The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 19, 1894, Image 3

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11 1 ■ ..." HU ■ \ THl? t M. IDE WORLD OF TRADE Reporta by Wire From Great Markq the STOCKS AND BOffDS. New York, Oct. 18.—Money on call has been easy at 1 per cent; last loan at 1; closing offered at 1. Prime mercantile paper 4%a4% per cent; Bar silver, 63% Mexican dollars, 51%. Sterling exchange Is Arm, with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.86%a4.S7 for sixty days, and 4.87% to 4.87% for demand. Posted rates, 4.87% to 4.88%; commercial bills, 4.85%a4.S6%. Government bonds steady; state bonds ull; railroad bonds higher. Silver at the board was quiet. cv. urero.. is** amer.bugerhenn. bttJt ao prera... si u amer.lobuccouut oo pretd M .. 106 Aten..t. tnos. f 6H Asm.sco DDio .. 7 lacoaisoPscinc.. U* LutiaienKoAO... lb*i tmcnco* Alton.. .142 ii»ic«eo.b. ana U* *2?* fcuiaigo on* 1*.' 4 1.1 can. 1, ana u*. 10>» co pia.... i r * Ine l'J*i co nroiorrea.... 27 Ccnera* Electric.. Jlunou ceuinu,.. V2 laa« inoana W.. 17* . *- Co preu. Vo ' Into Bnor<* 134$, Icms. ant* Naim.. 63* Lou. and bea aid. 7 llannattan con*..103 lieiii.aua cnar... It) Michigan central; v*b llissc.urt Pnciao.. 27* 0. b.Ooraaeo... q« prera 21 heir Jersey oonw .107 hevlort centr&i. ft* h. \. ana h. ju... ay* hon.ena \». preu 2<* Xtottnernfacina.. * ‘v au pm.. IT* SiortnitesMm..... loa ao pro:.. 143 paclbclial* 16* React nc. 18 L. unit W. 2*w lor. 17* Beck Isiana fenlau* CO* oo pret.,119 fellrer CenlUcAiea OJ* lenn. C. ana 17* an ao pror. 72*. Tex ha loci tic 9* Luton Fucitic..... 11}, >Yub. bv.1* anal*. •• - pia. 14 Western bnlon... 81* Wneergana L.h.. 12 liobJicanoonia... 18* ETATB SOTOS. Alabama claim a. 10*1 lenueiaee el a 6's. M go cmeib....l04 102* oo ciasa c... 02* ao ao Ht..l02* le.ttampea 4*s..lto Tennessee Z'a..., .18* bertn ceronnaw. 101 TlglmaCsaei;.... 8 Lonu Carolina**.liO ao Lunna.l;eor 68* COTXJltlMXXT BOKDS. C.B. **•** | U,h.*V« regular. 00 V.0. 4'acoupu^a. ,11** j 'Lid. i/jukod. iKxdlndonu. i COTTON. Macon, October 18. Macon, Oct. 15.—Our market V* steady at the following quotations: Good middling 5% Middling 5% Strict low middling 5% Low middling 5 Good ordinary 4% ^CCm TELEGRAPH: FEIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 19, 1894 ^ I Columbus and Western railroad the price low will not tuj. ic-irlno that | § n^r cen* Julv co inonvs c the bottom has not been reached. Columbus and Rome ?allroid’i Ste\ens & Oo. Wr«, t bonds. Jan. and July Augu LIVERTOOIi. LlTerxutl. Oct. lS-Nooif-spc.t cotton market demand good with price* steady. American mlddltnstf 3 510. Sale* lH.wu imios. of which 10U0 were ir.r speculation «na export and •.titled l6.3i>0 American, keceipta i,jooi>*Joa, | Opeuing. January-February.. Fc bruary -11 aren.... March-Apr 11 April May liny-June June-July 312-fii J 11-0* U64a3 10.6) ii-r.* 1241 1301 i 1541 3 17.6la3 18-64 3 J8-C4 <2044 3 10-6* T OM) 3 h9-et 3 02-04 1041 3 r-i« 13.0* I 16-C4 J 16-6ia3 17-6* 3 1H.64 FUTURE QUOTATIONS. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT— Open High Oct. W Dec. . . . May. . . . CORN- Oct. . . • Nov. . , . Dec. . . . May. . . . OATS- Oct. . . . Nov. . . . Dec. . . . May. . . . PORK— Oct. . Jon. . . . CARD— Oct. . . . Jan. . . . RIBS— Oct. . . . Jan. . . . 5115 6215 6755 <Wi 4955 «7i «55 28*4 2Ki 2255 Low 5155 62? 67V1 4914 . 49H 47% 19? 2854 2854 3254 V..088 6155 6255 57% 49% 49% 47% 49% '27% 28% 28% 32% 7 per\ July Ja. and Knoxville railroad cent, bonds, Jaa. and “HPons. due HOC 99 10) 12.37% .12.37% 12.32% 6.27% 6.22% IOCAL nXCElPTH. This Day ToBterday This day lost wools. 6271 397) 12 I 74* 02? 1*9i 2:0 lWt.5.1107 90 COMPABAT1VX STATEMENT. ,, I loci: on band Beptomber 1st.....* i,«00 HecoiTfq since Boptombet 1st. **«ST SUKIITS. taturdny Monday. Tuesday WediieBday..., f nuraday.. Arlut-y rliit-y, Thus far this week. I 2W,7I0 W.—Bpo* cotton _oi«y; Soles, 2ftt‘baies. Hew lork. Oct. 18.—The future market ereitea quiet ana ciosea steady. bums Jaa 2ftb March April May June. July Aug bept Oct. BECEIPTS AND EX POETS. Consolidated not recolpta i Experts to Great Br*-'- Kxports to France.. M Exports to Continent.... Stock on hand at New York... 293,760 14.2 01 93,010 82,086 Tolai since Sept. Ist-Net receipts......1.115.685 ,, „ '! Export*toO.B.... 298,981 ?, ,, * Exports to France fin,0J« Exports oontlnant 178,226 NEW OB LEANS CLOSING FUTUIIKS, 0r, ® a . , ’»- Oct- 18—Oottoa suture* closed etcady. bales fli.iuo bales. 6 46 , 6 62 , 6 68 . 5 6* . 6 70 July. August Beptembor.... Octooer w „„ korembsp 6 ji December. 6 37 . 6 16 . 6 10 PORT QUOTATIONS. Galveston, Oct. lS.-8teady: middling, B J, 4 ?i ?. et reeclpta. 14,132; stock. 168,574. Norfolk, Oct. 18.—Steady; middling. 654 net receipts, 2,836; stock, 1,921). Baltimore, Oct. 18,-Dull; middling, stock, 20,328. Boston, Oct. 38.—Easy; mldrlllng. Block, 1,613. .-Wilmington. Oct. 18,-Flrm; middling, 655; net receipt* 1,903. stock. 14,749. Ptnlaelphla, Oct 18,-Qulet; middling, 6 7-16; net receipts, 228; stock, 7,844. Savannah, Oct. 18,-Qulet; middling. 67 net receipts, 7,375: stock, 101,216. New Orleans. Oot. 18,-Easy; middling. 6)4: net receipts, 14,028; atock. 176,W& Mobile, Oct. 18.—Quiet; middling, 6% net receipts, 2,747; stock, 23,720. Memphis, Oct. 18.—Steady; mlddltng, 5 7-16; net receipts, 3,243; stock. 40,919. Augusta, Oct. 18,-Qulet, steady; mid 5 6 * Mj net rcce, ® t ** 2.GS; stock, Charleston, Oct. 1L-Steady; middling, B?; net receipts, 2,601; stock. 62,906. Cincinnati, Oct. 18.-Quiet; middling, 6%; net receipts, 1,821; stock, 8,161. Louisville, Oct. 18.—Quiet; mkMllng, K% St. Louis, Oct. 18.—Steady; middling, 5%; net receipts, 716; stock, 14,868. Houston. Oct. 18-Steady; rnkilling, 5 7-16; net receipts, 14,260; stock, 44.9J2. STEVENS & CO.'S COTTON. Special wire to Lyons & James. New York, Oct 18.—It was the same old story of too much cotton. The South !• pressing cotton for sale offers made by Europe and low prices were accepted. There was some selling* by local and . Southern operators, particularly by New Orleans for long account and more or leas bearish manipulation. Price? here declfned 7 to 8 points and closed steady wKh wales of 146,600. Port receipts, 47,HI, against 36,0*8 last year, making 230.706 thus far this week, against 2B4.269 last week. The exportsf rom the ports were again liberal. 37,000 bales, or nearly 1».000 in three days. New Orleans expects to morrow 1LMX). possibly 13,000, against 13.- 438. Houston received H.M0. against 15, 723; Memphis 3,243, against 2,701, and Au gusta 2,443, against 1,771 last year. Spot cotton here was 1-16 of a cent lower, mid dling, 5 15-16, with light sales. New Or leans, Savannah. Charleston and Augusta Memphis 5,000, with fair business st oth er points. New Orleans dropped 6 to 8 points on futures. Liverpool was active; *pot sales, 18.000 bales at a decline of l-*Zd. Futuresfell 3 to 4 points and closed quiet. There was some buying toward the close by German houses and New Orleans op erators, but the market lacked snap. The CASH QUOTATIONS. In flour very little business was trans acted. Prices were steady. No. 2s pring wheat, 64% to 66%. No. 2 red, 51%. , No. 2 corn, 49%. No. 2 oats, 28a2S%. Mess pot-k per barrel, 12.50al2.75. Lard, 7.30a7.40. Short rib sides, loose, 6.G0a6.65. Dry salt shoulders, boxed. 6.00a6.12%. Short edear sides, boxed, 6.87%a7.00. Whisky, 1.23. CHICAGO GAAIN AND PROVISION. Chicago, Oct. 18.—There was a big line f calls that prevented wheat prices from holding then entire gain they made during the day’s session, the selling agaist those privileges being most active during the last, fifteen minutes' trading. There was decidedly a better tone to the market today than has been felt in some time and the bulls were inclined to pluck up courage and buy. December wheat opened at 82%, sold between 53a53%, clos ing at 62%—% of a cent higher than yes terday. Cash wheat was strong and % a cent higher than yesterday. There was not enough business In com to permit of a very wide range In prices. The disposition to follow wheat, however was well defined. The news was of the routine order. Some sympathy with the final easy tone of wheat carried prices a shade underweste rday's last quota tions, where they closed. May opened at 49.%, sold between 49% and 49%, closing at the latter price. The market for oats was quiet and in a moderate range, no Important trading being seen, the strength in wheat end corn finding a reflection here. Prices at the close were easier than at any other period of the day. May closed a fraction under yesterday. No change in cash values took place, the market ruling firm. Provisions.—The hog market had an ccsier tone today, products showing a similar cne. The estimated run for to morrow wus heavy and dampened every buying desire In the provision market, wJilch otherwise would undoubtedly have sympathized with grain. The absence of business was noticeable, and more than anything else contributed to the Indispo sition of prices to move. The close was 7% cents lower than yesterday for Jan uary pork, 5 cents lower for January lard and 2%a6 cents lower for Jauuary ribs. Cmxnnnk v' v,, ‘ • icr*,.......... y; coriM-v' I L£ m * rlcua M 'l M<mt- 8 r' r cent. ' railroad 6 per aLtfSnS'jSl and July coupons,\/jii 0 iq?-* p«» South Georgia nnd Fl^riA, rail road indorsed 7 per c^SLS* Jan. and July coupons^. ^ Northeastern railroad lndXIraed 6 per cent, bonds, May** November coupons....* Macon and Northern — certificates of bonds, and September coupons.‘UJUJ& \ Charleston. Columbia and \ gust* railroad 7 per cent bon \. RAILROAD STOCKS AND anaatlonW TURES. - fc, u ;^ Central railroad common stock.. 16 * Central railroad 6 per cent, de- beturcs 22 Southwestern railroad stock.... 63 Georgia railroad stock 153 Atlanta and West Point rail road debentures po Atlanta and West Point railroad atock * SO LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKa Macon Gas Light and Water • consols, May and November coupons............ ' Wesleyan college 7 per C€Iit* V ^ bond* Jon. and Jcoupon.. .109 Maco.Wblimteefa* Armory 7 per cent bonds, Jon. and July cou pons 101 Bibb Manufacturing Company 6 per cent, bonds, April and Oct. coupons ioo Progress Loan and Improvement Company 65 Southern Phosphate Company- stock......*. so Acme Brewing Company 100 tra C, New Vgrk. 455 eenU; New Orleans clarified., 4% cents. Hay—Wci qiMte today No. X Tlmoiliy at J1S and fancy, tin. Alerts—Bulk «!4e* 754 cent,. Corn—76 cents per bushel. Oatk-—Mixcd, 43c; whtte, 48o. Lard—Tierce,, t cents; cans. 954 cents pound; 10-pound cans, 10 l-2c. Oil—lie. Snuff—Lorlllard’s Macca-boy snuff, stone Jars, 45o per pound; glass Jars. 46o per pound; 8-otmce bottles, J9.300 per gross; .-ounce cans, 38.60 per gross; X-pound cans, J3.9S per grow; ltaurnaa snuff. 1-ounce glow, 6c; 1-ounce tins 61.25 per grew,. ^Tomato catsup—Pints, 90c; quarts, ilomlny—Per barrel, 64. Meal—Bolted. 76e; plain, 75o.' . Wheat—Brun. S5o. . Hams—12 to 13c. Shoulders—9 l-2c. HIDES. WOOL, ETC. eoted Every Saturday by G. Berhd & Co. reen salt, 3 cents per pound; i cents per pound, tin*—10 to 21 cents each, on 'hi. ronsps—20 to 50 cento each. •f.tcr ofcllinSvi 0 , ** **«»•*• )un. concuru -L 0 --- 1 7 to l. en v/ilo the to 1 7rt*r» a ^yy by L. Cohen Whisky—Ryo..(vJ,-. UL./n; corn, 61.10 to 61.60; Bln. 61.10 to 61.75; Nol-th Carolina corn,61.10 to 61.60; Georgia corih 61.60. .i^ in S~. !)0 “f" 1 ? .1° *1} hlglK wince. 61.33; port nnd sherry, 61 to 63; Vlaret. * 10 case: American champtfktne. 67.50 to 68.50 per cuso; cordials, 613 leer dozen; bitters, 68 per dozen. V 7T-T7 y The American Encyclopedic Dictionary. . BANK STOCKS. First National- Bank atock 125 American National Bank stock.. 85 Exchange Bank stock 93 Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock p* Central Georgia Bank stock Macon Savings Bank atock 90 Central City Loan and Trust Company stock „ MEATS. Corrected Every Saturday by W. Ii. Henry. Fresh Meats-Western bo?r, B% to cc.; Georgia beef. 4 1-3 to 6c; dreeacd hogs, 6 1-2 to 7c; Western mutton 7 3-4c; na tive mutton. 6 l-2c; smoked pork sau sage, 8*l-3c; fresh pbrlc sausage, 80; Bo logna saimge. 6c. COUNTRY PRODUCE. NEW YORK GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Now York, Oct. 18.—Wool quiet, un changed. Butter.—Moderate demand; state dairy, 14a23; creamery, 18a25; Western dairy, 12%al6; creamery, 15a25; Elglns, 25. Cotton seed oil.—Steady, quiet; crude, 2S; yellow, 31, asked. Petroleum—Steady: Philadelphia, 5.10; Philadelphia In bulk, 2.G0a65. Rosin—Quiet, firm. Rice—Moderate demand; firm. Domes, tic, fair 1o extra, 4%a5%; Japan, 4%a%. Molasses.-New Orleans open kettle, good to choke, 27a36. Coffee.—Op tales steady 15a25 points up; October, 12.S0al2.90; December, 11.40a56; March, 10.80a90; May, 10.70a80; spot Rio, dull, steady; No. 7, 14%al5. Sugar.—Raw flat; fair refining, 3a3%; re fined, dull; off A, 3 15-16a4 5-16; standard A, 4 7-16a%; cut loaf, 6a5 3-16; crushed, 5a5 3-18; granulated, 4 7-10a%. Freights to Liverpool quiet; cotton by steam, %d; grain by steam, l%d. LAMSON BROS/ GRAIN LETTER. Special wire to Lyons A James. Chicago, Oct. 18.—Foreign advices for the first time In a long wklle have Shown some strength, while the total clearances were decidedly better at about 500,000 bushels of wheat and flour. Reports from New York Indicate a much better feeling there. London cables say Argen tine wheat is seriously damaged. This Is confirmed by Antwerp advices stating the Argentine crop has been damaged by hall storms. Outsiders were good buyers of corn while the local traders did the sel ling. The range has been very narrow and trade limited. Receipts continue light, while each week brings & larger decrease In stocks. A continuance of this condition any length of time is bound to start short3 to covering, with the usual result should the line be of any size. Oats have been exceedingly dull through the session. The opening was firm at a shade over yesterday's close, firmed up % of a cent for May and gradually eased off, closing tame at about yesterday's final quotations. Provisions showed no special feature. The market opened a shade under yester day’s dose, but has ruled steady through out the entire session. Lamson Bros. A Co. DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar & Sons. Clnamon Bark—Per pound, 12 to 15c. Cloves—Per pound. 15 to 25c. Drugs and Chemicals—Guin nssafoe- tldtt, 35c pound: camphbr gum, 55 to 65o pound; gum cplum 32.40 to 92.69 pound; morphine. l-8s, $2.25 to $2.45 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 38 to 90 cento ounce; sulphur. 4 to 6c pound; salts, Ep som, 2 1-2 to 3c pound; copperas, 2 to 3c . pound; salt petrt, jO to 12c pound; bo- I P° un<1, rax, 15 to 18c pound; bromide potash, 50 to 55c per pound; chlorate, 25 to 30c pw pound: carbollo acid. 50c to $1.75 pound; chloroform, 75c to $1.40 pound; calomel, 85o to $1; logwood. 16 to 20c pound; cream trrtar, commercial, 25 to 30c. DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Waxel- t*aum & Son. Prints—Berwick. 3 l*2c; standard 4 1-2 to 6c; turkey red 4 to 6 l-2c; Indigo blue. 4 to 4%c.; eolld3. 4 to 6 cents. Sheetings—3-4a3%i %a4c.; 4-4044 5 cento. Tickings—From 5 to 12c. Checks—3 1-2 to 6c. Bleachings—Fruit of the Loom, 6 3-4 I to 7 l-2c. 1 FRUITS AND NUTS. Correoted by aTa. Cullen. Figs—Dry, choice. 12 1-2 to 35 cenito. , Peanuts—North Carolina, 3 1-2 cents; Virginia. 4 and 6 cents. Lemons—$4. Nuts—Tarragon la almonds, 15 cents pei pound; Naples walnuts, :& cents; French j walnuts, 10 cents; pecans, 10 cent& Apples—Sun dried. 6 to 7 cento per 1 pound. 1 Raisins—New in market, $2 por box; , London layers, $2.25 per box; loose Mus catel, $2 per box. Irish Potatoes—$2.25 per sack. HARDWARE. Corrected Every Saturday by Dunlap | Hardware Company. Axes—36 to $7 per doezn. Bar Lead—60 per pound. Buckets—Painbe. $1.25 per dozen; ce dar, three hoops, $2.25. Cards—Cotton, $4. Chains—'Trace, $3.60 to $4.0 per I dozen. 1 Well buckets—$3.25 per dozen. Rope-'-Manilla, 12c; aiael, 10c; cotton. 12 cento. 1 Shoes—Horse, $4; Mule, $5. Shovels—Ames, $10 per dozen, j Shot—Drop, $1.35 pei’ sack. Wire—Barbed, 3c per povad. Wire—Barbed. 3c per pound. Nails—$1.65 base, wire; cut, $1.35 base, base. Tubs—Painted, $2.35; cedar, $4.60 per neat. Brooms—$1.25 to $5 epr dozen. Homes, Iron bound, $3. Measures—Per nest, $1. Plow Blades—4 cents per pound. Corrected Every Saturday by Walter Nelson. We quote Today:-Eggs plentiful and in moderate demand at 16al5%c. per dozen. Chickens are In little better demand and receipts light. Her.s, 25a26c.; fries, 14a20c.; ducks, 25a27c.; geese, 40c.; turkeys, 9ol0c. per pound, alive. Sweet aotPtoes—75o. per bushel. Onions—90c. per bushel. Irl3h Potatoes—$2a2.25 per sack. Dried Apples—SalOc. per pound. Evaporated Apples-10all%c. per pound. Tennessee Butter—15al7c. per pound. Georgia Butter—17al9c. per pound. Elgin Creamery Buutter-23a2ic. per the worst and most Bcrious is Dengue or break- bouo fever. Colled “break- bone** because one’s bones aro not only racked with pain, but feel as if they wero tightly held, as by a vice. At times ono feels that tho pain is almost unbearable, and many are brought to Deaths door by tho tcrriblo prostration which follows this grievous complaint. All persons should know that Brown’s Iron Bitters In tho ono medicine which relieves this extreme weakness and brings tho patient back to sound health by it’s well-known medicinal qualities. From tho first boltlo tho improvement Is marked and permanent re covery la but a matter ol a short period. shown Gives the Full Definition Of Every English Word. IT ’Is a Complete And Perfect Modern Encyclopedia \ \ Is the Greatest h/lodern W ork of Reference. These Speaks Those Having PROF. M. J. ELROD, ' Chair of Biology and Physio* of tho Illinois Wesleyan University,, nays: For ntudento and for 't'he mass of tho people I't will bo very useful, not to mention lits How oo»t.. Such a Hfhtng la needed In thousands of homes, and your paper Is to bo congratulated up on being able to furnish I't :*» Its read* at such a (trivial oodt. M. J. Elrod. DR. W. H. WILDER, • I President of »tho Illinois Wesleyan Mnlrverslity, »ay«: Tiho American En cyclopaedic Dictionary is a work of great merit. Highest utility has been sought 'by combining Tho dictionary *jid encyclopedic features. Tho effort hi a success. [W. H. Wilder. 4 Authority., GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTV.-Mr*. M. „ _ _ ... \Va*non having applied to me for letter. Iron—Swede, 4 x-2o per pound: refined. administration to luuo to Jamea I* oc basis * Annmnn. 4ha rw into .nuhtutnaia* Plow Block—Hodmen, $1; Ferguson, 90c. CANNED GOODS. South Is so anxious to sell and the crop I Ocean Sti movement to the porta and to Interior 1 due 193). MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask’d. per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1896 kq 4% per ceat. bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1915.,..liS% jjm 4% per cent bonds. Tan and July '* coupons, maturity Uss ^ p-‘r cent bon is, Jan. and July coupons, maturity long date. ..99 i00 MUNICIPAL BONDS. Savannah 5 per cent bonds.,....104 106 Atlanta bonds, price as to rate of interest and maturity ...100 120 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of Interest and maturity 100 m :orae bonds, 8 per cent 10*14 ix Columbus 5 per cent iionds ... .103 104 Macon 6 per cent bonds, quar terly coupons ii3 m RAILROAD BONDS. Central railroad Joint mortgage 7 per cent bonds, Jan and July coupons Georgia railroad 6 per cent bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1697 us jm Georgia railroad 6 per rent bonds, Jan. and July coupons. due 1910 log 115 Georgia railroad 6 per cent bonds. Jan. and July coupons, du* no m Montgomery and EurauU rail road, 6 pe: ceat bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due U»9.... 09 joo bonds. 5 per Anderson, the oounty amhilstrator, on the estate of Mrs. Eliza V. Allen, late of said county, deceased, this Is therefore to notify all parties concerned to file theJr | objections, if any »hc-y have, on or before i the first Monday in November, 1894, why letters should not fco >s«ued as asked for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.* Corrected Every Saturday by S. R. Jonuea A Tinsley Co. Apples—1 pound cane, $1.25 per dozen. Blackberries—2 Bound conn, 61 perl GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Tho an- dozen; 3 pound cane. 61.05 per dozen. nr«4ser» appointed to »t naidi , tUS '>°uud cone, 90 cents to 61.60 months’ support out of the estate or o per aosen^ , G. Motley,doecosed,for Mrs. Flora XV.lteid Strlnit Beans~2 pound cans, 90 cents formerly Motley, and her two per dozen. . | dren. hnrlns filed thel minor enu- PROF. !W. A. HEIDEU Chair of Greek, IlHnotB ■Wceloyian Unta-erslty, says: There is one foaituro of ithe book which pleases me very much. Many of us taavo read old En •list, and Scotch, but tho ordinary dic tionary Is of no aval 1 ! for sueh uses. Whereon your encyclopedia appears to an eel itho rcaulresnents very fully, IW. A. Heldsl. ROCS'. JOHN W COOK, 'President Normal University, says: This work is unique. Americans are ketnUe; alive to the value of 'time. Such a wsaWhVof knowledge in so compact a form wlin commend Jtsolf oillke to the laborlotnp scholar, the general reader, and especially ;to tho teacher,. John ,W. Cook. PROF. E. ft. VanThETTEN, Buperintendent of Bloo'imlngtort Otty Bohools, says: It is a wol-ic of greait value. It seems ito mo oontsjse, acou. rslte and convenient in form. muolt Information tn such a smell co>-nptM U nowhere olsa to bo obtained. E. M. yan ^otiteni. MRS, GALLINER, - librarian of Withers Llbiury, nays: Ths American Encydlopcdlo BlrMonery offers an opportunity soldom met with to procure a most valuable work tot a small outlay. In fhv homo library U will bo 1ndlspensa,blo ito x s.udenta and Illorary, workers. H. R. Gal liner. WILLIAM M. ANDEREDN, Superintendent of flobtfols, MMweu- kte, WJe., says: Tho lincyolopet.a Dlowonary, in my ojlnloi;, is v. very, valuable work of reference. It Is eg* Imustlve, comprelienslve, and bears evidence of the meet scrupulous pains* — I oan recommend the work — “TO. [Win. E. Anderson. IT Contains a wider range o! Information than any f : , Single work ever FoblisM. i w,,ozeD ' ■ gA*MSp3!a.Mfes June Peia—J sound cans. 61.65 per I mil.Th. TSl.l^rt. U dozen. Red CherriOB—2 pound cans, $1.60 per court. M. WILEV, Ordinary. dozen. • * T *** ¥ * ,M * I ■ Wwhite Cherries—2 pound cane.Jl.75 nc r I x . QE ? naiA * . BIBB COUNTY.—Mrs. H. dozen. por I Nuwbaum, ndmitaatratrlx estate of M. Limn Beano—$1.25. I Nusshaum, late of said county, deceased, Peaches—2 pound cans, S1.G0 n**r ha,vln * “PPhed to me for leave to Ben fifty dozen. acret of land In Finny’s district and fifty Pineapples—1 pound cans, $1.50 to $2 25 I acre ** ln district,all being in Jones per dozen; grated, F. & W„ $2.25. *" ! 5®** W the purpose of paying Raapberriea—2 pound cana, $1.85 ner I <3ebu an<1 distribution, this is therefore I I lo notify ftd parties concerned to file ob* 1 pound cans, $1.50 Der *£ cti< L n, '- , L any lhey haVt? - on or beforo the first Monday in November. 1894, or YOU YOUR ' BOY CAN GET IT. GIRL dbzen. Strawberries—2 dtwtoo. __ Jll Peaches, pie—2 pound cans, $L35 ner Icav * to 116,1 will then bo grant*!. vrnn " I f* If ’Vtf 1,'V C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. IT. IT. TERMS OF DISTRIBUTION: EOR CITY RBATOERS.—Bring oat coupon and 15 cent, do Macon Tele. dozen. Apricot,. California—6 pound cans., 62.23 per dozen. GEORGIA BIBB COUNTV.-Tho on. Peaches. California—62.25. I pralserz appointed tor set aiMe a twelve Pig Feet—2 pound cana, 62.25 per month*’ eupport to Mr*. Efrie McMirm liozen. I and her two children out of tho mate nf Roast Beef—1 pound cans, 21.20 per | y - W. McXllnn, late of 1 : '! cocniv (1' graph, dozen: 2 pound cans, 62 per ifrzvn. ceased, having flle.1 th--Ir return In tft FOR COUNTRY READERS.—fiend Corn Beef—2 pound cane, 61-85 per office, thl* 1* therefore to notify nil n,r one coupon and 15 cent* to the Macon do«n- tie. concerned to Ale objection* If anv Telegraph and dcalred part will b« Potted Ham—1-4 Dound outa r.s eon*. I they have, on or Ik tore thl.. n r «t' tt™ . mailed. Order* to be promptly filled In November, 1 ym. why n,M return »houiit m ul,t contain reamo and addrea* of not be made tho Judgment of thta court I *«ider. M. WILEY, Ordinary. T " Potted Ham—1-4 pound etna, C5 cents per dozen; 1-2 pound can*. 61.25 per dozen. Lunch Tongues-^ pound cans, 63 per dozen. Tripe—2 pound can*. 61.85 per dozen. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES. Corrected Every Saturday by the S. Jaques & Tinsley Co. The following are strictly wholesale prices: Fish—Kit, white fish, COc; In half barrel*. *4: mackerel In half barrel. No. 6. M.55; No. 2. 6650; klu. No. J, 75c' kits. No. A 75e. ’ Flour—Best patent, per barrel, 63.90; second patent, 6J.20; straight, 93; fa m . 1 Dr, 62.6.J: tow grade*. 52.2s In ordering ths lAmerlcan Encyclo pedic Dictionary do not Include any OEOROIA. BIBB COUNTY -v if M- O'* 1 ** - ,n * oaT leut4r oo delay rca arrt James R. Avant, executor* of the will oeaue. . e.ttato of Mr*. Cathcrln. A. MeRea late No ^ unU volume* of khe Enoydo. •f .•! try. 1 I,.,. pedlo JM.fionary will ever o« offered county, deceased, having reore- - . _, , ■ ’••• re that ll,.7 he. ; .ti by the Telegraph. Thta Is pwltlve. e duties of said trust and No part can be obtained tn any other pedlo Dictionary will ever be offered rented to this'o ' discharged IM' . _ now ask for letter* of ji'Wsrion.'lTflii’fii manner chan itajloatod in our regular therefore to notify all parties concern©* dOUpan. m 1 , to file their obj* rtlons. if any they have, on or before the first Monday in January, or elze letters of dismlzaion will then be Issued na asked for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. _____ Advertiser*?, did you ever Suh-ar-stanoard gran-aalM. 9 cent*; «-I t hjnk of it. TIlC pcopleofsix Or. Price's Cream Caking Powdc j comities ti’ilmt.'iry to Mucoii Most Perfect Made. I read the Weekly Telegraph. DICTIONARY COUPON FOR THE AMERICAN ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY l LIBRARY IN ITSELF. FARM 1 e NAMB • ADDRESS Bring or tend ono Coupon ttiih 19 rents, to Ths Macon Tdtgraph, and ono part of ths Dictionary tciU delivered or sent you. Mail orders to be promptly filled must contain nams awl address of sender and sjeci/y the numlter teantea. Don’t writs on any other subled, Mo*. J . 0 2Q ready now, Darts Issued weekly. 1 IT LIBRARY IS A IN ITSELF.