The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, October 26, 1894, Image 8
1 1 THE MACO-Of TiiXijr.GxtAJ^±l: jrjfl.UA X MOItNIBG, OUXUJJiSK 26, 1894 R. C. WILDER'S SOUS CO., MACON, GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. lumber, rcugb and dressed, shingles, laths, and dealers In mixed paints, lead vile, lima, plaster, cement and builders* bard ware. 614 TO 622 THIUD STREET. 1! M0N8II A Paper in Clerk Sisbet’s Oflico Wlijcli Covers an Imincnso ‘ Debt. A T11DST DEED FOE $20,000,000 Is the Style of eke InatraiMsnt—WIII Take Two Weeks Co Record It—A TrsvillBS Maw Hake* » Kick cm Ullage Hooks* Tho largest mortgigo nror lik'd to BMib oouutjr .van Imndid Into Deputy Clerk lieu Holt yi-Munltiy morning liy n young man win* mild lie would l*e Itnek In about two week* to get It. Clerk Holt looked ut the mortgage nud mid he didn't kn.* v gu much ulwiit Unit. Ill* luml* ircmbleil violently it* bo turned over pa go niter page of Uic big document, anil when bo carried It iu to Uncle Ueorgo Him* *0 Intu It tretucrlbed U.* victim *eumud about to have u Ut. It wus the big Bouiburu railway mortgage for ¥20,000,000, which ha* to lie illrd In every eunnty through which Ute road rua*. The document* are divided up Into f'<lir purl*. Thu Unt ,h . deed of 3ouec}auco from the revolver* and special niaater, who *uM thu mini, to tbo Southern railway. 'The *eooud I* a deed 'o the Southern railway from the tnmwo, The third I* tbo truit ilin'd fruni tbo Soutlioin railway to tho Coatral Tru*t Company. The fourtb I* the l)»t morigugo given by the South.'fii Hallway Company to the Central Tiuit Company of iitw York, a* truatee. Tho deed* and mortgage] were (lied lu printed form, there being four hooka containing each respectively twelve, alxtocn, thirty-two mid nluoiy-gcren page* of elimely printed matter, there being not lev* tbuu SUO word* en each B go, or In all over 100,000 word* to rewritten by the clerk* lu the *u- pcrlor court clerk'* olllee. Tlio Ix'at roc- onl yet made In any of thu counties In which the mortgage ha* lieeu tiled 1* two week*, and It wu* uo easy Job at that l KICK ON MILBAUB BOOKS. •'lli'llevliig that tho Telegraph I* Iho friend of tho traveling nmu u* well a* of the of Mnoon, l have a matter of importance to prenent" Tills Is thu way nu lutcrestlng uoto reads .which wo* laid on thu nntrund report- or'* desk yesterday. Olio writer of the communication diduT want hi* name used for tile pres ent, because lie any* he Inti'iuls to carry the mailer Imfore the railroad ceinmlsxjiiii, lie has lieeu iravellng a number of yourk, hu say., anil he I* now traveling on a stylo of nnieago book that he ha* never seen befuro. Heretofore all mileage hook* have con- tamed u table* giving ilUlauves from un.t io every iiolut on that particular Hue of road. Tills was iluno lu older til it the pusiieuger might keep aevuitut or hi* mileage, and know each time that the conductor makes no mistake. When going from oue point to another lie refers to 111* table of distance amt secs the exact number of miles, ami when the ouuductor tear* out the mile age he know* that tho light, nwuuut has lieeu lalteu. The book* now In uae, howover, aro without the tables, and the eomplaln- lUll In this ease says the thlug I* quite luronveuleut, to nay the least of It. Uo thialts It would coal little. If auy. mine to hnvo tho tablo of distances pr.ntisl 111 the mileage luniks, riinl he s.ijs the traveling men would uppteoUkto It. TRAVEL IS UtlAVY. livery train that rolled Into the union depot yeatenlay was packed full of people, all couiiug to *eo tlio Divio I's l'. Uhl i iiipl ijcs .ill.m• the nay they have never seen such a rush on before within two day* after tho opening of the fair. And the beat nf It It, they »ay the people seem to lie com ing with a view of si tying the fair out. 'Tlio nppoaratico of the bagguge room ut the depot Indicates ns much, fur mi ex.ra fore* of bauds Is Inadequate to haadle the large liumher of trunks wli.iii hoc eiic wlnde side "I the dep d. BBOBT LINKS. (Master of Transportation Craven nf the Ceorgia Boutbern wet t down to Valdosta yesterday i> Invest I gam the killing of U. 1*. iVl'.llmis, the ilsguisu who was orudwd between the cam at that place Wednesday morning. Mr. W. I*. Daw's..a, passenger ngeei of tho Central, I* tho right sort ,if work for the Dixie Pair, lie meets every Incoming train on hi* road and se. s to It that no JiMqcugcr want* for btfi’rmatkui n* to where to *t'H> or for anything else that It I* possible to forulob. In thl* way every ode who coineo to Is made in fed at home ami Ugtua to take things easy from the start Jan Parris worth, district passenger ngent of (he S atlhern. 1* lien* attend- lm* the fair. Mr. t'arusvvorlU's hea.I- ■inirters hare Issmi changed from At lanta to Ulnnlngham, where he has ubeady hooks oue of the Boot popu lar railroad men of thu towu. Just a* he 1* everywhere^ nUCKLE.V8 ARNICA SALVE. Vhe bet sales In tbs world for cuts, br.'lsss, sorv*. ulcers, salt rhoum. fever sol.**, totter chopped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil eruption*. ana i*ositlvely ' 1. guaranteed to irtvs perfect ,-iilst.i- tlo» or money MUud. Prtcw. ij cs per box. for sal. hr ll. J. Lamar Sl Soils, druggists. STATESBORO COURT. SiatMboro, Oct. St—<Sp.vLiD-Superior court «d]oum<*d hen yesterday at nnon. hs grand Jury recommended the nlsb- llsl.ment of a oanty court, with Cut J. V. Uranaen Juds* and It Lm Moan* m- Itcttar. On. ne*ro. Bam Jsckson, was —t to Cm penitentiary fur twenty years tor rap. on a I0.ycur-.ld girl. Or. I’rice's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. TO DEVELOP GEORGIA. An Immigration Bureau Started In Ma cau far That Purpose. The name* of Copt. R. E. Park, W. M. Gordon, T. O. Skclll*, E. A Ross of the Central railroad, J. T. Wright of tho Macon, Dublin and Savannah, S. D. Pick ett of the Southern and John R. Courtney of the Western and Atlantic head the charter list of n new enterprise ratal*. Ilshed for tho development of Georgia and to bring Immigration this way. The Georgia Immigration Bureau Is the nsniu of the Institution and It Is Intended especially to advance the resource, of middle, southwest and south Georgia. Bureaus of Immigration wilt be estab lished In all of the huger towns/ and cities of the East end West. Those In charge of the bureau Intend to have this section written up In the newspaper or gan of the burrau and 55.000 copies of the paper distributed every month In «v- ory section of Itio country. The railroad, have IdentlDed them selves with the enterprise and the work of development will be dune In a system atic manner. They will not only work to get good IrmnJgranta, hut will place the resources of Georgia In such sm miner before peo ple who have money to Invest that thou sands of dollars will be Invested In Geor gia this winter by monied men of the East and West R. 0. Taylor, 'Murfreesboro, Tonn., writes: “I have u*eil the Japanese Pile Cure with great satisfaction nml aucees*.'' Sold by (loodwyu & Small, druggist*. ros riTurr. nf. TVS r. m. Tv. swn dirwtiy to fUkOciHo-UrlftMjOf. (an lsUnully* Wucq “as a preventive by #lth«f MS It U lapMklKc Uttnt/ut any mmtm! §mm j m fi 5m tii c i kJrkfetr timvnrgtrai’.' Atman kOtnakni ME MM, faqvtra M (kl«|l jM'.uG .I^nurjruler fs»i*• i,oUk r.c4. - - - WiUf uviwiinis 1#4 Clwt, M(uMoa. OOODWYN'S DRUG STORE. Chaamcey Mitchell , Recently tald that one of hie favorite erayt of spending an evening was to hunt up every Imaginable phase of soma question, In the argument of which he had been worsted tn his way up town. { "And when I know what the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A hastosa* v about It." he said, " 1 feel capable of wiping k up the floor with that man." It Is a Counterpart of Air. Depew's faithful library Mend (hat THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION l orfers to all Its readers on ter'ms so low at to 11- almost humorous. One cigar a day less Is nothing In the way of telf*4enlal. yet for the price of that Indulgence this complete library can be brought into the family, sothatavery member ) can. In the words of Charles Dudley Warner. ! " drop a nickel In the »krt and take out a complete education." Mr. Depew further said that when t boy He Hodo It a Rule t To lay aside one*fourth of his earnings, and that he has ever since, throughout life. \ observed this rule. In fact, the Idea of ta’ly training tn this direction of economy, for the take of an education, is now being agitated l by our leading teachers everywhere, because * of the fact that a boy's or glrl'a future I depends very largely on how they use their « time and money from five to fifteen years i »!*■ } THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Invites * you to secure the ENCYCLOPEDIA ‘ URITANNICA at Ten Cents a day. and , presents you WUh a dime savings bank to Instruct your children In habits of economy. You' Intend to Qet This Encyclopmdla for your home some time—It Is only * qukt'.iwn of h >w boon If l you order now you will get the benefit of our l Introductory rates—a saving of from $n to y Sts on the price of your set. besides getting t It on the remarkably easy terms made ; possible by our special contract But what Is \ still more tmpetunt; every day you delay yon > deprive yourself and family of the elevating [ and refining influence of this excellent V library, which might as well be placed In » your home today, for it can be done by t denying yourself the price of ooc cigar • <ay. » But bear Iq snlnd that this offer Is not \ perpetual, and THE CONSTITUTION can supply Its ‘.utscribers at Introductory rates » for a limited time only. It behooves yoo to * order now. and be on the safe tide. It Is a , step that yoo win never regret, for the possession of this great library Is sure to > j ro\ e a source of the greatest profit and t pleaswre to your home. « The Constitution ATLANTA. GA. Or emit lit Branch offlee, SOS Mulborry «tro«t, M&con. ik*. vrhoro you will lltvl tn U»v HntUnu'-a re.ivllns moms com* plat* aeia of this maarniflcent library: ao4 rocwlvo oourioous ultonUon. Middle Georgia aid Atlantic Railroad. Effective September 2. • O'clock. A. ism. Rend Down Rea4 pw 11 00P{ ? 15;Lr. August* .Ar.| Ga. It ,H. I • 00 |Lr. Macon ..Ar.j | « efi p No. ltttNn.M3l A. M V. M.| (M v CM INn.l0QNn.iAi |P. II.IA. Id. 1 U j'Lv MtH*g*vitl Ar|| T bO j 1 w 1 SO jloV Dntonton Ar.j 7 t& U &S S SI |Ar Katonton Lv\ 6 » | n « p 5 Si jUv Katonton Art € 56 I U 45 6 15 |Ar. Atlanta Lw.| 5 OOpj 7 C SO |.\r.. Mr con Lv.| yi0a( |Ar. Athens .Lv.| s 40 p 1 trough ton vtile meeting point for tratns Noe. m and tot Covington Junction meeting point for Irutns Nan. lbs and ltt REEZY The mercury is falling; the calm of summer is fading. Old Boreas is beginning to blow and every breath whispers “Heavier Clothing.” In the meantime wc are watching the interest of our customers and getting for them all that is going. All the lots are handsome and styl ish; all are exceptionally at tractive because of unusual prices—so low—that business conditions have let us put on the goods. How can you afford to go elsewhere, when ready to buy a Suit, or Overcoat, or Hat? The wise ones don't. MACON, GA. 51 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET En^nes, Boilers, Gins SAW MILLS, Machinery Ail Kinds. TKMPU8 FUG1T—Is true, but Iho tlmo we give you flies none too fast; nelthpr too slow. Our lime pieces both for pocket and mantle are all guaranteed. Try one. GEO. T. BE ELAND, Jeweler, 320 Second Street. F. A. GUTTEHBERGER AGO (SUCCESSORS TO J. W. BURKE & CO. MUSIC HOUSE.) leal i Agents for tho celebrated SOHMER PIANO. ise. We have on exhibition at tho Dixie In teratate Flair a raasnlflcent lino of these famous pianos In different woods, btsldesthe .WORLD’S FAIR GOLD PIANO, Which cost $3,000 and took first prlso st Chicago. At our store, *25 Second street, can be found a completo stock of everything to be desired In tho musical line. MOERLEIN’S BARBAROSSA (IN BOTTLES' ONLY.) On account of Its absolute purity, whiolesomcncas, good taste and quality to old digestion It Is a most pleasant and refreshing beverage, an article Incomparably strengthening to tthe Invalid and convalescent. This beer Is brewed from th»- best selected malt and from hops Imported from Bohemia. It Is browed after the new existing method In the Hof Brauo. rei at Tilson. Bohemia. BarbarOssu. Is a kffht, palatable beer, unexcelled In taete and brilliancy, and on account of Us excellent quality is preferred to the Imported Pilsner by connolscurs. For tne dinner table and for a lun ch there Is nothing better than a bet- tlo of Barbarossa. ' - ULLMANN & WILLIAMS, Delivered anywhere In the city. ‘Phono *34. Sole Agents. IF YOU —Want a Cook,— •.Want a Situation,— •Want a Salesman,. —Want a Servant Girl,— —Want to Hire any Help,— -Want to Rent, a Store,- —Want an Agent or Partner,— —Want to Buy or Sell a Farm,— —Want to Buy or Sell a House,— -Want to Hiro or Rent a House,- —Want to get a Good Boarding House,— —Want to Buj r or Sell a Horse or Mule,- —Want to Trade or Exchange Anything,— -Want to Find Auything You Have Lost,. —Want to Find Strayed or Stolen Animals,*— ...Want to Buy or Sell Cattle of Any Description,— Want to Accomplish Anything Under the Sun,— You can do it easily through the Advertising Columns of The Macon Telegraph, tho Greatest Macon Want Medium, at One-Cent a Word each insertion. We will be pleased to furnish estimates on any kind of Advertising. LOOK OUT FOR COLD WAVE! Window Glass, Mantels, Tiles and Grates. Nb.v la the time to buy the above before the cold weather cornea. I have the largest slock Boulh, with prices lower than evjr. T. C. BURKE. o. P. & B. E. WILLINGHAM, MACON. GA. SASH, imi COMBER, MOULDIN']), PAINTS, LIMB AND CEMENT, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. LEADIHQ WHOLESALE HOUSES. G. Bernd & Co. 21*nulaoturen and Uoawm.4 SADDLERY, LEATHER AND SHOE PIDHXO& Ifft. 45% 4M»nt> 456 Cherry Street L. Cohen & Co., J* L* HACK, Manager. - - - Macon Ga* LIQUORS, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest house in Macon. Orders promptly filled. A trial solicited MACOH SASH, DOOR & LUMBER 00., INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $60,000. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS, and MANUF ACTURER3 OF- Sash, Doors and Blinds, Scroll and Turned Work. Dealers in Paints, Glass, Cement, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. BUILDERS’ HARDWAE, Era. F0R8ALE The Handsome 2-Story sm j With Basement, No. 636 ORANGE STREET! Containing nine rooms, with three hath room*, hot and cold water. All modem conveniences. The house hs* been re cently papered and overhauled from top to bottom and U in atrlcUy flrat-clam condition. It ban a large frontage on Orange street and nose Park, and only naif block from Indian Spring car line. It Is located bn the hill. In a* good neighborhood on Macon offordi. It le undoubtedly the prettiest and most de sirable place now on the market. For sale low and on easy terms. For further Information call on GEO. I DICAN & CO. Real Estate Agents. GEORGIA RAILROAD SCHEDULE TO AND FROM AUGUSTA. Only twenty-six hours Macon to New York. 3:00 a. m. train has through Pullman buffet sleeper Macon to New York. |N.Y.T*fi|D’y MT.|N*te Ex. Lv. Macon. . . liv. Milledgeville 10d» am| 5:33 pm Lv. Sparta, Lv. Warren ton.. Lv. Camak. • . Lv. Thomson. . Lv. Harlem. . . Ar. Augusta. . .j 9.-00 ami 4:30 pm 10:40 om| 6:14 pmjll:23 pm 11:17 am [6 £2 pm 11:28 am[ 7.-04 pm 11:46 am 7:20 pm 12:00 pm) 7:43 pm 12:26 am 3:27 am 3:43 am 1:16 am 1.-00 pm| 8:30 pm| 5:15 am AUGUSTA TO MACON. Lv. Augusta. . Lv. Harlem. . Lv. Thomson. Lv. Camak. . LV. Warren ton Lv. Sparta. . Lv. UtlMcevMfl Ar. Macon. 7:15 amlll£0am|ll;00 pm 8:00 uin] 12:15 pmjl2:C0 ngt S.w tun; l:\l pin;i2“_6 am H:H» mn; 1.35 |Mn| 2:'<) uni 8:47 am| 1.44 pmj 2:14 am 9:22 am| 2:27 pm| 32T7 am 10:00 ami 3:15 pm) 4:48 aim 11:00 am| 4:25 pm| 6:45 Sleeping cars between August*, and Ma con, on trains leaving Augusta 11:00 p, xn. and Macon SM p. m. THOMAS K. SCOTT. General Manager, „ •f. • JOE W. WHITE. . - Travel frig Passenger Agan. A G. JACKSON. 'i General Passenger Agent. \ "V, • Augusta, Ga, V - W. W. HARDWICK. ► *-* Passenger Agent. Macon, Ga. " { L. J. HARRIS, ,fN *_ Ticket Agent, Macon, Ga. if 1,000. llow to become a first* I class UesamerUt, Hypnotist, Kind Reader end clairvoyant, a large Madison Avenue A HOTEL, Xladlson Ave. and 58th St.: NEW YORK. $3t" day and up. American rian. Fireproof and first-class in every par ticular. Two blocks from tho Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Ave. and Belt Lino cars pass the door. H. M. CLARK, Psop. Passenger Elevator runs alt night. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. 3. SUBERS. , Permanently located. In th, ape* elaltlea venereal. Lost energy re. stored. Female Irregularities and Poison oak. Cure guaranteed. / Address j n confidence, with stsmiL / *10 Fourth street. Maoon. Os. / DR. a H. PEETE, EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. , 306 SECOND STREET, MACON, OA. | DR. 3. £L SHORTER, DTE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Office SM Cherry St, Macon, da. J. Cooper Morcock. Louis B. ;Warren, MORCOCK & WARREN, •ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rooms 22 and 23 Exchange Bank Building, Macon, Ga. Interrogatories promptly and neatlv. executed. Collections a specialty. 1 MACON SAYINGS BANK *7* Mulberry Street Macon, Ga. Capital and surplus $150,000 -J P A 3r * j per cent - Interest on deposit, of *1 and upward. Rest estate loans on the monthly Installment plan, and loan* on good securities at low rate,. Legal depository for trust fund*. Wilt act o* administrator, executor, guardian, re- celver and trustee. H. T. POWELL....;., President H. G. CUTTER Vice-President J. W. CANNON Cashier EXCHANGE BANK or macon. a a. ’ H- J - ?f ra * r « Oeo. R Turpin. Pra.ld.nt VlM.Pra.ld.SL J. W. Ctbaslsa CuUv. W. solicit th. business of m»rchant*, plantar, and banka offsrln* thu courtesy, prompts mo, aaf.tx and Mlwt*. ahty. The largrat capital and aurplu. at any bank In Middle Georgia. THE UNION SAVINGS BANK £ IBUSf J)Q MACON, GA. : j H. lAinar. Prealdeat; Geo. b. Tur. |4r.. Vlee-PrMld«at4 J. w. (mak* Cashier; D. M. Nelllgma. Accountant. CAPITAL 1200,000. SURPLUS, J30.000, Interest paid on deposits I per ceatT per annum. Kcoaomy la the road lm wealth. Deposit your mvlnga any then will be Increased by IntorsnL Com. pounded aemUannually. A. T. HOLT. Real Estate Agent, 36 Second street. 1 I have some nice houses yet to rent. Come and see me about them. Several farms to rent, and some splendid offer ings for sale. List your property with me ami give me a chance to see what I can do with It. 3. M. Johnston. PrtaldeoL J. D. Stetson. Vic. President L. P. Hlllyer. cashier. The American.national Bank. MACON, GA. CAPITAL.... , ..J250.000.00 SURPLUS.,,, „ „ „ „ tKoooM . largest capital of any national bank In Central Georgia. Acroun’t, oi hMka, corporations and lnOl/lduala wU 1 waive careful att«Uonr^>rr«apoB- ' 1 COTTON. I wt«h to Inform my friends and pa- irons that I hava moved across Poplar airret. oppoalta my oil •land, and with improve*! facilities and more conveniently arranged warehouse. I am better prepared than ever to buudle their cotton to ad- vantage NEW ROOPl CORRECT WEIGHTS! HIGHEST PRICES! SATISFACTION 2UARANSEDI ESTER W. B THOMAS, General Manager. * *17-53 Poplar street. ELLIOT First Moil M, OP MACON, GA. CAP1TALISURPL0S, $260,000 K. H. PLANT, FKESIDUtT. W. W. WRIGLEY, CASHIKk. I. C. PLAirS SON, BANKER ESTABLISHED 1361 ■AC011 GEORGIA. Bonking in all its branches. Interest allowed on Time Deposits ” e handle foreign exchange and arrange travellers credits on Messrs. Rothschild of London lor all European points.