The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 29, 1894, Image 2

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t r Bf. lv A DAY'S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Bitch of Newly Itemi Furnuhid by the Hustling Correspondent! of the Telegraph. THE WIREGRASS EXPOSITION Grill Pripirilloii filing Midi In HawhlnlTlIle Vat lh. Ulg Pair. Jadgi Smith Will Again. Hanrklnevlllo. Bept. 28.-(Special.)- The opening of Hi* Wtregroee Expo*!- Ron in Jutfi twclvfc day* off, and every body tn MenrWnavllle Is a* busy as Gze proverbial bee preparing,for Mie great crowds thru will be "here‘on October », 10, tl sard 12. Our pooplohdVe no four but Chat we «Mafl be abe to com- fortflbly accommodate »1I. Oipt. O. A, Horn* Is adding fifty now room!, now almost comjdeted, tend bnsMea nhe other flr»t-clns« hotels'll ere,' the Boarbnro Homse. I’ukiekt houss, the Hotel Johnson and Joiner- house, our cMTxens genenuBly nvtll throw, open.Thflr hosgrttafcle 8»«mes for the uccnnrjnodn-; Hon of the great orowda. The ’magnificent fair gtv.urfd# present n busy aspoot; now buildings going up. fitly bands clearing away th<; rub bish slid cleaning up the ground* gen erally, and between twenty-five and itulrty ttwe thorses tn trallying on Mi* track every morntmg. Our midway will be known as • Hoo-dcn-ium," and rvirvmg ithe hUmlreds of aMmettonk to be scan there wVA be bhe wonderful panorama of Gettysburg. . The bar of Hnwk'insvllle bad two ic- gulsIMonK yesor.Vrj’. At *speoli1 term of the coihV. held for the purport, Messrs. J. T. Hill and Warren Grice wore .rtJmiltdil to plead sd practice in 'the several court* of DM* state Mr. Hill li ft .the University of Georgia last June and entered the Inw olttoo of Capt. J. H. Martin, with Whom he will re main for'the present. Mr. Grice Is nn old Mercer boy, n.rtd read Maw uider the instruction of thus father, Judge W. I,. Grice, ait one time Judge of the Miam Judktul circuit. The father ami son have farmed a co-partnVwualp under llho firm name of W. L. A Warren Grice. Judge C. C. RmHh on account of Whtwe sickness -WHoox superior court was riljoiimnl t'lris -week, wns seen upon Hhe streets ftoduy hiving almost entirely rreovenM. Most of Hiitwklnsvflle's lawyers weig to Abbeville tie? fire! of dht* week to attend court. . . . , Requisition pnpors have been taken out and sent to tihe Florida authorities for WVuth Strong, a negro murderer recently captured In llhak sic to and wanted here. HOT FRUIT AT QKOVANIA. A Negro Woman Onvo the rostmtader the Ido nr.d Hail Uow Followed, In , tho Mo and a Bail Ilovr Followed. Elko, Sept. 28.—tSpet'inl.l—There will it dlftlrulty tn Orovnnla yetdcitloy, caustsl bv n negt» woiitnn from Macon deputing with Mr- J- 0- Brown, dr., the iMsitmnster ltere, about a letter be ing broken open, Mr. ltobort Nuplor was In the atore til the time find tried to explain to the wonuu. when she govo him the tic. At this Mr. Napier lirwiii to flog her. whtut a ucbim uinu rushed In with n brick in his hand and threw It ut Mr. Napier. Ho dudgrtl the brick nnd; redlining his sltimlion, got n pistol amt allot at tho two. Tho hall struck the woman In tbit hand. The negro man made a lush for tho woods. Dr. Story utuIetfMk to enteh the negro man, mods a misstep mid fell and broke hl» arm lu-low tho elbow, Tlte woman left for Miuvm. .Messrs. Brown nnd Napier nnd tlr. Story tiro prominent chtoena, and Hie ntTalr nnd Injury of Dr. Story arc very much ro- glutted. rOMTIOS IN RANDOLPH. ropullata nro Making Dwpemte KI- forts to Get the Negro Vote But Will Fall. Cnthbert Sept. 2A—(Siw-mu—Tim Demeorallc Club mot last night nnd hesid a speech from Judge Klddnw. The president of the slab is Mr. U. D, Crosier, a gen tit-nun of Hue Intelligence nnd anVuitbusiaatlo worker nnd orgnulxer. He wits nn Evans nun prior to tho nomination, bill, like (ha. Minns, ho consider* party nnd principle! tho par- mnouitt duty, nnd !io 1* putting hard work Into tin- c.tmp.ugit. Such men ns he lllustrnle Georgia's manhood. The uontlnei? for tho House 1* Mr. I. A. Martin of Sh-dlntan. Mr. Martin Is a leading bus-net* man of Sltellman. lly strict application to business he Ims ninde a success and the people ere lion,-ring hint. Shellmau nti-l HandolpH ' county are proud of Mr. Martin, nnd every Is pulling for a big vlctoty for him. Uol James Hussey. :ag wwl aod s® favorably known all over apothwest Oc-irgU. 1* tho nomiueo for the senate. Mr. Itgstey is a man who will carry a largo vote. He la popular, M-nsIble. mifl nnd social Tlu-re Is uo Lack of eulhusHum hero In Randolph. Mon mo disgusted with ItonuUSni nnd ;lie low dusoetst of its leaders Imre into the mire of all that 'Is dirty In politics. The I'opulMs art dr*pontto In their cfiforl* to conecn- Unto Urn negro goto Sint to poison the negro against the Dctuocntls. lint the BALT-HUBCMt FLKSIt t’HACKKD OPEN AND ULBDI Miss Lottie Claus. Kierr Mi lit, 1'Urc* G-ufOy. HVeviwin, writes: " It fives me pleasure to sxprsss nr fsltk to tbs virtue of Dr. 1-terer's Golden Itlsoover). llkTlns suffered for three yesre from Mlt-rtieuio. so J after liMTl r I sue awfully treated by s mxtd j»li> , Irian, t beaan tbe us- of very.- Tbe humor my hand*. 1 waa utilised to Seep • coveting on th< tn for m-.nltw at s tune, changing the Mluiglnx. burning and tft'btnc nuta- ttun »vitild to intense tbst at times It seeiiMsd M If I wuuKI sa* enuy. Wlten I twin the Cithers, the flesh vrouhi enteh sn«l leed. It ■raj cumiH noC rraise I»r. IMeny’* flolden Medical •It Mlfnifh." Krllil haw limL-n Dtwwiery taoutb.* boU by Dealdra. Sfktloiiery. Monograms, Wedding Invitations and vlslflng cards engraved «t lowest prices. No de lay; work done by skill ed workmen In our establishment. Sena for wimplesyand pricey. J. P, Btevens & Bro.. Jewelers; ^ Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga’. negroes hero have more respect f-ir the Democrats than f-»r the Fopullsts nnd will disappoint the expectation of tho Populists. LOWNDES XS ALL RIGHT. Judge Hines Spoke at VsltVsIM, But Did Lll.Ue Harm. Valdosta, sept. 2«^-<Speclal.)-Judge Joanea K. Hines spoke here today to a mixed audience of about Shroo hun dred Demtfcniils. PopulWts and negroes. His speech was mostly devoted to abuse of the Democratic , party. He mud* some enemies uni few friends, If any, for in* party. The grnnd Democratic rally to be bold here Saturday will deni the death Blow to Populism In Lowndes, add we ♦xpootJto turn Into '(ho Democratic col umn, ha ususl, with a handsome ma jority. MOTHERS! MOTHERS! MOTHERS I Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty year* by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect euccess. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, nllays all pain; cures wind eollo, snd Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the World. Me sure and ask for ■'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing -Syrup, 1 ' nnd Inks ns other kind. Twenty-fiva cents u bottle. WINDOW GLASS. Send and get your window glass before the cold wave comes. T.-C. Burke, Sox that ure sox, 25 cents, worth 50 cents. Phillips. HARD TO KILL A DRUMMER. Curious Experience of Albert Memerly, Who Fell From a Train. Wheeling, W. Va.. Bept. 22—A Balti more nnd Ohio -train while approaching Menserly yesterday struck a- curve and Albert Measerlv. a Wheeling drummer, was thrown off the platform on which he was standing and went over on ->ni- bankment. He was picked up uncon scious. A doctor pronounced him dettd apd his supposed remains were turned over to an undertaker for shipment to tils borne. While the undertaker was preparing the suiwfosed corpse -Messerly opened hi* eves, saw whait was going on, and, after proving himself still liv ing, was taken home. He will recover. LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For Biliousness, Constipation and Mainrta. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, For Fever, Chills, Debility and Kid ney Diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladles, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir Is pre pared from the fresh Juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, snd will not fall you In any -of the above named diseases. GO c. and II botles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mosley, At lanta, <ia. fiiidmen Lost their lives. Chicago. Sept. 28.—At a small tiro at 2.U Stnlo gtroct tonight ono raptitln of the lire department was suffocated nud four other lln-men were so over- come hy smoke that they came neat losing tkelr liven and are now lining at tended by physicians. Tho dead ilrctiinu In Capt. ,11m Rus sell of company in. Ituss-<11 was taken to n drug store and four doctors woro summoned, but all efforts to revive him were without avail. The largest BDdllMt Win* tor Whoat Flour Mill Plant In tho World. UNBINE. Cf-uab.d piiddilpga Flour* Tho only Flour of Its kind, and the best of any kind. It Is made bya secret pro cess known to bat two persons. 8100,000 has bseaoffbrcd for the Knowledge “Tho Umllne In out of sight," Ivor-tan. Lard & Co.. Tennille, Os. "Tho Undine la far ahead of the flour wo have been getting at Nashville." W. H. Morgan. Pooler, Ga. NOEL MILL COMPANY, Estlll Springs, Tenn. ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HBADlNd. FIFTEEN WORDS OR MOItH. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 1G CTS. WANTED. WANT TO EXCHANGE a nice lot for a hack and license. Addrcsu Hack, care Telegraph. WANT TO BELL cheap a nice buggy stnd gen'll- horse. Address Harm and Buggy, care T.-legtuph, WANTED—Two couple* or four, young men to board. Mm. Wylie, 71S Pine street. GOOD BOT WMNTED.—I want a bright boy, 12 or IS yeans old, who can do tdeii.-graphlc .work nnd who la willing to nuke hlniself userul K-m-mlly.George A. -Smith, Room 4 ExcCrange bank. WANTED—An experienced butler and driver. W. H. Vlngto. WANTED—To sell you a '24 model Pen-more typewriter, beat machine in the -o-rl.l. J, K. Mlnter. agent. '1-hone No- 2X2. A tl KNT* make ftce s dsr. Ore«te*t V-.fch-n ’•lllfnalleterli t,-"ii*l ketails XVta t hi S eents imosuss .1 klcMsgi*. CtnctmtotL o FOR RENT.—Sevan room dwelling No. Hit Oglethorpe street, near htllniU square. FV-utk M. Oliver, eneret real mew set tot. FOR RENT—A nice resilience, seven rooms: Ora axe street, Apply ttl Cot ton Bvsaue. SEE JUHAN’S NEI SILK Mill Just opened, 75 new tailor-made dresses In black, blues, rrtodes, greys and mixed covert cloths at 212.50 and tJG/per suit. ' Decidedly tl)e best -and most stylish garments ever placed on the market. See these early for choice. FOR RENT.—Ten room dwelHn-s No. Wit First street, all modern conveni ences and in good repair, close to ibuidness portion of etty. George W. Duncan & Co. FOR KENT.—Store No. 213 Cotton av enue. . A'lao warehouse on sklc, Sixth otreet, and stable with ten studs. Ap ply to Jenkins at Guernsey's shop. FOR RENT—Neat flour-room house and kitchen attached; conveniently lo- caidd. Apply to C. J. Toole, 750 Sec ond street.. FOR RENT—Seven-room residence, 386 Clinton street, East Macon, v.ltti cne aoro garden. Three .minutes from elec tric cars. Very desirable; price low. Ap ply at Macon Savings Bank., FOR RENT—Store now occupied by E. A. Wnxelbaum In the Volunteer's ar mory. facing Poplar streeL Apply at It. S. Collins & Co.’s FOR RENT.—Several choice dwdlin'g* can be secured by examining my rent list. Frank M. Oliver, general real es tate agent, t FOR RENT—Ootober 1. Medium-size dwelling on College street; water, g-au and serwm't house. Rent reasonable. H. V. Washington. , FOR RENT-October 1, the two-story residence fronting Tattnall square, oorner Oglethorpe nnd Tattnall streets. Apply Daly’s Exchange. Col lege atreel : ■FOR RENT—October 1.—Nine-room residence, 126 Cole street; modem conveniences: 320- Apply to E. F. Bronson. FOR RENT—Rear of ascend floor, all of third floor and basement of,American National Bank building. Constructed especially for printing office,;, after Oc tober 6. R. E. Park. FOR RENT—Large'hall, third floor, over John R. Ellis’. Triangular block. R. E. Park. ROOMS TO RENT at 619 Spring street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good second-hand bagging. Jacob Hliwch. 610 Fourth street. GINNING* OUTFIT FOR SALE—Will soli at a great sacrifice 10-horse power VJ'/fK.. lmvsw, etc. Robert A; Niflb^t FOR 8ALE—Old paper* for wrapping purposes, etc., S3 cents per bundr*]. Telegraph office. FOR SALE—One magnificent new Co lumbia blcyole. Has never been used. Will sell very cheap. Apply ait Tele graph cilice. MISCELLANEOUS. HOLMES & COUTTS' celebrated extrtl- yraot crackers retail at the tow price of 10a » pound. ■ WE HAVE a tot of tinware we will giveaway for wrapper* of large pack age* of lthorer'* Bread Raising. W. C. Turpin & Co. MRS. IV. A. GAMBLE will open her loot ichoui on October 1, at 531 Georgia avenue. SELECT SCHOOL—1 will reopen comer Modlaon nnd Forayth streets Monday, October l. Terras, 33. I reride comer Forsyth and Progress streets. Mlsa Car rie K, Holmes. MISS ISABELLA NICHOLLS—Classes for French. Literature and English iltatary. Music. 475 Orange atreel LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sella IIM INVESTED yields 165 average weekly Income with absolute security. Proa, pectus, Uemise.1 stall-tics fr, e. Henson A Dwyer, 531 Broadway, New York. RNOttER'S bread raising Is the best bread preparation nude. Try ti CENTRAL, give me 106. Is tnat Mr. Keen? Yes, madam. Please send me two boxes Saratoga chips 1 think they are excellent. LINDEN RAKING POWDER always given satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb. TURPIN'S BAKING POWDER Is the boat made. Have you tried It? OLD PAPERS for wrapping, 25 cents per hundred at the Telegraph office. DON'T FORGET auction sale of two carloads fine horetvt at Davl*' stable*. Mulberry street. Saturday morning. Some extra family driver*. CALL TODAY ami examine horse* to be told at auction at Davis' stables. Mulberry street. GOOD ROOMS, first-elms fare at the Gray hou*e. one block from Union de pot. o«i car line. 454 Pine. Mis. H. A. Gray. LOST—Pueketbook con inning papers, etc., wriauhle only to owner; ticket to Rirnum’e show with owner's nnme on It 4mtde. Return p> this office. RAN AWAY—Dark mure, hitched to canopy top buggy, broke loose from post in <*ty about 7 o'clock ktst night and wont tn direction ot Vlnevtle. Return to Divts' stable snd get re- WE CAN offer honorable employment to a tear active men or ladle* In Mch county, which will pay 250 to 2100 per month. No capital or experience re quired. Address P. W. Ziegler & Oo» Box Hit. Philadelphia, Pa. CHICKENS are scarce, but I have twenty-five coops fat, fresh chick en* Just received. J. Btnsnranger, 674 Cotton avenue. 31,206 cout—3500 wfil buy new building, 100 by 30, iwMIh brick room dltt.wlheU, 20x30 opposite Georgia mills on rail road track. A. V. Toole, 208 Cbtton avenue. FRESH Pineapples, Delaware grape*, coooamuts, bananas, Umra tat Col- llor'a. SPONGES 2 nnd 3 cents each at M. C. BnVkcam's Third Street, near Mulberry. RUBBER-TIPPED CEDAR PENCILS 1C cents dozen at M. C. BMkeom’e, Third street, near Mulberry. WILL SELL FOR CASH, at court Itonise. Bibb county, October 1, 13 o'clock, two acres of land a't Unloil- vllle on which L. Findlay resides. DELAWARE and Oitwba. grapes Just received. TeTepHvone 186. A. A. Cul len. PINE Catowfoa, and Delaware grapes fretfli 1n itoday. A. A. Cullen. LOST.—wihlp, oil cloth, rug and cush ion 'from runaway term Thursfay night. Telephone 44 or leave at Da- vl3* etable. CHOICE WESTERN BEEF, tlhe best meats of Ml kinds can be found at nihie Georgia Packing Company’s , store, 458 First Street. TRY our "B^con Stoavlngs." They are" a delicacy. Georgia Packing Com pany. FREE BARBECUE today at the Ex change Hotel Restaurant. 0 DOZEN fresh eggs for #1 a: Keen, Grocery Company's. Telephone 170. FRESH ARRIVAL of Key West "goods from Park &. Tlllford’s celebrated brands at the Exchange Hotel cigar stand. THE -MERCHANTS' DINNER only 25 cents every day at the Exchange Ho tel Restaurant. YOU WANT a flmt-olass piece of bar becue? 'Call at the Exchange Res taurant from U to d p. m. Free for all. FANCY, mixed nnd plain pickles at Keen Grocery Company, 021 Poplar atreet. LEMONS binuimts, potatoes, c-ibbege, onlanu and nppfea. A. A. Cullen. FRESH CELERY this mornlDg at Keen Grocery Company. NEW oanned goods at Keen Grocery Company'#. IP YOU -WANT nice fresh, sound grapes don't target A. A. Cullen. BEST Mocha and Java coffee only 30 cento pound at Keen Unwary l.'em- peny's. EVERYBODY likes good Hour, bo try tlie Keen Grocery Company. They keen the bent. Telephone 176. XjADJES WANTED to write at home: $*.’* weekly: no ?uivu**ln;. KepJy with &taim>. aiisa Fannie Felknor, Soutn Bend* Ind. LOST-*Flne aold umbre1I;i head, either on Cotton iiYfcnue, Mulberry or Spring streets. Finder will receive rewr.rd by rtturnlna to James R, Sanders, at .furniture store. Co .ton avenue. DELAWARE GRAPES, pineapples, ap ples. cocoanuts, cranberries. Spanish onions. G. G. Toole. AUCTION 1 AUCTION! AUCTION! Two carloads fine young Kentucky harem will be sold at auction 2:30 Saturday morning at Davis' Stables, Mulberry atreet. Sold without reserve. Some are threatened wtth epevd. Coll at onco and make selection before sale. D Py? AT S.?, 9EX ' Bl8I rarckand Dutch herring. Dill pickles. Swiss, De Brie, cream. Neufchatel. Munster. Roque- tart, Limbergefi uml pineapple chewe: Crvus & BtackwetTa chow pbow. walnut, and mixed pickles; <». Iv-ea tn bo otic* or In bulk. O. G. Toolo. PORK SAUSAGE flitnKlny, Georgia JF\ieking Ooonpuny. HOLJtES A COURTS' BISCUITS and cukefl are tuaUo (from new mtueriuls of Gte very highest stand.-ml of cx- cn’lenoe; they have been awarded the premium over all ewipetltora wher ever exhibited, nnd pronounced the flneet Minuflactured In .the worM. If you use cakes or biscuits, why not touy the beet. Sold by the leading lUncy grocers. TURPIN'S BAKING POWDER Is made of pure cream of tartar and soil a and i#>:eed s.riciiy pure. To In duce you to try Turpin's Hiking Puv- dor we -will, tar a short time, give re-Ith each pound eon of powder a pound can of Holmes A Courts' cele brated cakes or sultlnrs both tar 40 cents. Turpto'e Is sold by the load ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking Powder Company, Macon, Git. HOUSEKEEPERS, Just took at this 4M of good thiugs: Hnrekogl chips, maple syrup. Gaixlon uvt riPUH I It tpreserves, snd olive*, b-nne ewa.le fig preaervos, JeUfe* and pleklcs, blnnter nraekerel, codfish brnrsly cherries, ringer preserves, French peas and enuxbrootns, E.ktcn and pineapple Cheese. Ferris bams and breakfas: bcacoa and everything etoe that you cum think of. Isn't It a pleasure to konw where to get everything nice and cheap, loot Jtto. C. Holmes A Co. Three hunnred garments. Big job Jot odds and ends ladies’ and gents’ undervests and pants. Many garments in this lot worth $1.50 and $2 each; 25 cents on the $1 is the price. Among this lot you will also find many vests, pants and union suits for children 25 cents on $1. Don’t forget the price. Ask to see our ladies' ribbed, fleece-lined vest at 25c. CLOAKS, CLOAKS—100 children’s cloaks and reefers just about half price. ' NEW NOVELTIES—Fancy buckles, belting, side combs, hair ornaments, etc., just in. * TRADE MAKERS—Coats’ Cotton 4c spool, 4 for 16c. Be3t Calicoes 5c yard. 12 l-2c canton flannel remnants 7 l-2c Best check homespun 5c. yard. 8c. apron ginghams ,for 5c. Best 12 l-2c silisia in town. 3 papers gold-eyed needles .for 10c. 8c. yard-wide Sea Island for 5e. yard. BURDEN, SMITH S Go 1 FORSALE The Handsome 2-Story With Basement, u" . No. 636 ORANGE STREET. Containing nine rooms, with three bath rooms, hot and cold water. All modem conveniences. The house has been re cently papered and overhauled from top to bottom and Is In strictly first-class condition. It has a large frontage on Orange street and Ross Park, and only half block from Indian Spring car line. It Is located on the hill. In as good neighborhood os Macon affords. It Is undoubtedly Che prettiest and most de sirable place new on the market For sale low nn4 on easy terms. For further InformaUon oall on GEO. W. BUM S CO. Real Estate Agents. SAFETY IS THE KEY-NOTE Of human conviction, • and by demon- itratlng the safety of EQUIITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK, tho Association has secured the confidence of She people. Lord Mansfield said, “the best Invest ments. ftjr security and Income are first mortgages on real estate." Stock In tho EQUITABLE BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATON is se cured by first mortgages on improved real estate, In doublo the amount, which ore held by the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, as trustee, and nothing but an earthquake con dislodge them. Tho Equitable will Issue this month 35,000 WORTH OF 8 PER CENT. GUARANTEED STOCK at 3100 per share. This stock guaran tees 8 per cent, cash dividends, payable semi-annually, and can be withdrawn at any time after six months. Appli cants will be served In turn. GEO. A. SMITH, General Manager. Room 4 Exchange Bank Bank Building The Three Heroes “GENS. LEE, JACKSON and STUART,” Riding down the lines on the morning of the battle of Fredericsburg. This beautiful Southern pict ure, sold for the Confederate Veterans Association, will be in every home in the South. We will frame it cheaper and better than any one. JAMES T. HOLT, Receiver for CHAS. C. HOLT. .<*4611. ou te *i *4AW I**| UBi How to become a flrnt- I CUlm Mesmerist, Hjpnuist, H;l 1 Header aatl Clairvoyant. * largv ' book only it*\ Addreaa at once. C. 1L KOWAN. Milwaukee. Wia. :;8 J The . Most ' Wonderful > Offer Yet .... 180 C MAGNIFICENT^ Securely bound in handsome cloth, now ready for 1 If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is the next best thing to a visit. Come and see it. When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will codt you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SNAP SHOTS OF THE World's Fair jtOfwi rietofrapUs Hcwf/w* J9 c*aU. ionoicNti'y ** ctffCfc. J-OJS’M MltJMff *» Mil KJUf <a»M44 S lilU ..... -.1 STJTS m-....