The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 01, 1894, Image 6

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0 Mew Fall Suits Of Newcct Mnterinl and Latcst-Pashion for young owfold compose our stock, positively our largest assortment of popular goods yet shown, and the variety of bright and tasty designs is on par with its extent. We have the trade, because we have the goods, and. again, because Ivow Prices for high grade clothing firmly recommended have proven our drawing magnet. We aim'to pleuse our patrons on a fair and honorable basis. In all our Shoes you find not only Style and Appearance,' but Genuine, Sterling Value. They arc better this fall than ever before. Plain Figures MM One Price. CHARLES WACHTEL, '515 CHERRY STREET, .... MACON, GEORGIA HURLED FROM * THEIR BUGGY Ur. and Mrs. Ed Long Seriously Injured in • Frightful Runaway Yesterday, THE FORMER PROBABLY FATALLY Tire Wliel, Community Thrown Into a Paver of Bscltoment Over the De> jilorHlile Arelilont — Holla I'noenaeleue. A frle-lUMl runaway accident tank place In South Macon late Sunday afternoon, , tho err out of which won the severe In* Jury of Hire. Mtward Uati and the ee- rlsue Injury of Mr. I/ong. The buny wMch contained Mr. and Sire, none mi rollinc down the ateep hut Rolnk 'htu lviihlo street In the rear of the reiervoll when the hone took frlaht and tun at llshtnlns «r«d’ down tho mil nnd around toward Be.'ond atrret until the tcrralnatlon of hie mad career, which wu mpilnet a .tump. Mr. and Mr.. Lon* were hurled out of tha hussy at thoush from a can. pirtt. Mra. lexis etrtklns n atump nud"r*. cclvlmt the full fore* of the fall on her nrm and head, llcr arm wan broken mi l ahe was- olherwlae Injured v*ry eerloiu-ljr. It la thou.Tht that Mr. Long la (atn'.ty Injured. It le fiurad that he hae euaioiiu .1 Internal Injuitee that will cause hla death. The Injured parties were lakcn to the ncarret house for Imnicdtote treatment In an unconscious rondltlun. They vtn too badly Injured to be removd to their homo, Mr. Lons up to •■arly la»t maul hut bavins yet recnlned ennaeiournrsv. Then iwem to have hern no eye wit. neeeee to the fiSKhtful ecoldent nnd the cause of the hnree'a terrible trlxht is not known ami nollher ot the victim* of the affair ora In a condition to tell anything about It. The runaway tallied grtnl excitement In the community, where air. and Mrs. doing ere well known nnd highly ealeeinedi Kind neighbor* dhl ell ti> their power to te lle.. their suffering until niedlru! all eouUb e aunnnuned. Their home le in Wed Knd. where Mr. Lonx tv engaged In the oc.-upaUnn of a gardener and truck farmer. A IIKIIOIC DKKU. A Nckto Boy Foreetx Ills Own Peril to Kavo a White Child. Duo of tho most eelftutcritU'liifi nets liroiiglit to Mu I n In Uaeoa In u long tRnu wu Unit of n negro lwy. whoso Oddis oottld not lio Icarnnl, jvstmlny ett canon. •Jin* bojr wit* driving n horse hooked to n wagon belonging to Collier lluilh- em and In tho wagon was n email cm .f .Mr. Durham Smith. When near the market house the horse mn away and jin- negro hoy, who was nut more than i.' year* of age. giving ho eouhl not control tho hotwo and that ho was about to oolUde with n post, released the rolus nnd. taking the Util'* white bdy tn Ids arms. Jumped from the wagou. Tin* white boy waa tmlnjmvd, but tin* negro boy waa thrown against the brick sidowalk ntul arrlously Injured. When partkrs who saw too rnuaway reached him ho wag tsneiuiactons mnl blood waa freely Bowing from n hole tn in* After pdratstcat < tforts ho was revived, but It was fouftd that liia .-pine or ldps were *o badly Injured that ho could not walk. He was ear* ried to Dr. Ooslln’s utile.* ami imshcal uaslstouco given him. utter Which he was oarrtetl home. •ThOOO who aaiv the act mv that tho nogro Ivy could ht all probability ham Jumped from iho wsgt-u without in jury had he lid Itlorplai to gave the white boy nls-i. It was report oil last night that the hoy was ueriowdy and |>ertiaps pertodUMItly injured. MOTitrus ■ vti'ri'Kns* MorilEnst Mrs. Wlnalow's Brothlns Syrup has hwn uao-I for over fifty yeere by roll!Iona of mothers for their children ishiie tethtna. Mlth perfect success. It .colli., the chill. aoftena tha sums, aUsye all palm cures wind colic, and la lha beat remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by dmxglsis In every part ot the world. He pure nnd ask for "Mra IVtn,low's 8oothlns Byrup," and take no ulher kind. Tacnty.fiva cent* a bottle. premium for rnoMi-niKss. Dunam ft Bailey Offer a Upward tor Baity Camera Promptness is a virtue whkyi te Cot ai- vsfs rewarded, but the early comer (o. the lUrnum ft Halley Urtatrat Show on Barth this eeaooa *111 he well pall ter taking time by the forelock, and the ctr- aae teat hr the front ttsp. -idle Is a fact that ftwM he home |n nund juet now. bsores. the show will vlitt Macon on next Monday and give two extnhltloaa Jn the menagerie tent the ctbaotogtral Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. congress gives a performance during the hour befom the band plays the opening strains for the entertaining parade in me cjreu* proper, unking that part of me KlX alum as lively os the moat exacting lover of entertainment could wish, a le nn Innovation in the practice ot the big ■how and offeri a premium for eerjy com ers. This ethnological rongreis i* a furl of peripatetic Midwuy Tlalasnce, In which the native music, the dances, the games, the weapons, the costumes and the meui- ode of llfo of people from nil quarters ot the globe ore Illustrated by performances on two ralhed platforms, on* ut each end of the long etreet of all nations running down the centre of tho menagerie tent. Ot course Chtko and Johanna, —> i gorilla*, and the many Strange animals In the big ecological collection may be examined nt the same Ume, and a great deal of useful Information and a lund o! curtou* tales stowed away. In addition to tho enjoyment. Then when the liand etrlkee up the overture In the circus tent, a fine programme—tho second big show for the name admletdon ticket—will be found watting. There |a a big animal ctmua, the finest thing of Its kind ever shown In this country: tho marvellous Hugenea, the twenty clown*, the sixteen bareback tgders and over 1U) fine circus acta. TIB* llurnum show has been su preme In Its line for ninny year* and is still uiripproachahle. Ilamiun ft Halley's ndvertliilng car. No. C loft tho city last evonlng for America*. While |n Moron the force of men on this car posted over VXD sheet* of paper in tlte country nnd nearly 1.000 shrets o( new printing In the town. Never berore wan Macon on well advertis'd for n circus us It le this year for the llaroum chow. Tho •how cornea here from 'Montgomery and will arrive early next Hunday morning. rill RON FULL. A I-argo Docket of Drunks nnd Disor derlies Fur Till* Murnlng. AUbougb elcellun day nud Friday were decidedly dull lu polioo circles nud some of the police were ciimjiluln- Inx Unit they were getting out of practice, Rat unlay night was not very old before they realised Hint liny bad made their complalnl* loo soon. II wns slmrlly nfler dark Raluribiy night wheu tue police began bringing In drunk* and disorderlies, mingled wllli n few scrappers, and they never let up until ufter daylight yesterday morning, nt which time Sergeant Chapman hcgiu to fear Unit he nutild not lure suuudlu* room for nay more. It wax a motley crowd that adorned the celts of the city prlaou Inst night nud 'hey represented aU coloni and roudltluux. Romo were white nnd homo were black, home were rich and smie lilt'' p -o', *''ui!' were males and Homo were females, while some were singing, mine were cursing, aotne pray lug nnd oome crying. It wax Impussi ble to keep them quiet hnd the nolso was terrific. ltei unler Freeman will wear a wor ried look when ho sees the docket tills imn'htng nnd a tired look whoa ho geU through with It. FROM CAPETOWN*. Comes a Letter From ttpcncer Doug lass. a Macon Boy. A gentleman living In Macon hae Just received n letter from Mr. Bpencer IliHixI.i.*', formerly of Macon but now on board the United States tl.ig ship Newark, now In dry dock at Caps Town. (Mr. Dhajtsss says he 1* having n roy al time In Cone Town and la extended every .11 i-t - \ atthlu ih- t ■* "V er u; the people, who hove given hhh Invllatlon* lt> the mast srlcet nml exclusive dub* and homes. whUe railroad posses hire been Invlshed on him. He wtu visit the fam-HM diamond and gold Held* while tn Cape Town.After leaving Cape Town Mr. DooghtNe wtll go to St. Helena nnd from there back to South America. The letter la date i AurusI and ar rived at Macon In Ute remarkably short time of five weeks, ire up, nlmuld t*k.* uitowf . . It 1, pica,am: cur— tun-juMio*. Uu-r Oaupii uts and Ncurulgia* WORK OF TRAIN WRltCKK&fi. A WalM.di Passenger Tralu Derailed— Fugitiivr and t'iivaiaa Kill'd Toledo, t)„ Sept, dO.—While going nt Ibe rate of tlfty miles an hour the Wn bash Paotflo express rau into an opep switch a mile west of Maumee shortly lieforo ? o'ekvk this iiiocnlng. II giueer C. F. Rrnlth was tuMunil.v k'll : ad Fireman A. tl. Day rewired : Juries which will cause Ws death. Tlie locomotive left the* track as It entered the switch aud turned < with the drivers up. paining RudtU and Ds.v uude.t.eath. ITie mail car, tea, was derailed but comped damage. None of The p.tuMmgcr* wvtt* liurt. Smith ami Day lire tu the Hast and have been with the read c nlv since the teccot strike. Both are married men. The switch hnd been thrown and the target set io show it was all right by •mie unknown person. PURSON-AU Mias M. J. Greene. srMh her aeeom- plt'hwl mtlttncr. Mist Bmythe, hi* ■*. turned from the Eastern market with all of th* n*arret and very latest things tn headwear. through the ropes against a rial was badly stunned. A regular tumult was the result of this foul, and aim -it m,t rally tlfty men were Jn tin- ring lighliitg like nud. TTiw pcticc stopje-'I pit nghtihff after some dltb ; aTin' ret t.- elded the pashms of .smith against the wall was a altuUl and Time keeper Brooke callitl time. Darla re sponded but RtnlUt vv.i* unable to get up ,a time amt w.ts called "out.'’ The prize was tl,iyju and gate receipts. 516 .Cherry Street. DEMOCRATIC ELOQUENCE Will Bo Heard in South Macon, East Macon and in Vineville at 8 O'clock Tonight, ENTHUSIASM WILL RUN HIGH Kamil of RpiBkiri pad AVlirre They Will Kpriib-Emrbvd)’, Hes»Jti- Ivia of PfillllOAl Creed, Invited ••Tho Collecting Committees In South Macon. In East Macon and In VtnovlUe ths vote* ot the apeaker will be heard tonight, proclaiming to the people the fuml.imen.tal truths of pure old unterrlflcd Democracy with a seal and earnestness worthy of good results. Thera speeches wtll be primarily for tho purpose of arousing tho Democratn to tho duty 'they owe to themselves nnd the party to come out and vole on Wednesday, but every voter In the county, white or colored, Democrat, Republican, Populist, mugwump or what not. Is Invited to hear,them. AU of the gentlemen announced to speak are.QC well known ability nnd the spudehr* will prove Interesting-as '.veil as thstruollVwAp Ml sin' hejtoprem, Tl" I" arc ni.iliv I'i>|'ll 1 |-,I•' W'h ' have been mads simply liy llslenlng to the nllurhix leaclitnrgs andivagarlea of tha Ponullht leaders nml who, If they will sit and ooo of 'thora meetings nud hear the truth—and only the truth Will be t-ooken—will return to the fold and become more steadfast than ever before Jn the 'Democratic faith. To all such the speuk'em extend u special In vitation. ■ . . Tho follottrlnx are the places, pf speak ing nml the names of those who wilt spenki East Macon—aton. 'Dupont Guerry, Mr. Roland £111*. Hon. Washington Dessau. Hon, Robert Hodges, Dot. W. ci. F. Price, and, In nil probability, lion. Chnrlco L. Bartlett. South .Mnoon—<Mr. cUlnter Wimberly, .Hon. I’opo Polhill. 'Hon. N. E. Harris and Mr. Hugh Waxhlngton. Vlnovllle—lilr. Buford Davis, Mr. Walter Grice. 'Mr. J. II, Blount, Jr., Mr. W. P. Stone and Mr. Joe Hall On Tn.'.j.iy night there wHl be a final wind Up rally nnd Jollification nt the Wudlcy monument, at which all of the Candida tea will speak. These can didates are -Merer*. Bartlett, 1 Harris, IMlhlll, illodges. and Uolfculllet. This w ill b' ihc last meeting and rpesklng before the eleetton. which takes place on next Wednesday, and evcryllouy In the cminty Is htvtted to be present. In South .Macon the speaking will be nt Daly's stare, bn the Houston road. In VlnevlHo 'the sneaking will be at the conrmlswiry of tho Manchester Mills. WRch speaking will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and only short addrtasre wilt be made. This morning Meases. Rid R. Wiley. Winter Wimberly and Leo Herrington nnd such others ns they may select will "tart out collecting funds to defray election expenee s. Every culled on should contrtbut) liberally, na st present there Is not much tn the treasury and It ts absolutely necessary to have money to conduot an election. DIED UNDER THE NEEDLE. It Is Suppose! Cocaine Was the Cause ot Mtw White's Death. Chlcigo, Sept. .10.—Belle Whit,. 2t yean, ot age. daughter of Benjamin S. Whits, a wealthy lumber man. died ut W,f.-d8 hotel 'this morning about 10 o'clock while under treatment f ir the removal of facial blemishes. Death was caused, tt I* supposed, by the u*e of cocaine to relieve the aaln ot the opera- tk.n or an electrical currant which con- •Ututeri the menu* of treatment. The oiK'rator wua Dr. Sophia Santa Of the Dr. S'JDhls Santa Company. Bliss Jnr.ios. the bu-lncn partner of Dr. Santa, was assisting In the work at the time. In one hand Dr. Santa held the electric needle, and In the oher a sp.mxc saturated with a t per cent. tffluUon of cocaine, which war applied to Intervals to deaden the Intense pain caused by the needle. She had aim st compS*Ud the treat ment when Mire Whtte gasped for breath, and before the operator could ssstt her .Vie Slid from the chair to the ffjor. de.11. FIFTY FIGHT IN THE BING. A Prize Fight In Oklahoma Results In a Free-For-All Battle. Perry. Okl.-.., RepL 30.—The prise tight between Jim Davis of Chicago ami Siim Rmillt of Denver. CoL, broke up ,n a row here last night. The tuvu entered Uie ring at itito 1 , k Sm t'i I. t II w ' i t.. - ,, \ left cot ou T>avls’ heart and Davis rtocred Smith with a heavy blew ou the Jaw. Smith nrese quickly, but lie- f -re be got straight Davis pinked him le mw%\ OOOPWTN'S DRUG STORHJ. kcle Agents, Macon, Ca. , FIVE KILLED IN A WRECK. Fatal Bmssffup oa a C'hlcaco and North western Freight. Woodstock. 111.. Uept. 30.—A freight train bound for OMcngo was wrecked oa ill, Chicago snj Northwestern roaa at Dro ver a Crossing,' a mile west ot this city, early UUs miming. When the wrecking crew reached the spot the voice of a roan was heard calling for help. His bard protruded from beneath the debris. The car was loaded with green planks nnd tt was removed and five deoa bodies weu found, one roan badly injured and s boy seriously bruised and shaken up. The dead are: Jlert Little. Freeport. 111.: Tyro'.l Dovls, Mount Morris, III.: unknown boy, Lincoln, Neb.; unknown boy. residence unknown; unknown man, eatd to be known us "Xln- waukoe Eddie.” The Injured an: Joseph Grady, rw River, Mass., left leg broken; back In. jured; Bam Newman, 13 years old. Free port, Ilk. head badly hurt. SHOT”IVHILE AT HLl’i’Ell. czar’s condition, It Is sard, was nutdo Her Husband nml Dausitter Wound- itl. Amite City, Lu., Sept. 30.~Mrs. Wil liam Miller was shot nud killed Thurs day night at Indepondenco by an urn known partj'. Tiio had Just finished supper. Mr. Hiller was still sitting at the table reading a paper, while Ills wife nnd daughter were Btamling near by. Ibe assassin tired a load of buckshot through the window, killing Mrs. Mil ler and wounding Mr. Miller nnd his daughter. QUARRELED OVER RELIGION. Broklher* Fight, One Killed - the Other wnd His Nlno-Year-Old Boy. iWarringtaO, Ala., Sept. 30.—Joe and Tom Haney, fariners and brothers, got Into a flg.t't yeftenkiy over u retlglou* controversy mttt Tom was cut In the breast by Joe. 'Later on Tom went to the house of Joe and emptied Into Mm ‘a gun, us he wok surrounded hy hla lamlly on hU ipotxSi. Joe waa badly tvounUed and tv stray shot killed Ms 3-year-old son. Itom then fled. OEN. WEST DEAD. Memphis. Sen*- 30.—Oen. A. tt. West, candidate for vlce-presklont of the Uni ted States in 1881. on the Grecnbtek- Labor ticket with Gen. Benjamin - F. Butler, died tU Holly Springs iotlay. Gen. Weet was the first prealdent of the Chicago. St. Louis and New Or leans railway (now the 111 mil* Central.) and was the plbneer railroad builder of the Couth. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Mrs. H Nusibaum. administratrix estate of St. Nussbaum. late of said county, deceased, having applied to me for leave to sen fifty seres of land In Finny's district and fifty acres (n Towles' dlstrtctsll being In Jones county, «a.. for the purpose ot paying debt* and distribution, thin I* therefore to notify nil parties concerned to file ob jection* If any they have, on or lieforo tho first' Monday In November. 1S3I, or leave to sell will then be granted. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-rile np- pralsera appointed to act aside a twelve months' support to Mrs. Erie Hcttlnn and her two children out of the estate of H. tv. McMInn. !ste of said cocnty, de ceased. having (Usd ttrir return In this office, this Is therefore to notify all par. ties concerned to file objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday In November, 1331, why saw return should not bo made tho Judgment ot this court. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. PROCLAMATION To Amend Sections of th^e Constitution of the State of QeorffUi. Executive Department, Atlanta, Oa., July 28, 1531.—Whereas. The general assembly of Georgia, at the sesalon of 1893, passed the following three (3) acts to mend the constitution of the state, lo-wlt: i l% No. 194 An ac/t to amend paragraph 1 of see* ttou 2 of article ti ot the constitution of this otate, ho as <o increase the number of Judges of che supreme court of this state from three to five, to consist or a chief Justice and four associate Justice*. Section 1. lie it enacted toy iho gen eral assembly of the stats of Georgia, and U is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the constitution of the state bo amended by* adding after the words “chief Justice" In the second lino of the tlrst paragraph of section 2, article 6 -thereof tho words “and four aesoclato Justices," in lieu of the ivords in said line, “.ind two associate Jus tices,“ so that said paragraph when amended b'hall read: “The supreme court shall cemsiet of a chief - Justice and four associate Justices. A majority of tho court shall constitute a quo- rum.” jj, j *See. S. Be It further enacted. That whenever tho above proposed amend ment to the constitution shall be agreed to by two>Lh1rds of tho members elect ed to each of tho two houses of the general assembly, the governor sh&Ur sod ho Is hereby authorized and in structed to cause said amendment <p be published in at least two newspa pers in each congressional district in this state for the period of two months next preceding the time of holding tho next general election. JNc.J. Be U further enacted. That the above proposed amendment shall be submitted for ratification or rejec tion to the electors of this state at the next general election to be held after publication, «s provided for in be see* ond eectton of this act. in the several election districts of this strte, at which election every person shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vote for mem bers of the general assembly. All per- sons voting tt said election In favor or adopting the proposed amendment to the constitution shall have printed Of written on ihelr ballots the words: ror ratification of the amendment of puragrips 1 of section I of article 8 of tbs coostltuUon," anJ nil persons opposed to the adoikioa of .jJJ amend ment shall have written or printed on Chetr hallo ts the words: ’'Ag.Unet raU- fication or the amendment of para graph 1 of section 3 of ankle < of the v»n«tltutk>n." .See. 4. Be It 'further enacted. Thst Ui* ftovsnxy be. and he ts. hereby an- H-Ortaed and directed to provide for the submirelon of the amendment proposed In the drat section of this act to a vote of the people as required by the coneutudon of this state. In paragraph 1 •JM 1 ot krtlcle 13. and by this - r * tlBw| . toe governor shall, when he ascertains such ratifications ,Ute ’ 10 ,rlw “ the returns shall be referred Id the ume manner as tn oases ot ejections for members of the general assembly, to count and ascertain the result. Issue his proclamation for one insertion m ( GOWNED LIKE HER MOTHER. . 653—FRANCHENE WAIST. Sizes for it and 16 Years. „ A charming model, formed by tha “Francene" waist and "Bell” skirt. This little round waist has some full* ness In the back and surplice fronts, which, with tho full, triple caps on ths sleeves, make it especially becoming to slender figures. Cashmeres, Cro- pons, and all light woolens, also all kinds ot washable fabrics, can be made after this model. It Is also a good de sign for all fancy silks. Rows ot flat Brimming, with serpentine effect, com plete tho gown. Any or all ot tha sleeve-caps may be omitted; and for thin materials the caps edged with lace are very dainty and pretty. A belt of ribbon of the material girdle! the waist. Our model represents fawn* colored serge, trimmed with brown vel vet ribbon. A special illustration and full direct tlons about the pattern will be fount on the envelope in which it is enclosed ■ 610-MISSES’ BELL SKIRT. Sizes for H and 16 Years. A trim little skirt In tho popula.1 "bell" shape, fitting easily around the hips and with some fullness behind. Any of 'the seasonable materials can ba made up In this model, and it may ba trimmed In aqy reslred way. This skirt combines well with any style of skirt. A special Illustration and full direc tions about the pattern will be found on tho envelope la which tt Is enclosed. NAME OF PATTEHN: Smd i J coupon nnd 10 cent* to Vic Uacon Tornr ;an t yon ran get any on* tf UaVcmc pMUL'.et. JMtlS number and - of Pattern, ei*i writ* puiiW, tvX A'JXI. JDDSE33... one of the daily papers of the state, an- nouni'ing such r.**ult and declaring r nendment ratified. See. 5. If the amendment to the c ...Jiution provide! by tnts act snail be agn-et to by the general asiembly and ratified by the people as provided by the constitution read ton net, then It IVe have made arrangements by Shall ba the duty of the general ns- which wo are offering to the readers of eembly of this state convening next af- ' the Telegraph the Demorest Cut Paper ter such ratification, to proceed to elect ! patterns, which are worth from 2S tb &s (after the proclamation of the governor cents each, thus making every copy of na provided In section 4 of this act) the paper worth from 10 to 40 c*»t». two additional associate Justice* of the Cut out the coupon below and mall ao- supreme court, one of whom shall : cordng to directions bn It and you win boat Cild offlee for aix years and the I receive by mall the pattern In the also other for five years, from the first day of January. 1SS5. nd until their suc cessors are elected and qullfled, but all subsequent elections for said offlee sitall be for six years. Sec. 6. Be U further enacted, That all laws and jiarts or aws tn conflict with this act be, and the same are herebj', repealed. Approved December t. 1S33. t No. 317. An act to amend section 1. article 7, paragraph 1 of Che constitution of Georgia, so ns to extend the provi sions of said section, article and para graph to all Confederate soldiers wtao, by reason of age and poverty, or Infirmity ud blindness and poverty are unable to provide a living for themaelw.*. and for other purposes, hectlon 1. Be enacted by the gen eral assembly of Georigj, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same. That section l. article 7, para- graph X of the constitution of Georgia be, and the same Is tiereby, amended by inserting after the word “service” and before Uie word “and” in the thir tieth line zi miid paragraph the follow ing words, to-writ: “Or who, by reason of age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or.-blindness and poverty, are unable to provide a living for-them- selves;'* no that section, article and paragraph, when amended, shall read os follows: “Section 1, paragraph 1. Trie powers of taxation over the whole state shall be exercised by the general assembly for the following purposes only: For the support of the state gov ernment and the publlo institutions; P ur P°ses. instructing children in the elementary branches of an English education only; to pay the interest of the public debt; to pay the principal of the public debt; to sup press insurrection, to repel invasion and defend the state In time of war; to supply the soldiers who lost a limb or limbs In the military service of the Confederate states with substantial ar tificial limlw during life, and to make suitable provisions for ouch Confed erate soldiers as may have been other wise disabled or permanently injured In such service, or who. by reason of uge and poverty, or infirmity and pov erty, or blindness and poverty, are un able lo provide a living for themselves, and for the w4dows of such Confed erate soldiers as may have died In the service of the Confederate states, or since, from wounds received therein or disease contracted therein." Sec. 2. Be It further enacted, That 1f this amendment Shall be agreed to by two-third3 of the members of the gen eral assembly of each house the same shall be entered on their Journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the governor shall cause the amend ment to be published in one or more of the newspapers In each congression al districts for two months Immediately preceding the general election, and the same shall bo submitted to the people nt the next general election, Snd the voters thereat shall have written or printed on their tickets “For Ratifica tion," or "Against Ratification," as they may choose, and if a majority of the clcotors qualified to vote for memebrs of tiie next general assembly, voting, shall vote In favor of ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of said article 7, section 1. paragraph 1 of the constitution of this state, and the governor shall make proclamation thereof. See. 3. Be It further enacted, That nil laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Approved December 10, 1S93. No. 409. L An act to amend article 3, section 4, paragraph 3 of the constitution of 1877 by striking out the word "Oc tober in the third line after tho word "in" and before the figures "1S78," and substituting therefor the word "July," and the manner of submit ting the same, and for other pur poses. Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen eral assertibly of Georgia, and It is hereby enacted by authority of same. That from and after January 1, 1S95, article 3, section 4, paragraph 3 of the constitution of 1877 be altered nnd amended by striking out the word "Ootober” in the third tine after the word '*in" and before the figures “1878," and substituting therefor the word "July," so that said paragraph, when amended, shall read ns follows, viz.: "The first meeting of the general as sembly after the ratification of this constitution shall be on the fourth Wednesday In July, 1878, and annually thereafter on the same day, until the day shall be changed by law." — Sec. 2. Be It further enacted. That If this amendment !>*• agreed to by two- thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses, 'the same Hhail be en tered bn their Journal*, with the yeas nml nays taken thereon, nnd the gover nor shall cause said amendment to be published in one or mom newspapers in each congressional district for two months previous to the nex*s general ejection, and the same aboil be submit ted to the people ot tho next general election, and the legal votes at sold election shall have written or printed on their tickets. “Fbr Ratification," or "Against Ratification," am they may choose to vote: and if a majority of the qualified electors nhall vote In favor of ratiflcttlbn. said amendment shall be come a part of said article 3. section 4, paragraph 3 of the conctltution of this slate, and the governor shall make proclnmaitlon thereof. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That aU laws in conflict with lht« act be, and the Mime are hereby repealed. Approved December 21, 1893. Now. therefore, I. William J. Northen, governor of said state, do Issue this, my proclamation, declaring <he three <3) foregoing proposed amendments to the constitution nre hereby submitted for ratification or rejection to the legal vot ers of the srote at tho general election to be held on Wednesday, October 3, 1894, as provided in said nets. W. J. Northen, Go/ernor, By the Governor: W. II. Harrison. Sec. Ex. Dept SALS. Under and by .-Irtae of an order passed by Judge J. L. Hardeman, judge of the superior court of Bibb county, on the 18th day of September, 1*H which Is re<v,rded In the clerk's offlee, I will sJl at public outcry, during the legal hours of t<tie, t« the highest Udder, for isb, at the court bouse door of Bibb county. Go., cn the 17th day of Octoivr. !.sS4. all ibe notes, account* chosw In action and jugcmetits now in my possession, as asslgnc-c or ths Ute firm of Rr|<-e I- Mad* f « r the pur pose of paying debts, etc A full iui of abort can be seen at offlee or the Macon Hat company an Cherry street R. M. SMITH. Assignee of Price A Mara Geo. V. Steed, Attorney. FRESH A3 A* ROSE. Vl.H.J 630—LE3BIA WAIST—Sires for 14 and 16 Tears. A charming little model, suitable for afternoon or general wear, or for more dressy occasions, according to the ma terial selected. This corsage has the effect of a gulmpc waist; and la the name both back and front. The stock collar and girdle a*e made of ribbon, and by having two or three sets of these in different colors, a pleasing va riety may be made in the toilet. A skirt of four etraight breadths can ba used with this model, or If preferred. It can be used with any style of gored skirt. Chambery, dimity, lawn, batiste, challie and China silk, with all-over embroidery or net for the yoke, ars very stylish and cool made in this style. It Is an equaly good model for light woolens, with silk for the yoke and sleeves. Our model Is of pink cham bery, with all-over embroidery for the yoke and sleeves, and the skirt is fin ished with a flounce of the embrlodery. A special 1 lustration and full dire®, tions about the pattern will be found on the envelope In which it is enclosed.