The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 29, 1894, Image 5

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29. 1894 A LARGE LOT I JUST RECEIVED. Two collars go with each Shirt and we sell them for Also a lot of those low neck Night Robes at the same; we can give you others tlio’ at 50c. Summer Rows and Ties at 15c. J. H. "HERTZ Corner Second <5j Cherry XUilxUtSI M&rr,ages, birth*, death*, funeral* and meetings imertcd in this column at $1 tor ten lines and 10 cents per line tor *ech added lino. A responsible name roust accompany the advertisement s * ruarantee of good faith. I>. A. K EATING, rrmRRTAKRn and snnAi.mcn nil Mulberry S«. . llucon, Un. 7 T,l.plioii M _o/H c ., 487 , Hr.l.l.ncf., 4(13 L. McMANUS CO GENERAL P4y Telephone - . - 238 Might Telephone - . - 232 Undertaking (Establishment Next to Hotel Laniex*. Day Telephone 436 \ Night Telephones.... 435,178 'HITE FRONT, Almost Opposlto Post Office. Sign and Square on Window. Closing out ladles’ Writing Desks at 05 cents. Memorandums 2c., 3c., 4c. mid Co. Paper Dolls lc. and 5c. shoot. Raphael Tuck Dolls Gc. envelope. Closing out Scrap Books So. Closing out 50c. Scrap Books 25c. Closing out lino Scrap Pictures 3c. card. Fine Purses and Pocketbooks, Wire Hair Pins lc. paper. The lincat and best 5 and 10c! Harps In city. An elegant line ladies Undervests 20 nnd 25 and 30 and 35c. Ladles wool Dndcrvea’ts 75c. White Knitting Thread 3c. ball. Fine etched Tumblers 5c.; 00c. dozen. Initial Tumblers 5c. Horn Hairpins lc. dozen. Horn Hairpins '.,0c. dozen. Brass Hairpins 4c. and 10c. box. Fine Hairpins 8c.. nnd 5c. and 8c. and 10c. each. Stvansdown 4c. and'Oc, box. Closing out cloth Doll Patterns 5c. Fine engraved Tumblera S0c. dozen. Fine lino Table Cutlery. Mirrors on stand clos» out 20c. Largo Japanese Teapots 13c. English Rockingham Teapots 10 and CO and 25 nnd 30 c. China Cups and Saucers 10c. and 13c. nml 15c. Fine China Plates 3a nnd 10c. and X5 cents. Covered Glass Dishes on stand no no house In Georgia can beat. Coal Ilods and Vases. Decorated imported Butter Dishes 85 cents. Ostrich Feather Dusters 10 and 20c. R. F. SMITH, Sole nnd Only Proprietor. Macon. Ga,, Sept. 21. 1834.—Notice Is hereby xlvun that thirty days after da'e I shall apply to the mayor and council of the city of Macon for a deed to enarocichment described as foliov«: Said encroachment to be upon the al* ley between College end Madison streets, commencing at the point where my lot, the same being part of iot No 1. square 14. according to .the plan of the city of Macon, corners upon said al loy and College street, thence along Col lege street a distance of live (5) feet, thence at right angles down and along said nlley In-the direction of Madison street a of 200 feet, more or less, ■ to a point opposite the extp-me southwestern corner Of my «ald lot. thence St right angles a distance of flve feet to the line of mv lot and thence ot right angles along the line of my Kill! lot to the styiraa point. WINDING UP THE CAMPAIGN Chairman Clay and His Workers y\re Rushing Things at Head quarters. 'COPY OF THt STATE TICKET W. E. McCAW. - FOR UftNT. Store No. 31# Thtlfd street. Store No. 312 Thldd street. { i Store No. 3M ThirP ■*»■*. . , r i Store No. 381 ThirP f |; Store No. *14 ThlrdA street. / I Store No. 453 Prm>4r - "cot- [! Store No. 699 F- '*««• Store No. 671 F. anil- "A ' EnrclHng No. 714 TWrt -Jreet. Dwelling No. 7J« TT 1 " 1 «rset. Dwelling No. 107 KoJ'»> street. Dwelling No. 121 Fo3 r tn rtreet. Dwelling No. Ill F, "V* street. Also, some very dcs-ivaf 1 * rooms and halls over stores. t CEO. B. TURPrN I* SONS. Reul Estnice and Insursre®* Agents. t>r. Price’s Cream Kakl •» lowder W«M-s Fair lllght.t 41. . phous. Muny Spreche. Will He Mail. Each Day how Until the Vole. Ar. Call. y Everything Point, to a Dig Victory. Atlanta, Sept. 28.—(Special.)—The fol lowing la a copv of the democratic ticket Issued bv the state executive oomanlttee to be voted by ell Demo crats at next Wednesday's election. The tickets were delivered at head quarters this morning: For Governor, W. Y. ATKINSON. For Secretary of State, ALLEN D. CANDLER. For Comptroller General W. A- WRIGHT. For Attorney General. J. ill. TERRELL. For Commissioner of Agriculture, R. T. NESBITT. •For Senator .... District. , For Representative, FOR RAT]FhCATioN of' amendmeii t to paragraph 1 of section 2 of article C oi'thu constitution. AGAINST RATIFICATION of amend ment to paragraph 1 of section 2 of article 6 of the constitution. FOR RATIFICATION uf amendment to ■paragraph 1 of seotlon. 1 of article 7 ' of the constitution. -AGAINST HATIFIOAtnON of amend ment to -paragraph 1. seotlon 1, article 7 of the constitution. FOR RATIFICATION of amendment to paragraph 3. section 4. article 3 of the constitution. -AGAINST RATIFICATION of amend ment to paragraph 3, Bectlon 4, article 8 Of the constitution. Burlnctu was brisk at campaign head quarters today. A perfeot stream of telegrams kept coming In until the of fice closed for .the night, showing the energetic work of organization that Is going on In every pant of the state, Besides the stacks of telegrams relat ing to appointments and organization, a great manv visitors called at head quarters tb personally consult with ths campaign managers about the situation. 'From every section the most gratify- lr.« reports were received. Tomorrow will be a field day for Dem ocratic elcquonoe and argument. Senator Gordon. Gen. Evans, Hon. H. w. J. Ham and ©roba-Wy Secretary Smith •will speuk here at the opera house at nljcht. The rally -will be a big one. Tuesday nl*ht the campaign cloaca here by a rally at the opera house at which 'Mr. Atkinson will be the lead ing speaker. Hon. 'Fleming duBlirnon will also speak. This will be Mr. Atkin son s first appearance 1ft Atlanta. He Is assured In advance of an ^enthusiastic reception. In other parts of the state the Demo cratic speaking tomorrow will be as follows: Governor Northen at Forsyth. Hon F. Livingston and Hon. H. W. J. H...,. at New nan. Hon. A. O. Bacon at Buc hanan. Mr. N. E. Harris, Hon. T. B. Caban Isa and Mr. J. w. Redding at Molena. Hon. W. Y. Atkinson at Lln- colnton, Senator Patrick Walsh at Bain- jgJSji* Secretary Smith at Athens, Speaker Crisp nt Rome. Hon; Fleming duBIgnon at MMledegyellHe. Mr. Harry Reid at Temple. Gen. Gordon nnd Hen. Carter Tate at Cummins, Gen. Evans Hon. L. F. Livingston at Conyera, Hem. W. M. Hammond nnd Hon. Geo. C Thomas at LaGrange, Charley Brand IK. Toomeboro and- Hon. H, D. D. Twiggs at Madison. BOUND TO GET THERE. Secretary Smith Chartered a Special Train Rather Than Disappoint Elber- ton. Atlanta. Sept. 23.—(Special.)—When it cornea to keeping an appointment Sec retary Hoke Smith should be given the banner—amid all tbe broken engage ments of the present campaign. The secretary WIU billed for n speech at Elberton nbday and was to have left Atlanta •t7:15. Being deeply engrossed In thought he got aboard the Central train Instead o( -the Seaboard Air Line and was as far as Hapevllle before he dlaoovered his error. The Seaboard train had pulled out meantime and it looked as If the Elber ton people would be disappointed. But Secretary Smith waa equal to the em ergency. From Hapevllle he tele-' graphed tt> Atlanta and when he ar- AI V , , ln b he , clty #«taln the .Seaboard Air Line had a special train ready to take him over to Elberton. He was n little late, but the enthu&iasm over the Bccretair’8 determination to HU his en-* fr.iRement more -than made up for the delay. IP. P. r b Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT - . . and potassium Catarrh, maiarte 5^ Makes £: Marvelous Cures Er in Blood Poison IS Rheumatism and Scrofula and Kidney Troubles^ Are entirely removed by r.lM*. ' —Prickly A«h, Poke Root and Potts- ■lum, tbe greatest blood purifier on < earth. , . Aberdeen, O.. July 21,1891. . Mehshs Lippman liROX., Savannnh. Ga.: Dear Sira-1 bought a botU* of ‘ your P.P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark.,and , i tfiroo P. P. rt purifies the blood, builds up , tho weak ' nnd debilitated, Klees strength to weakened nerves, expels ' diaeasou,giving the pit l< ■ happiness where si ok feellnKi and laasltudo first prevails .. health nnd F.lcknev*, gf' '""i 1 . ... jvslleo. !’nr[I r I*a r7.secondary nnd tertiary syphlfls, lor blood poisoning, niercn- ‘ rial noi»on. malaria, dyspepsia, and . In all blood And skin dlseasca, like 1)1.linin’*, pltm-i.-s, f-itl •Tirunir. ulcers. ' tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas. , eczema-we may say, without fear of contradiction,that. P. P. P, Is the best • blood pjrlfier in tho world,and mskoa , positive, speedy end permanent cures a all < THEY WILL NOT TALK. Metre. 'Hill and Ktbbee Inspecting Leg islative Records, Atlanta. Sept. 28.—(Special.)—Messrs. W. B. (Hill and C. C. Klbbee of the com mittee which Is Investigating charges it gainst Hon John T. Bolfeulllet, with Mr. Bolfeulllet nnd the complainant spent today In -Atlanta examining the records at the caoltol. Mr. Willingham, the -third member of tho committee, could not come to At lanta. Messrs. Hill and Klbbee went through the records 4n the office of the secretary of etate and made other ex amination*. but none of -the oarty would -talk of the Investigation for pub lication. They left for home on the 4 o’clock train. YOUNG FULLER IS MISSING.' He Had Considerable Money With Him and Foul Play Is Feared. (Atlanta, Sept. 28.-(8pectnl.)-dames Fuller, a young man 23 yean, of aae employed as cashier at the Oriole Cafe on Pryor street, wae reported to the DON'T PAY MONEY FOR WATER! icilljlnd it mack ekeafer to ■aUd. end hoHtekt'jrrs Liebig Company’s Extract of Beef i t&fid, eon'tntratsd extract, fret from fat and daiiM or ant/ /**?* tubilanct and dutolee it The gmuir/e ha* Odt QUjar Adlea whoeo nyttomz nro polsonsd d whone blood Is In an Impure oonrtl- o. due to menstrual irregularities, tented by tbe won* loot i cleansing prop- - Prickly Asu, Poke aro peculiarly benefited by tbe won- 1 derfultonlo and blood cleans! nr* i ertlesof P. P; P.-Prl * Boot and Potassium. ftl’RlNdFIELD, Me. , .lUg. 14th. 189«\ —1 oan speak In tho blfbest ternjs of ’ your medicine from ray ownpereonal , kticwle.1 je. ! was affected wit h heart disease, plwuriny and rheumatlst- <or * 86 years, waa treated by tho vcryl>est , physicians ana spent hundreds of dol- lars, tried every known remedy with- 1 out finding relief. Ihavo only taken , on.) Dottlo of your V. P. 1\, nnd can cheerfully say It has done me more . good than anything 1 have ever taken. Jean recommend your modlclno to all ’ euflerem ot the aboro diseases. - , MRS. M. M.-YIJAhT. Springfield, Oreen County, Mo. f our P.P. P. at Hot Sprlnga.Ai thus done me moro jrooatnai months* treatment at t lie Hot fiprloga. Send three bottles O. O. D# topscaun Aberdeen, Brown County, O. •— Capt. 3.0. Johnston. To alt uhom it may conctrn: 1 Bbro- by tostlfy to the wonderful properties —^0 of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I enfferod for several years with au un* ■■■ sightly and dlniKrecsble oruptlou on -|gf my face. I tried every known reran* dy but in valn.antit P. P. P. waa used, Savannah, Go. <Mr Hkln Cancer Cared. TttHmony from the Mayor o/ S<quin,Tex, Skqui k, Tb*. , January14,1693. *5. Mkshrs. LippkanBro*., Savannah, •— Ga. t Gcntlemtn—l have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of tbe skin, usu.illy known ns skin cancer,of thirty ycara* — standing, nnd found intent relief; 18 purlfiea the blood and removes all lr* ritatlon from the seat of the discus* and prevents any sorcndln* of tbe ag. sores. I have taken five or si *.bottles and feel oonfldent tbnt another course will efleoc n euro. It has also relieved — me from Indigestion and atomaon -troubles. Voura truly. CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney At Law. Bool! on Blood Diseases lolled Fret ALL DRUGGISTS BELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Lippman'* llIock,«avaiat:ufti,GA ruuuiuuuuuuiuuuiuuu^ police today aa having illaappearcrt last night under very peculiar circum stances. (Ho de-fit the restaurant about 7 o'clock saying he would be back In a few-moment*, and since that tlmo has not been seen or heard of. although hta employers made every effort to find him before applying to the police. Ful ler had c’onalderablo money In Ills pock ets anil It Is feared that lie has been foully dealt with him. He came to At lanta from Birmingham, having made a good record for sobriety and eteadlnese as cashier t>f -the Oriole Cafe. SMALL-JACKSON (DIVORCE SUIT. Considerable Gosslo in 'Atlanta About the Troubles of> Sam Sinall’a Daughter. • , Atlanta, Sept. 28.—(Special.)—Tho an nouncement here today that Mrs. Lola Small-Jackson, daughter of Rev. Sam Small, the evangelist, had Instituted proceedings for divorce at Knoxville caused a great deal of gossip. Mrs. Jackson Is a very beautiful wo man and In her set greatly admired. The first notice society had of her trou bles waa ithe commencement of a suit shortly after her marriage Tor tho re covery of 310.000 which she alleged cer tain Knoxville gamblers ihad swindled lior husband out of. She gained a Judg ment against, the gamblers and recov ered .part of tho money. airs. Jackson has been ltving with her father at his residence on Capitol ave nue since she left her husband, until recently when Mr. Small went to Nor folk to begin tho publication of a dally paper. . A Mil LION . FRIENDS. A friend In need Is a friend Indeed, and not less than one million people bavo found Just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dlscovcrey for Consump tion, coughs nnd colds. If you havo never used this great medicine me trial will convince you that It has wonder ful curative powers In all dlseises .,f -.nroat, chest and lungs, elses bottle is guaranteed to .1a all that Is claimed ■•I money will bo rerun,..a, 'i> r jai bo-- tles free at H. J. Lamnr & Son's drug store. Large size 50a am Jl. SEVEN WERE DROWNED. CONTESTNG NEBRASKA DEMO CRATS. Bryan's Free Silver Victory Split* tho Party in That State. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 28,-tA certificate sworn to by Euclid Martin as chairman and S. M. Snyder as secretary of the "Demucroitlo state Convention," was filed with 'bo secretary of state this morning. It contains the names of tbe men put In nomination by the Boredom from the Democraitlc state convention at Omaha last qlBht. Secretary of State -Allen says as 'the certlltoate comes to 'him from repre sentatives ot tho Democratic party, he will accept It for what It purports to be. When asked it another certificate should bo filed by the officera of tho regular Demoaratlc convention what fie would do. be aald> he would have to take- advice! aa ho could not «iy off- handed what hla courac would be.’ Ho Intimated that any contest ns to the right to tho name of the Demooratto ticket would -have -to bp determined by the courts. Japanese Pllo Cure Is the only one that oan be guaranteed, es It la tho only euro. SoM by Goodwyn & Small, druggists. “Sox or socks,” we sell eith er for 26 cents, worth 50 cents. Phillipi Schooner William Homo Went Down ■ and Only'One Man saved. Manlstlque, Mich., Sept. 28.—Tlio schooner William Ilome, a consort of the steamer F. R. Buell, sank off St. Croix Point Tuesday night during the henvy southeast gale. All of tlio crew of seven, except one man, were drowned. Thera was one woman drowned. Tlio only survivor, 1 Antonio Mingo, Honied ashore unconscious oil a piece of n hoaL ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miscrablo by mdlgeatlon, con- etipatlon, dizziness, loss of appetite, coming up of the food, yellow akin, when for 75 cents wo will sell them Shiloh's. Vltallzcr .guaranteed to cure them? Sold by Goodwyn & Small* Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. NEGROES AND the schools. India mtpolls, Sept. 28.—Mnnd.-irr,us proceedings were begun here today to 5S22JrfSS5 bo;lr ' 1 to permit the negro child. Benjamin Thornton, to nt- #85? In Thornton’s district. 25? £522!,5?*? •*»»««d the Ohim and ars jtttempUsw tq force him to attend ® colored school nome distance sway. This u ths fin-t time that the color line has -been drawn here and the negro population are Indignant. The case will be bitterly fought. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The boat salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcer*, salt rheum, fever Bores, tetter chapped.hands, chilblains, corns, nml all eruptions, nnd positively Is guaranteed to *lre perfect sattsfa- tlon or money refunded. Price. 25 cet* per box. For Kile by IL J. Lamar St Son*. druffgrUta. OARNFXWE REIDUCES WAGES. PltWburf?, Sept. 28.—/The Carnegie Steel Company (Hnrited), today give notice to I to 5.000 employes at tlW Ed- Far Thomnwon Steel Works and fur nace* at Craddock of a desire to termi nate ltiidlwmure neale contract tvith them. A new a?a[e Is proponed which. It Is said, will mnke reductfop* on all clawea of work except common labor ers. The reason fdven for the proposed wo*re reduction la that the compmy cannot continue to pay the present rate of wages owirwr to th- depressed condi tion of tiude bronxht about by the tar iff uncertainty. ladies BO YOU KNOW - DR. FELIX LC BRUN'S STEEL USD PEHKYHQYBL PILLS .ro th.orifiLol iuid odU FHEHC!£,««fcamlr*. bahle core on lh» m.rtot. I'ric. $LUj; rent bj ^lL (letuuRCMildoDl, by . OOODWYN'S DRUG STOREY Sola Agenu, Macon, Ga. NOTICB. —SALE OF TIIJ3 MACON ! ANE» NORTHERN ItAILHOAD, Under and by virtue of a Anal de cree rendered on .the 30th day of July. 1894, by t'ho United State* circuit court for the western division of tho southern district of Georffla, in tho case of tho Mercantile Trust Company of New York and o^hcr complainants against tho Macon and Northern Railroad Com pany and other defendants, we will sell before the United States court house door In tho city of Macon, Geor gia, on tho second day of October, 1894, between the legal hours of sale, all of the fallowing described property: Firot. Tho ra/llroad of tho said de- fend'anty tho Macon and Northern Rail road Company, which extends from the depot In the city of Macon, Georgia, to Its junction with tho Northeastern railroad at Athens, Georgia, a distance of about one hundred and eeven miles, together with all its railways, ways, and right of way, side tracks, turnouts, depot grounds, casements and other lands und appurtenances belonging to said railroad company, whdeh ure set out In said decree. Second. All structures, depots, «tn- tlon and section houses, engine houses, car houses, machine shops find other buildings, with tools now In u.t • and equipments now In hands of the receiver Four passenger coaches, two combina tion mall, baggage and express car*, sixty box oars, twon)ty-two flat oars, two ( cars, three shanty cars, three passenger engines, one switch nnd *two freight engines, together wkh all other property, equipments and franchises belonging to said defendant, and which are fully set forth in decree referred to. Also, all supplies nnd other property in the hands of the re ceiver of said company. Also fifteen hundred shares of the capital jtovk of the Georgia Midland Railroad Compa ny if tho par valuo of $100 per share. Third. In tho sale of said property, no bid for a sum less than one million and seventy thousand ($1,070,000) dollars will be received, nor from any bidder who shall not place into tho hand* of the special commissioners at tho time of making tho bid the sum of $30,000 in money jor certified check, and from time to time thereafter such further portions of the purchase price shall bo paid In cash as the court may direct to meet expenses of the suit, etc. That the bidder depositing wild $30,000, and whose bid is not the highest, shall havo such deposit returned to him without deduction. In the even the bid accepted by the commissioners Is not confirmed by the court, such bidder rihall huve Hich <lc[>.>Mlt returned to him without deduction unless said property is resold at the expense of such bidder and be- cause of his fault. Fourth. The balance of the purchase price may be either paid In cash or In the bond* and over-due coupons of said Macon and Northern Railroad Compa ny which ere secured by tho mortgage upon which the decree of foreclosure Is based. Huoh bonds and coupons be ing received at such price ond value os the purchaser would be entitled to re ceive us his prorata share In the distri bution ot said fund. Fifth. The sale* to be made subject to a» claims pending against said com pany or which are filed three months thereafter, and all debts against the receiver, which claims or debts the court may decree to have priority over the mortgage foreclosed by said de cree, the purchaser will be required to assume payment of same. The sale to be reported to the court for confirma tion, und when confirmed the special commissioners •will make title to the purchaser in accordance with said de cree. For further details of sstd sale, reference Is made to said decree, ALEXANDER PROUDFIT, , JAMES N. TALLEY, Special Commissioners. BOUND VOLUMES The (rreat popularity whloh' this rnngnlficent work has attained In serial form has led us to make an arrangement with tho publishers by whloh w, can offer bound volumes at on almost uuheanl ot prioe. Sights and Scenes of the World was first published as a high-class artwork, and wn* sold by subscription only. A fow copies of the original edition remain unsold, nnd wo havo *o< cured them for Uie benefit of our readers. They, ore printed upon extrai heavy mauve-tinted enameled paper and upon one aide of the paper only, making a book twice aa thick as tho twenty-one parts would ba, Tho work, manshlp Is superb, os they were the first Impressions from the original plates. They nro elegantly nnd strongly bound, with specially designed titles on side and book, tho Russia edition having mniblo edges nnd the ful Morocco gold edges. By taking all there was loft ot tlio original edition wi nro enabled to offer this unsurpassed work at tho followlitg very attractive prices: , ., j In best English cloth (publisher's prioe, 16.50; our price. }3. In hit Morocco, (publisher’s price, 87.50); our price, 33,60. In full Russia, (publisher's price 39); our price, 34. < In full Morocoo, (publisher's prioe 310); our price, 34.60. For out-of-town orders remit 60 oents extra nnd the book will be dellvorej to you by prepaid express, securely packed. This la An Unusual Opportunity To procure this king of alt ait works at a ridiculously lour price and Should be taken advantage of at once, as only a few ar, left. Remember that thi book Is comploto and all ready for the library or centra table, 360 full-pngl views, Biss 11x13 Inches and-printed upon one elds of ths paper only. Had picture la worthy of a frame. Samples can be seen at tlio ofiloe of the Telegraph, where all order, MhoulJ be addressed. Rand, Mclally & Co/s m|as OF THE YQRLDi NEW IINETY-TWO MANY ENTIRELY BOOK. MAPS. FEATURE! Theo Ethno Chrono Anthropo Bio Gbeo Topo Hydro logical . graphical waKsnsaBga rut Muum. I»#nt •. *.<■.! for tl It WllMra H, HISTORY of the WORLD'S PEOPLE. CENSUS of 1890, Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of tho World’s Bright Men. Historic Praotiq Systematic Statistic Politic Patriotic Education Economic Emblematic STATISTICAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS, GAZETTEEB and ATI»A& AL tsi & w o § P-4 a; % • , • b o « O UJ ca § ’ rtj § : E-i m : s Kj m • is -1 O p * as Three hundred and forty-fivt pages. Bound in finest quality English cloth. Printed upon fine calend ered- paper with ,marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE, $7.50. Cut out coupon and send il with TWO DOLLARS, und wo will send you a copy of the magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inches Out of town purchasers t» pfiy carriages