The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 10, 1894, Image 2
f‘ R. A Batch of Newjy Item* Fumuhed by tha Hustling Correspondents of the Telegraph, HAWKINSVILLE'S BIG FAIR BEGINS Th«Wlr«|»M IlM «oU«n i:p»Ornn«l Ihow und the Look for » (*rtnt Tim# Dvrl«g lu Com* (InUABICO, ■ nawklwrillo, Oot 0.—(Special.)—A heavy rain fell lu*t night, giving the blues to tho mnuaguru of the groat ll&wklns villa exposition. But tha In dications aro for ploasantor weather. Hon, 1‘opo Brown, president, H. 11. Hinrrww, secretary, atul Messrs. P. 11. I/ovoJoy, J. B. Willis, D. C. Joiner, Uedrge W, Jordan, Jr.,'It. D. Brown and Albert Summer have worked he roically for a successful exposition. Tbey bavo succeeded ,u tbelr eflurts. All that is now needed is fair weather. The object of tlio exposition Is not to make money, but to develop the In dustrial and agricultural resources of this region and to adsertlso to )ho world this' goudly land. The fair grounds lire beuutlfuUy lo cated ou a high bluff on the banks of tbo (Icmulgui. Tbo drive along tbo river to the grounds is a most plCtur- esijuo ate, aud the race track U per fect. It is a one-half mile truck, ujiil trotting und running are mure Interest ing tlnen on longer tracks. The nursi-ineu say that tho trotters und racers hero ore the bent over seen ut it Georgia fair. The shew of horses, colls, cows, hogs mid puultry Is excel-' lent, ami the products of the Held, fac tories und forests ure surprising. Tho wonuin'a department 111 art, ■lowers und fancy of every kind la Indeed t treat attl does credit to tho ladles who have lulKircd so faith fully to make tho woman's department a thing of beauty. There Is a variety of amusements— boat racing, balloon nscenslous, rope walking, tbo bailie of Gettysburg and tho .Sanford Sisters, shooting matches, bloyelo races and speeches by protui-. mint men. flon. A. O. Bacon aud Judge Crisp address the people ou tbo lltli. Tbo Uawklmivlllo paoplo are expecting great crowds from Macon oa Wodmiday and will bo disappointed if tho Central City does not honor the WteegniM? Exposition. In return nil of Iluwkliwrlllu expect to visit tlio nixie Pair. Senator Pat Walsh Is in the city. He speak* today. He Is popular With the people and they will hoar hint with pleasure. Nobody Is discussing tlio slump dowu here. The tnllt is the fair. No one is slopping to And ou-. who wits tbo step mother of the party lit the recent elec tion. Here It Is the fair, thta line hors.-, that flue now, this piece of fancy work, that beautiful picture. If one wants to sis- pretty girls they mv at the oxposltlkm. Miss Henley and Mrs. Wheeled of Macon nre hern mid have entered snipe beautiful fancy work. ItATN DAMAGED CROPS. Reports Prom South Georgia Are Not Encouraging. Camilla, Odt. 9.—(8peoka.)- J A gale o| wind nml rain began here yesterday Olornlmx and toureasei tn severity until tigs mw.itng. The course ot the wind mu generally from the north east to the Houuneust. After mtdntght last night the wlnll 1 shifted to tho north und this mom hut ts blowing and rntnliiK from tho nMnWUt. The rata has been very heavy here. The wind Cue not been so heavy as a. mo torm.r gates la this section. but wso strong enough to blow down same trees mat fmcin, nn\l tho dximgo to orop* ts cvnalJenoble. The cotton crop In the ll.-Ids Is damaged some 10 or 50 per c«nt. The Camilla high school is tn n flour ishing tomtttlon under the eltlclent management of l’rofwwer B. II. Palmer amt Atlss Annfle Collins. Thero sue eerventy-llvo pupils on the roll. MIm Ms kMm m bora two otbor schools In town which are well ut- tended. The smldsn deufh of 'Sir. John Dr- ker, a few days mm in east Mhchetl, tiae brought sorrow to nvny of his friends nnd see nviss his iroatul pr.-seuee on our street., Ha was one of nature' noblemen; a sclf-miule man; a good' citizen; a kind nttgOmr; a‘ thrifty fanner, who early In Ufs Uxrned the loKwna of genuine economy tn his hum ble home, which was the bads of his success tn life: by energy nnd that sterling Integrity ot oho mater, regard fbr his pecuniary obligations and hit practical economy, he hnd accumulated a competency of the good things of this life uroun 1 him. glass, Oman elected. Emory Boys, Decide Who Their Leaders Wilt He Thu Tenn. • Oxfod. Oct. 9—(Sp,v'lal).—Tho late rest In college poilttea reached tts height this afternoon In die election ot officer, for tha Sophomore mv.l Junior rl:i"*oe The BosbaoiMsa ohose the following ofltcem by acclamation: Dux, Mr. Tuck er Irwin bf Washington Ga.t historian, •Mr. II. S. Phillips of Uve iV«.k. Fit.; prophet. Air J. K. Seals of Oxford. Ga.; chorister. Air. it. W. Oampbelt o( Au gusts, Go.; Chap;jin. Mr. U. K. IVrlxht Hood’s Sarsaparilla Ton smile at the Ides But If you ruder from Dyspepsia And Indigestion, try a bottle, anil before you have taken lialf a dozen doses, you will Involuntarily think, atul no doubt exclaim, fcThat Just Hits It!” Tint soothing effect Is a magic r .touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla gent- > ly tones and strengthens the stom- „ sch and illitestivo organs, Invig orates the liver, creates a natural, Healthy desire for food, gives re- freshing sleep, and In short, raises tho health tone of the entire sys- 4 tcm.. Remember Sarsa parilla Hood’s Cures Hood’s pills cure liver Ills. 29s- TUROW IT AWAY. % Thvre's no lonfw ony Dtcxi of wearing clumty. W cbaflng TruMtA which give only |<*rtial rvlkf at b«t, nertr cun*, but often Inflict great injury, Intlmlng IntUcamaUon, alranjcuUUou and death. HERNIA k l Mn°J matter of how long or of what ni*\ to promptly and pcrmanf'ntiy cured without tbo knife *:n4 without pain. Another Triumph la Costtmtivt Surpsry it the cur*. Of Ovarian, Fibroid nnd other A U Dlvivu, \nrwtJ*w, without the pcnU of rutting opr rations. PILE TUMORS, 5SB22JSB diotfu-tt of the lower bowel, promptly curvd “~ or rtwort to the kulfe. - in the lthoijer. no matter how large, Is crushed, pulverised, sad wft*h.ed out, thus avoiding cutting. STRICTURE ^ISS-JnSSm*! cutting. Ahun-ltnt Kctcrcnt-v, and Psinph- alxoe .lu-vu^s. KOt .-.led, In plumctt. nkn to ct-. (stamp,). Wonprs lh-riuv- susr Msuicsl Ast^cuTtox, uisslo, N.y. Stationery, Monograms, Wedding Invitations and visiting cards engraved at lowest price*. No de lay; work done by skill ed workmen in our establishment. Bend for samples and prices. J. P. Slovene St Bro.. Jewelers. 47 Whitebait street, Atlanta, Oa. of Phoenix. Vo.: secretary and treasu rer, -Mr. G. H. Alktn of Zebulon, Ga.; dude. Air. J. H. Battle of Barnett, Ga ; pugilist, Air. J. M. L. Hardeman of Ox ford as. Those gentlemen hold office until Jun ior spring term. Tho Junior election was very close and exciting from atari to finish, the two oaindldatea for Dux being almost equnlly papular and both very able men. Mr. J. E. Ball of Griffin. Oa., de feated hi* opponent. Air. W. A. Coving ton of M'alraro, Ga.. by m majority of one vote. ’.Mr. Covington I* a gentleman of high intellectual powers and posness- <« the duailltles of mind and heart that make a mull an acknowledged lender nmnng hi. fellow*. There I* much re gret rgpremed at 'he misunderstanding Which caused his defeat, but In Atr. Hell the chun secured a leader who will be <in honor to Ms class. iMr. J. C. McRae of Walden wiu) cho sen historian; Mr. J. B. Thrasher of WutktnsvMIe wns elected to the office of prophet. ’The history and prophecy .ire to be read In tlhe nubile exercises on class tree day. Senior year, 1X90. Mr It. B. Leo of Covtnwton was honored with the position of class poet. Mr. Lee will compose a poem for public recital claos tree day. Three of tho officers were elected unanimously. They are Mr. Roger S. Crittenden of Shollman, Ga., soaretary and iroaiturer: Mr. .7. c. Jenkins of Blilloh. Oa. dude, nnd Mr. O U. Wll- O.JX of I,umber CRy. pugilist. .Mr. W. W. Dliekei! of Oxford. Ga., wa* elected chorister, and Atr. Olln Dcnn of Oxford chaplain. These oilleero nre elected for the ircmalnder of the college course. It la rumbred thalt the several defeat ed candidates have formed n eoctcty'of mutual admiration and fidelity and ee- l«dt«l os their motto the tenth beati tude, "Blcvmed is ho that expec-.eth nothing; (or be shall not be dkaappo nt- ed. ’ However this may be. It ts cer tain that one wa* board to repeat aoftly to himself, as he wendnl hla way wea rily to his place ot abode; "Of all sad wbrrts of tongue or pen, Tho onddest nre these. It might have been." Thcso elections nractlcalty end the po litical con-testa for some months to fiJJ"'. the exception of a few of- An-cl *° iwlnor Importance. "The senior grave and thoughtful And the frcwhmnn tough nnd green; Tho Juntbr and the sophomore. Are feeling all serene." NELLIE M’HENUY WIU Bo Seen nt Two Performances Today—Matinee nnd Night. A Now Orleans paper says: Nellie McHenry, tlio vivacious farce- comedy actress, and n ntrong company, appeared nt tlio Grand Opera huuse Inst evening In “A Night at the Cir cus." It was the opening ulglit und a good audience wca ou hand. The play Is well known here, nnd Miss Motion- ry's popularity with theatre-goers was shown in the continual applause sho received every time alio appeared. Bile .» a svVcot, sprightly woman, with splendid gifts and never falls to Had tier way Into tho hearts of spec tators. tu New Orleans, where she h is appeared u groat many times. Atlas McHenry has won innumerable friends, not only by reason of her great quail- ths, u» an actress, but also beoause she Is n la-rfoot lady The support tho star received was excellent. Mr. J. U. Bradbury, as SIg. Bonanza, an Ideal "fake" circus manager. Is an actor of decided taleut; Indeed, ho may be nuiked as a genius in ills Hue. Ills duel with Xelllo McHenry, "Don't Von Thluk So," nml his sere nade, which was not a song, but an imltal.ou of tho xylofihoue, were among the hits of tho evening and re ceived generous applause. Sir. Wil liam Horry, as “Kicker," made a lilt In the small'port allotted to him. Mr. John Webster, as “Archibald Jtanger,’* was excellent. This gentleman is good in everything be undertaken Miss Ilorluo Dymmoek as Atm FHake was quite plroslng, her tinging of “Sweet Marie" receiving nn eueoro. She lias a well cultivated contralto voice and slags with great taste aud feeling. The Taylor Sisters were quite pleas ing, Iholr Spanish song to n guitar ac companiment and ether «pee tattles making a hit. On the whole, "A Night at tho Cir- I cut" ts ■ l>Ugh*bit extravaganza, cab l eulated to please the {addle. There will lx- a matinee at 2 p. tn. today; also porf.vnnaueo tonight at the Aeademy of Atuslc. "Where ore jrau going, my pretty matdT I'm going to see Nellis MsHenry. slrf she sakl. •'Atsy I go with you. my pretty maid? If you pay for tho tickets, sir!" she said. “What will we see there, my pretty The best of faree remedies, sir;’ she raid. “With abvgtnt and dancing, my'pretty ms Id? Tht finest on esdih. sir!!" she said. •Tm glad I went with you. my prtity matd. Wes it not charming, otr!" she svIJ. “Now will you marry me, my pretty SUlit I»r. Price's Cream linking Powder 1 Wottf-a Fair tliahest McJgl and Olptom*. SILKS. $1 pur yard for Black Silks worth 25 per cent, more, SILKS. Beautiful Chanpc- S<:>^ able- Silks for Shirt '' Wai8t«75ctoS1.35 SILKS. At 75c we are showing Beautiful line novelty Blacks SILKS. Drapery Silks, Eve ning Silks and Silks for Fancy Work. , The only Professional Modiste in the city, and the most accomplished in. the South. New York factlities at your doors at far less expense. Patrons delighted. Orders pouring in. Don’t make the mistake of'having your 'duress made before consulting i|8. Tho latest things in VnnDyko and Moire Jets, .Narrow Gimps, Sontacka Braids, Fur Trimmings, etc. We are doing the dry goods business of tho town. You may fool some folks, but you can’t fool the wholo town. Follow the crowds. Don't buy any thing In our line before seeing us. Tho correct thing in Dress Goods. Tho correct thing In Dress Trim mings. 500 pieces Dross Goods, embracing all tho newest colorings, ranging in price from 20 cents to $1.50 per yard. 800 beautiful Novelty Snlts $5 to $1S. BURDEN, SMITH S Co TIIE DRY DOCK IS SAFE. No Danger to Naval Property at Port Royal From tho Gale. Washington, Oct 0.—Commodore Matthews, chief of navy yards aud docks/ received a telegram this after noon from Capt C. U. Rockwell, com manding tho naval Btatton at Port ltoyal, S. C., where a government dry dock Is now under construction, that a heavy cyclone was blowing there, tho centre being apparently to tho west ward. A heavy tide was expected to night, but preeauUons had' been taken which would possibly prevent much damage to naval property. The department of state has received from tho Chilean government tbo full amount of Uio awards linido to Ameri cans by tbo recent Chilean claim com mission. aggregating more tlinn $25(1.- 000. Tho commission adjourned July 0. mid the Chileans liavo exhibited re markable promptness In setUtug tlm claims. USE HOLMES’ AfOUTlI WASH. Prepared by Dre. Holmm & Atation. Den;tints, 550 Mulberry Street. It cures bleeding gums, ulcers, sore mouth, sore throat, deans the teedh atul purifies the breath. For. sale by all druggists. Thotsraeet nndhejt Win- terwhent S& r s ••• UNDINE. Crushed TVtlddltp'gs Flours The only Flour nf Its kind, and tho host of any kind. It Is nimln by a secret pro cess known to but two perions. $100,000 hat been offered for tha Knowledge- Tito' Undine Is the boat flour sold In Georgia. T. Y. Johnson, Miller, Ga. Tho Undine gives perfect satisfac tion. J. H. Stillwell. Luella, Ga. NOEL MILL COMPANY. Estlll Springs, Tenn, ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADINd. FIFTEEN WORDS OR MORE. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS,THAN 15 CTA WANTED. WANTED—A medium size Iron safe. Address, F., care Telegraph. WANTED—Few regular boarders and families to take meals at 517 New street. Terms rcnstonnble. WANTED—To sell you a *94 model Donum,,re typewriter, brat niuctiine tu the world. J. E. Attnter, agent. 'Phone No. 2S3. WANTED—Parties desiring drosses made tn the la test’styles and at prices to suit the dimes. Call at 1113 Plum srteet, between Finn nnd Second street, nml they oan be accommo dated. FOR RENT-Seven-room residence, 8*6 Clinton street, East Macon, with cne aero garden. Three minutes from elec tric cars. Very desirable; price* low. Ap ply at Macon Savings Bank. MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTED VEGETABLES—Spargels- ■pltzen, Stangeutfpdrzel, perlzwlebeln. pfeff€p£urken, <Gurken salat, Senf- gurken, Rosonkofail, Blumenkohl, Junge Garrotter, Gemisehete Genvuse G. G. Toole. HOLMES £ COUTTS* celebrated extra- yoast crackers retail at toe low price of 10c a pound. 100 BUSHELS south Georgia sreil rye, low price. Also seed barley, onion seta, etc., ut Georgia Seed Jompany, Poplar street, opposite city market. SMOKED tongues, extra large size; our own cures. Georgia Backing Oomtxmy. CLASSES for FsenCh, English, literature and history, music.- Highest references. Miss Isabella NIcholls, 475 Orange street. SARATOGA CHIPS are all the rage, ask your grocer for them. CHAPES In fiveipound baskets, 25c. W. G. (Miduicibrooks. . LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells .it. WESTERN dressed beef, the best to be had in this market. Also fresh and cured meats of all descriptions. We sell nothing but khe best'. Geor- gla P-ickng Company. FOR SALE—One magnificent new Ct>- lumbia bicycle. Has never been used. Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele graph ofllce. - NORFOLK and Savannah oysters and Choice fresh fish at Dopson, Clarke & Daniel’s. ' • ' UHOUER’S bread raising la the beat bread prepara Uon made. Try it. CENTRA!* give me 106. is thkt air. Keen? Yes, medom. Please send me two boxes Saratoga chips, i think they are excellent. C5 CENTS buystf five-pound Ibaskots finest graipcs at W. G. ftllddlebrooks. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb; TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER la the beat made. Have you tried It? FOUND—$5; owner can get same by calling on O. W. Hays nt 622 Poplar street, and payilng for advertisement. 100 BUSHELS south Georgia seed rye, low price. Also se*<l barley, onion sets, etc.', at Georgia Seed Company, Poplar street, opposite city market. OLD PAPERS for wrapping, 25 cents per hundred at the Telegraph office. GENTLEMEN wrtio left dues with eervanit <at Commercial Club an Stut- urduy, please report his name ho A. W. Reese, secretary. FINE Norfolk oysters. Dopson, Clarke & Daniel’s. HOLMES & COUTTS’ BISCUITS and oakes are made from new materials of tho very highest standard of ex cellence; they have been awarded *he premium over all competitors wher ever exhibited, and »ii*e pronounced the finest manufactured in 'tho world. If you use cakes or biscuits, why not buy the best. Sold by the leading fancy grocers. . OYSTERS, oysters, oysters. Dopson, Clarke & Daniel. WE HAVE a fat of tinware we will give away for wrappers of large pack ages of Rhorer’s Bread Raising. W. • C. Turpin & Co. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—The Patterson place. No. 253 College street, nine rooms; all modern conveniences: barn, stobleB. Lot iOxfSO. Law price go an approved teoont. Geo. W. Duncan & Co. FOR RENT CHEAP—Two or throe newly papered ntce room*:- call and see them. 115 Third street. FOR r.HNT-New house on New street. Apply to \V. 8. Payne at Payne & Wlt- Un&h sen's. FOR RENT—Large and convenient board ing house: Oak atreet, near Fourth. Terms reasonable. Jullen & Rods era, administrator. FOR RENT—531 Orange atreet: seven rooms, iraa and outer, oar tine. Ap ply to J. N. throb. FOR RENT—Nine-room residence. 1« Cole street. CaK on Foote Bronson, telephone 193, for particulars. FOR RENT.—Store Nor MS Cotton are- nuc. Also Warehouse o:i tide sixth street, and atoMs with U stake. Ap ply to Jenkins at Guernsey’* shop, FOR. r.ENT—One hendreYacre fUrm and lmprovemeatt. Columbus road near dty, f< r next year. Juliea S. Rodgers, administrator. IMPORTED PRESERVES — Lnaff's brand—Alc-lange, walnuts, kerne, uprl- coson, SUMiNbeeren, maronen, an- ama erdbeeren, qultten, Jugehutten, kerschvn, hhnbeoren, hosluttse, ■nxindeln, relncclanden. Moral's Brand—Cherlser, fralses, macedoines, mlrabelles, frambojses. apricots, polnes, gro»Mlh'a-au-Jus, O. G. T»le. TURPIN'S BAKING POWDER Is made of pure ensam ot tnrtar and soda and la guaranteed strictly pure. To In duce you to try Turpin's Diking Puw- dw we will, for a short time, give roch i„".i.;-l i-m of iwwder a pound cun of Holmes & Coutis' cele brated oakes or saltlnes both for 40 cents. Turpin's is sold by the lead ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking Powder Company. Macon, Ga. GOOD ROOMS, first-class fare at the Gray house, one block from Union de pot. on car line. 454 Pine. Mre. II. JL Gray. HOUSEKEEPERS we will give 100 pounds Dewdrop Pastry Patent Flour for the best loaf made out of it. Entries must be at exhibit south side Floral Hat! by- noon October 24. Jno. O. Holmes & Co., sole agents. FOR HI'NT—Four room cottrg* on hill: neighborhood. George V. Steed. 36* Mulberry street, or C. P. Steed. Ex- chance Bank build:ns. 2fBW GOODS—tPreeerves in bulk and mince Vlrjr.nU). e\-upor. bulk, o.U flake, oat In bulk, oKvee In all prunoj. Ftvoch BKK&ld In bottles aud In bulk, genuine Imported mac- oxvml, Edam, P.nea-pplie and Amer- loan cheese. F-ir.'i.i. corn starch, cocoa, dbooobftfttk etc. &ralrh & Bro. SAFETY IS THE KEY-NOTE Of human conviction, nnd by demon strating the safety of EQUHTABLE BUILDING AND LOAN STOCK, the Association has secured the confidence of the people. Lord Mansfield said, “the best Invest ments for security and Income are first mortgages on real estate.” Stock In the EQUITABLE BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATON Is se cured by first mortgages on .Improved real estate, In doublo the amount, which are held by the Union Savings Bank and Trust Company, as trustee, and nothing but an earthquake can dislodge them. The Equitable will Issue this month 55,009 WORTH OF 8 PER CENT. GUARANTEED STOCK at J100 per Share. This stock guaran tees 8 per cent.- cosh dividends, payable semi-annually, and can be withdrawn at any time after six months. Appli cants will be served In turn. GEO. A. SMITH, General Manager. Room 4 Exchange Bank Bank Building FORSAL The Handsome 2-Story BRICK RESIDENCE, With Basement, No. 636 ORANGE STREET. Containing nine room., with three bath rooms, hot and cold water. All modern conveniences. The house has been re cently papered and overhauled from top to bottom and is in strictly first-class condition. It has a large frontage on Orange street and Ross Park, and only halt block from Indian Spring car line. It Is located bn the hill. In as good neighborhood ns Macon affords. It Is undoubtedly the prettiest and most de sirable place new tm the market. For sale low and on easy terms. For further Information call on - It Real Estate Agents. COTTON. I wl>h to Inform my friends nnd pa trons that I have moved across Poplar street, opposite my old stand, and with improved facilities and more conveniently arranged warehouse, I am belter prepared than ever to handle their cotton to «d- vantage. Consignments always receive my prompt and personal att«niLan. NESV ROOPf CORRECT WEIGHTS! HIGHEST PRICES! SATISFACTION GUAR A NEED1 ELLIOTT ESTES. S17-S3 Poplar atreet DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. The firm of CarsUrphen & TUlmar hsa bien dissolved by mutual consent, T. J. Ciratamhen and H. J. Thomas retiring. All persons indebted to l firm are hereby notified to come and settle at once, otherwise the clal against them will be pi need in the hands of an attorney for collection. W. S. Carstarphen and H. F. Tillman will continue business at the old stand on Second atreet and T. J. Carstarphen will continue business at hta warehouse corner Seventh and Pine streets. Eith er member of the old firm la authorised to receipt for payments due old firm. This September 19. 1S94. T. J. • CARSTARPHEN. H. J. THOMAS. CARSTARPHEN & TILLMAN. r MAGNIFICENT O Securely bound in handsome icloth, now ready for headers If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volumo and if you did not it is the next best thing to a visit. Come and see it When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely boimd for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SNAP SHOTS OP THE Worlifs Fair fl PtrKa stnfwtf 1 wtml msat s m‘4 mtra m «mr ytxi-v*