Newspaper Page Text
at the Lowest Prices. We can
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instant Killer el Pml*.
Internal and External.
If A, I ..-iino JWtck, Hpruin*. iJrnia^s
UntUne)/ Death of a Beloved lady
Curt* lilfcl MATImM. NEURAL-
Of A, I>aino JUck, Hp ruins. Drnioes,
Htlf! Jotntt, COUCAod
CiiAWAH iostcutly. CholeraMor-
f u >.Crcui».Dtptr?r1a, horn Throat
f u •.Cu.Uf.IMpIMrrfa, Boro Throat
HLAJMCllK, tui it bf magic.
LLpmr)»» Powerful and lVo»rtr;Utn«Mnlro*Dtfr>r Mai,
o: U. Mt in fcxt.:trcco. I/irg© «1 rtro'J&L, U>c. *tu> kj>.
MedicatM and Toilet. The Or*at Skin Cure and
.'4c* Beautificr. Lndico will find It the mo-t
dulicare arid highly perfumed Toilet Soap on
lhomarket. Ills absolutely pure. Make-j the
i-kiii aot* otid velvety *nd rr-tor** the lott com*
rlcrion: 1- a Imary for the Bath for lr>fante.
it u!eye ftohlcK, thoH*a!p and promotes
(be ^nnrtb 5? In ' '* r “all* by
Sol. Agents. Cherry. Street and Cotta*
Avenue. If»*'.r,. (»a.
1110(1 & ROS
For the Best COAL
Marelistllvillf, Oct. 13.—(Hpcc'.aL)-
Mra. B. H. llufcr died tbia mcirnluz
at about 11 o'rlwk, after an lllntas of
over flvo week?, during wlitcb time
everything tliat actcncc and loving
care coufil g*vo waa Iwatotvcd upon her.
Ulgln In lit* bloom of yoqtli. Of sfden
did nhyalqtie. of a cheerful diaponition.
and a modal wife and mother. It la
hard to realize that death haa elainuat
her. She leave* a husband and four
little children. licrlileH a large numlier
of rdatlrea and fitCod*. who mourn the
Untimely cJexo of tvhat promined to be
n bright nnd happy life.
Tenntlle. Oct l»-(St>«ctal).—Hon. J. C.
C. Ulack of Augusta apoke her* Thura-
day olgbL lie mi Introdueod by OH.
Thoma. W. Hardwick of BanderavHle,
one of the moat brilliant young attor
ney* of tbia auction, in an appropriate
manner. Although Mr. Ulack did not
apeak by appointment, quite a large
and enthualiurtlo crowd gathered to ll«-
ten to Met For about an hour and u
halt the doouent an tlhratny member
from tha Tooth poured forth a real ft lees
il v,d of nuttohleM bxutory *nd coovinc-
Ins logic. Never did the people of thla
country Helen to a granderepeech, both
from an oratorical and argumentative
ntunUpoint. He took up the Dcn»:ra‘.lc
pUlform and conmared tha octa of con-
gramWith Ite pledge*. He idiowesl how
the Democrat* ware pled god to iho cco-
nomloal admliilatratlon nnd bow they
had redeemed that Pledge by rcdiKtltma
In every depaptiwmt and by caving
murvy miffioni of dollar* annually to the
pdipl* of thla Uliltm. They halt declared
that they vrouhl repeal the Inlqultou*
fotce bill, end they had thane *o. They
atood pledged to ropeel dial "mlacmble
mukeablft.'' the Bhermnn law. nnd they
had done *o. The tariff, although not
all we wanned. wa» a great Intprove-
uiien over the MoKInley law. Then,
to a lag up the Popultti party, ho kindly,
yet clearly, held up the faltacle, In their
platform anti lnm>nej*tenclea of their
oca in (xinemw. He aliowod that wirile
lour Democrat* out of forty-four In the
.wtate had gone wrong, four Fopullat*
out of four had gone wrong; how Sena
tor PeHcr of Kauea* had wanted to tax
unit, anti had Iretradured a bill In ron-
g«M to that effect, because -thoro wiui
a calt mine In Karan*. He did not claim
all political wiedom and virtue for him-
oe.f or hi* porty. Ho thbugbt, however,
that limy wero a* good a* the Populleta.
I’ujiullota arogjted to themettvea all po
litical wisdom and virtue, but, In MaJ.
Uluck'o humble opinion, they were very
human. They were like the Fharktee
In the Wide, who thanked God that he
waa *0 rlgbtroun: but the poor publi
can who stood bv with bowed head and
humble incln -was hotter. IMuJ. Black
tl-.-n closed with it boiutlful tribute to
the women of the South, nnd an enr-
m.d appenl to hie people to have dono
With dlviwlon—(to let -till* Wild
will o' the wt*p go end wlnnd united for
good government nnd honent prlndpleo.
The Hpeooh wan one of the mojl elo
quent and logical ever delivered Ire title
country, and will do much good,
llli; Improvements Being Made Down
nt Duhtlu.
Mr*. Gillum Ha* Gone to H« Dang
„„ Oct. 1»—(Special)Mi*.
Alice Hudson Gtll«m 1* d-id. After a
long Hlnea*. nhe paaied quietly away at
her home on Teban street ye»terd*y nt
12 o'clock. The (unend took pile® from
the house this morning at 11 o'clock.
Urn. ailtam wan the wife of Mr. Jn*.
H. Gillum of thla ptice. who, with two
little girl*, la left ti mourn Jhelr lore
Two brother* of the deceaaed from At-
latitn arc here with their mother, who
etrne from Macon to attend Mr*. OH-
lam In her last Illness.
VV111 B* Heard »t Mulberry turret fifelli*
oil fat Church Tide 91urnlnx-*Dre
Uorrl* Id (luck From the
Presbytery H
A Great Show at the Academy of Music
Next Thursday.
Yon Yoneon." which oomes to the
Academy of Music on Thursday evening
next. Is one of the most elaborate scenic
production* on the ruod. It 1* the prop
erty of Jacob Tollt. the well known man
ager. who nV»o controls "The Ennlgn
and that other great sucmwj. "In Old
Kentucky." Mr. Lttt ha* the reputa
tion of mounting all his plays lavishly.
The. Atlanta Constitution of October 11
eiy*: Quito a clever performance wa*
that given kwt night by Qua Herge and
his splendid oompony In “Yon Yonurjn
Although this 1* the fourth ooaaon the
play has been on tho boirds, It win
given loot night wfth the spirit and
da*h that would rtiaractcrlzo it* llmt
night, and with euch a strong support
for Sir. Heege It cun bo truly jiald that
the pity has lost nothing, hut haa
grown btittar bv reason of age. Tho
writer set-mu to have put all hi* skill
and talent tirto the workmanship of the
production, for It le strong rend yet
ilght, funny, romantic, ami In part*
tragic, thus keening the audience
thrilled from hoglrenln* tb end with va
rying emotions.
Heege takes the roloo f "Yon Yon-
ton." nnd this I* auflktcnt to tell how
well the dlnlect work bf the port Is car
ried out. as well a* tho comedy and
droll humor.
The (lnu act send* the curtain up over of rollicking fun In n walling
room on a Western railroad. In this act
fi.ulle Connolly doe* line work, Indeed.
In her dUKM* the take-off on Carmen-
etta I* tipronrlouslr funny.
Sidney Craven n* "Vanderbilt Boots,”
a real estate boomer: J til— S. Kuscl as
'John T. Holloway." C. E. Pease os
•a(T.dd Hairourt.” (he Rng1li»!i tour
ist. Cora Many as "Grace .Tcnntngs."
Daisy I/>verhig ns "Jennie Morin," all
render excellent oervlco (n the support
of the piny, and do such Work that Is
far above the ordinary In comedy dra
In tho scocnd act the stage setting*
are perfect In the representation of n
great lumber canto out West in n nnow
111. In this :l I 11 - i ,.;i -dal ' l.-Tl
must be mad* of the excellent selec
tion* by (he Boston lumbermen's quar
tette, conelntlng of Messrs. Craven,
Pease nnd Corns.
One of the attractive features of the
services at the Mulberry Street Method-
let church this morning will be the sing-
pig of Mr*. Clifford. Williams of Wealeynn
Female College! Mrs. Williams will ting
a, seta during, Jhe service. She la one of
the moat accomplished vocalists (hat Ma
con has ever had and oiie la always list
ened to with Interest.
Dr.. S* L. Morris haa returned from the
meeting of the presbytery and will oc
cupy, hi* pulpit today at 11 a. m. and 7JO
o'clock p. m.
At Christ ohurch this morning and to
night the following programme will be
rendered In pddltlon to the usual hynlns:
Venlte Exultetpu* WOaotl
Gloria Pntrl Groetorex
TrDeum Dudley Buck
Jubtbtta Mathe#*
Olfertory—"I Waited for the Lord."
Gloria PatH Jacobs
Cantata Dank*
Benodlc Atrtma M«a Jacob*
Offertory—Holy Offering* inch nnd
Hare." Redhead
Dublin, Oct 13.—(Special.)-Thero
huvo recently hecu lev oral changes
among file merehimts here, t.ipl
Brooks .linvo moved Into their new
hrict store. John Adams has mini up
their old stand with furniture and nil
the appurtenances of housekeeping. To
these will be mined musical Insim-
niculs from a Jew-sharp to u piano. A
oamly factory and a country will soon
he Marled. J. w. Smith of Johuson
counTy tvlir lio the proprietor. Tho
br.ek from Ohapmau ft- Halford's yawl
mid tha lumber from Gurhutt ,v Bros'.
!■ now lielng plneetl on the ground.
V. 8. Stanley, Dublin's etHdcut post-
tnastCT, wdl give to tho public oilier
’flu- muuihum workmen from Macon
me givli il,.-.. ,.( Ihilillu h-xvins lu
orgaufrt labor. They nro certainly
The. luuliUngs rapidly npproaehlng
Ccaipletton art- lanro and elegant
structure*. That of Mr. Hicks vllt
have in,, large stores, several elegant
ofljev* and two realileaees; the Stubha
A Ldtcb earner live ||0M. a large
piihlle hall, many office* and a well-
lUhlcd cellar. 'HIV cost of the tivo
buildings wlit exceed PIQUI How
will that tlo for "Tlio Gem of tho Oco-
D< ill"
Prcaldeot AVright Is pushing Ills road
on to Savannah. President .lames I).
Jaeksiui Is from Augiisi.i, amt
1’ivsident Tlioman, who built Hie rmd
from TeiihUIC to Dublin wlUi less
money iliau ever nous I ns-led a rail
road iH'fi'ii- 'or shieo iind mn ;i with
greater profit Ilian any la Hie Lulled
Stale*. Is progressing in this direction,
nssUted by hi* right-band cagiuCer.
Arthur Tou.
i'ho Telegraph Is the paper Dublin-
lies roly on to give to the world correct
knowledge of their rx-sonrees.
A Ringing Address to the Demorrsts
^Galnp*ville, Oct IS .-(Hpov'InU-Ui ■<
ulkht th« young m^n of this city oi-gAii
l*t 1 a young Bitn’a Dcmx'r*Uo club I
Springer** opera hour*. Mr. J. K. Rea.
wine. Jr., wa* cho«n pre*Woot of ihe
oi ...iniutlun «Bd \V. I. Uobig
Jtvied to act a* Kcretanr. c
nvi-it> Mrnce ror (fit ora p&dy.
‘•luialou nf ihdr tiuvtm; i.
livirvliCil, aKnit l.V» htruii*:. |i
Iioujm? to Ivwir Carter T*t
haw never j
to him.
il# (UruNnl f\r*t thr rteon) of
third congrtos, denumMrating
tint no coaxres* ba* over done
to Mittffy the demairl!» of me
po *hort a time and hevt by ho
iVcnltle*. He next attendc'l ai
to “another n^ccr^L , • and npow
Uvl< * mod obwrduie* of thr vie
PcpulUt leader*. He ws* rtry
lit Tmt mnd won the applause
mdinlnUon of every true tmn t
hi .1 fcy rleJgtng himself la fmw
fu r election method* on the m
rt r£*cr. He tafidliM hi*
si imprenlve plea urging the
M J<> • - • n-1 ( • j- n t, , ,
Few author* can point lo a l!i»t of biic-
m !on*r tint! unbmk(*n a* thn't
Ch.iTlesH. Hoyt. It In «mfo to my ihnt
non* of tho Uientrical n>tlractions of iho
prompt time receive « more emphatic
mi I 1mm •rl.t* ' in*l«»i - • n• • -11 (Inn tho
comedies presented by thla clever Amer
ican plnyivrtght.
At the Ajeadotnv of Miwlc Trext Frl-
dny evenln»r bis neweot cnmpMiticm, en-
titled "A Black Sheep," which ho nn-
nces wo* conxlruoted for la-ughlng
purpoaes only, will bo prcdonded for Iho
dr*: time In thW city. It 1r Mid to bo
written In Hoyt’* most happy vein, and
the -music in supplied by Mr. Percy
r.HUivt. wh »vc t-M! lil«* him
to a leading place among compoeer*
who know 1iow -to charm Iho public ear
with popular melodies.
That there Is great curtoolty on tho
part of fheatre-goere to know what
riaywrljfht Hoyt has euccectled In do
ing In his la-teat work Is evidenced toy
the unusual early demand for se.i!a. "A
Black Sheep" will be produotd here un
der 1he personal direction of the author
with a cast which Is nld to be <ho
atrongent ever concentrated by Mr.
Hoyt kn one com pan v.
A full directory of services In all of
the churches today will be found below:
Mulberry Street.—Rev. A. Monk, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by
Dr. Monk In the new building. Sunday
school at 9;S0 a. m., Col. Isaac Harde
man, superintendent. Strangers cordially
welcomed and seats are free.
Flr»t Street Methodist Church.—Preach-
i at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Class meeting at 9J0 a. in., J. rt. nice,
claw leader. Sunday school at 4 p. m..
S. 12. Chambliss, supcrlntendant. Seats
freo and everybody Invited.
Centenary.—Rev/ O. B. Chester, pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. ;n. and 8 p. m. by the
pastor. Love feast at 9.00 a. m. Sun
day school at 3 p. m., J. J. Cobb, super
intendent. Beats free and everybody In
South-Macoa—Experience meeting at 9
A. in. and preaching at 11 a. m. by the pas
tor, Rev. T. W. Kljts Sunday school at
3 p. m„ W. T. Collins. mipcrintcnaeTit.
Preaching at 8 p. in. by tho paBtor.
Prayer meeting Wednesday night
at 7:30 o'clock. Ladles' Aid Society meets
on ilrst Wednesday afternoon' ht 3 o'clock*
To all these services tlie public la in
vited. and strangers wlL bo given a cor
dial welcome.
Vinoville Methodist Church—Rev. J. B.
Wray, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. ra.
and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes
day evening at 7:45.
East Macon—Rev. J. W. Weston, pas
tor. Experience meeting at 10:15 n. m,
Sermon at 11 a. m. and 7SW p. m. Sunday
school at 3:30 p. in., Ueorge W. Uantt,
A riprap Lemon Tonlo
r\>r BiUoushcflK Constipation. Mala
ria. Colds and ‘the Qrip.
lion, ^h?k nnd Nervous
hVH Fever, Chill*. Deblflty and Kid*
My Disease, lake Lemon Elixir.
l«ndles. for nn'.ural nnd thorough or
ganic regulation, lake LomV*n Elixir.
Dr. Mosley** Lnm»m Elixir la prepared
Otn the Xrenh 1uKn> of lemon*, com
bined with other vurcftnble liver brnlcr*.
I will not fall you in any of <ho above
rivd diseose*. 60c. and $1 bottlns at
1 hwe lust ■tnnen the la*t two bottlc«
of Dr. 31. Moxley’s Lrmon lUixlr for
norwus htttOm. IndlgmUon. with dl.v
oowd liver nrul kidneys. The Elixir
curwl me. l found It the greatest modi-
otn* I ever used.
d. CL MWNN1CH. Attorney.
12J5 F street. Wa^iington, D. C.
Grace Methodist «.*huich.-Rev. J.
Owen, pastor, rreaching nt 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. in. , Grayer meeting Wednes
day evening nt 7:30. S-mlay twlwo: at 3
p. m. All persons cordially invited.
First—Rev. G. Braxton Taylor, pastor.
No services at 11 a. in. and S p. m. Sunday
school at 9:30 a m., IL M. Wlilct, supcr>u-
tcndvnt. Prnyor meeting Wednesday nt
3:30 and 7J0 p. ni. The public is cordially
8outh Macon.—Rev. J, O. Solomon, pas
tor. Preaching ntiu. m. and 7:45 p. m.
by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wednes
day at 7:20 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30
a. in., J. W. Nichols, superintendent.
East Macon.—Rev. E. J. Centos, pai
tor. Prcachlug at U a. ni. nnd 3 p. in.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meet
ing at this church on Thursday night.
Tattnall Square.—ltev. A. is. Campbell,
pastor. Preaching nt 11 a. m. and 8 p. ro.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. in., L. T. Stal
lings, superintendent.
Vinoville—ltov. E. B. Carroll, pastor.
Preaching at 31 a. m. and 7M p. m. by
the pastor.
Christ Church.—Waln-jt. between Het.
ond nnd Third street* Rev. F. F. Reese
rector. Twcnty-tlret Sunday after Trinity.
Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning prayer
and holy communion 11 o'clock a.
Evening pruyer and sermon 7:30. Friday
prayer Strangers and visitors
The great popularity whlcb this magnificent work haa attained In ferial
form has led us to make an arrangement with the publishers by which Wi
can offer bound volumes at an almost unheard of price.
Sights and Scenes of the World
was first published as a JHgh-class artwork, and was sold by subscription
only A few copies of the original edition remain unsold, and we have se
cured them for the benefit of our readers. They are printed upon extra*
heavy mauve-tinted enameled paper and upon one side of the paper only*
making a book twice as thick as the twenty-one parts would be. The work
manship Is superb, as they were the first Impressions from the original
plates. They are elegantly and strongly bound, with specially designed
titles on side and hack, the Russia edition having marble edges and the full
Morocco gold edges. By taking all there waa left of the original edition ffi
are enabled to offer this unsurpassed work at the following very attractive '
In best English cloth (publisher’s price, $6.60; our price, $3.
In blf Morocco, (publisher’s price, $7.50); our price, $3.50
In full Russia, (publisher's price |9); our price, $4.
In full Morocco, (publisher's price $10); our price. 34.60
For out-of-town orders remit 60 oenta extra and the book will be delivered
to you by prepaid express, securely packed. This is
To procure this king of all art works at a ridiculously* low price and should
be taken advantage of at once, a* only a few are left. Remember that thi
book la complete and all ready for the library or "centre table; 350 full-pagi
views, size 11x13 inches and printed upon one aide of the paper only. Eac!
picture Is worthy of a frame.
Samples can be seen at the office of the Telegraph, where all orders *hou2(
be addressed* j. _.u.i LLii IL<2 IMiEl
Rand, McHally & Co. r s
Securely bound In handsome
cloth, now ready for
St. Paul.-Corner Forsyth and College
streets, ltev. 11. Orrin Judd, rector.
Service at 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Holy com-
tnunlon ilrai Sunday la month at U a. m.;
on the third Sunday at 7:30 a. m. Ushers
to seat stmnsers. Scats free at night
I have not been able In two years to
walk or stasvd without muttering great
p-iin. Since taking Dr. Msley's Lemon
Elixir I can waik h.-tlf a mile without
She iMt inconvenience.
Gridin, GA.
the Mltary sewer* will be fln-
lahod, and a'.l property owners will In'
reuulreJ to connect with th
the onlv
plumber doing business in Macon, a 1
.\ i- n> ;*ir:n«r . atu nH«';
make \ «m d>*-vr fix tires •:han any ill
or »'o:\>>ratIon In the city. Mbk
member of the National Amocfcfitlon
M I'-ter Ftumbcm. I kv. my material .
r • i frvm the manufacturers, thus sn
in^ my custotners the mlddlema:
I employ no bovs to do men's woi
All my workmen are onetkel t*anita
plumbers, tfeoblinx cepildcate« from t
Board of Health of Ne»v York city a*
our work, and
ak for them-Mvos.
w. r. .BENNETT.
The Sanitary Plumber,
ii>3 Mulberry at root.
St. Barnabas Chapel—Rev. Martin Da-
ler In churxe. Sunday school at 9:45 a.
i. Morning prayer and r?rmon at 11
‘clock. Wednesday prayer at 7UM p. n».
St. John's Chapel—Rev. Martin Hamer
* charge. Sunday school at 3:» p. m.
Evening prayer and sermon nt p. m.
VRES J YTilill \N.
First—Rev. W. Ik Jennings,
at 11 a. m. nnd 7 JO p. m. Sun-
hool at a. in., the pastor hu.
peHntfUdraL Prayer and song service
Wednesday at T20 p. m.
Tattnall Square.—ltev. s. 1^ Morris, D.
D.. pastor. Service In the morning
and owning conducted by tho pastor.
S.ibbnth school at 9 JO a. ra. Prayer sentw
Ice on Wsdnoiuloy at 7JO p. m. Scats free
at all services, and all aro Invited.
vet, between First and Sec-
. C. Combs, pastor. There
mice* at thla church today,
ol at S3) a. m. Endeavor
i nt 4 p. ro. Young People's
vloavor Society meeting at
id visitors will re-
St. Joseph’s—ltev. Father J. Wlnkls-
reid, .S. J.. txsstor; Rev. Father Ten
Uodhou: • r.i>*t*tant. First maa at
in. Second miss and Sunday school
«hildren nt s V* a. m. Father Winklei
S. J.. "HI preach. Vesper* and b-nedic-
Uon of the Bleeped Sacrament at 5 p,
i:»he!S "ill scat strangers and vlsltc
Y. M. C. A.
ea's meeting st i SO p. a. and boys'
Rag at X JO. Young men cordially la-
If you visited the Fair
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flISTORY of the
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