The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 28, 1894, Image 2
THE MACOHi TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNHSTG, SEPTEMBER 28, 1894. A DAY’S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Batch of Nev(»y Item, Furnithed by the Hustling Correspondent* of the Telegraph, RAIDING THE MOONSHINERS Ubltetf IIMei Ofllelals Are Making ft Hot for Illicit Distillers and Blind Tigers In llorlto OMifla- Oih#r State Raw*. Gainesville. Sept. f7.-(8pedal.>-Tbe campaign against violator* of the Honor law* oor»tlnu«s with unabated xesl In thte oortton of the moral vineyard. Lost nlsrht United State* Convmteeloner Gaa- ton cent Charlie Wlae of Bank* county to the Pulton county Jail to await the action of the dletrlct court. The chargo waa Illegal sale and he failed to snake (100 bond. Again thla morning the am- mtaatoncr held a brief eeaeloh of hie court. James Carland of Franklin county waa arraigned for illicit manu facture of the "magic mountain dew." He waa bound over for trial in OcttAer and In default of tali waa sent to the Jail In Atlanta. On* snoonnhlne or blind tiger dbnctrn baa been run In each day for the neat week, and the good work la yet going on. dir. Thud Ilceae, a popular hotel man, who sun the New Holland Spring* ho- tel at this place for the prat season, died at New Holland laat night after a brief lllnee* from fever. He waa a quiet, unaieurmrwr gentleman and enjoyed x aplendlil reputation In Wa line of oust- neea aH over the elate, The Georgia Pemulo Seminary and Conaervntory of dluitlo opened y**ter- day for Ita fall term. The management remain* the aame. There are eomo ad dition* to the faculty. Flighty young la- dle« have entered the boarding- depart ment and eome ddien or more are ex- poclod during the next few dnya. Geor gia. AU-vbamu. Tewicseee, North and Houtnh Carolina, Virginia. ArtfcUiaa* and (Juba are all renrosenlW. There haa been an aawroeate enrollment of about ISO pupil* and the prosperIs for a auc- Croatig year, wo are Informed by one of the prlnalpaki. (Professor VartHoose, were never «o nromlelng. ilea. J. 'M. illuhbard. Use jroung wife Of one of our lending buwlner* men. died (hie morning after a long lllnc** from consumption. She had many friend* here who mourn their grewt loe*. aOOD SPBJFXdllBS IN LOWNDES. Mi-art re, Vomedoe. Welt and Wilkinson Pour Hot Shot Into the Popullat*. Valdoata, Sept. !7.-(Spiolal.)—Not- withstanding the threatening condition of tho whither, iibout 300 DsrttOCnts uml tv few PofMillstfl onaembted last night in a grand Doavxjratlo rally at the court house. under the ausplcra of tho Yourur Democratic Club of VftJdouta. fPho club hud expeatel to have lion* W. C. Brantley of Brunt* wick to weak, but -were dteivppolttttti, an bin duttea at solicitor prevented him from coming. 'iUiough dUcimxdnted in not hearing thin iltetingul tiled gentleman, who will likely h© *the ooccceKwr of Hon. Henry G. Turner cdiould tho legtotafuro of Georgia »e© fit to cloot thin honomblo and obi# Democrat to succeed *the la mented 0)lqultt. yet every one ’-hat It wu good to txr there after IMtiatm to the genuine Democracy of Ool. J. O. Varncclbe, titan. W. 8. "NVeet end Col. J. M. Wilkin*?*. OoJ. Varneaoe made a ringing appeal for unity of party nauf of purity of principle*, waving tlmt it wa* not only the privilege, but bhe burning duty of* every American dtlsen to leave to pos terity a good government. Ht Showed up the true ixwltlon of Judge -Hines to ward the negro, which dealt a home thrust upon tho ©ollcy of the Populists to rapture the negro vote. lion, W. B. West dealt tnore with iV\- tlonal matters and exploded tho Popu- llet theory of a "freo and unllmltod iolnigebf sliver at a rati-.* **f if, to 1," "givrnvmrnt nwiwrohlp of m'.'.ro u’«V' etiv. and sh.*wv 1 them to t»f i»r.icii.\il Imtpo—IblM tie*. He aaldt "To carry out tho demands of this party 1t would take over JS5.000.000.000—more then tha on- tire circulation of tho whole world.’* Ho tnndc a striking comparison be tween the mbrttgnge Indebted nc&i of tho ropullet etutra and our vnvn Empire Htii'to of the South, showing Nevada with o por capita Indebtedness or J12C, Colorado *208 to Gcorgl.iV* *15. Ool. J. dl. VtlkhMon showed up the •wtiW PjpttRtia In their "midnight maraudimsH nnd dark lantern meetings” throughout our county nnd the Impos sibility of their fulfilling their vote- catching oromtMB to the negro. This upeeoh waa fully nnpnevUted by all, and from the okei attention of the col ored votena present, they did not doubt the hot, nnd that wing of the party waa no doubt greatly strengthened in Vnl- dhiiin, Ttbelng early at the close of Mr. Wll- klmnn’ct npoech, two minute (speeches wore mode by Mayor W. II. Grimn and Ool. R. F. Outley, both of which were right to the point nnd loudly* applaud ed by the entire house (For twenty-four hears the wind haa been exceedingly hkh and cwstinUtB to grow more thre.itcntng. News haa Jush. been rootived frm Bavmnhah say- Uvg tikflPt tlic storm has Just reached thn^ city and we may look for It hetvy between thlo «i»d night, in wise of a houvy wind nnd rain the damog* to the cot to hsro wind nnd rhln S whk'h is now whtte'for the t, will be frrent crjvY’s NEjtr r.KGisr.ATons, Neleon for tbo Hodto nnd Bupoy for the Senate All Sure WUUM Fort Qftliwa, 8ept 27.--(Sprclald— .Superior court is In session at Fort A FAITHFUL SENTINEL IN QUAIUUM) OH* OF UjlCU 8AU*S rOMUUI HBCATW HU UriKlttNUA. Imntt, IT. .Srrrwe, If. j*. f World** DisraxcAMT Mrdicai. Association: JVor From »*Rrhr chtldl»«>vS I have auf- from • lUuvxteh liv»*r Hub all th* «1u- onk-r* ^ss'mjHni)‘njf Much a coiu]*iuon. ikHiore’ jvo-RcriH^MMi and patent luislUm* 1 bare umd m *1 wiulauux-; U»«*y only nflaRdcU Leu:imrtiry rxiicf. 1 rrcouim«*ua«d t«> try hr. Ihcrop*# ricRistnt PrUHR, 1 i!»»l taking tUieo %t Dight And two nfur dtniHT nreiy viey tor two wrvk*. 1 tin » rw5ui»i tbc do*' to ooa “IMlet” every day and oontnuMa ih»« PIERCE ■--•CURE OB MOVKV Rtrri MM.U. iuruUr. 1 hnv iii mix month* 4 flosii, tvrrmy-«ix p^undm a In Uiau I hiY«< Nvii hiuv Stationery, Monograms, Wedding Invitations and vlBltina earda enaraved at loweat price*. No de lay; work done by aklll; od workmen In our eetabllahment. Send (Dr aample* and prlcea. J. P. Stevena & Bro., Jeweler*. 47 Whitehall •tract. Atlanta, oa. ‘ U.S.lEap«ctoro(lmml(ratloa.* Gaines. Judge nardeman la preaidlng and the people and the IJaf have Ju»t fallen hi love with Iiltn. Mr. Clarence Wllapn 1* lluamns for the house and will get elected, lie la a splendid lawyer and very popular with the people. It Is Mid be will be a candidate for speaker pro lem. Ho haa had legislative experience and !a t'p hi parliamentary practice and would make a most excellent siteaker pto lem, and no doubt lie w.ll l>u chosen. lie lx i|ulex to take n point and is a man of line personal nppi-ar- ance. Col. Bussey of Cutbbert is hero at court. Ho is a candidate tor the sen ate and will be elected, lie la a man of genial nature, well informed and very popular. He Is In go<id company and last night It waa hard to tell who was the best talker—Bussey, Jim Gucr- ry or Judge Hardeman. Judge Guerry wu* defeated for the nomination of congress by Ben Bus sell, but he la not sulking. He takes his defeat pleasantly nnd is working, and talking, and speakiuz for Itussell and the party, lie Is made out of the right sort of stud - , like Bob Whitfield of Baldwin. No one would know these gentlemen were defeated. They are hcrops all tho aame, for limy are act ing as if they were especially chosen tin; slainhird bearers, and that Is the way for men to do. Judgo Hines spoke hr Cutbbert Monday and Judge Guerry wanted to .divide time, ‘but Hines refused. HI* speech displeased the negroes. IIo said there was no difference between the Democratic and Republican party- nnd bo disliked Cleveland because lie ap pointed negroes' to ofllco. He would not have said this but there were only a few negroes present, a-ad Hines was working for white votes. Port Gaines Is enthusiastic for MaJ .Bacoo. He would go to the senate in a cyclone rush if Port Gaines and the say so. They say Ills speech hero dfd the party nioro good than any speech ever delivered in tho county. BIO FAlGUlil'] AT TKKN1I.BE>. Till- Brown & Franklin Co., Were Not Able to Stand tho Pressure. Tennllle, Sept. 27.-tSpeclal.l-THo Brown & Franklin Co., one of the larg est dry goods establishment* In Ih.s place made an assignment yesterday In favor of J. SI. Brow-i. of tho firm of J. SI, Brown & Co. The assets are ♦80,000 nnd liabilities .1120,000. Several mortgages were filed, amounting to ♦<!,- 000 or ♦7,000. Tho preferred creditors could not be ascertained. Tho cause of the failure Is on account of the extreme low price of cotton nnd Inability to collect. Brown .* Franklin Co. dealt heavily In guano, selling for cotton unil will lose a good dc-al on tlila ulonc. It Is thought they will give bond and continue the busi ness. Fire hut night destroyed the barn nnd contents of Mr. J. B. Stephens, who lives on the outskirts of town. The fire was discovered about 8 o’clock In the morning. The came Is unknown. Work Is still progressing On the nrlo- sian well, which I* now very near IKK) feet. They hope lo get a How tvilliln tbo next few (lays. Miss Nina Cook of Dublin Is visiting Mr. T. J. Cook of tills place. Miss Annie Mue Farmer of Louisville returned homo on Monday, Miss Anna natch, who hns been spending some tlmo In Philadelphia, returned homo last week. Mr. Bob Gwaultncy of Home has ac cepted n position as clerk In tho Central railroad olllce, and will tunka this his home. WIAINTBP BARRON BADLY. II* Was a Topic let Orator, But He Took Things Thtvt Wero Nttt Ills. Davlaboro, Sept. !8.—(Special.)—Pop ulism received a tremendimous aetbick hero today. Ono cmtwrry, Mr. Lrtuvon Darren, from Buncombe district, reached here 'this moroln-g after it Jour ney of twenky miles. Prom the outset he ovas wild In h!s claims and even Insulting to tJioso who held different popntlcol vlaws from 'tho Populists. On on one occasion a ucrious dlltlciiHy nverled between aiJramtnoivt Democrat m*l this "oMra jn«y apostle. Ills public add re as arils given out for tonight, butt Rite In llio afternoon ellhnr tho wttvwv healing mins tend wlrM. or a strong (lealre for something ■to brace him up for the speech, mused him to toko sms whisky, together with four bottlos of Pepsin Meters, some cigars, apple.*, tvirdino* andanuff from the fltoro of Mr. J. J, Turtcn wMPe ho hnd stepped out for a few mlmitce. •He then quickly left town, but u war- mnt for hla arrest ams sworn out by Mr. 1-arton and oUlcers aertt on hi* track (It the hope or bringing blm back, nut to make tho speech, but to try him for larceny foam the house. In roferrinw ID this a prominent Pop ulist said today 'th-i't euch wMrk us thl* unt.le blm wutr. to quit tho party. OPHNINQ OP COX COLLKGB. LaGrange's Institution Prcmleea Well Thtq Year Under Its Old Mnnugc- ntent. IstGrangrt, Pept. 17.—(flpeclal.)—The Boolhtra Female Co'desh' enters up,"a ip* tVCty-seconvl (eestoa under lirKIlaut mi-t'Ka-'. F'omner puplL* are returning tn rutl force aud nxiny new (Overt are on the grounds. The earn* fnculty, tn- dnding Mis, Alice Oox, (■ in atseege. The number o( sentors In the full course Is unusikilly large. Among the improve- UNDINE. Crushed fMIddllpgs Flour* *fh« nnlv Flour oflU klnJ, »n«t the b«*st of •njrklmi. It i> mudohy* »a*crrt pro- mm known to but two iwnom, 1100,000 hat be«n offered for tbo Knowledge “The Umilac b out of night.** Ivurvon. LrDrvl & Co * Teantll*. Oa. •*Tho Umlloo la far ahocid of the fl^ur wo Uavo bev'ti Ktttlnx at NaohvlUt.*' W. IL Morgan. Footer. Go. XtOBL MtUL COMPANY. . £atill Sprluss, Term. Three hunnred garments. Big job lot odds and end? ladies’ and gents’ undervests and pants. Many garments in this lot worth $1.50 and $2 each; 25 cents on the $1 is* the price. Among this lot you will also find many vests, pants and union suits for children 25 cents on $1. Don’t forget the price. Ask to see our ladies’ ribbed, fleece-lined vest at 25c. CLOAKS, CLOAKS—100 children’s cloaks and reefers jugt about half price. .NEW NOVELTIES—Fancy buckles, belting, side combs, hair ornaments, etc., just in. TRADE MAKERS—Coats’ Cotton 4c spool, 4 for 15c. Best Calicoes 5c yard. 12 l-2c canton flannel remnants 7 l-2c Best check homespun 5c. yard. Sc. apron ginghams for 5c. Best 12 l-2c silisia in town. 3 papers gold-eyed needles for 10c. 8c. yard-wide Sea Island for 5c. yard. ncnti Introduced tIMa summer are tho Introduction at steam hatting, import ant addition* to library and ith* equip ment of the art studios under Mrs. PJtls and Mm.' Autry. Tne management of flhe college will remain permanently tn LaOmngo and will couktnue to develop the Institution to Its utmost. The natural science el nones under Dr. Stark are Khe largest In the tihfcory of Itie college and began work today In earnest. This college h-a* a chemical laboratory wfliere ladles perform experiment* for themselves. WHITAKER MAKES A SPEECH. Brown's Crossing, Sept. 27.—(Spe cial.)—Me. W. S. Whitaker, the third party o.mdldute of the Sixth congres sional dtlstrlot, spoke here yesterday. It Is feared that Mr. Whitaker ban n frog In his throats Uhls morning, ns hla audience, consisting of nineteen per sons. »oven Wbttc*, llour of Whom were Democra ts, and twelve negroes, win so mudh larsfjr than he has been accus tomed (to, he bad to strain lrtmself to be heard. The Democrats of this section pre- eertbo ‘that Mr. Wihltaker choose t'ho open ailr «n future for speaking and thus aivohl the dust beneath One gin house. OH, WHAT A COUGH! Will you heed the warning—the sig nal, perhaps, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, consumtlon? Ask yourself If you can afford, for iho sake of saving 60 cents, run the risk and do nothing for It We know from experience that Shiloh’s Cure will cure your cough. It never falls. • This ex plains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieve* croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without It. For lame back, nldo or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plasters. Sold by Goodwyn & Small Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. 1 THE LARGEST AND FINEST * Stock of Carpets ever brought to Ma con' at Bayne & Wflllngham’s. (My line of piece goods Is complete, ntylleh, attractive and seasonable. In spection invited. J. L. Shea. Seems absurd, 60c Sox 26c. It’s so. Phillips. STRONG'S SffOK STOKE. Baronins In high grade footwear. We can save you money. A call Is all we ask., Scholl shoos a specialty. W. H. Woodson, li. A. Wood, Managers. ADVEHTISEMBNT3 UNDER THIS HEADING. FIFTEEN WORDS OR Mure, taken at one cent a WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 15 CTS. WANTED. WANTED—TOwo couples or four young men to board. Mra. Wylie, 715 Pine street. WANTED—An experienced butler a-nd driver. W. H. Virgin. WANTED—Every one to Tead Karan* IDorse Company’s advembsement to day. WANTED—By a couple with one email child, board with, one.or two rooms, on the hill. Stnnhope, care Telegraph. WANTED—To sell you n *94 model JX*n«more typewriter, be«t machine in the world. ' J. E. Mir.:or. agent. ’Phone No. 2S9. . FOR RENT* •FOR RENT—Ncut flour-room bouse and Mtchen attached; conveniently lo- ca««U. Apply to G. J. Toole, 730 Sec ond street.. FOR UV'NT—Rfvcn-Toom residence, Clinton street, Eaat Macon, with cne aero y<utfcn. Throe minutes from elec tric car**. Very durable; prlce’low. Ap ply at Macon Saving* hank. FOH RBXT—Store now occupied by E. A. Wuxelb.ium in the Vohirrtecir’a ar mory. facing Poplar street. Apply at U. S. Colli.w & Co.’s FOR RENT—A nice residence, seven rooms: Orange street. Apply 6(4 Cot- ton _a venue, FOR RQNTrOotobfrr 1. Medium-size dwelling on CoHege «trcct; water, g.\a «uid scntm’t house. Rent reasonable. H. V. Washington. FOR RENT-October 1, the two-atory residence fronting Tattnall square, corner Otf«*thorpe and Tattnall strecls. Apply Daly’s Exchange. Ool- lege street* FOR RENT—October 1.—Nine-room residence, 126 Dole street; modem ooBYWiwm; 325. Apply to E. f. FOR SALSL TYPE WRITER—A callgraph made into roller top deak for coat. S'25. a*1- vItjss. l\ a bxuc. 3a. GINNING OUTFIT FOR SALE—Will sell nx & great sucHflce hteorae power engine* looranaUv* boiler, 50-siw gin. press, etc. Robert A. Nisbet FOR SALE—OKI papers, for irrarptag rurposrs. etc^ S* cents per hundred* Telegraph office. FOR SALE—One magnificent new Co lumbia bicycle. Has never been used. Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele graph office. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE—Everybody road -the Kansas Horse Oomrptajxy’s cuhrmtaement In •tjoixy’s teaue. BANANAS, lemons, mibbage, apples, ’poiuiJtaefl and onions. A. A.’ Cullen. FINE Baldwin apples, lemons, onions, potatoes, cabbage and bamnus. A. A. Cullen. FOR FRESH FP3H and oysters don’t forge* to telephone 186. A. A. Cullen NO CHARGE to tell canvassers for light articles how to double your profits. Address, OM Agertt, Os'll Box 77, Gadnesvllle, Go.. HOLatBS & COUTT8' cdklbnaited extrn- ycust enrekers retail at Dhe low price of 10c (a pound. ^ WE HAVE a fok of tinware we will ■giveaway .for wrapper, of large pack ages at Rhorer’s Brdakl Raising. W. C. Turpin & Co. MRS. W. A* GAMBLE will open her ne- lent school on October 1, at 531 Georgia avenue. , LOST—A bunch of keys. Please leave ’.hem with J. 8. Gray,at postofttce. SELECT SCHOOL—I will reopen corner Madison and Forsyth streets Monday, October L Terms, $3. I reside corner Forsyth and Progress streets. Miss Car rie £3. Holmes. IF YOU are In a hurry for your winter suit you can get them made properly, stylish and on shortest notice at F. M. Uoette’s. MONTE PICKEJNS. the celebrated tuner, with Ludden A Bates Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga., will be in Macon about the first of October. Leave or ders for tuning with R. J. Anderson & Son, Managers, Macon branch. MISS I3ABELLA NICHOLLS—Classes for Frendh, L!t«re.ture and History, Music. 475 Orange street. SARATOGA CHIPS are all the rage, ask your grocer for theqi. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells It. 1180 INVESTED yields 365 average weakly Income with absolute security. Pros pectus, itemised statistics free. Benson & Dwyer, 834 Broadway, Now York. RHORER’S bread raising Is the best bread preparation mode. Try it CENTRAL, give me 108. Is that Mr. Keen? Yea, madam. Please send me two Luxes Saratoga chips. 1 ttilnK they are excellent. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Retails 20c.' lb. TURPIN’S BAKING "POWDER Is tho best made. Have you tried It? OLD PAPERS for wrapping, 25 cents per hundred at the Telegraph office. DON’T 'FORGET auction sale of two carl .Mils lino horacu at Davits’ mUL!o« IMulbercy street. Saturday morning. Some extra family drlveaw. CALL TQIJAY and exnmtne houses to be sold at auction at Davi9' stables. Mulberry street. GOOD ROOMS, flrst-clnss fare at tho Gray house, one (block from Union de pot. on car line. 454 Pine. Mrs. H. A. Gray. / LOST—'Backetbook con'tulnirrg papers, etc., wVlauble only to owner; 'ticket 4o Barn urn’s Show with owner’s name on it Inside. Return to this office. KUPFEKM1AN-S BULLETHN—Frotfh today, ZCxmnermon*s celebrated V{- enivi, Bologna and ring h.ui^i ge, smoked laonxue ond beef. 412 Second street, F. E. Kuirfermun’a. (Sam Baer’s Old s&tnd.) Telephone 215. KUPFERMAN’S BULLETIN—Fresh Norwvaj* bMakers, codflsii bricks, ndsitvs, fine pineapplos, coco».inuRs, fancy apples and Spanish onions. 412 ©eooad street, F, E. Kupferman. '(Sim Baer’s old stand.) Telephone 215. RAN ATWAY—Dark mare, hitched lo canopy top buggy, broke loose from •post in caty about 7 o’clock hist night and worn in direction of VlnevlAe. Return to Duvfe’ stable and get re ward. AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION! Two carloads fine young Kentucky horocu will be sold at auction 9:30 Saturday morning at Davis’ Stables, Mulberry street. Sold wkhout reserve. Some are threatened with <jpeed. Cull at once and make ejection before sale. HOLMES & COUTTS’ BISCUITS and cukes are made from new materials of the very hW'.«>st stindird of ex cellence; <2\cy hxve been blwarded t premium o^•er all c^mpetRors wher ever exhibited, end rprODOUncOf iho finest manufactured tn tte world If you use cakes or biscuits, why not (buy Uhe best. Sokl by the leading flancy grocers. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER !* rr pure cream of turttur <in«i soda aivl is guvunieod tiri(iQ| pure. To in duce you to trvTurpInV Baking Pow w w\'.\ fra Aiort time, fr.vt rwWi each pound cin of powder a pound can of Hoataea & Courts’ < bratod cukes or suKbttfi both rer ‘40 vents. Thirpln’s 5s sold by the lend ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking Powder Company, Macon, G&. FORSflLI The Handsome 2-Story J With Basement, No. 636 ORANGE STREEl’. Containing nine rooms, with threq bath rooms, hot and cold water. All modem conveniences. The house has been re cently papered overhauled from top to bottom and Is In strictly first-class condition. It has a large frontage on Orange street and Rose Park, and only half block from Indian Spring car line. It Is located (on the hill, In as good neighborhood as Macon affords. It Is undoubtedly the prettiest and most de sirable place new on the market. For sale low and on easy terms. For further Information call on Real Estate Agents. SAFETY IS THE KEY-NOTE Of human conviction, and by demon strating the safety of eQUIITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK, the Association haa secured the confidence- of the people. Lord Mansfield said, "the best Invest ments for security and Income are first mortgages on real estate." Stock in tho EQUITABLE BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATON la se cured by first mortgages on Improved real estate, In double the amount, which are held by the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, as trustee, nnd nothing but an earthquake can dislodge them. The Equitable will Issue this month 75,000 WORTH OF 8 PER CENT. GUARANTEED STOCK at 8100 per share. This stock guaran tees 8 per cent, cash dividends, payable semi-annually, and can be withdrawn at any time after six month.. Appli cants will be served in turn. GEO. A. SMITH, Cenoral Manager. Room 4 Exchange Bank Bank Building The Three Heroes ‘‘GENS. LEE, JACKSON and STUART,” Riding down the lines on the morning of the battle of Fredericsburg. This beautiful Southern pict ure, sold for the Confederate Veterans Association, will be in every home in the South. We will frame it cheaper and better than any one. JAMES T. HOLT, Receiver for CHAS. C. HOLT. ■ IIAlIf f'* “Mhos o! Clrculu, ■ Him UUtribute „i no,, ... ■ nU 1! J 1 "* “ "«"“o » a™ I lluu XtosmerLu. Hypnotist ■ hustler sju<l^ ('Ulooyaut. * | la The Most Wonderful Offer Yet .... C MAGNIFICENT 0 Securely bound in handsome cloth, now ready for READERS If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is the next best thing to a visit. Come and see it. When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SWAP SHOTS OF THE Worlds Fair IWMt PkecetfrapUa Tiemtf* 99 omd, V h doth. . 1‘art-u Kiuuay *ff mad mmU nul«M i duU •Uro I* cpvct putt** NAXM,... TOWS. ...Ms.* BURDEN,SMITHS i rnDoni r on cts. d