The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, September 29, 1894, Image 8

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" 7 —— 111 'P"" THE MACON TELEGRAPT1: SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1894 CONVENIENCES AT THE DIXIE Except for Lack of Sleeping Apartments » Man Could Live on the Grounds for Two Weeks AND CONDUCT HIS EUSINESS 1b Macon or Elnwli#r»«W*i»trii Union Office, Eijprtai OIBc#, tatter Bos mid LitUn Written on n> nouml'f Notice. The management of the Dixie Fair la preparing to rrlve the thourwnJx of via- Hum to the fair not only the t>lg*..Jrt fair they ever oaiv. trut also preparing to give them every convenience. For this purpose they have arranged with the Western Union Telogruph Company for a telegraph oflloe on the fair grounds from which messages will be sent ami delivered Hurt the Simp ns from their up-town ofllce. In connec tion with the ofllce will bo on Informa tion bureau, at Which will he furnlshotl every one who applies, free of charge, liny Information desired as to the arri val nnd departure of trains, etc. •An express olllco will also bo estib- llshed on the grounds und packages will bo received and deliver*!. Tire ofllce will be conducted on the same principle cue the uptown ofllce und will be a great convenience to parties re ceiving und aendtmr express packages, A mull box will dloo be located on the grounds, arrangements having boon made with Fuslmtwtor Price to this end. The mall will be taken up twice each day, at hours hersufter specified. Mall wlH also be delivered on the grounds by carriers. Secretary Knann, has arranged to have a typewriter on the groundo net In a handsome cabinet desk and operated by Miss Julia Finger, who Is one of the most expert and ac curate typewriters in the city. Any one deskln« to Wav* letters written on the ground! can dlitato >o OUee Finger, who le also an expert stenographer, and thus In a few minutes dispose of u long letter, as Sltss Firmer will copy the let ter on the typewriter und mall tt for the party who dictates It. This wilt be n'great convenience to the public, as few people care to-»lt down und write a lotterswhen they can dictate It In one-tenth the time and have It written In a neat manner on a typewriter. The following clipping from the Sa vnnnnli hlornlng News will give some Idea of how iMr. W. W. Collins la being rceived In other cities: "All. W. AV". Collins, vice president pro tcm. nnd nnerial agent of the ljb lo Jmerelale Fair, which opens at Maeon October 33. Is In the cltv la the Interest of '.he coming exhibition. He will lie nt the Eeitotq a day or two an(l will bo gind to meet any ono Inter sited In the fair. ‘ The prospect* are tlint the coming fair will be tho arest-vst over held In (IcmkU, said Otr. Collins Inst Ml slit. "Tno Macon Exposition Company have been at work for months on il.e Ct’ullii of the exhibition. A new bull 1- !"•: ''"O I"■•■to ,vi, ii v\ ,i. f -rmiTlv known as Floral nnd Premium h.-dla, •unUlmr Ibis main bulKVuy 800x60 fen, two atones high. M lehlnery h ilt le a now building, connecting the old Aril- rebut,d hall with Premium nail. The»e tivi buildings, tngether with the old Dining hall, which will be need for ex hibition purposes, and the main exhibi tion ball give* n floor space of S.jegaC* feet. Fully two-thirds of this space has been <i.ken bv exhibitors. Every t-hns of machinery, manufactures tlT-d chtndls,- Is represented, "The roee track has been Improved to confcim to the denmnJs of the owners of the fast stock that will Comt.«ie (or the premium. offered In th'u iteparb meul. The etnldrs n,ve been made as ns the mint exacting could demand, anti fast trotters enough me ertitn! already to gunrd'ttae haper s ires than any fair ever h..d in Ob>|. cli r.n* hod. "The moat oomole.e nad varied ,x1;L olt on «if machinery ull l„. >n hnad ■in I j .inning, showing the wonderful Im- rbvementa In this line. ‘The musical disoluv, Mr. OiTna eatA will be very Pne; every kind of tiiuelcai Instrument. fitmi the smallest m mill Instrument to tho church organ Berersl Tne hands have boen' gngnge.l on.l the Sanford BUtem hare been »e- ''"ll, T 0 "’’" ln Music hall, .lie Midway Plalannce will be there, at i''' 1 . n f*T n ®f 'ho nt-.-acilona mat ?• lr *«« “• ‘he World's fair J'kht'^yne. Will main Dixie AU,1- Whj Plelsanee tho meet nopula.' net of thg exhibition. ' "Tits lilg pile of silver and geld, nn urn ns the Alontai.:, statue, Will be on* of the drawing features. This •tatue le made of 361.500 In pure alive* tS\*i‘& ° f mt * K " hl {o "Ceniral rark will be open day r.nd nUbl during the two we-hta of the fair. Fifty are and 500 meandro-rnt l.aht, will be used In Its lllmnl'Mtlon 'l'h<* svecetory'a oflloe in the rooms ct tl.u Hoard of Trade :s one bf the tiUtlnd rlncce In Alaoon. It you decide to take Hood's Rmsi- tMrill.i, do not be Induced to buy nnv KUhstltute article. Take Ilood'a, and only Hood's. 6TOIUI ROUND AT NEW YORK. 'TlioHurricane lias Kottbed t'fherc nua Keeps Vessels ln l’ort. Now York, Sept. ST.—The etRimer Eldorado, Cnpt. refer, of the Moreau I.ino. from New Orleans, arrived at quarantine Just after sundown toulclit, twelve hours Into. She rounded Florida Keys on Sunday, the 23d, nnd the hurt' cane aoontuponied her to port. •Cnpt. Petqy's log dm .vs that he riv Awarded Highest Honors—World's Pair. dr CREAM BAKING POKNfl MOST PERFECT MADE. A puts Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free hem Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Mrs. Viola Emery Indigestion, Cramps Dyspepsia and catarrh of tho l/owola,caus* od my wiio ant suffering. tta lias been t’ikitiK Hood's 3.i] i ji;v ami hue no bad parilla Cures symptoms. t has improv ed In looks 1 [_ and Blthi.pvWmSASSS Heroinla with tmlcli beoefl ssparllla le a splendid tonic nnd blood purl Her. IlKioraw V. P.mkuv, 3M Blxtli street, Portland, Oregon. Hood's Pills cure Liver Ills. We, countered n Bale from the southeast Just lifter pusxlng Key West nnd In stead »r dying out ns usual, it increased in velocity nnd effect until he neared (hipe dlntlcms, on the iffdli, when It moderated souiowliat and canted to the eastward. Day iH'fore yesterday morning, the wind ngaln InmxiHcd until II had gained n speed of SO to (in miles per hour. Ixiter In the day it moderated nltghtly .and yesterday commenced veering to flic iiurtlinist. C.ipt. Ferity says the hurricane was. one of tile most severe he hits ever met und that ha hail a hard tuxsle with it. flu had n raging sea for three days nnd nights, hut the El dorado is it staunch craft and weathered the storm without receiving any dan ger. , Outgoing steamers for the West In dies und const points South are un settled ns to tho advisability of facing tho storm, which is reported to lie corn- lag north along the cooat. The steamer Alyona, for the West In dies, passed out ut t ie hook early In tlie afternoon, but returned lifter haV' lug gone a few lint n few miles. 'ilv.' t'ienfugos, tsinud for the West Indies, was reported by the Mainly Hook observer aa clear of the bar at 5 o’clock, but ten minutes Intel' he re- ported her returning heading for tho liny i. Tito Yorktown, for Norfolk n.'iA New port News, went out hue. In 'the afler neon nnd the Nacooeheo for Mavntiuab anchored In Gravesend bay. 'lie- out wart boud steamer Vigilaucta, of the Ward I .fee. nfter delaying twety-four hours in Gravesend bay. decided to face tho storm nnd heave danchor at 1 p. m. Tin* fsimpasas. of tho .Mallory Line, also went out this afternoon. To go through the newspapers and see whut old fogies are saying. But why give them a thought? We 'have enough to do attending to our own business. Who can seriously or justly IQlA N ‘ > d deny that it was this house f £ rf that originated the plain tell ing of stoje news. As to goods they are here to be seen ex actly as we advertise them. As to prices, it is easy to make comparisons.' Our methods are bright and sparkling as They inspire confidence and prompt emulation. 1’eople‘think of them, and speak of them, and trade continues to grandly grow and broadly expand.' Come late, come early—special things on display for forenooners and afternooners. diamonds. OH. WIIAT A COUOHl Will you hoed tho warning—the elg- nal, perhaps, of the sure approach at tlmt more terrible dUease, cotisumtlou? Axk yourself if you can afford, for tho wako of saving 00 cents, run the risk and do nothing for lb We know from experience that Sfdloh'e Cure will euro your cough. It uever falls. Tills ex plains why more than a million bottles were Bold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not bo without It. For lame back. Hide or chest, use Shiloh’* Porous Plasters. Sold by Goudwyn & Small Drug Company, corner Cherry streot and Cotton avenue. NO. LICENSE IN' ARKANSAS, The Proposition Wtu Defeated By (lie reoplo By Neary 2,000 Majority. JLIUIo Rock, Scfi:. 23—The complete jvturu* on tin* liquor license question In Wve recent shut# election have been certified to by the locrdinry of ntato. 11m •vote stn.mH; For Ikense, 47.(1113: ag-HKt license, 13,Ma, n mujorlly iwilttot the continuation uf tho llaiior truflle of 1,933. ARE YOU OOINOT Tho rcsorte of Tonncssco ore do'nx n eplcndld huslnees Uils enison ti,» Southern railway, western system lx the direct route to these resorts and 'von should ssk for your tickets via tint line. Un*. Elegant free observation coaches bo. tweeu Atlanta nnd Chatlunooga \ through coach for Tales Springs K-ivea Chattanooga ut 7 a. in. nnd arrives nt Tates nt 12:45 D. m. Sleeper on this train to Washington and New York. "* The seashore express lcavm Atlanix 7:30 p. m. for St. Simons und Cumber land Islands. ind Islands. Three dally fast trains each way be tween Macon nnd Atlanta and Itoina — n<l i ’li'i t In iiiwur.'i iwcvh mtuuH uuu AtMiivA anil lloino and Chattanooga. Travel tho Southern railway, western system, for safely, speed nnd comfort. Call bn Jim W. Carr. Passenger ant ticket agent. Macon: J. J. Farnsworth district passenger agent, Atlanta. Ga C. A. DeMsoUr. assistant general nua senger agent, Knoxville, Tcnn. USE HOLMES’ MOUTH WASH. Prepared by Prs. Hoknea A tbsin, Dentists, 556 Mulberry Street, t CUR'O bleeding gums, ulcers, sora ,uth. sore throst. cleans the tcodinnd rifles tho broath. For sale by ull - F0II SALE. Two fuio dray mules; only CaUBO of sole have too many. Call and see them at store. T. 0. Burke, Everybody can wear sox, when wo sell them for 25 cents. Phillips. m'SSKI.I. M IKl S A Sl'1-frX'H. EExpoees PorohstUi .Falkicka HpooUji County. Qultn «n. 6ct>t. STT— tSpcivuD.—Ttrooks imiy Democracy tad a U\rbccuc una .»n«t rally to#»y. Hon. Baa Uuueii, niiio.Aanma from tho Hecooft tlisirict, *>k« In the morning. UtB ch ^tva a rvm, MnstlttlK lhat ibe Democratic rty baa fuUUl«d lt» t>l*!ge* and nhow- ({ Whll klnal Of Ugt»lsttlOQ-W» CO«ld «• et from tbc people'* party, ahoabt tt c t in coctnd. The crowd was oetim.itui In th« afternoon ah »rt M o*vh<t were by lioo. W. 8. llumi'hi-* and 8. Dennett. The day was b-iutlful. tfn* jviet plentiful, the crowd in a Rood umor, and everything im&mhi oil • icao- ntly. It’s Brown’s Iron Bitters you need! MACON, GA. 51 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET Engines, Boilers, Gins SAW MILLS, Machinery AH Kinds. MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (in Bottles only.) On account of Us aboolute purity, wholesomencs3, pood taste and quality to old digestion It 1m a most pleasant und refreshing beverage, an article Incom parably strengthening to the invalid and convalescent. This beer Is brewed from bent selected malt nnd from hops Imported from Bohemia. It Is brewed after the new existing method ln the Hof Brauerel at PUaon,- Bobemld. Barbarossa I« a light palatable beer, unexcelled ln taste and brilliancy, and on account of Its excellent quality is preferred to the‘Imported Pilsner by connoisoui*. For the dinner table and for a lunch there la nothing better than a bottle of Bnrbarossa. UL/IjMANN & WILLIAMS, Delivered anywhere ln tho city. ’Phone 434. ' Sole Agents. YOU MAY not get ono of tho prizes I offered for solving my’puzzles, but thero Is a prize for every customer In the low prices I make this month. GEO. T. BEE LAND. Jereler, 320 Second street. I AGRANSEiFEMAL m *o> LflORfRNOE,, Gf\. -«<•« Open. Srp. lo. |‘V>|. llrlck feulldlan, elcptric ligla., wxlrr-works, b.tln, gvmnn,lu|n. Conxrr. vutury .<lvantHX<t In |UU.IC. pipe orgtn. Art and voice culture, EpecinhicK. Ulocullon fine. lluokUeeping and liarmonj free. Sight-sliiginxdilllT. Drenm.klng, tvpewiit- li | g. «teiio E r ap , iy. Keonninlcal uniform. Health uo-uirpanrd. Hen, aoclul .urrouudlsigH. l’uplls tio.rd with Faculty In College Home. « EULEK B. SMITH, »,c. I1UFU3 W. SMITH, Prtt. MISS BESSIE ROGERS Returns Home Monday Nlglit und Re opens Her Studio on Tuesday. Maeon rejoices to welcome lioino..thls gifted and; I’ullured art.nt. Perhaps more than any other one of our.fair women, shq has, by her distinguished talent, brought us dlsMnelioti iff home nnd abroad. Her triumphs .stu dent under die famous nutitfro lip Paris mv fresli in ihe luemopiet of all lovers of art. We are glad tRVlearfl that sho tvlll continue her work lit lier 'II'lH-> here lice winter. Sli.- Is des tined to wlu fume and fortune fof her self and roAect honor upon lier native city. Those who may have the good for tune to lie hf'r pupils this winter will he glad to know that she will open her str.illn ngnit* next Tnesilny morning. She hnx had n delightful 'Uln’.mcr of heel and recreation and returns to her work with the renewed enthusiasm that wins sueecRS. iro alt worn out, rcchv lor i nx, tt 0 XCULTOI Oobllltv. Trr Holm's m ox in traits. It will euro you. ciouuie your Uvcr. Bad give MANTELS. TILES, GBATES Largest and best line South. T. C. Bbrkb. We can sox j’ou with soxs for 25 cents worth 60 ccnfcL Phillips. Oases of forty years BtATuling, where opor<»U«MM have akl fal^od, have been oui\M by ,h\pan<»e PIV> Cure. Cluaran* tec<l by Goodwyn & Small, druggl*»u. BIBB COUNTY 8HBRIFP SALES. Will be ooUl before Jhe court aousc ■ i.M i- m thf city ft M.t. I-.. .: .t .mv the legal hours of »ule, oa the first Tuesday In November nf*xt, the following property: One Maam & llaiulln organ, one orik book case, one lot of book*, ono nqu.ire oak tibia two plush bottom rocker?, two Hkln 11us. one oili )• ! :••!. one plush lounge, ot.o marble top table, one cmwtMt nKkor, two high luck oak ch-*itone lint rack, one large cane text Jv. k«T. two I u.-’.i ■ b M. h - ia i :‘i.«ir.«. Lo\1cd op as the property of Mar>’ E. Nelxm to H-w.fty a distress warrant for tent otid cost, tabued bv J. H. L Genllnc, IttStlcs ths peace, ln favor of Rolana H. Hall, trublec, vs. Mary H. Nslson: Ivovy tnanlo and returned by a constable. G. S, V/ESTCOTT, Shorlflf. PUBLIC SALK. Will be soill before the court house r In tin* city of 'Macon, In Bibb c« irn^i ty. G«.» bidvveen the Itgll hours of on tho first Tuteilsy in October next, for cash or on other «ultable terms, all atock of machinery located In th« lumber yard nt the corner of Sixth and Mulberry streets. In dMJ city of Macon, end known ee the T. J. Bell & son plant, consisting of ?ixty*hon» power boiler nnd engine, planer, mouldrf, . ; I ilht «M other machinery. Alt comparatively new and In gouil running order ana ooen for ’nepection of pro*. pcctUe rurchunrs. I reserve tho right to reject any an I all bUK . D. 31. NELLIGAN. Assignee T. J. Bell A Son. ENCROACHMENT NOTICE. Xotke s, hereby iriven that thirty Jays fr\»:n the date hereof Application svttl bo made to the mayor and council >t the city of iMicon for deed to cn- rrvachmcnt of forty feet by 145 feet on Fifth street, lot IT. wharf lot, granted >v that body September 23, lSfl. Plat >f sik! enesxxtchmen* noa* on die In cf- L e of city clerk. G W. HOWARD. Macon, aeot, TktKH. GEORGIA BIBB COUNTY-To the Su perior Court of said County: Tho peti tion qf Robert L. McKenney, Fred. T. Lofton, W. F. Combs, T. W. Loyless, W. H. Langsdale. J. B. Rau and N. E. Har ris, respectfully shows: First.—That they desiro to be Incorpo rated with their successors and assocl* fetes under the name and stylo of “The Macon Nows Printing Company, ’ and ln that name :o enjoy nil the rights, privi leges and immunities appertaining to such corporation under the laws of. tlito state. Second.—The particular business which thpy desire to tronsa t and the object of their association la thy publlcdtloh for puin of one or more newspapers or peri odicals In tho city of Macon, tho carrying on of a general Job printing, ruling and binding business nnd the doing or such other business ln the way of publishing and printing ns may be desired by the board of directors hereinafter to be pro vided for. Third.—The amount of capital to be em ployed (s twenty thousnn dollars, to te divided Into shares of ono hundred dollars each, more than ten per cent, of which has already been paid in. Fourth.—'Tho place of business of tho corporation Is to be the city of Macoa, Bibb county, Oeorgla. Fifth.—The government of the corpora tion Is to be vested ln a board of directors, to i-on.-I t or live in "iiL who sir :1 lect from their number a president and a general business manager. Sixth.—They de.dre to be Incorporated for the term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal. HILL, HARRIS & BIRCH. Fetltloners Attorneys. A true extract from the records of Hlbb Superior court. September 8, ISM. • ROBERT A. NISBET, Clerk. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. Will bo Arid before the court hoiute door In the city of Macon during the legal hours of Kile on tho first Tuesday In October next: /. Lot No. 2. In block 4. southwest com mons, in the efty of Macon, Bibb coun ty, Ga. Levied on no the proponty of John Herrington uml Lizzie Herrington lo mtlKfy a Justice court fl. fu. issued from tho 564ch district G. M. in favor of C. F. Qarsoa vs. John Herrln&tbn anil Lizzie Herrington. G. S. WESTCOTT. Sheriff. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY-Samucl R. Joques, executor of the estate of Richard deceased. W. Jaques, late having represented to this court thoThe has fully discharged the duties of said trust and now asks for letters of dlsmls- Thls Is. therefore, to notify oil par- objections, if any BoeoaraM m they have, on or before the first’ Monday In December, 1S91, or letters of dismission will then be granted ns nskod for. This third day of September, l&H. C. M. WlLEY^Ordlnury. § MATTIE a M’ALPIN VS. WILLIAM . M’ALl’JN.—Libel for Divorce In Blob Superior Cburt.—To November Teem l.v’.U. To William A. McAlpm. h-f-.M- ald Case: You are hcteby^ ww . m:\ndod to be and appear at the next term of Btt>b superior court to answer kid petl' Wit m s; June. 1S94. ItOBT. A. NISBET. Clerk. Hardeman. Davis & Turner, , Attorneys. John L. Hardeman, jrt. this ath day of Petltio LOOK OUT FOR COLD WAVE! Window Glass, Mantels, Tiles and Grates. Nbw L? the time to buy the aboW* before the ooild weather corner. I havfi 41je largest stock South, with prices lower than ever. T. C. BURKE. O- P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM, MACON, GA. SASH DOQBx LUMBER, MQULOINfii PftlKIS, W AND CEMENT. AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LEAPIHa WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. 3Unuf*cturer> and 4 BABNEASH SADDLERY. . LRATHEB AND SHOEPIDtNdX 8W, 452. 454 an-a 436 Cliorry Streak L. Cohen & Co., J. J- MACH, Manager. - - - Macon Ga, LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest house in Macon. Orders promptly filled. A trial solicited. MACON SASH, DOOR & LUMBER C0„ INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, AND MANtlF ACTURERS OF- Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work, Dealers in Paints, Glas3, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair, BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. COTTON. I wish to# inform my friends and pa trons that I have moved across Poplar street, opposite my old stand, and with Improved facilities and more conveniently arranged warehouse, I am better prepared than ever to handle their cotton to ad vantage. Consignments always receive my prompt and personal attention. NEW ROOF! CORRECT WEIGHTS! HIGHEST PRICES! SATISFACTION GUARANEED! ELLIOTT ESTES. 517-C23 Ppplar street. SALE OF VALUABLE PRINTING OFFICE. Georgia, Bibb County—By virtue of a consent order pase^ by his honor, Joftn L. Hardeman, Judge of the su perior court cf the Macon circuit, on September iy, 1894, In t-he case of the Macon Gas Light and Water. Company and others against J. W. Burke & Co., pending In the superior court of Bibb county, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, at the court house door in the city of Macon, said county, between ’the legal hours of sale, on the 2d day of October, 1894, all the printing office, outfit and plant of the raid J. W. Burke & Oo., now ln my •hands as receiver, the same being the type and machinery, fixtures and ap pliances, including the printing office and bindery, with oBl the tobls, imple ments, presses, engines, machinery and other articles connected therewith. • A full schedule of said property may be ee*n (tt the office of tho receiver, ln the city of Macon, and the property itself can be examined by any one de sirous of bidding on the same. The purchaser vM bo required to pay 10 per cent, of his bid an the time the property Is knocked down 'to him, and he remainder of his bid when the pos session is delivered. The Bale is subject to a confirmation by the court. No bid for a sum less than 55,000 will be received. The property -to be sbld is the well known printing plant of the house of J. W. Burke & Co. * 1 . E. W. BURKE, Receiver. AGREEABLY to an order of the court or ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold at auction, at the court house dbor of said county, on the first Tues day ln October. 1894. within’ the legal hours of sale the following property to-wlt: That lot of land and the Im provements theieon lying and being ln the city of Macon. Ga., being a part of lbt No. 6 ln block No. 60, fronting 77 feet C inches on private alley, known im McKevitt’fl alley, running In an easterly direction from the iiiL.raoctiun of said alloy with property formerly belonging to Mrs. Mary E. Doyle, along the line of said property about 50 feet, then'ce along the line of the property belong ing to Price, In a southerly direc tion 71 feet 6 Inches, thence 49 feet to said alley. Sold as 4he property of Mrs. Mary E. Doyle, late of eald county, deceased. Terms of sale. cash. This September 4. 1S94. THE MACON SAVINGS BANK. Administrator de Bonis Non Cum Tea- tamento Annexo. SALE. Under and by .Irtu* of an order passed by Judge J. L. Hardeman, Judge of the nuperior court of Bibb county, on the 18th day of September, MM, which Is recorded In the clefk’s office. I will sell at public outcry, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Bibb county, Ga., on the 17th day of October, 1894, nil the not**s, accounts^ chases in potion and jugements now In my possession, as a«3lgnc<: o£ the late firm of Pric^A Mass, for the pur pose of paying debts, etc. A full list of above can l>e aeen at office of the Macon Hat Company on Cherry street. It. M, SMITH, Assignee of Price & Mass. Geo. V. Steed, Attorney. Madison Avenue HOTEL, ’fladlson Ave. and 38th St., NEW YORK, r Ss P‘r dey and up. American Plan. Fireproof and first-clasj in every par. ticuiar. Two blocks from the Third and Sixth; Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4U1 Ave. and Belt Lino cara pass the door. H. M. CLARK, Pros. Passenger Elevator runs all night PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. MARK O’DANIEL. Oflloe 31S Second Street. Hours 11 to 1 and 4 to 6. Telephone Residence' 374 Oraogo street. Tele-f phone 383. DR. J. J. SOBERS. Permanently located. In the ep» elalties venoreal. Lost energy re, stored. Female Irregularities unj poison oak. Cure guaranteed, Andress ln conlldence. with etamff 310 Fourth street. Macon. Ga. , DR. C H. PEETBL . EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSH; 9 _t? 1 »ud 3 to 6. Telephone I. Da J. H. SHORTEa EYE, EAa NOSE AND THROAT. Ofllce 563 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. MACON SAVINGS BANK 676 Mulberry Street, Maeon, Oa. Capital and surplus $150,000 ■Pays 5 per cent. Interest on deposlti of 51 anu upward. Real estate loans on the monthly installment plan, and loanl on good securities at low rates. Leca! depository for trust funds. Will act at administrator, executor, guardian, re. celver and trustee. H. T. POWELL President H. G. CUTTER Vice-President J. W. CANNON Cashlei EXCHANGE BANK, OF. MACON, QA* Qm, b. Turpin, Vlcft-Prtoldsnt' H. J. Lamar, President. J. W., Cab an lam. Cashier.* We solicit the business of merchants, planters and banks, offering therm courtesy, promptness, eafety and liber- aJlty. The largest capital and surplus of any bank In Middle Georgia. THE UNION SAYINGS BANK £ TRUST Cfl II. J- Lamar. President; Geo. B. Tur« plr.. Vice-President; J. W. Oabonls^ Cashier; D. M. Nelllgaa, Accountant. CAPITAL* 1200,000. SURPLUS^ 830.000, Interest paid on deposits s par cent, per annum. Economy la the road U wealth. Deposit your savings any the) will be increased by Inurent, Com pounded semi-annually. E. Y. MALLARY. President J. J. COBB. Cashier. * DIME SAVINGS BANK, 420 Second Street, Macon, Ga. Deposits of 10 cents and upward received on which interect will be com pounded semi-annually at rate of 5 per cent, per annum. Loans bn «locks and bond** at low rates, commercial paper discounted ex change bought and sold. J. M. Johnston. President. J. D. Stetson. Vice President. L. P. Hlllyer. Cashier, The American National Bank' MACON, GA. CAPITAL..., ,, .. ,.J250.000 0« SURPLUS., „ $36 000 0* Latest capital of any national bank 1a Ceniral Geoi-rfi* Accounts ol banks. corroraOon, and Individuals will i*c*lv« cuetul ettcnilon. CorreSDOlk dence Invited. OF MACON. GA CAP1TAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT, W. W. WRIGLEY, CASHIER. L C. PLAIT, BAN HAC0R, GEORGIA. Banking in all allowed on Time Der/oai V» e handle foreign travellers credits on London tor all Europe I