campaign today by duny Ing the report that lie had declined to contribute to the Democratic state cam paign fuqd, when called upon, K-causo the Democratic party hau put a tax upon tils income. Ordinarily a denial from Mr. Inman would be fall legal tender, Imr, on top of his denial, Hon. 1'om Crenshaw, the gEStfaua who called upou Mr. Inman for a subscription, publishes an Inter view that does not at all agreo with Mr. Inman's denial. Mr. Imnan Is rot In the city today. The story of tho re fusal to help the party out has knocked a big holo In blit own campaign. DB. LANSING BURROWS ELECTED Ho Will Be Ass-siant Corresponding Sescretatry of Baptist Home Missions. Atlanta, SepL 23.—(Special.)—Tho Baptist homo mission ' Isrird' 'elected Iter. Lansing Burrows assistant cor responding secreuiy last night, lie will make Atlanta bis headquarters. This action will probably settle all dis putes between the Northern and South ern Baptist churches, into of the se rious troubles has been the question ot teaching negro children in the Sunday- schools. The board was addressed by a Notrbern delegate on this subject. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. The award of highest honors to Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder at tho World’s Columbian Fair was the result of investigation by the Government authorities and leading experts in food products. It stamps Dr. Price’s as the best and strongest baking powder ever offered to the public. LOOKING OYER Our advertisement will be greatly to your advant age, as we have one of the most complete stock of Dry Goods that was ever brought to Macon. JUST LISTEN TO THESE PRICES: Best yard-wide 1492 bleaching G 1-2c. Dark ground outing, beautiful designs lu -plaids and stripes, only 10 cents a yard. Tolle du Nord ginghams, Tall styles, at 10 cents. Turkey red aud Indigo blue oallco 6c. A nice line of novelty and finishing braid In all colors. 8 cents, 10 cents, 15 cents. CORSETS. Thompson’s XlL black 6-hook at 81.25. Thompson’s R. & H. In black, grey, white with high and low back. Mlseea’ 60 cents and 75 cents. H. & B. health corsets with shoulder straps 81.50. R. & G. in black and white 60 cents, 75 cents 81. Double width plaid dress goods 10c. 2S-lnch tweeds only 16 cents. 20 different shades lu double width woolen dress goods at 15 cents. • Beautiful line of cashmere In black, navy, cardinal, dark nud raed'um brown, old rose, myrtle and all the latest shades at IS cents, fully worth 35 cents. Mauohestor serges 20 cents, worth 40 cents. Changeable natte. 38-inch, 25 cents tha t never sold for less than 60 cents. F. F. cashmeres, the regular 25 cents kind, to go at 39 cents. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. Wo have tho latest style walking hats at 76'cents and 81. New fall stylos are coming In every day at NEWMAN'S 555 CHERRY STREET. GASH GIVEN AWAY. ALL FOR NOTHING. The great popularity which’ this magnificent work has attained In serial form has led us to make on arrangement wtth the publishers by which wa oan offer bound volumes at an almost unheard of prlot. . t , , 0 4 IJ.Ai 1 Sights and Scenes of the World was first published as a high-class artwork, and was sold by subscription) only. A few copies of tho original edition remain unsold, and wo have eel cured them for the benefit of our readers. They ore printed upon extre>| heavy mauve-tinted enameled paper and upon one eldo of the paper only) making a book twice as thick as the twen-ty-ono parts would be. The work manship Is superb, os they were the first Impressions from the original plates. They aro elegantly and strongly bound, wrth specially designed titles on side and back, the Russia edition having marble edges and the fulj Morocco gold edges. By taking all there was left of tbo original edition w^ are enabled to offer this unsurpassed work at the following very attrnotlYg prices: In best English moth (publisher’s price, (6.60; our price, 83.' ( , /In hlf Morocco, (publisher’s price, 87.60); our price. 83.60. „„ \ In full Russia, (publisher's price 89); our price. 84. In full Morocco, (publisher’s prlot 810); our price, 84.60. For out-ofdown orders remit 64 oents extra and the book will tie delivered to you by prepaid express, securely packed. Tbts la j ''-f ' An Unusual Opportunity To procure this ldng of all art works at a ridiculously low prioe and should be taken advantage of at onoe, as only a few are left. Remember that th( hook Is complete and all ready far the library or centre table; 860 full-pa g< views, size Uxl8 inches and printed upon cue side of the paper only. Had) picture Is worthy ot a frame. , Samples oan be seen at the office ot the Telegraph, where all orders Shoul( be addressed. Exercise a little wit and guess the number of grains of corn in a glass jar in our show-case. Every purchase from us to the amount of $1 entitles you to one guess. We have a most superior stock of Shoes, and at way-down prices. This guessing will go on till the last day of September. Cut out this card for reference. MIX & EVERETT CO., 107 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. DEALERS IN SHOES. IT’S MAJ. MILLER NOW. Atlanta, Sept 23.—(Special.)—Capt. John A. Miller of the Governor's Horso Guards of Atlanta, was today commis sioned major of tbe First battalion of cavalry, tho four votes >f ihe Richmond Hussars of Augusta, which elnctca Capt. S. M. Barnaul of tho Troup Hus sars, having been (brown out by order of tbo governor became they were Ille gally cast. The First battalion Is com posed of tho Governor's Horse Guards, tho Troup IIUHiuri. ih.) ll'cbmoml Hus sars and tho Gordon Troup of Harris county. A GENERAL INVIGORATOR. A. C. Clifton, Bloys, Ga., writes as follows conei-rnlng his mother: “My mother Is 05 years old and for n long time has been In poor health und under the caro of u physician. She has been wonderfully Improved in health, how ever, by using less Uiau two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla." The same writer says: "I know of other cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and I unhesitat ingly recommend It ns tho best blood medicine and general Invlgorator. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills'. EXECUTOR’S SALE. By virtue ot an order of the court ot ordinary of Bibb county, Ga., passed at January term, IKH. will be sold before the court nouse door In Utbb county, (la, ou the first Tuesday In October, 18H between the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty belonging to the estate of Richard P. Lyon, late of said county, deceased, and sold for the purpose of paying the debts of wild estate and for distribution among the heirs: -Description lots Noa 2, 8 and 4 as described In map recorded In book No. 78, pige W0. Bibb county, and being part ot lot No. 3, square 78, fronting on Pine street and running bock to Cot ton avenue. In city of Macon, Bibb county, Ga. Mm, one lot 60x150 feet oo Pink and Second streets, lytng Just outside the city of Macon and oojlnlng property of E. T. Grey, being to rear of Mer cer University. Terms re*. L. L LYON, Executor estate of It. F. Lyon. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—Jamea CutbUrt baring applied to me for Ut ters of administration on ths estate of C. Ned Strong, to Issue to James L, An derson, tbs county'administrator. This la therefore, to notify all parties concerned, to flle objections. It any they have, on or before the first Monday In October, 1884, or else letters of administration win then be Issued as as asked for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. ACADEMY OF MUSIO WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, First Appearance tor His Beeond Sea son of MR. S. A. C. EVERETT. Who in universally acknowledged to bo THU GREATEST HYPNOTIST In America today. To this entertain ment will bo added a great exhibition of CLAIRVOYANCE AND MIND READ ING. Prices 60 cents and 25 cents. Reserve, seats on ealo at Ludden Sc Bates' Music House. ACADEMY of MUSIC THURSDAY. SETTEMBER 27. In the Greatest Farce Comedy cn Earth “*-11—14." Surrounded by a COMPANY OF LAUGH INCITERS That Cannot Be Equalled. COMEDIANS. VOCALISTS DANCERS —And a Bouquet of— „ , PRETTY GIRLS. Usual prlcss. ltoaerve neeta at Lud den & Bate*' Music House. FOR RENT. Store No. 412 TWrd street. Store No. 310 Third street. Store No. 812 Thirl street. ( Store No. 869 Third streot. Store No. 861 Third street. I • Store No. 314 Third street. t Store NO. 45g Poplar streot. Store No; 609 Fourth street. Store No. 671 Fourth atreet. <* Ptrapkm No. 619 Spring street. Dwelling No. 316 Washington Avei Dwelling No. 370 New street. Dwelling 714 Third street. Dwelling No. 716 Third street. Dwelling No. 107 Fourth street. Dwelling No. 121 Fourth street. Also, some very desirable rooms and balls over stores. GEO. H. TURPIN Sc EONS, Real Estafte and Insurance Agents. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF BALES. Will be oold before the court house door In the city of Macon, during the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday In November next, the following property: One Mason & Hamlin organ, on# oak book cose, one lot of books, one square oak table, two plueh bottom rockers, two skin ruga one oak beds tea.], one plush lounge, one marble top table, one aupeteeat' rocker, two nigh book oak chairs one hat rack, on* large cans teat rocker, two rustle benches, two chain. Levied on ae tho property of Mary E. Ne'son to sstlefy a distress warrant for irnt and cost, lnued by J. H. u Oerdlnc, Justice of the peace, in favor of Roland B. Hall, trustee, vs. Mary K. Nelson. Levy made end returned by a constable. O. 8. WKSTL'OTT, Sheriff. Rand, McUally & Co/s ATLAS OP THE WORLD I NEW HHETY-TW0 MANY ENTIRELY BOOL rut xnwtt Theo Ethno Chrono Anthropo Bio Geo Topo Hydro logical BISTORT of tho WORLD’S PEOPLE. CENSUS of 1890. Biographies of Prominont Hen. Portraits of the World’s Bright Hen. HiBtorio Praotio Systematic Statistic Politio Patriotic Education Economic Emblematic 8TATT8TMAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS, GAZETTEER end ATLAS. AL Three hundred and’ Bound in finest a mill 1 •ages. Bound in i BnglUh doth. .... _ — — Printed upon fine calejjd- ored paper with marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE. $7.50. Cut oat coupon and send it with TWO DOLLARS, and we will send you a copy of tho magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inchest Out of town purchaser! to pay carriage. . — '