Newspaper Page Text
The Low Prices for Colton Cannot Keep
the People Away From
the Fair,
Monmal Put oa VmI for tho City la
Buy 111 Wltinvarkr-loRK Sml<
lint Priichlif lu ilia Dllfirint
Ckinhu-Ftmiil Solti.
IXwson, Oct. 23.—(Special.)—You
can look out (or a large delegation ot
our citizen* to your Dixie Interstate
Fair. Soufhweit Georgia will be well
repreaented at than (air. The low price
o( cotton la hurting the people badly,
but .Daw*on people are hopeful end
energetic and will aurely overcome the
many ohatacle* that now lie in their
path*. Terrell county, one among the
the heat oountlea In the etate, will
be no laggard In the effort to overcome
exiting difficult!e*.
With many of the farmer* now it la
a bog and hominy question, and hog
and hominy they ore going to have.
All daaae* of people from this time
forth and forevermore are determined
to he eelf-rcllant, dependent atone upon
God and nature.
Xijjwson hae an excellent ayatem ot
weterworka, but aa it would be to the
decided advantage of the ctly to have
and operate a waiter system of Its own
tho qualified voter* of tho olty will
on Wednreday, the 14th day of No
vember next, nay whether Of not the
city shall issue $35,000 worth of bonda
with which to buy the present ayatem
of waterworks or ereot a new water
system and an electric light plant. An
to electric light* It 1* only a question
ot time, for wo are hound to have
A notable sermon win preached here
on last Sunday morning at the Metho
dist church by the pastor, tho Rev.
J. H. Scruggs, D. D. The subject was
“Baptism," and 'the congregation, com
posed of many of the various denomi
nations In tho city, (Hied completely
the line $15,000 church building. Such
n congregation In point of number*
was never »con before In that church.
Dr. Scruggs Is a transfer from ono of
the conferences of the West, and It Is
the optnon of many that tho South
Georgia conference contains but few,
If any, equal to him In mental acquire
ments. He Is a moat faithful pastor
tend htui won the love and esteem of all
Rev. Dr. W. H. Patterson has re
signed tho pastorate of the Baptist
church, butt it is hoped that at any
early day the position will again oe
filled. On tho coming Wednesday nigh*
the Bov. Mr. Golding, pastor of the
church In Cuthbcrt, will fill tho pulpit.
As for ministerial talen't Dawson
claims for heVself a good proportion
and her people taro proud of tho foot
that their pulpits have been filled by
men Who gavo tone and character to
the .words 'they uttered.
On next Friday night the Dawson
Guards, will havo a prize drill and
oyster Snipper for the purpose of pay
ing tho Indebtedness upon their arm
ory. This company is composed of the
best young men of the olty and is
commanded by that born ooldler, Cupt.
F. W. Clarke, whose father, Judgo
J. C. F. Clarke, went as member of the
Macon Volunteers to Florida in tho In
dian war of 1838—a worthy son of on
honnrod father. This company Is one
of tho organizations of this city that
Dawson would not willingly let die.
Congressman Ben Bussell will apeak
hero on next Wcdnoodny and tho *hal-
wurt Democrat* nro preparing to give
him a rousing recejftfon.
iMr. William Jonnlngo, late Populist
onndtdato for representative In this
county, hat filed nollco that ho will
contest the clodtlon of Hon. A. C.
Hill, who had a majority ot 225 vote*.
This is moonshine, for Mr. Hill had a
note majority and the content will not
dmount to muefh <in4 Mr. Hill irtU rep*
reaent Terrell In *h© testateture. It
will bo a cold day .when ft Popultat
reprewenta Terrell oounty.
We are pleased, nil of ua to know
that Vho old Macon Telegraph bn*
(cone into n now management. All
cVaaeo* of our people echo the senti
ment unanimously. Succww to It—tho
paper for mlddlo and south Georgia.
MWki Alice Loylewi* one of Duweon’8
moat lovable young ladle*, loft today
for 'MAoon, .where oho "will remain for
aomo time, tho gueet of her brother,
Mr. Tom boylees. Wtei Alice Jim t
warm place In tlio heart* of all of tho
people here.
Judge Ramble WH1 Adjourn the te**-
akm on Wednesday.
State*boro, Oct* 23.—<6peclal.)-J3ull-
och auptrtor court here yvaterday with
Judge n. L. Gamble prcaldlng, uud
Mr. Beverly Svana, aolloltopgoneml*
Qutte a number of vlnltlng uitomejn
nr© in atteiulaucc, among the moat
prominent of whom are Judgo Tvrlgs*.
Judgo nines nud Col. L*ester. The lo
cal Uir Lb coiapoeed of gif it'd men nud
able hvtvyos. Hio chtirgL* of Judge
Gamble to the grand Jury wa* an able
und intervening cue. lie brought joy
to the henna o-f tho Jut on and the pub-
geucrally by announcing that uh aoon
tie tho oases of the prisoner* now con
fined in Jail were disposed of he would
adjourn court to Tuesday, the lSth mf
January next, by which tlm.* Ill** $d«*-
gsinl new court houac would be comple
ted and the biMihw of tho eetfdtett con*
cl lull'd In the now house.
Tlie old house Is not near large
enough to hold the crowds that attend
the court sutd It is with pleasure that
th« pcoplo hnm that tltcy arc no lon
ger to bo crowded Into the old build*
inr. Tin* new court house, when com
pleted. will be ono of die best ap-
appointed court ftouaos In the state.
Judge Martin, our ordinary, doserwa
and will receive the thank* of ell our
—Doctor lurvts'i
fly rivAMiit lvi leu.
TWv’r* 90 tiny, so
easily taken, so
and uatural
In the way they
et't — no disturb
amv, no un pleas'
aatnees. no reae-
m wk tiou afterward.
IV— They're made of
thing but re-
firm! and <vnc*a-
trated vegetable
extracts —sugar-ooafcui One of theru at a
doee la a corrective, a regulator, a gentle
When you feel “a touch of bilPusnvM* or
mrilgwfhna. take ooe of these little IVUeU.
ib^y go right to the spot.
Tb.\ absohitaty and permanently care
Constipation. ti.'ur Btnmarh, DiotaoM. blck
or BUioas HeatUchee, and every derange*
meat of the liver, stomach, and bowel*
Almost never does Dr. Hags'# Catarrh
Remedy fail to cure the very worn cases
of auvHBlo Catarrh. You can Judge tvf the
si a:i.Ni, of it fr. in tb«* rruAurV offer. They 11
guarantee it iu every case.
Stationery, Monogram*.
Wedding Invitation* and
visiting card* engraved
at losrest price*. No de
lay; work done by »klll*
ed Workmen In our establishment. Bend
fur sample* and price*. J. P, Steven*
* Bro.. Jeweler*. 47 Whitehall street,
Atlanta, Oa.
- lav; ,
leading citizen* for having It erected
at th» time. Court will adjourn to
morrow, or Wednesday, and it 1* pre-
eumed that Judge Gamble will go to
from here, to Atlanta to look after bl»
re-election to the position of judge ot
thlz circuit. There ha* never been a
judge in this circuit more popular with
our people than Judge Gamble and It
would bo with regret Should we be
forced to give him up. He I* a Ju«t
and fdthful Judge und fully competent
for every duty pertaining to hi* office.
Rev. W, J. Dunham, pan tor of the
Baptist church here, baptized three per-
none into the church at till* place on
la*t Sunday.
We ore to h&v* a $35,000 hotel at title
place in the ner future. It la to be
erected and owned by Mr. Robert Dea
ler and other*.
Itev. W. J. Durhnm will begin the
erection of a dwelling ot the comer
of North Main and Olllff *tret» *oroe
tint* during thl* week.
Judge Balllar la *oon to ndd three
now room* to his dwelling on North
Mala street.
Mr. B. T. Outfiouee 1. erecting tt
dwelling house on east Main *tr«et,and
Mr. Jcniiaon J,me* lia* Just completed
a very commodious dwelling on the
name street.
Rev. J. H. Hodges of Stategboro will
soon move hie printing establishment
to Atlanta, where he will reside In the
future. He ^vlll combine this piper
with a purer published In that, city by
Rev. Mr. Dodge.
tv. A. Bluer and bride from Ivnn-
boo, thl* county, will go up to Mncon
today to see the iwonder* of the Dixie
Rev. W. J.. Durltnm, Mr. A. w,
Stewart and Mr. H. K. Williams, all
of thl* county, will go to Macon next
Monday to be present sit the session
of ‘the Grand Lodge of Free and Ac
cepted 'Mason* at Georgia. Quite a
number of other* wl)l attend the fair
during this and file coming week.
Tile feeling In this oounty
tin* not eubaldcd since the election,
0* ft was hoped tlmt It would, but It
seem* to bo Increasing In Intensity.
Dovely Ceremony That Took Place at
dlawklnsvllle, Oot. 23.—(Special).—A,t
the home of Mr. and Mre. J. B. Cofield,
ta*t night at 8 o'clock, khedr daughter
Frankie ami Mr. Thomna W. Hendenton
were happily married in the presence of.
a large number of friend* end relatives.
The ceremony, beautiful end Intpreua-
lve, wa* performed by Rev. J. T. Rider
of 'the Methodist churoh, and after im-
merou* oongratutatlona and well-wl»he»
for the future happlncsvi of tho popu
lar couple. all repaired to the dining
h«ll. whore wa* arranged a moat beau
tiful and bounteous cupper.
. The attendant* were Mioses Oh Bar
ker ot Houston county, Lillie Hodge*,
Messrs. H. C. White and John Oolfleld;
OIIjsos Ida T.Anderson. (Marl.v Wo'tklna,
Messrs. Thomas Cook. George II. Wtl-
lie: 'Mime* Susie Bermett of ColumfbuA,
Mamie Mvittlu-tv* and Mwsm, Jorry
Slade amd Gene Burch. The nrroy of
pre»enitn wa* large, valuable, beautiful
nnd useful, nttanttiur the ifrh popularity
of 'the oootractlrur partlce.
Tho bride le ono of Hawkltwvllle’a
moat estimable youmr -women, Mid the
groom, one of the cHy*« excellent young
buslncisa men. to be congratulated In
winning unto blmedf wuch a valutiblo
prise. v
Eiutmanp Oot. 23.—(Special).—The
wea-thor is delightful, and farmer* nro
taking advantage of It and.nro fast fill
ing 'their new ond commodious ware*
housca with the fleecy wtaple. Throe
now warehouses take the place of the
Alliance warehouse destroyed by Are
a year axo.
Tho Glddlne brothers ciro shipping to
•Lhe fair in Maoon some fine potatoes
«nd corn. Mr. Paul In quite active in
getting together a Dodge county dis
play. We hone ho will meet with the
BUCOecM «ho dewerves.
You will bo plpA8ed with tho mild
and lasting effects of tho Jnpnurse
Liver Pellets. Try them. Sold by
Goodwyn & Small, druggists.
St. Paul. Minn., Oct, 22.—The P&bst
Brewing Company Is engaged in tearing
down lui old building at the comer of
Wftbtfrh nrid Third stroct*. preparatory
to putting up a new one. At 3:40 thin
afternoon the ’walls collapsed and burled
mv<-ii workmen ln-mith the ruins. A
largo force wa# Immediately sot to work
to rescue tiro men and all wero taken out
aUvo. though some will probably die. Tho
luUdlng Inspector warned the contractor
this morning of tho danger.
Don’t stop, but coine direct to Headquarters,
where you can find the latest in Silks, Dress
Goods, Wraps and underwear. LOn
New Silks, 76c to $2.00 per yard.
Exquisite Silks for Waist, 85c and
Best $1.00 Blpck Silk on the market.
New Two-toned Covert Cloths, 50o
to $2.00 per yard.
Exquisite line 50c Dress Goods.
New Kid Gloves, $1.00.
New Veilings.
Best 26c Rib Vest on the. market,
Visitors are welcome to make our
house Headquarters.
Will you heed the warning—the alg-
nol, perhaps, of the sure approach of
that more terrible disease, coniumllont
Aik yourself It you cau afford, for the
aeko ot saving to cents, run the risk
and do nothing tor It We knoiv from
experience that Shiloh’a Cure will cure
your cough. It never falls. This ex
plain* why more Ilian a million bottlee
were sold, the past year. It relieve,
croup and whooping cough at once.
Mother*, do not he without It Fur
lame back, side or cheet. use Shiloh's
roroii* Plaster*. Sold by Cloodwyn *
Small Drug Company, corner Cherry
street and Cotton avenue.
Columbus, O.. Oct. 22.—A special
from Springfield, O.. says that ex-Po-
lio* Judge Charles E. Morris, a prom
inent attorney of thut city, • forger and
defaulter to the extent of tw.oon. has
left the country, tt Is supposed for Can-
«da. The Citizen* Hull,ting and i..,m
Association, of which ho wa* tho atttf.
ney and a number of estates that he
represented, are the losers.
The t.rx*.t
sodbe«t win
ter Wheat
Flour Mill Plant
In the World.
tSyti.hed fniddllpgs Flour.
Th.only Flonroflts kln.t.and the be.t of
anyklnd. It 1. by* secret pro-
eeu known to but two persons.
<100,004 has been offVred forth* Knowledge
The Undine Is the best dear sold in
Georgia. T. V. Johnson. MlUcr, Ga.
The Undine elves perfect satisfac
tion. J. H. Stillwell, I.uella, Ua.
EftlU Springs, Tcnn.
Every aero wrested from the desert
by the magical mud And water of the
Nile will be capable of producing a
bale of cotton, superior enough to
command a quick market, presumably
to the exclusion of a bale 'Of Ameri
can cotton, for Egypt, Is already our
aggressive competitor In that Impor
tant fibre.
Whatever the crop may be in the
Southern slates, it is surely "king" in
Egypt, with the delta of 'the Nile for
Us throne. The soil und climate are so
perfectly adapted to cotton raising
that It Is the governing crop, and
brings enough money to the country
to indirectly pay the InterosT on the
enormous debt created by the lavish-
nem of Ismail, and Is so surely redeem
ing the land from the grasp of Its cred
itors that EgypUan bonds have sold
at a premium during the recent time*
of financial distrust.
Eight or ten years ago Egypt was
insolvent. Today she Is bristling with
prosperity. The position of the fella
heen Is constantly Improving. The
oorvee Is abolished, and the people have
no more compulsory labor, except to
keep the Nile within hound* at high
Hood, for which they are paid. The
land taxes nrc gradually being reduced
and extortion and corruption seem to
have been stamped out. She sells ce
reals enough to pay for the imported
nrtlcca necessary to maintain her slm-
pte standard ot life. I can't help think
ing that cotton—or the money tt pro-
duces—has played a part of no small
Importance In the work of administra
tion that has brought all these bless-
'"^ bird's-eye view of the area of oot-
ton cuMvntlon would give tho outline
of a half-opened fan. From the point
of the Delta near Cairo lb-stretches
nearly to Port Bald on the northeast
and beyond Alexandria on the north
west, this simile being helped by the
grat arc curving Into th Mediterranean,
the narrow atrip devoted to cotton
along the Nile from Cairo, 100 miles
southward, forming the handle. This
area I* veined with tnnume«,ble i ca
nals, branching from the Tlbsetta and
Dnmlettn arm* of the Nile, which dis
tribute the vltllizlng waters.-North
American Review.
The Chinese, when they first knew their
Eaetcrn neighbors who are now exhlblUng
such a restless war spirit, named them
Wa people. In their histories this single
word was sufficient. By change ot vowel
during 2,000 years Wa has become Wo.
In the Imperial declnraUon of war of Au.
gust 1 this Is the term used, and It is
brief nnd sufficient. Tho Chinese like
monosyleAtlc names for countries. The
various foreign nation* have, when mak
ing trestle*, usually chosen the mono.yl-
ables which form their names. . England.
Klng-kwo, means "the flourishing coun
try," for ylng. the treaty character for
Great Brilain, ha* that sense. Fa means
law, and France, Fa-kwo, Is the “buw-
Obllng country." Germany, known ae To-
kwo. U tho "virtuous country." The
United States republic, is tho Mei-kwo or
"beautiful country." Italy Is the "coun
try of Justice," I-kwo.
Each treaty naUon has chosen Its own
name for moral effect. It has been, a
matter for International diplomacy, and
the Chlncae government has Invariably
given way to the wishes of each of the
treaty power* as represented by Its min-
osier an>l his Chinese secretary. From
the tlmo that the ministers of tho treaty
nations had residence* In Fekin -he name
t.r the country made use of lii diplomatic
correspondence has been, ot course, that
which was mtlefactory to the treaty
power*. The same was the case with
Japan. Japan, there can be no doubt,
prefers Jl-pen. tho "land of the rising
mm," because it Is more poetical than the
mime Wo. which means "submissive,"
"winding and twisting.” On the whole.
Japan wishes to bo known na the land
of the aun. Jt-kwo, but she also kikes Jl-
pen, which la the name with Japan, and
she has not made the use of the term Wo
a matter of complaint.—North China Her
Why do so many people wa see
around us acorn to prefer to suffer and
bo nude miserable by Indigestion, con
stipation, dizziness, loss of appetite,
coming up of the food, yellow skin,
when for 75 cents we will sell them
Shiloh's Yltsllzcr .guaranteed to cure
Sold by Goodwyn & Small Drug
Company, corner Cherry nfreet end
Cotton avenue.
Blgxvat lino of furniture and carpets
ever shown In this section at Payne &
As far ns brigandago la concerned,
most of Greece Is ns safe ns I'lcadllly
nnd much more respectable. Since the
affair at l’ikerral, on thu roail to Mar
athon, in 1S71, Attica has been per
fectly secure, mRl the Pcloponeso and
the Isthmus havo completely lost their
traditional terrors. But Thersaly and
tho Turkish fronllor are still danger
ous. When l was In Athens tha sen
sation of the day was the trial of a
Greek member of parliament and his
two brothers before the criminal court
nt Larissa on a charge of complicity
with brigandage In the neighborhood
cf Trikkila.
Some of tho evidence was of a most
extraordinary character, and among
other statements made by the wit
nesses was an allegation that the spoil
was to ho divided Into three parti
One-third was to go to tho brigands,
one-third to tho accused, and the re
maining thin! as a thank offering to
the church. Tho newspapers of the
opposite party to that of the accused
deputy naturally made as much politi
cal capital out of Tno affair t.s they
could, but strenuous efforts were made
to secure an acquittal, and although
tlio evidence appeared to corroborate
the charge, the honorable member nud
bis brotners were pronounced innocent.
Two days later tho son nnd tho
nephew of a local mayor wero cap
tured by a dangerous band ot robbers
near Gpura, not the place of that name
In the Peloponmese, but a village on
the northern slopes of Mouut Olhrys,
In Thessaly. In this case the brigands
demanded 40.000 drachmas ransom, but
ultimately took 8,000 on the under
standing—so it Is said—that they should
bo allowed to escape. But brigandage,
llxe everything else, Is highly colored
for party purposes.—The Westminster
The best salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all eruptions, and positively
Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satlsfa-
tlon or money refunded. Price, 25
cets per box. For sale-by H. J. Lamar
& Sons, druggists.
Of n;w and pretty secretaries, book
cases and china closets have arrived at
Payne & W Bingham's. They are beau
ties. Come and see them.
Prepared by
Drs. Holmes A Atauon, Dentists,
656 Mulberry Street.
It oures bleeding gums, ulcers, sore
mouth, sore throait, cleans tho teeth and
purifies the breach. For sale by all
To Florida Via Southern Railway.
At present you can leave Macon at
10:45 p. m. and arrive Jacksonville,
pla., 8:20 next morning, making close
connection for all points in tho interior
of tho state. Through sleeper to Jack
sonville. Reservations mado In ad
vance by calling ok or addressing
Passenger nnd Ticket Agent, Macon,
Special bargains in high
g-rade footwear during the fair.
Get our prices.
New York. Oot. 23.—Nathan Strauss,
the late candld-nlto for mayor on the
Democratic itlckeit. sailed ooi the
today for a year’s sojourn In Europe.
are the original and only FRENCH, cafe and re*
: labia care on the market. Prioe $L0O{ Mat bj
'aU. Genuine aold only bf
Sole Agents. Macon. Ga.
WANTED—Good men to place Equita
ble Building: and Loun Association
stock in Georgia; loans promptly
made. George A. Smith, general
manager. Exchange Bank building,
Macon, Ga.
WANTED—Everyone to visit Chap
man’s English Kitchen during the
Dixie Fair. Meals 25c.
WANTED—Position by on oxepriencei
stenographer. Will work for very
moderate salary. Will accept posi
tion in ;ht‘ oi:\ • »r elsewhere. Addretw
M. A. B.. care the Telegraph.
WANTED—Both lodger* ar.S table board
ers during fair. First class accommo
dations; terms reasonable, at Mrs.
Houser's. 515 Second street, next to Tel
ephone Exchange.
WANTUb—160 additional on Ma-
con's sewer system. Good wAg«M und
weetoly pay t*> active men. Apply to
Gaboury A Noble, office Second and
Ocmulgec streets.
WANTED—To sell you a *24 model
Denomore typewriter, beet machine
in the world. J. E. Min ter. <igcnt.
'Phone No. 2S3.
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest AnanL
FOR RENT-Seven-rocm residence, 5»
Clinton street. East Macon, with cne
aero garden. Three minutes from eh*,
trie cars. Very durable; price low. Ap
ply at Macon Savings bank.
FOR RENT—SS2 Orange street; seven
rooms, g.itt and water, car line. Ap
ply to J. N. Birch.*
20 pieces 38-inch Wool Poplins worth 50c yard, will close
this lot 30c yard.
.20 pieces 38-inch Two-tone Wool Suitings, can’t tell them
from French goods, at 40c. yard.
20 pieces 54-inch Colored Ladies’ Cloths, all stylish shad
ings, 65c yard.
100 Beautiful French Suits, $5 to $10 each; only one suit
of a kind.
100 Silk Gloria Umbrellas, $1.25 kind, for 90c each.
Largest line of Stylish Jet Trimmings and Van Dyke
Points in Macdn.
Best assorted stock of Stylish Cloaks and Capes in town.
Don’t fail to see our Handkerchiefs.
We conduct the only successful professional DRESSMAK
ING Department in Central Georgia.
Our store furnishes every convenience for visitors, who are
welcome, whether purchasers or not. N
REMEMBER we have the largest and cheapest stock of
Dry Goods in Macon.
FOR SALE—Will sell cheap, one Cres
cent bicycle, but little worn. Call at
shop In alley rear Burke'* Book Store.
H. M. Lowery.
FOR SALE—One magnificent new Cd-
, iumfbla bicycle. Has never been used,
' Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele
graph office.
the plase to get your meale. Fish,
oysters and game served.
NEW Georgia cane syrup at Collier’s.
LEAVE your orers tor dressed poultry
during fair week. Dressed turkeys,
geese, ducks and hens at L. D. Able
& Co.’s, 620 Cherry street.
FRESH ARRIVAL New York grapes in
5»pound baskets. We are selling them
at only 25 cents a basket, W. G. Mld-
TO please the visitors, leave your orders
at L. D. Able & Co.’s during fair
weeks lor fine 'beef, mutton, veal, all
pork «ausage, ail kinds ot sausage,
fancy smoked meats, etc. Parlor Mar
ket, 620 Cherry street.
CREAMERY butter and cream cheese
just received at Collier's.
OFFICE Bibb Manufacturing Compa
ny, Macon. Ga., October 20, 1894.—In
future all parties having local bills
against this company are requested to
(present them for payment on Tues
days. J. F. Hanson. Agent.
YOU con buy a nice bedroom suit for
$10.50 from A. S. Thomas, 653 Poplar
street • * •
THE PLACE for good and wholesome
cooking Is at the Exchange Hotel.
gives satisfaction. Retails 20o. lb;
change Hotel, 420 Cherry street. Open
day and night.
HOLMES & COUTTS’ ceflcforated extra-
yoast cnaokers retail at the low price
of 10c a pound.
L. D. ABLE Sc CO., sausage manufactu
rers. Factory 620 Cherry street.
gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells
WE HAVE a lok of tinware we will
give away for wrappers of large pack
ages of Rborer*s Bread Radsing. W.
C. Turpin Sc Co.
JUST ARRIVED—Car of Jive poultry;
also large quantity of eggs, applets po
tatoes, onions, etc. Prices very low to
avoid moving. Waxelbautn & Bros., 659
CENTRAL, give me 108. is that Air.
Keen? Yea madam. Please send me
two boxes Saratoga chips; i think they
are excellent.
now demonstrated beyond any cavil
that Jno. C. Holmes has the handsom
est and completeet grocery store In the
state. See his beautiful exhibit at Flo
ral Hall at the fair grounds. Tho most
beautiful goods ever exhibited In this
market can be found there.
oakes are made from new materials
of the very highest standard of ex
cellence; they have been awarded the
premium over all competitors wher
ever exhibited, and h*"© pronounced
the flneet manufactured In *the world.
If you use cakce or biscuits, why not
buy Che beet. Sold by the leading
funcy grocers.
of pure cream of tartar and soda and
la guaranteed strictly pure. To In
duce you to try Turpin’s Baking Pow
der we will, for a short time, give
w?th each pound can of powder a
pouial can of Holmes & Courts’ cele
brated cakes or oaltines both for 40
cents. Turpin’s is sold by the lead
ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking
Powder Company, Macon, Ga.
HOUSEKEEPERS—Our etock ia newer,
finer and larger than any other
house. We are headquarters for ev-
everything from A to Z. Leave your
orders with us 4f you want a fine
thanksgiving turkey. Cfclery and
cranberries to match. John C.
Holmes & Oo.
er has applied to me for exemption of
^personalty and I wtll pass upon the
same at my office at 10 o’clock a. m.
on the 12th day of November. 1S94. c.
M. Wiley, Ordinary.
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