Newspaper Page Text
A Batch of, Nawiy Items Furnished by.
tha Hustling Correspondents
of the Telegraph,
Sir. IJ. D. Wadklnr, Ilia To aril Marshal of
Caaintlle. Slioofa sir. Win. Xwlnrtl.
to Omtli In » tlraal Fl(t'it“
Wadklu. tl ounrt.d.
Camilla. Out. 10—(Spec let) -la*.
light ait 7:80 o'clock, the quiet ot our
peaoeaJbl* town was disturbed by the
rapid drlmr of (thou bn Main
■trees. tn front of the atore ot P. D.
MoRee. After (the tiring had oeaeed. It
me found ithait Mr. D. U. Wefiklnu, the
town man*hat. and Mr, W m. M. Swindle
were the partlee enraged tn the el»»t-
Ing. There were about elx allot* fired
by both MHUle*. end the rrmilt wn* Mr.
Swindle Wi* IneUantly kitted,, he being
■hot In five or elx place* In the body
awl terribly ahot In the (head. He
breathed hie-teat a few minute* after
tbe firm* had oeaacd. Mr. Wadklna.
the marshal, wae eerlouety ffhot, hl« le*
bone n few Inchea above the ankle be
ing broken Into by one, of (the ahotn
from the Uatol of Mr Swindle-' There
had been bnd, feelfnx between tho mar
shal and Mr. Swindle for tnontba, and
trouble wee feered between them when
they abould meet. Boob were deter
mined men.
Thu body of Mr. Swindle will be bur
led here today.
Mr. Wadklna haa hod medical atten-
tlbn. add tt le feared by hi* phyalcwns
that tots le* will have to bo amputated.
The affair boa caused much excite
ment here, and much regret am on* our
people. There t« very male know no t
Che'origin of this *on».ytlon<U dimcuRy,
and no one aoema to know who llred the
artt ahot. The community regret tho
aerloiM difficulty wtolch hfw occurred,
and bow that from suoh awful scene*
men may learn prudence find oe 1 f-con
Tho Town la Growing Rapidly, De
ep! to the Times.
Oglethorpe. Oot . lO-tSpoolaD.-Tho
splendid growth of tihlu ancient town for
the past few month* Jin* been surpris
ing, indeed, but most gratifying to ev
erybody friendly Ho tho place The mag-
MaostWJMW court house. When <»m-
pleted. wilt bo the prldo of every cltl-
Ben of the county, wtille the big bell of
the clock will mnitenl.illy na*l«t the loud
nnd cox roc rook of the manufacturing
plant here tn kcenln* work bourn for
tho bund rede employed In it* hearing.
Thireo handsome new double-story
-brick stores have recently been com
pleted, and everv Inch of them. In en
gaged or ooeuoled. Another I* being
built, and oorvtraot la. let for three
mono, and :ia soon us tho cottVui season
ends a new warehouse wilt take the
plaoe of Clio wvodan one so long ft pop
ular pMcc.
Tlie RatMMts ha\io accepted the plana
for a charming and mdern church edi
To be ghbrt, (progress I* the word here
now. and 1n a year more Oglethorpe
will bo one of aouthwent Georgia's love
liest sort.*.
BuabH-sa la good bene, and cotton Is
naming In oout a* fast na It can be
tmmated. wWch moans very rapidly.
Thin I* 'the home of the handsomest,
olmwdcwt and moot sucretwful polttl-
cal work era In the country, and nn-
wOicre In Oeoreda Obi Democrat* do
mono Mrvtoc to the party than here,
lull (|ho vlotory nuhlpved over such u
cine* ot men os were contended with la
n source of «elf-coturrmtuhitU»n nnd a re
flection on the nputhlata in the Demo
cratic ranks In ho mo of the Georgia
towns which could be quickly men-
tf-m-d. MrtivSnillvIll.' w.i* "i.. hiuim'i-
DomocrvVlle town In this week’n election,
and never wne tt marc opportune.
Tho corn and nseuit crop of Mncon
county U undeniably ehe largest - for
years, ami thl* fact In Reelf will great-
,)y realm tho panicky feeling glint would
o’.lwnrla*) ovorwhelmn the planter*.
■What la Going on In That Thriving
• 'Blbertnn, Oct. 10.-<Speclun-Mr. 8.
L. darter, who edict and killed Mr.
Ed Daniels last Thursday morning, I*
still In'Mil. Mr. Daniel*’ father, who
roalden 1n Atlanta, cane down and
hUd a warrant for murder issued
against Mr. darter, but owing to the
tunesa of Jtttce Pr-rtlltt of the county
court, the court of Inquiry lias been
postponed ten days. Tho general Im
pression 1* Hint voluntary manslaugh
ter (a the highest grade he cm be com-
mRted for. If he 1* hot dlabhargod.
It «s now reported that the election
for representative In Elbert will be
contested and that the governor hu*
been notified of the fact. Mr. J. N.
Worley, the DemocniWc member elect,
received 4*1 majority over Dr. J. B.
Bell, his PoputlM competitor, no * con*
ghlerable anioimt ot fraud will have to
be shown U> change the result.
Last Saturday nigh* tbs gin house
of Mr. Thoim* Warren, a young man
living about lea mile* above Elbeeton,
was destroyed by fire, together with
thirty bales of cotton, a large quantl.
ty of seed, a press and many other
things. The fire was Incendiary. A
young white man tn the neighborhood
hiul made Threats of doing Warren
damage. Track- were found leading
to wad from Orawford'a house. Craw-
fbrd Stan amwtrel Sunday -morning
and his shoe waa found to fit the track.*
precisely. Hr was carried before Jue-
Carbanrle* Large as Hen's Eggs I
Mr*. N’anmk UovutMAK. of IkUiifirlOa,
Kvie ll'tf.’uim Ox fit, wnlrt a* folio**:
" For nbout eight or ten ye*r* rar father.
Col. T. U. nfli of Ifint J \rtnt, m_ sra* 1*1,1
op with eartMiiunt, tb* worst that 1 rwrmw.
lie fated everything he heard of, hla doctor
could do nothing for
Col. T. U. Food.
Hr. I
Meiltcel Discovery
I,lmi for nil I looa
disorder*. 1- foe* te
had takun l.uf-o-
u imu in j i-uis ui i. suiu t ujv'jo ffvuu inviui.
Wedding Jnvlutlor* _
visiting cards engraved
at lowest price*. No de
lay; work done by iWflj
ed workmen In our establishment. Send
fbr samples and prices J. P. Stevens
St Bro.. Jewelers. 47 Whitehall street.
Atlanta. Go.
tlce C. T. Bond,'and'the Justice waiv
ing tflhe fact that It was Sunday, beard
the evidence awl commuted young
Crawford to Jail where he 4s likely to
remain until tbe grand Jury meets
next month.
The Democratic party Is actively at
work In Elbert courtly, preparing for
the congressional election in Novem
The county court of Elbert county
will be Abolished and n city cOurt es-
tmbnshed in its place when ttie legfftta-
tture meets. The-grand Jury bss so
•Moultrie, Odt. 10.—(Special.)—Now
since bhe election has passed off so
quietly, everything is hesuming its
normal condition.
The vote polled In this county •was
the largest ever polled here. The en
tire vote amounted to 1,002, the Dem
ocrats getting 202 majority. We hear
no cries of “fraud,*" the Populists
claiming that everything was fairly
Hone. The election managers were
equally divided at all precincts except
Thigpen, nnd there wn* not a Demo
cratic vote In ttfrat precinct of 67 votes.
The Populists here voted against all
amendments, but fflHed to specify the
tewnendtnenU by referring to the sec
tions, on tides, etc. The votes would
doubtless not stand the test If *tihey
wore ruled toy the law, by counting
them the amendment* passed 1n Col
quitt by « small majority,
'Moultrie rtow beams of the youngest
mayor in the state. In our recent mu
nicipal election the ticket led by Mr.
Robert L. Shipp, a yourfg lawyer of
*hls place, waA elected by ft majority
of t'0. Mr. .tfhlpp la only 22 years okl,
but will doubtless make ti mayor of
whom Moultrie will be proud.
. Shady Dale. * Oot. 10-(Special).-The
awetMng hftnwe of Mr. J. C Wynn wns
(Vwtroydd last nUojrt by Are. The house
had just been bum by Mr. C. R.Hodge,
who had given it to iMro, Wynn, who
was his daughter. The house was situ
ated In *the eerttier of thq town, nnd It
created a greu*t deal of excitement, as
It looked Mko cvefry business house was
on lire. Tho tusu is about $750—no In
surance. Tho kitchen was a pant of an
old structure, and It waa there .the nro
mar bed. lit either caught from the
stove or it was the work of «n Incen
A Fruit Girl Who ISecamo tho Wife of an
Ohio LfcUUtor,
An Interesting nnd romantlo blfcof truth
can bo told concerning tho oarlyllfo of the
wife of ono of Ohio's most gifted legisla
tors. Twenty years ago In tv email Ohio
town nestled among the hills of tho Hock*
Ing valley lived n llttloglrl of 8 years, with
blnokeyeis short, curly hair, clear brunetto
skin nnd known by tho appropriate nnmo,
Gypsy. Tho men who were commercial
travelers In thoso days who wero frequent
ly along tho road will remembor Gypsy ns
sho swung ho wolf on tho car stops as tho
train pulled in, with a blue coat and cap
nnd n large basket of fruit and confec
tionery on her arm. Bho would pass from
coach to conch, disposing of her warc3.
Bho rode to nnd from tho depot in tho
great bus or on passing drays nnd wotild
mnko frequent sales cn route. Gypsy waa
a gcnornl favorite both with tho citizens
on tho t rnln and with tho traveling publlo.
Thu Uttlo girl was tho main support of thu
family, ns both tho father and brother
woro addicted to drink. At tho ago of 1 i
Gypsy realised r ho could not well continue
tho work sho had so long and successfully
enyiignl in. Tl:o operators and depot em
ployees wore greatly interested In tho
child, and n generous, well to do, cldorly
man tendered her ns a loan n sum sufll-
ciont to moot noceiwiry oxpcnscs while tho
studied telegraphy. Tho offer was accept
ed. Later sho wont to Columbus and ac
cepted a position ns operator, and It was
hero tho legislator mot her, admired, wooed
and won her. Her husband was elected to
n second term as representative and proved
an active, valuable member of tho house.
Ills wlfo was always admired and loved.
Sho was always bright nnd vivacious. Her
many friends wore gratified that hor lines
should havo fallen In such pleasant places,
as she so Justly deserved they should.—
Columbus Journal.
The Circumference of a Circle*
One of tho most fascinating studios of
tho old mnthcnmt Idans was whnt Is knowu
ns tho valuo of “pi"—pi, tho Greek letter,
expressing tho relation of tho clrouinfcr-
unv of a fin !-• to its diameter.
If tho valuo of pi could bo found exactly,
tho old problem of "squaring tho circle"
might bo solv'd!—that Is, tho sldo of a
square having precisely tho nrcaof a given
olrclo might bo found. But tho valuo of
pi, which is given lu tho arithmetics ap
proximately an 3.14160 can never bo as
certained exactly.
The calculation has been carried to 600
doclmal places without coming to any
series ot repeating decimals. .Mathema
ticians havo now, by means of tholr mod
em methods of analysis, demonstrated
that tho calculation might bo oxtonded
forever without coming to nn exact rrsult.
It is not generally known that thero uro
two numbers of threo digits each whoso
ratio comes surprisingly near that of tho
diameter nnd circumfcrenco of tho circle.
They are 113 and They are to eueh
other ns onoto 3.1416021) plus, whereas tho
valuo of pi Is 3.1416020 plus. Tho differ
ence is so small that it would amount to
ouly 67 miles In tho orbit ot tho earth.
Or, measured by tho time it would tako
tho earth to traverso tho distance, It is an
error of only threo seconds In a year.—
Youth’s Companion.
Salad Dressing.
Mrs. Ronir uses cocoanut water in a
novel way In a salad dressing, for which
sho claims "an unrivaled Haver:" Cut
tho nice, tender and white parts of celery
as for any salad and put them in a bowl.
Grate a cocoanut nnd pour over It n pint
ot boiling water. Let It 6tnnd until tho
water Is cool; then with your hand squeeze
tho cocoanut In tho water. Then press tho
pulp out nud throw It away. Strain tho
milky water through cheesecloth and let
it stand until cold aud a cream rises on
top. Just beforo sending your celery to
tho table scatter over It a tabloepoouful ot
grated onion and a trlflo of a fresh red
popper or a dash of onyenno and a halt
teaspoonful of salt. Skim tho cream from
the top of the cocoanut milk nnd put over
tho celery; then add 2 tablespoon full of
lemon Juleo,—New York Times.
All disciaco of the skin cured, and
loot complexion restored by Jahuson**
Oriental Soap. Sold at Goodwyn St
Small*? drug store.
The beat salve In the world for cuts,
brulaes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all eruptions, and positively
la guaranteed to give perfect aitlsfa-
tlon or money refunded. Price. 25
cett per box. For sale by H. J. Lamar
A Sons, drurglsts.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Woe g‘f Fair Highest Medal and Diploma,
The largest stock
of Best Black Silks
ever seen in Macon.
§1 per yard for
Black Silks worth
25 per cent, more,
Beautiful Change
able Silks for Shirt
Waists 75c to $1.35
At 75c we are
showing Beautiful
line novelty Blacks
Drapery tsilks, Eve
ning Silks and Silks
for Fancy Work.
j The only Professional Modiste in the
city, and the most accomplished in the South. New \ or!;
factlities at your doors at far less expense. Patrons delighted.
Orders pouring in. Don’t make the mistake of having your
Dress made before consulting us.
The correct thing In Dress Goods.
Tho correct thing In Dress Trim
COO pieces Dress Goods, embracing
all tho newest colorings, ranging in
price from 20 cents to $1.50 per yard.
300 beautiful Novelty Suits $5 to $1S.
Tho latest things in, VanDyke and
Moire Jets, Narrow Gimps, Sontnclie
Braids, |Tur Trimmings, etc.
We are doing the dry goods buslnes!
of tho town. You may fool some folks
but you can’t fool the whole town.
Follow the crowds. Don’t buy any.'
thing In our line before seeing 113.
He Attended the Trl-Sta:te Medical Con
vention In (Atlanta..
(Dr. Mark O' Daniel came down from
Atlanta. last night Whore !w; has been
for the past day or itwo attending tho
Tri-State ‘Medical Convention.
The doctor reports n convention that
was greatly beneficial to the profes
sion. There were, he said, -many of
the country’s n»« distinguished med-
4enl leclurers present, whose addresses
were greatly enjoyed by the doctors.
Tho resorts of Tennessee ere doing 1
splendid buslnees this season. The
Southern railway, western system, le
the direct route to these resorts and you
•hculd ask for your tickets via that
Elegant free observation coaches be
tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. A
through coach for Tates Springs laaves
Chattanooga ut 7 a. m. and arrives at
Tates at 13:45 t>. m. Sleeper on this train
to Washington and Now York.
The seashore express leaves Atlanta
7:50 p. tn.' for St. Simons and Cumber
land Islands.
Three dally fast trains each way be
tween Macon and Atlanta and Rome
and Chattanooga.
Travel the Southern railway, western
system, for safety, eoeed anil comfort.
Call tin Jim W. Carr, passenger and
ticket agent, Mncon: J. J. Farnsworth,
district passenger agent, Atlanta. Ga.:
C. A. Benscoter. assistant general pa*,
sengcr agent. Knoxville. Tenn.
$3 and $4, Phillips’ Derbies
Watches repaired at Lazarus’.
nnd bout Wln«
tap Wb ant
Flour Mill Plant
In tho World.
©rushed ItfllddU-pg* ‘Flour*
Tho only Flonr of Its kind, nnd tho best ot
any kind. It Is mado l>y» .oorot pro
cess knowu to but two persons.
$100,000 has teen offered forth, Knowledge
Tho Undine Is the best flour sold in
Georgia. T. Y. Johnson, Miller, Ga.
Tito Undluo gives perfect rctUsfitC-
tion. J. II. Stillwell, Luclln, Ga.
EstlU Springs, Tcnn.
WANTED—To ecu you a ’31 model
Denomore typewriter, best machine
In tho world. J. B. Minter. agent.
'Phone No. 2SJ.
WANTED—Parties desiring dresses
made la the latest styles and at prices
to suit tho (times. Call at (In Plum
srteet, between First and Second
street, and 4hcy oan be accommo
WANTED.—Customer* for best coal on
market at 11 per ton. We sell only fur
cash and give you th- benefit. Telephone
IS. or cull corner Sixth und Cherry
streets. Carlton & Jenkins.
WANTED.—ladles tn each county to so
licit rami*** for our n*w krwM ta
electricity. Endorsed by the most prom.
Inent electrician* and physicians wher
ever tested. Address General Agent,
cor* Corbett House.
FOR RENT.—Office and gentlemen's
sleeping rooms. Apply at Macon Sav
ing. Bank.
FOR RENT—The Patterson place. No.
5S3 College street, nine rooms; all
modern conveniences; barn, stables.
Lot TOxttO. Low price to nn approved
tenant. Oeo. W. Dunoon & Co.
FOR RENT—New house on New atrecL
Apply to W. ti. Payne at Payne & Wil
ling ham's
FOR RENT—Large and convenient boarvl-
tag bouse; Oak street, near Fourth.
Term* reasonable. Jullen S. Rodger*,
FOR RENT—*0 Orange street; seven
rooms, gas and water. o*r line. Ap
ply to J. N. Birch.
FOR RENT—Nine-room residence, li*
Cole street. Chit on FVwte Bronson,
telephone 133, for particulars.
FOR RENT—Seven-room, 3S6
Clinton street, East Macon, with cne
acre garden. Three minutes from elec
tric cars. Very dtsJrable; price low. Ap
ply at Macon Bavins* Funk.
FOR RENT—Bear of second floor, all of
third floor and basement of American
National Bank building.- Constructed
especially for printing office; after Oc
tober 5. R. E. Park.
FOR RENT—Large hall, third floor,
over John R..Ellis’. Triangular block.
R. E. Park.
FOR RENT.—Store No. 213 Cotton av
enue. Also warehouse on side, Sixth
street, and stable wfdh ten stalls. Ap
ply to Jenkins at Guernsey’s shop.
FOR SALE—One magnificent new Co
lumbia bicycle. Has never been used.
Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele
graph office.
PERCH, bream, trout, rod snappers and
oyatera. A, A. Cullen.
HOLMES & COUTTS’ CtiMbiwtftd extra-
yooist (fnUckera retail at tihe low price
of 10c a pound.
LEMONS. Banawx, apples, potatoes, on
ions nnd grapes. Telephone lb6. A. A.
SMOKED tfong*ues, extra large size;
our own cures. Georgia Packing
FRESH OYSTERS and flah of all kinds.
Telephone 186. A. A. CUWen.
CLASSES for French, English, literature
and history, music. Highest references.
ML* Isabzlla Nlcholls, 475 Orange street.
WHEN you want any freeh flsh and oys
ters don’t forget to telephone 186. A. A.
SARATOGA CHIPS are all tne rage. Ask
your grocer for them.
HEADQUARTERS for Swiss, Neufchatel,
cream and all other cheese at Kahn &
Htrsch’s. Armory building, comer First
and Poplar streets.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells
JUST 'received new Holland herring, Vi
enna thuck and ring sausages at Kahn
& Hlraoh’s.
WESTERN dressed beef, •the beat to
be had In this market. Also fresh
and cured meats of all descriptions.
We sell nothing but «he best. Geor
gia Packng Cccnpuny.
OUR No. 1 breakfast Java coffee guaran
teed the. finest In the world. Give it a
trial and be convinced. Kuhn & Hlrsch,
leaders of fancy groceries and delica
NORFOLK and Savannah oysters and
Olroibe fresh flsh at Dopson, Clarke
& Daniel’s.
OLIVES within reach of all; finest se
lected stock ever seen in Mkcon at Kahn
& Htrsch’s.
RHORER’8 bread raising is the best bread
preparation made. Try it.
chicken and turkey and deviled entre
mets at the leading fancy grocers,
Kahn & Hlrsch.
CENTRAL, give me 1V9. Is that Mr.
Keen? Yes. madam. Please send me
Uvo boxes Saratoga chips, l think they
are excellent.
it&Y DOG —Red Irish setter puppy.
Owner can. get by applying at Methodist
Orphan Home.
gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb.
THAT OLD BOX Is unhandy. Why not
get a new coal scuttle for 25 cents at
M. C. liolkcom's. Third street, near
IF SOME BOY took your sponge don’t
cry. M. C. Balkcora will sell you an
other tor 3 cents.
OLD PAPERS for wrapping, 25 cents
per hundred at the Telegraph office.
PLENTY chickens, eggs, butter and fresh
flsh of ail kinds at M. C* Baikcom's,
Third street, near Mulberry.
cokes axe makle from new materials
of the very highest standard of ex
cellence; they have beeu awarded the
premium over nil competitors wher
ever exhibited, and ip* pronounced
the finest manufactured In the world.
If you use cakes or biscuits, why not
buy the best. Sold by the leading
fancy grocers.
WE HAVE a lot of tinware we will
give-away for wrappers of kirge pack
ages of Kborer’s Bread Raising. W.
C. Turpin & Co.
of pure cream of tartar and s.xla
is gumotMd atrietty pure. To in
duce you to try Turpin’s Baking Pow
der we will, for a Abort time, give
with each pound can of powder a
pound cun of Holmes & Courts' cele
brated cakes or xultlnea both for 40
cents. Turpin’s is sold by the lead
ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking
Powder Company, Macon, Ga,
Of human conviction, and by demon
strating the safety of EQUIITABLE
Association has secured the confidence
of the people.
Lord Mansfield said, “the best invest
ments for security and Income are first
mortgages on real estate.”
. Stock In the EQUITABLE ' BUILD
cured by first mortgages on Improved
real estate, in double tho amount,
which are held by the Union Savings
Bank and Trust Company, as trustee,
and nothing but an earthquake can
dislodge them.
The Equitable will Issue this month
at {100 per share. This stock guaran
tees 8 per cent, cash dividends, payable
semi-annually, and can be withdrawn
at any time after six months. Appli
cants will be served In turn.
General Manager-
Room 4 Exchange Bank Bank Building
The Handsome 2-Story
With Basement,
Containing nine rooms, with threa hath
rooms', hot and cold water. All modem
conveniences. The house has been re
cently papered and overhauled from top
to bottom and In strictly first-class
condition. It bos a large frontage on
Orange street and Rose Park, and only
hall block from Indian Spring car line.
It Is located bn the hill, In os good
neighborhood os Macon affords. It U
undoubtedly the prettiest and most de
sirable place Lew on tha market. For
sale low and on easy terms. For further
Information call on
Real Estate Agents.
I wish to Inform my friends and pa
trons that I have moved across Poplar
■treet, opposite my old stand, and with
Improved facilities and more conveniently
arranged warehouse, I am better prepared
than ever to handle their cotton to ad
Consignments always receive my prompt
and personal attention.
517-523 Poplar street.
The firm of Cxratarphen &. Tillman
haa been dUttolved by mutual consent.
T. J. CirstarDben and H. J. Thomas
retiring. All persona indebted to said
firm are hereby notified to come and
settle at once, othepwkse the claims
ags4nst them will be pliced In the
hands of an attorney for collection.
W. & Carstarphen and H. F. Tillman
will continue businens at the old stand
on Second street and T. J. Carstsxphen
will continue business at hta warehouse
corner Seventh and Pine streets. Eith
er member of the old firm is authorized
to receipt for payments due old firm.
This September 19. 1S94.
Yet .. ,,
Securely bound in handsome
cloth, now ready for
If you visited the Fi
you can appreciate this volui
and if you did not it is t
next best thing to a vis
Come and see it. When v
you ever again have an of]
of 180 fine Photographic Vie
handsomely bound for 30 cen
This is all it will cost you
you will clip out the followii
Coupon and bring or send it
The Telegraph.
World's Fair
XMfm PkitfrapUa rinmfl* JO *3*.
imdurnu'y hmmd
Parku ***** muU cacIoh isuU