The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 26, 1894, Image 3
Reports by Wire From the Great Markets. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, Oct. 25.—Money on call van easy at 1 per cent; last loan at 1 and dosing offered at 1 per cent. Prime mer cantile paper, 3a4 per cent. Bar silver. tS%. Sterling exchange was easier with actual business In bankers* bills at 4.S6*fc to 4.87 for sixty days and for de mand; posted rates, 4.S8a£9. Commercial bills, 4.85V4a4.8GU. Government bonds Strong; state bonds dull; railroad bonds hlgheri Silver at the board was quiet The sales of listed stooks aggregated 78,000 shares and unlisted 13,000. Treasury balances.—Coin, $75,948,000; cur rency, $56,0M,000. l.AlLr.OAO hTOCXJ. 9*4 XiBb.L. ana fct.Lt QU* U. b. Cordage 13k pnfi thus far last week. Amount coming into sight this week, estimated 500,600 t» 540,000, but in any case the largest ever known In the third week of October. Mississippi farmers are reported to be marketing their cotton freely. Prices declined hero early owing to the large receipts and de dine In Liverpool and then rallied owing to the New Orleans buying, estimated receipts at New Orleans tomorrow of only 14,000 bales, against IS,OSS last year, and Now Orleans crop estimate of 8,900,000 bales - and New Orleans buying orders Atner.Cotton Oil ao rrei'c • Amrr.bUfforhenii. preta... VI J* 4&jer.het>accoUt4 I'ey pretd-.. HQ)* Li iifiaiBi Phcinc.. 14J, lutear«ss»*u,.. Ittk I &K&£0*MIO& „ .142 lM<h«o.b. ana 4, '.3k liiicago nas 14k L-cib.Laoa ana v». loo LiBi-r^MioCai.V. ID k«l«nD.t.anaua. )0>4 horuioriiJrauno.. ao pr«.. 10<i Not in western..,.. H*3fc ao pteu.UU Peel tic Midi )'J‘i licaam*; l*\t» h. una to. K. ler. JL'» Keen laihiia...... CO 1 , fcuXaiu iA>J» ao pret,.lJ«S Silver Certificates Icon. c. ana a.... 15* ao ao pt«t. 1 ak Texas paclDu 10 Lnicu Fuoitic..... Ilk Wan. bi.L. ana t. *• - pro. H k Weetern Cnlou..# S1J4 Wlieei'gaua L-fc. Ilk pin.. si»X SouthernB’y &».. bl c«> prrienea..— 2t>k Htturui Electric.. 35 Jlilteib Central... VI Late trieaua V*.. Jtifc ao preu. 70 Lake snore 135)4 Louie.acobnua.. 63* Lcu.ailO beu Alo. 7 kam,ittit>].ions..lOC; s krm.rDQ Cnu... HI Mlciiicaucen'rait V9 Missouri r»ciac.. 23 Hotiivauoonioi... 18)4 ST A TX CONDO. Alabama class a.IO'JK 'ieuneiaee ola 6's. SO ao dossil....1U4 leniunew eet3e.«lU3?{ , ao ciaee c„, 02)4 ao ao •*..102*4 I 0. fieinrca 4'e..Ko Teuueeseo 8'a..., 79 hvric teroiinabe.ioi Vlsium o'eaeg.... b hem Carolina tt>. 122 ao 2unna.lie0i 65)4 <flOTEBHXl*KT tOWDS. r.H. rerertet'* | V.H.'^regular. W V.fl. *’*coupons., 11i 1 ■■ •bid. lAekod. ' J Er dlvidoai I COTTONS \i ! * Macon*,- Oct. 25. The Mcicon cotton market is steady. Good middling 6% MIdling 6H Low middling .... ....5 Good ordinary 4% iOCAL BECEIPTS. CHICAGO GAAIN AND PROVISION. Chicago. Oct. 25.—Within. a range of % ■ of a cent there was quite a trade in wheat today. SjX-v 11 la tors found no inducement j to buy and the low price deterred them from selling. Neither bulls nor bears were aggressive In their action today, the market being permitted to take cure of itself pretty much all through the scs- s’on. December opened from 52 Vito 62%. Bold between 62% and 52%. closing at 52% to 52%—% to % of a cent under yester day. Shippers were the best buyers of cash wheat today. Price# were about 14 of a cent lower wit te nominal close stronger. Com.—The trade was light and the feeling similar to wheat In the corn mar ket, today. Local operators find'no news or statistics on which to argue a rise and for that reason much prefer the sel ling side. New York did moderately well as an accessory to Chicago's weakness, not only selling some corn, but Inform ing us also of Increased offerings of new Ohio corn in their markets. May corn opened at 49%a%, closing at 49%—a frac tion lower than yesterday. Cash com was % of a cent lower In the more active trading .but closed nominally stronger. Oats.—There was liberal selling of oats yesterday and today by a combination of light-waist eJ traders, the aggregate of whose business Is large, and the local crowd were raiding prices early In the day In order to give the "syndicate” as little advantage as possible, his combi nation or copartnership. of many shoe string speculators has its headquarters In lttsburg, their trading being on the co-operative plan, very much after the order of the "Fund W.” scheme. Prices rallied some after the pressure 'was re moved, the close being but % of a cent under yesterday for May. C?ash oats av eraged % of a cent per bushel lower, the close being firmer. Provisions.—Product was inactive and easy early on a decline in live hogs at the stock wards. Later a moderate de mand discovered a scarcity of efferlngs, an fractional rallies throughout the list took place. Further than this there was a lack of interest shown. The close was 5 cents higher-than yesterday for January pork and January lard, and a k shade high er for January ribs. FUTURE QUOTATIONS. This Par leMerday..... TbLdity last week. Tbli* day lBKt COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. ^Monday. 7 .!!! \Tuaaday..., IVednesdny. ItlpTij— Tni 4'Ui .l | 00107 ip* far till* week. 328,401 it>5,73Cy.9?,l94 126,170 How Lora. Oct. 24,-Spo* cotton quiet; middling guir 0 M0; miuduag upiauds 513-JO. Belt'd, 410 tmloa. Mew York. Oct. 24.—The future market rrth:ea‘ quiot ana cioeoa steady. bates Oponod Closod* 5.57 5 62 5 6 b 5.12 y«b .’.‘‘V.*!.*!’." March fe:::::::::::::::::::::::: * 5.61 *. 5.12 June. July ft.bS Npt*.::::: y.ww. .* i *.’.** i” ©ct, Hot M0 Dsc 5.61 ■ 5.56 RECEIPTS AMO XXronTS. To-day 1 Forth* Wrsk. Cteueolldaten not receipts... .. " Exports to Great Britain •' Exports to France, ** Exports lo Continent.... Block on hand at Now York... ei.UJ, IMl| 6.235 34.VJJ It 4,yifc 99,118 51.1116 112.521 Total since Sept. let—Not receipts 1,711,<04 " " •* Exnnrtut/iO 11 jgj 400,V t C Exports continent EEW ORLEANS CLOSING PUTUUSL Mew Orleans. Oct. 21—Cotton luturee steady, kn)ce G.eoO bales. Heron April U*y June 6 24 , ft 34 , ft 39 . 6 40 . 6 52 July. August September.. Octoocr November.. December.., o'oieil .. 5 63 POUT QUOTATIONS. Galveston, Oct. 25.-Qulet; middling, MS: net receipts, 17,241; stock. 173.502. Norfolk, Oct. 25.—Steady: middling. Mi: net receipts, 3,223; stock, 20|lS. Baltimore, Oct. 25.—Nominal: middling, 6%; stock, 21.452. t Boston, Oct. 25.—Quiet; middling, 5It; stock. 1556. Wilmington, Oct. 25.—Steady: middling, Dtt; net receipts, 5,166: stock, 27,127. Philadelphia, Oct. 26.—Quiet; middling, 5 5-16; net receipts, 801; stock, 10,157, Savannah, Oct. 25,-Qulet; middling, 6 3-16; net receipts, 10,727; stock, 132,005. Now Orleans, Oct. 25.—Quiet; middling, 5 5-16; net receipt*. 16,061; stock. 203,J20. Mobile, Oct. 25.—Quiet; middling, 5 3-16; net receipts, 1,924; stock. 22,563. Memphis Oct. 2S.-Qu!et;midd!lng, 6 6-16; net receipts, 3,630; stock, 63,162. Augstua, Oct. 25.—Steady; middling, 6K; net receipts, 2,627; stock, 13,689. Charleston, Oct. 25.—Easy; middling, 5 6-16; net receipts, 3,753; stock, 62,631. Cincinnati, Oct. 23.—Quiet; middling, 04i: net receipts, 2,506; stock. 9,577. . .Louisville, Oct. 25.—Quiet; middling, 511. St. Louis. Oct. 26.—Steady; middling, 5?; net receipts, 1,129: stock, 17,691. Houston, Oot. Si.—Quiet; middling, 65-16; net receipts, it,369: suck, 49,387. LIVERPOOL- 1.11 erne-I, Oct. St-Nooo.-3pne eotteu mulct demavd good with prices essy. AUtvrlcs t uddinnr* 3143 rale* 13,owi Lmce,id whl,h 1060 were nr epeculeuuu nsa rsp-.rt nee Included lS.lco American. Bcce.pu T.iOJ Lues, American #,lwx Cloning quolnt nns—Tulurea steady. Oct.'her, >■. Ocuher-horcmtur.. NoTeml.'r-Dcccmb’r I’cccmher-Jenuary. Jeii’u, rr-yeLruury.. lebrusrr-UarcnM.. llnrcli.Aprll 3vn -4my ... j Opeuiaz. "3 «>. 4 K Ml 11-64 314-64*3 I3 0i I»*4 3T i'-MonTl'M 4 9-f-iUi 4-J4 3 7 41 3 h flia* 9-C4 J 10-64 313-01 314.04 . TIIE SUN’S COTTON REVIEW. / New York* Oct 25.—The Sun’s cotton nrtlclo say*: Cotton declined 5 polnU. but recovered this and advanced 1 to l points, closing dull and steady. The sales wera 112,70b Liverpool declined S to 3% point:, for futures and %d for spot cottoi*. The spot sales there were 15,009 bales. In Manchester yarns were quiet end uncianged; cloths in moderate demand. Bombay receipts for the week, 2,000, H«a nat last year. Ttotal since Jan uary i, i^67,oo*>. against 1^77,000 for the ean.e time last year; shipments, 47,000 to Greit Britain, against 44,000 for the eunv? tim.! last year, and 747,000 to the conti nent. against 740.'//) for a like period last year, port receipts, €1.712, against 47.141 this day List week and 4«,€27 last year; thuA far this week, 222,4(7, against 295,7&S WHEAT- Open High vLo-w viOPS Oct 61? 51% ‘6114 51% bee. . . . . w* 62% 52% 62% May. . , • . CORN- Mil 6774 57 6774 Oct 4915 60% 49% 50% Nov. . * , . 50 GO 4974 50 Dec. * • . • 4854 4875 4874 4874 May 49% 4974 49-75 43% OATS- Oct; . , . , 2714 27% 2774 27% Nov 2775 28 27% 28 Dec 2874 2874 2814 2874 3275 2274 31% 32 PORK- Oct 12.20 Jan 11.80 ii.oo 11.90 LARD- Oct 7.00 Jan. . • • . RIBS- 6.80 6.8774 6.80 6.8214 Oct 6.33 6.3715 6.33 6.3774 Jan. • • , . 5.93 6.01) 5.95 6.00 CASH QUOTATIONS. Flour wns quiet. The foreign demand shows some improvement. The feeling was easy, with, prices favoring buyers. No. 2 spring wheat, BGUa56. No. 2 red wheat, 51%a52. No. 2 corn, 50. 2 **.: ... No. 2 oats, 2Satf. ’ f . J -i ’- Pork, 12.00al2.25. ‘ Lard, 7.00a7.05. p Jr***-. Short rib sides, C.S5a6.40. ^.. Dry salted .shoukh rs, 5.87 1 0.00. Short clear sides, 6.50a75, Whisky, 1.28. NEW YORK GROCERIES. New York. Oct. 25. -Butte;*, fancy, steady; modcrato demand; state dairy, 14 to 22Vi', creamery, 17a23Vi; Western dairy, 12al6; Western creamery, i5a23>4; Elgin*, m. Cotton seed oil—Quiet; ciude, 25; yellow,. £0 asked. • Petroleum—Steady. Rosin—Quiet, firm; strained, common to good, 1.40al.45. urpentlne—Quiet, steady at 29a%. Rice—Steady; moderate demand; domes tic. fair to extra, 4%a5%; Japan, 47a«4. Molasses—Foreign nominal; Now Or leans open kettle, good to choice, 27a38; moderate cmand, active, steady. .Coffee—Options steady 10 to 20 points up. October, 13.30al3.40; December, 11.75 to 11.85; March, ll.O&aSO; May, 10.80. Spot Rfo, dull, steady; No. 7, 15. Sugar—Raw, dull, steady; fair refining, 8; refined dull, steady; off A, 3 15.16a4 6-16; standard A, 4 7-lGa%; cut loaf, 5a3-lG; crushed, ,'.a3-16; granulated, 4 7-lGa%. Freight to Liverpool—Cotton, 7-$ld; grain, l%d. NAVAL ^STORES. Savannah. Oct. 25.—Turpentine opened .Arm at 26«4 cents for regulars with sales of 160 casks and closed steady; receipts* 1,042 casks. Rosin firm at part declines of 21& cents In Rome lower grades; demand alow; sales. .1,000 barrels. Quota A, B, C, 1.00; D, 1.(6; E, 1.25; F, LTTVill.40; G, 1.55; H, 1.73; I, 1.95O&00; K, 2.25; M, 2.50; N. 2.65; window glass, 2.85; water white, 3.00. Charleston, Oit 25.—Turpentine firm at 28 cents; receipts, 55 casks. Rosin—Good strained firm at 1.05. Wilmington, Oct. 25.—Rosin firm at 96 Cents for strained; good strained, 11,00. Spirits turpentine steady at 28 cents. Tar firm at 1.20. Crude turpentine firm; hard, 1.10; soft, 1.50; virgin, 1.70. MACON BOND AND STOCK REPORT. STATE OF GEORGIA BONDS. Bid. Ask’d. 7 per cent, bonds, Jon. and July coupons, maturity 1893 10i!£ 106 4>4 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, maturity 1915....113H 114U 4 T /4 per cent, bonds, Jan and July coupons, maturity 1922 ju no 3^ per cent bonis, .JaT. and July coupon^ maturity long date.. 9S% 934 MUNICIPAL BONbs. Savannah 5 per cent, bonds 104 log Atlanta bonds, price as to rate of Interest *nd maturity 100 )30 Augusta bonds, price as to rate of Interest and mat-irl'.y 10Q 114 Rome bonds,' 8 per cent 10414 i® Columbus 5 per cent, itonda ... .190 104 Macon 6 per cent.’bonds, quar terly coupons 112 RAILROAD BONOS. Central railroad joint mortgage 7 per cent, bonds. Jan and July coupons '. .',11® 117 Georgia railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1837 101 kq Georgia railroad 0 pendent. bond.*L Jan. and July coupons, due 1910 tog m OCorgta railroad € per cent, bonds. Jan. and July coupons, due 1922 .no uj Montgomery and Eufaula rail road, € pci cent, bonds, Jan. /and July coupons, due 1909....106 101 Ocean Steam ah; £> bonds. 5 per due 193/ yj Columbus and Western railroad « per cent. July coupons 94 a Columbus and Rome railroid € per cett. bonds, Jan. ami July coupons 3$ 49 Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powdef World's Fair Highest Award. Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1900 99 10) Savannah, Amerlcus and Mont gomery railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons.. 48 49 Georgia Southern and Florida railroad 6 per cent, bonds, Jan. and July coupons, due 1972.... 85 88 South Georgia and Florida rail road Indorsed 7 per cent, bonds, . Jan. and July coupons 102 Northeastern railroad Indorsed 6 per cent, bonds. May and November coupons., 104 105 Macon and Northern railroad certificates of bonds, March ami September coupons 33 40 Charleston. Columbia and Au gusta railroad 7 per cent bonds 99 101 RAILROAD STOCKS AND DEBEN TURES. Central railroad common stock.. 16 17 Central railroad 6 per cent. Ue- betures ?* Jh Southwestern railroad stock.*.. 73 72t4 Georgia nulroad stock 153 lft/ Atlanta hnd West Point rail road debentures 90 92 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock SO 83 LOCAL BONDS AND STOCKS. Macon Gas Light and Water consols. May and November coupons n Wesloyah college 7 per cent. bom!*, Jan. and July coupons.. 100 115 Macon Volunteers' Armory 7 per cent, bonds, Jan. ah'd July cou pons ,....,...104 M Bibb Manufacturing Company G per cent, bonds, April and Oct. coupons 100 loi Progress Loan and Improvement Company 50 w Southern Phosphate Company stock 80 bb Acme Brewing Company ....100 BANK STOCKS. First National Bank stock 125 130 American National Bank stock.. 85 Wl Exchange Bank stock..., 92 93 Union Savings Bank and Trust Company stock 93 93 Central Georgia Bank stock M Macon Savings Bank stock 90 92 Central City Loan and *Trust Company stock 72*4 75 DRUGS. PAINTS AND OILS. Corrected Every Saturday by Henry J. Lamar & Sons. CInamon Bark—Pefr pound, 12 to 15c. Cloves—Per pound, 15 to 25c. Drugs and Chemicals—Gum nssafoe- tlda, 35c pound; camphbr gum, 55 to 65c pound; gum cplum 32.40 to (2.69 pound; morphine, l*Sa, $2.25 to 42.45 ounce; qui nine (according to size) 38 to 90 centa ounce; sulphur, 4 t^ 6c pound; salts, Ep som. 2 1*2 to Sc pound; copperas, 2 to 3c pound; salt petrt, *9 to 12c pound; bo rax, 15 to 18c pound: brbmide potash, 50 to 55c per pouiid; chlorate, 25 to 30c per pound: carbollo acid. 50c to $1.75 pound; chloroform, 76c tb $1.40 pound; calomel, 85c to $1; logwood. 16 to 20c pound; cream tartar, commercial, 25 to 20c. DRY GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. Waxel- t AUm & Son. Print*—Berwick. 3 l*2c; standard 4 1-2 to 6c; turkey red. 4 to 5 1-fc; indigo blue, 4 to 4%c.; solids. 4 to 6 cents. Sheetings—3-4a3Vi, ;4a4c.; 4-4al-2, 5 cent er Tickings—From 5 to 12c. Checks—3 1*2 to 6c, . Blea6htngs—Fruit of tho Loom, $ 3*4 to 7 1-2C. FRUITS AND NUTS. Corrected by A. A. Cullen. ' Figs—Dry, choice. 12 t*2 tb 15 cents. Peanuts—North Carolina, 3 1*2 cents; Virginia. 4 and 5 cents. Lemons—$4. Nuts—Tarragohla almonds, 15 cents pei pound; Naples walnuts, ift cents; French walnuts, 10 cents; pscans, 10 cents. Apples—Sun dried. 0 to 7 centa per pound. Raisins—New In market, $2 per box; London layers, $2.25 per box; loose Mus catel. $2 per Uox. Irish Potatoes—$2.25 per sack. HARDWARE. Corrected Every Siatfirday by Dunlap Hardware Company. Axes—$6 to $7 per doezn. Bar Lead—6c per pound. Bucketo—Painbc, $1.25 per dozen; ce dar, three hoops,. $3.25. Cards—Cotton, $4. Chains—*Trace, $3.60 to $4.0 per dozen. Well buckets—$3.25 per dozen. Rope—Manilla, 12c; nisei, 10c; cotton, 12 cents. Shoes—Horse, $4; Mule. $5. Shovels—Ames, $10 per dozen. »; Shot—Drop, $1.35 per sack. • Wire—Barbed, 3c per povnj. Wire—Bn rued. 3c per pound. Naiis-$1.66 base, wire; cut, $1.35. base, base. Tubs—Painted, $2.35; cedar, 94.50 per ne«t. Brooms—$1.25 to $5 epr dozen. Ilarnes, iron bound, $3. Measures—Per nest, $1. Plow Blades—4 cents per pound. Iron—Swede, 4 f-2c per pound; refine J, 2c basis. Plow slock.—Haimen, $1; Ferguson, 90c. CANNED GOODS. Corrected Every Saturday by S. R.» Janues & Tinsley Co. Apples—3-pound cans, $1.25 per dozen. Blackberries—2 pound ©uns, $1 per dozen; 3 pound can?, $1.05 per dozen. Corn—2 pound cans, 90 cents to $1.60 per dozen. String Beans—2 pound cans, 90 cents per dozen. Toma/tocs—2 pound cans, per dozen, 80 cents; 3 pound cans. $1. Okra and Tomatoes—• pbund cans, $1.10 per dozen. June Fean—2 pound cans, $1.25 per dozen. Red Cherries—2 pound cans, $1.60 per dozen. White Cherries—t pound cans,$L75 per dozen. Lima Beans—$1.25. Peachew-O pound cans, $1.60 per dozen. Pineapples—1 pound cans, $1.50 to $2.25 per dozen; grated. F» & W.. $2.25. Ranpbewiea—3 pound cans, $1.85 per dozen. Strawberries—2 pound cans, $1.50 per dozen. Peaches, pie—2 pound cans, $L35 per dozen. Apricots. California—3 pound cans, $2.25 per dozen. Peaches. California—$2.25. Pig Feet—2 pouna ©ami, $2.25 per dozen. Roast Beef-d pound cans, $1.20 per dozen: 2 pound cans. $2 per dozen. Corn Beef—2 pound cans, $1.85 per dozen. Potted Ham—1-4 pound cins, C5 cents per dozen; 1-2 POtTOd cans, $1.25 per dozen. Lunch Tongues—4 pouhd cans, $3 per JOHflSGN'3 7 MAGNETIC OIL! 7 Instant Killer of Psln. Internal and External. Cur«* hlllUIMXTiail, NEUUAL* GIA, Larue Hn< k. Hpruln*, HiuIm*, *HUr-K", HMff Jolota, COLIC and KAMI’S in* IrDUy. Cholera Mor- o* 1 i'r'. , *:i»,DJpTnorle, IViroThrooi. JHKAOACHK, Mil by magic. THE HORSE BRAND. the ran* t Powerful tn1 PeiiotraUncMulicentfor Map or beast in exL-tcti 0. Lan;o 11 rize 75c., 60c. size jiJu JOHNSON’S ORIENTAL SOAP. MedinAtadaMTollcL The 0r*it8kin Cura and . 'aco Heautificr. Lauieo will fin t it t*>.o moat delicate ano highly perfumed Toilet Hoap on the market. It l* absolutely pure, liakee the skiuooft cud volvetjr nod rortgrw the com* ploxlonr l* a lexurr fnr “ It c’r.r* itchinr.c'.ear.-c*’ MiS TSS(B W k ' v,la t> GOODWYN & SMALL. m tui i mmiu 11 imuMuumu] un Joyous throbbing life offered to the chronic L invalid would be regarded) withdistrust! Long suffer- [ ing leaves the patient j hopeless—he believes no g more in any cure. Would I gthat such hopeless ones could! g read the testimonials of Brown’s Iron Bitters 5 They point a way to relief and S health, and they are genuine! 3 ^ . Swret Water, Tkxas. 3 For twelve long years 1 was a great B sufferer from kidney and other troubles. “ and at times was confined to my bed. i 5 tried a number of medicines recoin* S mended by sympathizing friends and pre- S scribed by phvslcians without receiving S the least benefit. Then 1 gave Brown’d 3 Iron nittcrs a trial, and two bottles S brought me off niy back. Today 1 am g well and hearty. # W. T. CoOIC. Sand then this: 5. .. , Trm Brooks, Tkni4. e . After being undet the care of a pnysic* ~ hn for eight years. 1 commenced taking S Brown’s Iron Bitters with the result £ that I am entirely cured. It is the best £ remedy J have ever taken, and I certainly S wish that every woman suffering as I did Z could know its value. Z Mas. Rosa Reecbx. i Does the above knock I at your door ? I 3 The Genuine has the Crossed I g Lines on the wrapper. j £ Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md SiiiiiHHiHwiuiiiiNiiiMiiiiiiiiifiiifirn! MISCELLANEOUS GROCERIES., Corrected Every Saturday by tbs S. Jaques & Tinsley Co. The following aro strictly wholesale prices; Fish—Kit, white fish, 60o; In half barrels. $4: mackerel In half barrels, No. 3, $5.75; No. 2 In kits, 85 cents. Flour—Best patent, per batrfel, $8.30; second patent, $3.20; straight, $3; fam ily, $2.50: low grades, $2.25. Sugar—Standard granulated, 5 cents; ex tra C, New York, 4V4 cents; New Orleans clarified. 4V4 cents. Hay—we quote today No. 1 Timothy at $18 and fancy. $19. . Meats—Bulk sides, 7% cents. Corn—68 cents per bushel. Oats— Mixed, 4nc; White, 48o. Lard—Tierces, 814 cents; cans, 8ft cents; 10-pound cans, 9 cents. Oil—lie. Snuff—Lorlllard’s Meccaboy snuff, Ntone Jars, 45o per pound; glass jars, 45e per pound; 2*ounce bottles, $9,900 per gross; 2-ounce cans, $8.CO per gross; 1-pound cans, $3.90 per gross; Railroad snuff, 1-ounco glass, Bo; l*ounce tins,. $4.25 per gross. Tomato catsup—Pints, 90c; quarts, $1.25. a . Hominy—Per barrel, $4. - Meal—Bolted, 76c; plain, 75o«. . **'* Wheat—Bran, 85o. ■L #-r Hams—12 to 13c. i • Zr Shoulders—9 l-2c. . .. • — -UN HIDES. JVOOL, ETC. Corrected Every Saturday by G. Bernd & Co. Hides—Green salt, 3 cents per pound; dry flint, 6 centa por pound; Goat skins—10 to 20 cents each. Rheep Sid ns—20 to 60 centa each'. Beeswax—16 to 20 cents. Wool—W-c.nhed. jh to 20 cent* pot pound; unwashed, 10 to 12 cento; burry, 7 to 10 cents. LIQUORS. Corrected Every Saturday by L. Cohen & Co. Whisky—Ryo $1.10 to $3.50; corn. $1.10 to $1.50; gin, $1.10 to $1.75; North Carbltna corn,$1.10 to $1.50; Georgia corn, $1.60. Wines—so cents to $1: kl'rh wines, $1.23; port and sherry, $1 to $3; claret, $6 to $10 caso: American champnghe, $7.50 to $8.50 per case; cordials, $12 per dozen; bitters, $8 per dozen. MEATS. Corrected Every Saturday by W« t». Hen rv. Fresh Meats—Western ne*r, b% fo 6c,; Georgia b«*ef, 4 1-2 to Go; dressed hogs, 614 to 7c; Western mutton, 7% cents: na tive mutton, G l-2c: Bmolccd pork sau sage, 8 l-2c; fresh pbrk sausage, 8o; Bo logna sauA'afe. Cc. COUNTRY^TRODUCE. Corrected Every Saturday by Samuel Fin ley & Co. 17 cents per dozen. Hens—38 cents. Fries—IS to 28 cents each. Ducka-Slow sale at 25 cents each. Turkeys—9 cents per pound (live), eGese—40 to 50 centa each. Sweet potatoes—40 cents bushel. Irish potatoes—$2a$2.25 per sack. Onions—80 cents per bushel. Butter—20 cents per pound. Sun dried apples—9 cents per pound. Honey—12%al5 cents per pound, IF YOUIt PACK ACJifW, Of you are all worn out, really good for notfe Ing, It UirencTal debility. Try into tries i it on hjttkus. It will cure you, cleanne your liver, sad glvs a good op)>etito. DENTISTRY. Dr. A. 8. Moore, who has for ths lost eight years been reasonable In his charges for dental fork, and who Is better prepared to do bridge, crown and all kinds of dental work, havlug taken a post-graduate course In prosthetic dentistry, owing to the stringency of the limes, is willing tp be even mors reasonable in his charge*. Come, let him examine your teeth and see how reasonable you can have your dental work done. Teeth extracted without pnln. 121 Washington Avenue, near First Baptist church.. Vin^vllle And tBelt Line of street cars pass his office QUICK TIME v Gives the Full Is a Complete Definition IT And Perfect Of Every English Modern Word. Encyclopedia Tie ibnerican Encyclopedic Dictionary. % Is the Greatest Modern 1ST ork of Reference.. These Speak as Those Having .....Authority..... PROF. M. J. ELROD. Chair of Biology and Physio* of t!>« Illinois Wesleyan University, nays: Por students and for The mass of th« people ft will bo very useful, not to mention Its low oost. 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Such a wealth' of knowledge 1H so compact! a form win commend ttsolt alike to th. laborious scholar, the general reader, and especially to tho teo.oher. John W. Cook. PROP. E. M. Van PETTBN, Superintendent of Bloomington Oltji Schools, says: ft is a work of great value. It seems to mo oonclss, accu rate and convenient in form. So muoh Information 4n such a smell compass (« nowhere else to be obtained. E. M. Van Jetilen. MBS. GALLINEB, • Librarian of Withers Library, says Tho American Encyclopedic Dir ‘loner; offers an opportunity seldom met wilt; to procure a most -waluablt, work to a Small outlay. In t'hu homo library 1 will bo Indispensable to b.udents un ltlcrary workers. H. R. GaHlntv WILLIAM II. ANDRRCON, Superintendent of Schools, Klimit kee, Wls., says: The Encycloped, DlcMonnry, In my opinio;;, Is c. ver valuable work of reference. It |« es haustlv*, comprehensive, and boar evidence of the most scrupulous pain* taking. I can recommend tho worl without hesitation. Win. 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