The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 02, 1894, Image 6

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i i U THE .MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1894. Mew Fall Suits Of Newest Material and Latest Fashion for young; and old compose our stock, positively our largest assortment of popular goods yet shown, and tiie variety of bright and tasty designs is on par with its extent. We have the trade, because we have tho goods, and. again, because Low Prices for high grade clothing firmly recommended have proven our drawing magnet. We aim to please our patrons on a fair and honorable basis. Plain Fignres HH One Price. CHARLES WACHTEL, 515 CHERRY STREET. .... MACOIN, GEORGIA it« sistiriiwm'fri i 'KtTuV'niMfntTiniii namxiiMasBMiaB—sBfm MR. HAZLEHURST HAS RESIGNED SOME FACTS FOR STAR GAZERS And Council Will Probably Elect His Successor Tonight, but No Ono Has, So Far, Boon Named, NOT A CANDIDATE FOR CLERK IS lit Will Be Associated With CSubouiy & Noble, ttao ■•war Contractor*, Who Will Double Dp Their Kuice and I'nsh Work Fait. »* Public 'Work* CommlasioTver N label Hnalehurnt tendered hdi rcvrig'nla.tlon to , the bwtrd of public -work* last nfcfht nod Abo rwrignultlon was acc;t*ptyd. Council •will protatfbly elect a micce*- hqt Ao 'Mr. ltasth/huivit at it* meotirtg tonight. Mr. Ilaaldhurst! will be utnioclnircd with OuUbury * Noble *n 'the oonM ruc tion of t1w •dwer*. It i* understood Omt the oewer c^retmctora «wttl double ifhr> force vut nvaitk on £he sowers. it Him been rumored for uibout three •week* thm IMr. Hetxlc'burwt- would re- «aUr# hla place on tho board of pubRo Wortte, «0A rumor baud It ttAit to® .would bo at candidate for 4Jro clerittffip of tho board 'to aucceod Mr. 'UolfouUIet, who wf l oh only resign to go 1o the legis lature. U wa* also rumored thtolt Mf. HkiUrtnirat would endeavor to remain commlrtsloraer and also Iclerk of the Uarrd of public works, but his resig nation hunt night. »jrn\l his announce- jnent thu’t he would be aswocinted wWfl On'boury & Ndble, puls an end lo-tQio rumors. "Who will be Mr. HasMbYrret’e sue- cwworr w 4 .»s <he first question puked by every one •who heard of tho resig nation foot but no owe seemed able to answer uourttlveoy. Several frame® were mentioned, however, tout no ono Boomed to be Stole to say who woirkl lie «tht choice of council. (Mr. HLudohurst's roslgnwtlcm leaves (Mr. DaimsDborx ns the only member of :he board who w*a* iv.tined tn Mm chsnter, Mr. Virgil Powers, tho Other original member, having dWM. Coun cil, it will b»» remembered, naked Mr. DOnnea^erg to rQBhpt WWWl weeks u go, but he declined to do iv hen MV. 'HajMtouret'e BttOceesor is elected council will h«v© eleotal a mnjorlty of Vho board. Mr. Lee Rills totovtef been elected ’by* council t»^ succeed Mr. Vir gil Power®. MOTHERS! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS 1 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been us«m for over fifty years by millions of mother* for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tho gum* alleys an pain; cure# wind colic, and Is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. Hold by druggists In every part of the world. Re sure and nak for •'Mm. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.’* and take no other klud. Twentydlvs cents a bottle. IPHgUBR HOUSES BURNED. An Early Morning BUM Yesterday—A '■Widow's L»*s. There was a big blase out on Elm otreot about 2:3o o'clock yesterday morning. Three tenement four-room bouses were bunvd. The fire originated In Mrs. Jtohfi San dora* houc-c. which was tho find t«» bo d<«irovvd. Three wn* no one ut homo and toad not been tor several days. It U believed to have been the work of on lnc«-m!Ury. The other two houses wore ^•cciipled by Btgro«* Mr*. Sandora l* the widow of the man •wh> tv** Killed Kbme time ngo by the Amenson boy*. She loot everything except the clofht* she wore and hi* absolutely nothing and* no iiumiw of a .viii ort A m i vein end i* already t a Coot to get tip subscription! She ha? uvt have aid. He 1 nil good people rtinnll ehlldr • la Astronomers Figuring on the Kind of People Who Inhabit Mars—No Doubt of Its Occupancy, INTERESTING STUDY OF STARS What tits Mors I*tomlnsnt Ones Are Doing and Whore They Are—Mars Is of Special lu forest Through the Telescope Just Now, that Awarded tlighMt Honor*—World's Pair. Dk ^ CREAM puna MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Gi ape Gcam of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. The planet Mercury was In npliellun yctflvrday, mid on the.HMli it will reach Uh greatest eastern elougat.on. At that time tho planet may la* neon after auntfot in the west about twenty-four ami a halt degree* behind (ho guu. As this planet la rarely seen, a tine oppor tunity will bo afforded for observation. Venus Is still morning star, but it is rapidly approaching tho sun In Its ap parent motion, while Its distance from us la increasing. It will soon pass out of view ami for several weeks It will bo olwcdiml by the sun, but In the win ter we shall svo It as the tveniug star In the West Ou tho 20tli Mars will be lu nposi- lion to the aun and nearest the earth. It la now tho most prominent star lu the heavens, and, owing to tta fnvoru- hlu position, astronomer? tluuiigliout tho world are studying it with moro Ilian usual care. It rises at miuhci end U easily recognized by Us large site and ruddy color. Mara la 1,200 miles lu dlaumter, mul revolves around tho sun -in 087 flays at a distance of 1411- (•00,000. miles from that lum.nury. Us physical conditions nro wty similar to those of tho earth, and the probability that It Is inhabited by Mnue form of animal life Is very strong. It has four mm sous like ours, an atmosphere, clouds, ruin, snow, continents, etc. As it rises above the horlzou, it I* nightly saluted by thousands of telescopes, and thousands of eager eyes are watching for new features to bo developed by our Improved lustru- lneutM. Junto ds tho morning Btu.r, and on tho 1st tt crossed the meridian nt 5;39 o'clock. We arc iuow moving almost dl- rcctly «tov\\ml ttris planet lu; the rate of moro than 00,000 mile? an hour, but 1t witt be late in December before we will be In the best poal-tlon to observe ft. tUturn will bo In conJunoUomw-Ct'h the *un mi ’tiit* '2\m, 1 htMK'e Vuuisllii,. to us. It Is now 070,000,000 miles from us. It dannot be observed tor several weeks yet. tUtuniM Hko S.vturn Is one the oppoedt. side of tfhc sun from us and hence In visible. Neptune Is In Taurus, -which rtses sibout 11 o’clock nt night. U <ls ndar rhe fixed &&ar AWcbomn, but Itt jv.*|j..,an a-t prtssent iw not 'ravoroble for * l►*««!• vail*.n. In the north Ursd major below and to the west of PoKvrls, OasalopWti to the IVsfMs I* twtfll up In tho Doefiifutst, vend Amhumeda u* inKfMy to the smith. Ak»ng «Cho eollpOo Aries 1* ns*log. IM^o-s well up, Aqu irlik* and Oafirioorous ore In tho southeast, K.ufKtTurhi8 Is eouLh, ScorpK) roWwtiy and Libra Just wotting. Cylgnus and Aqulhi are on tin* merldlaci, tin* Dirt- fQnn is oast, Lym west amt lkv*ten norCinvoet. Otis A?*Nmore. "When tra.veltnic, fihRurl take a enkc of .i«Jnu*i»ni Oiwitol Soap with you; diseases are often en\igbt from u*tng hotel map. HoW by Goodvvyn & Soodu, drutrgk-ts. GOOD NFAVS FolfsAlIvNA. He is Thought to Bo Living In Macon —Who Knows? City Clerk Bridges Smith received the following letter from St. AUfastiuc yesterday, and if any of Mr. SolanVg frloinls should Trad It they would con fer a favor on Mr. Salami by writing to the writer of this letter: “St Augustine, li.t.. Sept. “7. lStM City Clerk. Macon, Ga.—Dear Sir; l'ar- don my anking you, but 1 am anxious to know one Mr. Joseph Salami, a ii‘n of Mr. Mathew Salami, who was a ivsldont of this city tlio war. 1 am told that Mr. Joseph Salami re- rddes la your oily. Kindly Kiok up your diivctory or otherwise rind out if Mr. Joseph Salami does reside in Macon. Should you dud him tell him to mmhI me his addresa and 1 will con vey good news, Kcapcvtftilly 'yours, "Kug»aie MaMters. "City Tax Assessor. St AtigtHUne. No such name ns Sal.uu npi>eara iu the tity directory, and inquiry falls lo ilml any one who knows any one l»y that nine. In all our Shoes you find not only Style and. Appearance, but Genuine, Sterling Value. They are better .this fall than ever before. "Sox,” or “half-liose,” per haps “soeks.” All alike. 50c. ones at ‘25c. Phillips. MARX ZOCKS ROBRED. Ili> r.ost ?20 and a Gold Wntcli’ln a . Uonnllug nouse. Jlr. Marx Zooks, a merchant llvlui? at a neighboring town to Macon, was robbed oi -in ami Uls gold watch at a boarding liouso on Pine sln-ot night borate last. The house is kept by a man named Gotlieb. Kooks came to town on business nud at night pat up with Gotlieb. When be went to In'll ho had $20 m money In ills pocket and also a gold watch. Whoa be arose yesterday mornlug ho never bud n "sim." ’llio case was reported to City De tective Jenkins, who soon fastened the crime on a negro named Will Gnmttt Tile negro was imttrd and found with $UI Of tho money on bis person. The watch Is still missing. Tbo negro is in Jail. THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. A Called Meeting Will l>o Held nt tho r.llirary Tills Afternoon. A cabl'd mooting of the King's Daughters will he held nt the library building tills afternoon at 4 o'clock. The president I* anxious that all the members attend. Tlio main object of the meeting will he to formulate plans for having a booth at llio fair. • nucKi.Kcrs arnica salve. The beat naive lu the world for cut., bruises, sons, ulcers, Balt rheuin, fever •oi^w. tottor chapped hunda. chilblains, corns, and nil eruptions, and positively Is guaranteed to give perfect satura tion or money refunded. Price -5 «ts per box. For sale by H. J. Lamar & Sens, drumrists. PROGRESSIVE TAILORING Can only be done by keeping abreast " of tho times and reliably informed on all that is new and novel. I have made arrangement* with tho highest authority on pro<-- rPssive tailoring, to keep me posted on all tiie new ideas as they are evolved and adopted: thus my clients may he sure of having their clothes made in such styles as are entirely current and eminently correct. McKAY, The^Tailor, 563 Cherry Street. DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE Appointed by Board of Public Works to Investigate Charges Against Hon. John T, BoifeuilleL IT IS SIGNED BY EACH MEMBER 516 Cherry Street. THE ACADEMY TONIGHT. The “Danger," Which la From the Pen of DeMIlle. A great big Mecca nptly applies to Henry C. DelMIle’, greatest play, "Tiie Danger Signal.“which I, prevented by a superior company and with the mail startlingly real effect ever seen on the •tags. The march of events cleirly proves thrvt tu achieve a auccem plays of the highest order must not only be utilized but a strong coat pf players must be employed to render the alary In an enjoy able manner. No pains or expense should Mtand in the way of pro ducing the scone* and effects, or to properly place them on the stage, so tt\at they are pleasing to the eye. The days of olden time, when a few sets of scenery would do Justice to moet plays, buy, gone by. and have given way to tbe day of magnificence and splendor. In "The Danger Signal," which will be Si~u tonight at the Academy of Music, realism takas a prominent place, and to properly produce the effect* (which In clude a monster locomotive made of •too) nnd Iron, ppaocileil by steam, with the working gear exposed, a freight train, a telegraph office, a cyclone rota ry snow plow, and the cannon ball train, consisting of locomotive, tender, three coaches, 180 feet long, 12 feet high, erolling tbe stage at a rate\of fifty miles an hour,) two car* arc used In the tnansportatiim of the same, -Everyiihing Is new. nnd not ono particle of the irtook scenery used by the theatre is used In the production. DA,MRS AND OHI'LDKEN. "ftp I tier undUly" Will lie Here Tomor row (Maitlnee and Night. Remember that tomorrow at 2 p. nt. there will be a matinee at the Academy W Music by the “Spider and Fly" Com pany. This Is n gorgeous epuct-icular and has been here several times before and 'liaa never failed to please tin* peo ple. While remaining essentially thejwme na In former Keasons.'the piece ills been materially Improved■ in detail*, and Is now being given l.y a s|»-. tally r,.| I company of artlsls numbering over two score. The scenic fnnturei* are perfec tion, and the specialties are nil .'up to date und of the very highest Claw. The Living Plcturcn, too. which ure given ai an oxtra feature, form an entire cn tcrtulnment In themselves. The '.matinee l« given especially for the lathe.* and children, ami should have a crowded house, which no doubt tt will. jTUI. SPRING MEDICINE. , “All run down" from the weakening effacts of witrm mother, you need a good tonic nnd blood purifier like Hood's Hai'sapnrlllu. Do not put oil taking It. Numerous little ailments. If jiegl^eted, will soon break up tho system. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla now. lo expel dlseaso nud give you Btrvugth and appetite. Hood's l*lils nro tho best family ca thartic nnd liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. ' Rentier*)! Last Sight AAer'Ttvo Week* of Hard Work aud the Testimony of * Slumber of tVItneiee* Xisd lieen Token. The committee consisting of Judge C. C. Kibbee, iMr. Walter B. HH1 and Ooi. Ben L. Wllllngiuim, appointed by «he board of public works tor the pur pose of Investigating olvargea of foigery, fiuud, etc., preferred against Joetn T. HoffeulIkH while a member of the last geuend ussenitOy. 4n iwaMng certain ttUCraKlons in fne present city ohartor of the city of Mhcon, after Us paar.itge through boat twuse land senate, flnldntM their work of Invest! gatlm yesterday, and Hist night made up their decision tat 8il5 o'clock at tbo residence of Col. B. L, Willingham The report of .the committee, duly signed by each member, wo3 banded the Telegraph for publication und ts as follows: Macon. Ga.. Oct. 1, 1824.—To the Hoard of Public Works. Ctty of Macon— Ganllemen: Tho committee- appointed by your honorable body to Invesllgate certain chatgea brought by Mr. W. A. Huff against Mr. Joint T. Boifeulllet, beg leave to submit the following xe port) AVIthout taking up In detail tho ten Charges laid before ua by Air. Huff, we report: ,f • First—That no far a« they involve moral 'turpitude, criminality in conduct us a legislator, fraud, forgery, wrong, or tampering with the public records, the charges are not sustained. Second—That the amendmenta offered by Air. Boifeulllet to the bill to nmcrcl tho charter of a,he city of Macon, In the opinion of tbl* committee, were legally presented and acted upon In conformity with tbe rules governing legislative ac tion. Whilst that Js true, the committee is of tho opinion that the manner of cor recting the engrossed bill by the Inter lineation of the words"whowe term of office shall be three ycurs" by Sir. Hot- fculllot, w.tu Irregular, and not In con formity to legislative usage. This cor- reotlon. however, was made In the pres ence of tho clerk of the house nnd in co-operation with two of the clerk’s del egated by him to assist Sir. Boifeulllet in correcting the engrossed bill so'as to make it conlbrm to the amendments Hut had been adopted by the house. The committee. In making the above tlntllng*.-desire to say that It would be exceedingly unjust to IMr.-Huff If It was inferred from our conclusions that Sir. Huff Is hereby placed in tho attitude of having preferred against Mr. Boifeulllet charges which" are groundless in the "acne of having no apparent data upon which it'o base the same. Two of your committee visited Atlan ta for the purpose of examining In per son the records relating to the mutter under invcstlcutlon. The other member of the committee, who was unable .to be presept n-t that examination, has slnco read tile evidence which was there pro cured. Upon n presentation to the committee who visited Atlanta, of the engrossed bill, we found that tt contained twenty or more erasures, consisting of erasures of words, und Instances where words had been written over words which had been erased. We also found from tin examination t>r the enrolled bill that ../Y? ' vcre Involve eracures and words written over said erasures, and two in terlineations. With none of these Is It charged thut Mr. Boifeulllet had any connection: In response -to inaulrles madens to why thin Condition of tilings IvJu!* SS mr on ,h o ■engroftt-d and on- JSS * 1 J1 U *V *• Informed by the ”•5*°* the house, •teetlfylne un<!or th* hill h*ad been en^ros^d be- ° K r,K,naI hill pnsoeil tbe house. S? _h*2 be<M ? ™ rtid,, y Enrolled before the engrossed bill passed the senate. ♦iK* a P^e-ared also In the enrolled bill thet tbe (nketlnfiaions which- were matte *n «ald enTolIed bill were not In the mnttwriting of Lho clerk bcivtac phnrse of Jta enrollment (nor were they In the tnumWOI or MV. Boireuillett.) The reaec^n given tJhe cwmamYttoo tor this prenwjturo eirgroekymen't antt en rollment of t'he bill w*as ttult lh*» bid wTsVi volu’mlnous one; Its passage was bt*jng i>i\.t»ett, mitt In* oiMer <o expe dite work ftiod save time k was Ctioufiht beat to tto thl» work In advamce of t!he rejruMir legla!Ulllc<n, tbe Intension, no doubt, bohnff to correct the an mo nf- terwanMa by the projier sUb3Ulitu-t.!on Of clean sheets wherever It wus matte nec- QsBsry In recording the a-mendmenta of the senate ’and houso. It would uppear. •however, ftMt In Chl« respect the clerics dfcd not follow wiiMit *the clerk of the house to.-iKlrd were his instruction? to his Yinfifltutfta, mitt the result was th;U the legfelulilan was left In a oondltkm Which iAst unna-UmiNy -would excite euBpkfen, and -not unreasonalbly raise a question as to >aho due forms of Imt hUvlng been regardcVl and followed In the en&icGment of this legislation. The fact of .the prenvajture engrossment and •the promaitun* enrollment of the bill throws a flood of light upcui -the clerl- oift (rrantoflUra wtndh -are upp.vrent in liho bills tn wQfidtt fifts legislation is embodied, and we believe that this fact was itot known to Mr. Huff, aa ft MM cerlMn'ly not known ito «Jhe mem bers of this comtmtttee .prior to tljolr recent vtek to Atlonth. During the lnrvestigatlon wtilcfi wus being conducted t>Y 'the oonmtfttee to Atlanta, the ojunmktce had occasion to compare tho journal of the proce»nl- lng*» In the senate with ihc original bill ami umoinfcnerita thereto offered in Who soniJic, and we found 'the journal to be sHertt upon two Important amend ments, w^ch - were openly offered amt acted upon by the Feitvle, to-wit. Che fixing of the »aLUT>;of the dork at 11,000 per annum, nnd an amendmen't de signed to preserve in force the ordi nances of the cky. The tiOUs* Journal whotty falls to show fiM tmmttmeots were offered. Any person, therefore, conaut^ng the j&omui of the hoose and of the sentre. ami relying upon rhom ns tho official evidence of nrh \t , hbd transpired In tliese bcidlos, wMi te-p«vt 'Mh »*ill. wojiM necc\«»rily brave been misled and htive failed <o secure correct tnformttlon of wln,t reaf.y tranaptoed. The lalen m of the h«->ur ut •w'hfceh the fliwil oootfon of tbo committee wtia ilooed. and the comOderiblt rroafs of the tKtowoy oral aod documcnfiiry— \Vhlch mis WM before us, preeludes our giving a detailed summary of -she evi dence upon which our conclualono are bused. i*nd at the same thn**. the reu- sons of a public nature wfklch oike Tt Important thut 13**® JlrAfcng shotrid n»>t be longer d "hiyed forbid us from witti- hoVling our concUxjtons tor ‘itoe pur pose of making a more ciibora'ie report upon «the Pacts. We therefore submit our finding in this shape, and will stale KM u EtenosTai>hIc report has been RECEIVER’S SALE. PIANOS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES. At Cost or Less than Cost. For Cash or on Installment. Easy payments have been authorized by the Court, and you can save big money by calling on E. W. BURKE, Receiver for.J. TT. Burke & Co. OVER ONE HUNDRED MOONSHINERS made of -all of tiie testiminy, t'he gre-ii:- cr portion of whitth, however, <b.u not yet been reduced to type-written form, and that t*hl® record when completed will be ‘held by -the corremUtee subject to tbe examination of any and all per- 9ott3 interested. Respectfully sub mitted, Chas. C. Kibbee, Chairman; B. L. WIlAaghiOm, . • Walter B. HtiL SUBURBAN NOTES. Wtoa Is Going on in and Arouwd tbe Ctty. 'F'ovortifble reports in regard to Wie- condition of Mr. and Mrs. Doug, who were injured by a runaway borse day before yesterday. Hive -been received and both are said ito be out of danger. Mr. Long was able to walk yeaiter- day. Mr®. Dong'® face untt arm were terribly Kicenated 'from contact .with •the rough tree against which she was throwjn. The horse became frightened ui the dteaTTangement of tl?6 harness; He started from ithe end of Anderson etredt, running to Second street and there, being relieved from the weight of The buggy and occupants, ran to ward the city. ©ns. Gewtlnner, Wfilim nnd Jackson were summoned to tbe side of Ithe injured parties. The unfor tunate occurrence is greatly- regretted by «tbe whole oonrmurtlty, and hopes and wishes for tbe epeedy recovery of Mr. and Mrs. Dong are heard on every side. (Every night this wreck until The even ing of the entartalirmen't at Bte&awtiy htall rehearsals will be conducted by tbe several 'la'dlOB wnd gentlemen- connected with said erttentatoment, which is to be given by the ladles of t'he South Macon Baptist Church. The i*dheareals will take place at tire hall mentioned, and wffU be In the immediate charge nntt control of Mr. H. T. Burney, who Is a muBter hand at arranging affairs of this nature. Front a glimpae of the •programme to be'offered on that even ing the public Is assured af a pleasant en-terttalTVmonit. Tickets are now-offered for sale at the drug stores of Sol. Hoge, Goodwyn & Small arid 'Lamar & Son and nt Luttden & 'BU)te« Music 'House and from the ladles interested. The appeal goes up from .the resi dents of West crid for more efficient police protection, especJally near the extreme eftty limits. Petty thefts are oommMed Often and There seems to be no remedy. SatuiMy niffht tbe Ohtiteken coop Of Mr. John Goodyear wtis vtetffcod and relieved of four hens and three pullets of a superior breed Oirild on on the same night, and no doubt by the oatne soft-wnlkink snepk •thief, the coop of Mrs. Grfiy on Bkn street .wus almost swept clean of its contents. Miss Leila Horn on tafct Monday evening orctertaKhett venal of her young companions at as delightful oo- ctaL party at the residence of her par ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Horn, on Ellis street, South Macon. The everting was p’.cta'snnttly opent In pastimes. game3 and imuntfc, 'which was calculated to make tho pias&ng of the hours very napld and the period of separation calme <aM too' early to the young people. Miss Horn conducted the role of hostess •to perfection nnd spared no pains and attention calculated to irtako the pass ing moments agreeable to all present. Refreshment® were set and all fnvtted To the beautifully attorned itoble filled wiih every fruit-of the season, alter nated with cake and lce3 and set off with lovely floral pieces, to which full Justice wUs done. FAILURE IN MONTEZUMA!. 3. Lippman: Goes to the Wall With *25,000 Ltaibiflilties. The well known dealer in** general merchanldiso, P. Llppman of Montezu- <mJa, has assigned to hlo creditors. The TlaibLltles are uibout J25.000, 'the assets not known. Judge J. W. Haygood of Mbnitezumn came to Motion yesterday imorn'lng and afwr filing 'the following mortgages re lumed home at 11 o'clock to have them executed: To "Wolff & Happ $4,332.26; G*abe Llpp- WW $750: wjrnam A. Gan® $700, A. Cohen $1,000. Southern? Pfiosphlate Works $2,551.69; Max Cohen! $3,226.21," Paulino LSppman $2,800, E. B. Lewis, $2,144.31. THEY WON’T DEBATE. Smitli Challenged Ihe Populist Orator® * to a Joint Debate. W. C. SmiTh, the colored Democratic stump speaker from Macon, who has been making tho welkin ring through these parts lately, spoke at tho Central railroad shops yesterday at noon, ac cording to/nppotntment. Smith.and ^\1ien Grant, who Is also along doing gootl woriv for Democracy, challenged Rie third party candidates to a joint debate. The Pops declined to enter Into joint debate with them. Who is the laugh on? POINTS ABOUT PEOPLE. Mr. Julius Ohlman, formerly of Ma con but now of Millodgoville, Is spend ing a few days In tho city. Col. James A. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas ami 'Miss Daisy Thomas, all of whom have been confined at their home with fever, are out again and are being con gratulated on every hand by their largo circle of friends. Mrs. Thomas, be cause of her unceasing labor among that das® of unfortunates, has been particularly missed by tho poor nnd needy or too city for tho past week, This Is the first time that she has been absent from this field of charity work in .wars. Mr. Pelham Blackford of Balt.'moro, representing the Maryland life Insur ance Company of that city, is regis tered at the Brown house. Mr. nnd -Mrs. T. A. Cheatham re turned home yesterday at noon, after having spent nearly thm* weeks very pleasantly at Old Point Comfort. Va!, r York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. <Mra. John Barter and daughter will arrive In the city Wednesday and be the gueets of her brother, *Mr. W. A. Doouy. •Mr. Duncan McRae and bride have arrived In The city from an extended brtdil trip. They Are Taken to Jail In One Batch In Kentucky. Arhland, Ky.. OoL L—This ufternoon United States Marshal Greer nnd his dep utise left for Louisville with 106 moon shiners Just from the upper Big bandy district. The party is made up of women, boys and men, some of the latter typical desperuoes. VITAL TO MANHOOD. rcUna, ileadacbo, Nervous Prostration caused bj alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of Drain, causing insanity, misery, decay, death, Premature Old Age, Darrouncea, Loss ol Power In either sex, I mpotency. Leucorrhuea and all Fewnlo WoaknV<s(<e#, Involuntary l»«<es, Gperma- ♦t.rrh'r-a <nn-*-t J-.v ovtT-<"'‘Tfio’i nf Lriiin, Sfif- itbu'“, ovtT-]ii(lulir'*nre. A month’s frontment, II, 6 for K>, by mail. With each order for 6 boxes, with M will send written guarantee to refund If not cured. Guarantiee Issued by nireut. WEST'S LIVEKPILIfl cures Sick Headache, Biliouraefw, Liver Complain^ SourHtomarh, Dyspepsia and Constipation. GTFAUANTF T '* nol* ^ GOODWIN £ 8MAI.U Sole Agents. Macon. Oa. *Chainice A boost in life tbst will help him, And won't colt you much. Only You Cannot Build Anything unless you first have a foundation, whether it is a ten-story hotel or a success. Neither a house nor a man can reach any great height unless It has something to stand on. You build a foundation for your home in order that your family may be protected. Now, is It not equally wise to build a foundation for a success for your children ft order that their future, too, may be protected. Education Is the ^ Sure Foundation Which will elevate character and brains to the height where their possessor can reach the fruit which nature intended should be his It Is not the teaching that a boy receives, bu' the learning that counts in the race of life. You know it Is the knowledge that you acquired by puxxllng out your problems yourself, not that which was given you offhand by a perfunctory teacher, that has stood you In good stead. The Eacyclopadla Britannica Is the learning of the world concentrated; ft hns all there ts to a college education except the college buildings end the "larks of the students." Is It not worth securing? Ten Cents a day saved, and this priceless work is yours for all time. We even furnish you the bank to save up the dimes. Remember That this Is the New Edition; that It Is just off the press; that It is now offered for the first time to (he American public; that It Is the only up-to-date edition In print; that It can be procured at Introductory prices by subscribers of THE CONSTITUTION alone, and that all others must pay full retail pries | f that this special offer Is simply a plan of the Drttannlca publishers to get their New Edition before the people, an4 that when this Has been accomplished. CONSTITUTION subscribers will have to pay regular prices, the same as every one else. Address The Constitution, „ ATLANTA. GA Or call at branch office, 603 Mulberry, street, Macon, Ga., where you will find in the Brittanlca reading rooms com plete certs of this magnificent library, and receive courteous attention. For Malaria, Liver Trou- ble,or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Sox still the hobby at Phil lips’. 200 dozen sold last week. Value tells. FOR SALE. The sale of tho Twiggs OH and Fertil- / l/.er Company of Jeffersonville Twiggs county. Georgia at public auction to p«f held on Wednesday, October 10th at 12' o’clock noon, at tha office of Talbott & Sor e. Macon, Ga. This plant consists of \he following machinery; One hydraulic press, with fifteen steel , plate botes; two 62 heaters; one ectof, four-high 30 calendered crushing rolls; on#/ direct acting steam cake former; one Haft . duplex-acting steam pump; one No./J "Climax” huller; two 106-saw lintda with feeders and condensers; one bohi screen, with elevator, etc.,one combl/ij- tiem reel and shaker; one cake breaitf; one cake grinding mill—French buir stones; two 6ftx6fL settling tanks, frth fixtures; one receiving tank; <nt holding tank for pressure nlmpt with all necessary pipe connecU/nsi one portable cake table, and all shaftings, pulleys, hanger* befrtig®, couplings, collar* counter shaft* oeva- tors and conveyors complete, for i Ilf. te«*»-ton oil mil; one wj-H. I*. "T-i/bott'* stationary, side crank engine and me 80- H. P. •'albott” steel return tubular boiler; one fertilizer mixer; one nvolvlng reel; one set of crushing roCIs; on; 48 top runner Aesopjs stone com mill nfiKt; one fifty-ton railroad track ®caj». with 34-foot platform; one 400-pound j*attorm scales; one G*X)-pound bale an* barrel scales and two regulation truebs Also, one complete ginnery, coi'sbting of four 60-si*- "Bugle" gins, wlfh feeders and condensers; one "Thoma*" dlract* acting steam press: one md cotton ele vator complete; one 6-ton wiftn scale Also, ope 40-H. P. 'Talbott* ftatlonary engine tcenter crank), nnd o»e Sft-BL lt» return tubular steel boiler ("Ta'boU"). All of the above machinery to In first, tla-s order, r. ivlru b • m \. -*1 onl> a few months. The above cottcn seed oil mil! and ginnery, together VD the lands on which it stands, will I.* fcM t., t p.. highest bidder on the above mentioned day by resolution of stocktoVlers. Terms: Certified check for one-tenth of bi<l. balance to be pikl t«n days after date of sale. For further ii format ion we refer you to Talbott & Sir* of Macon. Ga., or J. C. Shannon an4 R. H. Car®, well of Jeffersonville. Ga. TWIOOB OIL AND FEHTIUZER CO Pec £19® iL Talbott, Sec. and Treaa. *