Newspaper Page Text
mu fm
Democratic Leaders Are Unwilling to
Sec Nominations Dade
9tT* * tfallgMH Furors XI Outright and
Gartrnor Kor«li*n Wanli a Two-
Thlrtf • Kali, but All Wiat
It In Horn# Shape*
Atlanta, Odt. 1*.—(Special.)—“I am
In favor of a Democratic caucus for
all ofllcea to be filled by the legis
lature," aal<l Hon, Fleming duBIgnon
when interviewed today, “for there
reaaona. ft doe* not make any differ
ence what la raid to the contrary by
those who oppose the caucua, 1 am
sMalsffed It will be proven that the Pop-
ujlriu will act In ooncert on every is
sue. This makes similar concert Of ac
tion on the part of the Democrats a
necessity, because the Democratic
party wilt be held responsible for the
record made. It will not do to advance
che argument that ws should pursues
conciliatory course toward Che third
party. They are cur #wor» enemies
und will continue so. Two years ago
we held yut the ollvs branch to the
Populists, hoping that they would re
turn to the Democratic party, but the
result Is they have gained ilfty-tbrse
members of the legislature where they
had less than a dozen before.
"It will not do, cither, to say that
the party Knould not concur on 'the
Judicial offices on the ground that they
should be free from politics. The high
est judicial tribunal tn the lend Is po
litical. Republican members of tho su
preme bench of tho United States ars
Appointed by Republican pres!,lints,
nnd vice versa. The same 1* true of
■ the district courts. And why should not
the Democratic parly In Georgia,
which, by virtue of Its majority, will
be held responsible for the government
of the state, combine for tilling Wiese
air. dufllgnon's views on the caucus
Jrlve been ezressed by almost eveny
Democrat of any prominence |n J*.
Santa today. There In a certain affxll
element engaged In an effort lomrgua
away the necessity of a oaucUK but a
careful poll of the DemocrjVrb leaders
who have been within rcuch/duiing tho
pL-l few days justifies the statement
chat the almost unanlnysus sentiment
of the party Is unequivocally tn favor
of a caucus nomlti.i'rWn for every place
to bo tilled by tho'leglslswro, which
assembles next Wednesday.
The only opmmtlon expressed oomca
from men wher are wedded to the Pnp-y
ullst doctrtms rtf finance, but atttl clalyrt
to be Denwfcrats. Just what Is back.of
the,r opuwdtloJi does nrft yet appea/ on
the surface, unless It Is a design to
content the Popultat vote* In pandering
fir fkvor tn the Interest fit oandl-
who may refuse to Abide the
nomination, or for too purpose
Ig them to Shape legislation.
Governor Northen trikes ft view of
tho quest lot) Uvat Is sjAnnwhat different
from others. J •
"I have u very kdrotig opinion of Urn
caucus questVori," kim um governor.
"I um in favor iff H a« un urgent ne-
cesstly, yet 1 see this .one uMectioa-
1 un objratloiv to which 1 um Inclined to
1 /
Stationery. Monograms.
Wedding Invitations and
vloltlng cards angraved
at lowest prices. No de
lay: work done by skill
ed workmen In our establishment Send
for samples and prlcea. J. P. Btevena
A Bro.. Jewel era. 47 Whitehall street
Atlanta, 0*.
In the World.
• •a
Crushed TVHddllpgs Flour*
Tbs only Flour of lu kind, and tbs best of
any kind. It Is made bya secret pro
cess known to bnt two persona.
1100,000 tu been offered for the Xsowledfft
Tho Cndlne 1* the best flour sold In
Georgia. T. V. Johnson, Miller, Gn.
Tho Undine gives perfect satisfac
tion. J. If. Stillwell, Luella, Ga.
Kstlll Springs, Tonn.
and utio will suffer Is an open <iu
lion, though the prevailing Idea u:
tn be than rt will not out In any paftlc-
ulur direction. All tho candidate* will
be about the some os tf they Went be
fore the legislature without pflucus ac
tion, with the exception that their field
of operations will bo ntyfrbw-d down
about onv-fourth.
The outworks for 1hd? senatorial eon
test are already lioWig laid. Mij. Bn
eon came to the cjgy this morning'nnd
has engaged h'urfqusrlers mt the Kim-
bail. Senator VCiilsh arrived Ibis after
noon and wfflr nlso ope# up hrndqunr-
tern at Hi/ Kimball the last of the
Ige Turner has engaged
rooms jvf tho entrwe hotel, /find In ex-
PsatetjTto haug out his Vinner Saturday,
he Is booked tonirlv* on the field.
Go nurd Is expected tomorrow. Ills
*» have been assigned him ait the
Beautiful Church Wedding—Political
Activity—Other News.
Forsyth^ Oct. 18.—(Special.)—One of
the pettiest weddings thnt ever oc
curred here was tliat which united
ttwf. Henry Bean Mays of Atlanta and
Mint Florence Mae Brnmblctt of this
city, at the Methodist church yesterday
afternoon at \ o'clock.
The church was exquisitely und pro
fusely decorated with "golden rod”
and other rare and beautiful plants.
The bridesmaids each had a bunch of
"golden rod,” and the effect was su
When the bridal party arrived nt
the church standing room wan st u pre
mium and largo number* could not
gain admittance. Tim ceremony was
Impressively performed by ltov. J. M.
The attendants were Mr. Stun Ruth
erford und Miss Sull.e Roberts, Mr.
Henry Andersen with Miss Lucy Min-
iipiirt'boud/Jvfll new. bo overcame by the i ter uf FlovUlu, Mr. T. It. Weems of
party. There will be 164 Dwnocrs'is lu Atlanta with Miss Emmie Mays. of
tho hodso soul omait*, If the party | Atlsutft, Mr. Will Oglotrce of Atlanta
holds a caucus, si votes wlH uomlnuto with Miss Maiir.u Hill of Smurr's, Mr.
it lira n, provided every member Is pres
ent. The chances are that there will
boa good many absentma, for one l>M-
sou and another, which woulilt reduce
coircftpoudhigty the number of votes
iKocesury to a msnfoutkst, probably as
low its itlxty-flvc or aeventy. I do nog
believe Shat any sixty-five men In Geor-
gla ought lo ehvt » United Htatee ecu-
»to» or a judge of the supreme court,
or for that nutter nil uny oinoe lu the
gift of She people. It will bo only fltlr
for n two-thirds rule to be adopted.
That would bo the only way to meet
my objection. I have talked with gen*
tlemen today who fare* fixing tho
uihinlsT of caucua votes necessary to
u choice tit 110, which Is a majority
•of nil the legislature, but *t must be
understood that the party Is fixing a
ireccdent by holding this cuucu»—the
tin* alums we lava had in Georgia
politics lu this gcncAM Ion-trad In die
event of at change lu the Populist
strength two jvara hence, »uch a pre
cedent might cause trouble. But I Ain
u 'two-thirds man all aha way through.
1 'think the rule ought to prevail tn nil
nomlnuttonM, tieoco my views ou the
caucus nay be extreme,"
Caucus talk las pmtity well monopo
lised (he time of the politicians today.
The only have refused to
put thcnwlveo on record, nt Moot in
isibllcfltlou. They my ulicy ace willing
to leave It (D the settlement of the leg
islators thcmsolvcA
Chairman Cloy of the atata executive
oommKtre 1s outrpokea lu favor of the
caucus, and ch.ilmsm lterrnw of tbs
state campaign committee Also put him
self on record for It today.
Cob Bob llttrdesixin, who Is In as close
touch with the sunk and ftlu of tho pat*
ty us any man la h, believes the party
' leotR 1 vrocw<1 wllh<>ut u vxiucua on nil
j "Toe flirty will be hold responsible,"
he mid, "and ebould Mot be subjected to
the enforcement than the Populists
. would seek to cause at every turu.
They would imiuiully appose uny mm
wlio had taken an aggressive stand
agulnst them, and a wbtby-wwshy Dem-
octtK who would suk the lvpulkas
Mould li": n: all null us "
Attonjcy-Getverol Terrell and Comp-
.troller-Geuesul Wright are equally In
ftsvor of the CAUCUA
fVw of the legislators have yet come
In trail have not had an opportunity
of expressing themselves, law the par
ty louden who ore in couch with them
ngnxs In the opinion that there will bo
bo opposition of consequence to the
mucus. Who will profit by the.caucus
corns from healthy
mother*, end moth
ers will Certaiuly be
healthy if thav'lt taks
Dr. Pierce's ravonu
Preaurlptioa. Noth
ing can equal it iu
bulktlag up a wo
man's strength, in
regtriating and afaist-
tng ah bee natural
function*. and in put
ting In perfect order
every part of the fe-
, — nude ss-tem
• Favorite l’naeription'* h indeed the
Mothers' Friend" tor It aadsts nature,
thereby shortening "labor.”
_ _ Rinks, OMUs Ocuats, Rous.
uk. It. V.Pisbci: Dror Sie-I took your
I avnrlte Prvscrtptieo previous tn i-Hiflne-
laeat and never did so well In my life. It Is
eoly two wrrks sioco nuy cnniin* inent and
1 ain.sbbs to do my won. 1 feel stronger
than I ever dll to sir weeks before.
l'oroy Maye of Atlanta with Miss Alice
Brumblctt, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. HIU
of Suiarr's, Master Walter Brnmblctt
und Mlm Olive Mays. Tho ushers
were Messrs. Lewi* Autlcrson, Pierce
Anthony, Henry Sharp trad U. It.
Tho wedding march from Lohengrin
was beautifully rendered oy Miss Rosa
The brldo la one of Forsyth’s most
popular young ladles. She Is of charm
ing personnhty uud will be greatly
nilosea liy her host of friends hero.
Mr. Mays Is a> prominent young
Methodist minister of Atlanta, whoso
future will be brightened by tho
charming companion he has won.
Tho'bridal parly left on the afternoon
train for Atlanta, carrying with them
tho very bext wishes of a host of
warm friends, who wish them n long
Ufo of unalloyed happiness.
Tho Democratic club organized hero
leocntly Is dally Increasing In numbers
and enthusiasm. Tho loyal Democrats
of Monroe nrc nllvo to tho situation
rnd Illbb will And a formidable rival
In her when It comes to rolling up a
great big majority for Uthb's peerless
Rev. E. B. Carroll, tho pastor of
VlnetSUo Baptist church, Is assisting
ltov. T. M. Callaway lu a revival ser-
pvlco hero this week. Mr. Onrroll is an
eloquent preacher und his audiences
Bre charmed with his fotelblo sermons.
Tho theatre-going public has Ken
superbly entertained this week by tlte
Rogers Sinters, wile have a
repertoire of exeeUcut plays. Llttlo
Misses Wlmia and Lotta are artists of
exceptional ability, and they nover fall
to catch their audience by the>r splen
did acting. Mr. Frank Itennoway, tho
leading comrallan, la a master of L s
art, and the public are lavish lu their
praise of Ms clever work, rbo entire
company l» undoubtedly the best that
has played here In years. That they
are appreciated Is evidenced by the
crowded houses that haro greeted
Interesting Happenings at Gainesville
During the Week.
GatnnvUhv Get, It—(Special.)—
Yestervkiy «ftento.m In tho ims-or'a
court tlx negro men were put on trial
for litaorderty ooisluct, and five were
found Kuili) ami Ooed. Tin piwvloaa
night tiieiv hud been a ball In New
TVttvn and a dlfllouKy arem over k «>
nun. A free tight followed. In which
niror* and negro gore became tmt-
mAtcly asaookteed. Two nogrore, John
Kura and Floyd Underwood, were ter
ribly cut about the face and head.
W. M. Head, whose phenemerktl hup
into an eighty (dot weH a few days
ago while hi a drunken tU off Insanity,
MSI tho theme t* gossip about town,
died Vise night front Cite effeets of hit
Injuries. He was burial this xfter-
non by the Mason*.
A suit for damages has been filed by
•evenu of the patrons nctnst the city
public acbonle. The suk Is a culmla-
Hon of a dissatisfaction prevailing un
account of the charge of an admission
or matriculation fee by the board of
Judge Wellborn has granted an In
junction allowing the children of the
ckUmints free admission to the schools
UR the cos be heard in Hall
superior court
Gainesville has four fiouriAlnc mls-
olon 8ini.Ly satsmlft the rvuult of
consecrated members of the
first ciiutvhcj. la the course of the
5Q *phese.
Look around town and then inspect ouf stock,
ond you will see that we can please ymi better
than any one, both in materials, pri^, etc.
Every new color and weave Vi Dress Goods
from 10c. to $2.60 per yard. Brocks a specialty.
Just Out.
Hand-made Dress Trim
mings of Jet and Fear
ers combined; alsoyiicw
line Muslin de S«i Em
broideries, verrMatest
fad for Wogfc, J\ Silk
Complp'P 110 ^' 8 htons
Velvet' ,
v elver utjjjfgn w*"
'S4-inch two-toned Cov
erts, 85c. Covert shaded
cords, $1.00. Line 35-
inch Ladies’ Cloth, 18c.
Silks for waist a special
ty. Our Suits, ready
for wear, at $12.50 and
$15.00. are beauties; fit
next few days work will begin on two
neat, oourmodlou* mtmlon ctniix-la in
the auburtM, one on eu«t tilde, the other
on Oak turret. With them chapels built,
the Queen City of the Mountains will
have no ires (ban thirteen places of
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 18—Wallam C.
Llppurt, the school Inspector who wn*
convicted a work ago of taking a bribe
in connection with a school contract,
was today sentenced to live years nt
hard labor In Jackson prison, tils at
torneys nt once entered a motion for
a new trial.
WANTED—A good farm near Macon,
and to give In fstrl pay some well-
bred trotting and pacing Jiorses aftil
aomc well located kota'dnd cottages
In Nashville, Tenn. C. \V. Craig,
Brentwood, Tonn.
WANTED—M0 young men, military pre
ferred, for Pain’s great spectacular
"Last Days of PomoeJI." Apply at bnee-
fcall park, fair grounds, between 4 and
S p m. today to Frank Oakes Rose,
stage director.
WANTED—Ss young ladles for Pain’s
great spectacular "Last Days of Pom
pell." Apply between a and 3 o'clock
today at Georgia Music -Company .to
Fran a Oakes Rose, stage direct'
WANTED—Sign painter at Stevens’ sign
house. Office G xirgta Music House,
(Aril to on In morning.
WANTED—A flrst-clara caatmnkcr. Ap
ply to Joseph L, Rarey, merchant tailor,
Albany, Ga
WANTED—M young ladles to'wslt on ta
bles In the German village on the Mid
way Plalmnce, Dixie Interstate Fair.
Call on M. a. Putset, at Cutsets Cafe.
SIS Mulberry street, up stairs.
FRUIT jelly 10 cents pound; best gela
tins 10 cents; French sardines Wff cents;
best peas 1214 cents can; peaches (table)
20 cents at Grace Grocery Company.
DON’T relay your bumpy brick eldewalks
until you get my Euclid Bluestone Flag
ging, which will arrive la a few days.
M. Codington, 454 Cherry street.
ZIMMERMAN’S celebrated Vienna, Bo
logna and ring sausage fresh this morn
ing at F. E. Kupferitta"’*- 4U Second
street; Sam Baer's old etand. Tele,
phone 215.
OLD PAPERS for wrapping, 25 cents
per hundred at the Telegraph office.
TURKEYS-Just received large lot fine
live turkeys. We have cranberries to
match. Jno. C. Holmes.
WE HAVE tho latest styles of type In
the job printing line. Give us a call
when you need billheads, letterheads,
envelopes, tags, posters or anything In
the line of job work. Knox & Pickett,
next to a. M. Davis' stables, Mulberry
HOLMES & COUTTS’ celebrated extrn-
yeast crackers retail at the lo.w price
of 10c a pound.
WANTED—To sell you a '04 model
Denamore typewriter, best machine
in the world. J. E. MInter. agent.
‘Phone No. 251.
FOR RENT—Large and convenient board
ing house; Oak street, near Fourth.
Terms reasonable. Jullen S. Rodgers,
FOR RENT—822 Orange street; seven
rooms, gas and water, oar line. Ap
ply to J. N.‘ Iflrdh.
FOR RENT—Furnished room, with or
without meals: 4>a>lh room, etc.; one
square from court house. Address Z.,
caru of Telegraph.
FOR RENT—One hundred sore farm
and Improvements, Columbus road
near city, for next year. Jullen S.
Rodgers, administrator.
FOR RENT—Nine-room residence, 12*
Cole street. Call on Foote Bronson,
telephone 193, for particulars.
FOR RENT—targe front unfurnished
room No. 212 New street, between Mul
berry and Walnut
FOR RENT-Ssven-room residence, 138
Clinton street. East gtacon, with cne
aero cardan. Three minutes from elec
tric cars. Vary desirable; pries low. Ap
ply at Macon Savings Bank.
tickets from Moocn sc Waco, Tex.
■Apply to J. 8. R„ core Telegraph.
FOR SALE.—1V« have three' or four
mules that we will sell cheap. Macon
Ice Company, rear Passenger depot.
FOR SALE.—We have three or four
mules thsk wv will sell cheap. Macon
Ice Company, rvur Passenger depot
rvjts nAusk-^iisoc' oouute ixuxt &ru
good tram of horses* cheap. Apply
715 Fourth street.
FOR RALE—On* magnificent new Co
lumbia bicycle. Has never been used.
WUI sell very cheap. Apply at Tele
graph office.
FOR SALE—Auction, auction, Satur
day. Octuher 20, two ran Kentucky
aaddle and haroaes horse*. Call be
fore rale and examine these horses
at Davis' stable*.
FRESH lltrev
and Vienna
tongue. Try our
gla Pocking
all-pork sausage
i: aim smoked
bacon shaving*. Geor*
.451 First street.
best made. Hare you tried it?
ZIMMERMAN'S celebrated Vlmna.~Bo-
losna and ring murage fresh this morn
ing at F. E. Knptermsn's. 412 Second
street; Sam Baer's old stsikl. Tele,
phene 215.
gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb.
eocra Grorgh seed rye at Georgia
&cl\1 Company.
of pure cream of tartar and soda and
ls guaranteed strictly pure. To in-
duoe you to try Turpin’s Hiking Pow
der we will, for a «hort time, give
with each pound ran of powder a
pound con of Helmut & Coutts* cele
brated cakes or julllnes bom for 40
cents. Turpin’S Is sold by the lend
ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking
Powder Company, Macon, Ga.
Our trade for .the past week was just simply out of sight.
Could not possibly wait upon the crowds that thronged our
counters. Could ask no higher testimonial from the trading
public. * >
HRFQC fAAHQ ric ^ and p° ormeet
lllll kill UvUlllJi together here. Nooneneed
stay away on account of the price. The most fastidious easily
suited. The largest stock from which to make selections.
Reliable in quality, correct in style. Every salesman an expert.
A magnificent success is Mme. Gorham.
Every gown a work of art. Unique in
design, faultless in fit and execution.
Alterations and complaints are back numbers. You cannot
afford to miss her.
\A/D A DC Everything stylish in Capes and
VV Coats, Prices unexcelled. See our
Children’s Gretchens and Reefers.
We have this day formed a copart
nership under the firm name of JOHN
M. & LEGARE WALKER, and will
conduct a Real Estate. Sale and Rental
Business, together with a Fire and
Accident Insurance Agency.
•We shall make a specialty of the
rental business in all its de'tatls, and
respectfully solicit a continuance of
the liberal patronage heretofore ex
tended our Mr. Legate Walker.
Office. No. 461 Second street, near
Willingham's warehouse.
The farm at Mrs. Nancy M. Burgay,
located In the western part of Btbb coun
ty. fourteen miles from Macon and two
miles from Ltzella, on the Macon and
Birmingham railroad. This Is well known
to be ono of the best farms In middle
Georgia and cannot oc surpassed os a
stock farm. Good Improvements; perfect
GIVE Knox & Pickett a trial when yott
need anything in the Job printing line.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
YOU can buy a nice bedroom at 510.50
from A. S. Thomas. 663 Poplar street.
DONNELLY. 904 Oglethorpe street,
sells Joqueaf best flour. ,
YOTT can buy a nice bedroom suit at A.
8. Thomas’ for $10.60.
Jon WORK done tn the neatest style.
Knox & Pickett.
SARATOGA CHIPS are all tne rage. Ask
your grocer for them.
WHEN In need of billheads, letterheads,
noteheads, envelopes end all kinds of
Job work call on Knox & Pickett. Mul
berry street, next to Davie’ etablee.
510.30 WILL BUY bedroom suit at A. S.
Thomas’, No. 663 Poplar atreet.
nuke brick, 11.00 for nine hours. C.
C. Stratton & Co.
I FRESH CELERY, oat meal, oat flakes
received today. Grace Grocery ^Com
AN ESTABLISHED building and loan ns-
toclntlon with over 51.000,000 in aaieta
desires experienced agenta Address R
L. Whttten, Manager, Huntsville, Ala.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sella
WE HAVE the goods at prices you can
not beat. Try u* Grace Grocery Com.
a partner with 15,000 to Start a litho
graphing t>uitln?ra In the city. Apply
R. W„ this office.
DONNELLY, 064 Oglethorpe street,
sells Vogel’s hatns und shoulders—
best quality meats.
FOUR Well mnffeked teams, six elegant
Kiddle horses, rackera and running
walkers In this shipment from Paris,
Ky. Call at Davis’ stable and exam
ine. Auction rale Saturday morning,
Odtober 20.
BROKER'S bread raising ts the best bread
preparation made. Try 1L
WE HAVE a lot of tinware we will
give away for wrappers of large pack
ages of Khirer’s Bread Raising. W.
C. Turpin & Co.
CENTRAL, give ms lot is that Mr.
Keen? Yea, madam. Pleaae aena m«
two boxaa Saratoga chlpa i think tbey
are excellent.
atkes are made from new materials
of the very highest standard of ex
cellence; they have been awarded the
premium over all competitors wher
ever exhibited, und nr* pronounced
The finest manufactured in the world.
It you use cakes or biscuits, why not
buy the best. Sold by the leading
funcy grocers. ’
CARLOAD Kentucky horsefl To arrive
Xhls morning at Davis' stable. Call
early, Inspect and make your pur
chase of something nice to drive dur
ing the fair. Everybody will want a
ntoe hone during the fair and after.
Call at Daria' stable and buy ono
cheap. Auction sale Saturday morn
ing. October 20.
JUST received a fine selection of choice
olngte nod double hyacinths, Romnn
hyuctuths. frtrarts, sacred lilies,
Harrison titles or caster, mixed cro
cus, narebeus. single and double tu-
Upe. Georgia Seed Cbsmuny, 655 Pop-
tar street, opposite cKy market.
G. B. PETTIT, ajrmit, contractor and
builder. Offlc* 560 Second *tre«t. Coo-
tract* for oil kinds of building; He-
fair *rork a spcchiity. PLsas and
8?<s?klcations furnished on short no
Tomorrow 'the Macon Beef Company
will have another opening. The finest
display of meals ever made in Macon
will be shown there. All marketmen
are Invited and should come. They
will nil be treated nicely.
On and after 'this date the gates of
the park will be closed until the open
ing of the fair. All persons who have
no business are requested to refrala
from visiting the grounds, as it A im
possible to work with so many inter
ruptions from visitors.
Genehil Manager.
We lnvfte every lady In Macon—ov
ery man, too—to take luncheon with
us tomorrow. Tomorrow wo reopen
tertalnlng visitors. Every'lady 'who
comes will have dainty things served
her, and we will tell her how to make
them just as good at home. Not a
lady in Macon should miss it.
The Handsome 2-Story
With Basement,
Containing nine room*, with three hath
rooms, hot end cold water. All modem
conveniences. The house has been re
cently papered and overhauled from top
to bottom and ls In strictly first-class
condition. It hoe a large frontage on
Orange street and Ross Park, and only
halt block from Indian Spring car line.
It la located on the hill. In oa good
neighborhood ss Macon affords. It Is
undoubtedly the prettiest and most de
sirable place new on the market For
■ale low and on easy terms. For further
Information rail on
Real Estate Agents.
Johns having applied to me for let'em
nf administration on the estate of J.
Warren Johns lite of said county, de
ceased: This la therefore, to notify nil
Mocerned to file their objections, it any
they can. on or before the flrwt Monday
In November. ISH or letters will then
be treuod. C. M-"WILEY. Ordinary
ry’s Office. October 2. 1S9«—w. W. Col
lins. guardian for Bell Louise Collins,
W. W. Collins. Jr- and MatUe Wilson
Collins having aoplied to me for leave
to sell ten shires-of the stock of the
Central Georgia Bank of Macon, Ga,
for the purpose of support and mainte
nance and education of the above
named minora; This Is. therefore, to no
tify all parties concerned to file their
objections. If any- they have, to the
court of ordinary of said county grant
ing leave to tell said stock on or be-
tore the first Monday In November.
104. or leave to sell raid stock will
that be granted said guardian.
C M. WILEY. Ordinary.
Yet ...,
Securely bound in handsenw
cloth, now ready for
If you visited the Fair
you can appreciate this volume
and if you did not it is the
next best thing to a visit.
Come and see it. When will
you ever again have an offer
of 180 fine Photographic Views
handsomely bound for 30 centg.
This is aU it will cost you if
you will clip out the following
Coupon and bring or send it to
Tho Telegraph.
World's Fair
iWfm* FUtognfU* Timmfi* 93 emu.
bmmd « dXk.
ttrtM tmdmg *> miA nirl —