The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 09, 1894, Image 3
THE MACOJN TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MOKJNUSG, OCTOBER 9, 1894. THE WORLD OF TRADE Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. ■locKa ami n«act«. Tmw Tcrk. Oct: 8.-Mo a «, •Oby «t 1 J*r CtuU: c\o**<\ r. tfttr — og mJ 1‘fGi‘t* mercantile paper intt* percent. b* fiiivea MW. Mexican dollar* tav btctuuc e: cliuage Him, a lit at luai Misiue&s in nankrri bu*.> i.i u.rb^aa.DoV f- r nixty ozya n.r6 « tf.BOta Jtr ai-uiami: pt«Ma lain* t* commercial Lilia: lor aiityaa>«*^ lor demnoa. (lOtsrDUieat ikhu llriii. ttat« ictiua tinII. Hailrooa l>cUd dui:. finer ottlie Dbnro C4*i Lid- uoauiff ktocM quutuiiobs worn as follow*; lULLBOftU bTOCUi. *. CciucOli.. 31 Iteeb.u enaBLU «8 irero.. 1ft 0. b.Cvrdaj:o...., l'J’ cn prera..... *3 2«ew jer*«*> c«Qb. .HI New!01 it central.. J- 1 )* inn Tucmc.. ta Int tt-reiifce * u... l-j tmca«o»Ailoa.. ,UJ ILIf*£</•*>. Alia <+ r ,y tincuco uaa lot, Utiu.Lact. ana W. It**. i.11 frt. Mio uti. r. u.‘4. l/itiiiu i .aua uit. ji laze bri*ana Y».. ]« uo pro;,. 11 Lm IbO* lou». ecu bOtsn.. 61** hctuibini 00 pm *1 cnitw eavern..... no pta;..i4J PaclLcMaU 1S>* lieaainp l-* * L.enu V». lvlw. !•*« Stock laiano fci.luiu t>-'_ cv r»r«r..lit)* kilter CerilLcatea ft«r It un. c. mo i.... lb ot. cv ' prou l*!4 Tezoa farihc..... ti‘« Luton l’nctLu.... 13>i HbU buLanah *■!* •• - pta. !*.*♦ Western Union... *81* VVlieer^miU L-fc.. lV.% Miciiisanumiruif vs Missouri r«cina.. 28 AloLiieabaoniob.. 18J*' ftlAlB roSDC Alenaroa class a. HU leunoiece old ft's* 60 00 ciassM....SU3 lwuuns* »*n%..iui!* 00 class b... 9J)j CO flo •*.»102J{ ] a.siampea 4’**.l(m Tenuesseo «*•...•. 1*3* bmu Carolina 1*. VIVltflumft’sde*.... b>« •artft caroiiuafts.lJl no lunnQ.Deoi *8V OOVEltMMl.VT ilONDS. r.p. V*recist*ea.m I U.h.iV*r#ful*». 8C l.fc. i'SCbUj’OUS. .Jll‘4 1 *A4(L, lAsktd «Ex dlridotii* COTTON. I ' Macon, Oct. 8, Our market Is easy at the following Quotations; Good middling 8% Middling »...-.&% Strict low middling...;......# -.5% Low middling *6% Good ordinary & Clear stains & lied stains ,.<! Ordinary 4% 3 need nr... Wednosday. 3'n arsday «, lrl'iay. a -t* M\U 4CSCft| 3;29)I 35 M3 Thus fag this week. 112.133 83.1)3 C0.01# U.«Wl to 12;] ■ftMIll flit*) 10.1111 30Ut3 Sales. 134 bales. How Tork. Oct 8.—The future .market ere na quiet ana ciosoa steady. bines 2 st ieb. March April....*.... Mar June. July Aug kept Oct 0|>eno<» aunnyn *«i» exiokts. Mru/jUta Oonaol Ida toil net receipts •• Exports to Great Hrltatn " Exportq,to France^ mmd " I'.ZIKiltN to 4 r. .I.tti..-! main ll.Tbol «:::: i«’.S9 >rk...i 8ii,y6| I l -.T •'.» 18.V36 a 10: ■* 21.403 Total since Sept lat-ttet recelpu " " •' Exports toO.B.... ? " •' Exports to Franco . ** *' Exports ooutlneut KXW OZLK4N3 CLOSIXQ XUTURCJ. ' Hew Orleans. Oct 8'~OottOtt xutures closed steady, tales I3.7u0 bales. 5am........ I'et'ruurjr.. ft 74 ft 11 ..... 6 83 Apm ft ss «7. • W Jane. 6 01 Jaljr. 0 01 August....... September... Ocioucr. Morember... L»eccml»er.... ::Z .... e «* .... ft M t C9 PORT QUOTATIONS. Galveston, Oct. 8.-Easy; middlings, Eli net receipts, 22.3S0; stock, 114.589. Norfolk, Oct. A—Quiet; middlings, 6;&; net receipts, 3,115; stock. 8,722. Baltimore, Oct. A—Dull; middling*, 6V.* stock, 13,218. ^ Boston,. Oct. A—Quiet; middtlon, git; Block. 1,333. Wilmington, Oct. A-flteady; middlings, 614; net receipts, ASW; stock, 22.S54.' riilladelphki, Oct. A—Quiet; middlings, € 11*16; net receipts, 293; stock, 2,754. ' Savannah, Oct. . A—S‘.3ady; middlings, C A16; not receipts, 7,899; stock, 81,832. Now Orleans, Oot. ^.-Steady; middlings, C%: net receipts, 22,758; stock, 119,805. Mobile, Oct. 8.—Easy; middlings, 5%; net receipts, 2,608; stock; 129,801. M..mpbl«. Oct. Ar-fit^idy; middlings; 5%; net rejolpts, 7,011; stock, 20,812. Augusta. Oct. • A—Steady; middlings, 6 11-16;' net receipts; 1,924; stock, 11,211. Charleston, Oct. 8.—Quiet; middlings, 5 9-16; net receipts. 6.531: atook, 64,590. Cincinnati, Oct. A—Steady; middlings, 6; net receipts, 566; stock, 6,081. Louisville, Oct. 8.—Quiet, firm; mid dlings* 5%. St. Louis, Oct. A—Steady: middlings, 5%: net receipts, 714; stock, 10,072. Houston, Oct. A—Quiet; middlings. E 11-16; net receipts, 12,518; stock, 41,470. LIVERPOOL. ZJtcrxv>i. OcL 8-Nooo.-8p-)t eolton markat, demand fair with prlcoa ocalar* American midftllnsa 11W1. Baloa 13,v>0Q bales, atwhlcn 10CO were tar (speculation ana eipnrt aud included 10.W0 Amortcan. Hoceipta 4,200 bale*. AmencacllfTwi Closing quotations—fuyires firm. | opening. 1 Uioeio*. October* Xovamber^ ■■■■■ Horemb'r-Pecemb’rp tMi*l lf*«4 Pecember-Januory. 3 10.o<a3 Jb C4 Jannary-Fabruary..]) 30-ft4o3 HMU February *M aren-.. f March-Apr 11... AprllM.w 31 ay-June Jun»^*Jiily 3 31^403 34-14 9 llMHa-1 20 C4 J I'J-ftlAl 10-C4 3 30-A«a3 31.44 ft 3144 a3 32-64 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago, Oct A—The visible supply statement wa a big urprie to the trade In wheat today. Few guesses m»de it more than 1.000,000 bushels Increase and even that was called as exaggeration, cot»2*ervaUve people llgurlng It at bushels more thnn Isat week. When tho report was complete, showing AtOl.iMl bushels lncreasis the selling became gen eral and what had been a steady to Arm market became under the pressure of offering* a weak and top heavy one. Prices declined fully 1 cent from tlie top and closed at «4 of a cent above the In- •Me. with puts sustaining them. Decem ber whett opened at from 64% to 64H. ranged from 64% to 64% and cloud at 6ly* —’i under Satunlay. Hales In cash wheat BVeiuged’ % a cent higher than Saturaay. but the nominal close was weak wl*h hit*.re. Corn.—Operations were based more on the direction of wheat than Its own situ- •tion, a dKTMK of TU«0 burttl. In lh. amount of oemn punar* ar«l anotrar cf in>.C» bush.ln On the YtrtMc of no avail In prev«ntlnr a de:lln*. att»r the in up* important market started on tta downward path. Th. offerlnsa were frea. in i althotuth there «u llrmncaa ana Itr. n;th in th* eartr trade, they dlrep- wit in the demand ,«u wlthlrawn. May opened from 51% to 61*4. between 517* and 507a. closing at 50 « — *4d% under Siturtlay. Cash com ruled 1 cent higher, the close being relatively weak Hlth futures. Oats.—There was nothing to attract at tention Uw this market. For some time after the opening steadiness prevailed, but with the break in tf there was a sympathetic one ino ats. May closed % of a c^nt lower than Sulurday. Cash oats were % to % a cent higher thnn Saturday Provisions.—A prominent commission house and some or tho prukrrs »»I<1 prl«*es for products up. ivlth the evident intent of running in last week’s short sellers. They were only partially successful their design, the decline In grain affecting this market sufficiently to bring about weaker feeling. There was n moderate advance In tho live ho-T at the yards which helped tile tone of provisions early. At the close January pork and January ribs won* *-.n h T. unb higher than Saturday. January lard closed changed. FUTURE QUOTATIONS. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHHAT— Open High Low v-»OS9 Oct. . . . 51 62% G1H 51% Dec. . . . . 64* 6498 6398 63\ May. . . . . 69% 60 5898 68% OATS- Oct. . . . 6254 5398 5191 61".i Nov. . . . . 62% 6394 61% 5191 Dec. . . . . 4916 6094 ,4908 4994 May. . . . CORN- . 5198 51% 5098 5094 OCt. e . . . 29<i 29% 2898 2898 Nov. . . . . 2SVi 3M8 2908 23 i Dec. . . . 3093 3004 som May. . . • PORK- 3491 3198 3398 Oct. . . . . 13.00 13.00 , 12.75 12.75 Jan. . . . 12.80 119294 12.6798 126794 LARD- Oct: . . . . 7.6294 7.6294 7.6294 7.0294 Jan. . RIBS- 7.40 7.4294 7.85 7.56 Oct. . . . 6.75 6.S0 6.7294 6.7294 Jan. . • . 6.60 6.55 6-4294 6.42% CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour was steady at unchanged prices. Thpro wa9 only a light local trade. No. 2 spring whfcat, 63%a55%; Na 2 red wheat, 61%. No. 3 corn, 6174. No. 2 oats, 29%a%. Pork, I2.8tol3.30; 'ard. 7.6&a7.67%; short r*b sides. 6.75a6.65; dry salt shoulders, A37V4a00; short clear sides, 7.25a37%. Whisky—61.83. NAVAL STORES. Wilmington, Oct. A—Rosin firm; strain ed 87V4; good strained, 52%. In ppirlto turpentine there tvas nothing doing. Tor firm at 116. Crude turpentine steady; hard, 81: soft, 31.60; virgin, 31.90. Savannah, Oct. A-Splrlts turpentine firm at 25 cents for regulars, sales, 1,750; receipts, 1,293. The rosin market opened at a pirt de cline of 10 cents on H.5 cents on O and F anr part advance of 10 cents on E grades. Demand good; sales, 4,000. The market closed firm ot Inside figures. Quo 1 * A, U, C, D, 1; E. 1.10; F, 1.25; G. 1.40; II, 1.50; I. $1.70; K, 1.95; M, 2.20; N, 2.60; window glass, 2.€5: water white, 2.85. Charleston, Oct. A-Turpentine firm, at 25%; receipts, 52 casks. Ro*ln-Good strained firm at 31; rc- ceiifts 217 barrels. MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid.Ask’d. 7 per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1893. 101% ICC 474 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1915.... 113% H4% 4% per cent, bonds, Ian and July coupons, maturity l«3 ...uo m 5% per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity long date, ..99 100 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 per cent, bonds 1M 106 Atlanta bonds, price'as to rate of Interest and .maturity i00 130 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of interest and maturity 100 N . 116 Borne bonds, 8 per cent 101% lfc Columbus 6 per cent bonds ... .100 191 Macon.0 per cent, bonds, quar terly coupons... 112 ID RAILROAD 30ND3, Central railroad Joint mortgage 7 per cent bonds, Jan and July coupons .115 117 Georgia railroad 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1897 101 103 'Gcofgla railroad 6 per cent bonds; Jan. and July coupons, due 1910 103 UO Georgia railroad 8 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1922 110 U3 Montgomery and Eufaula rail road, 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons,, duo. 1909.... 99 100 Ocean Steamship bonds. 5 per cent Jan. and July coupons, due 1920 93 Columbus and Western railroad 6 per cent July coupons 01 95 Columbus and Rome railroad 6 per co it bonds,'Jan. and July coupons .... 33 40 Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, duo 190C 99 ,10) Savannah, Amerlcus and .Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons.. 48 49 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... 88 £9 South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons 102 .Northeastern railroad indorsed 6 per cent, bonds. May and November coupons 104 105 Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, March and September coupons 40 42 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonds 99 101 RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central railroad common stock.. 16 17 Central railroad 6 per cent de- betures 23 23 Southwestern railroad stock.... 69 70 Georgia railroad stock 163 356 Atlanta and West Point rail road debentures * 14) 92 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock SO 82 LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS. Macon Gas Light and Water consols. May and November coupons 71 Wesleyan college 7 per cent. bonds, Jan. and July coupons.. 100 116 Macon Volunteers* Armory 7 per cent bonds, Jon. and July cou pons 104 i«» Bibb Manufacturing Company C per cent bonds, April and Oct coupons ,..iw 1U1 Progress Loan and Improvement Company 6G 60 Southern Phosphate Company stock 80 8b Acme Brewing Company 100 BANK STOCKS. First National Rank stock.......125 13) American National Bank stock.. 85 M> Exchange Bank stock 93 S3 Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock 9Z S3 Central Georgia Bank stock as Macon Savings Bank stock...... 90 S3 Central City Loan «n<l Trust Company stock 7ft r/% **w*iiiiiiiiiiiiii7ffninfwiiTm**TfTmiiiiii;iiimri TTmnm ; TmT . 1T7T | TyTTmmr - It Can Clean the World if it is' given \ If a chance. 3 Gold Dust WASHING POWDER Qcons everything to -which it is applied. Cleans it 1 quickly, clcnnS it cosily, cleans it cheaply. Apply it to § everyday use olid see for voursclf. Sold bv grocers 3 everywhere. Price 25c. per 4 lb. package. Made only by = The N. K. Falrbank Company, .. Chicago, St. lK>uis, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. lUHlUUIIHlli'illulliiuiuinuiiiiiuniiiiiiuiiuiiiiniiiin|i|||Hi|uiininuuiii ul uiii DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Wnxcl- l-aum & Son. Prints—Berwick. 3 l-2c; standard 4.1-3 to 6c; turkey red. 4 to B l-2c; indigo blue, 4 to 44ie.: sollde. 4 to 6 cents. Sheetings—3-4a3!4, Kale.; 4-4M3 5 cent*. Tickings—Front B to 12c. Cheeks—3 1-2 to 6c. Bleachings—Fruit of the Loom, G 3-4 to 7 1-2C. FRUITS AND NUTS. Corrected by A. A. Cullen. FlgB~r>ry. choice. 12 1-2 to IB cenitii. Peanuts—North Carolina, 3 1-3 cents; Virginia, 4 and 6 cents. Lemons—}4. Nuts—Tarragonla almonds, 15 cents pet pound: Naples walnuts, 16 cents; French walnuts, 10 cents; pecans, 10 cents. Apples—Sun dried. 8 to 7 cents per pound. Rnlsln3—New In market, }2 per box; London layers, $2.25 per box; loose Mus catel. $2 per box. Irlah Potatoes—$2.28 per sack. HARDWARE. DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar & Sons. Clnamon Bark—Per round, 12 to 15c. Cloves—Per pound. U to ZSc. Drag, and Chemical*—Gum assafoe- tidJ. 35c pound: camphor gum. BS to 65c pound; guru opium $2.40 to 52.62 pound; morphine. l-8s, $2.23 to $2.15 ounce; qui nine faccording to size) 23 to W cent* ounce; sulphur. 4 to 60 pound; no Its, Ep som. 2 1-2 to 3c pound, copperas. 2 to 3c pound; salt pstre, JO to 12c pound; bo rax. 15 to Uc pound; bromide potash, 50 to BBc per pound: chlorate, 23 to 30c p-r pound: carbolic sold. 60c to $1.75 pound: chloroform, 76c to $1.40 pound; caramel. *Sc to $1; logwood, 16 to 20c ;»jnl; cream tartar, commercin', » «-» *o<* Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap Hardware Company. Axes—$6 to 57 pep doexn. War Lead—Go per pound. Buckets—Piiintr $1.25 per dozen; ce dar. three hoops, $2.25. Cards—Cotton, $4. Chains—Trace, $0.60 to $4.0 per dozen. Well buckets—$3.25 per dozen. Rope—Manilla, 12a; sisel, 10c; cotton, 12 cents. Shoes—Horse. $4: Mule. $5. Shovels—Amos. $10 per 1 dozen. Shot—Drop, Gl.SB'per Back. Wire—Barbed, 3o per povad. Wire—Barbed., Sc per pound. Nalls—$1.60 base, wire; cut. $1.35 base, base. Tubs—Painted, $2.33; cedar, $4.60 per nest. Brooms—$1.26 to $B epr dozen. Ilames, iron bound, $3. Measures—Per near. $1; Plow Blades—4 cents per pound. Iron—Swede, 4 l-2o per pound; rellned, 2c basis. Plow stock—Ilailmen. $1; Ferguson, 00c. CANNED GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. R. Janues & Tinsley Co. Apples—1 pound cans, $1.23 per dozen. Blackberries—2 .pound cans. $1 per dozen; 3 pound cane. $1.05 per dozen. Corn—2 pound cans, 00 cents to $1.60 per dozen. String Beans—2 pound cans, 00 cents per dozen. Tomatoes—2 pound cans, per dozen, cents: 3 pound cans. $L Okra nml Tomutoe»—2 pound cans. $1.10 per dozen. June Peas—2 pound oans, $1.25 per dozen. Red Cherries—2 pound cans, $ per dozen. White Cherries—2 pound cana,$l.7B per duzen. Limn Beans—$1.25. Peaches—2 pound cans. $1.C0 nor dozen. Pineapples—1 pound uana. $1.60 to $2.25 PM. dozen; grated. F. & W.. $2.25. Raspberries—2 pound cans, $1.85 per dbzen. Strawberries—2 pound cans, $1.50 per dtszcn. Peaches, pie—2 pound cans, $1.35 per dozen. Apricots, California—3 pound cans, $2.25 per dozen. Peaches. California—$2.25. Pig Feet—2 pound oanu, $2:25 per dozen. Roast Beef—I pound cm*. $1.20 per dozen; 3 pound cans. 12 per dozen. Corn Beef—2 pound cans. $1.85 per dozen. Potted Ham—1-4 bound cans, 05 cents per dozen; J-2 pound cans, $1.25 per dozen. Lunch Tongues—1 pound cans, $3 per dozen. Tripe—2 pound onus, $1.85 per dozen. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every Saturday by the S. Jaquos & Tinsley Co. The following are strictly wholesale prices: . , Fish—Kit, white flsh, 60c: In half barrels. $4; mackerel In hair barrels. No. 3. $4.75; No. 2, $6.60; kits. No. 3, 76c; kits, No. % 75c. Flour—Best patent, per barrel, $$.30; second patent, $3.20; straight, $3; fsm> tly, $2.60: low grades. 12.26. . Sugar—Standard granulated, 6 cents; ex tra C, New York, ,4V4 cents; New Orleans clarified. 4',i cents. Hay—We quote today No. 1 Timothy at $18 and fancy, $19. Meats—Bulk sides, 7?i cents. Corn—7B cents per bushel. Oats—Mixed. 43c: white. 48c. Lard-Tierces, 0 cents; cans, OK cents pound; 10-pound cans, 10 l-2c. Oil—lie. Snuff—Lorlllard's Maccaboy snuff, stone Jars, 46c jxtr pound; glnss Jars. 45o per pound; 2-ounce bottles, $2,900 per gross; 2-ounco cans, $8.60 per gross; 1-pound cans. $3.W per gross: Jtanrnao snuff, 1-ounce glass, 6c; l-ounce tins, $1.25 per gross. Tomato catsup—Pints. 00c; quarts, $1.25. Hominy—Per barrel, $4. Meal—Bolted. 76c; plain, 75c. Wheat—IIran, 85c. Hams—12 to 13c.* Shoulders—9 l-2c. HIDE3. WOOL. ETC. Corrected Every Saturday by G. Bernd & Co. Hides—Green salt. 3 cents tier pound; dry flint. 5 cents per pound, float Skins—10 to 21 cents nach. Sheep Skins—20 to 60 cents eicb. Beeswax 10 to 22 cents. ’ W*v||—WasSsS, is to 70 retti 1st pound; unwashed, 10 to 12 cents; burry. 7 to 10 cents. LIQUORS. Corrected Every Saturday by L. Cohen 1 & Co. Whisky-Rye $1.10 to $1.70; com. Il.n to 11.50; eln. $1.10 to 11.75: North Carolina corn,$1.10 to $1.50; Georgia com. *1.60. Wines—N cents ta $1; high wines, hat; port and sherry, a a* 62; c.c—t. 3t to $10 cue: American champagne, $7.60 to $3.50 per case; cord 1 -la. $12 per S.>*eui: btttsrs. sa nor dozen MEATS. Corrected Every Saturday by W. L. Henrv. Fresh Meats—Wcstcrq De»r. M8 to Be.; Georgia beef. 4 1-3 to Go; drttaed hogs, 0 1-3 to 7c: Western mutton 7 3-4c; na- tiro mutton. 0 l-2c: smoked pork sau sage. 8 l-2c; fresh pbrk Aiusagr, 80; Be- logna sausage, Gc. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Corrected Every Saturday by Wlaltor Nelson. We quote Today;—Bags plentiful nnd In moderate demand nt IBaIBKz. per dozen. Chickens are In little better demand anil receipts light Her.*, 26«26c.; fries, H:120c.; ducks, S6o27c.; geese, 40c.; turkoys, BalOc. per pound, nllve. Sweet ootPtoes—76e. per bushel. Onions—00c. per bushel, Irish Potatoes—$2a2.!S par sack. Dried Applcs-SilOc. per pound. Evaporated Apples—lOallVic. per pound. Tennessee Butter—Italic, per pound. Georgia Buttei—17alSc. per pound. Elgin Creamery Buutter—23o21e. per pound. BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. Will >be sold before the court house; door In Che city of Macon, said state and County, between the Ic-gal hours of sate, on the first Tuesday In Novem ber, 1894: Thai: t rare, or parcel of land In tho fourth District of eald county, being north 'half of lot No. 110. con taining 101 1-4 acres, and bounded north by lands ot (Price and Bailey; east toy Ben Jackson: south by Duke Braswell, and west by Gilbert. Bald property levied on as the properly of James M. Langoton. to stntlsfy a Ufa Issued from city court of Macon In fa vor of Grace M. Hunt vs. James It. Langston. Also, at tb.e same time and place, five-sevenths undivided Interest In that parcel ot land 4n the Vtnevlllo district eald staite and county, known as part of lot No. one (l), and situated on west «ldc of Forsyth road, -inti bounded northeast by Forsyth, road; southwest by Central KiHroad; west toy road run ning from Forsyth road to Bellevue, and east toy English, antd known us Tinsley place, coritatnhig one (1) none more or less. Levied ton to satisfy a nfa Issued from o»ty count of Macon In favor of C. W. DUPree va. W. A. Huff. Also, at tho same time and pJace, that tract of land Ir the city of Macon, said state and county, known Its part of St. Paatl Church property, being the let conveyed to Mlta Kate L.Ross by H. B. Firm inset', and described as follows; Begfr.iilhrg at tho comer of Miss Sin- son's lot on Forsyth street, an.l run ning along said street to corner of lot of II. B. Ermlnger (as then owned) rlxty-two feet; thei)c> along the side of Ermlnger's lot nOnety-three feet to ah alley; thence eustlwaird nlxty-twu feet along saW alley; thence ninety- three feet along Mian Mason's lot to st&Ttirvg point on Forsyth street. Said property levied on to satisfy ta. Ufa Is sued from city court of Macon tn favor of Mrs. Thomas Peters vs. W. H. •Cornell, admlnlatrotor of Luden E. Cornell. L. B. HERRINGTON. Deputy Sheriff. The American Encyclopedic Dictionary* Gives the Full Is a Complete Definition IT And Perfect Of Every English Modern Word. Encyclopedia Is the Greatest Modern Work of ^Reference These Speak as Those Having Authority***,. PROF. K. I. ELROD, Chair of Biology and Physios ot the Illinois Wesleyan University, nays: jror students and for the mass of Che people Kt will ho very useful, not -to mention lta low coat. Such a filling Is needed In thousands of homes, and your paper la to be congratulated up on being able to furnish It Bo ttn read- era at such a trivial cost. M. J. Elrod. DR. W. H. WILDER, President of the Illinois Wesleyan UhltverwWy, says: Tlho American En cyclopaedic Dictionary Is a work ot great merit. Highest utltty has been sought toy combining 'tho dictionary -,nd encyclopedic features. The effort Is a success. W. H. Wilder. PROF. W. A. HEIDEL, Chair of Greek, Illinois Wesleyan University, eaya: There Is one feature of 'the book which ploaaee me very much. Many of us havo read old En glish and Sootch, but the ordinary dic tionary 4s ot no avail for auch uses, whereas your encyclopedia appears to meet the requirements very fully. iW. A. Heldel. PROF. JOHN W COOK, President Normal University, rays: This work Is unique. Americans ore ke*n,t alive to the value ot time. Such a wealth ot knowledge In eo compact a term will commend Itself atlke to the laborious scholar, the general reader, and especially to tho teacher. John W. Cook. PROF. B. M. Van PETTEN, Superintendent of Bloomington Cfty Schools, aays: It la a work of great value. It seems to mo oonolse, accu rate and convenient In form. Bo much Information lit such a small co-npasa Is nowhere also to bo obtained. E. M. Van -’ettea. MRS. GALLINER, Librarian of Withers Library, saysi The American Encyclopedic Dlcdoncry offers on opportunity seldom met with to procure a most valuable work fot a small outlay. In flu homo library It will ba Indispensable to s.udents uuj' literary iworkors. II. n. Qalllucr. WILLIAM M. VnDF-REOH, Superintendent of flohools, MMweu- kee, W4s„ says: The Eneyclopet.o Dictionary, in my oilntot.. Is r. very; valuable work of reference. It Is ex haustive, comprehensive, and bears evidence of the most scrupulous pains taking. I can recommend tho work without hesitation. ! ... ... QYin. E. Anderson. IT BIBB COUNTY SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold before the court houso door In the city of Macon. Bibb Coun ty, Ga.. during tho legal hours of rale, om Oho flrti. Tuesdiy In November. | 1894, tho fobtowlng property to-wlt: All that tract or parcel ot land lying and belntg I11 Bibb county. Ga.. on the Columbus Paid, about three mllea from Macon, containing one-eighth ot ati aero more or less, and bounded ns fol lows: On Uhe noi'Jh by -the 0.’"T.")UA ros'd: court by Bony Preston bind; south by land of Jerry Ftnltlln; west by tan alley, being part of the land conveyed by Jennie Smith to Mary Comer. Levied on as the property of W. C. Smith, to Httirfy a Ufa Issued from Justice court of the 481st District, G. M., In favor of Coleman A Ray, vs. W. C. Smith. 'Also at the nmo time nhskplaceatlin't Wrt of lot one In block No. thirty-one 1n the city of Macon, bounded os fol-- lows, toy a line commencing »t the southwest corner of flat vlto orno and Second streets, extending llhi-neo south along Fie west side of Second street, one hundred and live feet to a thirty foot alley, thence wrst along tlhe north tide of e:il«l alley twenty-eight and one-fourth feet; thence northwesterly two hundred and eight itnd one-toalf foot (208 1-2) to Hawthorne street; thence east on south side of H tw- tbitone street flwo hundred and twenty- two feet to place of beginning. Levied on ns the property of John W. T.-icey tto (satisfy an executtant l.-sued froil Bibb superior court In flavor of Frank W. Stanley v*. John W. Tracy, a. 8. WESTCOTT, Sheriff Bibb County. : Contains a wider range of Information than any Single work ever Published. YOU BOY CAN GET YOUR GIRL IT. land sale. GEORGIA. BIRD COUNTY.—Umb- and by virtue of a power of role vested in tno Ouarmtoo Company of Oeorjrla by Thox A. Cl iy. in a dec«l mail** nai delivered «io H by him .uv! recorded In b<wk W.W.. fol.o 21. fn th* ofllc# of «ht dork of Bibb mhoriof court, tho titvSer- •l«rn«l will sell at Dubllc outcry t*for« the court nAo*? dox- In M.kvm, Bibb ooiiniy, Oa.. b Af .ivei?n tho lcj;nl hour.i of •Jjj th « Tuesday in November, 1891. th* following d«»>cribrJ property, !?* ?5 t: l ^ lt ?rrtc t or oircri of land dhnrtc. lyH.qr ^*1 bdnsr In th* urate of Georgia and couivty of Blhb and in the fourth (4tJh> dUtrtet of *a!il couaty of IT. HME IT. TERMS OF DISTBIBUTIOH: FOR CITY READERS.—Bring on* Coupon and 16 ceirts to Macon Tele graph. FOR COUNTRY READERS.—Send ene coupon nnd 15 cents to (the Macon Telegraph end desired part will bo ma/tled. Orders to be promptly fllled must con-tain name nnd address of . — , V. ,e ?n Ordering the American Encyclc- Blbb. being one hundred .inti fourteen pedio Dictionary do not Include ony (114) acres, mire or lens, all In one body, other business In your letter or delay nnd bounded as follows: North by will ensue. Rocky creek: r ret hv oilier Isntls of No bound volumes of Wie Eneyelo- Thos. A. Clay; nu'Jt by Tl.'mv'oii n*dla DliUonary .will ever be offered ^ lanls of a. aoklivln by the Telegraph. This 4* vswltlve. No part can toe obtained In any other road: and and J. T. KoivlvL % ^ | JSJC** 1 f "’ wold as th* property manner than indicated In our regular of Tbia A-Clay for the purpxn of $ny- Soupon. 5 : [ * ' : '' deal note for $500, '**’■ aH/l'i* Merah let. 1S9I. and interest thereon ta No- X"”***! «• ’f 3 *. amoutMIrvg to J27.J4. A - CI, Y <0 Dina H, Rorn. the principal and Interart due on wild tWe to «i9d first Tito-xlay being $627...). bosMee in per rent, wttarbey'' ff?’ <rm ' >lm t. nnd tit* coa.a of thU proex.Kne. arcordlng to the term- °* g; Mrroati. October s. 1894. OUARANTE?g co. OF GEOrtOLA. I steed & Wimberly, attorneys. DICTIONARY COUPON YOB THE AMERICAN ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY A LIBRARY IN ITSELF. FARTS •••*•••••••••••••< •ADDRESS firing nr *rvf on* Coupon tcUA M cm/a, to Th* finccn Tbtegraphand on* part of th* IHctionanj unit b* ilchrercd or $ml i/on. Mail enter* to b* prornjttltj filled inu*t contain mama and mi-ire** uf tender and *p<ctfy th* number taunted, jjon. trru« on any oU*er tufrfod. h’o*. J to l-j ready noto, fart* Juued uxtkly. IT LIBRARY IS A IN ITSELF.