The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 26, 1894, Image 2
THE MACOIS TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNTRG, OCTOBER 26, 1894 FUNERAL OB' MRS. RUHR. All Forsyth Grief-Stricken By Her Death. Forsyth, Oct 23.—(Special.)—A shad ow of deepest sorrow banes over tills fair little clfy today. Deep grip! Is de picted on the faces of every lohalilt-iot and every,-household is silent and sad dened. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the funeral services of Mrs. Btella Na pier Ilurr took place nt the Baptist church. The church was crowded to overt]owing with tho sorrowing friends of this generous, gentle, lovablo yoling woman, who counted her friends by tilts score and whoso unusually sad demise has cast a shadow of darkest gloom Into the hbarts of all that knew her. 'Bie casket, laden with the rarest floral offerings, was borne Into tho church by tho young men who only two autumns ago were the attendants at her brilliant wedding, nod Rev. Thomas M. CoSawsy, who performed the ceremony, conducted the funeral this afternoon. The vast congregation was deeply affected by the eloquent young divine's Impressive and patbeUo words, and tho eyes of every one present were be dimmed with tears. Mrs. Burr was a member of the choir that rendered the muslo with so much feeling and pa thos this evening. After tho ceremony nt the church- the remains were Interred In the pretty little cemetery hero by tho side of her devoted sister, who had grown up to young womanhood with her, but who had preceded her to the grave only a‘, few short years. Only a week ago Mrs. Burr went to Atlauti to lie placed undnr the treatment of an eminent phy- Ktciun of that city tier fr.enrts lent every hopo that she would soon re cover and rofurn to the homo In urblelt she was tho Idol. But very suddenly night before Inst she beenme violently til, and nefore Iter relatives could reach her side she breathed her las:. The remains readied the eity last evening on the Central train anil were met by n lnrge concourse of grief- stricken friends and relatives. As Mis* Btella Napier, Mrs. Burr was well known In Macon, where the boll n numlierof relatives and friends, who will lie greatly abocked to hear of her untimely end. DOWN AT DUBLIN. Lot* of Newsy Nates From tho City by the Oconee. Dublin, Oct. 50.—(Special.)—Buelnese Is improving dally and ttie msrctiaale ore receiving ttielr flail supply of good#, replete with all varieties, suited tor all grads* of people. New building* are bulng constructed, enhancing the ufty. The city fathers have a strong notion of ifghtlng up the town With electric lights and think about getting up a system of waterworks. Miss niancmo Chapman of St. Au gustine, Fla., Is visiting her uncle, Mr. L. A. Chapman. ‘Mrs. Mary il.i rvllle or Davlsporb ft spending a few day* -with her' parents, Ctpt. nnd Mr*. T. II. Rowe. Mr. W. H. Phillips of Lofton, Tenn., Is la the city »n business. He I* tv ■wealthy stock owner. Miss .\r.iu4 flrantham of Macon he* had a delightful ‘time* with her friend, MIm Carrie Belle Blackshcnr. Her de- ivarture I* much regretted. Mr. Lem Clark, a practical Jeweler of Atlanta, has bung out bis shingle at Dr. Green * drug store. Stuckey, tho slayer of Taylor, has been released on a tl&.ono bond, and a* noon s* Dr. Green thinks St advisable ho will hrea-fhe fresh air again. llcv. J. W. Warner, a odtorrd dude pruabher, he* been in the city trying to fleece some of his race out of money, pretemRng to establish a second col ored Baptist churoh, but the. material was too thin and he et one* took to bis heels. Mrs. Georgia Wright of Atlanta Is Vlsttlpg relatives hero. Trie nomllfVtlon of Democratic county officers takes place on November 8, the name time «* the congresslotwil elec- tl-rn. Candidates nrn begftmtlg to have their otrds ln*ertc<l nnd the ed itors of the country newspapers feet happy. Tlic prevert: sheriff, George M. How- nrd. and Clerk of the Court W. J. Iltghuiwer wtlt thuvo o -walk over, for Cicy ero popular and have given gen- oral rnllafnetlon. The Populists nre going to bring out a strong ticket, but this time they will find that they eniTt foot tho negro, for Vhr majority of t-hem have said the third party people •sinl trifle "wld dem" the second time. Editor D. J, Thuxton of the Courier has gono to JsekBon, til. former home, to move hlrt f.imlly there. He will re turn tomorrow. WEDDING'AT l'ERRY. Miss Duncan Becomes tho BrMo of Mr. l’ato. rerrr. Oct. 23.—(Spjo'nl.)—Mias X.lla Duncan mid Mr. Rolls A. 1'uio of Hitnivklnsvlllo were marrliHl here last night at KdO o'clock, llcv. H. R. l'eldcr of Mncon oillclntiug. Tlio ‘handsome resldeuco of Ool. b. O. Duncan, father of the bride, was beautifully deooratsd with stuilag and palms. Interspersed with rews ami other flowers, the ceremony taking plan' under an arch of lulling and Ivy. Tile lirldo look'll unusually beautiful in a gown of white moire, with veil nnd orange blossoms. Her Jewels were diamonds, the gift of the groom. Tlio wedding being a homo affair, there were present only tho relative* nnd hunted 1st* fr.cnds of the couple.' Miss Mary lion Folder of Muoon vet* the bridi-tauald ami Mr. YVIIlls Glover of Hiivvkiusvlllo belt man. A snpeili and lavish table was spread and the dining-room was VH-.vutlfiflly deeoratsd With gnming plants. The bride lfas long lieen n reining belle In this lutrt of tho state, and will lie sadly mlssid In Ferry. Tho groom Is In the banking business In Ilawklu-villo aud well known through this section. Among the pouple who ntiendeil may be mentioned: M.-i. A. L. Miller, Mr. HELP IS OFFERED pr«T nervous, exhausted, erunutn buffcrtix* from “ fMnale complaint " or wonkne**. AU jviiru, hearing down ftauMthmc, aud tnflaiu- lUitHiM are r«JWv«l ud CVKI9 by Dr. v lWos 1 * Favorite Prescription. ‘ U^xydttaoKiy |M. Medical Awociatiok, <^u(Utw«n — \V« cenr.ot •uffleicntlj thank you for Um* great araouul of beo- iW inf wife rtcflti ' ll» ur of n Mjrwlfe bud _ ieuoorrhce. and uecd l>r. IVfca'e monk 1 IV script ion for It. I coanot r >toe It Abort* (to value. have a dnurbtrr who km i<t<rn poorly orrr I vjw; the to taking the r * Favorite PnacrlptJoa,*' and it already feeling bet- ti bo. w. Wmm. PIERCE CURE OK KOKKV KgTl'KKKO, BUtlonery, Monogranui Wedding Iflviution* sod visiting cards sngntved at loweat price*. No de lay; work dona by aktll- •d workmen In our establishment. Sena rer asmues and pr.'.c. J. i'. .Stevens A B.-o„ Jewelers. 47 WhltebaU street. Atlanta. Ga. nnd Mrs. Stetson aud Sir. Pato Stet son of Macuu, Mrs. A. McD. Nathan of Atlanta, Mrs. l’opc Brown. Mrs. Grice, Mias McCwmeg, Miss Witter* man. Miss Fate, Messrs. Willie, Wilcox, I’atc, Glover, Mahoney. Parsons, Robert Brown und Judge Fata of Hatvkinsville. Mrs. Bruce Nichols, Airs. J. It. Duncan, Miss Zoph I'sto and Mr. Lee Jordan of Unadllla aud many others. The presents were unusually numer ous, varied and beautiful. The happy pair drove acroaf to Hawklusville the following afternoon, where they will reside. LOCALS FROM - LEESBURG. Leesburg, Oct (Special.J-Ttie aunp- meetlag In progress here for the put ten days closed last Tutelar night, and while no very great Interest was manifested one can but believe much good -was ac complished, and during the whole session the city wa* visited by people from Daw- son, Khellmaa, chloasawhatehee, Albany, Ilronwood, Chokoe, HmUtivllle, Desoto nnd Americus, and perhaps from other points. And now the colored association comes today and the city la decked with a large delegation from different parts of south- weal Georgia and a good ume Is In store for sit who svsll themselves of this op portunity. The harvest ta great and the laborers art many. Wa learn that forty- tight divines landed from tba down train yesterday besHes those who came by pet. vate conveyances, local trains, etc. Fanners nave made good use of tho fa vorable weather of the past few daye nnd are about up with their 4 cents ect- ton and arranging to prepare their bind to put In tall oats, a larger crop of which will he planted than for years. Hog and hominy Is the them* now In southwest Georgia Speaker Crisp will address the people of this vicinity at the court house on the political Issues of the day on November t. All dosses, white and colored, are re spectfully Invited. Tho health of this community Is unu sually good. A large and oommodtous hotel Is being completed and other Improvements arc going on which will add to She appearance of the town. A .telephone now connects this city with Newton, Albany, Smlthvllte, Ella- vllle and Americus, so you can see our motto ft onward and upward. Col. James Callaway of the Macon Tel egraph was shaking hands with friends nnd working In the Interest of the Tele graph here ono day this week. TWEED NOTES. Tweed, Oct. S8.—<85p*elal.)—A pro tracted meeting was opened at Mount Eton Methodist Episcopal church on the 13th and continued until last Wednesday night. Several secessions were mki<fe. Rev. Mr. Snyder,' the pastor, wo* anslsted ID his work by Rovn. Jdhn Wilkes, Barber and Gray, from Johnson county, At first the meeting -was rather cold, hut towards the list it -warmo-l up and proved a glorious retival. Rev. Mr. Snyder anil Uncle John Wilkes labored ‘hard and diligently during the eervlcea. A boy 8 years old was happily converted one night. i . Farmers are beginning to grind corn and dig pnta'toeg. 'Mr. Jtn\ 'MUson at Dublin passed through hero last Sunday with a mule rthose appearance Indicated that Hie dumb brute had been Almost starved to death. It In a case for the courts, which Should bo Investigated. Mr. Mason lufonnod the Telegraph corre spondent that a white man In Mont gomery county had bought the mule nnd holng unnblo to pay for It return the ei.nlmad. Such conduct to wards a dumb brute Is Ungraceful. OH. WHAT A COUGHI Will you heed tin warning—tho sig nal. perhaps, of the sure approach of that more terrible disease, oousumtloU? Ask yourself If you enn afford, for the aiko of saving BO cents, run tlic risk and do nothing for It. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It nevor falls. This ex plains tvhy more than a million botttci were sold the past year. It rollovea croup nnd whooping cough nt once. Mothers, do not be without It. For lame back. sldO or cheat, use Shiloh's rorous masters. Sold by Goodwyd A small Drug Company, corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. LARGEST LINE IN THE 80UTH. Blmrcot line of furniture and carpets ever shown tn this section at Payne A Willingham's. USE HOLMES' MOUTH WASH. Prepared by Dr*. Holme* & Matron, Dentists, MS Mulberry Street. It cures bleeding gums, ulcers, sore mouth, sore throat, cleans the teeth end purines tho breach. For sale by nil druggists. DEAD LOADS Of pretty new things In fufnlturo and carpets lust received for the fair trade at Payne A Willingham's. Mncon and return, via K-uithem rail way. Un account of Dixie interetnt Fair. Trains will run Oetober S7 anti 13. alio November 1. J. 3. 5, 8 anil 7, on ftgloiv- tng schedule-. Going, leave Lumber CHy 0:3d a. m.: arrive Macon 10 a. in.: return ing, Leave Macon 7 p. m.; arrive Lum ber City 10:50 d. m. Stops made nt nil Intermerlate sta tions. Trains from and <o HawklnavlMe Cochran with theat will “Yes, sir, he Is tmmcnsc- IIotel manager—“I soo you have given our best sulto of rooms to a man named Jones. Are you sure ho can pay the price7" Hotel clerk—"' ly wealthy.' Hotel manager—“How do you know!" Hotel clerk—"Oh. he Is very old anil ligly anil Ills wife Is very young sutl pretty.—Truth. NEWS FROM LOTHATO. Lcebalr. Oct. JL—(Special.>—This tittle village la rapidly tilling up end the plsre present* a buey tlppsarance. Turner will get « good majority here. Mr Until; Jlwrlf). i leading m.-r- cdiant of this place, visited Tweed last Sunday. Two young men engaged In ■ quarrel taM week at B <KW mill. One out the other In the arm, reusing the former (aumed CoUfiuO to release hi* antago nist. who he was choking. Ulnfh fell out about n cent hook used tn Umber. Lumber Is being placed nt Rial Rlnff church ground preparatory to building t new edifice. Rev. Arthur Davis baptised two nembere of tho PrtmlUve Baptist church last Sunday. Davis is over 70 and recently was oral .lined s minister. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wilkes paid a vtoit to relatives In Laurens county Hat Sunday. Mr. T. J. Pritchett hh» sold out hi* interests In the mercantile business to tils brother. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder WslIS's Pair Highest McOsl and Dtelsms, Don r t stop, but come direct to Headquarters, where you can find the latest in Silks, Dress Goods, Wraps and underwear. Ladies’ New Silks, 75c to $2.00 per yard. Tailor , Exquisite Silks for Waitit, 85c and Made $.100. Suits, Best $1.00 Black Silk on the market. Ready New Two-toned Covert Cloths, 50c To to $2.00 per yard. Put Exquisite line 50c Dress Goods. On, New Kid Gloves, $1.00. $12.50 New Veilings. And Bijst 25c Rib Vest on the market, $15.00. Visitors are welcome to make our house Headquarters. JTJHAN’S, c™ •THE DAZZLER.’’ One'of the Best Performances Given Hers This Season. srany people who' wanted to see "The Dossier" Inst night weald not go because they* did not want to see "The Paezler" without Joe Ott tn the leading role, but could they have known What kind of an artist they would .have found In Charlie Wayne they would have been glaJ that Joe Ott, with alt of hit fun, was left out. Joe Ott Is good, but Charles Wayne bet ter—much beftcr. Tho trouble Is, on a one-night stand the people don't And It out until too late. Wayne la Immense and the Whole comptqiy la Immense, Not a stick‘nor anything approaching a stick In the entire company. On the whole It was a brilliant and highly pleasing per formance that everybody who saw It would 111^0 to see ogsin. CLEOPATRA. Tonight At the Academy of Music—A Grand Production. The version of Cleopatra, which Alls* Lillian Lewis produaea with scenic s ml Ws-Veacular aptandur. M iby rilmkes- pere, arranged and staged by Loiwronco Murston. Alls* Lewis rays that Alars- ton's anrangement'of Shakepere’s Cleo patra Ut tar aupertor to airdon's ar- Mngemont ot the same play. Tho scenery In the Lillian Lewis pro duction, of Cleopatra Is by Leavy. The first sceno Is the palace of Egypt'it queen overlooking the Nile, with u view of AJCxandriar-the Sphinx and tho Pyr- u mid*. The barge Is built In exuet accordance with with the description given by Bnobarbu* In tho pkty. "The flecoud soene laStauary square In’Rome —with tho temple of Hymen Setrum In Hie background. At the end of this act :i lilting picture Is shown which tvprosonte the marriage of Antony aiid Octavio—nine figures arc required—the entire pose Is modelled after the paint ing called “The Roman Bride." In a Ikchc Is a figure of Hymen Sucnuji and a cuptd. Tho third scene is nn bxtc- ttor view of an Egyptian pakico of .Columns. On each side Is a 7ow of Egyptian dclttea-cut out with wonder ful fidelity and painted In heavy relief —the base of each column is n phynx and the body of each column Ikvtrs on It .the hyrogllphlc history of ono of the Egyptian rut*me—Mr. Lafayette W. Soavey, who Is without question one of the most cultured soento artists— has made this scene from photographs, taken by him during Ills travel* in Egypt, und lias pointed this scene from a sheer love of art. In tho centre of this scene Is a trlpple colohode of gold pillars, which, a t Cleopotra’s order were were erected by Gorge,vs, «» a triumph- erected by doorgea*, ns a triumphal of three pillar* Is 'tho hyrogllphlc rec ord of Antony’s tHumps nnd Cleopa tra'* lov»\ Each pair of pillars Is formed'into nm arch, by statues of Cle- ojutm. nnd Antony with hands Joined overhead by a wreath of victory. In which perched the Roman nud Egyp tian god of love. Alexandria and the river Nile form the background of this magnificent scene. , VI8ITORS TO THE FAIR Must not fail to eco Fuyne & Willing- hasn'a furniture end carpet store. It Is tho biggest thing South. WORKING ON CU.MHEltit.UND. A Big Company Working For a Grand Hotel. Savannah, Oct. 21.-A Morning Nows •pedal from Brunswick says: Appll- eatlon for a charter for tno High Point Cumberland Island Company lias been made. Tho capital stock is to l>o $3,000,000. The oomp-tuy will trans form Us thousands of arri s of laud on Cumberland-Island Into the finest nil year round resort In America, and will erect a hotel .to rival In magnificence the famous St. Augustine lmstelries. Several prominent'Northern capitalists hnvo boon In Brunswick and Cumber land several days tvorklug on tiro move ment, but kept their plans eecret until today, when It leaked out through tho court records. Lnmlscapo ainl civil en gineers and architects Irom New York are now on Cuinliorlaud Island making surveys and l>orfeo'.lug plans for Iho work, which wdl oomiueuco January l. UNDINE. Crushed IWtddllpga flour* The only Flour of lt« kind. itn«i th« h*»«t o. any kind. It u mad«tajra n«vrot pro ems known to bat two personI. £100,000 hit bna ofikr*d foe K&ovlodp Tho Uodtue is tho best floor sold In Georgia. T. Y. Jolmson. MiUor, Ga, Tho Undine rive* .perfect KHtisfuo tioa. J, 11. StAlwcH, LuoUa, Ga. • NOEL MILL COMPANY. EsUU Tcao. ONE CENT A WORD ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING. FIFTEEN WORDS OR MORE. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. taken For less than u era. WANTED.- WANTED—Good men to place Equita ble Building and Loan Association stock In Oeorgta; lonns promptly made. George A. Smith, general manager, Exchange Bank building, Macon, Ga. WANTED—Experienced cook. Mrs. G. W. Wrlsht, corner Spring and Cherry streets. WANTED-To sell you a. nlco bedroom suit for »10.60. A. S. Thomas, 663 Pop lar street. WANTED—A poslUon by an experienced typewriter at once. Address H., care Telegraph. WANTED—Everyone to vklt Chap man's English . Kitchen during the Dixie Fair. Meals 25c. AGENTS WANTED to sell a useful kitch en article. Sells on sight. Medal awarded at World'e Fair. The Electric Cake Belter and Batter Dropper Co., 1611 C&rondelet street. New Orleans, La. WANTED—Sawyer for circular saw-mill; none but sawyers need apply. Amos- keag Lumber Company, Amo»keag, Oa. WANTBD—PoslUtm by tun exeprtenced stenographer. Will work for very moderate salary. Will accept posi tion In the city or elsewhere. Address M. A. B„ care the Telegraph. WANTED—To sell you a '34 model Denemore typewriter,. heat machine In the world. J. E. Mlnter. agent. 'Phone No. 283. FOR RENT. FOR RKNT—8ev*n-room residence, 33i» Cimton street, East Macon, viith one aero garden. Threo minutes from elec tric cars. Very desirable; price low. Ap ply at Macon Savings Rank. rOR RENT—824 Orange, street; seven rooms, gas and water, car line. Apply to J. N. Birch. FOR RENT—S32 -Orange street; seven rooms, g«a ami water, car lino. Ap ply to J. N. Birch* FOR SALE. FOR SALE—A nice lot on Dunoon ave nue, Huguenln Heights, within hundred yards street car line. Big bargain. Part cssli, balance In tasy payments. 3). J. Holt, clerk's office court house. FOR SALE—One magnificent new Co lumbia bicycle. Ha* nsver been used. Will sell very cheap. Apply at Tote- graph office. MISCELLANEOUS. CHAPMAN'S ENGLISH KITCHEN Is the p!a*e to got yoUr meale. Fish, oyster* and game served. IMPORTED sardines 12V& cents; peas 12ft cents. Grace Grocery Company. LRAVE your orer* for dressed pouRry during fair week. Dressed turkeys, ire-ease, duck* and hens at L. D. Able & €o.'8, 620 Cherry street. COME to us, get our prices; wo will awe you money. Grace Grocery Company. TO please the visitors* leave your order* •t L. D. Able .& Oq.’s during fair weeks for fine beef, mutton, veaJ, all- pork tfdusage, all kinds of art usage, fancy emoked meate. etc. Parlor Mar ket, 620 Cherry street FULL stock of everything at Grace Gro cery Company at lowest cash price*. OFFICE Bibb Manufacturing Compa ny, Macon, Go., October 20, 1S94.—In future all parties having local bills asriret this company are requested to protent them for payment on Tues days. J. F. Hanson. Agent. LOOK OUT for the cut of our 1(0 bed room suit at *10.50. A. S. Ttoomus, 6M Poplar street. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER Is the beat made. Have you tried it? PLENTY of ripe banana* at T. O. Par kers, opposite market. WHEN in need of billheads, lettei^heads, notehead*, envelope* and all kinds of Job work call on Knox A Pickett. Mul berry street, next to Davis’ stablea, ZIMMERMAN'S celebrated Bologna, Hne and Vienna sausage*, smoked bs^ f and tongues fresh today at F. E. Kupfer- man’s. 411 Second otreel. Telephone 35. GUESTS of the Pierpont have the dinner privilege of ihe New England Home Restaurant. Mr*. T, M. Burner pro- prietreaa of both. ZIMMERMAN’S celebrated Bologna, ring and Vienna auusage*, smoked beef and tongues’ fresh today at F. E. Kupfer- man’s, 412 Second street. Telephone R3. 20 pieces 38-inch Wool Poplins worth 60c yard, will close this lot 30c yard. 20 pieces 38-inch Two-tone Wool Suitings, can t tell them from French goods, at 40c. yard. 20 pieces 54-inch Colored Ladies’ Cloths, all stylish- shad ings, 65c yard. 100 Beautiful French Suits, $5 to $10 each; only one suit of a kind. 100 Silk Gloria Umbrellas, $1.26 kind, for 90c each. Largest line of Stylish Jet Trimmings and Van Dyke Points fn Macon. Beat assorted stock of Stylish Cloaks and Capes in town. Don’t fail to see our Handkerchiefs. We conduct the only successful professional DRESSMAK ING Department in Central Georgia, Our store furnishes every convenience for visitors, who are welcome, whether purchasers or not. REMEMBER we have the largest, and cheapest , stock of Dry Goods in Macon. BURDEN, SMITHS G« FRESH Suratogx chips, potutoe#, new cone syrup, mincemeat, bloater macker el. E. S. Smith & Bro, LINDEN BAKING POWDER alwaya gives satisfaction. Retails 20c. lb. CHEAPA BANANA—Ripe bananas, small • or large, 10 be sold regardless of price. Sowell Bros. L. D. ABLE & CO., sausage manufactu rers. Factory 620 Cherry ©treet. RIPE BANANAS—You can get a bunch of line ripe bananas at Sewell Bros., any price, any size bunch desired. EVERY KIND of fresh and cured meats, lard. etc. Try our “bacon shavings” and choice smoked tongues of our' own cur ing. Georgia Pocking Company. 45 PER- CENT, average weekly profits on $150 invested. Prospectus. Itemized statistics free. Benson Sc Dwyer, $34 Broadway, Now York. YOU OUGHT to have one of our $10.60 bedroom suits. A. S. Thomas, G53 Pop lar street. LADTES WANTED to write at home; $15 •weekly; no canvassing. Reply with stamp, Miss Fannie Felknor, South Bend, Ind. FARM for sale or rent. Well located, with comfortable dwelling and. Improve ments, on Holton road. H. V; Washing ton, 604 Mulberry street. GIVE Knox & Pickett a trial when you need anything in the Job printing line. Satisfaction guaranteed. ALL-PORK sausage, Vienna sausage, liv er sausage, etc., made fresh every day In our own factory, Georgia Packing Company. ‘NEW PRUNES, mincemeat, Jellies, Jams and Dres»rves at R. C. Keen's, 616 Cher ry street. CENTRAL, give me 106. "Is that air. Keen? Yes, madam. Please send me two boxes Saratoga chips. I think they are excellent. KNOBLOCH sausage made fresh today. Georgia Packing Company. UHOUER'S bread raising Is the best bread preparation made. Try it* THE ONLY place In Macon which handles choice Western meats exclusively; no tough beef to be found here. Georgia Packing Company. WE HAVE a lot or tinware we will give away for wrappers of large pack ages of Rhorer’s Bread Raising. W. C. Turpin Sc. Co. LINDEN BAKING POWDER alwaya gives satisfaction. Your grocer sella It. WANTDt)—150 additional men on Ma con's ©ewer ©yartem. Good wage© and weekly pay to active man. Apply to Qaboury & Noble, office Second and Oomulxee streets. TWO CAR LOADS of fine Kentucky sad dle and road horses to be sold at auc tion at L. R. Wright tlon at L. R. Palace Stables Saturday, the 37th, beginning ex 9 o'clock, llrosea at sta bles now subject u> Inspection, Cole man Bros. St Dolvln. HOLMES & COUTTS* BISCUITS and cukes are made from new materials of the very highest standard of ex cellence; they have been awarded the premium over all competitors wher ever exhibited, and »ve pronounced the finest manufactured in *th* world. If you use cakes or biscuits, why not buy the best. Bold by the leading fancy grocers. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER la made of pure cream of tartar and eoda and is guaranteed totrlctly pure. To In duce you to try Turpln'e Baking Pow der we will, for a *hort time, give with each pound can of powder a pound can of Holmea St Courts' cele brated cokes or aultlnes both for 40 cents. Turpin’s la sold by the lead ing retail grocers. Turpin Baking Powder Company, Macon, Ga. HOUSEKEEPERS. HEAR THIS.-It la now demonstrated beyond any cavil that ‘Jno. C. Holme* has the handaotn- eet and completest grocery «tore In the state. See his beautiful exhibit et Flo ral llall at the fair grounds. The moat beautiful good* ever exhibited in this market con be found there. TWO CAR LOADS of fine Kentucky sad dle and road horse* to be sold at auc tion at L. R. Wrlgut A Co.'* Palace Stablea Saturday, the 27th. beginning at 9 o’clock. Horses at stablea now* sub ject to Inspection. Coleman Eros. St Dolvln. •' ‘ The amount of business you are to get during the Fair de pends very largely on the amount and manner of adver tising you do. The TELE GRAPH is- the only medium through which you can hope to reach all the people. The Most , < * Wonderful Offer Yet , *., 180 C MAGNIFICENT o Securely bound in handson cloth, now ready for READERS • OP ... . If you visited the Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is tho next best thing to a visit. Come and see it. When will you ever again have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely bound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the following Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. SWAP SHOTS OF THB World's Fair rnfm r%**ryUi Timm/tr J* mm. hr > mi*