The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 09, 1894, Image 5
SIGHTS / SCENES OF THE WORLD —i- THE MACON TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1894. ALL INYITED. The circus;has gone and so has summer. However, we shall give a Free Exhibition of Fall Clothing. Some of the won der BOY’S SUITS $1.75 AND UP. MEN’S SUITS $7.50 and up. stock of New and complete HATS AND TIES. J. H. HERTZ Corner Second & Cherry FUNERAL NOTICE. KILPOYU3.—The friends and acquaint ances of Mr. and Mrs. Ja<mc* KUfoyle are respectfully requested to attend the fu neral of Mr. James Kilfoyle from his late residence. No. - 228 Cotton avenue, at o’clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON. Services from Si. Josephs Catholic church at 3:30 o'clock. Interment at Rose Hill cemetery. The following gentlemen are requested to meet at D. A. Keating’s office at 2:« tp act as pall bearers: H. MclCervey, T. C. Dempsey, Mike Redmond, Thomas F. Sheridan. John Noone, John Daly. W. T, , peimett, P. Ward. FUNERAL NOTICE. The member, of St Vincent de Paul So ciety and Catholic KnlEhts of, America ore requested to attend the funeral of their late brother, James KUfoyle from the residence, No. 228 Cotton avenue Tues. day at 3 o’clock p. m. By order of the president. HUGH M'KHBVEY, Secretary Catholic Knights of America. T. F. SHERIDAN, 11 Secretary St Vincent de Paul Association. KEATING, 1>. THERE WILL BE MANY CONTESTS Already, Notice Has Been Filed by Defeated Candidates in Eleven Counties, GRAVES TO SPEAK FOR HILL nil Attack on Mr. Atktuaon la Not In- consistent, He Asserts. With Ilia Support of tlio New York Statesman. rNnr.nTAKKR and embay.wick. 511 Mulberry St. - Macon, On. relephonei—Office, 4G7t Residence. 40S L. McMANDSCO GENERAL HI Cay Telephone Right Telephone - .238 - 232 Undertaking Establishment Next to Hotel Lanier. Ray Telephone 436 Night Telephones... .435, 178 THEJFflIR WHITE FRONT, Almost Opposite Post Office. Sign and Square on Window. China Cups and Baucera 10c .and up. China l’lates 8c. and up. Fine China Tea and Dinner Betts. Blowers for grates. Coal Hods and Vases. .Shovels and Pokers. Fire Guards. Ostrich Dusters 10 and 20c. Will close ont Gold Band English Granite Cups and Saucers 10c. apiece; (30c. sett. K. F. SMITH, Sole and Duly Proprietor. Atlanta, Out. 8.—(Special).—Up to this afternoon notice of contest had been re ceived at the executive department from the following counties: Harris, Baldwin. Rockdale. Clayton. Monroe. Heard, Effingham, Twiggs, Jackson, Cobb and Fayette. In Fayette, Harris, Jacknon. Effingham and Baldwin, the contestant, are Democratic candidates; In the balance Populists. iNcrlioe of contest In the Thirty-third senatorial dlstriot hue abb been filed by L. G. Hardman Democrat. John Temple Graves, who attracted a good deal of attention during the gu bernatorial campaign by his attacks on the lAtklnson ticket has been Invited by Senator Hill to make a series of campaign speeches In New York, and has accepted. Xn agreeing to fight Senator Hill's battle In New York. Mr. Graves does not -think he Is at all Inconsistent. In view of the tight on .politicians and al leged Ting politics In this state. He says Senator Hill has demonstrated the fact that he is a statesman—that he has out- S rown the politician stage. Besides tills lfference. he points but that the fate of the whole Democratic party largely depends upon Success In New York, and for these reasons he says there is noth ing wrong In him .taking the machine side 'in New York after fighting for the other side in Georgia. ■MAY BE BROWN ALLEN. Atlanta Detectives Think They Have Discovered 'Meyers' Accomplice. Atlanta, Oot. 8—(Special).—JThe city deteotlves think .they have found a clue to the mysterious accomplice described ns Brown Allen hi the Crowley murder case. Young Will Meyers, accused of the murder, claimed that the deed hod been done by Brown Allen, who. how. ever, up to the present proved a myth, so far as the police investigation was concerned. • The detectives have now discovered a man known as “Brownie.’’ who had a sister known as .Emma Alien’, which partly agreed with the Meyers story. "Brownie" .has also been Identified as a friend of Meyers, the two having fre- uerttly visited certain houses together. Lbout the time of the murder, ‘‘Brown s’’ suddenly showsd up with a lot of money, and then suddenly disappeared. MA'NY DOCTORS TO MEET. There Will Be a GTeat Gathering of Them From Three States art Atlanta. Atlanta, Oct. 8—(Special).—The Trt- Sta.0 ’Media’ll -AsBOClakwv comprising Georgia. Alahunu sun. I Tennessee, will begin Us annu il meeting here tcionrrow, lasting ten days. Many prominent phy sicians have arrived today. The con vention MU be composed of the leading men of the medical profession In the three states comprising the association, besides some of the most distinguished physicians 1n the whole country, who come os visitors to the convention. An elaborate programme of papers to be read has been prepared, Tho meet ing will end with a banquet. THEY WANT TO BE JUDGES. Atlanta. Oct. 8—(Special)—Three ap plications have been filed for the posi tion made vacant by the death of Judge Altoway of OartohsvHlc. The appli cants are A. M. Foale of Cartensvllle. and Messrs. J. M. Moore and Robert Murphy. LIVING ON CHARITY. »86 ..CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Where do you buy your Clothing? You may not think it very important But stop one moment and think, and you’ll see your mistake. The Dannenberg Company, without question, carry by far the largest stock of Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing and Furnishing G 4 oods in the State. In our stock you can lind just the thing you want. Your size, no matter how large or small you nre ; and bear this in mind, every Suit in our house is perfectly made and finished; fit in every instance guaranteed. SPECIAL—MEN’S SUITS, $8.50.—Today and tomorrow we will sell All-Wool Cheviot, Double and Single Breasted, Suits, worth $10.00, for $5.00. Young Brothers’ and Youman’s Hats, Fall shapes at pop' ular prices. BOYS' and Children's JLCADEMY of MUSIC TUESDAY, OCT. 0. NEIL BURGESS. THE COUNTY FAIR. . New scenery ond complete mechan ical equipments. Thoroughbred race liorscs three-quarters of a mile In full nnd contluous vkw of the audience. , No dead heats. No muddy tracks. See Cold Molasses win the race. Prices 23c. to $1. Reserve seats at ILuddcn & Botes’ Music House. ACADEMY OF MUSIC WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10. Matinee and Night The blazing sun of the farctrcomedy Sky, NELLIE M’HENRY, lAnd her greatest show on earth. , A NIGHT AT TOE CIRCUS. From the Bijou Theatre, New York City. All under one canvas. In one ring. Walt for the big show. Prices 25c., 50c.. 75c. anil 81. Re serve seats nt Ludden & Rates' Mus'o House. FOR RENT. Btore No. 310 Third street. Store So. 313 Third street. I • Store No. 2S» Third street. , Store No. 381 Third etreet. ! Store No. 314 Third street. Store No. 453 Poplar street. Btore No. 803 Fourth street. Store No. 871 Fourth etreet. Dwelling No. 714 Third street Dwelling No. 718 Third stree Dwelling No. 107 Four-h stree Dwelling No. lit Fourth etree , Dwelling No. 113 Fourth etret < Also, some very desirable rooms sod halls over stores. GEO. B. TURPIN & SONS. Beat EeUUe and Insurance Agents. But the Fall River Strikers Still Re main Firm. Fall'HlceriM'ass'., Oct. 8.—The eighth week of the strike, is on. Tho city Is sail orderly and the charity of all who can give, Is being tested freely. Tho letter carriers have contributed 2.600 braves of bread to tho poor- and the United Friends flocUl Club gave away 600 dinners this afternoon mid even ing.. Th.e. free, soup distributions ore going on «nd more than 2,000 persons are being fed dally In this way. Secretaries Ross of New Bedford and Howard of thus city left for Now York t, night, to moot Samuel Hampers and •arramge for regular support for mem bers of the national mule spinners as. socUtBon. The weavers executive com. mb tee will meet tomorrow morning to arrairge for the distribution of 34,000 among 3.000 members. Several manufacturers met at the association rooms this morning and talked over the sluattoni at Borne length. It is not definitely stated that any agreement was arrived at, but It waa given out by one manufticturer, that ho nnd others will not continue in a fight that means starvation to any one. He Is willing to start his mill Just tie soon as the other manufactur ers release him from the agreement that binds him and them. From this statement ft Is Inferred (hat nil of. the manufacturers nre not agreed upon a continuation of the tight policy and that negotiations toward a settlement are ndt wholly ended. He al.w> states tluit something of Impor tance would soon happen and from tibia statement. It Is Inferred, that the nnnufactuers arc about to make some offer to top spinners. Umbrellas at Phillips’. Wednesday. October 10. will be “Ma con (Day” at the Wlregraas Exposltln at Hawklnsvllle. The Suthem railway will sell tlckris at half rates, nnd a special train -will leave Mstoon 7. a. m., returning, arrive Macon 8 p. m. SPECIMEN CASES. S. H. Clifford. New Oasrel, win., was troubled with neuralgia aud rheuma tism. his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming de gree. appetite fell away end he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles ft Electric; Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd. Harrisburg, Ill., had c running sore on bis leg of eight years’ stalling. Ueed three Dottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and bis leg i, sound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba, O.. had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said be was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by IL J. Lamar Ic Son’s drug store. • Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder y/etU’i Fair lUgbsit Award, Our trade In the lines of Boys nntl Children's Clothing has of Into reached such splendid proportions that wo aro encouraged to still greater efforts. Push and epterprlso have been Justly rewarded. You like It In others. Ev erybody applauds a progressive spirit, Wo don’t follow—we lend. Tuko our line of Roys nnd Children's Clothing as an Instance. Where do you find nn assortment so rich in qunllty nnd tasty In design ns we carry? New things have been added to fill up and brighten up things, so to speak, but tho brghtost part of It nil Is our popular prices. No beyond-your-rench figures, but steady, reasonable and popular; that’s why wo fioat on top. Our customers expect to find every thing nicer nnd better when they come here. We employ every advantage wo possess to meet that want. EewandloBby Our Boys’ all-wool School Suits, all colors and late styles^ $S.OO, $8.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 Something decidedly nobby and different from anything you see anywhere else. Suits for larger boys, round and square cut sacks, well made, and clothes that fit aro here at prices to please you and in endless variety. A Baseball outfit given away with each boy’s suit. STAR CLOTHING Co DAVE WACHTEL, Manager The great popularity whloh this magnificent worK hae attained In fltlM form has led us to make an arrangement with the publishers by. ■which wi can olfor bound volumes at on almost unheard of price. » i ;i. ,U fliitl. . Sights and Scenes of the World w»s flrtt PublljlioJ a. a high-class artwork, and was sold by sub'aorlptlori only. A few copies of tbo original edition remain unsold, and wo have se> oured them for 1he benefit of our readers. They nre printed upon extra* heavy mauve-tlntcd enameled paper and upon ono el,lo of the paper only, making a book twloe aa thick as the twenty-one parts would be. Tha work manship Is superb, Os they were tbo first Impressions from the original plates. They are elegantly and strongly bound, with specially designed titles on side ond back, tho Russia edition having marble edges and the full Morocco gold edges. By taking all there was left of the original edition we are enabled to offer this unsurpassed work at the following very attractlva prices: In best English cloth (publisher’s pries, 38.60; our pries, 33. In hit Morocoo. (publisher’s price, 37.60); our price, 13.60 In full Russia, (publisher’s price 30): our price, 34. In full Morocco, (publisher’s prio. 110); our pries, 34.60, ” For out-of-town orders remit 60 cents extra and -the book will be delivered to you by prepaid express, securely packed. This is An Unusual Opportunity To procure this king of all art worksat a ridiculously low pries and should he taken advantage of at once, as only a few ore left. Remember that ths hook Is complete and all ready for the library or centre table; 860 full-page views, size 11x13 Inches and prlutsd upon one aide of the paper only. Each picture Is worthy of a frame. Samples can ha seen at the office of the Telegraph, where all orders should bo addressed. SALE EXTRAORDINARY! We have just received from the sale of Strauss, Loob & Co.. Philadelphia, and Haramerslough, Saks & Co., retiring from business, $10,000 worth of fine Ming lor Men, Youths anil Boys. We will offer these goods with our wholesale stock of Clothing, making a stock of over $50,000, for tho next thirty dnys, commencing next Monday, at retail at our stores on Third streets. PRICES n m ' TW MAT,IT. $30.00 Suits for. 25.00 Snits for. 20.00 Suits for. 15.00 Suits for. 10.00 Suits for 7.50 Suits for. 5.00 Suits for 2.60 Suits for We invite your inspection of these goods nnd call your special attention to Bargains in Children’s and Boys’ Suits from well known manufacturers. S. WAXELBAUM & SON. $4.25--C OAL! C O A L-S4.25. Jcllico and Black Diamond. NOTHING BUT LUMP COAL GOES TO THE CONSUMER. Wo guarantee perfect satisfaction or coal removed ond money refunded. Our JELLICO la from tho mines of Southern Jcllico Coal Company of Tennessee, and 18 un surpassed by any JdUoo. MACON GIL AND ICE COMPANY. ’Phone 324. W. S. BROOKS, Malinger. NOTICE.—W. S. Brooks, Manager Macon OH and loo Company, Macon, Ga —Dear Sir: Referring to our conversation on yemerday, we den'.ro to suite that we will give you a quality coal In each Hhtpment that we guaran tee to be the beat offered on the market and it will be our pleasure to furnish you everything that you may need in wir lhie during the Neaaoa. SOUTHERN JELLICO COAL CO. J. L. BOYD, Manager. (ESTA ELI SHED 188L> ALTMAYER & FLATAU, Wholesale Dealers in Liouors. Wines and Cigars, 457 AND (63 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GEO. The best Liquor* for the leant money. 8,nd for prli e list. ALTMAYEU & FLATAU, Agent*. Rand, McHally & Co.'s ATLAS ' OP THE WORLD NEW EIHETY-TWO MANY ENTIRELY Theo ecological Anthropo ^ Bio Geo Topo Hydro BOOK. MAPS. FEATUREl METHODS. graphical ET flISTORY of tho WORLD’S PEOPLE. CENSUS of 1890. Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of the World’s Bright Men. Historic Praotio Systematic Statistic Politic Patriotic Education Economic Emblematic STATISTICAL CHARTS and DIAGRAMS GAZETTEER and ATLAS. • AL tsj B i • 0 E •. tu ad • • • • a. • 5 «3 a cc 0 UJ □ » • • 4 4 6 ♦ ♦ B 9 1 1 x/x S2 O • U < * ■ • • j & 1 s i i 6 B * K Three hundred and forty-fiv* pages. Bound in finest quality English cloth. Printed upon fine calend« ered paper with marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE, $7.50. Cat out coupon and send It with TWO DOLLARS, unJ we will send you a copy oi the magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inches. Out of town purchasers t» pay carriage