The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 19, 1894, Image 8

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R. CL WILDER'S SONS ; 7- MACON# GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. Lumber. rotuth and dretaod. ulilnclcn, lath*, and dealers In mixed palnta, lead, ollr, lima, platter, cement nnd builders' hardware. CM TO 022 THIRD STREET. RACTNO AT N.VSirvmLE. Robert J. an Kaay Winner From John HI. Gentry. JlMflivIlle, Tenn., Oct. 18.—Six thou- ■and people gathered at Cumberland Par leuxlay, being attracted by the prospects for a. match between Rob ert J. and John R. Gentry. The day and track were perfect and when Rob ert J. (Geers) and John H. Gentry (McHenry) came upon the track they were greeted by a groat shout. Boon they were alerted, Robert J. on the outside of the track. Around they paced nnd came In so close togctsier that tho Judges decided It n dead heat. ' Time, 3:04 .'After the heat lt«wu» found that Gentry had cut his leg and he Was allowed to be withdrawn. Robert j. was given the race and then sent a mile In the gathering dusk with n running rontr In 2:03 1-2. 1i trot, purse vm.—01!!» It won: Trlncc Bd:<all second, Miss ICIrkmnn third. Rest Umc. 2:11V*. oskhlll stake. 2:11 trot. H.WO.-Brown Ol-U wen: MlasNctso.n second, K. Bar- aelt third. Ileat time, 2:1b FAVORITES WERE WINNERS. Opening of tho Meeting at St. Asaph's Track. Washington, Oct. 18.—The race meet- hV at the new St. Aaapli Ir.tok opened ( uaplcloutly toduy In tho presence of .00# people. AVdl known Rjxirllnj: non from nil parts of tho country sere present.- Tho wenlher was clear, the/track fast nml the sport fair, flirpmt' rotlo live winners. In the opea- ,n/ riu'e tit sii. furlongs, ls-onawcll tin fuWtntc, won. Wulikt, tin to i. made it runaway race of tho scooml •uce nt a. mile ami a Blxtcciith for tho tt'it mile nml then died, Patrician, tho favorite, pinning ou nnd winning easily nj' a length from Cnmlelnbrn. the sec- 9tld choice. Harris took thn lond-at th" quarter lu the fhtrd race ut #.x ft, mugs nnd was never headed, her.. * the fnvoritp, Rramhcletin Idly, hdiglh at the wlrih iijtl»on J ;| 1 (1 , h „j tile fourth from W(r » gift MndUInles. The le' Wn * * *- lft Mr Albert. J y . ! IV t/ ,u ? n - i» 1/ ,t Hi. Asaph ye*t»r- Ttif showing ,ia favorite*, n second toy was fan' ... That'll «lo pretty Bil l » tb> jr . If they will only k-.i. aril for,/ J, . while tho Macon t sp that, much In lov* with the ”. D \r oy club. And well they fine .ung strangers with a ^ jiuildtion will flnJ tt*« f element In the Pavilion. WjTds .<f a > , fiber, don'Hier know I r n*4r»| (Yuotatlone received In ^fttzors F* rittoru at 13:48 y. n». AT ST. ABAPH YRftTORDAT. Kirit rnc^-Thrw^foujnth# of a mile, rim# A 1:10. brontiwell; !«*; 6 to/l.; (Stans) 1 QaUlee; 1*1; M (Penn) : IK-rfoYllla; 103; i/to 1 <nos«S»tt) l Berohd mco-r-Ono tnllo and one-stx loomh.A T0*ne, / l:49%. Patrlcnm: IQpi 3 to 1 (HImu) ' Can JvhvbiV'i 10 ! 5 to 3 (DoggctO : Prince C#£>W1; 3 to I (Griffin) I Thirl >a©©~‘lhree-fourth# of a mile, ime, lid. JOB; 3 to I (Tribe) 1 rr«)eU<(. 103; 7 to 8.. (Griffin) 3 Hi**. 107; 8 to J,, ....(Dotfgett) 3 urth racc-Three-fourths. of a mile. 1:18H. I l« i ton; 107; 3 to 1 (Sima) 1 W<n>u*rg; 107: 0 to 5....... (Penn) 3 M n«nto (wit); 07; t to 1 (Griffin) 3 Fifth raco—One ml!©. Tim©, 1:4814, Sour and Dane©; 90; 3 to B....(Griffin) 1 Beiauket; 00; 4 to 1 .(Keefe) 3 dh .low; 84; 7 to 1 (It. Doggo tt) of mile. ...(Sims) 1 ..(Penn) 2 .(Keefe) 3 Sixth race—Five-eighth a rime. 1:01. Albert A.; 110; 7 to 5 ruecan; 110; £ to 3 OoWton Got©; 110; 20 to 1... ■Track fast. i AT RT. ABA Pit TODAY. First r*oa—Thrtt«fourlha of a mile. Hnndspun, 110: Ieobt-Pgula. HO; King OOld, U0. Kvnn«l. 110; Golden Gate, 00. • • i.’hths of a mile, l’rlnce Georg©. 77; Little Halt, 116; at Michael. 11C; Will KUott. 101; Shelly Tut tle. 10T; Pekin. 107. Third i\ue—Three-fourth# of n mile. H!nek foot, 03; L>ngbrook, 13; Harrington, 112; Jack of BpAden, 118; Factotum, lu). Fourth race—Thr^e-fourths of a mil©, Poohteo, M: FUrt, 96; Jordon, 107; Lori- imr, Wi; Prlnco John, 101: Rcynrnl, ioi; \v. rnlKTg, 117; Ericsson, 03; lluxeihatcli, 111. Fifth nice—Flve-elgths of a mile, lNai*. tlunla, 101; UlUo Ella, 101; Ntnevnh, loG; }Undsoff, 1W; San ldweur, 101; Evelyn Carter (QUy>, 109; lna, 110; The Clown, IvW; Forager, 10J. 8ixth roc#—One mile. Prince Kluimth, 103: McIntyre, 106; Parle. 100; PulttMr, 100; Uaroncu*, lOh; While Wings, 101. lUWGOEY T1P8. New York, Oct 18.-(9|hvIrU—Foliowtof nr© ttaa ecUvtlons on tomorrow** 8u An* prth racea: J'lrat race—llamlapun. Kennel, King Gobi. -Utile Matt, Will Elliott, lack of Ppadca Harrington, xth race—McIntyre, Pulltxer, Parts. GOFF 0088 ON WITH THE WORK. 'Additional Evident* of Bribery of tbe Oflleew. CCowr York, dot IS.—After a aeeond Uny*8 HoAAloa lantlnj; twelve hours, tbe heiHe of blshopB of the Kidw-vpal cba'ch tonigu\ veted Bishop W. A. M rris Into the vacant million*ry b>lfibprto of Olympia, Wash. V number ot clergymen were in r,t* toidanc* upon tlia hairing of the Letotf commuted When Ganneel Mow nailed the trcaiuitf of the ^<Hla inniiu* fm*. IIOTS I. the stand. Mr. Llight, the ircasnrei ua* iiuestlotu*d <»iux*ru- In/ Abe lUe»hode tul i uni by tho ;mso* nijtion lu ra amg money t,» litlaence leni-i'itlou a ml u nke pn^uits to the down town police captains beams* nuuy Italians kept th *lr statuls n tuo It,* admitted :.,.n a crv'at d»Htl o< money w«* expended t» protect at" , .nilkO'iM*rx Mflf jn'llee Interference, but could not remember (he da u s of many or the transactions. A number of **da water Maud owm»r< nnd man* nfaetiiivra were ejlhsl .»nd conji^lera- bl© llslit wa» throjrn upon the trana- acti^sa before the ndjimtuinent for tho day wan had. Captain Copeland of the harbor po- Ur. Price's Cream Baking lewder WaiM’e Pair Medal aad «>■!*»■—, JIcc was callc<I to the stand shortly oficr recess. Ue denied that bo had l^ren ordera to sub irdinates to refuno to lUonTlbe c'luoael for tlio committee to examine the ©tatioti blotter. Mr Moss ifnaliy hucco^led In firocurinff tin: blottejt and called .nttcnflon to an entry dated June 13, which stated that n citizen had reported to the Kergeant tbat^a man named U. U. Klein was po\ug around collectin'/ money tor ex* cursiun partltn. rjfc» man said Unit ho was acting tinder mstmctlons form Capt. Copeland. Copeland claimed that Uo bad InvoeUtfatcd the matter hut lie could not *lad any one by the dinner of KWh Ho was then qtu*j» tSonod ns the* excise law ns enforced. He admitted that violations were go ing on, but It was tuck**# to try bring offenders to Justice. The patrol operated by the department la a large mu- :«lit 1 \v;u difllcdlt to COTer. Mrs. Kitly Cnvmlch, x poor Slav woman, told e story Of a banker get ting tier money away from her. Hhe wald she bad secured the arrest of tho banker, but the case had been post ponod by the lawyers and the polk/ court ofRcials were getting all of b er money. C. D. valentine, who does £n al leged commission, testified Iha* «* was president of the Stearns Company. It was claimed he Fu dealing la bogus mining ©tocks. He was given until tomorrH* *° 1 flnd additional particulars concerning some of his mines. ... ..A Christian Stettin* . a JK?MCfir man, was then been a, sergea* 4 Battery A of, Third Artlller'' 4 . . . mmM “Did you > * now this man here/ Mr Ooff •' olntln * ^ Officer if/Haugh ST: SSFaat beside him. /r "7^3 sir: he was under -my commaud f... • 1 ‘»ur years in th# army/- ,.A"liere did you flrat Ai#et hlrar’ ‘I saw him at Fort/^Wadsworth In 1876.- / -Was he honorsdischarged V "Ye#, trir. he r*rcelv#d an excellent discharge." , A first couslnf or Officer McLaughlin had sworn a bow days ago that he was never 1n the/nrmy. "This Is A very serious ca«# of per jury." so [A Chairman Lexow. "and I will taak/you, Mr. Goff, to call the ot- tention/of the district attorney to It." <wlU, sir," replied Mr. Goff. "Wo very anxious to give everybody lay." re Officer McLaughlin stood up id to the commissioner: "I thank you very itnutfh gentlemen, for tho opportunity, you gave mo to vindicate ^ simply did yon Juatlc#," #ald| Cb.Urman Lexow PERSONAL, field of Columbus is In the 'fltom of New York Is in tho city. ] S. S. Jer«*nu* <rf K'lti^ia City \* In MdCOtL ]Robert C. Atetoo of Atlanta wns here y\'*\ vrtkiy. I\ li.irt *n G.xifivy of MtulLson np-nt yesterday In Macon. a. n. Green of Fort Valley arrived in tin* oily l.«M Jiigiit. C. D. Andofaoii of Fart Valley vr i# a vUllor in tin* ( My y *»>ril:iy. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bowen of Clay- tan, Fhi., arc visitors la tho city. Mr. W. A. Melts of Columbia, S. C., is among tho visitors In (lie city. J. W. Bowiiok, a prominent mer chant of Calm G.i., is In the city. •Samuel J. Whiteside, n prs>mlnou't citizen of Savannah, ils lu olie city. Mr. B. W. Thoms* is dangerously 111 at his 'boarding house on Third street. Mun. II. G. Lewis nnd Plvllllp Rob inson of Greensboro arc In the city to day. Dwight L. Roberto of Savruumh was ftnvohg the arrival* in llio city yester day. LMr Georgo AV. Kelly of Wfndaor. Fla., wan among the hide arrivals in the altyr\Wk tkght. A Mr.'und Mrs. William McEwen John son left hist night for New York by tho Atlantic Coast LhIt. Wllkerson. u wvU-knov\ni citi zen of Talbotton, was among 'the visi tors,in tho olty yesterday. Mr. A. M. WolJhln. grund secretary of the Gnuid ‘Lodge of Georgkt, Is eerl- otHly IM at the residence of Mr. Walter Chapman. Dr. II. W. Walker, Dentist, 304 8eo* ond street (over Solomon*# Jewelry store). Macon, Gn. Fmnk K. Keogh of Chartfston. a br*>i , 'h©r of Keogh, the theatrical nun- lg*IV Is lu the city. •Mr. aotl Mrs. Benjamin P. Otlhoun am! E. N. Calhoun, prominent people fiNmt IMhitka, Fki., were nauong tlie arrivals in tho cbiy kist nlgiit. OEORCHA. RIBB COUNTY.-Jamt\s L. Amttnmn, tho oouoty gu.uxiiun. hav ing tv* me for totter* ,*f anohip of the property of Patriek Aus- ton. James May and Bridget SkahlU* Thu u . therefore, to nottry all parMes cone©rued to file their objections, if any Uu*> have, on or before *tho first Mon- In November. 1834. or else lettens be Issued as Mk#Q for. C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. ORCXRaiA, BIBB COUNTY.—n G * Mary vlll bo Cutter, executor, and Mrs. _ of Asher •* * *4 1, Ayres, late of chid _ having represented to thls”court’that .wye fully discharged the dutle# of said trust, this U. therefore, to noti fy all f partHr concerned, to me objec- lions, if any they have, on or before the fimt Monday In December, 1S94, or else letters of dUmiaslon will then be issued os a»k<*d for. C, M. WILEY, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Id Ml COUNTY'—A. A. Cul len. administrator of the estate E. \v Xlelton, late of uM county, deceaNi*d* having represented to this court that he fully discharged the duties of >hu1 trust, and now aaks for letters of dlsmia- >n. This ts to notify ail parties con. rned to file objections, if any they have, on or N*for« the Urst Monday m I'ev'i-mber, 1®4. or letters of «iis:nie.*>:en 1U then be granted as a-ked for. C. XI. WILEY’, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF BIBB.—To whom it may concern: Mrs leotvie S. 1 tinea of n; ,;■• h.ivtng PPlltd t*> me for letter.** of admlnb-;r-.t- i m de bOttk oop on the estate of It. *-• ‘Hina*, senior, late of said county: This is to cite all and singular the helre und creditor* of unld R- K. m. wilor. to b# ami om>©«»r at the t mber term. ISM. of court of ordinary of Mid county to be held on llrst Mon day In aald month ami show * if any they can. why let ter* of ndminlatfaikm de bonks non houkl not be granted applicant oa the «Lrt* ot i*j1J R. K. Him*.';, senior. WllncM mv v.m ial <<knature. WILEY, Ordinary. Trying Trowscrs—everything and any- r ' tiling in our store—that’s the ooly tvay to find what you lik^ best, and that's your wetvonie priv ilege here. IC* n °t a lonj From our weary efioj^ eitho *. rnaminf^jj etoch^ 011 can 8elect yjour style-and patterr< all the ^ st an ^ ^ atest ^ rom our complete nnaA 0 f sizes Wil1 fit y° u ■ n “g 1 y ina twinkle. If nn-* llin o wrong, we’ll help you find it, a *J3 then mr‘ ,; ^ le necessary alterations.' / MACON, ft A. 'St to 3S3 - - - CHERRY STREET Engines, Boilers, Gins SAW MILLS, Machinery All Kinds. TFJMFU1 FUGIT—Ib true, but the time we give you files none too fast; neither too slow. Our time pieces both for pocket and mantle are all guaranteed. ^ one * GEO. T. BE ELAND, Jeweler, 320 Second Street. sjfssjgjSflgam^ itwood & For the Best COAL at tho Lowest Prices. ,Wc con duplicate the bestpricss on any kind of goods. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. Telephone No. 409. Prompt ntteutlon to nil order*, lnrd near East Tennessee depot. Oil# GREAT PATTERN OFFER! Cat Paper J'Mttorna For Kvery Lady ltaader of Tito Tolograph* have made arrangement* by S5* , wc are offering to the reader* of the Telegraph the Demoresi Cut Paper Patterns, which are w'orth from 29 tb Cl conta each, thuii making every copy of the papor worth from 10 to 40 cent#. Cut out the coupon below and. mall ac cord nt? to directions bn It and you will belt of ribbon nt the material girdle* cne waist. Our model represent* fawn- colored oerge, trimmed with brown vel vet ribbon. A special Illustration and full direc tion* about the pattern will be found on the envelope in which it is enclosed, OOWXBD UKE HER MOTHER. «S»—FRANCHENK WAIST. Six*, fo* U ana IS Tear.. V. charming nujel. formcJ by Ui. fi-Jnoriu. • waist and "BeU" shirt, a <11* little round waist; ha* *om© lull- ne>* In the back and surplice fronu, which, with the full, triple cap* on the sleeves, make <t especially becoming to alcuder figures. Cashmeres. Cre- pons, and all light woolens, also nil ands of washable fabrics, can be made dter this model. It Is also a good de ign (or all fancy silks. Rows of fiat trimming, with serpentine effect, com- the gown. Any or all of the o-caps may be omitted; and for material* the caps edged with are very dainty and pretty. A FRESH AS A ROSE. Vtfll 630—LESBIA .WAIST—Sixes for 14 and 16 Ye&rii. A charming little model, suitable for afternoon or general wear, or for more dressy occasions, according to the. ma terial selected. This corsage has the effect of a gulmpe waist, and is'the name both back and front. The stock collar and girdle are made of ribbon, and by having two or three sets of these In different colors, a pleasing va riety may be made In the toilet. A akirt of four straight breadths can be used with this model, or If preferred, it can be used with any stylo of gored skirt. Chambery, dimity, lawn, batiste, challle and China silk, with all-over embroidery or net for tho yoke, aro very stylish and cool made in this style. It is an oqualy good model for light woolens, with silk for the yoke .and sleeves. Our model la of pink cham bery, with all-over embroidery for the yoke and sleeves, and the skirt is fin ished with a flounce of the embriodery. A special illustration and full direc tions about the pattern will be tfound on the envelope in which It Is enclosed. NAME OF PATTERN: SIZE.. iSrruI (Afs coupon and 10 cent* to th* Jtacon Tncnrarfi and yon ran get any on* ff Patterns publUkcd. Xj0tk* number and name of 4 > atfr)*n, and ta d* ptaitdy nnt JorgcObxj to state sits, Indus* 10c. /or each pattern desired. O- P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM, MACON. GA. >a odor mm, uouloihgl minti im. m m AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LEADING WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. ffACOff. OA Alanuioctarers ani 1>)m««.4 MABHm BADDLERt. LEATHER AND SHOE 7IDIN04, '' - gjqk, 463,484 an-a 456 Cherry Street L. Cohen & Co., LIQUORS, CIGARS end TOBACCO. Cheapest house in Macon. Ordera promptly filled. J* L HACK, Manager. - - - Macon Ga. A trial solicited. MACOH SASH, DOOR & LUMBER 00., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, » li AND MANUK ACTURER3 OF—— ■» Sash. Doors and Blinds. Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glas3, Cement, Putty, Lime, Piaster, Hair. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Etc. | Madison Avenue HOTEL a Tladlson Avc. and 58th St..' NEW YORK. ■tS/rr d«y and uji, American Flan. Fireproof and first-class In .very par* ticular. Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Ave. and BeU Lino cars pass the door. H. M. CLARK, Poor. Passenger Elcvatol- runs all night. Rt. Hoe. ( William Ewart Gladstone. The grand career of one of the greatest men of modern times, now drawing to Its close In the ordinary Cdurse of nature. Is one of the greatest object lessons which can be •et.for the youth of to-day. * Not all can hope to attain such eminence, for not all are endowed by nature, with such wonderful talents, and backed by a rugged physique, which can endure the strain of an active life In the public service for so many years.. Education—Knowledge t Is the foundation for success In a great career. Thousands of dollars are expended yearly by men of wealth, that their sons may be fitted for the life It Is hoped they will lead. Out (here are other ways open for the resolute I youth who will diligently apply himself to the advantages he finds at hand. The Greatest of These May safely be said to be bound up lathe < twenty-eight volumes which go to make up the new up-to-date edition of the wonderful ■ ENCYCLOPAEDIA B^/rAJVN/Ot. which for some weeks' has been offered to The ( Constitution readers at very low I htroductcry rate*. It Is also offered on such easy terms I of payment that any youth with a will may i own this great work. Only Ten Cents saved each day will accomplish Jj. . For full and complete terms and simple pages address— the” Constitution, ATLANTA,'GA. Or call at branch office, 608 Maltiarry street, Macon, Ga.. where you wlU find in the Brittanies, reading rooms oozn- plete sort# of this magnificent library and receive oourieoua attention. FQH SALE. Searcy’s rock mill, situated ou Tobe- sofkee crook, thirteen miles from Ma con. on Thom as ton road; first story rock, second wood; IS feet flail, two set# o>f runner#, good dwelling house and iten acres of land. Titles perfect. Well equipped ginnery, whUctt gins 600 to 700 bales of cotton each season. This property to offered at a bargain if bought now me at once. jy. t. holt, REAL ESTATE AGENT, 365 Second Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DB; MARK O’DANIEL, ■ Offioe 318 Second Street. ^Hours 11 to 1 and 4 to 6. Telephone ResMenoe 874 Orange street. Tele phone 389. DR. J. J. BUBERS. Permanently located. In tb. »p«- eUltlea venereal. Lost energy re. *tored. Female lrregularltlca and polion oak. Cura guaranteed. Ad3red In confidence, with atamp, HO Fourth atreet. Maoon, Qa. I « DR. C. II. PEETH, ■Tft EAR. THROAT AND NOSE. ., h ®4£ , ‘ * to 1 and 3 to *. Telephono 14. Office, 872 Mulberry, corner Second atreet, Macon, Ga. : .DR, J. H. SHORTER. SITE, BAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Office 248 Cherry St, Mecca, a a. J. Cooper Morcock. Loula B. .Warren. MORCOCK & WARREN, •ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rooms 22 and 23 Exchango Bank Building, Macon, Ga. Interrogatories promptly and neatly exeouted. Collections a specialty. MACON SAVINGS BANK *78 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Capital and surplus $150,000 Mf* $ P«r cent interest on deposit, of II and upward. Real estate loana on the monthly Installment plan, nnd loana on good securities at low rates. Legal depository for trust funds. Wiiract as edmlntotrator. executor, guardian, re ceiver end trustee. H. T. POWELL.....v...„p ra , I(JeI , t H. G. CUTTER Vice-president J. W. CANNON >.... cashier EXICHASTGE BAKE, or maoon: a a. Qea B. Turpin. Vice-President, , H. J. Lemar, 1 President __ J. W. CebeaUa, ciubiar" Wa aotlctt the bualaeea of rnirohaata. plentere end banka, offering them courtesy, promptneea, eafety end Ubetu nhty. The lergeet capital end eurslua nt nay bank In Middle Georgia. THE liHIQN SAYINGS BANK ilRUSTco MACON, GA. I . j H. J. Lamer. Preeldent; dee. B. Tur. ptr. Vice-President: J. w. Cel^nnS Ceehler; D. M. NelUgnn, Accountant capital. «a».ooa. surplus mam. Interest paid on depoalte e per cast, per ■■mm Economy Is the rond te wenMh. Deposit your nevlngn any tkey wifi be Inc roe red by Interest. Cam- pounded aemLannually. J. M. Johnston. President J. D. Stetson, Vtoe President Z. P. Hlllyer, Ceihler. The American lational BanL MACON, GA. «. ..8280.000.00 SURPLUS.. „ <r .. .. ,25 000 80 Largest capital nt any national bank In Central Georgia iiu 3 ^SSte “ d L '' <11 '“ ll “ U *’ UI nemn utJJltion. ^UpoS COTTON. #toll lo iuform my friends and pa- i that I have moved across Poplar t. opposite my old stand, and with ev*d facilities anU more conveniently iiRed w.irehoufH*. I am better prepared ever to bundle their cotton to ad- NEW BOOFi CORRECT WEIGHTS! HIGHEST TRICES! SATISFACTION GUAR A NEED! 817-63 Foylar strvetw ELUOTT ESTEa OF MACON. GA. CAP1TAL1SURPLUS, $260,000 R. H. PLANT, PRESIDENT. T7. W. WRIGLET, CAS HI SB, I. C. PLANT'S SON, banker ■AC0R, GEORGIA. - - ESTABLISHED t36J Banking in all its br«nchea. Interest Allowed on Time Deposit* We handle foreign exchange and arrano-o traveller* credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London for all European points. -