The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 25, 1894, Image 2
■ohm W THE MAUOJS TELEGRAPH: THURSDAY MOB3STHG, OCTOBER 25 % 1894 WATSON HERE YESTERDAY. Eaja lie Expects to Go to Augusta With Fully Ten Ihon- ’ sand Majority. HE WILL BK THE ONLY ONE. So H. * t.Tblok—W.t Hath Faith In Anybod jr EIm'i Chan cm—%mya lUtbmond Cannot Conn) Him Oat Thli Time* Hon. Tom Watson arrived In Macon at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from McIntyre, where he spoke yesterday to about 2,000 pcoplo. He was cn route to his home, Thompson, where he la to speak again on Saturday. The third party Moses bad found him a secluded spot on the side of the Un ion depot, waiting for the Augusta train, when a Telegraph reporter found him. He at flrat begged to be excused, but eventually thawed out and submitted to an Interview, or rather Interviewed himself for the reporter. About the most Important vagary he had to spring was the statement that he would go to Augusta with 8,0(10 majority in hla coming race for con gress. “If tbo Richmond county machinery can dare to offset that they are wel come to what they can make ont of It," said the Populist disciple. “Hot do you figure It?" naked, the reporter. “Esay enough," was Watson's reply. “You sco, I carried the district the last time by 5,000. Then Uincs added 8,000 to this majority. I could cla.m more, but l will only count on whut Is In sight. * "I will carry every county In the dis trict except Richmond and I will carry two of the country products la that county, besides two wards in Augusta." “Will you bo elected?” * “Hy tliu people, yes. I am not sup posed to| know What the Richmond county machinery will do for me, but I don’t think mey Will attempt to forco a majority of nluo or ten thous and In Richmond again. They can't do this and If they attempt It I think they will make a mess of It. "Ttio people of my district want mo to represent them In congress,” coolly remarked Mr. Watson. "It they want mo there, why should a few men In RiOhmond county say l .Uad’t go there? You will find out that the peo ple nre for fair elections, and every time tho Democratic party prevents fair elections moro votes arc tundo for our party next lime.” "Haro you any doubt about Judgo Harriott beating your mnu Whitaker a fair rnco?" asked tho reporter. "I can't sny. 1 don't think, however, that tho Sixth* Is us much I'opultst sh rite Tooth ” "Do you expect any other Populist congressman to bo elected In this stato hostile* yourself?" was asked. "There ought to bo Several, but It Is not 'worth white to particularise. I think, howover, you will bo suprisod,” was tho way tho question was an- sivored. "How many Populists do you expect to tmvo In tbo next congress?" “Wo will have at least forty or fifty ■ad will hold tho balance of power." "Who will bo your next canddato for president?” "I am uiutblo to say. Tho matter has as yet assumed no definite shape." "Will It bo you?" The third party Idol modestly kept mum nod the next moment rnado a liroak for his tralu. In tho courso of tho conversation with tho Telegraph reporter Mr. Wat son remarked that he had been doing some of tho hardest weak of bis life for eight days past and Intended to keep It up until ho Is elected to con gress. It may not bo necessary to add Hint another man stand* a gird chance of dying from overwork. WKtADEMY OF MUSIC. "The Datiler" Tonight, Better Than Ever—Sec It. "Tho Daxxlcr has been entirely re written and Is consider,it better than ever. Joo Olt 1* not In It. but Uioro Is one better, and If you went to laugh go out to tho Academy tonight. A Richmond (V«.) paper of recent date ban ttio following to say: “If r.nthuslnstlo -applause and coant- lean eneoTes are evidence of a success ful performance, the "Dusxler" was «. aueccsm t tho Academy of Muslo last evening. "Rewritten in text and sprtnkf.ed with new 'witticisms, songs end dances, 'The Daxxler," In ita now form. !* ca pable of amusing the most delected person. It has the saute of plot th«t oil farce comedies have—Just enough to hold Che audience's attention and hdmft of the specialties. It la not a ono character piny.' Betray member of tho mat lies «i say, more or less. Joe Ott lx missing, but hla -place la filled by u comedian equally as clever, If not better. Charles Wayne, who suc ceeds Irlm, Is a grotesque fun-maker, with any amount of comical ncrobntlo 1-gHfty, and Is well Stocked with mirth. Ills "makeup" is IJent-Unl with Joo Ott, Who be »—nSblta very much.” LILLIAN I,HUTS IN "CLBOTtATRA." Tomorrow night there will be seen one of the best performance* ever given In Macon and -the Urst appear- tmeo of "Cleopatra." Mia* i.siian LewW, "the Star." has visited Macon several times and ha* always had a good company with her. Tihla time no expense and trouble has becu spared A BAD WRECK constitution may follow in tbm track ■ywtem. IV. Pierce's Golden NftiioAl Dlecotery prevent* and cvnxa all “*•** mad Udnjr Dum^sm. It rouaes tbe m«e to healthy action, wirlfUt the Wood amf allaj k congestion of the Kidney*. 0*0. W. 6wuo«cr, !£•<?•. of Ha^Untovm, Pa., aaya: "l « u for years hardly able to »o about. 1 nuffrrr-o from liverand kldiit'v troub le, el * d]‘.f rrvnt Doctors trraied tm* dun nr that >. time but could do roe •3 no food. » rtrt your ~ s Medical Dieoovrry** tho (tbibo for my cute. Tlnn. too, my wife bed a twd case of A* li ma which wee cured Her.” PIERCE--. CURE *om aEngsEa- Xev. O. IT. Clapham A highly esteemed clergyman of the M. E. church, pastor of tho Church Creek circuit in Dorchester Co., Maryland, wrltesi “C. X* Hood & Co., toweU, Mass.: *‘I feel Itnduty to,the public to send this certificate. I saw In n Philadelphia paper ft letter from a man who fcftd suffered from Muscular Rheumatism and had boen restored by the use of nood's Sarsaparilla. I had the grip In the winter of'Mand »&2 so severely that It deprived me of the use of my arms so that my wife had to drew mid undress ino, and when eway from home I bad to sleep in fny clothes. I tried five doctors and not one ftccompllthed anything. Then I saw tho letter alluded to &nd determined to try Hood’s & Cures Rood's. Hefore I bad token ono bottlo I had tbs us* of my asms, thank God. Tbcw art facts and can be vcrtlled by many persons here. J. M. Colston, Church Creek, supplied mo with Rood’s. I sm Hood’* Pill* ore prompt and efficient, yet easy in action. Sold by oil druggists. Stationery, Monogram*. Wedding Invitation* and visiting cards engraved at lowest price*. No de lay: work done by aklU- •d workmen In our establishment. Send for aample« und prices. J. P. Steven* A Bro., Jewelers, <7 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oa. to make “Cleopatra" one of ithe best attractions yet. Everything Is grand. Scenery, ballet and stage settings are magnificent. Friday night. "Cleo patra," same bill for Saturday imru- neo, and "la Article 47” for Saturday night. Seats are now oh sale. MITLON NOBLES, In several fine playx, supported by a strong company, will bolutho board* for three nights next week. It Is use less to introduce this greet au'Sior and actor do tho Macon people, ns the patronf of the Academy know him well and will show their appreciation of hla return. Ho 1* accompanied by h'ls charming wife, Dolly Nobles. VAGRANTS NOT WANTED. Mayor Horne Dealt Roughly Yester day With tho Deadbeats. Slayor Homo Is presiding In the re corder'* court this week in tho place of Recorder Freeman, who Is slek. Thoso who eome before him ns offend er. may well nigh for Judgo Freeman. Patsy Fagan admitted to tho mayor yesterday that She was -lrunk nnil the mayor fined her $50 or sixty nays !u tho gang. Ho afterwards remitted $45 of.the fine. John Allen got off for $25 for tho aamo offense. But Is was the fellows who trloii to heat their way Into tho fair griuimls that the mayor was the worst on. ■ William Chaney, Ed. Bond and Ilarry Stanley had no money to give up at the gate. HO they went up to the Ma nful Northern brldgo and waded up tho river ns for ns tho grand stand, wliero they mot offloer F. Grace. The mayor gavo them two hours lit which to leavo tho city. Haywood Smith, W. II. Nash and W. n. Sykes. threo other white men, climbed the fence to see the fair and they Wire given tho some length of time lu which to shake tho dust of Mo- con from tlielr feet. AT THE OLD CAPITAL. The dirts' Normal School—Sumo Nows ‘ cf tho Town. Mfllodgevtlle. Oct. 24.—<3pccin*d.--Tn come to the OM Capital City, and fall to visit tho Georgia Normal nn.1 Indus trial School, is Uko witnessing "Hamlat” played with "Hamlet" left out. Under tho mnnngoment of Professor J. Harris Chappell—who to ,tho man for the piece, ttwlatcd by an efficient corpB of Instruct ors, ithto school has earned a high repu- tituou, umt one that Is deserved. Lack of' tint* prevents nio saying nJl that might be said, all that this model lnett- tuthm deserves 4o have sold in its be half. While 'through the courtesy of Professor Chappell I was afforded an opportunity to inHpect the practlacl work In all ithe departments. I .will birt briefly mention « psrt. The course of Instruction In bookkeeping, tele graphy, stenography trad type-writing. In charge of teachers second to none In tho country, is thorough saul ppnotlcsJ. Young women are fully prepared here to compete with men tor Belt-sustaining wbrk. The sources of employment opewed up to women. SS stenographers, etc., will. 4t ts claimed, release women from Xhs necessity of marrying for « home. I will not trench on space to dol- otnre this question, hut will confess I had an old-fnxhloned Interest In thi'fle- IMrlmcml* where rvtoklng and dress making are taught. Good cooking has a g>«l deal to do with ithe making cf happy homes, and how to do 4t Is taught hero hy on aownvrtlshed Southern wom an hy oblcct lesson* tn the chcmtstry of rood products and Ihe preparation of apprising dishes. Not the least import- am feature it the deuanhment of phys ical culture. There are aout three hundred students In attendance, ninety-four countlra In Georgia being represented. Professor Ohapprtl sav* that the number will be Inerwie-sl <o three hundred and sixty by the first of January. 1535. Arrange- meiytx Iwve bwa nxide by Which the ■OAtnU will s-rtend in a tx-sly the In auguration of Governor Atkinson next Saturday. The gov* rnot-etec t Itrtro- dueeil the bill In the legislature provid ing for the etabUshment of the school. Is president of the hoard of directors, and hxs always shown n warm h)tere«t In everything peeurinlng to tt. The Young Men's Democratic Club orgsntred test night by the election of J. H. Hall as prcsldentt K. It Fowler, secretary, and n. B. Adana Jr.. tre*i> urer. The club pmposiw lo make nn ac tive fight for Bartlett. Stay-at-home Democrats enabkxl third party O-Vn,li ds: es to win by a small majority in the Mat election. The young Denxverats pro- tmse to get the full Democratic vote out !n November. Rev. tv. R Jennings of the First Prex- byt. rlan rhiirch of Xrsccn. I* assisting Rev. D. W. Brannon In a very interest ing protracted service at First Pres byterian church. Mr. Jenntmrs has mode a profound Impression on the peo ple of Milledqcvtllc. and the attendance Is very large. IMfca Eken Dortch, the aide editress of THE PLACE FOR DRY GOODS. Don't stop, but come direct to Headquarters, where you can find the latest in Silks, Dress Goods, Wraps and underwear. Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits, Ready To Put On, $12.50 And $16.00. New Silksj' 75c to $2.00 per yard. Exquisite .'Silks for Waist, 85c and $.100. 7. Best $1.00 Black Silk on the market. New Two-toned Covert Cloths, 50c to $2.00 per yard. ExquisitcJine 50c Dress Goods. New Kid, Gloves, $1.00. New Veilings. Best 2oc Rib Vest on the market, Visitors are welcome to make our house Headquarters. JUHAN’S, 006 CHERRY. ^ tt» Daily Bee. deserves ‘ the appoint ment as Governor Atkinson's private secretary, and her many friends here hope she will get it If the governor doc* appoint Mtes Dortch, it will be a reward for faithful and loyal ecrvlee, nof'Oniy In.bis behalf, but to the-Dorn- xcraMo party. S .. The Milledgevillo whtst club wifi meet at the mwlors of the Motel Mllledge- vllte Thursday evening. Tho member ship numbers twenty* four, and in the list are eome who can give points to the protciwlonal. Oanls are out for tbo marrhigo of Mr. Stokes HUlaman of Macon to Miss Mat- tie Meriwether, one of the bolleo of Baldwin county. The marriage will take price at Bethel church on the 31st of October. Everybody lx talking about the Dixie Filr, and (Macon will have a big contin gent from this place. The largest nndbs.t Win ter Wheat Flour Mill Plant In the World. UNDINE. OSyuaTted ivtlddllDgs Flour* Tho only Flour of iti kind, nnd tho boot of any kind. It U mad© by a secret pro cess known to but two persons. $100,000 hat been offered for the Knowledge Tho Undino Is the best flour sold in Georgia. T. X. Johnson. Miller, Go, Tho Undino gives perfect ‘witlsfac- tlon. J. H. Stillwell, Luelln, Ga. NOEL MILL COMPANY, EstM Springs. Tenn. GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULE TO AND : FROM JHjaUSTA, Only twenty-six hours Macon to New York. » 9:00 a. m. train has throush Pullman buffet sleeper Macon to Now York, IN.Y.T’nJD’y M’l.JN’t Ex. 9.’00 ami 4:30 pm| 8:30 pm 10:40 am) 6:14 pip 11:23 pm Lv. Macon. _ Lv. MilledgevlUe 10KX) amt 5:33 pm j 10:13 pm Lv. Sparta* , , . ' “* Lv. Warren ton.. Lv. Camnk. . . Lv. ThniYMon. Lv. Harlem. U:17 ami 6 £2 pm ll*-2S am*7.*0t pm 11:45 ami 7:20 pm 12:0!) pm j 7:43 pm Ar. Augusta. . .(1^» pmj 830 pm 12:26 am 3:27 am 8:48 am 4:16 am 5:15 AUGUSTA TO MACON. Lv. August*. . Lv. Harlem. . . Lv. Thomson. . Lv. Cocnok. . Lv. Warren ton. Lv. Sparta. . . Lv. Mtl’.edsevm* Ar. Macon pf33 am] 1150 run]ll‘00 pm 8:00 am112:15 pm;l2:00 ngt 8:20 am 8:10 am 8:47 am 9:22 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:11 pm 112 20 1.35 pmj 2:00 am 1.44 pmj 2:14 am 227 pmj 327 am 8d5 pm) 4:48 un 425 pmj 6:45 Sleeping caw between Augusta and Ma con, on trains leaving Augusta 11.00 p. m. and Macon 8:90 p. m. THOMAS K. SCOTT. General Manager. JOE W. WHITE. Traveling Passenger A O.i JACKSON. General Passenger Agent. Augusta, Ga. W, W. HARDWICK. Passenger Agent. Macon, Ga. L. J. HARRIS, Ticket Agent, Macon. Ga. OWE CENT A WORD ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING. FIFTEEN WORDS OR MOKE. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN II CTS. WANTED. WANTED—Good men to place Equita ble Building and Loan Association slock in Georgia; loans promptly made. George A. Smith, general manager. Exchange Bank bulldlug, Macon. Oa. WANTED—Everyone to visit Chap man's English Kitchen during the Dixie Fair. Meala Uc. AGENTS WANTED to sell a useful kitch en article. Sells on light. Medal awarded at World's Fair. The Electric Cake Beater and Batter Dropper Co., lSU Caroodelet street. New Orleans, La. WANTED—Six experienced seamstreeaavs. Apply to Miss M. E. MlUer. 710 Cotton avenue. WANTED—Sawyer for circular saa-mlli; none but sawyer* need apply. Arnos- ke.og Lumber Company, Amoskeag, Ga. WANTED—Uoaltlon by an exepricnced stenographer. Will work for very moderate salary. Will accept posi tion in the city or elsewhere. Address M. A. B-. care the Telegraph. WANTED—To tell you a 'SI model Denxmore typewriter, bast machine In the world. J. E. MltKer. Agent. 'Phoae No. XSJ. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—A nice residence; 7 rooms; Orange street. Apply 644 Cotton avenue. FOR RENT.—Office find Kentlenierl’B sleep)ng rooms. Apply at Macon Sav ing, Bank. FOR RENT—Eight-room house, double kitchen, 18} Plum etreet. Apply to A. T. Holt, 385 Second street. FOR RENT.—Store N<x 213 Cotton ave nue. Also warehouse on *>ide Sixth street, and stable with 11 stalls. Ap ply to Jenkins at Guernsey’s shop. FOR RENT—Seven-room residence, 386 Clinton street, EaBt Macon, -with one aero garden. Three minutes from elec tric cotb. Very durable; price low. Ap ply at Macon Savings Bank. FOR RENT—Rear of second floor, all of third floor and basement of American National Bank building. Constructed especially for printing office; after Oc tober 6. R. E. Park. FOR RENT—832 Orange street; seven rooms, gee and water, oar line. Ap ply to J. N. Blrdh. FOR SALE. FOR SW.LE—Ono magnificent new Co lumbia bicycle. Has never been used. Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tele graph office. MISCELLANEOUS. CHAPMAN'S ENGLISH KITCHEN ts the plane to get your meals. Fish, oysters and game served, BA RGAINS—Children's school fthoea ft* specialty at Hunt Shoe Company. CHEAPA BANAN—Ripe bananas, small or large, to be aold regardless of price, . Sewell Bros. LEAVE your orers for dressed poultry during fair week. Dressed turkeys, ffccee. ducks and hona at L. D. Able & Co.’s, 620 Cherry street. LADIES’ waukenphast Bhoea, the great est shoe for comfort and durability In the world, at Hunt Shoe Company. SMALT* bunches ripe bananas very low prices at Sowell Broe. TO please the visitors, leave your orders at L. D. Able & Oo.’s during fair weeks for fine beef, mutton, veal, all pork Bausage,- all kinds of eausnge. fancy umolced meat®, etc. Parlor Mar ket. 620 Cherry street. THERE Is no disputing the fact that you can get the best $1.50, $2 and $2.50 shoe# In the South at Hunt Shoo Company, 362 Second street. RIPE BANANAS—You con get a bunch of fine ripe bananas at Sewell Bros., any price, any size bunch desired. OFFICE Btbb Manufacturing Compa ny, Macon, Oa., October 20, 1894.—In future all parties having local bills against this company are requested to present them for payment on Tues- day:». J F. llanson. Agent. FRESH Western meats, all-pork and Frankfort sausage at W, L. Henry's Palace Meat Market. J. S. MABRY, late of Macon, will hear something Interesting by addressing W., care .Telegraph. JELLIES and preserves by the pound, all kind of pickles by pint, quart or gallon. Smith & Bro. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER U the best made. Have you tried it? GUESTS of the Plerpont have the dinner privilege of tho New England Home Restaurant. Mr®. T. M. Butner pro prietress of both. SARATOGA CHIPS. Polot’ft salmon steaks, tnpo.'tfd maccaronl, Edant, pine apple and American cheese. Smith & Brother. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb. WHEN in the city call on F. E. Kupfer- man for German groceries. SEVERAL .desirable rooms, with board* at 556 Pine street. Mrs. M. E. Birch. HOLMES & COUTTS’ celebrated extra- yeast crackers retail at the low price of lOo a pound. BIBB LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIv atlon.frRegukLr monthly meeting at 8 o’clock tonight at secretary’s office. Pay dues and save fines. B. M. Zettler, sec retory. . L. D. ABLE & CO., murage manufactu rers. Factory 620 Cherry etreet. EVERY KIND of fresh and cured meats, lard. etc. Try our “bacon shavings" and choke smoked tongues of our own. cur ing. Georgia Packing Company. SARATOGA CHIPS are all the rage. Asa your, grocer for them. ALL-PORK aauHdge, Vienna sausage, liv er sausage, etc., made fresh every day In our own factory. Georgia Packing Company. CENTRAL, give me 1M- is that Mr. Keen? Yes, madam. Please .*en.i me two boxes Saratoga chip* 1 think they are excellent. RHORER’S br?xd raising Is the best bread preparation made. Try It. THE ONLY place In Macon which handles choice Western meats exclusively; no tough beef to he found here, Georgia Parking Company. 20 pieces 38-inch Wool Poplins worth 50c yard, will close this lot 30c yard. 20 pieces 38-inch Two-tone Wool Suitings, can’t tell them from French goods, at 40c. yard. 20 pieces 54-inch Colored Ladies’ Cloths, all stylish shad ings, 65c 3 f ai d. 100 Beautiful French Suits, $5 to $10 each; only one suit of a kind. 100 Silk Gloria Umbrellas, $1.25 kind, for 90c each. Largest line of Stylish Jet Trimmings and Van Dyke Points in Macon. Best assorted stock of Stylish Cloaks and Capes in town. Don’t fail to see our Handkerchiefs. We-conduct the only successful professional DRESSMAK ING Department in Central Georgia. Our store furnishes every convenience for visitors, who are welcome, whether purchasers or not. REMEMBER we have the largest and cheapest stock of Dry Goods in Macon. BURDEN,SMITH!! G# WE HAVE a lo»t of tinware vre will give away for wrappers of large pack ages of Rhorer's Bread Raising. W. C. Turpin & Co. POMPANO, red snapper, trout, blue fish, bass, slitfphf-a/J, perch and other fresh fifth; plenty fresh oysters. D op son, Clarke At Daniel. JUST ARRIVED—Car of live poultry; also large quantity of eggs, apples, po tatoes, onions, etc. Prices very low to avoid moving. Waxelbuum. v & Bros., 639 Poplar. j LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer sells it. TWO CAR LOADS of fine Kentucky sad dle and road horses to be sold at auc tion at L. R. Wright tlon at L. R. Palace Stables Saturday, tho 27th, beginning at 9 o’clock. Hroses at sta bles now subject to inspection. Cole man Bros. & Dolvln. HOLMES & COUTT3’ BISCUITS and cakes are made from new materials of the very highest standard of ex cellence; they have been awarded the premium over nil competitors wher ever exhibited, and w* pronounced the finest manufactured In 'the world If you use cakes or biscuits, why not buy Che best. Sold by the leading fancy grocers. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER Is made of pure cream of tartar and soda and ib guaranteed strictly pure. To ln- , duce you to try Turpin’s Baking Pow der we will, for a short time, give with each pound can of powder a pound coin of Holmes & Coutts’ cele brated cakes or saltlnes both for 40 cents. Turpin’s la sold by.Che lead ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking , Powder Company, Macon, Ga. W.L. Douglas CHAP ■« THE BIST, yd dnUb NOSQUCAKINO. #5. CORDOVAN, FRtNCHA ENAMELLED CALR * ^‘Jl.yFlNECAlf&kWi'eAHtt ♦ 5.99 P0LICE.3 S0LE3. *?S8aN wUJBto'SckooiShoes. fS£, *-,3END FOR CATALOGUE ", W* !■* DOUGLAS* BROCKTON, MASS. You can save rno»*y $li^|i>urch&«t&K W. L Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoe* in tbe world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects vou against high prices and the middleman’s profits. Our shoes equal custom work In atyle, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them aold every- where at lower price* for the value given than iny other make. Take no substitute. Ifyeut eolith- ROCHESTER SHOE CO. 618 OHEKRX STREET. The Most Wonderful Offer Yet ...., 180 C MAGNIFICENT o PROGRESSIVE TAILORING Can only be done by keeping abreast of the times and reliably informed on all that is new and novel. I have made arrangements with the highest authority on prog ressive tailoring, to keep me posted on all the new ideas as they are evolved and adopted; thus my clients may he sure of having their clothes made in such styles as are entirely current and eminently correct. McKAY, The Tailor, 563 Cherry Street. ORDER OP UNITED STATES COURT. Circuit court of the Uirfted State*, west ern division, southern district of Georgia, In the matter of the confirmation of the sale of the Macon and Northern railroad* The master’s commisstoners. Alexander Proudflt and J. N. Tally, having reported to the court the sale of the above men tioned railroad conformably to the decree It is ordered that any or aU parties at Ini terest do show cause before me at Macon at 10 a. m., on Monday the Dth of Novem ber, why the aakl sale should not be con firmed and.that this order be published once a week for three tiroes in the Macon Telegraph. EMORY SPEER, Judge. October 9, 1894. Clerk’s Office, United States Circuit Court, Western Division Southern Dis trict—The above is & true extract from the minutes of aaVl court, CECIL MORGAN, Deputy Clerk. October 9, IS4. NOTOE. Notice is hereby given that on the CStli ult, Nathan A. Gang and Philip Lfpman. parties using the Ann name and style of N. A. Gnus & Co., dis solved their copartnership, the latter Gelling out to the former and the for mer succeeding the Arm In busiuess and assuming its liabilities. N. A- Cans, P. Lipina u, October 1, 1SDL WORLD'S Securely bound in handsome cloth, now ready for readers OF . . If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is the next best thing to a visit Come and see it. When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and hring or send it to The Telegraph. SWAP SHOTS OF THE Worlifs Fair $m+*t Hr mml tft m^im It AM* TO . gULTA e^.!