The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 19, 1894, Image 7

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THE ‘MACOH TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MpKNING, OCTOBER 19, 1894 BROWNIES' OX THE STAGE. Fulmer Cat’s Strajig. Uulo Cruuture* in Mimic Life. 1 Fulmer Cox's brownies are known lata wvea. by 'Lhe Juvenile pure ot the jiuyoia.iou o£ niairly every section of tneoouuuy. Tile nave been Uul tue ri.i.iii.rm. itteoru tun tills to nuy of the initial perforin- hueo ok tmose qualut UlUescrenlCOCee; Those (nni-iegsed, nwooi-laoed, bowl- heiiied creatures ol wnimslcal Falmer Oax's lerme brain ana cievvr pencil have lilUierto been confined to plciorinl *ain0.ia and Imaginative verse. Last meat, however, It tile Park Theatre, line prnnktul merrymaker. wvro given lorm, action, lile ttnd color. It vraa a tlipipy idea. that suggested the Brownie jiaaj, arut it -was fortunate that Author turn Artist Palmer Cox was induced to assist In tho pvaotlng of it upon the stage. The first pertosentinoe of the Uffalr bast liigiit at tile Park Theatre proved a aeugutful surprise in every way, but in another it was nomevv-Jat of a disappointment. Tnoae who ex pected to mid a "Brownie -IBook" iran«:«rr<d bodily to the boards of the theatre found tue expeotatiou unful filled. The quaint, cur.ous and gyiutlc pranks and notions of -Kilmer Cox’s little folks are here, It Is true, in a measure, and every now and then there 3s a true. -touch of genuine Brownie oonsenpe Bit excites o relish for more —but it Is nor "Brownteland” that is retooled; It 1s die abode of the farles. The production, ua ai whole, la a snug- nitlceril Miry spectacle, with georgioud transformation scenes, glittering armor, dazzling costumes,, novel and ingenious WeotriotU devices, pretty, girts, sweet- voiced e-racers and most strikingly ar rayed tableaux. In ail these the audi ence was delightfully surprised, as no one htbl anticipated that the produc tion was to he Upon »> elaborate n. spectacular scale, in this respect the play is far ahead cf anything of tho kind yet seen in this city. The most In genious conceits, original contrivances and surprising effects run riot througU- ouh the play, and many of these are almost Wagnerian in their audacity or conception und brilliancy ot execu tion. A huge palace Is hurled to the ground; the Brownies upon a raft, tire tossed and rocked upon a groan heaving »»: a gold mine Is revealed that Is ■lighted by electricity; the little folks pi ty upon Illuminated guitars and man dolins; scraiming eagles swoop, down from llghtnlng-steaked skies, while,su perb tableaUx are shown which put to shame all previous attempts in tho "living picture” line. There are beauti ful ballet arrangements, the one. In the second act wing specially etteettve. while the wedding march in the open ing of the first act Is a nrygniflcemt ar- array of moving form and color. These speotaculnr surroundings almost swamp the tiny Brownies, but nevertheless they moke up In numbers what they lack in size. Evpry. nation has its quaiht representative, in the whimsical lorm nude so"familiar by Cox’s pen cil, and each has something to say In an odd and curious way. Together they mike lots of fun, and manage to pro voke considerable laughter from the audience. Palmer Cox’s Stage book Is not so clever an effort as those ho lias written for homo reading, but nev ertheless It has been given, a represen tation which Is In itself a hit. Mai- solra Douglass and Fred Perkins have provided the music—and In very l'beml quantities. It is very agresoibliitmu sic, and adds very much to tthe play's success. The characters of the Brown ies are entrusted to diwtfrf-Hke per formers, while the farles and demons are given, to full-sized specimens of humanity. Pretty, graceful ana charm ing Alice Jolvns.m, was ui-giuolons and animated represen'tnilve of Prince Flo- rip'lil- phe acted",with ctTect, aud with sweetness utid expression. Cute little Ida Muele was capital as Dame Dru- silda. and made a. decided lilt. Charles Drew was very funny as King Stan islaus. and sang a clever topical song with much fervor. Store than a word of. praise is due 'to Mr. Ben The] for the ingenuity and skill he bus displayed in staging ‘the production, while cos tumes and property man are also do- Eerving of commendation. Short Coats, Gulf Capes and Chinchilla Coats, < >e ve jotf latest. One hundred new shapes in Hats and Bonnets fo.^g Millinery department. Fifty dozen Ladies’Hose, 3 pair for $1.00; the regula. 60ci Rind. Fifty dozen Children’s School Hose, 20 and 25c; worth 3oc. See the bargains in DRESS GOODS and SILKS. GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILROAD, POPULARLY KNOWN AS THE “Suwanee River Route to Florida” Is the only di rect lino from Jacksonville, Palatka, n, 0 St. Augustine, Ocala, u Sanford, Titusvill, Bartow, Tampa, And all pots In DEPARTURES—SOUTHBOUND, for Montgomery. and Pa- tka 11:10 a m for Jacksonville and Fa- latkA ,..10:33 p ra W, \ 1 f. [NO. R. ELLIS rr CfjftES CONSUMPTION. Cincinnati, (Tel lft-Deposltlons tnk”en here In ffio case of Dr. Amlck vs. Reeves develop somo remarkublo facts. I' tvna shown that tho Amlck Chemical Company of this city has supplied -10,000 doctors with Dr. Am- lek’s chemical treatment for oofisump- tlon, ns much ns $1,000 worth of sam ple medicines being distributed dally. Each patient receives a trial outfit and an inhaler. The company offered as evidence Its flies containing thous ands of reports from physicians of cures covering every stage and phase of the disease. JAPANESE) PLJLB CURB A New and Complete Treatment, consisting of SUPPOSITORIES. Capsules of Ointment and two poxes ot Ointment. A nnver-faillmj Cure for Piles OTory nature and <1ee*ce. It makes an operation with the knife or injections of carbolic acid, which »ro painful and seldom a permanent cure, and oftou routing in donih, unnecessary. Why •ndU’w this terrible disease? We guarantee, 6 boxes t,-> euro any case. You only pay for benefit* received. II a box, 6 for 83. Sent by mall. • Onarantecs issued by our agents. CONSTIPATION BpfiBlS the uroiit LIVER and STOMACH REQULATOR end BLOOD PURIFIER. Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted for children’s one, CODoeoe £ cents. GUA'^ARTFF* GOODWYN ft SMALL. Sole Agents, Cherry Street and Cotta* Avenue. Macon. Gw. / DYNAMITE ON THE TRACK. Now Method of Work By Pennsylva nia Train Wreckers. McKeesport, Pa., Oct 15.—Dynamite svas placed on the track of the Balti more and Ohio railroad at Long Run Bridge last night mnl n serious wreck narrowly averted. The stick of dyna mite was tied to the rail. The 5:55 p. m. train encountered It Tho explosion damaged tho truck and tore off ono of tho front wheels from tho engine. The passengers were badly frightened and somewhat shaken up. hut no one was seriously Injured. No motive can be assigned for the deed. It is believed, however, that the cx- ploslvo was placed on tho track to wreck tho eastern express train duo at Long -Run at the same time as the accommodation, but th explosive be ing placed on. the wrong track, the ex press escaped an almost certain plunge over the big, high bridge. v detectives are at work on tho case, ~ but as yet have made no arrests. ENCROACHMENT NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that thirty days trom the date hereof application will be made to the mayor and council of tho city of Macon for deed to en croachment ot forty feet by US feet on Fifth street, lot 17. wharf lot, granted by that body September 25, 1894. Plat ot said encroachment now on file in of fice of city clerk. C. W. HOWARD. Macon,.Ga.. Sent. 26. 1894. , W.L.Douclas CUAr tlTHKIEflTCV U(J OriVh NOMUCAKINO. ♦5. CORDOVAN. • FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. * ^.WRHECALF&kANfiAfiOa POLICE, 3 Soles. *2AVBOYjSCHOOLSHI]ES. ,38 NO FOR CATALOGUE W*L* DOUGLAS* BROCKTON, MASS. Because, we are the largest manufacturer* of Ivertisca shoe* in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name ana price on the bottom, which protect* you against high price* and the middleman’s profits. Ou r shoes equsl custom work In style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower price* for the value given thnn any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer earn'd n»—• - ~»u, **”* •***. sold v»v ROCHESTER SHOE CO. 518 OHERRZ STREET. Yon can save, Middle Georgia aid AUaalio Railroad. Tim. Table No. 14. Effective September 2. 6 O’clock, A. il ia*. Read Down Rood Up, 11 00 p| 7 15|tv. Augusta .Ar.| Ga. R .K. j 9 09 ]Lv. Macon ,.Ar.| | 4 46 p No. 104|No.lW| A. M. 120 jNo.102JNo.101 Lv Mlll’g’vlll Ar|| f 601 l m Lv Bitonton Ar.| 7 45 | 12 55 Ar Eetonton Lv| 6 36 | 1148 p Lv Eaton ton Ar| 6 35 | 1145 Ar. Atlanta Lv.| 3 tap) 7 25a Macon Lv.| 9 10a| |Ar. Athons .Lv.| 2 40 p Broughtonville meeting point tor trains Nos. 101 and IM. Covington Junction meeting point for trains Nos. 102 and 103. W. B. THOMAS, General Manager. MYSTERIES 1 The Nervous System the 8eat of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. jfo mystery has ever compared with that of human life.' It has been the leading subject of professional research and study In ail ages. Bat notwithstanding this fact It is not gener ally known that the seat ot life Is loca- lln the un- . r part of the 1 spinal cord, I near the base (rj^CsT hH Ot the brain, f i f'zl I i and oo sensi tive la this portion of. the nervous sys- tbvent discoveries have demonstrated that alltheorgan* of the body are under the con trol of the nerve center*, located in or near t tie base at tho brain, and that when these are deranged tho organs which they supply with nervefluld Are also deranged, when It la re membered that a serious lnluiTr to the spinal cjrd will cause paralysis of tho body below the Injured point, because the nerve force to nwrenKHl by tho mjurv from reacWng i he niralyred portion, It will be understood bow t::o derangement of tho nerve center* will cautc t lie derange meet of the various organs trliich they supply with nem'o force. * I Two-thirds of enronic diseases are due to the Imperfect action of tho ner>o centers at the base of tho brain, not from a derange ment primarily originating in the ornnli. self. The great mlitnle of phr.lriane In tn-nting these tllneas.-. Is that they Weattln < rgan rather than the pervo centers which ;.rv the ranso of tho trouble. nCVUMOn Miua. the eelebratea «pe- eia!l»t.has prutmindly etudledthtaiubltctfo- over dij years, aod has made mauy Imoortan lU-'-overlee In connection with It. chief amoi'L th'-in l>c-inz tho facts contained In the •■bove staiement, and that tb» ordinary methods.of t rv uni' iilare wronn r - AJ1 headache, dial- nets, dullness, confoslon, prewny*. oiu«» n .nia, melancholy. Insanity, epllepay. Vltua dancgL ctc~ are nervous diseases no natter how caused The woodcrftil»ucce«of Ur. Miles’ Restorative Nervine Is due to the fan that it Ih based on the foregoing P r1n4 : l P*®: l»ru Viu.r.v BesToaATtvEN*KVi.vKls*oldDy nil druxgists on a positive guarantee. 1 of *^ n - direct by im. Muxs Mxduul Co.. Elk bar i • — *-l of price, 11 per^tK^Ue. si xprvs* prepnt Oo_ KlkLart, <*eipt of price, il per fertile, si* i>o*t!esf^r gs. express prepaid, it contain* neither epuua uur dangerous drngv Rand, Mclally h Co/s IH' atIas OP THE P WORLD NEW WIETY-TWO MMY HT1RELY BOOL MAPS. mTURlL Theo £ logical Anthropo V “Bio T^araiDMcal Hydro flISTORY of the WORLD’S PEOPLE. CENSUS of 1890. Biographies of Prominent Men. Portraits of the W orld’s Bright Men. Historic Praotio Systematic Statistic • Politic Patriotic Education Economic Emblematic BTATISTI011# CHARTS and DIAGRAM& GAZETTEER and ATLAS. AL oints In Florida nnd Cuba, our trains arrive and depart from >Jnlon de acon and Palatka. ARRIVALS—NORTHBOUND. No. 2 from Palatka and Mont gomery #<4>P m No. 4 from Palatka and Jack sonville 4:05 a m No. 6 from Ttfton No. 33 from LaGiunge 10:50 & m MRURRMf No. 52 from LaGrange 2:45 p m T .Passengerlocal sleeper, northbound, can sleep until 7 a-m. Pasaengera from iot ' Macon P r °P er abouid take this sleeper at Irfike City. t f ‘‘Dlxl* Kl\or,” leaving Macon at 10:33 p. to. carries through Pullman buf- •Hii/at'UU' < ar toVftusksonville and local sleeper to Palatka, arriving In Jockson- V |I .®5J'\ I’alHt.k.i at :i a. m. Went India foat mail train leaving Macon xr.triTlymjiiT makes dip»ct connection at C6rdele with S. A. M. fait express for T^rUiit rrivdng theffs at 7:55 p. m., at which point close connection Is made and N**bvHlt8 v'estlbuled limited for Now Orleans and all Texas points. Sleepln. caf awom *^ No. B fo7VJH* ot P m to. 31 for lVarange 4«j0 p m f r .,..8:0Dam OCEAN STEAMSHIP Co. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. HMUaikBOK SAYAKKAK- TO NEW YORKt Cabin, $20; Excunlan $32; Steer,,,, $10. TO BOSTON: l. $22; Excurelon, $30, Steer,,«, $11.75. TO PHILADELPHIA, VIA NEW TOOK: Cabin, $22.60; Excunion, $301 Bteeian $ma. O o x 0W W* cc O bl 3 ui i—i ca g ^ * % is Three hundred and forty-fiv* E . Bound in finest quality sh cloth. Printed upon fine calend cred paper with marbled edges. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE, $7.50, Cat out coupon and send it with TWO DOLLARS, and we will send you a copy of the magnificent work. Size, 111-2 x 141-2 inches. Out of town purchasers to pay carriage. tlons reserved In Macon for thl* train. Route ill the only direct line from Macon to Palatka and Chattanooga andf way'’atationa SJfhjSSoS5l? t ks >olnti ’ c, o*ft* vconneett cn being made at Palatka in Union depot Pullman sleeping oar* b*t«*a n with anJ KoyvWcst, Florida Southern nnd Jacksonville. 8t. Augustine ana Indlai.*. lver rmlrontUV also with 8t. Johns and OcKlawalni rivoi Augustine anai inaian■ ijyer rnilrond\also with St. Johns and ocKlawaha river steamers. Sleeping.JJJjdBcommodatlola* reserved to Jacksonville, Palatka or New Orleans. Further lniorn^^on cheerfully and promptly furnished'upon application. Telephone 100. Send your name and adv^^ for beautiful photogravure. 'LANE, \ O. \. MACDONALD, 'Jcnl. Pasaongci' Agt,, Macon, Ga. Genl. Manager, . \ Alucon, Ga. Tb.nuvntfloaat iCMmUilp, ot Uum Osm •VpoiuudLo 1,11 aa followa naalanl Um« SAVANNAH TO NEW 20RK. (Central or 90th Meridian Tima.) City of Birmingham.Wod. Oot. 17, 7:00 am Kan son City Fri. Oct. 19 8:30 am Gate City Sat. Oct. 2.. 9:30 am Nacooclno Mon. Oct. 22.12 noon City of Macon Wed. Oct. 24, 2:00 pm City of Augusta Fri. Oct. 28. 3:00 am City of Birmingham. .Sat. Oct, 27. 4:30 pm Kansai City Mon. Oct 29. 6:00 pm Gate City Wed. Oct. 81, 7:00 am SAVANNAH TO BOSTON. Tallahassee Thurs. Oct u, 8:00 pm Chattahoochee TTiura, Oct. 18, 7:30 am Tallahassee Thurs. Oct. a, 3:00 pm SAVANNAH TO PHILADELPHIA. (This ship does not, carry passengers) Dessoug .1 Tue. Oct. 9. 1:30 pm Dessoug Frl. Oct 19, 8:30 am Dessoug Mon. Oct 29. 6:110 pm J. P. BECKWITH, O. A.. Jacksonville, Fla. Walter Hairklns, F.P.A., Jacksonville. Flu. W. E. Arnold, Q.T.P.A., Jacksonville, Fla. C. G. Anderson, Agent Savannah, Ga. SOUTHBOUND. Coiamftua mm2 Rallw&j compao/. Tim* Table No. 1A £ff*cUy* Feb. )», UH. DaljjTT Sunday •xctpt / Sunday./ Only, ‘ I 00 poll 7 oo’ara I 40 pm I 47 am 1 w pm 10 00 am • 35 pm ll 00 am 110 ami t 80 pm 8 40 am] 8 20 pm 5 85 am) 8 38 pm 2> Columbua.. Lv Richland.. Lv Dawson. Ar Albany... Ar Brunawlok..*..**..**. Ar Jacksonville Ar Thomaavltl# NORTHBOUND. | Sunday Only. Dally except Sunday. 7 00 pml 7 00 am 7 00 pm 8 80 am 8 00 pml 8 00 am I 00 ami 8 00 pm 8 40 am 4 00 pm 8 45 ami 8 u pm Atlanta and New Orleans Short Line; AfXfLNTA and WTsy poiNT R. B. ^••Ichc an»l Uci noule, UontgObj,^. rulrra. oTa* DCUtnDOU.ia. No. M. Mo-W'-RUTml Lv. Macon......,! , 30 pml s » arnff* “ Lv. Atlanta......( 6 x, uiu| 4 X pm] 1“ pm Ar Montgomery., ui 0;. am| » JO pm| « »•'_ Ar Peusacjla. MC 2 l4....! 4 :0 am|9»X_ 'bile....... i ,ao pu , .. a, uni 3 ui alt r Orleans.|19 Zr mini ; 33 am| 7 Id am us ton ,|1Q so pmjlO W pra SOUTHERN RArLWAY COMPANY- WESTERN SYSTEM. SOUTHBOUND. l_No. 1L_| No. 13. Leave Macon.. lloVpmlu 00 nm Arrive Cochran [12 13 amllS 41pm Arrive Hawklnoville... 7 40 am 3 40 pm Arrive Eastman 113 54 am 128 pm ‘^ rr } v * J*«up.a 15am 5 15 pm Arrive Brunswick...... 6 15am 7 15 pm Arrive Jacksonville.... 8 25 nm 9 23pm Arrive Savannah | 6 65 nm 9 47 i-m northbound. Lv. Chatnoge. Ar. Memphis.,! .—,, J.No. 12. | No. It J No. 18. aT‘ iJilnl ! i *#4Unl 4 25 pml 8 23 nm Lv 2 * 5a »n| 7 60 pmlll 45 nm a^' nSS5f*"l,t M ““I 11 00 f m 2 00 pm a 00 n | 3 20 ami 5 51pm . 1 7 45 pm| 7 30 am ■ ? 00 amt 7 45 pm ! e 10 pm] 7 00 am ami 6 65 pm ami 6 37 pm 5 pm|l()_i5 pm THROUGH CAR ARRANGEMENT3. Southbound. No. U.—Solid ve*tibaled train xn Tn^ir. eonvllle, with Pullnuin buffs? drawn* tat J * c *^dviii. iSi No. H'-Solld train tor Branswlolc. No. 12.—Solid vestibule train ts At- as&sjawjsPLftS sjs *» v. Chetnogs. | 9 00 s v.OoltewhJ (935; r KnoxvlIR.j j I3 iB t and Chattanron! b,twM “ wIth'«leew°ettac t hea n from Atlant« 0 con: ClnclAnnU. which % f attacihVd ilwp?n«“J:M» 0r »ttan7 23 atl )- wlth ru,lm »1 " to rout ** C. H. Knoxville, Term. Turk, Agent. Washlngton^D!*?. 1 - P “'« n « 9 ‘ Anni G h .: DWl8lon At Mobile Ar New Ar Houston TO SELMA. Ltave Montgomery....^..I f^yni) b li> am Arrive Selma (U lu; ymjii 15 am , Train 50 carrie*”ruUman v .v*»UbuT* ele«p«r New York to New Orlf dining car to Montgomery. cairtM Pullmm vestibule *icop*r . kens to Naw York and dining Atlanta. Trains 54 and 51 Pullman Buffet , Ing CHi a between Atlanta and Mon gome nr. EDMUND L. TYLER. oWil. Mgr, JOHN. A. GJEH, OenL PoeeJAgt GEO. W. ALLEN. T. P. A.. Atlanta GEORGIA MIDLAND AND GULF R. IU Tho Only Lino Running Double DallJ Trains Between Cotumbua and Atlanta] iOHRDULR IN EFFECT OCT. 14, lKPlJ T NORTHBOUNDr XiVe COI. Lv. Wav8j>«". Lv. Oak Modi. ! ( , t Lv. Warm Spri, . , Lv. Woodbury.-THlhllJt . Lv. Concord.\a Lv. willlamsmj f. 1 V Ar. Griffin f. \m. Ar. Mocnn. r. H, R...,| 7, AtlenM. C. It, R, kVANNAB MACON, DUBLIN AND RAILROAD. Tlmo Table No. 13, Taking Effect Sunday, Read Down. Bunl] 1 1 “ N0.4|No.2| UTATiotia. VKipmi jAkflA 4 001 3 001 Macon .|10 ir» 4 081 8 ® ....M. & N. Junction....110 20;iu 15 4 151 3 15 Swift Crock 10 lojli) 00 4 25) 3 30 Dry Branch | 0 C0| 0 to 4 83 3 40 Pike* Peak 4 43 3 60 FUzparlck. 4 50] 4 001 Ripley. .. 6 05 4 20 Jeffersonville 5 lui 4 86) Galllmore 5 25 C 00 Danville .. 6 30 5 12 Allontovn . 5 40| 5 82]......, Montrose $, 5 iVij 6 60). Dudley ••• fi 02j G 071 Mooro .... 615)6 30 ,. Dublin .... 9 35) 9 40 l P20( 8 30 9 nil !i is n o:>| o 8 bC| !» 15 8 30 9 0G 8 15) 8 50 S 00 8 45 7 46 B 15 7 SO] 8 25 7 16J 8 13 7 00) 8 Lv, MiCDoi Ar. Griffin..' Lv. Macon, A JJ. R Lv. Atkk&U, C. ^Lv. Griffin iLv. Williamson,..) Lv. Concord L. Lv. Woodbury Lv. Warm Hprlnk*.... Lv. Oolt Mountain... Lv. Waverly Hall... Ar. OollumbuB,,.,.. OCONEE AND WESTERN RAILROAD TIME CARD Na *, To T.k. Effect Monday, April », U94. Noa 1 ml I will run telly Sun- tey. All others Irregular, lived Down. Read Up. MUm| NoTf IP. M." IM 'No. 1. |Mll«ef "AM. IMI 111 • so • 45 10 00 10 20 18 40 »r.U lv.ll 10 11 25 ar.U 48 Lv. Dublin .Ar .. Hutching* «. Spring Hav*a .... Dexter .... ... Alcorn* ... ... Chester ... Yonkers ... ... Empire .... Empire .... ... Cypres* ,„i HawklnevtUe 12 441 42S 4 U 14 *»lv. 1 Man, 8 15 Lv Jacksonville.. Lv Brunswick .... Lv Thomaeville.... Lv Albany Lv Dawson........ Lv Richland...... _ _ Ar Columbus U 00 am| 7 CC pm All schedules ehown between Albany and Brunswick end Jacksonville ere daily. No train Albany to ThornasviJle on flat* urdays after SM p. in. All trains arrive and depart from the XJakm Depot at Columbus and Albany. O. MILL Superintendent. ... Orovanla ... 0 | * Close connection* mad* at Dublin with .Wiightsvllle and Tennllle railroad In both directions. East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia trains pass Empire as follows; Going Bouth..... » M pm Going North 8 48 pm J. W. HIGHTOWER, O. M. H. V. MAHONEY, O. 7. * P. A pi ■ book or! 1. J,<i00. How to beoonio a flrwt- ] cJasn MceemorlAt, llypnotlat, ■*'" -ftd Clalrroyniit, a large Addreee at once, C. U. HO WAN, Milwaukee, Wls. BOf r/naOUND. No. 62 Dally 8:15 a.m, 8:57 a,m. 4:15 n m. 7 :30 a,tn. 9:UG ium.) i»:J3 a.m. 0:45 a.m. >110:15 a.m. (10:36 «,m. , lub> o,m. 11:20 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 4^3 .m. 0:12 ] 4:31 to.m. ‘1-60 un. 7:34 ,.m. VM p.i h.uu All trains arrivo nnd depart Union Ue. pots at Columbua nnd fJrlfClv/^Ask foi licUele and »ce that they reAlPvia tho Oeoight Midland and Gulf Railroad. OLXFTON JONES/ Gen. Pas. A*t. C. W. CHQARS, Gen. Manager. Columbus, Go. MACON AND NORTHERN TIME TABLE, SEPT. Rood Down. AM. | AM| \ »AI>\ 9 00) Lv Mac on 10 50[Lv Machen 11 4f> fnr.... Ma/Iison ...«Ar 2 03)Lv Athehs .....Ar 3 551 Lv.... Abbeville ...Av 4 23 Lv.... Greenwood ..Lv 6 23 Lv,,.* Chester 8(j6|Lv.... Monroe AMefll26)Lv.... Raleigh OAD. 3 884. Road TJpk |PM|PM, ::::£! ew| 21» 12 12] A. M, 11 431P. 5] 9 38 8 23 4 U |Lv 3 06LV .' WeUoa ..-.Lv 5 40|Ar.„. Richmond ,...Lv|ll 23|A M 9 46 Ar.. Waahlngton ..Lvl 7 »» HOOiAr... Baltimore ...Lv ail PM. I2 00|Ar.. rtillmlelphl. ..Lv »4I | 3M|Ar... New York ...LvJ I 20 P M. -pa.Mnger'traln.'wm atop at Ocmulga. ■treat to take on und let oft paneengera. Car on electric railway will connwt with No. 2 at 6:30 p. m. from tho North at Oo- mulgeo »treot. . _ Connection, with Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad, Ba«t TenneMee, Virgin- U and Georgia railroad and Central ralL rond for all point. In Florida and routh- ivrat G-argla. Kocond-No. 403 leaving Macon at • a. m. makfi clone connection with Mlddlt Oeor- ,1a and Atlantic for Eaton ton. Third—With Oeorgla railroad at Madi son. . , Fhurth-WIth Mild train for W'a.hlng- ton and Pullman Turlor Buffet cara Washington to N.w York city. Ticket office 1. temporarily located at J. W. Burke’, hook .tore. 10. T. HORN. General Manajrar. M. C. MAHONEY. Aet’g O. P. A. ] E. W. BURKE. Ticket Agent. Goodwyn Sc Small, drugglita, rec ommend .lolmon'i Magnetlo Oil, Ui. great family pain killer, lntornal and t-xlomnV. CENTRAL R. R. of GEORGIA H. M. COMER AND B. S. HAYES, RECEIVERS. Schedule in ef foot Out. 4th. 1J9(, Standard Time, 90th MeridUh. BETWEEN MACON, COLUMBUS. BIRMINGHAM, MONTGOMERY AND ALBANY. READ DOWN. .1*7 06 . m .. « 16 am .111 oo a m . 12 24 p m i 4 15 p ra •8 10 p m)~*U U a m 2 13pm 10 40 pm U 55 pm t 44 a m 4 i'o am 8 25 e m 7 00 * m U 22 p 1 54 p m 2 *0 p m 8 13 p m 6 40 p m 4 51 p m 2 60 p m C 20 pm 8 10 p m 7 55 p m —STATIONS— Leave...,,,,... Macon ..........Arrive Arrive Fort Valley .......Leave Arrive......... 0>lumbus .....«...Leave Arrve,Opelika •......•••Leave Arrive....... Birmingham Leave Leave., •••••••• Macon Arrive. ••••., Arrive Amcrlcu* Leave Arrive.•••• Albany Leave Arrive.......... Dawson .Leave Arrivo....... Fort Gaines ..Leave Arrive Eufaula Leave Arrive..... Ozark Leave Arrive...... Union Springe ......Leave Arrive............ Troy Leave Arrlve....... Montgomery .......Leave 7 15 p m 116 pm 115 P m 2 25 I m •8 46 a m 3 J ..... ..... ! 2 i ;;;;; 4 10 pm 8 00 p rn 136 Pm 1160 im 11 21 am 9 20 u m 10 37 am (OS am 8 10 a m 7 15 a m •7 45 am 7 40 a m 1 40 a m 6 20 a zn 4 10 im 11 47 p m 10*17 pm 8*U p m ♦7*30 p m ::::: ••••V «•„ BETWEEN MACON. ATLANTA. CHATTANOOGA. MILLEPOEYILLE. AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. ml*4 25 p m|*7 55 a m 6 13 e m 6 32 p ml f 47 a m 7 45 a ml 8 05 p mill 30 a m 1 15 p ml 1 00 a ml 7 55 pm 1 i4 15 p mi'll 00 p mill JO a m 6 05 p mill 46 p m[l2 17 p m I 18 p ml 2 15 a ml S 40 pm ....I 630 a ml 4 50 p m ).... I 6 00 a ml C 30 pm Leave Macon Arrive Arrive Griffin ••••......Leave Arrive Atljnta Leave Ar.,.. Chattanooga via Atlanta ....Lv Lepvs Arrive.... Arrive.... Arrive.... Arrive.... Arrive..... „ Macon ..........Arrive ... Gordon Leave MUlcdgevllle .......Leave ... Mllien .....Leave .. Augusta Leave . Savannah ....Leave 7 56 p miio 23 P mill Min 148 pm)8 25pm) 8 02 am •4 » p m|*« 55 P m T 30 a m 7 25 q ni'M 13 p ml*3_22 a m 2 40 pm 2 45 a mjlO 00 a m 11 03 « m 7 55 a ml •8 30 a in 01 a m! 0 10 a m ... • | 8 06 a m 11 35 p m ..... H 30 i» ml..... •8 45 p ml..... Trains marked thus • daily; thua ! daily except Sunday. Trains marked thua 7 Sunday only. Solid trains arc run to and from Macon and Montgomery via Eufaula. Savannah and Atlanta via 1 gyiA Albany via Smithville, Maron and Birmingham via Columbu*. Sleeping cara on night trains b»twen Savannah and Macon. Savannah and Atlanta. • „ , Parlor car* between Macon nnd Atlanta. Paftsengera for Thomnatnn take 7:65 a. m. or 4.*25 p. m. train. Passengers for Carrolltnn and Cedartown taka T48 i. m. train. PaiuicnKer.t f< r l urry t.i'nu 11:15 a. rn. ir.’n; Fort G.iltie*. Uuena Vlnia. Hlakely and Clayton ahould W16 a. m. train. PaeMngvr* for Syivanla. Wrightevllle und Handcravlllo toke 11:30 a. m. train. For further information and for •'?hedulcs for points beyond our line apply to > w. F. 8HKI.LMA.V. Traffic ifanatjer. W. P .DAWSON. Passenger Agent* ... J. C» HAILE, tieoerel Peesenger A genu / x L, J. UAliltlS. Ticket Act* Um ~m \