Newspaper Page Text
Young Peoplo Enjoying tlio Lovely
Oxford, Oct. 21.—(bpecUD—Ona of
the tnoet enjoyable entertaitmiums of
the social circle of Oxford till* season
woe the reception given by >ll»» ilwle
UV.flin In honor of Mlu Sadie Fowler
of Oovlugiou. MIks Fowler l» a young
lady of remarkable beamy and charm
ing manner uud’wa* the roclplen of
many flattering attontlona during the
cvctnng. Among the young ladlca who
graced the occasion with their pres
ence were Mias Flcklln, Mias Williams.
Mass Griffin and others.
Among the gentlemen present were
Messrs. Paul Bowden, Walter Emory,
Jamea T. Oolaou, Fred Brice. Grogan
Bhankle, 11. Bhruptlne, Knwat Hull-
man, C. Flcklln, W. II. Park, J. New-
tnan and Niabet Tlnaley.
Xho evening waa (pent moat enjoy-
ably In music and conversation. At a
late hour dellcioua refreshments wero
Mlaa Marie Griffin mad n charm,ug
hoatesa, and her many aweot grace*
make her one of Oxford's loveliest
Dr. Warren D. Candler, D. D., Is
out of the city for a few days,
Mr. Robert Hill la spending a day or
two io Atlanta.
Miss Hants of Quincy, Fla., Is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. Jamea E. Dickey, on
Midway avenue.
A large number of F.mory College
students will attend the Dixie Inter
state Fair next week.
The members of Few Literary (So
ciety are making active preparations
for tlio anniversary exercises of the
society to take place In Few Hall
Monday, Octolier 20.
Professor James 0. Dickey has re
cently purchased a very ■ desirable lot
near the postoffleo and will btllld ftt
A new two-story building has Just
been completed on Midway avenue.
The lower story Is used by Mr. Ivey
Ias», who keeps a college supply store,
making a specialty of fine stationery
and book*. The upper story of tbe
building will lie occupied by tho Sigma
Alpha Epsilon Frrternily ns ft lodge
Dr. H. A. Scmnp nnd family arc lp
the city. Dr. Kcomp is now professor
of Latin at Harrlrann, Tenn.
SVlregroes Georgia Ha* a '.tin to Offer
for the Ppslaon.
HawklnsvlUe, Ootjo.—(Special.)—The
many friends thnughout the state of
CupL J. H. M»".ln of HawklnsvlUe are
urgiii« him mat. In the event Justice
Stnunoits b< elected to the supreme Jus
tice aeatnadcvucant by the resigns itno
of Jud« Bleckley, that ho become a
candubtc- for tho office made vacant by
thepromotion 0 f Judge Simmons. Cape
(yprtla Is well known throughout the
state as iMUcMiiut such sterling quail-
lioatlona n» wholly lit hi in for the prop
er discharge of the duliea of the office,
and. aside front the fact that ho is one
of the utmost lay went at the state, he la
u strictly conservative buslitoia man,
and one whose record shows not the
Mightn't poTIttual taint, lto It not, nei
ther was he ever. Ute man whose convic
tions could be changed by the maneu
vers of rings and Irlrksteja and should
he aspire <U> the twilUonf"3B .be accept
ed, the people thtoughoa*,state msy
welt rest assured tirfL-'Juatlco to all
would be as ifullv •fted out ns the
■trlctnst Inipartlam/und the Judgment
of one of the ublcwwiurute or the coun
try coutd unc In VW5 honest discharge of
hts duty, Therefts not n more popular
man In private life In south Georgia
titan Martin. Socially and pror.-o-
slonally he wins both friends nml busi
ness and enjoy* the most lucrative
practice, ami gains n greater percent-
age of his cams than any lawyer of the
Oconee circuit. Had the amendment
lo the constitution had been adopted In
creasing the number bf supreme , court
Judge*, hv would have been a candidate
for one of the new Judgeships, and
would have carried the Indorsement of
the bar end grand Jurtca of every coun
ty of this circuit, together with the
Indorsement of many prominent law
yers In dltTerent Portion* of the state,
Including eevensl superior oourt Judges
nnd sollcltom. and the unanimous In
dorsement of the senatorial convention
of the Fourteenth dlctrlot.
Should he favorably consider the
proposmon of his friends nnd become a
oandlftste, tbe prople'cvf south Georgia
wMeh Includes the Third congrv—tonal
district, the banner Democratic district
of tho state. wnuM bo delighted should
be be successful.
Pleawtnt Evening Spent by Euchre
Club Member*,
Albany, Oct. II.-WepclaL)—Friday
evening at the home or lion. Jesse Wal
ters on Jackson street, Silases Jceso
and Halite Walters entertained In their
graceful men nor tho ouohiv club. Tho
Lome lu which tho ovent occurred Is
one of tho most charming abodes .of
hospitality lu the city. Tho gentle,
mnn'e girl prise, a knife, wus won by
Mr, Lee Jones and the ladies, n 'fancy
collar, by Miss tMrgblo of Brunswick.
About 11 o'clockleinpUttg retreahmctits
were served to the appreciative guest*.
It was not until o Jalc hour thnt ithey
•aid ••good night." ■
Those pnmk were Mr. .and Mrs.
Will Face. Mr. and Mrs.' U. L, Jones,
Mnt C. M. Clark of New tvleans, Mliwc*
Alstla Westbrook, Hemp' Woolf,>lk,
Louelia Gilbert. Settle tifreuo. Patti,
Jones. Nuunie Flint, Annie, Foarsou,
of Montgomery, Ala., IP s-ie, Gilbert,
Janlo Uvslwln, .Mamie llllsmfin, Mary
Muse, Dltu Boetlok, Morrel Callaway.
Fottda Gilbert, Jloiiroo Otrglsle of
llninawlck. Doll Flint, Lixtlo Gilbert,
taste nnd Hattta Welters, Agnes Hlls-
mnn, Ed Jackson, Rob Forrester, Ed
Sterne, George Film. Henry Mdntoril,
cltervle Davis, William Scherer. Mc
Kenzie Delicti, Adolph Nterttv-, SVm
Tift. Wallace Bacon, Henry Forester,
Bob Brunson, Russel Dchon, George
Warren, Jim Grantham, John McMil
Miss Monroe Cttrglsle, a popular
young lady of Brunswick, la visiting
Mbs FOnda Gilbert.
Miss EJwtn.i Davis, after spending
Aa eminent Phyelrtnn of Arfcan*«%
tells of some Hcmarkabile Cared
•f consamptioa.
AM Lo ftoyetU Cb„ Art.
. Dr. R. V. Pmcai
. Dear Mr-1 will mj this
to you. that Consumption
is hereditary in my wife's
family; some have *1-
ready dk*t with tbe dis
ease. My wife has a sis
ter. Mrs. E. A. Cleary,
that «n» taken with con
sumption 8be uerd your
“ Golden Medical Dlaooe-
srr,** and, to tbe aur-
pnec of bet many friends,
•he m -i evil. My wife has
^also had hemorrhage*
from the lunge, and her
•letcr tnsislrd on her us-
In* the “Goldeu Medical
Mas. Rogcrs. ““P!*!' 1 consrntcd
! ;e « symptoms of.
f *** ra* 1 * l * year*. Kopto
t this duetkee eaa Uks no Iwtur remedy.
Yours Tory truly,
lfr* H. M. Stover
Versailles, Mo.
Like Morning Dew
Hood’3 Sarsaparilla Freshens,
Strengthensand Cures
Heart Palpitation —Dlstres* —
That Tired Peeling.
"1 am gisd to state that Hood's Barssps-
rills has done me lota of good. I wat sub
ject to cramps In tho stomsch, liver com-
plzlnt.lndlseitlon, palpitation of the heart,
and tluit tired feeling. Rood’s Bsraaparilla
relieved me wonderfully, and now when I
feel the least uneasiness I vesortto Hood’s
Harsspsrllls, and It always gives me Imme-
dlatn relief. I could not do without lt.nnd
severnl nf my iwlalibor, have uied It upon
my recommendation and found it
An Excellent Medicine,
doing them good after all other medicine, •
fulled. I am also highly pleased with (he
effects of Hood’s Phis. As morninydew
Hood’s Hi:; ; Cures
refreshes withered grass, to Rood’s Bar-
tuinarllla and Pills refresh the human body
of Ills and pains.” IUhhikt si. ktuvzk,
VetJSliles, Missouri, Got HOOD'B.
Hood’s Pll/s are hand made, sod per-
lectln proportion and appearance. He,
Society II
J lav
Stationery, Monograms,
Wedding Invitations and
vialtlng cards engravsd
at lowest price*. No de
lay; work done by skill
ed workmen In our establishment. Bond
for samplea and prices. J. P. Stevens
A Brc.. Jewelers, 47 Whitehall street,
Atlanta, Os.
a delightful summSt* In Louisville, Ky.,
in at home.
How 'the harvest moon (does whine;
nod tho young people are taking ad
vantage of If. ,
Athens Men Huey Trying to Arrange
for a Match.
Athena, Oct. 21.—(Special. )-The
news that the Mercer boys would be
unable lo meet the unlverelty football
team In Macon during the Dixie Inter
state Fair was received with much
regret among tho Athens boys, many
of whom were looking forward with de
lightful anticipations to n trip upon
which they could see both the victory
of their heroes and tho wonders of the
fair. The 'Varsity boys nro extremely
anxious to meet Mercer upon the grid
iron, t hue giving her an opportunity
to retrieve the disastrous defeat suf
fered two or three years ago. Tho Tele
graph In »n article of a few days since
warmly advocated the arrangement of
a game between the University and
some other oollege. This would cer
tainly be n good plan both for the fair
association ahd the teams engaging in
the game. If the plan could bo carried
out It would moan some 400 additional
visitors, for both' colleges would run
excursion* to Macon. With DM* end In
view. Mr. Moreno, the manager of
the 'varsity .taint, has written the Uni
versity of Alabama's manager, and If
the propo nrrrangenionts can he tirade
the Universities of Atabama and Geor
gia will meet lu a struggle for football
supremacy In Macon on the 3d of No
vember. A representative of the 'vnr-
alty will be In Macon on the JOth, and
It (a hoped that the necessary arrange
ments with the fair managers mtiy be
walsh at Gainesville;
He Failed to Change the Sentiment for
Gainesville, Oct. 21.—(Special.)—
Senator P»t Walsh addressed the peo
ple of this Immediate vicinity Friday
night at the court house. He had a
fair audience .and enjoyed a thor
oughly attentive *nd respectful hear
ing. He spoke for two hours vmd a
half. dtscussIngSln * masterly way the
tariff qutvrilon and reviewing the rec
ord of tho Inst congress on Gils line.
Ho then talked free silver at tho ra
tio of It to I for nn hour, and undnubt-
edly elevated himself In She estima
tion of his Populist hearers. Of course
he produced an Impression, hut ho
failed, wa believe, to materially alter
the general sentiment throughout thl*
section for the Bibb county statesman.
A rather peculiar, land certainly an
Interesting question, Is being raised
In Gainesville over the mayor’s term
of ©moo. Last tall a bill was Intro
duced in the legislature amending our
city chsrter by lengthening the mayor’s
term of office front one to two years.
That amendment was passed the very
day the municipal election occurred.
When the election for mayor began
tho old law providing for a term of
one year was In fore*: when Ihe polio
closed the new measure was in effect.
8o the point to deride la whether or
not we shall hold an election for
mayor thla fall or watt till next year.
Elberton Breaking lip Illicit Whisky
Elberton, Oct 21.—(Special.)—The
city authorities of Elberton arc rack
ing nn .effort to put an cud to blind
tigers Detective* have been employed
and a number of negroes arrested, but
only one conviction has been secured.
Idee Martin, a negro, charged with
the murder of Dougherty Blackwell,
another negro, some months ago, woo
captured In Abbeville county, S. C.,
by Mr. Weston Harper ytetenlay and
brought over without rsqntaltloa
per* and put in Jail hero Inst night.
The murder waa a most brutal one.
Tile deceased was culled to hla door at
night nnd the content* of a doufele-
b.irreled shotgun fired Into him, pre
during Instant death. Martin fled the
state and the governor offered a reward
of tlio for lrW capture, which sum Mr.
Harper will receive. Martin waa sick
when captured.
Judge ltrcee has refused n new trial
In the ease of Williams, convicted of
murder at the last term of court, and
he w ill bo executed on November IB,
unless the governor interferes, which
Is not probable.
Miss Arthur Brvotues the Bride of Mr.
Patrick. ♦
Camilla, Oct 2L-(flpeaiaLV-Manicd
at the residence of Mr. id. J. Arthur, in
Camilla, Ga., at 8:1.1 p. m. October 17,
Mr. Anthony Patrick to Miss Roberta
Author. The ceremony was performed
by Itev. W. C. Jones of the. Methodist
Episcopal church nero in. tho presence
Look around town and inspect our stock
you will see that we can please you beU^y than
anyone, both in materials, price, etc^/
Every new color and weave in ypfress Goo*
from 10c. to $2.50 per yard. Bl^ks a specialty,
Just Oat.
TV' I land-made Dress Trim-
mings of Jet and Featfi-
ers combined; also, mw
line Musiin de Em-
broideries, Wry latest
fad for "WjJCtl and Silk
Complete line But
tons, Velvets, Jets, etc.
^4-inch two^toned Cov
erts,85c. Covert shaded
cords, /$1. Line 35-
inch Ladies’Cloth, 18c.
Silks for waists a spe
cialty. Our Suits, ready
for wear, at $12.60 and
$15, are beautiesj fit
of the tnmlly nnd a number of Invited
friends. Mr. Patrick la one of tho
most, promising young bpslnras tucu
in tiria section, he having been chief
saleamitn for Butler & Turner, of tltia
place for a number rf years and uindo
u host of friends by hla prudent mid
straightforward dealings with, all who
met him.
Mrs. Patrick is one ot tho most ac
complished young" ladles in Georgia
and greatly beloved by a large circle
or friends. Tho two Join hearts and
hands under very favorable auspices,
nnd. having gone immediately into
their elegant new house, they carry
with them tue hearty congratulations
of tho entire community.
Pleasant Visit From a Narttorial Capi
tal Belle.
Sandereville, Oct. *1.—(Special.)—
During the past three weeks the
young people ihere have had the great
pleasure of entertaining some quite
■beautiful and accomplished young la
dles, among them Miss Besale Mine-
tree of Washington, D. C. She has
been visiting the family of Dr. H. N.
Holllfleld and while here won for her
self many friends.
'Mr. and 'Mrs. Herman Bnshlnakl
cntcrbtded very pleasantly last Thurs
day evening ta gay crowd of young la
dles and gentlemen complimentary to
this charming visitor. The occasion
wa* Indeed a brilliant one and will
long 'be remembered by those who at
tended as n happy time In their llvgs.
Beautiful music was rendered by tStrs.
Bashlnski and Miss Mtnetree. There
were also several cither entertainments
lu honor of these charming young la
dle*. Miss Besale came here with Dr.
H. B. Holllfleld.
It Was Necessary to Amputate Ills
Wounded Leg. ,
Camilla, Oct. 91.—(Special.)—Mr. B.
B. Wtnlklns, tbe town marshal, who
was severely shot In the troublo last
week, had hi* leg amputated Just be
low the knee by I>r. McIntosh of
ThmnnavlUe, Ga„ nnd he 1* doing rea
sonably well nml may recover.
Mr. J. S. Hartsflcld is quite low with
n complication of disease*, nnd Ills
friends are uneasy about his condition,
he hnviug been conllued to his bed
now nearly four weeks.
Atlanta. Oct. 21.—(Sperinl.)—For
the first time that there Is any record
of tho pardon docket of tho executive
office stands without a cnee upon it
awaiting action. Governor. Northen
yesterday afternoon passed upon the
last application on tho docket and at
the same time Issued the last pardon
order tha't he will Issue no governor
of Georgia—unless, perchance, tie
should be called to the executive chair
again hi the future. He will not receive
any new applications on account of the
fact that ho la required to report nil
case* to the legislature, and hla mess
age will go to the printer Monday-
The largest
nml best win
ter Wheat
Flour Mill Flant
lu th* World.
Crushed pfliddllpga flour 1
Tho only Flour of It* kind, nnd tho boat of
any kind. Itlinindohyasccretpro-
eo*» known to but two p*r*oni.
9100,000 hM boon offered for the Knowledge
Tho Undlno is tho host flow sold in
Georgia. T. Y. Johnson. Miller, Ga.
Tho Undlno gives perfect wttisfao-
tiou. J. H. Stillwell, Luella, Ga.
Esilll Springs. Tenn.
WANTED—Good men to place Equlci-
ble Building and Loan Association
stock in Georgta: loans promptly
made. George A. Smith, general
manager. Exchange Bank building.
Macon. Ga.
WANTED—Everyone to visit Chap
man’s English Kitchen during the
Dixie Fair. Meals 8Sc.
WANTED—Posittnn by an exepricnced
stenographer. Will work for very
moderate salary. Will accept posi
tion In the city or elsewhere. Address
.M. A. B„ care the Telegraph.
20 pieces 38-inch Wool Poplins worth 50c yard, will close
this lot 30c yard.
20 pieces 38-inch Two-tone Wool Suitings, can’t tell them
from French goods, at 40c. yard.
20 pieces 54-inch Colored Ladies’ Cloths, all stylish shad
ings, 65c yard.
100 Beautiful French Suits, $5 to $10 each; ODly one suit
of a kind.
100 Silk Gloria Umbrellas, $1.25 kind, for 90c each.
Largest line of Stylish Jet Trimmings and Van Dyko
Points in Macon.
Best assorted stock of Stylish Cloaks and Capes in town.
Don’t fail to see our Handkerchiefs.
We conduct the only successful professional DRESSMAK
ING Department in Central Georgia.
Our store furnishes every convenience for visitors, who arc
welcome, whether purchasers or not.
REMEMBER we have the largest and cheapest stock of
Dry Goods in Macon.
WANTED—Everybody who intends to
decorate to buy Hugo, wreaths and
festooning ot W. G. Mlddtebroka.
WANTBb—150 additional men on Ma
con’s sewer oyetem. Good wage* and
weakly tpay to active men. Apply to
Gaboury & Noble, office Second and
Ocmulgec streets.
WANTED AT ONCE—Tb rent a medi
um sized safe for two or three weeks.
Address "D." care Telegraph.
WANTED—To sell you a ’94 model
Densmore typewriter, best machine
in the world. J. E. Mlnter. agent.
’Phono No. 283.
FOR ‘RENT—832 Orange etreet; seven
rooms, g\3<s and water, ear line. Ap
ply to J. N. Birdh.
FOR RENT—Deelrafole office apace on
gTound floor. E. A. Home, 454 Cherry
FOR RENT—No. 198 Magnolia street-
seven rooms; near Wealeyua. Rent
low to good tenant* E. A. H’orne, 454
Cherry street.
BOARDING HOUSES—hotels—reatau-'
rants—Do you want crockery? If
mine ore not cheaper -than you can
buy anywhere in Macon, don’t buy. I
have It. I need the money to buy a
Dixie Fair ticket. O. W. Thompson,
Auction House. 522 Foiplar.
FOIt RENT—Nine-room residence, 125
Cole street. Call on Foote Bronson,
telephone 193, for particulars 1
sun suviutu.'—moe aouoie usictt arua
good team of horses, cheap. Apply
715 Fourth street.
FOR SALE—One niagntllccnt new Co
lumbia blcyole. Has never been used.
Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele
graph office.
FOR SALE—55 acre« 8 miles from city,
near Rice’s mill; 2*7 peres In cultiva
tion; 28 seres In original woods, with
creek running through it. Must he
sold s-t once. Best n>I«ice for a truck
and dairy farm on the market. Easy
terms. Thud E. Murphey, 172 Cotton
avenue. •
the pliwe to get your meals. Fish,
oysters and game served.
LEAVE your orers for dressed poultry
during fair week. . Dressed turkeys,
geese, ducks and hens at I* D. Able
& CO.'c. 520 Cherry street.
LIVER sausage, oil-pork sausage nnd
Vienna sausage, fresh today. Georgia
(Packing Co.
TWO shipments a week of Swift & Co/s
fancy Western meats, slaughtered es
pecially for W. L. Henry and for sale
at 214 Cotton avenue. Telephone No. 242.
THE beat fresh meats In Macon are
sold by :tho old reliable Georgia Pack
ing Co.
TO please the visitors, leave your orders
at L. D. Able & Co.’s during fair
weeks for fine beef, mutton, veal, all
pork sausage, all kinds of sausage,
fancy emoked meato. etc. Parlor Mar
ket. 620 Cherry street
OUR "baoon shavings” are a deMcacy.
Try them. Georgia Packing Co..
DECORATIONS, wreaths, festooning,
flags for deooroting, at W. G. Middlc-
•brooks’. Volunteers* Armory.
OFFICE Bibb Manufacturing Compa
ny. Macon, Ga.. October 20. 1891.—In
iuturo all parties having local bills
against this company are requested to
present them for payment on Tues
days. J. F. Hanson. Agent.
best made. Have you tried It?
OFFICE Bibb Manufacturing Com
pany. Macon. Oct. 20. 1834—In future
all parties having local bills against
the company are requested to present
them for payment on Tuesdays. J.
F. Hanson, agent.
DESIRIABI.E farm* fbr *»le, from fifty
acres upward. Have several well lo
cated farms: would exchange for good
rental city proper!*.-. Wanted for a
customer, a place that rent* well. Ad-
dies' Sidney W. Hatcher, 280 Orange
street. Macon. Ga.
gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb.
DONNELLY* 964 Oglethorpe atreet, sell*
Vogel’a bams and shoulders—best
quality meats.
OLD PAPERS for wrapping, 25 cents
per hundred at the Telegraph office.
serve luncheon today at 271 Cherry
street from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
HOLMES & COUTTS’ celebrated extra-
yuast crackers retail at the low price
of lOo a pound.
L. D. ABLE & CO.. B*uaige manufactu
rers. Factory 620 Cherry street.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells
GUESTS of the Pierpont can get their
dinners during 'the fair at the New
England Home on the Midway Plat-
eanco with Mrs. Butaer, proprietress
of both.
WE HAVE a lot of tlnrwnre we will
give away for wrappers of large pack
ages of Rhoror's Bread Raising, w.
C. Turpin & Co.
FOUND—Money purse, on Belt Dine,
ot 9 oclock last night iby Conluctor
Burns. Apply at Telegraph and pay
CENTRAL, give tae 106. ts that air.
Keen? Yes, madam. Please eena me
two boxes Saratoga chip* l think, tney
are excellent.
cakes are made from new materials
of the very highest standard of cx-
cdllencc; they have been awarded the
premium over all competitors wher
ever exhibited, and ara pronounced
the finest manufactured In 'the world.
If you use cakes or biscuits, Why not
buy the best. Bold by the leading
fancy grocers.
YOU are Invited to take lunch at 271
Cherry'street t.xiav from 3 a. m. to
5 p. m. Macon Beef Company.
RHOItER'S br.-ad raising Is the best bread
preparation made. Try It.
of pure cresm of tartar and soda and
is guaranteed strictly pure. To In
duce you to try Turpin’s Baking Pow
der we will, for a short time, give
with each pound cun of powder a
pound can of Holmes & Courts’ cele
brated cakes or saltines both for 40
cents. Turpin’s la sold by the lead
ing retail grocers. Tnrpln Baking
Powder Company, Macon, Ga.
barbecues every day at ithe fair 1
'tween 'the hours of 11 and 4 at i
stand near president and executl
committee office, on fair grounds. If
my friends trill favor me with a call,
.1 will gtmran'tee satisfaction." Don’t
forget to Inspect my 'cue hole. M. B.
to buy bread —beef—'taters—clothes
—opera tickets—'baccy and other neces
saries of-life."
furniture— crockery— mattresses—
stoves—ranges — glassware — and any
other goods such us are used around the
New and second-hand—cheaper than
anyone. O. W. Thompson, Auction
House. Poplar street.
Lizzie M. 'Hummell vs. George C.
Hummell. Petition for divorce.' In Bibb
Superior Court. November 'term, 1894.—
To George C. Hummell: You are hereby
notified to be and appear at the next
term of Bibb Superior Cburt, In person
or by attorney, then and there to make
answer to tho above stated cause.
Witness the Honorable John L. Har
deman, Judge of the Superior Court of
BJbb county. , ROBT. lA. NISBETT.
Clerk Superior Court, Blhh County.
Dessau & Hodges, petitioners attor
Wognon having applied to me for letters
of administration to Issue to James I*
Anderson, the oointy amtnlstrator, on
the estate of Mrs. Eliza V. Allen, late at
said county, deceased, this Is therefore to
notify all parties concerned to file their
objections. If any *hey have, on or before
tho first Monday In November, l©t. why
letters should not be’issued as asked for.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary. "
praisers Appointed to set aside a twelve
months’ support out of the estate or o.
G. Motley.deeeased.for Mrs. Flora W.Reld,
formerly Motley, and her two minor chil
dren. having died their return In this of
fice. this la to notify all parties concerned
to file their objections. If any they have,
on or before the first Monday in Novem
ber. 1834. why said return should not be
made the judgment ot this court.
C. M. WILEY. Ordinary.
Kussbaum, administratrix estate ot M.
Nussbaum. late ot said county, deceased,
having applied to me for leave to sell fifty
nerds of land In Finny's district and fifty
acres la Towles' dlstrict.aU being In Jones
county, Ga, for the purpose of paying
debts and distribution, this Is therefor*
to notify all parties concerned to file ob
jections,. If any they have, on or before
the first Monday in November. ISM. or
leave to,cell will then be granted.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
praisers appointed to set »side a twelve
months’ support to Mrs. Effie Mclltnn
knd her two children out of tho estate of
S. W. McMlnn, late of said county, de
ceased. having filed thstr return In this
office, this Is therefore to notify all par.
ties concerned to file objections. If any
they have, on or before the first Monday
In November. 1894. why said return should
not be made the Judgment of this court.
C. .M. WILEY, Ordinary.
ren and James R. Avant, executors of the
estate of Mrs. Catherine A MeRen, Ute
of said county, deceased, having repre
sented to this court that they have fully
discharged the dntles of said trust and
now ask for-lettert of dismission. This is
therefore te notify all parties concerned
to file their objections. It any they have,
on or before the first Monday In January,
1S33, or else letters of dismission wlli
then be Issued as asked for.
C. M. WILEY, Ordinary.
Tatterson having applied to me for let*
ter* of guardianship of the parson and
property of tVUlie C.Foster, this Is there,
fore to notify all parties concerned to
hie their objections. If any they have, on
or before the tint Slonday In November.
1894. or letiera will then be issue! as
asked for.
Cl M. WILEY, Ordinary.
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